#!/bin/bash # SinusBot installer by Philipp Eßwein - DAThosting.eu philipp.esswein@dathosting.eu # Vars MACHINE=$(uname -m) Instversion="1.5" USE_SYSTEMD=true # Functions function greenMessage() { echo -e "\\033[32;1m${*}\\033[0m" } function magentaMessage() { echo -e "\\033[35;1m${*}\\033[0m" } function cyanMessage() { echo -e "\\033[36;1m${*}\\033[0m" } function redMessage() { echo -e "\\033[31;1m${*}\\033[0m" } function yellowMessage() { echo -e "\\033[33;1m${*}\\033[0m" } function errorQuit() { errorExit 'Exit now!' } function errorExit() { redMessage "${@}" exit 1 } function errorContinue() { redMessage "Invalid option." return } function makeDir() { if [ -n "$1" ] && [ ! -d "$1" ]; then mkdir -p "$1" fi } err_report() { FAILED_COMMAND=$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sinusbot/installer-linux/master/sinusbot_installer.sh | sed -e "$1q;d") FAILED_COMMAND=${FAILED_COMMAND/ -qq} FAILED_COMMAND=${FAILED_COMMAND/ -q} FAILED_COMMAND=${FAILED_COMMAND/ -s} FAILED_COMMAND=${FAILED_COMMAND/ 2\>\/dev\/null\/} FAILED_COMMAND=${FAILED_COMMAND/ 2\>&1} FAILED_COMMAND=${FAILED_COMMAND/ \>\/dev\/null} if [[ "$FAILED_COMMAND" == "" ]]; then redMessage "Failed command: https://github.com/Sinusbot/installer-linux/blob/master/sinusbot_installer.sh#L""$1" else redMessage "Command which failed was: \"${FAILED_COMMAND}\". Please try to execute it manually and attach the output to the bug report in the forum thread." redMessage "If it still doesn't work report this to the author at https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/sinusbot-installer-script.1200/ only. Not a PN or a bad review, cause this is an error of your system not of the installer script. Line $1." fi exit 1 } trap 'err_report $LINENO' ERR # Check if the script was run as root user. Otherwise exit the script if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then errorExit "Change to root account required!" fi # Update notify cyanMessage "Checking for the latest installer version" if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then yum update yum -y -q install wget else apt-get update -qq apt-get -qq install wget -y fi # Detect if systemctl is available then use systemd as start script. Otherwise use init.d if [[ $(command -v systemctl) == "" ]]; then USE_SYSTEMD=false fi # If kernel to old, quit if [ $(uname -r | cut -c1-1) < 3 ]; then errorExit "Linux kernel unsupportet. Update kernel before. Or change hardware." fi # If the linux distribution is not debian and centos, then exit if [ ! -f /etc/debian_version ] && [ ! -f /etc/centos-release ]; then errorExit "Not supported linux distribution. Only Debian and CentOS are currently supported"! fi greenMessage "This is the automatic installer for latest SinusBot. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK"! sleep 1 cyanMessage "You can choose between installing, upgrading and removing the SinusBot." sleep 1 redMessage "Installer by Philipp Esswein | DAThosting.eu - Your game-/voiceserver hoster (only german)." sleep 1 magentaMessage "Please rate this script at: https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/sinusbot-installer-script.58/" sleep 1 yellowMessage "You're using installer $Instversion" # selection menu if the installer should install, update, remove or pw reset the SinusBot redMessage "What should the installer do?" OPTIONS=("Install" "Update" "Remove" "PW Reset" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2 | 3 | 4) break ;; 5) errorQuit ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Install" ]; then INSTALL="Inst" elif [ "$OPTION" == "Update" ]; then INSTALL="Updt" elif [ "$OPTION" == "Remove" ]; then INSTALL="Rem" elif [ "$OPTION" == "PW Reset" ]; then INSTALL="Res" fi # PW Reset if [[ $INSTALL == "Res" ]]; then yellowMessage "Automatic usage or own directories?" OPTIONS=("Automatic" "Own path" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorQuit ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Automatic" ]; then