import { preLoad , postLoad } from './custom.js'; // TODO:(0) put document.getElementById("zoomDiv") is const var. const SF = { /* search Form */ searchFormDOM : window, searchForm_labelsDOM : window, regexQuery: "", singleLineMode : false, matchCaseMode : false, fullWordMode : false, labelANDMode : true, labelAndOrText : { true : "Note contains ALL selected topics", false: "Note contains ANY selected topic" }, copyLabels : function() { var text = ""; LM.labelMap_key_list.forEach( label_i => { text += label_i + "\n" } ) alert("select and copy:\n\n" + text) }, switchANDORSearch : function() { SF.labelANDMode=!SF.labelANDMode document.getElementById("idLabelSearchAndMode").innerHTML = SF.labelAndOrText[SF.labelANDMode] SE.executeSearch() }, onRegexInputChanged : function () { if (SF.regexInputTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(SF.regexInputTimer) SF.regexInputTimer = null } SF.regexQuery = this.value SF.regexInputTimer = setTimeout( SE.executeSearch, 1000) }, renderSearchForm : function() { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("id", "searchForm") div.classList.add("noprint") document.body.insertBefore(div,document.body.children[0]) let html = '' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + '
Copy Labels
' if (LM.DDBB.labelMap_key_list.length > 0) { html += '' + '' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
\n' } else { html += "(No topics found).
\n" } div.innerHTML = html; document.getElementById("divClose1").addEventListener("click", SF.hideSearchForm); document.getElementById("unhide" ).addEventListener("click", function () { SE.resetTextFoundAttr(true); this.setAttribute("hidden","true"); }) document.getElementById("copyLabels").addEventListener("click", SF.copyLabels ) if (LM.DDBB.labelMap_key_list.length > 0) { document.getElementById("searchAndMode").addEventListener("change", SF.switchANDORSearch ) } const swithSingleLineDom = document.getElementById("singleLineOnly") const swithCaseSensitDom = document.getElementById("caseSensitive") const swithCaseFullWord = document.getElementById("fullWord") swithSingleLineDom.addEventListener('click', ()=>{ SF.singleLineMode=swithSingleLineDom.checked; } ) swithCaseSensitDom.addEventListener('click', ()=>{ SF.matchCaseMode =swithCaseSensitDom.checked; } ) swithCaseFullWord .addEventListener('click', ()=>{ SF.fullWordMode =swithCaseFullWord.checked; } ) const domInputQuery = document.getElementById("inputQuery") domInputQuery.addEventListener("input", SF.onRegexInputChanged ) domInputQuery.focus() SF.searchFormDOM = div; SF.searchForm_labelsDOM = document.getElementById("searchFormLabels") }, regexInputTimer : null, showSearchForm : function() {"block"; document.getElementById("inputQuery").value = SF.regexQuery document.getElementById("searchAndMode").checked = SF.labelANDMode document.getElementById("singleLineOnly").checked = SF.singleLineMode document.getElementById("caseSensitive" ).checked = SF.matchCaseMode document.getElementById("fullWord" ).checked = SF.fullWordMode document.getElementById("idLabelSearchAndMode" ).innerHTML = SF.labelAndOrText[SF.labelANDMode] const openDiv = '
' var htmlLabels = openDiv Object.keys(LM.DDBB.topicTree).sort() .filter ( root_topic => { return LM.DDBB.topicTree[root_topic].length == 1 } ) .forEach ( root_topic => { htmlLabels += LM.renderLabel(root_topic, false)} ); htmlLabels += "
" Object.keys(LM.DDBB.topicTree).sort() .filter ( root_topic => { return LM.DDBB.topicTree[root_topic].length != 1 } ) .forEach ( root_topic => { const root_topic_prefix = root_topic.replace(".*", "") htmlLabels += openDiv + "
"+ root_topic_prefix +":
