#!/bin/sh set -e # Determine the latest version of the Tailscale UDM package VERSION="${1:-latest}" if [ "${VERSION}" = "latest" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Disable incorrect unused variable warning PACKAGE_URL="https://github.com/SierraSoftworks/tailscale-udm/releases/latest/download/tailscale-udm.tgz" else PACKAGE_URL="https://github.com/SierraSoftworks/tailscale-udm/releases/download/${VERSION}/tailscale-udm.tgz" fi # Setup a temporary directory to download the package WORKDIR="$(mktemp -d || exit 1)" trap 'rm -rf ${WORKDIR}' EXIT # Download the Tailscale-UDM package curl -sSLf --ipv4 -o "${WORKDIR}/tailscale.tgz" "$PACKAGE_URL" if [ -x "$(which ubnt-device-info)" ]; then OS_VERSION="${FW_VERSION:-$(ubnt-device-info firmware_detail | grep -oE '^[0-9]+')}" elif [ -f "/usr/lib/version" ]; then # UCKP == Unifi CloudKey Gen2 Plus # example /usr/lib/version file contents: # UCKP.apq8053.v2.5.11.b2ebfc7.220801.1419 # UCKP.apq8053.v3.0.17.8102bbc.230210.1526 # UCKG2 == UniFi CloudKey Gen2 # example /usr/lib/version file contents: # UCKG2.apq8053.v3.1.13.3584673.230626.2239 if [ "$(grep -c '^UCKP.*\.v[0-9]\.' /usr/lib/version)" = '1' ]; then OS_VERSION="$(sed -e 's/UCKP.*.v\(.\)\..*/\1/' /usr/lib/version)" elif [ "$(grep -c '^UCKG2.*\.v[0-9]\.' /usr/lib/version)" = '1' ]; then OS_VERSION="$(sed -e 's/UCKG2.*.v\(.\)\..*/\1/' /usr/lib/version)" else echo "Could not detect OS Version. /usr/lib/version contains:" cat /usr/lib/version exit 1 fi else echo "Could not detect OS Version. No ubnt-device-info, no version file." exit 1 fi if [ "$OS_VERSION" = '1' ]; then export PACKAGE_ROOT="/mnt/data/tailscale" else export PACKAGE_ROOT="/data/tailscale" fi # Extract the package tar xzf "${WORKDIR}/tailscale.tgz" -C "$(dirname -- "${PACKAGE_ROOT}")" # Update tailscale-env with modified values if [ -n "${TAILSCALED_FLAGS:-}" ]; then echo "TAILSCALED_FLAGS=\"${TAILSCALED_FLAGS}\"" >> "$package_root/tailscale-env" fi # Run the setup script to ensure that Tailscale is installed # shellcheck source=package/manage.sh "$PACKAGE_ROOT/manage.sh" install "${TAILSCALE_VERSION}" # Start the tailscaled daemon # shellcheck source=package/manage.sh "$PACKAGE_ROOT/manage.sh" start