Version history =============== 0.10.26 ------- 2024-08-17 In multiplayer, when you've selected a spawn delay handicap, the in-game panel shows you the remaining time until your first lix spawns. Fix an animation regression from Lix 0.10.25: Amanda's occult-style hatch animated only through its first row of frames, then disappeared. This didn't affect physics, the lix continued to spawn correctly from thin air. Now, all hatches animate correctly through all frames again. Refactor permutations to be allocation-free. 0.10.25 ------- 2024-07-24 Refactor the collision code between lix and goals a.k.a. exits. This speeds up rewinding and mass replay verification by at least 13 %. Refactor the world into a mutable and an immutable half to make savestates smaller and speed up rewinding. This brings only a small improvement. Add Rainbow Day, a 2-player and 4-player map by Miri. 0.10.24 ------- 2024-06-24 Shorten and easen Pipe Dream. It's now a better second introductory level. Change the author in Proxima's levels to Proxima. Existing checkmarks convert automatically whenever Proxima is the only author. Existing checkmarks become "?!" for Proxima's co-authored levels. Remove pack descriptions (`_english.X.txt` and `_german.X.txt`) from the level tree. Lix has never displayed them since 2016. Draw cyan trigger area rectangles one pixel lower. They now look like they match the lix's lowermost foot pixel. (As before, cyan trigger area rectangles appear in the editor and during play when you activate the splat ruler.) Many internal refactorings, e.g., to prepare multiple spritesheets for future physics changes. 0.10.23 ------- 2024-06-02 Keep visible land in-place when you open or close the replay tweaker. Before, when you opened or closed the tweaker, the land scrolled left or right. Fix #476: Chat messages appear in the chatters' player colors. Observers will continue to chat in white. On Windows, Lix shows a native dialog box when an exception flies out of main, e.g., when you lack important files that Lix needs to run. You can screenshot the dialog box or copy the error from `user/log.txt`. Move some multiplayer maps: For each player count (2p, 3p, ..., 8p), whenever an author directory held only only one map at player count, that that map is now in a directory `other/` at that player count. Add Sunny Day at the Beach, a multiplayer map by Blitz for 2p-5p. 0.10.22 ------- 2024-04-17 Fix #427: Reveal trigger areas during play: When you activate the splat ruler, you also see trigger areas of gadgets (goals, traps, flingers, water, ...) as cyan hollow rectangles. Fix #487: Whenever Lix saves your user options to `./user/options.sdl`, Lix will also save unknown options that you happened to have in your options file from past or future Lix versions. This will be helpful in the future when you keep different versions in the same tree, e.g., for testing, and they're all version 0.10.22 or newer. Fix #472: In level and replay browsers, you can't simultaneously quit the browser and open the deletion confirmation dialog anymore. Before, the bug was: You returned to the main menu and still had the deletion dialog open. Fix tooltip font size. Now, the pause tooltip always shows in small letters. Before, the pause tooltip showed in the medium font when the mouse was at the screen edge in a scrollable level. Add three multiplayer maps by geoo: Pachinko (4-7 players), Zick-Zack Kunterbunt (4-8 players), Hanabi around the World (4 players). Reorder the singleplayer level directory: geoo's pack appears alphabetically among the other one-author packs. The Windows build script `win-build.bat` still prefers LDC, but now allows to build Lix with any compiler. 0.10.21 ------- 2024-03-08 Added geoo's new singleplayer pack with 106 levels. They're sorted by theme: Wrappy puzzles on cylindrical/toroidal maps, flowy puzzles about crowd control, classy large-scale strategic puzzles, loony puzzles about physics curiosities, and sketchy outtakes. Added two new miniatures by geoo: Bridges, and Mini Cellar. During insert mode, change the tooltip "Replaying. Click to play from here." to "Insert Mode: Click to insert." (You're in insert mode while the tweaker is open, unless you reconfigure this in the options menu.) 0.10.20 ------- 2024-02-18 New in-game panel button: Rewind your previous skill assignment. You can then click air to erase the assignment, or unpause to let it replay. If there are no earlier skill assignments, the level restarts from the beginning. This button has no default hotkey; you can assign one in the user options. Rename the options tab "Replay" to "Game Controls". Moved the splat ruler, tooltip, builder queuing, and batter priority options into this tab. Eye of the Needle (lemforum Hopeless): Fix my backroute. Now, the exit platform is thin, you can't mine and then platform to turn there. Eye of the Needle is also shorter horizontally. Fix #479: Fix a crash in the editor. The crash required five ingredients: You had to run a debugging version of Lix, the map was cylindrical or toroidal, you had many tiles on both sides of the the torus seam, you grouped the tiles, and you used the editor's undo feature to undo the grouping across the seam. Fix #481: In the main menu, print the version of the Allegro DLLs detected at runtime. Change the tree structure of internal images: Now each scalable image has a directory, which contains the different scalings (1.png, 1.5.png, 2.png, ...) of that image. 0.10.19 ------- 2024-01-30 Fix #480: The networked game wouldn't start even though everybody was ready. The bug was: When a new player joined a room, the existing ready players became unready only on the server, not on each client. Now, the server and the clients agree that, after a new joiner, everybody becomes unready. The fix is client-side and doesn't affect physics. If the server starts the game at all, all 0.10.x clients start playing regardless of this fix. Add Eggs in One Basket, a new multiplayer map by geoo for 3-8 players. Add Hopscotch, a new miniature by geoo. Fix entrance order in the 6-player version of Rescue Ranger Trolls. Remove Cascade Squared 6p and 8p according to Flopsy's recommendation. Remove a zealous assertion that prevented you from re-entering the options menu after you've accidentally set an overly tall resolution, e.g., 300x800, when you ran a debug build of Lix. Update Allegro DLLs to for the Windows 64-bit release. Rewrite the Windows 32-bit build notes. Offer DLLs/LIBs for building 32-bit Windows Lix and for linking with lld-link. (Both DMD and LDC now link with lld-link, not with Optlink. I still recommend everybody to choose 64-bit Lix.) 0.10.18 ------- 2024-01-05 Solobattle: From the singleplayer browser, you can start a multiplayer map and you will control all teams (= all colors). Spawn order and timings will be as if you played the map with its intended number of players. Hover the mouse cursor over lix of different colors to see other teams' skill panels. Prevent accidental cutting of replays: To cut, you must click where no lix are on the map. It's not enough anymore to click on left-facing lix while you filter for right-facing lix (via rightward directional select). In singleplayer, after you nuke, the skill panel shows your remaining skills even though you can't assign them anymore. In multiplayer, after you nuke, you see zero leftover skills to make it clear that you cannot assign. When you observe a multiplayer battle, all of your skill buttons are unchosen (not highlit). You still can't switch teams, which would be nice. Hide the Windows command line console when you run Lix after you've built Lix from source with DMD. Reason: Newer DMD versions link with lld-link, not with optlink, and need different linker flags. Add over 60 of Flopsy's new multiplayer maps. Remove over 70 weaker maps by Flopsy according to Flopsy's own choice. Fix a backroute in Continuum Hypothesis (lemforum Hopeless). Fix player counts for Group Therapy and for One for Me, One for You. Update Catalan translations, thanks to Rampoina. 0.10.17 ------- 2023-11-21 Reword the lix-identifying panel text when you hover the cursor over a lix. Before, when one lix platformed with 9 bricks left, and two lix walked past, it read "3 Platformers [9]". Now, it reads: "Lix #7 is platforming [9] + 2 lix" Remove "(RCF)" from the lix-identifying panel text for the permanent abilities: runners, climbers, floaters. We already show permanent abilities directly on the main map as little icons above the lix. Translate skill names. In English, a builder produces the lix-identifying panel text "Lix #13 is building [9]", which translates to the German text "Lix #13 baut [9]". Translate keyboard key names. E.g., in German, if you bind the Insert key, the keybinding button will read "Einfg". Before, it read "Insert" even in German. Reword the in-game tooltip "Replaying. To play, click into air." to "Replaying. Click to play from here." Don't show the tooltip "Rewind time or quit" after the single player has nuked. In this case, he wants to exit to menu, not rewind. Don't show tooltips in multiplayer. This works around bug #473: When you have both tooltips and the big score board, the tooltips don't erase the score board from screen properly. Until we solve the root cause of those drawing/undrawing races, let's hide tooltips altogether in multiplayer. 0.10.16 ------- 2023-10-07 Physics: Fix a bug with walkers in overlapping blocker fields that appears only in Lix versions 0.10.13, 0.10.14, and 0.10.15. The bug was: Trap a walker between two overlapping blockers on a slope, observe the walker bop up and down (0.10.13 through 0.10.15) instead of staying fixed on its height (0.10.12 and earlier). This bug triggered an assertion failure in debugging builds. This fix reverts the walker behavior to 0.10.12 and earlier. Fix a crash in the editor: When you copy-pasted a tile on a torus map, resulting in an offset copy that went beyond the torus seam, then moved the resulting tile, Lix crashed. Now, copy-pasting wraps coordinates correctly. Enlarge number displays for large resolutions, e.g., 1920x1080. Now, numbers won't be abbreviated anymore. The bug was, e.g., that the tweaker displayed a four-digit tick count of "...4" instead of "1234". 0.10.15 ------- 2023-08-30 Fix a performance bug: In insert mode (i.e., by default, when the tweaker was open), new assignments would always recompute all physics since the beginning, even if nothing needed recomputation. Now, we recompute only as necessary. Fix #448: Prevent tumblers from repeatedly crying "Ouch" when they're trapped in a permanent flinger. Add user option: Allow blurry zoom. It's on by default. If you deactivate this, you force Lix to use only crisp integer zoom factors (1x, 2x, 3x, ...) that won't always fit the level to the screen size. Re-label the tweaker's "<", ">" buttons with "−" and "+". Reason: These buttons move assignments to a different tick, not left or right. Narrow the tweaker to fit more level on the screen. Allow .mp3 in the music/ directory. This works out of the box on Windows. On Linux or Mac, you must build Allegro 5 with the MiniMP3 library to hear the .mp3 files that you put in music/. 0.10.14 ------- 2023-08-14 Hardcode Ctrl+V to paste the copy buffer of the operating system into Lix's currently focused text-typing field. You still can't copy text from Lix. Pre-fill the level author field with your username when you choose Create Level in the singleplayer browser. 0.10.13 ------- 2023-08-08 The tooltip for replaying (click to play) is now at the top of the screen, in the top-right corner. Hovering-sensitive toolips are still at the bottom. Rename Phyu (number of physics updates since the start of play) to Tick throughout UI and translations. Fix reading memory outside of array bounds during the option menu's sound previewing. All writes were inbounds, therefore I doubt that this bug has ever crashed anybody's Lix. Fix compilation errors with DMD 2.105.0. Upgrade the Allegro 5 D bindings to fix compiler warnings from DMD 2.104.0. Refactor the Walker skill to function without saving and resetting position and encounters, and to avoid unnecessary physics map reads. Replay verification runs 2 % faster now. All replays in the proof collection appear to pass with identical timings as before, that is sufficient proof to me that I didn't change physics. Align the lix' struct to 64-byte boundaries. Replay verification runs another 1 % faster now. The physics map stores bytes, not 16-bit integers. Transpose the physics map to storing columns, not rows. This appers to neither improve nor worsen performance. Move code for the lix and for the skill hierarchy into src/physics/. 0.10.12 ------- 2023-06-19 Fix #375: Changing sound/music in the options menu will immediately play an example sound or the menu music at the new volume setting. You don't have to exit the options menu anymore to test. Fix #466: When the next level is unplayable, e.g., it lacks hatches, you can't run it from the next-level menu. Before, you could, and Lix crashed. Added four boolean user options: With/without the tweaker, should air clicks cancel the replay, and should new assignments insert or cut the replay? Without the tweaker, the default remains that both air clicks and new assignments cancel the replay. With the tweaker, by default, air clicks do nothing and new assignments insert. During play, the tooltip line is separate from the panel's info bar. Tooltips appear over the play area and have a darkened background. I hope that new players can now see easily: "Replaying. To play yourself, click into air." Removed the zoom button from game and editor. Everybody zooms with the mouse wheel, and the zoom button would zoom into the mouse cursor on the panel, thus oddly fixing a point on the map outside the camera. For now, the game's restart button is wider to cover the area of the old zoom button. Revert mouse trapping to how it was in Lix 0.10.7 and earlier: We trap the mouse already on mouseover when the Lix window is active. Remove the steel tile matt/8x8. This tile had no nub, had no crossed metal bars, and looked like geoo's concrete blocks which are earth. Remove it with no replacement. We'll look separately at all levels that used it. Won't Get Fooled Again: Replace important 8x8 steel with a nice-looking tile group to make a steel staircase. Physics stay exactly the same. All Aboard the Pain Train: Remove purely decorative 8x8 steel. Sympathy for the Lix, Race to the Depths: Remove these multiplayer levels with 8x8 steel. Sympathy relied on other players' mistakes. Race was too hard. Removed an undocumented feature: You could place a file gain.txt into music/ to change the volume of tracks. Fixed compiler warnings from DMD 2.104.0: Change "in ref" to "in". 0.10.11 ------- 2023-06-04 Offer a user option to choose the splat ruler's snapping distance. Set this option to 0 to deactivate snapping altogether. Make Lix compile again with D compilers older than DMD v2.102.0 from 2023-02. In 0.10.10, I silently relied on a compiler bugfix that correctly allows indexing associative arrays during @nogc; this needs DMD v2.102.0 or newer. 0.10.10 ------- 2023-05-27 Fix #452: The search for the next unsolved level works again for when the next unsolved level is not the next level. Before, from 0.10.6 through 0.10.9, the end-of-singleplayer screen showed only the next level. Fix tooltips: When you hovered over a platformer or builder, the tooltip would always instruct you to queue, even if you had, e.g., miner selected in the skillbar. Now, the tooltip to queue appears only for the same selected skill. Tweaker lines have white text when you hover over the corresponding lix. When you erase an assignment via the tweaker, the tweaker will also erase all assignments to the same lix in the same or a future physics update. Add Kingshadow's Rescue Reduction, a new multiplayer map for 3 through 8 players that combines Rescue Rangers Double Team with Downward Reduction. 0.10.9 ------ 2023-05-01 Fix radio buttons: It was possible to select multiple radio buttons by clicking the squares, not the labels. Now, only one button is ever active. Add the 6 singleplayer levels from Lemmings Forums's Level Design Contest 27 by me and geoo in misc/contests/2023/: Bumper Cave, Inside Your Router, Pommes Schranke, Rhizome, Hanabi, The Last Shall Be First. Add Catalan translation of the Lix user interface. Thanks for the translation, Rampoina! Reduced the filesize of the SVG icon data/images/lix_logo.svg from 3.4 MB to 30 KB. It looks practically the same. Thanks for re-tracing, Rampoina! Allow longer description in the level editor's topology menu for wrap options. Paint the size warning (level too large can crash 32-bit Lix) in red, possibly overlapping the descriptions of the wrap checkboxes when both the description and the warning texts are long. Clarify "Alt+Tab is fast" in the options menu. Now the tooltip says: "Switching windows (e.g., with Alt+Tab) works quickly." 0.10.8 ------ 2023-04-15 Don't re-trap the mouse cursor on mere mouseover after the mouse cursor has left Lix. To re-trap, you must now click into Lix. Added one singleplayer level, Cache Lines, in misc/simon/. Link to the Fedora Lix package by Marcin Zajączkowski on Lix's main readme. Thank you for packaging Lix for Fedora! Switch documentation from HTTP to HTTPS weblinks wherever possible. Thanks for the patch, Marcin! Fixed the new compilation warnings from DMD 2.103.0: Deprecation: alias this for classes/interfaces is deprecated. Now, Lix compiles without warnings again, even with DMD 2.103.0. 0.10.7 ------ 2023-03-25 Fix #451: In the connection picker of the networking screen, the 3D outlines of the buttons for IP address and ports were sometimes mispainted. Now, the buttons are drawn correctly. Radio button options, e.g., for screen mode, show a tooltip per possible choice instead of a catch-all tooltip for the entire option. Don't play music during player name entry on a fresh installation before reaching the main menu. Play music only when we enter the main menu. The music might be too loud or unexpected, and it's more obvious how to exit from the main menu than from the player name entry screen. Replace "No" with "Cancel" in two dialog boxes: Really delete this level? Delete, Cancel. Really overwrite this level? Overwrite, Cancel. Explain the command-line switches for screen modes in the main readme. When you run Lix's unittests (`$ dub test`), the tests will scan all installed languages in `./data/transl/` and print missing and unnecessary translations. to stdout. Such translation issues do not abort or fail the unittests. As before, Lix logs during play the missing and unnecessary translation lines for your chosen language in the log file `./user/log.txt`. Use handwritten recoloring code from magic pink to alpha transparency instead of the Allegro 5 recoloring function, in hopes of avoiding #431: Magic pink won't become transparent on macOS. I doubt that this fixes #431. 