LOCATION=/opt/sinusbot elif [ "$OPTION" == "Own path" ]; then yellowMessage "Enter location where the bot should be installed/updated/removed. Like /opt/sinusbot. Include the / at first position and none at the end"! LOCATION="" while [[ ! -d $LOCATION ]]; do read -rp "Location [/opt/sinusbot]: " LOCATION if [[ $INSTALL != "Inst" && ! -d $LOCATION ]]; then redMessage "Directory not found, try again"! fi done greenMessage "Your directory is $LOCATION." OPTIONS=("Yes" "No, change it" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorQuit ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "No, change it" ]; then LOCATION="" while [[ ! -d $LOCATION ]]; do read -rp "Location [/opt/sinusbot]: " LOCATION if [[ $INSTALL != "Inst" && ! -d $LOCATION ]]; then redMessage "Directory not found, try again"! fi done greenMessage "Your directory is $LOCATION." fi fi LOCATIONex=$LOCATION/sinusbot if [[ ! -f $LOCATION/sinusbot ]]; then errorExit "SinusBot wasn't found at $LOCATION. Exiting script." fi PW=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 8 | head -n 1) SINUSBOTUSER=$(ls -ld $LOCATION | awk '{print $3}') greenMessage "Please login to your SinusBot webinterface as admin and '$PW'" yellowMessage "After that change your password under Settings->User Accounts->admin->Edit. The script restart the bot with init.d or systemd." if [[ -f /lib/systemd/system/sinusbot.service ]]; then if [[ $(systemctl is-active sinusbot >/dev/null && echo UP || echo DOWN) == "UP" ]]; then service sinusbot stop fi elif [[ -f /etc/init.d/sinusbot ]]; then if [ "$(/etc/init.d/sinusbot status | awk '{print $NF; exit}')" == "UP" ]; then /etc/init.d/sinusbot stop fi fi log="/tmp/sinusbot.log" match="USER-PATCH [admin] (admin) OK" su -c "$LOCATIONex --override-password $PW" $SINUSBOTUSER >"$log" 2>&1 & sleep 3 while true; do echo -ne '(Waiting for password change!)\r' if grep -Fq "$match" "$log"; then pkill -INT -f $PW rm $log greenMessage "Successfully changed your admin password." if [[ -f /lib/systemd/system/sinusbot.service ]]; then service sinusbot start greenMessage "Started your bot with systemd." elif [[ -f /etc/init.d/sinusbot ]]; then /etc/init.d/sinusbot start greenMessage "Started your bot with initd." else redMessage "Please start your bot normally"! fi exit 0 fi done fi # Check which OS if [ "$INSTALL" != "Rem" ]; then if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then greenMessage "Installing redhat-lsb! Please wait." yum -y -q install redhat-lsb greenMessage "Done"! yellowMessage "You're running CentOS. Which firewallsystem are you using?" OPTIONS=("IPtables" "Firewalld") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "IPtables" ]; then FIREWALL="ip" elif [ "$OPTION" == "Firewalld" ]; then FIREWALL="fd" fi fi if [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then greenMessage "Check if lsb-release and debconf-utils is installed..." apt-get -qq update apt-get -qq install debconf-utils -y apt-get -qq install lsb-release -y greenMessage "Done"! fi # Functions from lsb_release OS=$(lsb_release -i 2>/dev/null | grep 'Distributor' | awk '{print tolower($3)}') OSBRANCH=$(lsb_release -c 2>/dev/null | grep 'Codename' | awk '{print $2}') OSRELEASE=$(lsb_release -r 2>/dev/null | grep 'Release' | awk '{print $2}') VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE="" # Extracted from the virt-what sourcecode: http://git.annexia.org/?p=virt-what.git;a=blob_plain;f=virt-what.in;hb=HEAD if [[ -f "/.dockerinit" ]]; then VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE="docker" fi if [ -d "/proc/vz" -a ! -d "/proc/bc" ]; then VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE="openvz" fi if [[ $VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE == "openvz" ]]; then redMessage "Warning, your server is running OpenVZ! This very old container system isn't well supported by newer packages." elif [[ $VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE == "docker" ]]; then redMessage "Warning, your server is running Docker! Maybe there are failures while installing." fi fi # Go on if [ "$INSTALL" != "Rem" ]; then if [ -z "$OS" ]; then errorExit "Error: Could not detect OS. Currently only Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS are supported. Aborting"! elif [ -z "$OS" ] && ([ "$(cat /etc/debian_version | awk '{print $1}')" == "7" ] || [ $(cat /etc/debian_version | grep "7.") ]); then errorExit "Debian 7 isn't supported anymore"! fi if [ -z "$OSBRANCH" ] && [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then errorExit "Error: Could not detect branch of OS. Aborting" fi if [ "$MACHINE" == "x86_64" ]; then ARCH="amd64" else errorExit "$MACHINE is not supported"! fi fi if [[ "$INSTALL" != "Rem" ]]; then if [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == true ]]; then yellowMessage "Automatically chosen system.d for your startscript"! else yellowMessage "Automatically chosen init.d for your startscript"! fi fi # Set path or continue with normal yellowMessage "Automatic usage or own directories?" OPTIONS=("Automatic" "Own path" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorQuit ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Automatic" ]; then LOCATION=/opt/sinusbot elif [ "$OPTION" == "Own path" ]; then yellowMessage "Enter location where the bot should be installed/updated/removed, e.g. /opt/sinusbot. Include the / at first position and none at the end"! LOCATION="" while [[ ! -d $LOCATION ]]; do read -rp "Location [/opt/sinusbot]: " LOCATION if [[ $INSTALL != "Inst" && ! -d $LOCATION ]]; then redMessage "Directory not found, try again"! fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "Inst" ]; then if [ "$LOCATION" == "" ]; then LOCATION=/opt/sinusbot fi makeDir $LOCATION fi done greenMessage "Your directory is $LOCATION." OPTIONS=("Yes" "No, change it" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorQuit ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "No, change it" ]; then LOCATION="" while [[ ! -d $LOCATION ]]; do read -rp "Location [/opt/sinusbot]: " LOCATION if [[ $INSTALL != "Inst" && ! -d $LOCATION ]]; then redMessage "Directory not found, try again"! fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "Inst" ]; then makeDir $LOCATION fi done greenMessage "Your directory is $LOCATION." fi fi makeDir $LOCATION LOCATIONex=$LOCATION/sinusbot # Check if SinusBot already installed and if update is possible if [[ $INSTALL == "Inst" ]] || [[ $INSTALL == "Updt" ]]; then yellowMessage "Should I install TeamSpeak or only Discord Mode?" OPTIONS=("Both" "Only Discord" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorQuit ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Both" ]; then DISCORD="false" else DISCORD="true" fi fi if [[ $INSTALL == "Inst" ]]; then if [[ -f $LOCATION/sinusbot ]]; then redMessage "SinusBot already installed with automatic install option"! read -rp "Would you like to update the bot instead? [Y / N]: " OPTION if [ "$OPTION" == "Y" ] || [ "$OPTION" == "y" ] || [ "$OPTION" == "" ]; then INSTALL="Updt" elif [ "$OPTION" == "N" ] || [ "$OPTION" == "n" ]; then errorExit "Installer stops now"! fi else greenMessage "SinusBot isn't installed yet. Installer goes on." fi elif [ "$INSTALL" == "Rem" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "Updt" ]; then if [ ! -d $LOCATION ]; then errorExit "SinusBot isn't installed"! else greenMessage "SinusBot is installed. Installer goes on." fi fi # Remove SinusBot if [ "$INSTALL" == "Rem" ]; then SINUSBOTUSER=$(ls -ld $LOCATION | awk '{print $3}') if [[ -f /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl ]]; then redMessage "Remove YoutubeDL?