" LM.DDBB.topicTree[root_topic].sort().forEach( topic => { htmlLabels += LM.renderLabel(topic, true) }) htmlLabels += "" }); SF.searchForm_labelsDOM.innerHTML = htmlLabels; document.querySelectorAll('.labelButton').forEach( domElement => { domElement.addEventListener('click', LM.onLabelClicked) } ) }, hideSearchForm : function() {"none"; }, } const ZW = { /* ZOOM Window */ dom : window, getMouseType : function () { // 2021-06-09: Not used, but can be very useful in a future. if (window.matchMedia("(pointer: coarse)").matches) { return "finger" } if (window.matchMedia("(pointer: fine)" ).matches) { return "mouse" } return "none" }, textSizeSlider : document.body, renderZoomBox : function() { /* Executed once at page load */ const dom1 = document.createElement('div'); dom1.setAttribute("id", "zoomDiv") dom1.innerHTML = "" + "
" + "
" + '
' + "
" + " " + "" + "? " + "
" + '
' + '
' + ' ' + "
" + "
" + "
" ZW.dom = dom1 document.body.insertBefore(dom1,document.body.children[0]) document.getElementById("divClose2").addEventListener("click", ZW.doCloseZoom); document.getElementById("GoBack" ).addEventListener("click", NAV.goBack); document.getElementById("GoForw" ).addEventListener("click", NAV.goForward); ZW.textSizeSlider = document.getElementById("textSizeSlider" ) ZW.textSizeSlider.addEventListener("input", () => { document.getElementById("zoomHTMLContent"). querySelector("*[zoom]").style.fontSize=""+(ZW.textSizeSlider.value/100.)+"rem" } ); document.getElementById("switchMaximize" ).addEventListener("click", function () { const state = document.getElementById("zoomDiv").getAttribute("maximized") document.getElementById("zoomDiv").setAttribute("maximized", state=="true"?"false":"true") }) document.getElementById("butSwitchLectureMode" ) .addEventListener("click", ZW.switchLectureMode); ZW.updateButtonSwitchLectureMode() }, doOpenZoom : function(e) { if ( != null ) e =; for (let c = 0 ; c < 4 /* TODO:(qa) 4 max depth level is arbitraty */ ; c++) { if (e.getAttribute("zoom") != null) break e = e.parentNode } ZC.zoomStatus = 1 if(NAV.visited.indexOf(e)>=0) { NAV.visited_idx = NAV.visited.indexOf(e) } else { // Apend new visits only NAV.visited.push(e) NAV.visited_idx =NAV.visited.length-1 } if (NAV.visited.length > 1) { document.getElementById("historyBackFor").style.display="inline" document.getElementById("cellNofM").innerHTML = NAV.visited_idx+1 + "/"+(NAV.visited.length) } else { document.getElementById("historyBackFor").style.display="none" } let sLabels=""; if (e.attributes && e.attributes.labels) { /* list -> Set -> array leaves non-repeated/unique elements*/ Array .from( new Set(e.attributes.labels.value.split(","))) .filter(e => !!e) .forEach(label_i => { sLabels += LM.renderLabel(label_i, true ) }) } document.getElementById("divElementLabels").innerHTML = sLabels; const zoomHTML = document.getElementById("zoomHTMLContent") zoomHTML.innerHTML = e.outerHTML; document.getElementById("cellIDPanell") ? ("id:" ):""; zoomHTML.querySelectorAll('.innerSearch').forEach( dom => { dom.addEventListener('click', function() { SE.executeSearch(dom.innerHTML) }) } ) zoomHTML.querySelectorAll('.innerLink').forEach( dom => { const target = document.getElementById(dom.getAttribute("value")) dom.addEventListener('click', function() { ZW.doOpenZoom(target) } ) } )"block""0" setTimeout(() => {"1" } , 300) setTimeout(function() { zoomHTML.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' }) document.getElementById("zoomDiv").scrollTop = 0 }, 1) return false; }, lectureModePtr : 0, lecturModeDescriptionList : [" ⍈ ", " ⍇ ", " 🕮 " ], getNextLectureMode : function () { let result = (ZW.lectureModePtr+1) % ZW.lecturModeDescriptionList.length; return result; }, switchLectureMode : function () { const zoomHTML = document.getElementById("zoomHTMLContent").querySelector('pre[zoom]') zoomHTML.classList.remove("lectureMode"+ZW.lectureModePtr) ZW.lectureModePtr = ZW.getNextLectureMode(); zoomHTML.classList.add("lectureMode"+ZW.lectureModePtr) ZW.updateButtonSwitchLectureMode() }, updateButtonSwitchLectureMode : function() { document.getElementById("butSwitchLectureMode" ).innerHTML = ZW.lecturModeDescriptionList[ ZW.getNextLectureMode() ]; }, doCloseZoom : function() {"none";"0"; MB.onZoomClosed() } } const ZC = { /* map zoom Control */ idxZoomRule:-1, idxXTitleRule:-1, zoomStatus: 0, // 0 = inactive, 1 = zoomedContent cssRules : [], initialZoomSize : 0.6, /* must match css * 1000 */ initCSSIndexes : function() { ZC.cssRules = document.styleSheets[0]['cssRules'][0].cssRules; for (let idx=0; idx [title]") { ZC.idxXTitleRule=idx } } }, onZoom : function() { const switchElementsOn = 90 if (ZC.slider.value < switchElementsOn /* change title size */) { const newFontSize = ZC.slider.value / 100. ZC.cssRules[ZC.idxXTitleRule].style['font-size']=newFontSize +'rem' ZC.cssRules[ZC.idxZoomRule ].style['font-size']=0.0001 + 'rem' } else /* change normal text size*/ { const delta0 = (ZC.slider.value - switchElementsOn) const delta1 = Math.pow(delta0, 1.3) const newFontSize = delta1/1000. ZC.cssRules[ZC.idxZoomRule ].style['font-size']=newFontSize + 'rem' } }, } const NAV = { // Navigation visited:[], visited_idx:-1, goBack : function() { if(NAV.visited_idx == 0) return NAV.visited_idx-- let e = NAV.visited[NAV.visited_idx] ZW.doOpenZoom(e); }, goForward : function() { if(NAV.visited_idx == NAV.visited.length-1) return NAV.visited_idx++ let e = NAV.visited[NAV.visited_idx] ZW.doOpenZoom(e); } } const LM = { // Lavel management state : { labelMapSelected : { /* label : isSelected true|false */ } }, DDBB : { // immutable once initialized. Convention: Use Upper Case for Immutable Objects flatMap : { /* label : dom_list*/ }, // TODO:(0) rename topic2DOMList topicTree : { /* topic_root_label : child_topics */ }, // TODO:(0) Rename to topicTree /* depth 1 */ labelMap_key_list : [], // TODO:(0) rename to labelMap_key_list ordered countPerLabelStat : {}, endInitialization : function (inputLabelMap) { // STEP 1: create flatMap topic -> [dom_element1, dom_element2, ... ] LM.DDBB.flatMap = inputLabelMap // STEP 2: create topic list ordered alphabetically const topic_list = Object.keys(inputLabelMap).sort() topic_list.forEach( (topic) => { LM.DDBB.countPerLabelStat[topic] = inputLabelMap[topic].length } ) // STEP 3.1: create topic tree parent (depth 1) const tree_root_list = topic_list.filter( (topic) => topic.indexOf('.*') == topic.length-2 ) /* STEP 3.2: Create topic tree children (depth 2) * * "topic1.*" : [ "topic1.*" ] * "topic2.*" : [ "topic2.*", "topic2.sub1", "topic2.sub2, ... ] * "topic3.*" : ... */ tree_root_list.forEach( (root_topic) => { const prefix = root_topic.replace(".*","") const child_topic_content = [] topic_list.forEach( (topic) => { if ( topic.indexOf(prefix) >= 0 ) { child_topic_content.push(topic) } }) if (child_topic_content.length == 0) { throw new Error("at least root_topic must match its prefix") } LM.DDBB.topicTree[root_topic] = child_topic_content }) LM.DDBB.labelMap_key_list = topic_list window.LM = LM // deleteme } }, isAnyLabelSelected : function() { return Object.keys(LM.state.labelMapSelected).length > 0 }, setLabelSelectedOnOff : function( labelKey, bOnOff ) { if (bOnOff) { LM.state.labelMapSelected[labelKey] = bOnOff } else { delete LM.state.labelMapSelected[labelKey] } }, refreshLabelsUI : function() { document.querySelectorAll('.labelButton').forEach( e => { e.addEventListener('click', LM.onLabelClicked) // @ma if (!e.attributes) { e.attributes = { selected : { value : "false" } } } const labelKey = e.getAttribute("value") const isSelected = !! LM.state.labelMapSelected[labelKey] e.attributes.selected.value = ""+isSelected } ) }, onLabelClicked : function (e) { const dom = const labelKey = dom.value ? dom.value : dom.getAttribute("value") if (!dom.attributes) { // TODO:(0) Use internal DDBB (vs storing in DOM) @ma dom.attributes = { selected : { value : "false" } } } if (dom.attributes.selected.value == "false") { LM.setLabelSelectedOnOff( labelKey, true) } else { LM.setLabelSelectedOnOff( labelKey, false) } if (LM.isAnyLabelSelected()){ document.getElementById("idLabelsFilter").setAttribute("active","true"); } else { document.getElementById("idLabelsFilter").removeAttribute("active"); } LM.refreshLabelsUI() SE.executeSearch() }, renderLabel : function(topic, showAsterisk) { const sTopic = showAsterisk ? topic : topic.replace(".*","") let cssAtribute = (topic.indexOf("todo")>=0) ? " red" : "" return "