0.10.6 ------ 2023-02-04 Fix #453: Added a separate resolution user option (two integers) for hardware fullscreen. Now, you can specify a windowed resolution and a hardware resolution separately from each other. Before, the same setting applied to both windowed mode and hardware fullscreen. Fix a backroute in Come on Down to My Place, in lemforum. Fix a backroute in Spin Me Around, in miniatures. Re-order miniatures for difficulty: Uprank Diodes and The Bottomless Closet. Added Shed of Presents, a multiplayer map for 2p and 6p. music/minim-mobius/meadow-sunrise.ogg: Removed wrongly looped initial segment. Before, the song started, then restarted after 2 seconds. Work around a Linux-only bug in Allegro 5.2.8: Software fullscreen failed to deduce the desktop resolution. Lix now passes the hardware fullscreen resolution user option to Allegro even when entering a software fullscreen. Without the bug, Allegro ingores the passed resolution and deduce the desktop resolution, but with the bug, you can now achieve the right resolution. The user option tooltip still claims that software fullscreen ignores the resolution user options because this bug is Linux-only, it's already fixed, and the bugfix will ship with the next stable Allegro 5 release. 0.10.5 ------ 2023-01-22 The replay tweaker shows little skill icons instead of the first three letters of the assigned skill. This also allowed the tweaker to become narrower. Whenever you assign one of the following skills with or without directional force, the replay will always record a directionally forced assignment: Walker, jumper, batter, builder, platformer, basher, miner. Holding directional force for these skills is now merely a filter while you hover over multiple lix. As before, unless you hold directional force, the replay will record unforced assignments of: Permanent abilities, imploder, exploder, blocker, digger. Right-clicking now takes you back to the level browser from the end-of-singleplayer screen or from the find-replay-for-level screen. Redraw matt/underworld/Lava.W.png: The lava's top is now a wobbling surface, not a straight line. Physics remain identical. Lemforum prettiness: Tower of Babel: Corrected lighting on top blocks. Added lower layer to central bridge to avoid bridge looking cut off. Can't Reach It, Under the Rainbow, The Ring of Fnargl: Add/move stacked lava because of the above change to matt/underworld/Lava.W.png. Removed the spare platformer in One-Way Road to make it easier for Lovely. Lemforum backroute fixes: Division of Labor: Add extra steel block in the central wall, add little triangle at the top of the diagonal shaft. Chasm: Add steel in the center. Theresa Falls Up the Stairs: Add second hatch. Wait Why is There a Tree: Add a third notch to the top half of the pillar. The Last Laugh: Surround the right-hand exit with steel to force solutions that use the left-hand exit. 0.10.4 ------ 2023-01-09 Replay insert mode is a new user option. By default, this is off. When it's off, assignments during replay cut the replay, then add the assignment, as they have always done. If checked, assignments cut only the future of the same lix: All assignments to that same lix, and nukes. The replay will keep assignments to different lix. You must check this in the options and then it's on permanently during play. You can't toggle it during play even though that would be useful. Click air to cancel the global future as usual. The replay tweaker will show nuke actions as "Nuke" in the line. Before, it tried to interpret the line as an invalid skill line and showed "Not", the first three letters of "Nothing". Loading a savestate always restores the savestate's replay, unless its past is equal to your replay's past and its future is a subset of your replay's future. Before, loading a savestate didn't restore the savestate's replay if its past was equal to your replay's past, regardless of future, and that made it harder to treat the savestating functionality as a stash for one replay. Radio-button options show a filled circle in the chosen box, not a checkmark. When you haven't bound a hotkey to one of the functionalities of a two-task button such as fast-forward, the button still showed a slash "/" at the start or end of its hotkey reminder. Now, the slash only appears when both functions have hotkeys. Fixed backroutes in lemforum: Alien Invasion: Thinner starting platform. All Aboard the Pain Train: Reduce steel in the central block. Down Among the Dead Lix: Move one platform near the bottom, it still allows my backroute from 2022-12-22. The Circular Ruins: Lower block below the half-column. 6 Gaps, 5 Builders: Single builders can't cross two gaps anymore and you must stretch. Down Among the Dead Lix: Fix a backroute by moving a lower platform right and making it smaller for style. The Hotel in Hell: Expose the top-left squisher. Add laser beam to prevent building over that squisher. Improved lemforum levels: Recycling Plant: Removed a single leaf to reduce precision when using the flinging gadget. Put Your Lix on Ice: Final miner stops more easily by herself. Climb to Freedom: Added a climbable segment to the rightmost climber-turning obstacle to show that climbing is a permanent skill. This is a Stickup: Moved steel to reduce precision in initial crowd control. Minimalism, 100% Built by Lixes: Removed some of the unused empty space. Theresa Falls Up the Stairs: Corrected the lighting of the top-right steel. Alien Abduction: Match graphical style of the fixed Alien Invasion. Reordered lemforum levels: Upranked Ferry Tale and You'll Get Over It from Lovely to Quirky. Downranked 6 Gaps, 5 Builders and Time to Change the Road from Quirky to Lovely. Reordered several levels within Quirky. 0.10.3 ------ 2022-12-21 Fix #428: Update the next-level cache after solving. Before, there was the following bug: Have three unsolved singleplayer levels -- A, B, and C -- in this order. Enter A, exit to level browser, solve B, then solve A. Lix would then offer B as unsolved, even though you've solved B. Now, the end-of-level screen correctly offers B as solved and C as next unsolved level. The end-of-singleplayer screen, when you choose to play the previous level that you've just played, starts that previous level with your replay playing. You can view your solution again or fix your attempt. (To avoid the replay, interrupt it immediately when it starts playing, or instead start the previous level from the singleplayer browser.) Fix a backroute in mobius's Five for Fighting in lemforum/Vicious. In lemforum/Lovely: Diamond Dash: Replace imploders and blockers with walkers. The Borderland: Raise save requirement from 30/60 to 40/60 to require saving lix from both hatches. Reorder Climb to Freedom earlier to avoid two successive snow levels. Reorder Beneath the Lab to after Solar Eclipse. 0.10.2 ------ 2022-12-13 Fix #440: Replays load/save handicap. Old replays contain no handicap information. Newly created replays will have handicap information and also load and play it back correctly. Fix #386: Allow to scroll to the very right edge even when the replay tweaker is open. The bug was: Open the replay tweaker. You were not able to scroll all the way to the right side of the map. You had to zoom out to see the entire map, or zoom in deeply enough to make the tweaker obscure less of the level. This was because the map only anticipated the normal panel on the screen, not the tweaker. The map expected to be able to draw all the way to the right edge of the screen. Now, even while the tweaker is open, you can scroll such that the right end of the map is visible to the left of the tweaker. Fix how the tweaker was appearing for a single frame on level start. This bug has been in Lix for 4 years, but we never realized it because the old tweaker didn't re-focus cameras when showing/hiding. Now, the tweaker starts hidden. Backroute fixes to lemforum levels: Cornerstone, The Last Laugh, Tinker Tailor Soldier Lix, Ferry Tale. Clarify and beautify some more lemforum levels: Compression Method 2, Tapestry, To Destroy Is to Construct, Narbacular Drop, The Road Goes Ever On (and both of its repeats). Renamed mobius's Conundrum to Get Behind Me, Satan. Add Everybody Wins, a multiplayer map by geoo for 4 through 8 players. End-of-level screen says on its bottom button: Back to Level Browser. Before, we had: Back to the Browser. That wasn't clear. Not everybody considers the browser a browser. Removed pre-2018 options/trophy format support. If you're updating from Lix versions older than 5 years, you'll have to reconfigure your hotkeys. 0.10.1 ------ 2022-11-27 The replay browser shows the filename of the currently selected replay in the nameplate below the preview, in addition to the existing fields (level name, player, pointed-to level). If the replay filename is too long, e.g., because you run Lix in a tall (= non-widescreen) resolution, the nameplate shows only the hinder part. This way, you'll see both the frontal part of the filename in the file picker on the left-hand side and the hinder part of the filename in the nameplate on the right-hand side. Added button to flip tiles vertically in the editor, in addition to the existing button that mirrors horizontally. No hotkey is bound by default to the vertical flip. You may assign a hotkey yourself. Hotkey reminders in button corners appear in lighter text than before, but still slightly darker than regular text. In the options menu, moved some menu hotkey options further right on the screen, to not overlap with the menu color pickers' description texts on tall (= non-widescreen) resolutions. In geoo's multiplayer map Ghetto Party, replaced imploders with exploders. This is funnier and stays true to the original two-player Ghetto Wars. Pruned empty space around Segmentation Fault in lemforum/Daunting. 0.10.0 ------ 2022-10-23 The server allows 0.9 and 0.10 in separate rooms. Decide with your friends whether and when to update as a group to Lix 0.10. Both 0.9 and 0.10 players can chat with each other in the server's lobby. The 0.10 client will see both 0.9 and 0.10 rooms, and print a console error when you attempt to join a 0.9 room. Since 0.9 has no such functionality, the server will not show 0.10 rooms to 0.9 players at all; instead, the server will write a chat message to those 0.9 players in the lobby if any 0.10 rooms exist, suggesting to update to 0.10. Renamed the server executable from server to lixserv. Added handicap for multiplayer games. If you're too strong for your group, consider to click the handicap icon with the unbalanced scales in the game room. You can choose fewer initial lix, fewer skills, a spawn delay, fewer points per lix saved, or any combination of these four handicap types. Fix #265: Allow simultaneous exiting. When you're playing a race map and reach the exit at the same time as one or more different teams, all teams will score. Before, only the red team would score. Fix #311: Top and bottom of maps are hollow. Terrain checks beyond those edges will not behave as if the edge row's terrain extended infinitely. Now, only the left and right edges of the level extend terrain in this way, not all four edges. Staircases built to the deadly ceiling will kill the builder as before, but now all following walkers will also leave the level and die. Adapted the singleplayer levels Cry for Me, Baywatch, and Walking in a Winter Wonderland to work well with the hollow ceiling. Allow ability assignments (climber, floater, runner) to blockers. For now, these assignments have low priority; we can raise the priority after playtesting as a UI change without changing physics. Fix blocker dancing: Now, walkers (and other non-blockers) don't move when they're both in a left-forcing blocker field and in a (different blocker's) right-forcing blocker field. Before, walkers would move sideways through the fields, turning each phyu. This looked like dancing. Fix #266: Grant batters extra backwards range against blockers. We keep forward batter range vs. blockers as in 0.9, even though it's a lot of forward range so the batter sprite needn't overlap the blocker to still bat the blocker. Nobody has complained so far, and it's nice to bat blockers without awkward precision. We keep the batter range against other activities. Half-fixed #397: The faller's distance in pixels fallen will not overflow the 32-bit int anymore. I didn't fix the overflow for physics updates yet, you can still play longer than what fits into the 32-bit int that counts physics updates (4.5 years at normal speed, or 46 days at turbo-fast-forward). Moved the frogs' trigger areas downward by 1 pixel, so that the coordinates are divisble by 2. No levels broke from this, not even Las Ranas Hermanas. Fix #410: Removed spike at top of both matt/beach/04 tiles (day and night). Before, both tiles had identical masks; now, both tiles still have identical masks, although the mask is different than before. There is no odd prong at the top right of those tiles anymore. Fix #414: Fixed transparency/air pixels in earth.png from the Oriental set. The top row of pixels was not fully transparent (that would be 0 % alpha); it had an estimated 5 % alpha. Lix treats that as solid. Walkers were walking over solid, nearly invisible pixels. Now, earth.png has full transparency above the earth. No levels broke from this change. Fixed #322: Don't wrap during tile group construction: Now, when you load a tile group on a small torus map, Lix will construct the group without wrongly wrapping the group's elements before grouping. Only when Lix has fully constructed the group tile, Lix will insert the group into the torus level. 0.9.48 ------ 2022-10-15 Don't cap level search results at 18, but show all results. Downside: Now, I expect the search to be slow when you enter the first one-two letters. We'll see what is worse and can still improve the search in the future. Always return to lobby after playing multiplayer with a single tribe, even when that tribe hasn't fulfilled the hidden save requirement from singleplayer. Lix has never properly supported 1-tribe multiplayer, but Lix has never explicitly disallowed it either. The connection picker in the networking menu will now connect when you press the generic Okay hotkey, in addition to the networking menu hotkey. Fixed option dialog's help text for the username option: All translations explained ./data/user/yourname.txt, which is out of use since 2017. Now, all translations explain ./user/options.sdl, the correct save file. Added FreeDesktop resources in ./data/desktop/ by Matthias Mailänder. Thanks! I don't know yet where to put such resources (that aren't needed directly by Lix while Lix is running) in the future; ./data/ is catch-all for now. 0.9.47 ------ 2022-08-11 Add Swedish translation of the Lix user interface by Sanchez. Thanks! Fix #387: Update skill panel on tweak. Now, after shifting a skill assignment forward or backward by a single frame in the replay tweaker, the skill panel updates all skill buttons' counts accordingly. This matters when some skills assignments have become illegal in the now-edited replay. 0.9.46 ------ 2022-06-25 Added geoo's new multiplayer maps, including the two asymmetric maps Uphill Battle and Ivory Tower. Updated some of geoo's maps: Fixed the drop straight into exit pit in Rescue Ranger Trolls. Added block to default version of Ghetto Party. Minor other changes. Added Kingshadow's new multiplayer levels. Updated Kingshadow's levels, e.g., added a missing trap to Straight & Curved 4p. Prevent infinite fallers at the sides of Flopsy's Rescue Plan 5p by narrowing the map horizontally to the existing terrain. Renamed my old 2p map Rescue Rangers to Fry-Day to avoid a name collision with the popular maps Rescue Ranger Trolls and Rescue Rangers Double Team. Fix #434: Always topology-wrap newly inserted pieces in the editor to avoid running into some strict assertions in a debug build. There should have been no bug here in release builds. Improved some assertion texts. 0.9.45 ------ 2022-05-21 Added many multiplayer levels by Flopsy, including Krypton Factor race. Added multiplayer levels by Kingshadow: Straight & Curved, Marble Puzzle League, Spiral Spyfall, The Ascending Lix Scenario, Tricky Breakthrough. Added tags ($TAG lines in levels) to several maps by Flopsy. Fix lagging client in a 10-hour netgame. This was an esoteric bug that never surfaced in normal usage. When the same networking game (not netplay session or server run, but really individual game; what happens after you click "ready" in the lobby) ran for over 10 hours, the client would stop updating at the normal speed of 15 physics updates per second, and instead run at 10 frames per second. Make Lix compile with the newly released DMD 2.100.0. Mention FreeGameDev IRC channel #lix in the main readme. QuakeNet #lix is still the development channel. I still recommend QuakeNet #lix to find players, with FreeGameDev #lix as an alternative. 0.9.44 ------ 2022-03-03 Fix a memory-corrupting bug when sending chat messages. I introduced this bug in 0.9.43. Fix #432: Don't resave watched multiplayer replays. The bug was: After the replay, we entered the end-of-singleplayer dialog, and this dialog always re-saved the watched replay as a new multiplayer replay. Now, we directly return to the replay browser. The end-of-singleplayer dialog doesn't appear and doesn't save a duplicate. 0.9.43 ------ 2022-03-29 Fix server-side permutation bug: In 0.9.42, the server re-rolled the permutation of starting points for every player. This desynched the maps -- unless you were only playing 2-player on perfectly symmetrical maps and never used directional force. Don't send up to 300 nullbytes on short chat packets, send only the necessary bytes. Keep max chat length at 300 UTF-8 code units. In the lobby, sort the list of players. First criterion: Players sort higher than observers. Second criterion: Red sorts higher than orange, yellow, ... Third criterion: Within each color, sort by player name. Ready/unready doesn't affect sorting. It's easier now to see which/how many colors are in use, but I'll leave open github issue #407: Color buttons in lobby, show current usage. Disable the expensive level-drawing unittest that also didn't clean up its file in ./export/. macOS: Rely on pkg-config according to Allegro's documentation here: Before, on macOS ARM64, ld didn't find the Allegro libs even with pkg-confic installed; see github issue #430. Remove obsolete build documentation ./doc/build/allegro5.txt and cross-reference more clearly between other files in ./doc/build/. 0.9.42 ------ 2022-02-25 Don't focus the IP address entry field in the lobby when you select "connect to somebody else". The focusing led to a bug that is now fixed: The field would even be unhidden and focused whenever the lobby window reappeared after a game, when you were already connected and in a room. Alleviated enet versioning mismatch: derelict-enet offers D bindings only for enet 1.3.15, but the binaries of enet 1.3.16 or the current enet 1.3.17 have differently-sized struct ENetPeer. Now, the Lix server computes the struct size at runtime, allowing to run with all enet binaries >= 1.3.13. Fixed a theoretically possible, although unlikely, memory leak in networking. Fixed a linker warning about max!