# How to contribute ## Things we will merge * Bugfixes * Performance improvements * Features that are likely to be useful to the majority of Liquid users * Documentation updates that are concise and likely to be useful to the majority of Liquid users ## Things we won't merge * Code that introduces considerable performance degrations * Code that touches performance-critical parts of Liquid and comes without benchmarks * Features that are not important for most people (we want to keep the core Liquid code small and tidy) * Features that can easily be implemented on top of Liquid (for example as a custom filter or custom filesystem) * Code that does not include tests * Code that breaks existing tests * Documentation changes that are verbose, incorrect or not important to most people (we want to keep it simple and easy to understand) ## Workflow * [Sign the CLA](https://cla.shopify.com/) if you haven't already * Fork the Liquid repository * Create a new branch in your fork * For updating [Liquid documentation](https://shopify.github.io/liquid/), create it from `gh-pages` branch. (You can skip tests.) * If it makes sense, add tests for your code and/or run a performance benchmark * Make sure all tests pass (`bundle exec rake`) * Create a pull request