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then if [[ -f /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl ]]; then rm /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl fi if [[ -f /etc/cron.d/ytdl ]]; then rm /etc/cron.d/ytdl fi greenMessage "Removed YT-DL successfully"! fi fi if [[ -z $SINUSBOTUSER ]]; then errorExit "No SinusBot found. Exiting now." fi redMessage "SinusBot will now be removed completely from your system"! greenMessage "Your SinusBot user is \"$SINUSBOTUSER\"? The directory which will be removed is \"$LOCATION\". After select Yes it could take a while." OPTIONS=("Yes" "No") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1) break ;; 2) errorQuit ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$(ps ax | grep sinusbot | grep SCREEN)" ]; then ps ax | grep sinusbot | grep SCREEN | awk '{print $1}' | while read PID; do kill $PID done fi if [ "$(ps ax | grep ts3bot | grep SCREEN)" ]; then ps ax | grep ts3bot | grep SCREEN | awk '{print $1}' | while read PID; do kill $PID done fi if [[ -f /lib/systemd/system/sinusbot.service ]]; then if [[ $(systemctl is-active sinusbot >/dev/null && echo UP || echo DOWN) == "UP" ]]; then service sinusbot stop systemctl disable sinusbot fi rm /lib/systemd/system/sinusbot.service elif [[ -f /etc/init.d/sinusbot ]]; then if [ "$(/etc/init.d/sinusbot status | awk '{print $NF; exit}')" == "UP" ]; then su -c "/etc/init.d/sinusbot stop" $SINUSBOTUSER su -c "screen -wipe" $SINUSBOTUSER update-rc.d -f sinusbot remove >/dev/null fi rm /etc/init.d/sinusbot fi if [[ -f /etc/cron.d/sinusbot ]]; then rm /etc/cron.d/sinusbot fi if [ "$LOCATION" ]; then rm -R $LOCATION >/dev/null greenMessage "Files removed successfully"! else redMessage "Error while removing files." fi if [[ $SINUSBOTUSER != "root" ]]; then redMessage "Remove user \"$SINUSBOTUSER\"? (User will be removed from your system)" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then userdel -r -f $SINUSBOTUSER >/dev/null if [ "$(id $SINUSBOTUSER 2>/dev/null)" == "" ]; then greenMessage "User removed successfully"! else redMessage "Error while removing user"! fi fi fi greenMessage "SinusBot removed completely including all directories." exit 0 fi # Private usage only! redMessage "This SinusBot version is only for private use! Accept?" OPTIONS=("No" "Yes") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1) errorQuit ;; 2) break ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done # Ask for YT-DL redMessage "Should YT-DL be installed/updated?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then YT="Yes" fi # Update packages or not redMessage 'Update the system packages to the latest version? (Recommended)' OPTIONS=("Yes" "No") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; *) errorContinue ;; esac done greenMessage "Starting the installer now"! sleep 2 if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then greenMessage "Updating the system in a few seconds"! sleep 1 redMessage "This could take a while. Please wait up to 10 minutes"! sleep 3 if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then yum -y -q update yum -y -q upgrade else apt-get -qq update apt-get -qq upgrade fi fi # TeamSpeak3-Client latest check if [ "$DISCORD" == "false" ]; then greenMessage "Searching latest TS3-Client build for hardware type $MACHINE with arch $ARCH." VERSION="3.5.6" DOWNLOAD_URL_VERSION="https://files.teamspeak-services.com/releases/client/$VERSION/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_$ARCH-$VERSION.run" STATUS=$(wget --server-response -L $DOWNLOAD_URL_VERSION 2>&1 | awk '/^ HTTP/{print $2}') if [ "$STATUS" == "200" ]; then DOWNLOAD_URL=$DOWNLOAD_URL_VERSION fi if [ "$STATUS" == "200" -a "$DOWNLOAD_URL" != "" ]; then greenMessage "Detected latest TS3-Client version as $VERSION" else errorExit "Could not detect latest TS3-Client version" fi # Install necessary aptitudes for sinusbot. magentaMessage "Installing necessary packages. Please wait..." if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then yum -y -q install screen xvfb libxcursor1 ca-certificates bzip2 psmisc libglib2.0-0 less ntp python3 iproute which dbus libnss3 libegl1-mesa x11-xkb-utils libasound2 libxcomposite-dev libxi6 libpci3 