(int, int). Now, Lix's code itself generates zero warnings again. Refactored the server-side networking code. Rooms carry their own logic. This will help in the future to support version restrictions per room. Fixed DMD 64-bit build on all operating systems by avoiding obscure usercode that crashes DMD. Linux build notes: Added workaround for LDC running out of stack space. You can raise the stack size in the current shell with: ulimit -s 16384 Windows 32-bit build notes: Added DLL download for LDC-compatible 32-bit libraries. Removed note from April 2020 in the readme about compilers before LDC 1.21; compilers that old aren't prevalent anymore. 0.9.41 ------ 2022-01-06 Support tags in level files to help organize the multiplayer levels. Levels can contain zero or more tags, one per line. Edit tags with a text editor; we can work towards better editing support in Lix itself in the future. Example: $TAG mytag The editor loads and saves tags, but doesn't yet display them anywhere and doesn't offer to edit them. The level browsers don't print tags anywhere either yet. The level search (in the singleplayer or multiplayer browser) will find tags, but you have to enter the exact tag completely. Half-words that appear inside tags do not find that tag. (I'm not yet sure if this behavior is best; we can change it.) 0.9.40 ------ 2021-12-13 Added configurable hotkeys to play next levels from the end-of-singleplayer screen. Default is F1 to replay the same level, Space to play the next level, F to play the next unsolved level. There is no default hotkey to save the replay manually; you can configure it. Hotkey reminders on buttons are printed in slightly darker text. They're still brighter than the button itself, but darker than the main button text. Fix #417: The editor shows all teams per gadget. Example: 4 players A, B, C, D and the map has 2 exits. Before 0.9.40, the editor printed on the exits: A, B. Now, the editor print on the exits the outcome of distributing the 4 players round-robin to the exits: AC, BD. Clarify tile group names in the documentation doc/formats/level.txt: Groups can have any name, not necessarily only a number. Since I don't have support in the program for copying tile groups between levels, you can at least rename the groups in one level, e.g, by search-and-replace, then copy-paste them into the second level, and have no name clashes. Fixed exits order in Tunnel of Love 6p. There were 7 exits in a 6-player map, leading to apparent removal of a necessary exit in play. Now it has 6 exits. Added new multiplayer maps by Flopsy: The Lix and the Saboteurs 4p, 6p, 8p. Clarify documentation on tile groups in doc/format/level.txt: Tile groups can have any names. When you copy tile groups by hand between levels, you can first rename them with text replacement. Allow warnings when building Lix. This circumvents a warning in Phobos that would otherwise abort the build: Duplicate symbol for max!(int, int).max, _D3std9algorithm10comparison__T3maxTiTiZQjFNaNbNiNfiiZi. 0.9.39 ------ 2021-10-12 Added a dedicated end-of-singleplayer screen to show stats of the finished attempt, to offer the immediate next level, and to offer the next unsolved level in case the player has already solved the immediate next level. Darkened the labels "by" and "Goal:" in front of level nameplates in the browser and in the end-of-level screen. They're now darker than the normal text color. Title, author and goal stand out better in their normal text color now. Re-added 3 levels -- Fill the Floor, Interval Training, Chaos Theory -- to single/clam/Outtakes. Fill the Floor and Interval Training originally needed variable spawn intervals during play; now, they employ floaters and runners at fixed spawn intervals. Chaos Theory originally needed the nuke to solve; now, it employs manually assigned exploders to fling. Updated the Lix source code to comply with the future meaning of the "in" keyword. Updated Lix for package optional 1.3.0 instead of 0.6.3. 0.9.38 ------ 2021-06-27 Windowed mode at 1280x720 is now the default on running Lix for the very first time. Before, the default was software fullscreen a.k.a. fullscreen window. Smaller widescreen resolutions such at 1280x720 that would barely fail to pick 2x for the skill panel icons (instead of the tiny 1x) will get slightly higher panel to accomodate the better-looking 2x skill icons. Adjusted text vertical offset to vertically center text on buttons better at 1280x720. 1280x800 is still okay, text is now slightly too high here. The text positioning is already full of hacks and compromises, anything better either needs more hacks or a clean do-over. I feel like a 90's website designer. The main menu preserves the background's aspect ratio. To fill a screen that is not 4:3, it crops the background's sides. Revenge of the Giant Crab (2p): Added decoration, walkers 10->30, overtime 30->90 seconds. Fix #424: Always show the level title in the lobby under the graphical preview, even when we return from a netgame. Fix #423: De-duplicate the multiplayer level tree, as reported by Dullstar. I had extra copies of Along the Fabrics of Your Clothing in the 8p directory. Updated Allegro DLLs to Allegro You can check what Lix uses at runtime with Lix's command-line argument: --allgero-version I build the 32-bit Windows release with LDC, not with DMD. LDC generates faster-running machine code, exactly what we want for a release version. Tell me in case you run into any problems. (64-bit Windows release has always been built with LDC and it still is.) During compilation, Lix prints target architecture, OS, and compiler. Fix deprecations for DMD 2.097.0: In the source code, the "body" keyword is finally deprecated. Converted the entire codebase to the "do" keyword in front of function bodies. Added "static import std.stdio;" to access std.stdio.File in Lix's file.filename.base. Documentation: src/icon/readme.txt has CRLF line endings, to be readable in Windows Notepad. (Documentation should have CRLF endings, code should have LF endings.) Removed note in the 32-bit DMD Windows build notes about NuGet libs, DMD 32-bit doesn't play well with them. The build documentation points to new archives (,, because the .lib files can be incompatible between compilers. 0.9.37 ------ 2021-05-17 Added new maps from the multiplayer level contest. Thanks, Dominator_101, Dullstar, Flopsy, geoo, IchoTolot, WillLem! Includes Dominator_101's Rescue Rangers Double Team. Fixed flickering mouse cursor in the dialog that aborts a networking game. Before, when you hovered over a lix in the background of the dialog, the cursor would osciallte between open and closed. Now, the cursor stays closed because you can't assign to lix during the dialog. Partly address #234: When you resize the map in the editor, the editor will zoom out as far as it can to show you the entire map. It's still disorienting to resize maps with large empty areas. Fix: When you verified a directory containing 0 replays in the GUI verifier, the GUI verifier didn't print the line that you can now click to exit. Now it prints that line. In the main menu, below the version number, print name of operating system and 32/64-bit for which the running version is built. The debugging build's user options defaults show the phyus/FPS. This only matters when you run a debugging build without a user option file user/options.sdl. The normal release build defaults to not showing phyus/FPS until you enable it in the options menu. In dub.json, removed obsolete architecture restriction for Windows builds with LDC. The Windows 64-bit build notes point to LDC's multilib release instead of to the pure 64-bit release. You can use LDC's installer or LDC's 7z download. The main difference is that LDC's lib/ dir is now called lib64/. Updated with the new directory name lib64/ instead of lib/. Documented the level format in doc/formats/level.txt. Documented in the Windows build notes doc/build/win*.txt where to get Allegro binaries from NuGet. 0.9.36 ------ 2021-02-24 Add a whopping 66 multiplayer maps by Flopsy, including Perfect Situation. Fix #413: The new-level button in the editor will now ask for data loss before clearing the map and clearing the undo buffer. You can click Save, Discard, or Cancel. Reword the grid tooltip in the editor to clarify that it will affect future moves; it will have no immediate effect on the current selection. Before: "Grid 2: Rounds tiles' coordinates to multiples of 2." Now: "Grid 2: Tiles will move in steps of 2 pixels." Thanks to WillLem for feedback and wording. Support a hidden option (not in the options menu) that allows you to suppress the editor's offset of copypasted tiles; this is (16,16) by default. (Hidden options are hacks; for the long term, I need to visualize the copying in place.) For now, to suppress the offset, put in your user/options.sdl: editorCopiedTilesOffset 0 Mouse speed on Linux defaults to 10, not 20. This produces better results on my machine when (fast movement frees mouse) is off, the default on Linux. I haven't examined the speed on other systems yet. Update the build docs in doc/build/ about minimum compiler versions. In the doc/formats/ directory, document replay pointing, terrain lines in levels, groups in levels. 0.9.35 ------ 2020-12-24 Undo/redo feature: The editor allows full undo and redo. Everything that is visible in the editor's level display is undoable: Tile moves, z-reorderings, additions, deletions, copying, rotations, mirroring, darkening, and changing the level's height, width, wrappings, and background color. Pressing the button to create a new level clears the undo history. Changing the level's name, lix, save requirement, player count, or skillset isn't undoable, but doesn't clear the undo history either; you can still undo earlier things. This undo/redo feature has been in development for 7 months. Fix #406: The camera rounds correctly to determine the mouse coordinates in the level. Before, with deep zoom, the mouse seemed to select things 1 pixel too far right and 1 pixel too far down. Fix #405: The editor reinitializes its camera when the level's torus wrapping changes. This prevents graphical leftovers. Fixed compilation errors that appeared with DMD 2.094.2. Added build notes for a 64-bit Windows build with DMD. I encourage to use LDC instead of DMD for release builds, but it's good to have more options. 0.9.34 ------ 2020-10-11 lemforum: Backroute fixes for 6 levels, mainly due to Wibble's backroutes: Bipolar Maniac, initial lix 10->11, floaters 5->6. Las Ranas Hermanas, raise frogs. Triangle Inequality, eliminiate trivializing backroute. One Lix Showdown, likely functional but slightly unelegant fix. Some Like to Run, faster spawn interval, needs checking. Skulls, Sludge and Steel - possible fix, needs checking. (No fixes yet for Duality and Dream the impossible Dream.) Fix #404: The 64-bit Windows enet.dll crashed on hosting a networking game. Now, I ship a new 64-bit enet.dll, version 1.3.12, that fixes the crash on Windows, even though it still crashes in Wine. Support 32-bit Windows again: I publish 32-bit Windows binaries in the github releases and added linker flags for the 32-bit Windows DMD build in dub.json. Updated D source libraries in dub.json: derelict-enet 4.1.0 -> 4.2.0, taggedalgebraic 0.11.12 -> 0.11.18. This should have no visible effects. Credit minim in doc/thanks.txt for upscaling the GUI icons to 150%, 200%, 300% of the C++ Lix icons for 640x480 = 100%. minim worked on these icons in 2016. Remove doc/oldwish.txt, it has become outdated. The text is preserved at: Let's file issues on github instead. 0.9.33 ------ 2020-08-09 Fix #402: With more than 18 assignments, the tweaker doesn't mispaint the line for current physics update over the tape recorder buttons anymore. Fix #401: The tweaker erases the lines properly when two assignments change order from tweaking. This fixes a mispainting of assignment lines. Fix #385: Before, with 18 or more assignments, the completely filled tweaker always hid the assignments that came last in the replay. Now, the tweaker hides assignments that are far away from the current physics update. Now, to view early assignments, rewind the game. To see late assignments, forward the game. 0.9.32 ------ 2020-08-01 Distribution: Lix has an openSUSE package for easy installation on openSUSE Linux, thanks to Martin H.! This is our third Linux packaging after Debian and Arch. Updated Lix's readme and documentation. Added Raymanni's crab trap at images/raymanni/crab.T.txt. There is an example level, Crab Nightmare, in levels/misc/simon/crabnightmare.txt. Added Thirteen Little Skills (version 2), a level contest entry by Proxima. Every Lix for Herself (lemforum Lovely): Quicken the spawn interval, to make it nicer to assign floaters to lix from the leftmost hatch. Multiplayer: Pressing twice the end-game key (Esc by default) doesn't exit the match, but rather opens and cancels the exit-match dialog. This avoids accidental exiting. To exit the match via keyboard, press Esc, then the key to delete files/lose data. Replay tweaker: Add an extra line for the currently-shown physics update. Remove the unnecessary translatable string optionShowButtonHotkeys. Button hotkeys are always shown, there is no option to disable that; this option was removed in Lix 0.9.30. This removes the leftover language field, so that data/language/*.txt doesn't warn on loading a language. Code: Fix deprecations according to DMD 2.093: Annotate ref-returning functions with return 0.9.31 ------ 2020-04-23 Compiling yourself: On Windows, Lix requires LDC 1.21.0, LDC or newer to compile out of the box. For LDC 1.20.1 or older, in Lix's dub.json file, you must first change all appearances of "-entry:wmainCRTStartup" with "-entry:mainCRTStartup". See doc/build/win64.txt, section "Old LDC versions" for details. Compiling yourself: Increased version of dependency sdlang-d: 0.10.4 -> 0.10.6, so that Lix still compiles with older versions of DMD, with the current stable DMD 2.091.0, and with even newer versions. Fix #394: The editor now sorts tilesets alphabetically by the shown directory, which is its second-level-nested directory in images/. Old order: forest/, occult/, abstract/, construction/, ..., because forest and occult were in images/amanda/ and abstract, construction were in images/geoo/. New order: abstract/, beach/, bricks/, carnival/, construction/, ..., forest/, ..., occult/, ..., irrespective of the unshown author's name. Fixed a backroute in Ifo Island. The building at the bottom takes longer now. 0.9.30 ------ 2019-12-28 Fix #339: Imploder animation: Now, purple stars and vortexes circle around the center, then get sucked into the center. The old animation was too slow and subtle. Fix #388: Oblivion sound was too noisy and high-pitched. Replaced this sound effect with meow-like voice acting that is not shrill. lemforum: ccexplore fixed a backroute in Brickout. Always print hotkeys on buttons' lower-right corner. Removed user option that toggled whether hotkeys would be printed on buttons. Code: Remove body encounters from physics implementation; these happened at (foot - 4), (foot - 8), (foot - 12). Always check foot encounters instead. Before, only fire hazards checked for body encounters. Draw larger trigger area (in the editor) for fire to compensate. No changes to file formats. No changes to physics. Multiplayer maps: Added Down with Frogs by Flopsy. Added remake of Humps (2-player map from 2010) using Lix's earth terrain. Removed endless falls at the side of Honeypots. 0.9.29 ------ 2019-07-18 Observers in a networking game begin zoomed out; they see the entire map without any extra input. In multiplayer, there are no more black boxes on the score graph after a nuke. The black boxes obscured the bars of low-scoring players. The black boxes were a hack solution before we had the nice score board when you mouse over the score graph. Now, to see who nuked, mouse over the score graph. Partially fix #385: The replay tweaker displays only the first 18 plies (= assignments or nukes) instead of painting the 19th, 20th, ... ply over the remainder of the panel. In the long run, the tweaker needs a scrollbar. The tweaker explains itself with short text while it has no plies to show yet. This is better than presenting the tweaker as a completely blank GUI widget. Fix #327: After you save a replay manually from the replay browser, the browser reloads the directory and immediately shows the newly saved file. Fix: The splat ruler draws properly again when the mouse is on the map (i.e., off the panel). 0.9.28 had a bug where the ruler would only draw while the mouse was on the panel instead of on the land. Fix: In multiplayer battles, you can zoom again, even though there is no GUI button to zoom. By default, zoom is bound to the mouse wheel. Fix #317: In a deeply nested directory hierarchy, the browsers' breadcrumb navigation condenses some higher-level directories into a single button. The top-level directory keeps its exclusive button at the very left. Removed a default keybinding duplication: Highlight goals and splat ruler were both bound to Tab. Now, only the splat ruler is bound to Tab, highlight goals has no default hotkey. 0.9.28 ------ 2019-07-07 Replay tweaker: A new feature for singleplayer puzzle solving. To open the replay tweaker, click the filmstrip button in the panel. The tweaker allows you to move and delete assignments deep in the replay without erasing any other assignments. The tweaker is not perfect yet: I'm sure we'll find many ways to improve it. Added 22 singleplayer levels from various level design contests. They are in levels/single/misc/contests/. All levels are proven solvable. Some proofs may be backroutes. For Key to the Sacred Kingdom, I chose its version 9, the miniature, but extended it with decoration from its big version 7. Adapted Long Division to 0.9 physics, it's fairer now and less nasty. Fix #364: If the enet DLL is missing, the networking lobby prints an error message to its console. Before, the game would crash from an uncaught exception. Code: Fix deprecations for dmd 2.087.0: Don't initialize immutable variables in thread-local static this(), instead initialize them in shared static this(). Lix should now compile warning-free. 0.9.27 ------ 2019-05-20 Fixed a backroute in The Bottomless Closet, a miniature by geoo. Fix #379: The editor avoids cloning tiles outside of the map. Usually, the editor moves freshly-cloned tiles down-right by (16, 16). Sometimes, this would move tiles out of the map. New behavior: If a cloned tile would move out of the map, or even very close to the edge (= undercutting a safety margin of 16 pixels), all cloned tiles are moved up-left by (16, 16) instead. If neither offset keeps all tiles on the map, we move down-right by (16, 16) and accept that some are outside. In torus directions, tiles are always on the map within the safety margin. Fix #380: While you change the background color in the editor's map dialog, the level behind the dialog previews your chosen color in real time. When you press OK, the color stays; when you press Cancel, the color reverts. Code: Fixed deprecations, now Lix compiles warning-free on dmd 2.086.0. Code: Removed module constructors and moved construction of user options into al_run_main. We hope to troubleshoot a segfault on macOS with this, github issue #381. Renamed DisplayTryMode to ScreenChoice. 