"+LM.DDBB.countPerLabelStat[topic]+"" ; }, getDomListForLabelPrefix: function (labelKey) { const matchingKeys = LM.DDBB.labelMap_key_list .filter((k) => k.startsWith(labelKey.replace(".*","")) ) var result = [] for (let idx=0; idx { if (inputTopic.trim()=="") return effectiveTopicList.push( (inputTopic.indexOf(".") >= 0) ? inputTopic : inputTopic+".*" ) }) node.setAttribute("labels",effectiveTopicList.join()) } // STEP 2: Fill topic DDBB from label input for (let idx2 = 0; idx2 { if (!!! labelKey) return labelKey = labelKey.toLowerCase() let list = (inputDDBB[labelKey]) ? inputDDBB[labelKey] : [] list.push(node) inputDDBB[labelKey] = list labelCount++ }) if (labelCount>0) { const countEl = document.createElement('div'); countEl.setAttribute("tagCount", "") countEl.innerHTML = labelCount node.insertBefore(countEl,node.children[0]) } } LM.DDBB.endInitialization(inputDDBB) } } const IC = { // Input Control onKeyUp: function(e) { // Keyboard controller if (e.code === "Escape") { if (ZC.zoomStatus === 0) { SE.resetTextFoundAttr(true) } else { ZW.doCloseZoom() } } if (e.key === "PageDown") { NAV.goForward(); return } if (e.key === "PageUp" ) { NAV.goBack (); return } if (e.code === "Enter") { ZW.doCloseZoom() } if (e.code === "F1") doHelp() }, showPreviewTimeout : null, showPreviewEvent : null, showPreviewInZoom : function() { ZW.doOpenZoom(IC.showPreviewEvent) }, initInputControl: function(){ document.addEventListener('keyup' , IC.onKeyUp) const nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('*[zoom]') for (let idx in nodeList) { const node = nodeList[idx] if (!!! node.addEventListener) continue IC.LPC.enableDblClick (node) IC.LPC.enableLongTouch(node) } }, LPC : { /* (L)ong (P)ress (C)control */ longpress : false, presstimer : null, click : function(e) { if (IC.LPC.presstimer !== null) { clearTimeout(IC.LPC.presstimer) IC.LPC.presstimer = null } if (IC.LPC.longpress) { return false } }, start : function(e) { var self = this if (e.type === "click" && e.button !== 0) { return } IC.LPC.longpress = false if (IC.LPC.presstimer === null) { IC.LPC.presstimer = setTimeout(function() { ZW.doOpenZoom(self) IC.LPC.longpress = true }, 1000) } return false; }, cancel : function(e) { if (IC.LPC.presstimer !== null) { clearTimeout(IC.LPC.presstimer); IC.LPC.presstimer = null; } }, enableDblClick : function (node) { node.addEventListener('dblclick', ZW.doOpenZoom, true) }, enableLongTouch : function (node) { node.addEventListener("touchstart", IC.LPC.start); node.addEventListener("mouseleave", IC.LPC.cancel); node.addEventListener("touchend" , IC.LPC.cancel); node.addEventListener("touchleave", IC.LPC.cancel); node.addEventListener("touchcancel",IC.LPC.cancel); } } } const TPP = { // (T)ext (P)re (P)rocessor doTextPreProcessing : function () { // create re-usable regex outside loop. const document_name=window.location.pathname.split("/").pop() const nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('*[zoom]') for (let idx in nodeList) { // TODO:(qa) Replace on demand, when cell opened. let N = nodeList[idx] let H = N.innerHTML if (!!! H) { continue } // Open new window with pre-recoded search: // [[Troubleshooting+restorecon?]] H = H.replace( /\[\[([^\?]*)\?\]\]/g, "
