## ## The properties to setup Silverpeas with the default values. ## To override a property, uncomment it and change its value. ## #################################################################################################### ## Location of the system directories of Silverpeas. ## Usually you don't need to touch them. #################################################################################################### ## The location of the users' data managed by Silverpeas #SILVERPEAS_DATA_HOME=${env.SILVERPEAS_HOME}/data ## The location of different web resources used by Silverpeas #SILVERPEAS_DATA_WEB=${env.SILVERPEAS_HOME}/data/web ## The location of the temporary directory #SILVERPEAS_TEMP = ${SILVERPEAS_DATA_HOME}/temp ## The location of the logs in Silverpeas #SILVERPEAS_LOG = ${env.SILVERPEAS_HOME}/log #################################################################################################### ## Administrator properties. ## Please, update at least the administrator email address for the user notifications coming from #################################################################################################### ## The initial credentials of the Silverpeas administrator. The password in clear plaintext here will ## be encrypted with the default password encryption algorithm in Silverpeas. #SILVERPEAS_ADMIN_NAME=Administrateur #SILVERPEAS_ADMIN_LOGIN=SilverAdmin #SILVERPEAS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=SilverAdmin ## It is mandatory to set correctly this property in order the administrator receives notifications ## by email from Silverpeas. #SILVERPEAS_ADMIN_EMAIL=silveradmin@localhost #################################################################################################### ## Silverpeas Global properties. #################################################################################################### ## The properties to use when emails are automatically sent by Silverpeas. ## It is mandatory to set correctly these parameters. #SILVERPEAS_SENDER_NAME=Silverpeas #SILVERPEAS_SENDER_EMAIL=noreply@localhost ## Default language for users (and hence for the platform) #SILVERPEAS_USER_LANGUAGE=fr ## l10n support for the contents published by the users in Silverpeas. Set more than one language # activates the multi-language for contents in Silverpeas. Accepts a coma-separated values among: # fr for French, en for English, and de for German #SILVERPEAS_CONTENT_LANGUAGES=fr ## The default logging level for Silverpeas's loggers. A value among the following: DEBUG, INFO, ## WARNING, ERROR. # SILVERPEAS_LOGGING_LEVEL=WARNING ## The default log rotate behavior for Silverpeas's loggers. #SILVERPEAS_LOG_BACKUP_MAX=5 #SILVERPEAS_LOG_BACKUP_SIZE=20M #################################################################################################### ## The properties to initialize the JVM. #################################################################################################### #JVM_RAM_MAX=2048m #JVM_OPTS=-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:+UseCompressedOops #################################################################################################### ## Application Server configuration. #################################################################################################### ## The URL of the platform to identify itself when it cannot do it itself (used when behind a proxy) #SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8000 ## The HTTP port at which incoming requests are listened by the application server #SERVER_PORT=8000 ## The execution mode of the server. Two possibles values: standalone and domain. Currently, only ## standalone is supported #SERVER_EXECUTION_MODE=standalone # Is the server running after a secured reverse-proxy that ensures TLS connections: either true or # false. By default false. #SERVER_SECURED=false # The timeout in seconds for the server to start Silverpeas. By default, the timeout of the # application deployment of the server (5mn in Wildfly). When Silverpeas is started by the server # (when it is deployed in the JEE jargon), it can take some times to initialize the resources that # depends on the amount of the data managed by Silverpeas and on the performance of both the # hardware and the filesystem. If you encounter a timeout error at Silverpeas starting, then # change the value here (for example, by setting it to 900 for 15mn) #SERVER_STARTING_TIMEOUT = 300 # By default, the management console is only available on the machine of the running wildfly # at IP and port 9990. # This variable allows the management console to be accessible from any server IP. This is useful # with a client server which does not provide WEB browser (which is generally the case). # By default, false (that means default wildfly behavior). #SERVER_MANAGEMENT_ALL_IP = false #################################################################################################### ## Properties of the database to use for Silverpeas. #################################################################################################### ## Type of the database system: POSTGRESQL for PostgreSQL, MSSQL for Microsoft SQLServer, ORACLE for ## Oracle, H2 for H2. #DB_SERVERTYPE=POSTGRESQL ## The default port used by the supported database system #DB_PORT_MSSQL=1433 #DB_PORT_ORACLE=1521 #DB_PORT_POSTGRESQL=5432 #DB_PORT_H2=9092 ## The IP address or the DNS name of the host running the database system. ## H2 supports also embedded local databases. For a such database with H2, just set :file: ## (Database file will be located in the SILVERPEAS_HOME/h2 directory.) #DB_SERVER=localhost ## The crendentials with which Silverpeas can access the database #DB_USER=postgres #DB_PASSWORD=postgres ## The database name #DB_NAME=Silverpeas ## Default timeout of the transactions in seconds. Operations on huge amount of data (like the ## synchronizations) require a longer timeout than the default value in the server's configuration. #DB_JTA_TIMEOUT=3600 ## Default parameters for all the connections pools used to access the databases in Silverpeas ## (some of them are database system dependent) #DB_MIN_POOL_SIZE=5 #DB_MAX_POOL_SIZE=120 #DB_IDLE_TIMEOUT=15 #DB_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT=30000 #DB_STATS_ENABLED=false #################################################################################################### ## Properties for the JCR used by Silverpeas to store document metadata. #################################################################################################### ## The home directory of the JCR (Java Content Repository) used by Silverpeas #JCR_HOME = ${SILVERPEAS_DATA_HOME}/jcr #################################################################################################### ## Document Conversion Service properties. #################################################################################################### ## If empty, then defaulted to localhost #CONVERTER_HOST= ## If empty, then defaulted to 8100 #CONVERTER_PORT=8100 #################################################################################################### ## SMTP properties for sending emails #################################################################################################### #SMTP_SERVER=localhost #SMTP_AUTHENTICATION=false #SMTP_DEBUG=false #SMTP_PORT=25 #SMTP_USER= #SMTP_PASSWORD= #SMTP_SECURE=false #################################################################################################### ## Proxy configuration. ## Leave empty if Silverpeas isn't behind a proxy. ## The proxy properties are used by Silverpeas to access remote services before the proxy ## (like Youtube for example) #################################################################################################### ## Is an HTTPS proxy or a simple HTTP one: true for an HTTPS proxy, false or empty otherwise. #HTTPS_PROXY= #PROXY_HOST= #PROXY_PORT= #PROXY_USER= #PROXY_PASSWORD= ## By default set by Java to localhost|127.*|[::1] #NONPROXY_HOST=