libxslt1.1 libxkbcommon0 libxss1 >/dev/null update-ca-trust extract >/dev/null else # Detect if systemctl is available then use systemd as start script. Otherwise use init.d if [ "$OSRELEASE" == "18.04" ] && [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then apt-get -y install chrony elif [ "$OSRELEASE" == "22.04" ] && [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then echo 'NTP=0.pool.ntp.org' >> /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf && systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service else apt-get -y install ntp fi apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends libfontconfig libxtst6 screen xvfb libxcursor1 ca-certificates bzip2 psmisc libglib2.0-0 less python3 iproute2 dbus libnss3 libegl1-mesa x11-xkb-utils libasound2 libxcomposite-dev libxi6 libpci3 libxslt1.1 libxkbcommon0 libxss1 update-ca-certificates >/dev/null fi else magentaMessage "Installing necessary packages. Please wait..." if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then yum -y -q install ca-certificates bzip2 python3 wget >/dev/null update-ca-trust extract >/dev/null else apt-get -qq install ca-certificates bzip2 python3 wget -y >/dev/null update-ca-certificates >/dev/null fi fi greenMessage "Packages installed"! # Setting server time if [[ $VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE == "openvz" ]]; then redMessage "You're using OpenVZ virtualization. You can't set your time, maybe it works but there is no guarantee. Skipping this part..." else if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]] || [ $(cat /etc/*release | grep "DISTRIB_ID=" | sed 's/DISTRIB_ID=//g') ]; then if [ "$OSRELEASE" == "18.04" ] && [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then systemctl start chronyd if [[ $(chronyc -a 'burst 4/4') == "200 OK" ]]; then TIME=$(date) else errorExit "Error while setting time via chrony"! fi elif [ "$OSRELEASE" != "22.04" ]; then if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then service ntpd stop else service ntp stop fi ntpd -s 0.pool.ntp.org if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then service ntpd start else service ntp start fi TIME=$(date) fi greenMessage "Automatically set time to" $TIME! else if [[ $(command -v timedatectl) != "" ]]; then service ntp restart timedatectl set-ntp yes timedatectl TIME=$(date) greenMessage "Automatically set time to" $TIME! else redMessage "Unable to configure your date automatically, the installation will still be attempted." fi fi fi USERADD=$(which useradd) GROUPADD=$(which groupadd) ipaddress=$(ip route get | awk {'print $7'} | tr -d '\n') # Create/check user for sinusbot. if [ "$INSTALL" == "Updt" ]; then SINUSBOTUSER=$(ls -ld $LOCATION | awk '{print $3}') if [ "$DISCORD" == "false" ]; then sed -i "s|TS3Path = \"\"|TS3Path = \"$LOCATION/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64\"|g" $LOCATION/config.ini && greenMessage "Added TS3 Path to config." || redMessage "Error while updating config" fi else cyanMessage 'Please enter the name of the sinusbot user. Typically "sinusbot". If it does not exists, the installer will create it.' SINUSBOTUSER="" while [[ ! $SINUSBOTUSER ]]; do read -rp "Username [sinusbot]: " SINUSBOTUSER if [ -z "$SINUSBOTUSER" ]; then SINUSBOTUSER=sinusbot fi if [ $SINUSBOTUSER == "root" ]; then redMessage "Error. Your username is invalid. Don't use root"! SINUSBOTUSER="" fi if [ -n "$SINUSBOTUSER" ]; then greenMessage "Your sinusbot user is: $SINUSBOTUSER" fi done if [ "$(id $SINUSBOTUSER 2>/dev/null)" == "" ]; then if [ -d /home/$SINUSBOTUSER ]; then $GROUPADD $SINUSBOTUSER $USERADD -d /home/$SINUSBOTUSER -s /bin/bash -g $SINUSBOTUSER $SINUSBOTUSER else $GROUPADD $SINUSBOTUSER $USERADD -m -b /home -s /bin/bash -g $SINUSBOTUSER $SINUSBOTUSER fi else greenMessage "User \"$SINUSBOTUSER\" already exists." fi chmod 750 -R $LOCATION chown -R $SINUSBOTUSER:$SINUSBOTUSER $LOCATION fi # Create dirs or remove them. ps -u $SINUSBOTUSER | grep ts3client | awk '{print $1}' | while read PID; do kill $PID done if [[ -f $LOCATION/ts3client_startscript.run ]]; then rm -rf $LOCATION/* fi if [ "$DISCORD" == "false" ]; then makeDir $LOCATION/teamspeak3-client chmod 750 -R $LOCATION chown -R $SINUSBOTUSER:$SINUSBOTUSER $LOCATION cd $LOCATION/teamspeak3-client # Downloading TS3-Client files. if [[ -f CHANGELOG ]] && [ $(cat CHANGELOG | awk '/Client Release/{ print $4; exit }') == $VERSION ]; then greenMessage "TS3 already latest version." else greenMessage "Downloading TS3 client files." su -c "wget -q $DOWNLOAD_URL" $SINUSBOTUSER if [[ ! -f TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_$ARCH-$VERSION.run && ! -f ts3client_linux_$ARCH ]]; then errorExit "Download failed! Exiting now"! fi fi # Installing TS3-Client. if [[ -f TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_$ARCH-$VERSION.run ]]; then greenMessage "Installing the TS3 client." redMessage "Read the eula"! sleep 1 yellowMessage 'Do the following: Press "ENTER" then press "q" after that press "y" and accept it with another "ENTER".' sleep 2 chmod 777 ./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_$ARCH-$VERSION.run su -c "./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_$ARCH-$VERSION.run" $SINUSBOTUSER cp -R ./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_$ARCH/* ./ sleep 2 rm ./ts3client_runscript.sh rm ./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_$ARCH-$VERSION.run rm -R ./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_$ARCH greenMessage "TS3 client install done." fi fi # Downloading latest SinusBot. cd $LOCATION greenMessage "Downloading latest SinusBot." su -c "wget -q https://www.sinusbot.com/dl/sinusbot.current.tar.bz2" $SINUSBOTUSER if [[ ! -f sinusbot.current.tar.bz2 && ! -f sinusbot ]]; then errorExit "Download failed! Exiting now"! fi # Installing latest SinusBot. greenMessage "Extracting SinusBot files." su -c "tar -xjf sinusbot.current.tar.bz2" $SINUSBOTUSER rm -f sinusbot.current.tar.bz2 if [ "$DISCORD" == "false" ]; then if [ ! -d teamspeak3-client/plugins/ ]; then mkdir teamspeak3-client/plugins/ fi # Copy the SinusBot plugin into the teamspeak clients plugin directory cp $LOCATION/plugin/libsoundbot_plugin.so $LOCATION/teamspeak3-client/plugins/ if [[ -f teamspeak3-client/xcbglintegrations/libqxcb-glx-integration.so ]]; then rm teamspeak3-client/xcbglintegrations/libqxcb-glx-integration.so fi fi chmod 755 sinusbot if [ "$INSTALL" == "Inst" ]; then greenMessage "SinusBot installation done." elif [ "$INSTALL" == "Updt" ]; then greenMessage "SinusBot update done." fi if [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == true ]]; then greenMessage "Starting systemd installation" if [[ -f /etc/systemd/system/sinusbot.service ]]; then service sinusbot stop systemctl disable sinusbot rm /etc/systemd/system/sinusbot.service fi cd /lib/systemd/system/ wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sinusbot/linux-startscript/master/sinusbot.service if [ ! -f sinusbot.service ]; then errorExit "Download failed! Exiting now"! fi sed -i 's/User=YOUR_USER/User='$SINUSBOTUSER'/g' /lib/systemd/system/sinusbot.service sed -i 's!ExecStart=YOURPATH_TO_THE_BOT_BINARY!ExecStart='$LOCATIONex'!g' /lib/systemd/system/sinusbot.service sed -i 's!WorkingDirectory=YOURPATH_TO_THE_BOT_DIRECTORY!WorkingDirectory='$LOCATION'!g' /lib/systemd/system/sinusbot.