0.9.26 ------ 2019-04-24 Added 24 singleplayer levels in misc/lemforum-outtakes. These levels were once part of out flagship pack lemforum, but have been taken out over time. They're all proven solvable with 0.9 physics. Fixed #301: Separated the ping-exit functionality from show-splat-ruler. In multiplayer, there are now two buttons. Both have much clearer icons (an exit with beams, a ruler) instead of the generic cool shades. Fixed #293: Savestate icon, don't use floppy disk (means: write file). Now, the icon to save state is a flag, and the icon to load state is a flag with an arrow pointing towards it. Once a savestate exists, the load icon (default hotkey F2) is to the left of the save icon (default hotkey F3), to have their default hotkeys (F2, F3) in ascending order. (Before, load appeared to the right of save). Renamed the level folder "Community Collab Project" to "Collab" for concise breadcrumb navigation captions, preventing abbreviation. Attributed correct authors (Rubix/Simon, Simon/Wuzzy) on two tutorials. Rewrote screen options functions, to rule out a possible source of a crash on macOS (no more try-return-catch, always return outside of try/catch). See issue #381: macOS 10.14: Black screen then crash. Rewrote internal graphics code to get already-cached images more efficiently. 0.9.25 ------ 2019-02-04 Added 44 singleplayer levels in levels/single/misc: 17 miniatures by Simon and geoo, 13 levels by mobius (originally called leftovers and non-tutorials), 10 levels by Nessy, 4 non-miniatures by Simon. These levels were released around 2017 and 2018 on Lemmings Forums and are now part of the main download. Added 15 tutorials for basic skill usage. A new Lix installation will still highlight Any Way You Want as first level, not the tutorials. Eased the 2-player multiplayer map Anything Can Work: Removed buzzsaws, added terrain to allow a downwards route without preparatory platforming above exits. Fixed deprecations (silent conversion from size_t to int in loop indices) to allow a warning-free building with the current compiler DMD 2.084. Refactored code for clarity: Alcol constructors -> al_map_rgba_f, magic numbers in EffectManager -> enums. Split ScoreBoard into two classes and moved to the GUI code, to decouple from gameplay. 0.9.24 ------ 2019-01-03 Work around bug #372 (garbled exit markers): Removed alpha channel from data/images/goalmark.I.png. Arrow's white overlay is entirely opaque. Made overlay line thinner to compensate for the fully-opaque overlay. This should avoid #372 to trigger at all. Everything should recolor properly. Multiplayer directories: Sort authors with easier multiplayer maps. Easy means that it's easy to save lix against opponents that do nothing. Reason: New players click on the first-listed authors very often. This is not an ideal permanent solution, but we have needed something like this quickly for the Debian 10 release. New multiplayer maps by Flopsy: Cascade Squared (4p, 6p, 8p) and The Storeroom (6p, 8p). Fix bug with _order.X.txt files: When you go to a dir A with order file, then go to a different dir B without order file but with files named like those in A, the files in B are now sorted alphabetically, not wrongly by the order file from A. The options file ./user/options.sdl contains a comment explaining that screenMode 0 is windowed, 1 is software fullscreen, 2 is hardware fullscreen. 0.9.23 ------ 2018-12-09 xmas2018: Fixed backroutes in Home Time for Santa, Snow Cat Love, Decorate the Tree, Past the Xmas Tree. ClamLix: Time is Running Out, decorated the steel with a steel hourglass. Fix #371: Miners throw a pickaxe again when they cancel on steel. Diggers won't throw pickaxes anymore by mistake when they cancel on steel. Added a manpage for Linux package maintainers: doc/lix.6, thanks to tarzeau. 0.9.22 ------ 2018-11-30 Include xmas2018: a new singleplayer pack with 24 holiday-themed levels. Fix #350: In singleplayer, the splat ruler button tooltip claimed falsely that this button also pings hatches and exits, but it does that only in multiplayer. Fixed this tooltip. (Issue #301 remains: In multiplayer, this button should be functionally split into two buttons.) Support 64-bit Windows builds with LDC >= 1.13.0-beta2. I encourage all Windows users to choose the 64-bit build over the 32-bit build, hoping to avoid the out-of-RAM crashes on large maps. Binary downloads are now hosted on github, not on Lix's homepage. Binary download archives carry a version number in their filename and unpacked Lix directory. With self-contained Lix (i.e., not installed system-wide via a Linux package manager), you should still update existing self-contained Lix as usual by copying your user files, custom levels, and replays from the old directory into the new. Fix #369: When you build from source and choose a debugging version instead of a release version, Lix will start windowed by default, not with software fullscreen. User options can override this as usual. Updated the DAllegro5 bindings to 4.0.4+5.2.0 and removed Lix's allegro-color dependency on all platforms. Many refactorings in the source code for physics updates. No physics changes. This will be useful in case I manage efficient skill blueprints a.k.a. skill shadows. 0.9.21 ------ 2018-10-19 Fix #313: Options and trophies (level checkmarks) are now saved in ./user/, not in ./data/user/yourname.txt. In the future, whenever you update Lix by hand, copy the folder user/ into the new installation. Old settings and trophies are imported: To update to 0.9.21, you should still copy ./data/config.txt and ./data/user/yourname.txt to let Lix 0.9.21 import your old settings and write them to ./user/.) Fix #255: Trophies (level checkmarks) are associated to levels by the levels' basename (the part of the filename that is independent from directories), author, and English title. Trophies are not associated to full level path anymore, even though they remember that path as extra information. This means that you keep your trophy even when its level moves to a different rank directory. lemforum: Feel the Pressure: Hopeless -> Daunting. This Is a Stickup: Daunting -> Vicious. Evacuate the Sinking Ship: Vicious -> Hopeless. Little Miner Puzzle 1: Adjusted height of one bar to avoid accidental splatting while a miner is working. The Borderland: Added buzzsaw that This Lix Is Your Lix (repeat) already had. Raymanni's Holiday exit: Enlarged sprite at the bottom to look better when the exit sits on bumpy terrain. Fix #359: When you have lost singleplayer and the game tells you to framestep back or abort, you can doubleclick the nuke to quit. Fix #323: Wide, flat torus maps start with less default zoom (you see a larger portion of the level). Editor: All steel is offered in a single flat list. I've sorted the more commonly used tiles to the top of this list. Editor: Removed an invisible extra button that 0.9.20 mistakenly generated and that sometimes became visible when you hovered over the 3 rightmost text buttons in the panel and held the mouse key down. Fix #363: Editor: The terrain browser does not offer the 3 directories ./authorName/steel/, to de-clutter the tileset list. Fix #355: Multiplayer: Exit markers are solid, colorful arrows instead of large lixes. They still go behind the terrain. The outline of your own arrow is drawn semi-transparent over the terrain. The networking menu offers to host a game (a server will run within Lix) and offers to change the port for listening or connecting. Fix #358: In a networking room, the current level title is printed under the preview image, above the chat. License: During the CC0 public domain waiver, I mention explicitly that the levels are CC0. Server executable understands the switch --port to listen on a different port. Server is now its own dub package in ./src/server/ in the Lix repository. Documented how to build and run standalone server executable in Lix's main Code: I refactored Hatch to contain Graphic instead of to inherit from Graphic. Hatches remember which players spawn from them. Physics remain identical. (I tested a lot manually, no automatic test; I still lack physics unittests in general.) Git users: I version-control dub.selections.json now. If you get merge issues, delete your local copy and then pull. 0.9.20 ------ 2018-09-23 Backroute fixes in Continuum Hypothesis and Inside the Fourth Wall. Fewer lixes in Undercutting the Competition. Reshaded rectangular blocks in matt/marble: Shading at the left and top should only become lighter towards the outside. Before, the blocks looked flattened. Diagonal blocks in matt/marble still have this issue. Fix #349: Mirror button icon shows horizontal mirroring with two triangles, not vertical mirroring with an upside-down tree anymore. Partially fix #348: Custom grid button shows size of current custom grid. Center images on BitmapButtons more accurately. Removed unused UI graphics: Spawn interval graphic, hint selection graphic, editor hatch direction graphic that is shown with a unicode arrow instead. Fix #356: When you specify -w or --resol=XXXxYYY on the command line, loading/switching the user configuration will not override the command line's resolution in this session. Reorganized the trophy area of the singleplayer browser: Don't draw last game's results over the personal best of lix saved. dub package Optional: I use Optional 0.6.3 now instead of Optional 0.4.x. This requires a recent compiler (I know that 2.082 or newer works) when you build Lix yourself. 0.9.19 ------ 2018-08-10 RepForLev: For a highlighted level in the singleplayer browser, you can enter the new dialog RepForLev that will offer all replays that start with the basename of the highlit level. (If the level file is "mylevel.txt", RepForLev will offer all replays that start with "mylevel-".) lemforum, some backroute fixes: Get Hype, remove flinging backroute. Toccata, use Proxima's backroute fix against a solution that takes 30 minutes. Striking News, add water pit at the top, different cactus placement at the bottom. Behind Bars, save 8/10. Multiplayer maps: Flopsy's shorter Block Chaos, Harden the Paint. Raymanni's Rainbow Road, The Frog-Hotel, Follow the Thread. Fix #354: Prevent the one-pixel-thick line of graphical garbage at the right edge of the map. This line occurred with some noninteger zooms during play/editor. Fix #344: Guideline pieces are selectable from the terrain browser again. Depth-2-directories (e.g., "geoo/construction/") are listed as only the second directory ("construction/") in the root selection of tile browser. 0.9.18 ------ 2018-07-01 lemforum: Behind Bars 7/10->8/12 to remove backroute. One Step Off 80/80->20/20. Segmentation Fault 20/40->21/40. Merge Sort, hollow terrain to remove red herrings. Rhapsody in Blue, aligned traps to terrain (removes 1-pixel gaps). Removed obviously unassignable imploders/exploders/cubers according to save requirement. Rubix's levels: Lost Underground, cap reachable ceiling more clearly. Removed obviously unassignable imploders/exploders/cubers. Tiles: Raymanni's improved carnival exit, cleaner large proxima/tiles/orange2. Fix #23: Don't show obsolete replay arrows/pickaxes/sounds when you framestep after a quickload. Fix #346: When you watch a replay, interrupt, and win, the solution replay is auto-saved. Singleplayer exits the level after nuking instead of prompting to framestep back. On display creation, the mouse cursor centers on the Lix window. This prevents edge scrolling when watching replays from the command line. Fix #340: For translations, use format strings (containing %s, %d with runtime checks) instead of several concatenated translated strings. Fix #341: Translate the output of the replay verifier. Fix #342: Better grammar, fewer Denglish (English words in the German translation even though good German words exist), add umlauts. Thanks to Wuzzy for this patch! In displayed strings, use typographical quotation marks. In file/shell output, use double quotes both to begin and end instead of asymmetric quotes. 0.9.17 ------ 2018-05-27 lemforum/Hopeless: Swapped Bipolar Maniac (now 3rd) and Systematic Separation (now 10th) in Hopeless. Score board in multiplayer: Hover over the score graph to see player names, exact lix counts, and exact number of scored points, in a large tooltip. Fix #319: The terrain/steel browsers offer all dirs of depth 2 in images/ at once. After navigating to such a depth-2-dir, the terrain/steel browsers offer in one flat list all tiles recursively found in that dir. Don't save other people's winning replays as your own checkmarks. Correctly save checkmarks after playing levels passed to Lix on the command line. On loading a replay with zero players, don't crash anymore, instead create one player with the singleplayer color. The Windows download contains Allegro 5.2.4 DLLs. These newer DLLs fix any remaining chance that Lix starts without sound when starting Lix from the Windows 8/10 quicklaunch bar. Lix has a new command-line switch --allegro-version to print the version number of the dynamically-loaded Allegro DLLs. Build system: Lix builds with both the most recent DMD 2.080 and with the better-optimizing LDC. I added allegro_color to the link libs. I require D Allegro 5 bindings of version >= 4.0.2 to fix a stack overflow in Debian LDC-built Lix. 0.9.16 ------ 2018-05-01 lemforum: Removed backroutes in We're in This One Together (added steel) and From the Other Side (larger fire pit). Fix #328: Automatic replays are saved after multiplayer games again. Fix: Watching a multiplayer replay will never save another replay. I credit our contributors in doc/thanks.txt. Let me know if anything there is inaccurate. 0.9.15 ------ 2018-04-20 Behind You, Down Among the Dead Lix: Removed backroutes. Added Twelve-Bar Blues, a new multiplayer map by Proxima. Fix #326: In the editor, clicking steel, then opening the terrain browser won't override the current terrain directory any more. You can still click on a regular terrain piece to open the terrain browser on its directory. Fix #325: The default steel directory is images/geoo/steel/. Fix #332: Tile groups will always be saved with relative coordinates that are all >= 0, even when some of their parts have transparent boundaries. (There is a bug left behind where tile groups with coordinates < 0 are loaded wrongly on torus maps, but changing the interpretation of a level file affects physics; thus, that second fix is postponed.) 0.9.14 ------ 2018-04-03 Waltz in C Sharp Miner, removed backroute. Moved Arty's race maps (Heart of a Gambler, one map per player count, 2-8 players) from network/*p/arty to network/races/arty. Fix #314, #315, #318: When you win a singleplayer game or win an edited replay, either browser shows the game's stats under the preview and saves the replay automatically. (These bugs were regressions after I removed the end-of-singleplayer dialog.) Fix: The command-line verifier generates checkmarks again. 0.9.13 ------ 2018-03-14 Close to the Edge, save 46/50->16/20. Building Block Maze, SI 32->50. The Abominable Snowlix, save 15/30->5/10. Block Chaos, walkers 20->60, overtime 1:00->2:00. Fix #312: Splat ruler option is now public. Choose one of three ruler designs. Default is the 3-bar ruler with huge snap distance from 0.9.5 to 0.9.10. Fix #308: Include Zanzindorf's lasers. Fix #305: Autosave 4 pairs of savestates, not 3, on most maps, for performant framestepping/multiplayer. Fix #55: Remove dialog on winning singleplayer. You go to the browser immediately after winning the level. Game pauses after losing, allowing you to framestep backwards or restart with the regular commands. I hope this satisfies the desire for a next-level button in the old dialog. Fix #302: Remove end-of-multiplayer dialog. You go to the lobby immediately after finishing a networking game. The lobby console shows the result, but I plan to show better statistics here. This fixes the bug where observers were shown instead of players in the end-of-multiplayer dialog. Fix #309: Show indexing progress of the search dialog. I still don't cache the search results; maybe the indexing feels still too slow on older computers even when its progress is shown. When you show FPS and Phyus, I don't display VRAM anymore. Reason: Once VRAM got cached on huge maps, the Lix-estimated VRAM usage didn't match the real VRAM usage anyway. New build dependency, Optional type. This is a source-only dependency and is automatically fetched by dub. Batch file to build Lix on Windows conveniently by double-clicking. 0.9.12 ------ 2018-02-23 Multiplayer maps: Arty's Let Them Eat Cake (rename of Feaster Island), Layer of Hell, Flopsy's Block Chaos, Nessy's Abandoned Sanctuaries. lemforum: Some Cunning/Daunting levels reordered. This Lix, extra sawblade. Bipolar Maniac, imploders 5->1 because the level is lose-1. Tribute to Benny Hill, imploders 1->0. On previewing/editing maps with more than 2.8 x 2^20 pixels (about 2.8 million pixels), Lix warns that these maps will likely crash. You can still play and edit these maps normally. The warning is not perfect, but OK for now; any real fix will be difficult. Fix #229: Tooltips for all skills and all buttons during play. Fix #306: `--fullscreen' command-line switch works again. Allow the command-line parameter `--' to terminate switches. Subsequet arguments will be interpreted as files even if they look like switches. Linking on Linux: In dub.json, specify only `allegro-5', not `allegro', and let dub use pkg-config to deduce linker flags (typically -lallegro). 0.9.11 ------ 2018-02-07 New multiplayer maps: Schism 2p by me, Team Attack 2p by Yung. Fixed exit order in Pave the Way 4p. Implemented geoo's design for a splat ruler with only two bars. Both bars snap to terrain up to 16 pixels away. Hidden user option SPLAT_RULER_DESIGN in the config file can be set to 0 for this ruler, or to 1 or 2 for the three-pronged rulers from Lix 0.9.4 or 0.9.10. Fix #220: On losing network connection, don't crash, but go back to the Connect screen of the lobby. Fix #297: In the singleplayer browser, removed the gap between the delete and back buttons. Fix #298: Option to invert the hold-to-scroll direction. Fix #292: geoo/construction/Laser* flashes more clearly, to distinguish the lasers frmo red abstract pipes. Fix #303: Print names of missing tiles on the level preview. Previews in level browsers downscale the level more smoothly. Mitigate #296 (RAM balloons to 1.5 GB on Windows) without solving it: Auto-savestate every 12 frames, not every 10, and keep 3 pairs, not 4. Option to display torus seams is off by default. In data/transl/*.txt, merged option titles and option descriptions in the same line per option, instead of having two lines per option. 