=================== SYP Player Changelog =================== ------------------- Join official Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#syp:matrix.org ------------------- Version 1: - First release. Version 2 [10.04.2021]: - idk what's totally changed. Version 3 [12.04.2021]: - Now private data in special folder - "userdata" - Alpha Discord Rich Presence - Using EasyRP - Update file is now working. - Changed update.js - now using Axios. - update.js is now inside player folder. - update.js is now can work without NW.JS(use Node.js) which makes possible to fix broken updates. Version 4 [12.04.2021]: - Some secure problems and optimization. - Fixed SYP Remote. - Version now showed correctly. - Changelog: a worthy opponent. - Button what show changelog. - You now can change port for SYP Player Remote in Settings. - Updated README.md Version 5 [19.04.2021]: - Remove webview. ^ Usage RAM 720MB when WEBVIEW WAS ^ NOW RAM 128MB (SYP Remote 85Mb, how is that possible?) ^ NO ADS ^ Music visualizer with two themes(%). ^ Autoplay next track option.(%) ^ DOWNLOAD music from YouTube!!!(%) ^ Faster loading time! - Now you can drag music or video to listen(%). - Now version shown in bottom left corner, like "v5".(%) - Discord invite in app(Settings). - UserScript now works better, but not perfectly. - Now you can disable Discord RPC.(%) - No more alert flood when trying to connect SYP Remote.(%) - SYP Remote now has 3 difference splash: when you banned, when waiting to accept connection, when connection dropped. - SYP Remote now looks better in Chrome, no more difference in colors. - Redesigned some things. - ffmpeg installer works better, but require nodejs to run. - Now thumbnails shown in search and recommendations. - Fully working SYP Player Remote(not includes things with (%) ). Version 6 [24.04.2021]: - Title bar looks better. - Discord RPC fixed. - Now you can hide alert about connection. - New icons. - Redesigned status bar. - Fixed volume bar visual problems in SYP Remote. - Fixed YouTube getting url audia, now always audio works. - Now you can change audio quality. - Optimized SYP Remote package for mobile internet. - Made library what selects "while" or "for" for speedup array functions and other. - Fix Firefox seekbar control via mouse. - Feedback via vibration on mobile devices. - Fixed local file accept. - UserScript now fully working. Version 7 [24.08.2021]: - Video support. - Now you can watch video in fullscreen. - Fixed nwjs-ffmpeg installer for Linux. - Now disabled debug in pf.js (less ram eats). - Maybe sypStorage support nwjs for Windows XP. - Fixed local files eating for Linux. - Replaced "location.reload()" to "chrome.runtime.reload()", because he restarts also nodejs modules. - Fixed vulnerability in "ytparser.js". Now uses interpreter to run decryption code(before it runned using "eval()"). - Fixed IP detection for Linux. - Better userscript. - A bit better "run.sh" for Linux. (Edit "run.sh" to use HW acceleration on Linux). Version 8 [25.08.2021]: - Fixed decryption keys (Now every video plays). - Fixed missing version 7 changelog. (Forgot put new changelog file). - Fixed Discord RPC on Linux. (Now show up status in your Profile). Version 9-beta [05.03.2022]: - Removed nwjs-ffmpeg.js. - Removed updates. - Add support for plugins. Known issues: - Not working SYP Remove. - 404 likes - No quality selection (not implemented). - No download. TODO: - Change IP to custom or userscript detect IP(?). - "Native" ngrok support. - Keyboard support. - Support DiscordRPC for Linux. - Plugin for anime and movies! - Different languages support. - Does https use gzip to compress internet packages? - Firebase for userdata and SYP Remote. - Special SYP links for open any music, (even on PC)? - Public and private SYP Remote mode to listen you music, when on PC listen other. - Headless mode. - ElectronJS support. - Commentary show. - WebSocket support for SYP Remote. - Playlist support with own format for save. - Share button, what copies link https://sypplayer.github.io/*** . - Open source soundpad? - Chromecast support. - Script what install NW.JS and SYP Player. (Not planned, because it being added in the future to "gsore") - Android application. - Soundcloud or bandcamp support. - Spotify plugin. - See how many views. - Possible make bot with 3 clicks what can listen to you great voice and play music to channel? - TTS and control by speaking. - Possible to create live music stream. - Mini player look. - Discord bot SYP Player.