" + "" + " (⏏ )" ) // 1st) replace External link H = H.replace(/@\[(http.?[^\]]*)\]/g," [$1]") // 2nd) replace relative (to page) link H = H.replace(/@\[([^\]]*)\]/g," [$1]") // Add support for inner links: '@[#internalId]' H = H.replace(/@\[#([^\]]*)\]/g, "") H = H.replace(/Gº([^º\n]*)º/g, " $1 ") H = H.replace(/Rº([^º\n]*)º/g, " $1 ") H = H.replace(/Bº([^º\n]*)º/g, " $1 ") H = H.replace(/Oº([^º\n]*)º/g, " $1 ") H = H.replace(/Qº([^º\n]*)º/g, " $1 ") H = H.replace(/Yº([^º\n]*)º/g, " $1 ") H = H.replace(/[$]º([^º\n]*)º/g, " $1") H = H.replace(/_º([^º\n]*)º/g, "$1 ") H = H.replace(/^º([^º\n]*)º/g, "$1 ") H = H.replace( /º([^º\n]*)º/g, " $1 ") H = H.replace( /[˂]/g, "<") H = H.replace( /[˃]/g, ">") H = H.replace( /[⅋]/g, "&") // Some utf-8 hand icons do not work properly while editing in vim/terminal // but looks much better in the final HTML. Replace icons: H = H.replace(/☜/g, "👈") H = H.replace(/☝/g, "👆") H = H.replace(/☞/g, "👉") H = H.replace(/☟/g, "👇") H = H.replace(/[.]\n/g, ".
") H = H.replace(/[:]\n/g, ":
") H = H.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, "

") N.innerHTML = H // TODO:(enhancement) Add markdown table parser. // REF: } }, } const MB = { // Menu Bar renderMenuBar : function (){ const searchDiv = document.createElement('div'); searchDiv.setAttribute("id", "upper_bar") searchDiv.classList.add("noprint") searchDiv.innerHTML = '' + '' + '' + 'Print' + '🔍︎' + '' + '
' document.body.insertBefore(searchDiv,document.body.children[0]) document.getElementById("idLabelsFilter").addEventListener("click", SF.showSearchForm) document.getElementById("idLabelsFilter").addEventListener("click", SF.showSearchForm) ZC.slider = document.getElementById("zoomSlider" ) ZC.slider.addEventListener("input", ZC.onZoom ) { // const meta = document.createElement('meta') meta.setAttribute("name", "viewport") meta.setAttribute("content", "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no") document.head.insertBefore(meta,document.head.children[0]) } document.getElementById("printButton").addEventListener("click", MB.spbQuickPrint ) }, spbQuickPrint : function() { if (window.confirm('Use browser [print...] for print-previsualization.-')) { window.print() } }, onZoomClosed : function() { }, } function switchLinksToBlankTarget() { // Change default to blank. const nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('a') const thisDoc=document.location.origin+document.location.pathname; for (let idx in nodeList) { const nodeHref = nodeList[idx].href if (!nodeHref) { continue } if (! (nodeHref.startsWith("http")) ) continue if ( nodeHref.startsWith(thisDoc)) continue nodeList[idx].target='_blank' } } function pageLoadedEnd() { let id=window.location.hash.replace("#","") if (id=="") { id = getParameterByName("id") || "" } if (!!id) { const targetDom = document.getElementById(id) if (!!targetDom) { ZW.doOpenZoom(targetDom); return; } } // Parse query parameters let csvLabels = getParameterByName("topics") || "" csvLabels = csvLabels.toLowerCase() let label_l = (!!csvLabels) ? csvLabels.split(",") : [] label_l.forEach(label => { LM.onLabelClicked({ target : {value : label} }); }) let query = getParameterByName("query") if (!!query) { SF.regexQuery = query; } if (!!query || !!label_l) { SE.executeSearch() } let doShowSearchMenu = getParameterByName("showSearchMenu") || "" if (["0","false"].indexOf(doShowSearchMenu.toLowerCase())<0) { SF.showSearchForm(); } try { postLoad(); } catch(err) {console.dir(err)} } function onPageLoaded() { if ( window.spbLoaded ) { console.log("Already loaded") return } console.log("Initializing SPB") window.spbLoaded = true try { preLoad(); } catch(err) {console.dir(err)} IC.initInputControl(); switchLinksToBlankTarget(); TPP.doTextPreProcessing() ZC.initCSSIndexes() LM.createLabelIndex() ZW.renderZoomBox(); SF.renderSearchForm() MB.renderMenuBar(); pageLoadedEnd() } window.addEventListener('load', onPageLoaded ) function