0.9.10 ------ 2018-01-30 Updated Arty's multiplayer maps, removed Knock 'em Dead, added Feaster Islands. Fix #294: Loading manual savestates could occasionally desync physics. This fix is covered with an automatic regression test. Fix #295: Stateload won't preserve the future when you wish to discard replay actions undone with framestepping. Covered with an automatic regression test. Fix #250: Permanent abilities appear as little icons over your own lix. Slightly reduced Lix's hunger for RAM by running the garbage collection more often. I still have to debug this gigantic hunger for RAM properly. On large maps, Lix might want 1.5 GB on Windows and 500 MB on Linux. Hardcoded the first miner eye position for the fuse and ability icons. Reason: This miner pose covers the eye with her arm. Don't paint over the level search button when the directory list updates. Translated the search string "Search for filenames or level titles". Removed the unused multiplayer jingles from data/sound/. Editor shows coordinates only in decimal, not in hex. The map size dialog still displays the size both in decimal and in hex. Editor doesn't count exits in singleplayer maps, to improve the visible difference between singleplayer and multiplayer maps. Documented SiegeLord's batch file for the Windows build. Discourage installing extra software on Windows merely to build 64-bit. 32-bit Lix runs fine and is easier to build. 0.9.9 ----- 2018-01-22 Added Arty's multiplayer maps: Knock 'em Dead, Pyramid Scheme, Pandemonium Box. Modified Rubix's Access Denied to make it completely symmetric. Fix #289: Replays that didn't point to levels, or even empty text files, crashed the replay browser on highlight. Fix #290: Fixed crash when running Lix from the quicklaunch bar on Windows. Allegro 5 has an issue where the Windows sound driver depends on an active display, and I assumed that the sound initialization would always succeed. I've reordered my initializations and display an error message, not crash, in case the sound driver still fails to initialize, which should be rare. Fix #288: Added optional program-wide hotkey to take a screenshot of the entire Lix window, saved in the export directory. No default keybinding. Plays disksave.ogg on screenshotting. Fix #291: Replay verifier called from the replay browser won't interrupt the main menu music. Fix #286: The player list in the multiplayer lobby won't draw over other parts of the window. The splat ruler isn't drawn while the mouse hovers over the panel. All three colored bars of the ruler are drawn at 80 % opacity, not 100 %, to keep terrain details visible behind. Activating splat ruler/exit ping doesn't play a sound effect anymore. Drew sunglasses icon and multiplayer nuke icon at scale 200 %. Savestates during game play clock.ogg, not disksave.ogg, because they aren't written to disk. disksave.ogg is always played quietly, not loudly, because the sound file is extremely loud already. 0.9.8 ----- 2018-01-15 lemforum: Lix Cannon, cover confusing gaps that were solid. Pipe Dream, remove miners, improve lower route. Snow Jump, raise two pieces slightly. Fix #285: Solving singleplayer replays are auto-terminated with a nuke if you leave a game with ESC before the game is over. Fix #281: Explain airclick to cancel replays in a tooltip. When you scroll at the screen edge, a tooltip explains hold-to-scroll. Fix #279: With music enabled, but no music installed, the main menu explains how to download the music archive from the Lix website. Text will appear in the corner of the screen, not as a dialog box. Fix: Sound volume setting had no effect. Editor shows mouse coordinates in the panel, in addition to the piece coordinates that it has already shown before. TAB is default binding for the splat ruler/exit ping. If you keep your old user file, this change will not affect your bindings. Removed unused hotkey to cycle spectated teams. When I have a better ingame score board with player names, I'll think about how to implement this. Removed unused strings from translation files in data/transl/. Each file lost over 60 strings, mostly leftovers from C++ Lix. 0.9.7 ----- 2018-01-03 lemforum: Path to Mahiman, fixed backroute by early bashing. ClamLix: Swapped Inside the Fourth Wall with Urban Ledge-End. Applied mobius's fix to Square Squabble from 2017-12-28. Removed silent tile replacements, e.g., `moon.D' to `moon'. I've fixed about 20 levels that still used outdated tile names. I will make a pull request against NepsterLix with these replacements. Fix #276: Replay browser prints the pointed-to filename, to avoid confusion what the pointedTo button does. I'd like to improve level-to-replay-matching further. Fix #278: Don't link against allegro_main on any system. Linking against that produced warnings on Windows and program-terminating errors during dynamic library loading on Mac. Fix #114: Don't index tiles at program start, allow adding tiles to the tree while Lix is running. This made the code far simpler. You still cannot change tiles while Lix is running because the file is read only once, then cached. Fix #275: When a basher ran out of earth to bash, some basher code ran on walker memory, failing asserts in debugging mode. I don't believe this fix changes physics, therefore no major version number bump. Fix #41: Options menu offers hardware fullscreen. This shouldn't be used normally, only when software fullscreen brings problems. Fix #238: Lobby uses radio buttons for choice of server. We hide the manual address field when central server is chosen. Fix: The level-to-image exporter crashed when called from the command line. Document where to download music in the main readme, in the detailed build notes, and in the notes for package maintainers. I ship the Windows binaries with newer Allegro libraries, their version is now 5.2.3. Any Allegro 5.2.x should work well with Lix. 0.9.6 ----- 2017-12-26 Added Raymanni's Holiday tileset. Thanks so much for this beautiful set! Added multiplayer maps by IchoTolot. Removed my worst old multiplayer maps. Rubix's singleplayer, reduced initial lix in 3 levels to combat long waits when route is finished. Cropped small lemforum/Quirky maps with repeating decoration from 640x400 to 640x320. Compression Method 2 has a 2nd hatch. Fix #251: geoo/construction/pillar_* looks hexagonal instead of round, and looks more like concrete, to avoid confusion with steel. Fix #79: geoo/construction/squisher.T has a flashing exclamation sign and looks different from pillar terrain. It's now clearer where terrain ends and where the trap begins. Fix #253: Level search matches the level author, too, not merely the level's name and path. Fix #222: When you enter a different windowed resolution, (un)check windowed/fullscreen, or load a user config file, the program immediately switches to the desired resolution and screen mode. You don't have to exit and restart. Fix #249: Editor, rectangle dragging: Prefer to drag 1xN rectangles instead of (full-width)xN on torus maps. Fix #219: On torus maps, editor draws hatch/goal annotations properly across torus seams. Fix: Restarting the level from the end-of-level dialog resets speed to normal. Fix #226: Enforce datafiles (= on missing important files, print & log error even in release mode), don't assert for datafiles Log unplayable music only once per file per program start. 0.9.5 ----- 2017-12-13 In NepsterLix/Moon, 10 levels got backroute fixes on 2017-11-30. All levels are proven solvable. In ClamLix/Outtakes, beautified Korean Border Crossing (version from 2017-12-13) and Abridged Version v1. All levels remain solvable. Merged multiplayer maps by Arty: Blow Your Top, Shaft of Chaos, Showdown at Chainsaw Gap. Distinguished the pillars in matt/bricks from steel by yellow-brown color. Still to do: Distinguish pillars in geoo/construction from steel. Fix #272: Always draw splat ruler in front of terrain. Draw splat ruler even when it doesn't snap to anything. Fix #263, fix #269: Network game computes correct overtime when somebody nukes before saving lix, then saves some. This fixes crashes from assertion failures in the debugging build. Fix #209: The replay verifier called from the replay browser creates checkmarks when it finds solving replays whose player name matches the user's name. Command-line verification doesn't create any checkmarks. Fix #271: Verifier distinguishes normal failures without lix left from failures from running more than 5 minutes after the final skill assignment. Fix #157: Playing back winning replays on a wrong level version turned your correct checkmarks into '?!'. Now, replays will only affect checkmarks when the played level matches exactly. Fix #260: When you interrupt or modify a replay, then save it, your name replaces the old player name in the replay. Better key names on Windows when remapping hotkeys. If you still see keycode numbers instead of a proper key name, please tell me key and number. Translated leftover options to German: Sound and music volume, fast movement frees mouse, unpause on skill assignment. Fixed links in the build instructions that were still pointing to asdfasdf; they now point to 0.9.4 ----- 2017-11-30 ClamLix is included, a singleplayer pack with 113 levels. All levels are proven solvable. Thanks, Clam, Forestidia, and mobius! New multiplayer maps by Arty, Flopsy, and Yung. In particular, more maps for 7 and 8 players. Some fixes to multiplayer maps by geoo and Steve. lemforum's Eye of the Needle: removed a backroute. Rubix's Holly Jingle: save 99/99 -> save 10/10. Restarting a level disables fast-forward or turbo-fast-forward. Fix #267: Allow multiple hotkeys per skill. Fix #257: When A's lix enters B's exit, B will hear the saving sound. Splat ruler. In multiplayer, the splat ruler is combined with the exit-highlighting-function. Needs feedback. Score graph marks players who nuked with black-and-white squares. Ideally, I find a better solution. Fix: Disable editor grid-size hotkey whenever an editor window is open. Fixed an assertion failure in the debugging build when dragging quickly in the editor. Fix #258: The multiplayer server crashed when somebody left, then the remaining players started a game. Still needs field testing. 0.9.3 ----- 2017-11-18 Music: Download and extract into your Lix root dir. You can create additional subfolders in ./music/ and put your own tracks inside -- ideally as .ogg, .mod, .xm, .it, or .s3m. Lix will play a random track per level. Fix #216: The manual savestate function will now always overwrite the savestate replay with the current replay. Improved the mouse handling on Windows, there should be fewer odd jumps of Lix's cursor over half the game window. When you restart a level during pause, the game unpauses. 0.9.2 ----- 2017-10-22 Rubix reordered his singleplayer levels and added the Community Collab Project: 4 levels in single/rubix/Extras. lemforum: Path to Mahiman, removed indirect jump backroute. Runaround up to Cunning, Raindow Road down to Quirky. Fix #252: Level search queries won't match the prefix 'levels/' in the filenames because all levels would match. Fix #256: When you export levels to images or save replays manually, the button replacement will not say "done", but instead tell you the filename. Fix #254: When you run out of VRAM during a level, the game won't crash, but instead stop making internal savestates. This won't display a warning, it will merely log. Recalculation due to incoming network packets will take longer, but that's better than crashing. The game remains VRAM-hungry and this solution is not ideal. 0.9.1 ----- 2017-10-05 Fix #243: Sounds play in the lobby or browser when somebody joins or when somebody picks a map. When observers browse for maps and others start a game, the observer's browser closes, and the observer will see the game. Fix #244: Malformed UTF-8 in files within the level tree (e.g., zip archive) won't crash the Lix level search anymore. The offending file still will not appear as a searchable level; instead, the offending filename is logged. I validate all keyboard input for UTF-8. Fix #246: Tiles with coordinates far out-of-bounds crashed the editor once torus wrapping became enabled. Will now torus-wrap these tiles properly. Fix #247: The lix under the mouse is lighlighted far brighter and gets a dark outline to its left, right, and above it. Fix #248: Multiplayer colors: Purple is lighter. Black is darker. Yellow is darker and has less green hue. Removed a backroute in lemforum's Duality from abusing decoration. Added about 40 remakes by Proxima of maps from 2009. I've inserted the maps in their original authors' directories. Removed hidden water in Sharing the Water Supply 4p. Removed duplicate map files for Going Up 7p/8p. 0.9.0 ----- 2017-09-28 Raymanni's Toy, Lab, and Gore tilesets to v3: Raymanni has drawn Lab monitors, Gore tentacles, eyes, and a bonesaw, a Toy chalkbox, and several more. All tiles have shading from the top-left as normal for Lix tiles. Thanks! Added Proxima's and mobius's multiplayer levels, merged geoo's level changes for the tileset update. Level search. Fix #230: Frogs ate cubers, and flung cubers reanimated. Now, cubers stay dead. Fix #231: Tumblers oscillated in thin walls. Now, tumblers will either move or land. (The tumbler code is not perfect yet, I'm planning to rewrite it, but the rewrite's subtle physics changes would invalidate too many replays still.) Fix #214: Players permute correctly in networking games. Fix #239: The server sends a permutation of correct size. This fixes wrong hatch/goal distributions in games with many observers and larger teams. Fix #217: Skip remaining overtime when everybody has nuked or finished playing. Race maps (= maps that have zero overtime) nuke automatically on the first scoring. Fix #240: Observers don't have to cancel the end-of-game dialog anymore. I print the game result to the console. This is not beautiful, but it's an acceptable medium-term solution. 0.8.8 ----- 2017-09-24 (Still 0.8.5 physics: This 0.8.8 still has the severe bug where you can fling cubers and thereby reanimate them, leading to wrong counts of lix alive. 0.9 will fix this.) Merged 9 new multiplayer maps by Colorful Arty. Merged multiplayer map updates by geoo. All racing maps, and geoo's Tower Defense 22934, have zero overtime. All other maps have nonzero overtime. The ping button highlights both your hatches and your exits in multiplayer. Multiplayer colors: Orange and yellow are more distinct. Grey is lighter. Blue and black are darker. Warn about fewer key collisions in the the options tab for hotkeys in menus. Linux packaging: You can override the XDG install path with a custom path, see doc/build/package.txt. In the git repository, data/images/lix_logo.svg has a large logo as SVG. I don't ship that in the download because it's over 3 MB. 0.8.7 ----- 2017-09-19 The out-of-skills beep was too trigger-happy: When we clicked a mining lix and had miners left in the skill panel, the game beeped as if we were out of skills. Fixed. 0.8.6 ----- 2017-09-19 Fix #227: Lobby player list shows 8 entries at a time and scrolls. Before, it let the the 9th, 10th, ..., button bleed underneath the list. Fix #228: Edge scrolling requires the hardware mouse inside the window. Fix #229: Pressing the hotkey of an empty skill deselects all skills instead of keeping the previous selection. Included Rubix's variants on Marble Run, Eater Island, Diagonal 8p, and removed dead space on Across the Gap. Everybody else: Post your multiplayer maps, then I can include them in the next version. Optionally print during play the number of physics updates, frames per second, and a ballpark guess of allocated VRAM. 0.8.5 ----- 2017-09-09 Fix #244: Grouping certain tiles led to an assertion failure: The game attempted to cut the group like a gridded animation. Fixed. Most of #216: Ping button: A small button in multipalyer games, next to the nuke. Button clicks highlight all own goals for 4 seconds by flashing them inside black and white boxes above the terrain. Can be hotkeyed; by default, no key is bound. Fix #162: In the hotkey options, if you bind the same key twice, all its bindings show in red. You can decide whether to remove one binding or keep all. Fix: When the editor inserts a tile from the terrain browser into a level, the tile will be aligned to the grid. I enforce bitmap creation: If you run out of VRAM, Lix should now terminate with a proper exception, not crash later in unrelated functions. If you crash, screenshot the error, or send me [tt]data/log.txt[/tt]. I optimized the lix Job hierarchy for speed: Lixes are value types, and carry their job as a value type within themselves. (Drawing many exploder fuses at once is still slow. Organ Symphony will still kill the framerate.) Fix #211: On Linux, you can pass a compiler switch to make Lix system-wide installable, follwing the XDG base directory structure. For arbitrary installation paths, open an issue on github. 0.8.4 ----- 2017-08-30 Fix #4 and #213: Some graphics cards cannot load textures wider or taller than 4096 pixels. Amanda's tar and occult hatch were too wide. Now, I allow two-dimensional spritesheets for single-animation gadgets, and I've rearranged the frames in the tar and occult hatch. In Lix, looks and physics should be unaffected. lemforum: Over the Hump out, Duality in. Duality and Round Trip swap places within Daunting. 5 new multiplayer maps by Rubix. 0.8.3 ----- 2017-08-27 Fix #176: Make a tile group with at least one non-dark tile where all non-dark tiles are covered entirely by dark tiles. This crashed the game before. This crash is now fixed. Fix #191: Initial zoom on tall narrow maps (e.g., Rubix's Hamunaptra for 4 players) is fit-to-height, or zoom 1 if fit-to-height would zoom even further out. Initial zoom on small narrow maps (e.g., The Runaround) fits the entire map on the screen, obviating scrolling, allowing dark borders. Merged editor's Topology and Looks dialogs into a single new Map dialog. No new functionality yet. I'm thinking about custom screen starts. For a new player, the singleplayer browser highlights Any Way You Want, the first map of the lemforum pack. lemforum, Forest of Fears: Wider exit platform, should look less cramped now. 0.8.2 ----- 2017-08-24 Fixed magic crash: The Wine build, in release mode, run in Wine but not in Windows, crashed on entering a nonexistant user name. This would have been very bad because can't do anything on new installation before entering a name. The fix is pure magic, a mere rearrangement of lines. Fixed for safety, even though it was OK in Windows. 0.8.1 ----- 2017-08-24 The save-as browser (used by the editor to save levels) allows to create new directories. Editor defaults to 30 seconds of overtime on new levels. Singleplayer levels discard their time. Removed hints during levels and manual screen start. Rebevelled [tt]matt/underworld/{00,01,02}.png[/tt]: Better shading, these bricks don't look flattened near their left edge anymore. lemforum: Sinking Ship, geoo is author. namida written in only small letters. Setting a Fundament, renamed to Cubic Interpolation. Forest of fears, removed 2 backroutes. 