[main] # Do you want debug messages? verbose = yes # This is the GPIO pin your 801s sensor is connected to sensor_pin = 14 # The monitor will think your appliance has started when it has detected vibrations for this many consecutive seconds seconds_to_start = 10 # The monitor will think your appliance has finished when it has detected no vibrations for this many consecutive seconds seconds_to_end = 10 # The message sent when your appliance has started (blank to send no message) start_message = Dryer has started # The message sent when your appliance has finished (blank to send no message) end_message = Dryer has finished # The message sent when your the monitor turns on (blank to send no message) boot_message = # Pushover # Enter your User API Key and App API key here # Optionally, enter the device and sound also. Valid sounds are listed at https://pushover.net/api#sounds [pushover] user_api_key = app_api_key = device = sound = [mqtt] #sample config # mqtt_topic = mqtt/appliance-monitor # mqtt_hostname = localhost # mqtt_port = 1883 # leave mqtt_username/password empty for no Authentication # mqtt_username = mqtt # mqtt_password = password # mqtt_client = rpi-appliance-monitor mqtt_topic = mqtt_hostname = mqtt_port = mqtt_username = mqtt_password = mqtt_clientid = # Get your PushBullet API key from https://www.pushbullet.com/#settings/account # (You can push to two different accounts here) [pushbullet] api_key = api_key2 = # Get your Twitter API keys from http://nodotcom.org/python-twitter-tutorial.html # (Complete steps 1-4) [twitter] api_key = api_secret = access_token = access_token_secret = [slack] api_token = webhook_url = # Create a new Applet in IFTT with a Maker channel as the if # Open the settings to the Maker Item, and navigate to the URL to get # key. Make a new activity with the Maker channel and use the event you # define [iftt] maker_channel_key = maker_channel_event = [email] # sample config # sender = testsender@example.com # recipient = testrecipient@example.com # server = smtp.example.com # port = 25 # password = hunter2 sender = recipient = server = port = password = # Create a new Telegram Bot and get the API token by talking with @BotFather # Get your Telegram user ID by talking with @myidbot and asking /getid [telegram] telegram_api_token = telegram_user_id =