getParameterByName(name, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&'); const regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)'), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } Array.prototype.union = function(a) { var r = this.slice(0); a.forEach(function(i) { if (r.indexOf(i) < 0) r.push(i); }); return r; }; Array.prototype.intersection = function(a) { var r = []; var ref = this.slice(0); a.forEach(function(i) { if (ref.indexOf(i) >= 0) r.push(i); }); return r; }; const SE = { // (S)earch (E)ngine searchAndMark : function (node, finalRegex) { const htmlContent = (SF.singleLineMode) ? node.innerHTML : node.innerHTML.replace(/\n/gm, ' ') const searchFound = finalRegex.test(htmlContent) // reset after search: // REF: finalRegex.lastIndex = 0; node.setAttribute("textFound", searchFound?"true":"false") if (searchFound) { for ( let nodeI = node.parentElement ; nodeI != null && nodeI != document.body ; nodeI = nodeI.parentElement ) { nodeI.setAttribute("textFound", "true") } NAV.visited.push(node) window.lastElementFound = node } return searchFound }, executeSearch : function(query) { const unhideButton = document.getElementById("unhide"); unhideButton.setAttribute("hidden",""); if (typeof query != "string") query = ""; if (!!query) { SF.regexQuery = query; } let finalQueryRegex = SF.regexQuery.replace(/ +/g,".*"); SE.resetTextFoundAttr(false); const isEmptyQuery = /^\s*$/.test(finalQueryRegex) if (SF.fullWordMode) { finalQueryRegex = "\\b"+finalQueryRegex+"\\b" } if ((!LM.isAnyLabelSelected()) && isEmptyQuery) { return false; /* Nothing to do */ } [document.querySelectorAll('div[group]' ), document.querySelectorAll('div[groupv]')].forEach(nodeList => { nodeList.forEach(node => { node.setAttribute("textFound", "false") }) }) // If some label has been selected then choose only those with matching labels document.querySelectorAll('*[zoom]').forEach(node => { node.setAttribute("textFound", "false") }) var innerZoom_l = [] if (LM.isAnyLabelSelected()) { let label_l=Object.keys(LM.state.labelMapSelected) innerZoom_l = LM.getDomListForLabelPrefix(label_l[0]); for (let idx=0; idx;]?(" + finalQueryRegex + ")", regexFlags) var numberOfMatches = 0 NAV.visited=[] var foundElement = false for (let idx2 in innerZoom_l) { const node = innerZoom_l[idx2] if (false/* true => change node background in debug mode */) { node.setAttribute("textFound", "debug") } if (node.innerHTML == null) continue if (!node.setAttribute ) continue if (SE.searchAndMark(node,finalRegex)) { numberOfMatches++ foundElement = true } } if (numberOfMatches == 1) { ZW.doOpenZoom(lastElementFound); } let sMatchText = "no matches" if (numberOfMatches > 0) { sMatchText = numberOfMatches + " found" document.getElementById("searchForm").setAttribute("resultFound","true") setTimeout(()=>{ document.getElementById("searchForm").removeAttribute("resultFound") } , 4500 ) } document.getElementById("matchNumber").innerHTML = sMatchText unhideButton.removeAttribute("hidden",""); return false // avoid event propagation }, resetTextFoundAttr : function(bKeepHighlightedSearch) { /* * bKeepHighlightedSearch = true: => Do not reset textFound== true attribute * (keep highlighted content in the context of the full page) * Just remove textFound=false to 'unhide' non-matching zoomable content * (textFound==false is assigned to display none in css) * bKeepHighlightedSearch = false => Reset all (remove any textFound attribute) */ const removeNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('*[textFound]'); if (removeNodeList.length == 0) return; // Nothing to do. for (let idx in removeNodeList) { if (!removeNodeList[idx].setAttribute) continue; // <- Umm: works fine at page-load, fails in following searchs if (bKeepHighlightedSearch && removeNodeList[idx].getAttribute("textFound") == "true") continue; removeNodeList[idx].removeAttribute("textFound"); } } }