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable sinusbot.service greenMessage 'Installed systemd file to start the SinusBot with "service sinusbot {start|stop|status|restart}"' elif [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == false ]]; then greenMessage "Starting init.d installation" cd /etc/init.d/ wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sinusbot/linux-startscript/obsolete-init.d/sinusbot if [ ! -f sinusbot ]; then errorExit "Download failed! Exiting now"! fi sed -i 's/USER="mybotuser"/USER="'$SINUSBOTUSER'"/g' /etc/init.d/sinusbot sed -i 's!DIR_ROOT="/opt/ts3soundboard/"!DIR_ROOT="'$LOCATION'/"!g' /etc/init.d/sinusbot chmod +x /etc/init.d/sinusbot if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then chkconfig sinusbot on >/dev/null else update-rc.d sinusbot defaults >/dev/null fi greenMessage 'Installed init.d file to start the SinusBot with "/etc/init.d/sinusbot {start|stop|status|restart|console|update|backup}"' fi cd $LOCATION if [ "$INSTALL" == "Inst" ]; then if [ "$DISCORD" == "false" ]; then if [[ ! -f $LOCATION/config.ini ]]; then echo 'ListenPort = 8087 ListenHost = "" TS3Path = "'$LOCATION'/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64" YoutubeDLPath = ""' >>$LOCATION/config.ini greenMessage "config.ini created successfully." else redMessage "config.ini already exists or creation error"! fi else if [[ ! -f $LOCATION/config.ini ]]; then echo 'ListenPort = 8087 ListenHost = "" TS3Path = "" YoutubeDLPath = ""' >>$LOCATION/config.ini greenMessage "config.ini created successfully." else redMessage "config.ini already exists or creation error"! fi fi fi #if [[ -f /etc/cron.d/sinusbot ]]; then # redMessage "Cronjob already set for SinusBot updater"! #else # greenMessage "Installing Cronjob for automatic SinusBot update..." # echo "0 0 * * * $SINUSBOTUSER $LOCATION/sinusbot -update >/dev/null" >>/etc/cron.d/sinusbot # greenMessage "Installing SinusBot update cronjob successful." #fi # Installing YT-DL. if [ "$YT" == "Yes" ]; then greenMessage "Installing YT-Downloader now"! if [ "$(cat /etc/cron.d/ytdl)" == "0 0 * * * $SINUSBOTUSER youtube-dl -U --restrict-filename >/dev/null" ]; then rm /etc/cron.d/ytdl yellowMessage "Deleted old YT-DL cronjob. Generating new one in a second." fi if [[ -f /etc/cron.d/ytdl ]] && [ "$(grep -c 'youtube' /etc/cron.d/ytdl)" -ge 1 ]; then redMessage "Cronjob already set for YT-DL updater"! else greenMessage "Installing Cronjob for automatic YT-DL update..." echo "0 0 * * * $SINUSBOTUSER PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin; youtube-dl -U --restrict-filename >/dev/null" >>/etc/cron.d/ytdl greenMessage "Installing Cronjob successful." fi sed -i 's/YoutubeDLPath = \"\"/YoutubeDLPath = \"\/usr\/local\/bin\/youtube-dl\"/g' $LOCATION/config.ini if [[ -f /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl ]]; then rm /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl fi greenMessage "Downloading YT-DL now..." wget -q https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest/download/yt-dlp -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl #wget -q -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl http://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl ]; then errorExit "Download failed! Exiting now"! else greenMessage "Download successful"! fi chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl youtube-dl -U --restrict-filename fi # Creating Readme if [ ! -a "$LOCATION/README_installer.txt" ] && [ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == true ]; then echo '################################################################################## # # # Usage: service sinusbot {start|stop|status|restart} # # - start: start the bot # # - stop: stop the bot # # - status: display the status of the bot (down or up) # # - restart: restart the bot # # # ##################################################################################' >>$LOCATION/README_installer.txt elif [ ! -a "$LOCATION/README_installer.txt" ] && [ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == false ]; then echo '################################################################################## # # # Usage: /etc/init.d/sinusbot {start|stop|status|restart|console|update|backup} # # - start: start the bot # # - stop: stop the bot # # - status: display the status of the bot (down or up) # # - restart: restart the bot # # - console: display the bot console # # - update: runs the bot updater (with start & stop) # - backup: archives your bot root directory # To exit the console without stopping the server, press CTRL + A then D. # # # ##################################################################################' >>$LOCATION/README_installer.txt fi greenMessage "Generated README_installer.txt"! # Delete files if exists if [[ -f /tmp/.sinusbot.lock ]]; then rm /tmp/.sinusbot.lock greenMessage "Deleted /tmp/.sinusbot.lock" fi if [ -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X40 ]; then rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X40 greenMessage "Deleted /tmp/.X11-unix/X40" fi # Starting SinusBot first time! if [ "$INSTALL" != "Updt" ]; then greenMessage 'Starting the SinusBot. For first time.' chown -R $SINUSBOTUSER:$SINUSBOTUSER $LOCATION cd $LOCATION # Password variable export Q=$(su $SINUSBOTUSER -c './sinusbot --initonly') password=$(export | awk '/password/{ print $10 }' | tr -d "'") if [ -z "$password" ]; then errorExit "Failed to read password, try a reinstall again." fi chown -R $SINUSBOTUSER:$SINUSBOTUSER $LOCATION # Starting bot greenMessage "Starting SinusBot again." fi if [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == true ]]; then service sinusbot start elif [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == false ]]; then /etc/init.d/sinusbot start fi yellowMessage "Please wait... This will take some seconds"! chown -R $SINUSBOTUSER:$SINUSBOTUSER $LOCATION if [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == true ]]; then sleep 5 elif [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == false ]]; then sleep 10 fi if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then if [ "$FIREWALL" == "ip" ]; then iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 8087 -j ACCEPT elif [ "$FIREWALL" == "fs" ]; then if rpm -q --quiet firewalld; then zone=$(firewall-cmd --get-active-zones | awk '{print $1; exit}') firewall-cmd --zone=$zone --add-port=8087/tcp --permanent >/dev/null firewall-cmd --reload >/dev/null fi fi fi # If startup failed, the script will start normal sinusbot without screen for looking about errors. If startup successed => installation done. IS_RUNNING=false if [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == true ]]; then if [[ $(systemctl is-active sinusbot >/dev/null && echo UP || echo DOWN) == "UP" ]]; then IS_RUNNING=true fi elif [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == false ]]; then if [[ $(/etc/init.d/sinusbot status | awk '{print $NF; exit}') == "UP" ]]; then IS_RUNNING=true fi fi if [[ "$IS_RUNNING" == true ]]; then if [[ $INSTALL == "Inst" ]]; then greenMessage "Install done"! elif [[ $INSTALL == "Updt" ]]; then greenMessage "Update done"! fi if [[ ! -f $LOCATION/README_installer.txt ]]; then yellowMessage "Generated a README_installer.txt in $LOCATION with all commands for the sinusbot..." fi if [[ $INSTALL == "Updt" ]]; then if [[ -f /lib/systemd/system/sinusbot.service ]]; then service sinusbot restart greenMessage "Restarted your bot with systemd." fi if [[ -f /etc/init.d/sinusbot ]]; then /etc/init.d/sinusbot restart greenMessage "Restarted your bot with initd." fi greenMessage "All right. Everything is updated successfully. SinusBot is UP on '$ipaddress:8087' :)" else greenMessage "All right. Everything is installed successfully. SinusBot is UP on '$ipaddress:8087' :) Your user = 'admin' and password = '$password'" fi if [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == true ]]; then redMessage 'Stop it with "service sinusbot stop".' elif [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" == false ]]; then redMessage 'Stop it with "/etc/init.d/sinusbot stop".' fi magentaMessage "Don't forget to rate this script on: https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/sinusbot-installer-script.58/" greenMessage "Thank you for using this script! :)" else redMessage "SinusBot could not start! Starting it directly. Look for errors"! su -c "$LOCATION/sinusbot" $SINUSBOTUSER fi exit 0