//mömmölillukka /* Muumit Ja Taikurin hattu Auto splitter made by SioN. edit: 8/2/22 siontea.com Tested to work on versions and */ state("Moomin3") { //pointer to ruby count int RubCunt : 0x0012C834, 0xF88, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1C, 0x888, 0x8; //pointer to some sort of global animation frame counter (maybe? in any case it works consistently) int AnimFrm : 0x000A6324, 0x2C; } startup { vars.timerModel = new TimerModel { CurrentState = timer }; Action Debug = (text) => { print("[Muumit Ja Taikurin hattu] " + text); }; vars.Debug = Debug; vars.Debug("Initialized!"); //custom setting if you want to change the update refresh rate settings.Add("60", true, "60 Refresh rate (Otherwise 30)"); } init { //variable thats set to 1 when the last split is done marking the run complete vars.done = 0; if (settings["60"]) { refreshRate = 60; } else { refreshRate = 30; } } start { //starts the time when animfrm is 684. //it will start the time no matter which of the three gems you click in the menu if (old.AnimFrm == 665 && current.AnimFrm == 684) { vars.Debug("alkaa " + current.AnimFrm); return true; } } split { //split if current ruby amount is greater than on the previous frame and that ruby count is less than 9 if (old.RubCunt < current.RubCunt && current.RubCunt < 10) { vars.Debug("strupiini get " + current.RubCunt); return true; } //split if current ruby amount is 9, previous animation frame is 157 and current animation frame is 158 else if (current.RubCunt == 9 && old.AnimFrm == 157 && current.AnimFrm == 158) { vars.Debug("loppu >:D " + current.RubCunt + " " + current.AnimFrm); //set done to 1 vars.done = 1; return true; } //otherwise no split else { return false; } } reset { //reset if you have 0 ruby pieces and you are going from the map screen to the main menu screen if (current.RubCunt == 0 && old.AnimFrm == 1048 && current.AnimFrm == 0 || current.RubCunt == 0 && old.AnimFrm == 1048 && current.AnimFrm == 1) { return true; } return false; } exit { //reset the timer when the game closes if run is done if (vars.done != 1) { vars.timerModel.Reset(); } }