0.8.0 ----- 2017-08-22 Stable 0.7.22 physics. I would like to keep these physics at least for several months. Tooltips during game explain directional select, priority invert, and double-click on nuke. Can disable tooltips in the options menu. Removed the unused editor button to add decoration. To fill the void, the button to add terrain is twice as large. Not perfect, but good for now. 0.7.22 ------ 2017-08-20 Physics: Flinging downwards initializes pixelsFallen with the distance that speed-0 tumblers normally fall before reaching the given speed. Still, all flinging overwrites pixelsFallen without respect to earlier values. Tumblers splat when pixelsFallen on impact is larger than 126. Re-introduced downwards steam and the 2016 decoration on Goblin City, Gomen ne, 100 Ways to Die. Digger unchanged since 0.7.19: Still 5/9 with anti-razor-edging. Discussing. lemforum: Bulldozer out, Sinking Ship v2 in. Empty Space reverted to the 2014 version, rejecting both propesed versions from 2017. Renamed Cuber Replacement to Jack in the Box. 0.7.21 ------ 2017-08-18 Fix: The last exiter didn't play the exiter sound. Renamed Rubix's "Just a Minute... (Part three)" to "Come on Down! The Price Is Right", which is almost too long but still fits well. Removed lemforum/wip-0.7/ and images/geoo/construction/chain1.png, the now-obsolete tile because its size doesn't conform to multiples of 8. [url=]Download unused levels and chain1[/url]. Removed simon/wood/ tileset. I've replaced these tiles with Matt's wooden planks in the 3 multiplayer levels by Rubix used them: Going Up, Coming Down (2p); Naoh's Ark (2p), Naoh's Ark (Team). 0.7.19 ------ 2017-08-16 Physics: Digger has anti-razor-edging: Whenever a digger ignores steel, he cannot remove earth pixels beyond the steel in the same row. (The digger stays at 5/9 steel sensitivity, i.e., chokes on steel in the central 10 of 18 hi-res pixels and continues despite steel in the outermost 4 hi-res pixels on either side.) Updated lemforum's Down Among the Dead Lix, Let's All Go Down the Strand, Division of Labor, Empty Space is Hardly a Waste (Proxima's 2017-08-15 version). Theresa v2 has been up-to-date since 0.7.16. Merged Rubix's remakes of The Clairvoyant and Flatlined. Thanks! Removed the downwards steam. I adapted the decoration in the only 3 lemforum levels that used downwards steam: Giblin City, Gomen Ne, 100 Ways To Die. (Downwards transportation beams are slow, not intended to kill, and therefore still in the game.) In the editor, you can delete tiles by dragging them onto the panel. While hovering over the panel with dragged tiles, the mouse cursor becomes a trashcan and the tiles become invisible. Fix: Drag tiles around in the editor, tap the tile-deleting hotkey, and continue to drag around nothing. The game crashed. Fixed by stopping the dragging on deleting a selection. Fix #174: The ingame level map, during non-integral zoom, sometimes didn't initialize/overwrite outside rows of pixels. Fixed by rounding up. Fix #201: The ingame level map during large integral zoom that didn't divide the length of the map, didn't initialize/overwrite outside rows of pixels. Fixed by rounding up. 0.7.18 ------ 2017-08-12 Tumblers remember how many pixels they have moved downwards since (they got flung for the last time, or since they moved upwards, whatever of these happened later). When non-floatable tumblers hit the ground, they splat if the fallen hi-res pixels exceed 126. They ignore the y-speed for splatting. I've drawn 4 new digger frames before the animation loop begins. In multiplayer, when overtime starts, the bell sounds and the console warns about how much time will be left before the nuke. 0.7.17 ------ 2017-08-10 100 % proof coverage for lemforum and NepsterLix! Thanks to all who submit replays. The coverage is for the 5/9 digger. Rubix's singleplayer levels are almost covered: 155/157. Uncovered levels are The Clairvoyant and Flatlined, these Oriental levels need an overhaul due to tileset breakage. I'll PM Rubix. Removed The More You Know because that's a nuke level, but D Lix locks the exits during the nuke. Lowered initial lix on many levels. No decision yet for the digger. 5/9 is implemented. I'm leaning towards keeping this 5/9 digger, but I want to read over yesterday's chatlogs again and Proxima might post to the 0.7-steel-sensitivity topic. 0.7.16 ------ 2017-08-09 All water gadgets in images/simon have multiples of 16 for their sizes: 48x48 or 48x32 or 48x16. The old water size was 50x50. I've looked through all singleplayer levels -- lemforum, NepsterLix, and Rubix -- and fixed the few water placements that had not yet looked good with 48x48. All triggered gadgets (triggered traps and triggered flingers) have two rows of animations: The first row loops while idle, the second row plays while busy. After the final frame of the second row has played, the gadget will eat another lix and jump back to the frontmost frame of the second row, or, if nobody is in range, begin looping the idling animation from the front. Kept digger at 5/9 sensitivity for now: Digger chokes on steel when the innermost 10 of 18 pixels contain any steel. I should make a final decision this week. Rubix's singleplayer levels, Perplexing: Lowered initial lix on some levels. Coverage 108/158 -> 119/158, need 39 more. Get Hype and Theresa V2 merged into lemforum from the 0.7-lemforum thread. lemforum coverage is 239/240, need 1 more: Theresa V2. 0.7.15 ------ 2017-08-04 Revert basher mask: Bottom 16 pixels are steel-sensitive, not only the bottom 13. I.e., we have 2, not 5, insensitive pixels over the sensitive. Replay verifier logs to `data/verifier.txt' and closes the file after writing its last line or after closing the dialog. 0.7.14 ------ 2017-08-02 Proxima's planned changes to the lemforum pack. Snowball Battle: Spawn interval 20->22, to keep it solvable. 0.7.13 ------ 2017-08-01 Physics: The basher ignores steel in its top 5/18 rows, not merely 2/18. The digger ignores steel in its 4 outermost hi-res pixels on both sides, not merely in its outermost 2 on each side. The digger digs every (16*n) frames following its assignment, not already every (16*n - 4). Fixed bug #202: Small levels image-export with all stats again, not only with their skills. 0.7.12 ------ 2017-07-31 lemforum pack: Simple renamed to Lovely. Some backwards-compatibility code that converts progress checkmarks during loading the user file. lemforum/wip-0.7 has all levels in consideration for lemforum pack's stable release with 0.7.x in 2 weeks. I hope all levels are up-to-date. Raymanni's 3 water tiles have higher trigger areas. (Lixes drown earlier and higher up than before when they drop into the water.) Zoom 1x is always allowed, even if the level doesn't fill the available area. Fix #206: Editor browsers show the innermost directory of hatches, goals, traps, and other gadgets. Goals are locked during the nuke. The nuke is purely for decoration and to finish replays in style. Mouse code reverted to the 0.6 mouse code. If anybody has trouble, tell me. Keyboard key duration before first repeat for moving selected editor pieces: 0.33 seconds -> 0.2 seconds. Lots of multiplayer nuke code that handles conceding and calling for the nuke. When you press the nuke button, you lose control over your lix, overtime starts, but your lix don't explode yet. We'll see how it feels. Editor allows to set overtime in multiplayer levels. Existing multiplayer levels are tagged with the correct player number. 0.7.11 ------ When you want to nuke, you can't assign skills anymore. The game core dismisses assignments after your nuke, and the GUI shows zero skills. Game doesn't show FPS in the panel by default. It's an option still. 0.7.10 ------ 2017-07-17 Updated lemforum/Vicious/_order.X.txt, ordering One-Lix Showdown. 0.7.9 ----- 2017-07-17 Physics change: Reverted the physics change from 0.7.8: The walker skill behaves like in 0.6 again. Either the lix cancels her activity and walks on, or turns. Shotgun-debugged mobius's mouse problem by applying a Linux workaround for all systems. I couldn't test, hope this helps. More lemforum level pack coverage. Only 7 levels left to cover: fromtheotherside.txt metalcitymayhem.txt thecontinuum.txt dreamtheimpossible.txt lixsterquadrille.txt survivalofthecraft.txt toccata.txt 0.7.8 ----- 2017-07-01 Physics change: 0.6 walker: If target lix is working, revert to walker. Otherwise, turn. 0.7.8 walker: If target lix is working, revert to walker. Turn in every case. 0.7.6 ----- 2017-06-20 Fix: Builders and platformers duplicate bricks for free when turning at blockers. Before, number bricks left decreased for these extra bricks. 0.7.5 ----- 2017-06-20 lemforum: Completely Ridiculous Level is narrower by 48 pixels. 203/240 levels are proven solvable in 0.7 physics, let's cover 37 more. Down-facing tumblers drown head-first, not feet-first. 0.7.4 ----- 2017-06-14 simon/oriental/bonsai: This tree got lixes stuck beneath its leaves. Changed some pixels and therefore the tree's physics. Didn't affect any levels for the worse. Rubix's Pleasand and Sinister are 100 % covered. The higher difficulties aren't covered yet. When you verify dirs in the replay browser, that dir becomes the most recent dir for exiting and restarting the browser. 0.7.3 ----- 2017-06-14 NepsterLix is 100 % solvable with 0.7.2 physics. The replay browser offers a button "Verify dir" that verifies all replays in the current directory, recursing through subdirectories. Lix shows the results in the GUI and copies them to the logfile. 0.7.2 ----- 2017-06-11 Blocker field is back like in 0.6: LLLLLL-RRRRRR against everything. This is simplest and allows crowd-follows-builder in at least 70 % of the cases. 0.7.1 ----- 2017-05 Blocker fields by geoo's suggestion, LLLLLL-RRRRRR against nonbuilders and LLLLL---RRRRR against builders. 0.7.0 ----- 2017-05 Lots of changes, see experimental version thread on 0.6.39 ------ 2017-07-01 The replay browser allows you to batch-verify all replays in the current directory. The results are printed on screen and to the logfile. Fixed 3 backroutes in NepsterLix; the changed levels are A Day in Lixtown, House of the Mad Trickster, and No Matter What I Try. 0.6.38 ------ 2017-05-14 Fixed #158: When you exported levels as images from the game and your game's resolution was not 640x480, the images had blank stripes instead of skillbars. Editor draws teams on hatches and goals. (Bug: When you have fewer gadgets of either type than teams, only the first team will be drawn.) Editor terrain browser shows more tiles with smaller buttons. 0.6.37 ------ 2017-04-29 Codebase builds with dmd 2.074. Fix #197: Create a new level, never save, then instruct the editor to exit. When the editor asks about potential data loss, choose to save. The buttons in the save browser didn't work, the level was lost. This is now fixed. Fix #198: When the editor inserts a tile from a browser, the new tile aligns to the grid. 0.6.36 ------ 2017-04-28 Re-enable the option to untrap mouse with fast movement. I have a kludgy fix against the buggy mouse jump (Arch 2016, Allegro 5.2, my old code or Allegro generated extra move events when I merely wanted to warp the mouse). * This kludge is only helpful when you always trap the mouse inside Lix. * If you allow the mouse to leave with fast movement, you'll still have a warp when you begin right-click scrolling. Need kludge on top of kludge? * The kludge is only active on Linux, I've static-if'd it away elsewhere. 0.6.35 ------ 2017-04-25 Fix #183: Multiplayer panel shows only number of saved, not any requirement. We can still improve this later, e.g., by showing the score of the best opponent. Fix #180: Chat during play implemented. Fix #181: Chat message length is unlimited. The entry box scrolls along. Fix #146: Skill arrows scale only once. There are only 1x-zoomed arrows, they are drawn straight to the map, then scroll and zoom along with the terrain. Maybe GUI-scaled arrows should move as GUI components along with the scrolling, but that would be very hard and force frequent total redraws. 0.6.34 ------ 2017-04-16 Fix #192: While you are in the multiplayer level browser, incoming console messages don't overwrite the browser anymore. Fix #194: Show both the score bar graph and the tape recorder buttons when you watch a saved multiplayer replay. Fix #195: Client shows version mismatch in their console when they attempt to connect to a server running an incompatible version. Versions X.Y.Z are compatible iff they have the same X and the same Y. The patch version Z doesn't matter. Fixed asserts in the delayed exploder code. Undelayed, lix explode in the next fame following their assignment. Delayed exploders explode in the 75-th-next frame after the assignment, this is 74 frames later than undelayed. Removed my desert tileset (images/simon/desert). It has become unacceptable MS-Paint programmer art. Almost nobody used it. The levels "Hrududu" and "Group Therapy" used it for decoration, I have re-decorated them in similar style. The asymmetric multiplayer maps "Shine On You Crazy Lix" used desert for the main terrain. I won't ship these until they're redesigned; this is a good opportunity to fix the advantage of the higher-spawning players. 0.6.33 ------ 2017-04-14 Fix #182: Timed exploders in multiplayer have a nice burning fuse. I examine the spritesheet for the eye position. The fuse burns slow at the beginning, then faster when it's short, for visibility. Fix #193: Most opponents' sounds aren't played. Opponents' deaths and baseball bats still play sounds. Fix #168: Server resets all room data once a room is empty, and deallocates the level. Before, you could find old levels when entering a new room. NaOH's forest exit has animated candles. Physics remain identical. Singleplayer nuke buttons don't have a red background anymore. I want to redesign multiplayer nuke buttons, e.g., by printing overtime on them. 0.6.32 ------ 2017-04-11 Partly fix #182: Draw a rudimentary exploder flame over the lix's head in multiplayer. I don't draw a fuse yet, and I don't examine the spritesheet for the exact eye position. Fix #190: Override "" with "" in outdated config files left behind by C++ Lix. 0.6.31 ------ 2017-04-06 Fix #186: Observers can't assign skills even locally. Fix #58: Option to keep replay actions after framestepping backwards over them, this is enabled by default. mobius likes to remove them on framestepping. Don't float-downscale UI CutbitElements, always display at integer scale >= 1. Removed images/matt/oriental/dragon.png. That tile was huge, clashed in style with other pieces, and is nowhere used. 0.6.30 ------ 2017-03-30 Fix #184: Observing players don't add colors to the game. There is still a bug with observers: The can assign skills, changing their own replay, even though others won't interpret these assignments. Maybe fix #177: Multiplayer or state-loaded singleplayer produced outdated land, even though physics were correct. Copying the land without transparency should fix that. 0.6.29 ------ 2017-03-29 Moved gamestate memory management from GC with manual GC calls to reference counting. Maybe that fixes #177, outdated terrain during multiplayer? Fix #179: Unfocus lobby chat when a game starts. Fix #178: Don't flash the R for replaying during multiplayer. Fix #185: Hotkeyed zoom during multiplayer, even if the button isn't shown. Fix #171: Terrain browser doesn't upscale small tiles. 0.6.28 ------ 2017-03-18 First version for the networking test on Removed the option to untrap the mouse with quick mouse movements. This option was buggy on linux and has always required workarounds. To untrap the mouse now, press Alt+Tab. Matt's winter hatch has no snow, but wooden triangles. 0.6.27 ------ 2017-03-16 In multiplayer, the server sends time-syncing packets to all players in a room. This happens every 0.5 seconds during the first few seconds in the game, and every 5 seconds later on. Players adjust their physics' speed to match. Even if players open the ESC menu, a networked game will continue to run. 0.6.26 ------ 2017-03-09 NepsterLix 1.6 is an excellent singleplayer puzzle pack with 106 levels. It was released in 2016, now it's finally included in the main download. Sharper small text on small resolutions such as 800x600 and below: Instead of small shadow text, I print small text with a dark outline. More networking code: Transferring and interpreting game data works. Can't interrupt other players' replay actions anymore. Game's network connection is picked up by lobby after game. But the server doesn't yet send time-syncing packets every few seconds, thus clients will time-shift. 0.6.25 ------ 2017-03-05 The Windows executable has a Lix icon in the file manager. On all operating systems, the application window and taskbar entry have a Lix icon. 0.6.24 ------ 2017-03-04 Fix #167: Editor button zooms again. Map is rezoomed when editor resizes map. Fix #170: Game crashed due to the Nurse indexing players in the replay by PlNr. Now, the replay uses a PlNr-indexed associative array. I offer more zoom values: 1/sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2), 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16, and fitting the level's width or height to screen. 0.6.23 ------ 2017-03-02 Fewer zooms are considered similar. This addresses Nepster's concerns: Fix #169: I validate all user files for good UTF-8 before calling Phobos. Implemented the transparent console for networking messages during play. I've worked on starting networking games and transferring game data. I haven't tested this yet, don't expect anything yet. 0.6.22 ------ 2017-02-18 When you zoom in or out, the mouse points to the same pixel on the land before and after the zoom. Exception: Map scrolling is restricted on low zoom. Fix: In-game map boundary was sometimes too thin, there was a 1-pixel wide column or row of non-erased pixels between the boundary and the land. Fix #94: Show spawn interval only when hovering over a hatch. I'm showing it in the panel still, not laid over the hatch, which would have been better. If a map is taller than wide, it tries to fit its width to the screen width, not the height. 0.6.21 ------ 2017-02-16 Merged a contribution by CyberShadow to upscale the 640x480 GUI icons for high resolutions by integer factors when no high-res icon exists. Thanks! Initial zoom fits the level height on the screen height, allowing horizontal scrolling if the map is very wide. Exception: The map is only slightly wider than the screen, then initial zoom fits the width on the screen width, generating a black border at the top. When you increase the zoom factor, the game centers on the mouse cursor. 0.6.20 ------ 2017-02-04 Code compiles with dmd 2.073: Masks initialize at runtime, before main menu. I removed, that dependency didn't build with dmd 2.072. Reworkings under the hood towards minimum viable multiplayer. In case you have replays from old C++ Lix, you can watch them in D Lix now. But you still cannot start multiplayer games yet in D Lix. 0.6.19 ------ 2016-11-01 I require Allegro 5.2 now instead of 5.0. Included Rubix's levels. They're all solvable in D Lix. Fix #159: Better encapsulation for physics caching. Don't switch timelines merely by framestepping back. Maybe this fixes Rubix's sporadic crashes, #154. Fix #24: GUI text vertically centered on buttons. I'd like to see how this looks on Windows machines. More work on the networking lobby. You can chat, browse rooms, send and receive levels, but can't start a game yet. 0.6.18 ------ 2016-10-08 Fix: When you picked a tile from the editor's tile browsers, the tile wouldn't appear in the level. Now it does again. 