#!/bin/bash -- # Author: @DirtyCajunRice LOCATION=/opt/sickchill # Check if ran by root if [[ $UID -ne 0 ]]; then echo 'Script must be run as root' exit 1 fi # Check for distro; continue if debian/ubuntu || exit if [[ $(cat /etc/issue) =~ Ubuntu ]]; then distro=ubuntu elif [[ $(cat /etc/issue && cat /etc/os-release) =~ [Dd]ebian ]]; then distro=debian else echo "This script will only work on Debian and Ubuntu Distros, but you are using $(cat /etc/issue)" exit 1 fi # Get external ip address (checking 3 sites for redundancy) for i in 'ipecho.net/plain' 'ifconfig.me' 'checkip.amazonaws.com'; do external_ip=$(curl -s ${i}) [[ ! ${external_ip} ]] || break done # Get internal ip address internal_ip=$(ip r g | awk 'NR==1{print $7};') # Installed whiptail for script prerequisite apt-get -qq install whiptail -y function check_packages { packages=$(dpkg -l unrar openssl libssl-dev python3 2>&1 | grep "dpkg-query" | awk '{ print $NF }' | tr '\n' ' ') } # Check to see what SickChill Dependencies are missing check_packages if [[ ${packages} ]]; then # Show Whiptail and install required files { i=1 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 while read -r; do i=$(( i + 1 )) echo ${i} done < <(apt-get update && apt-get install ${packages} -y) } | whiptail --title "Progress" --gauge "Installing $packages" 8 80 0 fi # Check to see if all prior packages were installed successfully. if not exit 1 and display whiptail issues check_packages if [[ ${packages} ]]; then whiptail --title "Package Installation Failed" --msgbox \ "These Packages have failed: ${packages} Please resolve these issues and restart the install script" 15 66 exit 1 fi # Check to see if sickchill exists; If not make user/group if [[ ! "$(getent group sickchill)" ]]; then echo "Adding SickChill Group" if ! addgroup --system sickchill; then whiptail --title "Failed to create sickchill user" --msgbox "Failed to create sickchill user" 8 128 exit 1 fi fi if [[ ! "$(getent passwd sickchill)" ]]; then echo "Adding SickChill User" if ! adduser --disabled-password --system --home /var/lib/sickchill --gecos "SickChill" --ingroup sickchill sickchill; then whiptail --title "Failed to disable password for sickchill user" --msgbox "Failed to disable password for sickchill user" 8 128 exit 1 fi fi if [[ ${SUDO_USER} != "root" ]]; then username=${SUDO_USER} else username= fi username=$(whiptail --title 'Add user to group group?' --inputbox "Do you want to add a user to the sickchill group?" --ok-button "Add" --cancel-button "Skip" 8 128 "${username}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ ${#username} -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Adding $username to the sickchill group" if ! sudo usermod -a -G sickchill "$username"; then whiptail --title "Failed to add user to group" --msgbox "Failed to add $username to the sickchill group" 8 128 exit 1 fi fi if [[ -d ${LOCATION} ]]; then if whiptail --title 'Rename?' --yesno "${LOCATION} already exists, do you want to rename it? If not, we will exit and you can fix the issues and re-run this script" 8 140; then echo "Renaming old SickChill Folder to ${LOCATION}.old" if ! mv ${LOCATION} ${LOCATION}.old; then whiptail --title "Failed to rename ${LOCATION}" --msgbox "Failed to rename ${LOCATION} to ${LOCATION}.old" 8 128 exit 1 fi else echo "Please fix the issues and re-run this script" exit 1 fi fi if [[ ! -d ${LOCATION} ]]; then echo "Creating SickChill Folder" if ! mkdir -p ${LOCATION}; then whiptail --title "Failed to create ${LOCATION}" --msgbox "Failed to create ${LOCATION}" 8 128 exit 1 fi if ! chown -R sickchill:sickchill ${LOCATION}; then whiptail --title "Failed to change ownership of ${LOCATION}" --msgbox "Failed to change ownership of ${LOCATION}" 8 128 exit 1 fi fi echo "Creating virtual environment" if ! sudo -u sickchill -g sickchill python3 -m venv ${LOCATION}; then whiptail --title "Failed to create virtual environment" --msgbox "Failed to create virtual environment" 8 128 exit 1 fi OS_NAME=$(grep -oP "(?:^ID=)(.