# ReMoods Theme Settings Introduction ReMoods Theme provides you with a deep customization experience for the notes and Joplin’s interface. This document shows the preview and explanations of the settings properties’ effects. ## Page Navigation | [Home](https://github.com/Sinacs/Joplin.Plugin.ReMoods.Theme#remoods-theme) | [Getting Started Guide](https://github.com/Sinacs/Joplin.Plugin.ReMoods.Theme/blob/master/Doc-GettingStartedGuide.md#remoods-theme-getting-started-guide) | Settings Introduction | ## Table Of Contents - [General Settings](#general-settings) - [ReMoods Hue](#remoods-hue) - [Theme Mode](#theme-mode) - [Split View](#split-view) - [Font](#font) - [Font Size](#font-size) - [Note Element Settings](#note-element-settings) - [Enable darker background color (Dusk Mode Only)](#enable-darker-background-color-dusk-mode-only) - [Enable capitalize the first letter of each word on H1 heading](#enable-capitalize-the-first-letter-of-each-word-on-h1-heading) - [Enable small-caps effect on H1 heading](#enable-small-caps-effect-on-h1-heading) - [Enable emphasize colors for insert text \& strikethrough text](#enable-emphasize-colors-for-insert-text--strikethrough-text) - [Enable background colors for insert text \& strikethrough text](#enable-background-colors-for-insert-text--strikethrough-text) - [Enable theme color for list text](#enable-theme-color-for-list-text) - [Enable evident horizontal rule](#enable-evident-horizontal-rule) - [Enable border (H1 ~ H6)](#enable-border-h1--h6) - [Enable heading marker](#enable-heading-marker) - [Enable twill pattern for H1 heading](#enable-twill-pattern-for-h1-heading) - [Enable twill pattern for horizontal rule](#enable-twill-pattern-for-horizontal-rule) - [Enable Markdown TOC floating button](#enable-markdown-toc-floating-button) - [Enable "Justify" effect](#enable-justify-effect) - [Enable dotted border](#enable-dotted-border) - [Enable Eye-Protector effect](#enable-eye-protector-effect) - [Enable Max-height limit](#enable-max-height-limit) - [Enable symbols](#enable-symbols) - [UI Settings](#ui-settings) - [Enable wider scrollbar](#enable-wider-scrollbar) - [Enable multiple lines notebook name](#enable-multiple-lines-notebook-name) - [Enable horizontal scrollbar for the notebook name](#enable-horizontal-scrollbar-for-the-notebook-name) - [Enable notebook folder icon](#enable-notebook-folder-icon) - [Enable "All Notes" button](#enable-all-notes-button) - [Enable sync feature panel](#enable-sync-feature-panel) - [Enable tag feature panel](#enable-tag-feature-panel) - [Enable smaller "New Note" \& "New Todo" button](#enable-smaller-new-note--new-todo-button) [NEW] - [Enable auto-scroll effect for note list items](#enable-auto-scroll-effect-for-note-list-items) - [Print \& Export PDF (Advanced Settings)](#print--export-pdf-advanced-settings) - [Display note title](#display-note-title) - [Display h1 border](#display-h1-border) - [Display link href](#display-link-href) - [Display abbreviation description](#display-abbreviation-description) - [Other display elements](#other-display-elements) ## General Settings Below are the general settings for the entire theme: [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### ReMoods Hue The theme color settings use the [HSL model](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_hsl.asp). You can edit the color `H` value with the ReMoods Hue property to change the color tone. Each option has a 10-degree difference. See below for reference: ![ThemeColors](screenshots/Features-ThemeColors.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Theme Mode ReMoods offers 3 theme modes for different lighting environments. Choose your favorite one and remember to switch the Joplin built-in theme accordingly. Here will not provides the preview of them but you can have a preview on [the theme mode introduction](https://github.com/Sinacs/Joplin.Plugin.ReMoods.Theme#theme-mode). [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Split View There are 2 settings for controlling the split view appearance: | Property|Area|Options|Remarks| |-|-|-|-| |`Split View Layout`| Editor Panel| 1.Markdown editor to top
2.Markdown editor to bottom
3.Markdown editor to left |- When set to top or bottom, mouse hover over the Render Viewer the divider will appears clearly.| |`Split View Scale`| Editor Panel| 1.Balanced
2.Markdown editor +20%
3.Markdown editor +30%
4.Markdown editor +40%
5.Render viewer +20%
6.Render viewer +30%
7.Render viewer +40%|-| Below showing the previews based on the setting "Markdown editor to bottom" on different scales: Markdown editor +40%: ![me40](screenshots/preview/splitViewLayout-meBottom-splitViewScale-me40.png) Markdown editor +30%: ![me30](screenshots/preview/splitViewLayout-meBottom-splitViewScale-me30.png) Markdown editor +20%: ![me20](screenshots/preview/splitViewLayout-meBottom-splitViewScale-me20.png) Balanced: ![bal](screenshots/preview/splitViewLayout-meBottom-splitViewScale-balanced.png) Render viewer +20%: ![rv20](screenshots/preview/splitViewLayout-meBottom-splitViewScale-rv20.png) Render viewer +30%: ![rv30](screenshots/preview/splitViewLayout-meBottom-splitViewScale-rv30.png) Render viewer +40%: ![rv40](screenshots/preview/splitViewLayout-meBottom-splitViewScale-rv40.