0.6.17 ------ 2016-09-21 Fix #153: I have culled the no-effect decoration. The still decoration is now solid terrain. Animated decoration is gone, except for the beach bonfire, which became a fire trap. I have changed levels that I distribute with the game to use the new tiles. Backwards compatibility for levels that I don't maintain: The level loading function silently replaces decoration with the new tiles. I removed the auto-replacements for Matt's terrain that I made in 2010 and 2011. Almost no levels relied on them anymore, and I've changed the remaining two levels that did. These levels remain functionally identical. Fix #156: Switching to a parent directory in the singleplayer browser clears the preview again. Rubix has created a cute sound for (singleplayer, you have lost too many lix). It's included, and plays once when triggered, not five times like the old tick. The warning sound for empty skill doesn't play on mouse click, only on hotkey. 0.6.16 ------ 2016-09-14 Fix #152: The singleplayer browser has a button to create a new level. This button is always visible, whether a level is selected or not. Fixed smearing FPS text in the editor. 0.6.15 ------ 2016-09-13 Started networking backend, lobby, and console. You can log onto the central server at and chat. Fix #145: The editor calced twice after its boxes lost focus. You could cancel a box with a hotkey, and the editor interpreted the hotkey itself once more. Fix #151: When there is no savestate, the state-load button is hidden. Fast movement frees mouse: This option is off by default. 0.6.14 ------ 2016-09-01 Command-line switches to jump into play: lix level.txt plays the level. lix replay.txt plays the replay against its included level. lix --pointed-to replay.txt plays the replay against its pointed-to level. lix level.txt replay.txt plays the replay against the given level. Minor bugs left behind here: Depending on from where the levels are run, they do or don't generate checkmarks. Auto-replays should always be saved, even if, when not run from the root directory, the replays are called unknown. Command-line switch to export images. The following command-line exports as images the two given levels, and all levels recursively found in mydir: lix --image level1.txt level2.txt mydir Fix #149: Singleplayer always displays a dialog at end of play again, so you can control the entire application with the mouse alone. You can framestep back from this dialog. 0.6.13 ------ 2016-08-27 Lemforum levels got updates from August 2016. I deleted the tutorial levels: The lemforum pack is our flagship pack and starts with very easy levels. Other packs need not provide tutorial levels. Fix #142: There is a virtual file system. It recognizes ./ and ../ now. Other directories, in particular installations in Linux File System Hierarchy trees, aren't supported yet, but the necessary changes have become easy. Fix #148: When you fail a singleplayer level, the game halts and allows you to go back in time. It doesn't spawn a dialog box anymore. Fix #144: In the editor, when you mirrored a piece with transparent pixels at its sides, the piece moved. Entire selections diverged on repeated mirroring. Fix #84 and #90: The options menu explains its options, except on the editor tab. The box near the menu's bottom provides two lines of explanation. 0.6.12 ------ 2016-08-07 Fix #134: Select multiple tiles in the editor and press rotate. The tiles rotate correctly with respect to each other. Rotating 4 times puts them back exactly where they started, they don't wander. This works even if oddly-sized tiles or unrotatable gadgets are in the selection. Fix #139: The browsers for hatches, goals, decoration, and hazards display all tiles in the images/ tree in one listing. Fix #140: The terrain browser starts browsing from the directory of the tile you have selected at the moment. If you haven't selected anything, they start from the directory from which you've most recently added a tile. Fix #143: The file selector scrolls to the final row, even if it's less than half-filled. Before, the scrollbar looked like there were more files, but didn't make the tiler display these extra files. Swapped author and level title in the editor's constant-setting window. 0.6.11 ------ 2016-08-06 lemforum pack: Many updates by Proxima and geoo. Fewer lix in Hopeless. geoo has rebuilt Spin Geometry with completely new terrain, and renamed it to All Aboard the Pain Train. Off the Rails is now Railroad Plot, and Derailed Level got a derailing locomotive as decoration. Fix #117: Name-asking menu for new players exits with plain Esc. I don't display anything for this. Fix #131 and #111: Simpler starting zoom. Depending on your game resolution, either all levels start as 1x or all levels start as 2x. Test and see if you like the zoom for your resolution. Fix #122: When you continue from a saved replay, then win, or save manually, the new replay goes into the correct directory and points to the correct level file. Fix #133: The singleplayer menu shows the player's best score: Lix saved and skills used. Fix #138: Editor hotkeys work even while you're dragging. The buttons on screen are disabled for the mouse during drag. Fix #127: I hide dot-files, like .git, in level directories. 0.6.10 ------ 2016-07-31 In the lemforum pack, 237 of all 240 levels are guaranteed to be solvable. The remaining possibly-unsovable levels are Trading and Cooperating, The Mile High Club, and Striking News at Ten. Fix #116: Editor shows the top-left point of a multiple selection, the minimal coordinate each in both the x- and y-direction. Fix #130: After state-loading a different timeline, framestepping moved back to the undesired timeline. Now, I discard old savestates until the merge base of the two timelines, and recompute from there on savestate. Fix #91: Editor buttons are disabled when dragging. 0.6.9 ----- 2016-07-27 Miners throw their pickaxe into the air when they hit steel. Option: Do fast mouse movements untrap the mouse from windowed Lix? lemforum pack updated by Proxima, again first 5 ranks solvable. 0.6.8 ----- 2016-07-22 Decoration updated on Any Way You Want, The Road Goes Ever On, Just Stop the Bleeding. Fix #125: disksave.ogg was too loud, changed from 0 dBFS to -4.5 dBFS. 0.6.7 ----- 2016-07-22 The lemforum pack's first 5 ranks are guaranteed to be solvable. geoo has given maintenance of the lemforum pack to Proxima. Proxima has spent days on careful level adaption to D Lix and difficulty reordering. Out: Get Down From There, Minimalism Part 3. In: Don't Look Back (jagged floor instead of a time-limit gadget), Canadian Glade (inspired by Get Down From There, uses the forest tileset). Fix #111: Initial zoom on torus maps was too zoomed in. Fix #112: Hotkey labels ran over nearby buttons. Fix #118: When Lix wasn't the foreground window, it trapped the mouse nonetheless when the cursor passed over the inactive window. Now, you must click into the window to trap the mouse. This fix made visible another bug: In the inactive Lix, the ingame cursor moves offset from the hardware cursor. Worked on #124: I don't add 0x0 as a fullscreen mode anymore. 0.6.6 ----- 2016-07-17 The lemforum community pack has Proxima's suggestions up to 2016-07-17. Several levels have moved between ranks. Some have been replaced entirely: Out: Minimalism (Part 1), Fear of Heights, That Pesky Gap, Don't Look Back, Too Far to Walk In: A Necklace of Raindrops, The Road Not Taken, All Around the World, Diggin' the Air, A Soulful Bounding Leap --coverage switch to use along with --verify, to compute level directory coverage. From all levels that reside in level directories from where you have tested at least one pointed-to level of a replay with --verify, --coverage lists those levels that didn't enjoy even a single solution. Please read levmaint.txt for detailed instructions. Example command line: lix --verify=replays/path/to/dir --coverage Fix #113: Shorter key names with unicode symbols. In particular, keys on the numeric pad have a nice symbol that looks like the keypad. Fix #120: Topology updates correct equation, not only the horizontal equation Some assertions to debug issue #121 on MacOS. 0.6.5 ----- 2016-07-03 Fix #103: When you re-enter the window, the ingame mouse starts moving from where the hardware mouse entered the window. Fix #108: Adventure Playground displays again in the preview and is playable. The replay browser has two buttons to start replays: One replays against the included level, one replays against the pointed-to level. Updated the lemforum community pack to geoo89/lixlfpack commit 2a91852. This reorders some levels. Two levels have been replaced entirely: Out: Three Days of the Condor, Absolute Zero In: Lixes in Motion, Eye of the Needle Afterwards, the lemforum pack got fewer initial lix in the lower three ratings Simple, Quirky, Cunning. Proxima has played all these levels, tested for solvability under a fixed spawn interval, and recommended lower initial lix counts that keep the level idea fully intact. We have removed about 2,000 lix. 0.6.4 ----- 2016-06-27 Editor increases the level's $BUILT when saving a changed level. Fix #106: With mixed dirs and files, picker couldn't scroll to the last file. Fix #107: Prefer queuing builders to spamming, then you couldn't queue at all. New user option to unpause on skill assignments. Tutorial levels are solvable again, and you can't die in them as easily. 0.6.3 ----- 2016-06-22 Fix #97: The game advances physics on assignment and unpauses on nuking. The browsers' breadcrumbs are wider and less tall. I don't display the current directory in the browser's title bar anymore. The picker shows 20 files instead of 19, this fixes #96. The preview draws a dark border around the level instead of the menu color. Under the preview, I write the level name. 0.6.2 ----- 2016-06-20 Multiple hotkeys can be bound to the same function. By default, the editor moves tiles both with the arrow keys and with ESDF. Pause is bound to [Space] and to the middle mouse button. Editor grouping, ungrouping, saving, and save-as can be hotkeyed. 0.6.1 ----- 2016-06-18 Editor displays the trigger area of all gadgets. 0.6.0 ----- 2016-06-15 Physics: Imploder mask is symmetric. It's wider by 1 lo-res pixel to the right. You can drag the scrollbar thumb with the left mouse button. 0.5.0 ----- 2016-06-14 Physics: Groups with steel have correct distribution of steel, earth, air. I highlight on the map the lix under the mouse cursor who would get assigned. The Editor allows to ungroup tiles. I show hatch spawn direction, describe hovered tiles, and use a more peaceful color flow for hovers and selections. Save-as forbids special chars. The game shows the constant spawn interval in the panel. I don't know whether I want to keep this and make an icon for it, or whether people don't need it later. 0.4.4 ----- 2016-06-06 Bugfixes for these github issues: #67: Z-ordering several tiles #85: Hover sorting guarantees group's z-order #81: Crash on nonexistant base directory of a browser Button hotkeys are drawn on top of buttons, not behind main text. I now try to paint the screen black immediately on display creation. I don't want a white flash before showing the main menu. I have to test at Icho's Windows machine whether this prevents the white flash. 0.4.3 ----- 2016-06-02 Loading levels auto-converts from no-overwrite to tile groups. Even in a release build, an on-the-fly conversion takes 5.5 seconds for A Day In Lixtown and 1.2 seconds for Heed the Traffic Light. Lixtown has 2000 pieces and does fancy tricks with no-overwrite. I have to decide whether the performance is acceptable, whether to improve the algorithm, or whether to save converted levels to file. Merged a tree tile by Amanda to prevent getting stuck in its leaves. Editor remembers the recently-loaded or recently-saved file, similar to how the game remembers the recently-played level. The singleplayer browser shows the most recent file. Don't show elapsed time in singleplayer. It looks like a time limit. Does anyone want the elapsed time shown nonetheless? 0.4.2 ----- 2016-06-01 Level reads and writes tile groups. The game renders groups with correct air parts inside. I haven't tested steel, I expect bugs when grouping steel. There is no conversion yet from no-overwrite to groups. 0.4.1 ----- 2016-05-25 Game and editor draw a thin line at the torus seam. This is optional. The automatic screen start snaps to the level boundary if it's close to it and the level has no wrapping in that direction. Started tile grouping using Nepster's algorithm. Thanks for the straightforward idea in O(n^2), with tips on how to optimize to O(n log n) if wanted! 0.4.0 ----- 2016-05-23 Physics change: Climbers couldn't ascend into 1-pixel high gaps with an overhanging ceiling. Fix #73: Tile selection boxes were offset. Reason: A5 rotates tiles clockwise. Many parts of the D Lix source assumed a counter-clockwise rotation. 0.3.7 ----- 2016-05-21 The editor's save-as dialog is implemented. It doesn't preview the old level, but asks before overwriting. 0.3.6 ----- 2016-05-18 Editor: new file, quit, and save to existing file are implemented. The editor asks whether you would like to save when you would lose data on new or quit. Fixed an editor crash on querying terrain on tiles with negative coordinates. The editor saves to ./levels/editor-emergency-save.txt when you click save-as, because save-as is not implemented yet. The editor saves to that file too on assertion fails, as a safeguard. 0.3.5 ----- 2016-05-15 geoo has designed awesome glyphs, representing mouse wheel and buttons. The infinity symbol is now a big lemniscate. I've included the new glyphs in the default font. Thank you, geoo! Editor has a window to set the main level constants, and another to set the level topology. Non-browser-opening editor buttons have words, not icons. This addresses issue #74 partially. The editor can only set the English level title. You can set the intended number of players per level, but that field has no effect anywhere yet. 0.3.4 ----- 2016-05-08 Right mouse button, middle mouse button, wheel up, wheel down are all available keys to map in the hotkey dialog. There are two keys to map for zoom now. Default value for zoom-in is wheel-up, default for zoom-out is wheel-down. Removed the boolean options that became superfluous after allowing mouse buttons as hotkey bindings. Set the edge scroll speed to 0 to disable it. Pause accepts two keybindings. I'd like multiple keys for any function. Singleplayer browser shows author and save requirement, allows to delete level. Culled variable spawn interval UI and level variables. Fixed wrong phymap querying: clamping coordinates on a torus must wrap them. Fixed a crash, the game tried to dispose a null state after long play. 0.3.3 ----- 2016-05-03 Fix #42: Zoom increases at level start until at least 70 % of map screen space is filled. This makes for dynamic zoom per level, per resolution. Fix #31: I drew air where solid after batch-framestepping, when lots of drawing and removing happened in short succession. geoo has suggested the new algorithm that's both simpler and bug-free. Thanks! 0.3.2 ----- 2016-05-03 Editor skill window: Clicking the label "Fling-exploder" affects checkbox, too. Buttons resized and captioned according to Proxima's suggestions. 0.3.1 ----- 2016-05-01 File picker scrolls with the mouse wheel. Replay browser can delete files and lists player names next to files. The editor keeps the manual or automatic screen start from old levels, even though it cannot change the screen start yet. Fix #66: Boolean options react to mouse clicks on their label, not only to mouse clicks on the checkbox itself. 0.3.0 ----- 2016-04-27 Physics change: We don't check for physics near the eye, which would have depended on the spritesheet. Instead we check at (foot) + (0, y), where y is 0, -4, -8, and -12. This check is independent from the current lix job. Rationale: 0.2.49 ------ 2016-04-27 Level and replay browsers select adjacent directories and files by hotkey. Tile browsers in the editor remember the last-chosen tile's directory, and use the screen real estate better with 6 x 10 items at a time. 0.2.48 ------ Fix: Singleplayer results overwrite outdated level results. Editor rotates and mirrors terrain pieces, and toggles the dark flag. When you enter a directory in a browser and the picker highlights the recent file, this file is scrolled into view. 0.2.47 ------ 2016-04-20 Fix #65: Sign error when computing the offset for steel checks. The error shifted steel checks too far into the ground and to the right. Backwards framestepping is accelerated by 1/lag, where the lag is measured as ratio (FPS / ideal number of FPS). Slight difference in memory management for savestates, but no manual management yet. 0.2.46 ------ 2016-04-20 Fix regression #64: Options menu didn't offer choice of language. Fix minor bug #62: Profiling via version statements, not empty structs that would make a call to an allocating string-formatter. Fixed a crash on opening non-UTF8 files in the Lix file format reader. Editor allows to clone and z-order-rearrange tiles. There is a bug left behind when reordering many pieces at once: Sometimes, they reorder among each other only, producing no change after the entire reordering command. Sound effects are loaded lazily, that boosts the program start. 0.2.45 ------ 2016-03-11 Editor UI allows to set the grid by mouse and hotkeys, as in C++/A4 Lix. Editor moves tiles according to the grid. The clicked-and-dragged tile snaps to the grid. All other selected tiles move along with it, without snapping to grid themselves. When moving by keyboard, nothing snaps to grid. The behavior in this paragraph is identical to C++/A4 Lix. Editor saves on exiting to ./levels/editor-test.txt. 0.2.44 ------ 2016-03-30 Browsers offer breadcrumb navigation to pick directories. We're missing some central features in these browsers now: Fixed imports for dmd 2.071. 0.2.43 ------ 2016-03-26 Editor offers the window to set skills. The chosen ploder is loaded and offered during play. Levels remember the chosen ploder, even if 0 ploders are available. The ploder shown on the panel is the nuke skill. Bug #4 (game ignores tiles that don't fit into VRAM) doesn't crash anymore, but ignores the tile instead. The game shows the missing-image error. 0.2.42 ------ 2016-03-23 Editor adds pieces selected from the tile browser. Editor moves tiles by keyboard and mouse. No snapping to grid yet. Fixed #57: The builder gets closer to a vertical wall before stopping. Fixed #60: The editor selects newly-added tiles immediately. Fix: Editor-added tiles are clamped to the map, they don't spawn off-bounds. Fix: The file listing ignores files with pre-extension X, like _order.X.txt. Rewrote many functions everywhere to take one Point instead of 2 ints. I have to test for performance regressions. 