*)" < /etc/os-release | sed 's|ID=||') echo "Checking if we should add an index for your platform OS: ${OS_NAME}" INDEXES=() case "$OS_NAME" in ubuntu) INDEXES+=("--find-links=https://wheel-index.linuxserver.io/ubuntu/");; alpine) INDEXES+=("--find-links=https://wheel-index.linuxserver.io/alpine/") INDEXES+=("--extra-index-url=https://alpine-wheels.github.io/index");; raspbian|osmc) INDEXES+=("--extra-index-url=https://www.piwheels.org/simple");; *) echo "No extra indexes needed that we know of";; esac WHEELS=("pip" "setuptools" "wheel") echo "Installing" "${WHEELS[@]}" if ! sudo -u sickchill -g sickchill ${LOCATION}/bin/pip install -U "${WHEELS[@]}" "${INDEXES[@]}"; then whiptail --title "Failed to update pip" --msgbox "Failed to update pip" 8 128 exit 1 fi WHEELS=("sickchill") echo "Installing SickChill" if ! sudo -u sickchill -g sickchill ${LOCATION}/bin/pip install -U "${WHEELS[@]}" "${INDEXES[@]}"; then whiptail --title "Failed to install SickChill" --msgbox "Failed to install SickChill" 8 128 exit 1 fi function download_service_file() { export SERVICE_FILE=${2} if ! curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SickChill/SickChill/master/contrib/runscripts/"$1" > "$2"; then whiptail --title "Failed to download ${1}" --msgbox "Failed to download ${1}" 8 128 exit 1 fi if ! chown root:root "$2" && chmod "$3" "$2"; then whiptail --title "Failed to set permissions on ${2}" --msgbox "Failed to set permissions on ${2}" 8 128 exit 1 fi } # Depending on Distro, cp the service script, then change the owner/group and change the permissions. Finally # start the service if [[ $(/sbin/init --version 2>/dev/null) =~ upstart ]]; then echo "Copying Startup Script To Upstart" download_service_file "init.upstart" "/etc/init/sickchill.conf" "644" echo "Starting SickChill" service sickchill start elif [[ $(systemctl) =~ -\.mount ]]; then echo "Copying Startup Script To systemd" download_service_file "init.systemd" "/etc/systemd/system/sickchill.service" "644" echo "Starting SickChill" systemctl -q enable sickchill && systemctl -q start sickchill else echo "Copying Startup Script To init" download_service_file "init.${distro}" "/etc/init.d/sickchill" "755" echo "Starting SickChill" update-rc.d sickchill defaults && service sickchill start fi SERVICE_RESULT=$? echo "If you run sickchill as the sickchill user like this:" echo ">> sudo -u sickchill -g sickchill PATH= /opt/sickchill/bin/SickChill" echo "Your config.ini and database will be in '/var/lib/sickchill/.config/sickchill/" echo "If you run sickchill as the sickchill user like this:" echo ">> PATH= /opt/sickchill/bin/SickChill" echo "Your config.ini and database will be in '/home/${SUDO_USER}/.config/sickchill/" echo "If you run sickchill as the sickchill user like this:" echo ">> PATH= /opt/sickchill/bin/SickChill --datadir=/opt/sickchill" echo "Your config.ini and database will be in '/opt/sickchill'" echo "It is recommended to run sickchill as the sickchill user, as in the first example" echo "To update sickchill, run the following command:" echo ">> sudo -u sickchill -g sickchill ${LOCATION}/bin/pip install -U sickchill" if [[ $SERVICE_RESULT != 0 ]]; then whiptail --title "Failed to start SickChill" --msgbox "Failed to start SickChill, edit your service file at ${SERVICE_FILE}" 8 128 echo "Failed to start SickChill, edit your service file at ${SERVICE_FILE}" exit 1 fi # Finish by explaining the script is finished and give them the relevant IP addresses whiptail --title Complete --msgbox \ "Check that everything has been set up correctly by going to: Internal IP: http://$internal_ip:8081 OR External IP: http://$external_ip:8081 make sure to add sickchill to your download clients group and check the log above for information about running sickchill" 15 66