**v0.4.8** - Updated to KSP 1.7.3 and Kopernicus 1.7.3-1 **v0.4.7** - Updated to Kopernicus 1.3.1-3 - Updated to use Other_Worlds_Reboot instead of Other_Worlds - Added compatibility with After Kerbin - Added compatibility with Before Kerbin - Added compatibility with Grannus Expansion Pack - Added compatibility with Kolyphemus System - Added compatibility with Suthe Planet Overhaul Mod - Fixed Grannus from GPP to match the style of all other stars - Added ambient light tweak to enhance darkness when in shadow **v0.4.6** - Fix for multiple planets with Kerbin template - Updated to Sigma LoadingScreens v0.3.1 - Updated to use OPM_Galileo instead of OPM - Fixed Gameslinxs Planet Overhaul compatibility **v0.4.5** - Updated to KSP 1.3.1 and Kopernicus 1.3.1-2 - Moved LoadingScreens textures to reduce RAM usage **v0.4.4** - Updated to Kopernicus 1.3.0-8 - Fixed science archives **v0.4.3** - Fix for multiple planets with Kerbin template - Added Sigma88LoadingScreens plugin - Fixed GPP compatibility - Fixed AlternisKerbolRekerjiggered compatibility **v0.4.2** - Added compatibility with Kopernicus v1.3.0-6 **v0.4.1** - Added compatibility with Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul - Fixed compatibility with TextureReplacer - Fixed realistic star flares - Changed some star descriptions **v0.4.0** - Updated to KSP 1.3.0 and Kopernicus 1.3.0-4 - Star generation is now completely handled by GN - Stars are now procedurally generated from mass, radius and temperature - Added custom parameters for white dwarfs, brown dwarfs and red giants - Changed brightness curve for all stars - Added SunFlareSwitcher to allow for multiple custom sunflares - Added GNCoronae to handle custom star coronae - Rearranged internal folder structure - Added parameter to allow generation of all stars regardless of planet packs - Changed names of planets from Alternis Kerbol - Changed star analogues for some packs - Added a Settings file and two Settings: > LoadAllStars (off by default) > RealisticStars (off by default) **v0.3.1** - Added compatibility with Kerbol Origins - Added compatibility with Galileo Planet Pack - Fixed compatibility with Stockalike Solar System - Fixed compatibility with Real Solar System - Changed the way stars are added to the Neighborhood **v0.3.0** - Updated to KSP 1.2.1 and Kopernicus 1.2.1-1 - Fixed brightness curve generation for all stars - Removed solar panels workaround - First attempts at star luminosity - Added a plugin to fix the science archives - Fixed Kerbin reparenting using the new Kopernicus feature 'PostSpawnOrbit' - Changed the Kerbin clone in the OPM System to be a copy of Laythe **v0.2.1** - Fixed science archives **v0.2.0** - Updated for KSP 1.1 compatibility - Removed all plugins, those features have been included into Kopernicus - Added Ec generation to Solar Panels **v0.1.0** - First Beta Release **v0.0.9** - Added compatibility with Uncharted Lands **v0.0.8** - Added compatibility with Jungis Planet Pack - Added compatibility with Keridani star system - Added compatibility with Kerbol Plus - Added compatibility with Kerbol Plus Remade - Added compatibility with Rhat's Planet Pack - Added compatibility with RSS Planets & Moons expanded - Added compatibility with Sigma: PluronKhato **v0.0.7** - Added compatibility with Arkas - Added compatibility with New Horizons - Added compatibility with Sido's Urania System - Removed StockFix.cfg since it wasn't used **v0.0.6** - Fixed compatibility with RSS - Fixed a bug of particles effect on stars **v0.0.5** - Added compatibility with Kronkus Planet Pack - Added compatibility with Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered - Automatic generation of Particles effect for every star - First attempt at rescale compatibility, use at own risk - Force Kerbin to be the starting screen body - Fixed small bug in powerCurve generation - Fixed corona texture of the stock Sun **v0.0.4** - Now Requires Kopernicus 0.4.0 - Added compatibility with RSS - Added compatibility with Sylandro's Planet Warehouse - Added compatibility with finalizeOrbits - Binary systems can now be removed from the GN stars (optional) - Rearranged folder structure - Preparing to add compatibility with rescale mods. - Automatic generation of BrightnessCurves for all stars - Automatic generation of powerCurve for all stars - Increased barycenters' radius to 61 meters - Fixed Cloud compatibility for OPM system **v0.0.3** - Now Requires Kopernicus 0.3.3 - Added compatibility with ChaniSystem - Added compatibility with OtherWorlds - Added compatibility with Sentar Expansion **v0.0.2** - Moved into GalacticNeighborhood folder - Added KSP-AVC compatibility - Now Requires Kopernicus 0.3.1 - Added particles to Algok B - Added compatibility with Asclepius - Added compatibility with BorisSystem - Added compatibility with OPM - Added compatibility with TransKeptunian **v0.0.1** First Public Alpha