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Font Font settings are divided into two separate parts: - `Screen`: This affects all the text within Joplin notes. - `Print`: This affects all the text when you print or export Joplin notes to PDF. Below are the font settings properties: | Property | Area | Description | | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `Base Font` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | This affects all the text. | | `Monospace Font` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | This affects only inline code, code block, and most of the markdown syntax. | | `Heading Font` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | This affects only headings. | | `Print Base Font` | Print & Export PDF | This affects all the text. | | `Print Monospace Font` | Print & Export PDF | This affects only inline code and code block. | | `Print Heading Font` | Print & Export PDF | This affects only headings. | To change the font settings, you can either: 1. Enter the name of your preferred font in double quotes: `"font name"` 2. Or, if you need multiple fonts for different languages, enter the font names in order of priority from left to right, separated by commas: `"font 1", "font 2", "font 3"` Based on you have installed the recommended fonts of ReMoods, the below shows how the fonts looks like under the default font settings: In English: ![fonts-eng](screenshots/preview/fonts-eng.png) In Traditional Chinese: ![fonts-tc](screenshots/preview/fonts-tc.png) In Simplified Chinese: ![fonts-sc](screenshots/preview/fonts-sc.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Font Size | Property | Area | Description | Unit | Size calculates based on... | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ----------------------------- | | `Base Font Size` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Affects the base size for all the text. | pixel(px) | - | | `Monospace Font Size` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Affects the base size for only inline code,
code block, and most of the markdown syntax. | pixel(px) | - | | `H1 Font Size` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Affects H1 heading. | percentage(%) | `Base Font Size` | | `H2 Font Size` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Affects H2 heading. | percentage(%) | `Base Font Size` | | `H3 Font Size` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Affects H3 heading. | percentage(%) | `Base Font Size` | | `H4 Font Size` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Affects H4 heading. | percentage(%) | `Base Font Size` | | `H5 Font Size` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Affects H5 heading. | percentage(%) | `Base Font Size` | | `H6 Font Size` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Affects H6 heading. | percentage(%) | `Base Font Size` | | `Print Base Font Size` | Print & Export PDF | Affects the base size for all the text. | pixel(px) | - | | `Print Monospace Font Size` | Print & Export PDF | Affects the base size for only inline code, code block. | pixel(px) | - | | `Print H1 Font Size` | Print & Export PDF | Affects H1 heading. | percentage(%) | `Print Base Font Size` | | `Print H2 Font Size` | Print & Export PDF | Affects H2 heading. | percentage(%) | `Print Base Font Size` | | `Print H3 Font Size` | Print & Export PDF | Affects H3 heading. | percentage(%) | `Print Base Font Size` | | `Print H4 Font Size` | Print & Export PDF | Affects H4 heading. | percentage(%) | `Print Base Font Size` | | `Print H5 Font Size` | Print & Export PDF | Affects H5 heading. | percentage(%) | `Print Base Font Size` | | `Print H6 Font Size` | Print & Export PDF | Affects H6 heading. | percentage(%) | `Print Base Font Size` | | `Math Notation Font Size` | Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF | Affects only the math notation. | pixel(px) | - | | `Enable smaller code block text` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Shrink by 2 pixels. | - | `Base Font Size` | | `Enable smaller markdown table syntax` | Markdown Editor | Shrink by 2 pixels. | - | `Monospace Font Size` | | `Enable smaller non-essential contents` | Markdown Editor | Shrink by 2 pixels. | - | `Monospace Font Size` | | `Enable smaller code block text(pdf)` | Print & Export PDF | Shrink by 2 pixels. | - | `Print Monospace Font Size` | To change the font settings, you need to pay attention to the units and then enter only a number. [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ## Note Element Settings Below are the settings for the notes content elements: ### Enable darker background color (Dusk Mode Only) | Property | Area | | --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | `Enable darker background color (Dusk Mode Only)` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | This applies a darker background color for the Dusk Mode, which gives a feeling of being between Dusk Mode and Night Mode. Enable: ![darkerBg-enable](screenshots/preview/darkerBg-enable.png) Disable: ![darkerBg-disable](screenshots/preview/darkerBg-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable capitalize the first letter of each word on H1 heading | Property | Area | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | `Enable capitalize the first letter of each word on H1 heading` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Enable: ![firstCaps-enable](screenshots/preview/firstCaps-enable.png) Disable: ![firstCaps-disable](screenshots/preview/firstCaps-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable small-caps effect on H1 heading | Property | Area | | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | | `Enable small-caps effect on H1 heading` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Enable: ![smallCaps-enable](screenshots/preview/smallCaps-enable.png) Disable: ![smallCaps-disable](screenshots/preview/smallCaps-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable emphasize colors for insert text & strikethrough text | Property | Area | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | `Enable emphasize color for insert text & strikethrough text` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Enable: ![ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable](screenshots/preview/ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable.png) Disable: ![ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-disable](screenshots/preview/ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable background colors for insert text & strikethrough text | Property | Area | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | `Enable background color for insert text & strikethrough text` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | The effect of this setting is depends on the `Enable emphasize colors for insert text & strikethrough text` setting is enabled or not. 1. When `Enable emphasize color for insert text & strikethrough text` is enabled; Then, if `Enable background color for insert text & strikethrough text` is: Enable: ![ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-enable](screenshots/preview/ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-enable.png) Disable: ![ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable](screenshots/preview/ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable.png) 2. When `Enable emphasize color for insert text & strikethrough text` is disabled; Then, if `Enable background color for insert text & strikethrough text` is: Enable: ![ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-enable](screenshots/preview/ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-enable.png) Disable: ![ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-disable](screenshots/preview/ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable theme color for list text | Property | Area | | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | | `Enable theme color for list text` | Markdown Editor
Render Viewer | Enable: ![listText-themeColor-enable](screenshots/preview/listText-themeColor-enable.png) Disable: ![listText-themeColor-disable](screenshots/preview/listText-themeColor-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable evident horizontal rule | Property | Area | | ---------------------------------- | --------------- | | `Enable evident horizontal rule` | Markdown Editor | Enable: ![evidentHr-enable](screenshots/preview/evidentHr-enable.png) Disable: ![evidentHr-disable](screenshots/preview/evidentHr-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable border (H1 ~ H6) | Property | Area | | -------------------- | ------------- | | `Enable H1 border` | Render Viewer | | `Enable H2 border` | Render Viewer | | `Enable H3 border` | Render Viewer | | `Enable H4 border` | Render Viewer | | `Enable H5 border` | Render Viewer | | `Enable H6 border` | Render Viewer | Enable: ![headingBorder-enable](screenshots/preview/headingBorder-enable.png) Disable: ![headingBorder-disable](screenshots/preview/headingBorder-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable heading marker | Property | Area | | ------------------------- | ------------- | | `Enable heading marker` | Render Viewer | Enable: ![headingMarker-enable-headingBorder-enable](screenshots/preview/headingMarker-enable-headingBorder-enable.png) Disable: ![headingMarker-disable-headingBorder-enable](screenshots/preview/headingMarker-disable-headingBorder-enable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable twill pattern for H1 heading | Property | Area | | --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | `Enable twill pattern for H1 heading` | Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF | Enable: ![h1Twill-enable](screenshots/preview/h1Twill-enable.png) Disable: ![h1Twill-disable](screenshots/preview/h1Twill-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable twill pattern for horizontal rule | Property | Area | | -------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | `Enable twill pattern for horizontal rule` | Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF | Enable: ![hrTwill-enable](screenshots/preview/hrTwill-enable.png) Disable: ![hrTwill-disable](screenshots/preview/hrTwill-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable Markdown TOC floating button | Property| Area| |-|-| |`Enable Markdown TOC floating button`| Render Viewer| Enable: ![markdownTocFloatingText-enable](screenshots/preview/markdownTocFloatingText-enable.png) Disable: (It only disappears the button, you can still triggering the TOC at the same area.) ![markdownTocFloatingText-disable](screenshots/preview/markdownTocFloatingText-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable "Justify" effect The below 4 settings are just center the text of specific elements: | Property | Area | | ------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | | `Enable "Justify" effect for paragraph text` | Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF | | `Enable "Justify" effect for list text` | Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF | | `Enable "Justify" effect for checklist` | Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF | | `Enable "Justify" effect for Stick Notes text` | Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF | [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable dotted border | Property | Area | | --------------------------------------- | ------------- | | `Enable dotted border for blockquote` | Render Viewer | | `Enable dotted border for code block` | Render Viewer | Enable: ![blockquote-dotted-enable](screenshots/preview/blockquote-dotted-enable.png) ![codeblock-dotted-enable](screenshots/preview/codeblock-dotted-enable.png) Disable: ![blockquote-dotted-disable](screenshots/preview/blockquote-dotted-disable.png) ![codeblock-dotted-disable](screenshots/preview/codeblock-dotted-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable Eye-Protector effect | Property | Area | | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | `Enable Eye-Protector effect for mermaid chart` | Render Viewer | | `Enable Eye-Protector effect for attached image` | Render Viewer | Enable: (Dusk Mode) ![eyeProtector-dusk-enable](screenshots/preview/eyeProtector-dusk-enable.png) (Night Mode) ![eyeProtector-night-enable](screenshots/preview/eyeProtector-night-enable.png) Disable: (Dusk Mode) ![eyeProtector-dusk-disable](screenshots/preview/eyeProtector-dusk-disable.png) (Night Mode) ![eyeProtector-night-disable](screenshots/preview/eyeProtector-night-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable Max-height limit | Property | Area | | ------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | `Enable max height limit for code block` | Render Viewer | | `Enable max height limit for art gallery` | Render Viewer | Enable: ![codeblock-maxHeight-enable](screenshots/preview/codeblock-maxHeight-enable.png) ![artGallery-maxHeight-enable](screenshots/preview/artGallery-maxHeight-enable.png) Disable: ![codeblock-maxHeight-disable](screenshots/preview/codeblock-maxHeight-disable.png) ![artGallery-maxHeight-disable](screenshots/preview/artGallery-maxHeight-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable symbols | Property | Area | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | `Enable the "++" & "--" symbols at the beginning of the insert text and strikethrough text` | Render Viewer | | `Enable the ">\|" symbol at the beginning of the inline code` | Render Viewer | | `Enable the symbol at the beginning of the custom title block` | Render Viewer | Enable: - Insert Text & Strikethrough Text Symbol ![ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable-symbol-enable](screenshots/preview/ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable-symbol-enable.png) - Inline Code Symbol ![inlinecodeSymbol-enable](screenshots/preview/inlinecodeSymbol-enable.png) - Custom Title Block Symbol ![ctbSymbol-enable](screenshots/preview/ctbSymbol-enable.png) Disable: - Insert Text & Strikethrough Text Symbol ![ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable-symbol-disable](screenshots/preview/ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable-symbol-disable.png) - Inline Code Symbol ![inlinecodeSymbol-disable](screenshots/preview/inlinecodeSymbol-disable.png) - Custom Title Block Symbol ![ctbSymbol-disable](screenshots/preview/ctbSymbol-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ## UI Settings Below are the settings properties for UI elements: [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable wider scrollbar | Property | Area | | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | | `Enable wider scrollbar` | Notebook Panel
Note List Panel | This effect only appears when mouse hovers over the notebook panel or note list panel. Enable: ![widerScrollbar-enable](screenshots/preview/widerScrollbar-enable.png) Disable: ![widerScrollbar-disable](screenshots/preview/widerScrollbar-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable multiple lines notebook name | Property | Area | | --------------------------------------- | -------------- | | `Enable multiple lines notebook name` | Notebook Panel | See the difference in the dept-7 and depth-10 directory. Enable: ![multipleLinesNotebookName-enable](screenshots/preview/multipleLinesNotebookName-enable.png) Disable: ![multipleLinesNotebookName-disable](screenshots/preview/multipleLinesNotebookName-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable horizontal scrollbar for the notebook name | Property | Area | | ----------------------------------------------------- | -------------- | | `Enable horizontal scrollbar for the notebook name` | Notebook Panel | The horizontal scrollbar will become thick when mouse hovering over the notebook name but the effect is not included in the below preview. See the difference in the depth-7 directory. Enable: ![notebookNameHorizontalScrollbar-enable](screenshots/preview/notebookNameHorizontalScrollbar-enable.png) Disable: ![notebookNameHorizontalScrollbar-disable](screenshots/preview/notebookNameHorizontalScrollbar-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable notebook folder icon | Property | Area | | ------------------------------- | -------------- | | `Enable notebook folder icon` | Notebook Panel | Enable: ![notebookFolderIcon-enable](screenshots/preview/notebookFolderIcon-enable.png) Disable: ![notebookFolderIcon-disable](screenshots/preview/notebookFolderIcon-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable "All Notes" button | Property | Area | | ----------------------------- | -------------- | | `Enable "All Notes" button` | Notebook Panel | Enable: ![allNotesButton-enable](screenshots/preview/allNotesButton-enable.png) Disable: ![allNotesButton-disable](screenshots/preview/allNotesButton-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable sync feature panel | Property | Area | | ----------------------------- | -------------- | | `Enable sync feature panel` | Notebook Panel | See the difference from the sync details and sync button which at the bottom of the notebook panel. Enable: ![syncFeaturePanel-enable](screenshots/preview/syncFeaturePanel-enable.png) Disable: ![syncFeaturePanel-disable](screenshots/preview/syncFeaturePanel-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable tag feature panel | Property | Area | | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------- | | `Enable tag feature panel` | Notebook Panel
Editor Panel | See the difference from the tags section of notebook panel and the tag bar of editor panel. Enable: ![tagFeaturePanel-Enable](screenshots/preview/tagFeaturePanel-Enable.png) Disable: ![tagFeaturePanel-disable](screenshots/preview/tagFeaturePanel-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Enable smaller "New Note" & "New Todo" button | Property | Area | |-|-| |`Enable smaller "New Note" & "New Todo" button`| Note List Panel | Enable: ![smallerNewNoteNewTodoButton-enable](screenshots/preview/smallerNewNoteNewTodoButton-enable.png) Disable: ![smallerNewNoteNewTodoButton-disable](screenshots/preview/smallerNewNoteNewTodoButton-disable.png) ### Enable auto-scroll effect for note list items | Property | Area | | ------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | | `Enable auto-scroll effect for note list items` | Note List Panel | If this is enabled, the notes name will auto-scroll from right to left when your mouse hovers over it a while. [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ## Print & Export PDF (Advanced Settings) Below are the settings for print & export PDF: [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Display note title | Property | Area | | ---------------------- | ------------------ | | `Display note title` | Print & Export PDF | In editor: ![noteTitle-editor](screenshots/preview/noteTitle-editor.png) Enable, pdf output: ![noteTitle-pdf-enable](screenshots/preview/noteTitle-pdf-enable.png) Disable, pdf output: ![noteTitle-pdf-disable](screenshots/preview/noteTitle-pdf-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Display H1 border | Property | Area | | --------------------- | ------------------ | | `Display H1 border` | Print & Export PDF | When the PDF is showing the note title, h1, and h2 at the same time, you might find that they are all having a border. So, in some similar situation, you might want to disable the H1 border. In editor: ![printH1Border-editor](screenshots/preview/printH1Border-editor.png) Enable: ![printH1Border-pdf-enable](screenshots/preview/printH1Border-pdf-enable.png) Disable: ![printH1Border-pdf-disable](screenshots/preview/printH1Border-pdf-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Display link href | Property | Area | | --------------------- | ------------------ | | `Display link href` | Print & Export PDF | When anchor link is mean nothing on a paper, this setting allows you to display the link href on the PDF, but it only works when your markdown link syntax is included the "title" attribute. e.g. `[Joplin](https://www.joplin.org "Joplin")` In editor: ![linkHref-editor](screenshots/preview/linkHref-editor.png) Enable, pdf output: ![linkHref-pdf-enable](screenshots/preview/linkHref-pdf-enable.png) Disable, pdf output: ![linkHref-pdf-disable](screenshots/preview/linkHref-pdf-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Display abbreviation description | Property | Area | | ------------------------------------ | ------------------ | | `Display abbreviation description` | Print & Export PDF | When the tooltip of abbreviation text is mean nothing on a paper, this setting allows you to display the abbreviation description on the PDF. In editor: ![abbreviationDes-editor](screenshots/preview/abbreviationDes-editor.png) Enable, pdf output: ![abbreviationDes-pdf-enable](screenshots/preview/abbreviationDes-pdf-enable.png) Disable, pdf output: ![abbreviationDes-pdf-disable](screenshots/preview/abbreviationDes-pdf-disable.png) [⬆️Back](#table-of-contents) ### Other display elements The below elements might be not a must to show in the notes, so you can just hide them based on your needs, but here will not provides the preview of them. | Property | Area | | --------------------------------------- | ------------------ | | `Display heading marker` | Print & Export PDF | | `Display table of contents` | Print & Export PDF | | `Display Sticky Notes` | Print & Export PDF | | `Display Key Mention` | Print & Export PDF | | `Display Key Mention of Sticky Notes` | Print & Export PDF | | `Display the text of Spoiler Inline` | Print & Export PDF |