0.2.41 ------ 2016-03-18 Singleplayer browser, replay browser, and editor terrain browser all use the new file picker. Bugs: * Keyboard controls for file up/down are missing. Regression due to rewrite. * Scrollbar doesn't react to mouse wheel, or to clicks on the track or car. * Replay browser formats the button like the level browser. There is a child class for replay button formatting, which I am not using yet. Misdesign: Picker should control UpOneDirButton. See comment in uponedir.d. 0.2.40 ------ 2016-03-13 Editor has a terrain browser that can only exit. No browsing for terrain yet. There's a scrollbar in that terrain browser. The buttons at its end can be clicked and move the car. The car doesn't do anything when dragged or pulled. 0.2.39 ------ Fixed bug #51: Basher always left relics after his first swing. 0.2.38 ------ Editor moves tiles by dragging with the mouse. No keyboard movement yet. 0.2.37 ------ 2016-03-06 Editor can select all tiles. Editor can add and remove tiles to/from the existing selection. 0.2.36 ------ 2016-03-05 Fixed the bug described in 0.2.35: Frame-spanning goes across or not across the torus seam, according to mouse position on the screen. I like the results in many cases so far. Anything more would require tracking the map scrolling. Editor has a button for frame-dragging. The button's on-ness and its hotkey are handled in a nonstandard way, which we want. Editor has a zoom button toggling between 1x, 2x, 4x zoom, like the game. We should brainstorm about the zoom UI, and about default zoom. 0.2.35 ------ 2016-03-05 Editor frame dragging implemented. It selects the correct pieces on a torus. Bug: It doesn't yet span the frame in the correct direction. Right now, it always spans so that the torus seam is not included. 0.2.34 ------ 2016-03-03 Top edge kills unconditionally. The editor counts and annotates hatches and exits. 0.2.33 ------ 2016-03-01 I run D's garbage collection whenever there are obsolete game states during play. Profiling result: My 9-year-old laptop takes 3 ms per collection. At 16.6 ms per frame, this slows down the back-by-1-second command. My goal is to attack this bug: Let's see whether anybody experiences this bug #38 still, then think again. 0.2.32 ------ 2016-03-01 Application starts much faster. All bitmap-loading and recoloring is lazy. Only eye matrix generation is eagerly done at application start. 0.2.31 ------ 2016-02-28 Implemented editor delete button. 0.2.30 ------ 2016-02-27 Fix #52: Mose over a transparent terrain tile, gadget behind it: This selects the gadget now. Before, it selected the terrain tile. 0.2.29 ------ 2016-02-25 Editor selects pieces on mouse click. No moving yet. Game starts slightly faster, because I'm not searching through all internal graphics of all resolutions. Most internal graphics are loaded lazily. Spritesheet/player-dependent GUI elements are still eagerly loaded, so there is opportunity for optimization here. 0.2.28 ------ 2016-02-24 Fix: Replays were saved with a null $BUILT instead of the level's $BUILT. Editor mouse hovering: Solid pixels are more important than the selection box. Holding priority invert inverts the entire sequence of terrain and gadgets. Refactored the code, Filename and Date are immutable by default. 0.2.27 ------ 2016-02-21 Fix #49: Animate gadgets (most importantly, water and fire) on level start. 0.2.26 ------ 2016-02-21 Game saves level result on leaving play, or on loading an old state. Autoreplays are only saved on leaving the game. Should they be saved on reaching the end-of-game dialog already? 0.2.25 ------ 2016-02-20 The singleplayer browser shows checkmarks next to solved levels. However, the game doesn't save any new checkmarks on winning yet. 0.2.24 ------ 2016-02-17 The editor draws white rectangles around all mouse-hovered terrain pieces. Refactored TerPos and GadPos to be subclasses of AbstractPos, not structs. Fix: Editor dark terrain doesn't overwrite gadgets anymore. 0.2.23 ------ 2016-02-16 Editor renders terrain and gadgets. It uses the same scroll starting position as the game. I want to reintroduce the manual scroll starting position. 0.2.22 ------ 2016-02-15 Fixed #44: We sort dirs and levels according to the listing _order.X.txt. 0.2.21 ------ 2016-02-14 In singleplayer, lix start spawning 1 second after level start, not 4 seconds after start. The nan-nan sound is played when you start the game, or whenever you revert to the starting position. Fixed #48: Assertion failure of climber on torus maps. Fixed sprite positioning of the climber. 0.2.20 ------ 2016-02-12 The panel displays elapsed minutes and seconds since level start. Time limits or overtime haven't been introduced yet. I'm considering to cull singleplayer time limits from the game altogether. 0.2.19 ------ 2016-02-11 Fixed an assert fail for new users upon entering the singleplayer browser. Added a command-line switch to force true fullscreen an arbitrary resolution. This makes the game run for Ramond. If you have problems getting Lix to run, try the following, replacing 1600x900 with your possibly different resolution: lix --hardfull=1600x900 0.2.18 ------ 2016-02-10 Sped up turbo-fast-forward: I auto-savestate only every 50 frames instead of every 10 frames during turbo-fast-forward. 0.2.17 ------ 2016-02-09 Tiles are loaded differently, depending on whether they're terrain or gadgets. Terrain tiles are loaded with an extra physics map, and a white copy of themselves for fast dark-drawing. I don't think this speeds up the creation of the physics mask, I'm still pretty slow with that. This vastly speeds up the creation of the level preview image and the VRAM level bitmap. There is profiling by RAM/VRAM and by drawing mode of the tiles. Fixed an assert fail in the file listings used by the browser. Fixed #40: Misaligned image/physics for dark piece. I want to ask Clam before I close this issue. Culled the trampolines. 0.2.16 ------ 2016-02-06 Started the editor. It displays terrain and can be exited. There is much to do still with terrain handling, dark, and no-overwrite. 0.2.15 ------ 2016-02-04 Slightly simplified the keyboard code. I don't believe this fixes Nepster's stuck keys, but it might be worthwhile to ask Nepster nonetheless about it. 0.2.14 ------ 2016-02-03 Culled the per-level option to set a custom screen starting position. The game centers on the average position of all hatches. This accounts for arbitrary distributions of hatches on tori. 0.2.13 ------ 2016-02-02 Blocker -> walker: removed 1 frame of the anim, to mimick C++ behavior. There is an entire unused frame now in the blocker->walker anim now. Most things -> walker: Added a stand-still walker frame. Floater y speed should match C++ floater. 0.2.12 ------ 2016-02-02 Platformer should behave as in C++ Lix now: The first brick is 8 pixels long, all bricks while kneeling are 6 pixels long. 0.2.11 ------ 2016-02-01 Fixed left-facing bashers, they now ignore steel in the top 2 hi-res pixels. Floater assignments don't cancel the builder queue anymore. 0.2.10 ------ 2016-01-31 Disabled the extra console on Windows by linking with -L/subsystem:windows. Panel offers imploders. Listing the included level's name in the replay browser when the pointed-to level is not there. There's a bug left over for now anyway, see commit message. 0.2.9 ----- 2016-01-31 Fixed 3 little bugs: Effects are correctly deleted after framestepping back. On deleting a replay, the browser highlights the next one correctly again. The file browser title bar shows the correct subdirectory on browser startup. 0.2.8 ----- 2016-01-31 Implement #34: The game mimicks the level tree when saving replays. 0.2.7 ----- 2016-01-30 Fix #35: Omitting drawing allowed bypassing traps. The lix eye coordinate is used to determine where trigger areas affect the lix. Before this fix, the eye coordinate was only updated on drawing the lix, becasue the fuse should be positioned there. This allowed to bypass traps with the head. Also refactored over 1,000 lines of game code, for a slightly better separation of physics model and controlling/drawing code. 0.2.6 ----- 2016-01-28 Fixed crash during replay verification upon nuking. 0.2.5 ----- 2016-01-28 Making shutdown much faster by not freeing any RAM or VRAM. This is standard for RAM, I have to read up on VRAM practises. Loading way less internal data for replay verification, speeding up the startup in that mode massively. We have to decide whether the spritesheet should affect physics. Right now, existence of frames and eye positions are meaningful for the physics. 0.2.4 ----- 2016-01-27 Noninteractive Replay verification implemented. Run it from the command line, as in C++ Lix: bin/lix --verify=replays/solutions bin/lix --verify=replays/manual/myreplay.txt Fix: Don't save every possible replay into replays/network/. Refactoring: Renamed PerformedActivity to Job. Made graphic objects, lixes, and gadgets take a Topology on construction instead of a Torbit. This makes the design much more lightweight, we don't even have to generate a Map for the noninteractive Game. 0.2.3 ----- 2016-01-26 Command-line argument `--fullscreen' forces fullscreen, no matter what the user settings are. The menu-OK hotkey always performs the most sensible action in the window during a singleplayer game: resume if it's not at the end, exit if won, restart if failed. Editor button in the singleplayer browser, but it doesn't do anything yet. 0.2.2 ----- 2016-01-25 Fix #15: Basher always left relics. The basher mask is 2 pixels wider in D Lix. The relics check accounts for that now. We wanted to start the basher faster by 2 frames in C++ Lix, to make it more powerful. Right now, this is implemented in D Lix, because I used as many recommendations by geoo as I could. In light of the mask that reaches further by 2 pixels, we should discuss that again. The faster-starting basher is still OK, probably. 0.2.1 ----- 2016-01-25 Implemented ask-for-username menu when no name is given. This prevents having no name set, and therefore being unable to save options. Covered the empty space for the spawnint buttons with the info bar for now. 0.2.0 ----- 2016-01-24 This is a test release, designed to try singleplayer. Don't replace your existing installation of Lix with this D/A5 port yet. Keep it separate. Minim has designed several scaled-up versions of the internal graphics. They're visible whenever the game's resolution is at least 1.5 times as big as the old 640x480. Many thanks to Minim for this work! Levels and terrain graphics have been updated from C++ Lix. I'm cross-compiling to Windows from Linux now. Let me know of any problems. 0.1.40 ------ 2016-01-23 Top-left corner of map shows the floating 'R' while replaying. The FPS are shown on the panel right now, that's intended as a temporary solution only. Lix target info in the panel shows (RCF) for runners/climbers/floaters, and displays the number of bricks left for builders and platformers. Replays cancel on LMB anywhere, and on activating the nuke. Fix: With lixes returning equal priority, the closest one to the cursor is preferred for an assignment. Previous bug: the farthest one was preferred. Inverting priority doesn't invert this check, which is correct. 0.1.39 ------ 2016-01-22 Fix #32: With mouse speed different from 20, RMB-scrolling continued to move even after the mouse has stopped moving, as long as RMB was kept down. 0.1.38 ------ 2016-01-22 The panel info bar uses the correctly recolored garden icons. They have the correct shadow, according to the user's GUI color settings. (Even though, like all GUI parts, they aren't recolored until the next program start.) graphic.gralib has been refactored into a package for better readability. 0.1.37 ------ 2016-01-21 The replay browser can delete replays. It asks for confirmation with a message box and moves the highlighting to the next replay. During the game, the panel's info bar shows colored icons with numbers, instead of the previously text-only lix counts. 0.1.36 ------ 2016-01-19 Faster drawing code, by holding bitmaps. Empty skills don't show their hotkey. Fixed an assert fail on framestepping backwards across Phybit.needCol. 0.1.35 ------ 2016-01-18 Hatches marked as rotated in the level format spawn lemmings facing left. 0.1.34 ------ 2016-01-18 Replays are saved automatically on quitting a solved singleplayer level. This still holds for exiting the game with Shift+Esc immediately. No replay tree yet; replays are saved as manual/*.txt or solved/*.txt. 0.1.33 ------ 2016-01-18 Fix #12: Builders, platformers and cubers won't overwrite existing terrain. Fix #22: Terrain removers don't draw over steel pixels. Neither fix has affected physics. The remover visuals were particularly urgent, because they made steel transparent, even though they didn't remove the steel. These fixes are implemented with iteration over the lookup map, then issuing many copies of 1x1 rectangles to the graphics card. This is likely slower than hardware shaders that examine the existing pixel. It's faster than making lots of 1x1 sub-bitmaps on the heap, then destroying these again. (Miner hits steel on my 9.5-year-old laptop: 30 ms for 1x1 sub-bitmaps, 7 ms for 1x1 rectangles. Miner digging only through non-steel earth is much faster, about 0.1 ms, and therefore uses the previously existing drawing code.) The cuber sprite is transparent where it has been drawn to land already. Now, the player can guess much better when which pixels are added. I've added a few sparky lines to the cuber's last few frames. I have removed the tumbler assert. See comment on issue #21: 0.1.32 ------ 2016-01-17 Fix #28: Empty skills are now re-selected if replenished after state loading. Fix #29: Drawing explosions properly now. I haven't tested implosions. They should be drawn behind the terrain anyway, or get a completely new animation. 0.1.31 ------ 2016-01-16 Basher ignores top two rows of his 18 rows for steel. Partial fix of #22: basher/miner cancels on hitting steel, but still takes out some of the graphics. Physics are correct. After class Game finishes, the correct browser is loaded, either singleplayer or replay. Browsers exit on RMB. No option to auto-save singleplayer replays that fail the level. 0.1.30 ------ 2016-01-15 Replay browser implemented. Loads replays, renders the correct level in the preview. Program main loop calls game with the correct level and replay file, the game plays back the correct replay. After viewing the replay, the program goes back to the singleplayer browser, not to the replay browser. Framestepping backwards is more performant over long distances, it omits unnecessary intermediate savestates that would be discarded anyway. More ideas: Slightly better text shadow positioning. Removed demo and benchmark code. 0.1.29 ------ 2016-01-12 Level preview renders and scales the level correctly, instead of displaying only a colorful rectangle. User savestating is implemented including saving/loading, but it doesn't preserve effects, see issue #23. Fixed bug #13: Framestepping buttons execute continuously on holding RMB. 0.1.28 ------ Implemented the nuke. Implemented replay arrows upon skill assignments, which are correctly played back during framestepping and after restarting the level. Explosions, flying pixels, and flying terrain remover equipment isn't in yet. 0.1.27 ------ Miner implemented with geoo's anti-shock C++ code. Flingers and trampolines are implemented. 0.1.26 ------ 2016-01-04 Singleplayer browser remembers the most recently played level. Fixed bug #18: Assigning runner to a walker didn't make her run immediately. Fixed bug #20: Assigning exploder to builder crashed the game due to inability to return skills. Fixed climber horizontal alignment with the wall, the alignment was set correctly previously, but never reset correctly. Exploder with flinging is now implemented similar to how it was in C++. It should be checked for accuracy, once loading replays from disk is implemented. Fixed a crash on becoming tumbler. There is still an elusive assert fail triggerable in the tumbler function. That should be debugged once replays can be loaded from disk. 0.1.25 ------ 2016-01-03 Fixed bug #19: Tumbler selected only frames 2 or 3. Now, it selects its frame by angle of flight now, while not advancing too far in any single frame. 0.1.24 ------ 2016-01-02 Fixed bug #10: Map drawing: Target area too large. 0.1.23 ------ 2016-01-01 Options menu complete. Some options don't do anything yet, but are loaded/saved correctly nonetheless. Removed fullscreen resolution option. Switching users works. Switching Language works. I found the first bug of 2016 in the D compiler. ^_^ 0.1.22 ------ 2015-12-31 Implemented GUI elements: Text entry, number picker, hotkey picker. In the options menu, implemented 2/3 hotkey pages, and the graphics page. Each hotkeyed button displays its hotkey in the bottom-right-hand corner. Added 0.5f to the djvuM offset (the main font's vertical position), now it looks great on 640x480, 800x600, 1280x1024, and 1400x1050. 0.1.21 ------ 2015-12-29 Implemented goals (exits), triggered traps, and dying outside of the level. Implemented the Esc-during-level menu and the end-of-level menu. No browser to save/view replays yet. Begun implementing the options menu. 0.1.17 ------ 2015-12-17 Bugfix: Blockers are now released upon walker assignment. 0.1.16 ------ 2015-12-16 All skills are implemented fully or mostly each, except for the miner, which is missing completely still. Effects, like arrows, flying dig hammers, and explosions, are missing. Skills behave mostly identical to C++ Lix. Some extremely arcane behavioral bugs were fixed while porting; report if things behave obviously strangely. Probably also report if things behave differently. Known differences: Exploder crater is 1 pixel smaller, diameter of 46 pixels instead of 47 pixels, but should be completely symmetrical now. Blocker doesn't get released on walker assignment; this fixed only in 0.1.17. 0.1.12 ------ 2015-11-30 Implemented builder and digger. The builder still draws on top of existing land, which is merely a visual bug, not a physics bug. The digger makes steel transparent, but the steel and terrain data inside the steel remains present for physics; again only a visual bug. 0.1.5 ----- 2015-11-19 Map detects mouse on the land properly, at least with zoom == 1. Priority computation has been ported over. You can click lix and hear the assign sound being played if the assignment were legal. Assignments aren't in yet. 0.1.4 ----- 2015-11-15 Walker, Faller and Ascender are implemented and should perform like their C++ versions. I would like to keep close to the C++ behavior for now. Savestates have been implemented for framestepping. Skill assignments are not possible yet. 0.1.2 ----- 2015-10-30 Started implementing Lix skills. There will likely be no problem with them scanning the terrain from the lookupmap. I'm anxious about them writing to the terrain later on, when the more interesting skills get added. 0.1.0 ----- 2015-08-24 First Windows build released on Lemmings Forums as a smoke test. It runs well for most people. Drawing has bad performance still with about 3,500 animated gadgets, but is much better with about 200 than in the previous months. 0.0.0 ----- 2015-02-28 Started development by porting the fundamental Lix graphic classes from Allegro 4.4 to Allegro 5 with the D Programming Language. C++ Lix ------- 2006 to 2016