--------------------------- To-do ----------------------------- Playthrough notes - hullmod that reduces beam refire delay - add small ability with panel for limited pet management in the fleet - Add a proper edict selection UI, for remote operation as well - add some more info/tt/notifications to governments fix the marine xp bug with detachments Substance abuse - adjust booze to consume half as much and take 1 cargo/unit - fix the LP booze not turning the campaign engine exhaust green like it should Playthrough wants - aimable depulsor missile consumables - smoke bomb consumables - item that, when spaced in a cargo pod, makes patrols that are chasing you go inspect the crate instead (maybe consumable?) - Consumable temporary comms relay item - Distillery module for settlements - Courier Port Option for settlements - Requisition center RAT settlement plugin - Consumable item skillshot framework - Tracking & visibility anchor missile - smoke nade - napalm? - repulsor (mine?) - smoke bomb circle around you consumable - emergency yeet button consumable that yeets you away but reduces burn by -1 until you dock with a market - Rework VPCs to use random tiered output system - Research project that uses survey data as input Known Bugs - Detachments eat crew that is in excess of capacity - Detachments refuse to move when in other system (??) Requests - add a colony buff to automated shipyards (maybe a buff to HI? got item sprites for it anyway) - Add keyboard shortcuts to all indEvo industry menu points - Make it so if we kill the artillery station we can convert its husk into a outpost without having to colonize the planet - Watchtowers buildable in stable loc Ideas - optional blacklist TAG for RE and duplication - if there's a whitelist and a tagged ship, just allow all except the tagged ships and ignore the whitelist - "Mimic Hulls", Derelict ships that change into remnant or pirate ambush fleets when approached - Consumable item that makes your fleet look bigger than is is to NPCs - maybe add a boat with like 200 dp to the fleet and remove it when ui window is opened so other fleets run from you - Consumable item that allows forced targetting of artillery on mouse pos - Add something that lets you remove S-Mods - Change derelict industries to superstructures - Artillery industry images - add roaming derelict fleets to uninhabited arty systems - Casino - Blackjack - Roulette - Slot machines - add "spacer captain in debt" bar event: sells his last ship for half off to pay his debt - add "officer in debt" bar event - hire for 3x salary - add "spacers in debt" bar event - 10 spacers, hire for half pay to avoid indentured servitude - Merc industry - https://discord.com/channels/815017574642483240/984638767279251468/1009925859630661783 - Trade hub - Add ambassadors as contacts see https://discord.com/channels/815017574642483240/815039421656203274/932024688543158293 - Story point option for academy, "Recruit Local Talent", for when you really want an officer or admin - Arena - Adjust salvage event "Ship Roulette" - add the option to connect the output of a colony to the station always require Metal, ship components and machinery Let player choose between runtime of 1 month, 2, 3 or 4 then deliver the output and the station salvage to the colony add an intel entry showing the progress --------------------------- Dev issues ----------------------------- Added - Behaviour: Deliver (Transports cargo to planet, delivers it into storage, then returns to your fleet) DELIVER FLEETS REFUSE TO LEAVE SYSTEM AFTER DELIVERY; MAYBE MOVE INTO HYPERSPACE OR MANUALLY SET MOVE TARGET? --------------------------- Changelog ----------------------------- Brimir Industrial.Evolution Capital [REDACTED] Contact - SirHartley#5459 Wholepain Industrial.Evolution Capital Breadnought Contact - SirHartley#5459 Starcracker Industrial.Evolution Capital Pretzelator Contact - SirHartley#5459 Autoclaw Industrial.Evolution Fighter EMP Bomber Contact - SirHartley#5459 Parrot Industrial.Evolution Frigate EMP Frigate Contact - SirHartley#5459 Echo Industrial.Evolution Frigate EMP Auto-Frigate Contact - SirHartley#5459 Reverb Industrial.Evolution Destroyer EMP Destroyer Contact - SirHartley#5459 3.4.1 General Added - Framework to add some small lore text about how a planet fell to ruin when you survey (on request by Alfonzo) todo Added - A few stories of demise and death Added - Colony corruption mode - colonies will start bleeding money the more you make. Disabled by default. Note - With this enabled, getting a colony above 200k income is an incredible feat, but getting it to 50-80k is just like vanilla. Calculated along f(x)=x^(-0.6). Fixed - Industry-specific cargo tabs (submarkets) no longer spawn before the building has finished construction Salvage Interactions Adjusted - Drastically reduced the chance of IndEvo salvage specials appearing on derelict ships (40% -> 10%) Adjusted - Halved the chance of IndEvo salvage specials appearing on caches of any kind Fixed - No longer spawn in hidden systems Distress Calls todo Added - Adapted and expanded Vayras Sector distress call system (it would have crashed had anyone actually used it.) todo Added - The original 6 Ghost Ship distress calls Note - What I "ported" was really just the concept and texts. I rewrote the implementation from the ground up because it was a mess. Pets Added - Expected lifetime indicator on Cryochamber Adjusted - locking yourself out of the Lord Foog dialogue on Mazalot is no longer permanent and will reset in time depending on what you did Adjusted - Pet food order number adjusted to rank right next to heavy machinery, making it less of a hassle to sort your inventory Fixed - Bug where the dialogue for assigning a pet didn't pop up for players with apple computers (get a proper PC please) Fixed - Pet center dialogue can no longer be opened in remote view Removed - Orbital pet stations around a planet (too much clutter for the use they provide in practice) Items Added - Relic components will now drop from all automated ships that were destroyed (even modded) Adjusted - Relic components no longer drop from battles with the luddic path Adjusted - Removed most VPCs from Historian pool Adjusted - Conflict/Exploration Package VPCs moved from Historian T4 to Historian T3 Adjusted - Drastically reduced drop rates for special items, again (now matches vanilla in my low-mod playthough) Adjusted - Drive bubble spike now fires when a fleet is in range regardless of hostility Hullmods Added - Hellpods. They do what you'd expect them to do: getting your marines killed. Added - Hand Built now has a proper icon and no longer reuses the printing one Adjusted - Renamed Hand Built to Forge World Experiment Skills Added - Admin skill "Micromanagement": Allows for remote management of items and AI cores after 3 months in office (NPC Only) Detachments Fixed - No longer crashes when told to hide in non-nebula systems without a star Research Projects Added - Project Prospector: trade survey data for hyperspace topography progress (unlocks after you gathered some hyperspace data) Added - Project Sonic: trade in a metric ton of fuel for a niche, but extremely useful hullmod (unlocks if you use slow ships) Added - Project Pulse: Pyrophage made the autopulse laser cool. I needed an excuse to put it into the game, so here it is. (unlocks if you fit an autopulse on a ship) Added - Some sounds to the project UI Adjusted - Show Inputs button is now Show Info and displays a description of what the project actually does (in most cases) Adjusted - "New Projects" intel now shows which projects actually got unlocked Fixed - Project Navi no longer displays if pets are disabled Fixed - New Project intel no longer classed as major event Fixed - New Project intel now despawns after 31 days Artillery Added - Watchtowers now reset to the controlling faction after 31 days if the station is under AI control to avoid deadlocked artillery stations Adjusted - Increased delay between shots by 2 seconds Adjusted - Watchtowers under AI control can now be hacked, but not taken over Fixed - No longer spawn on abyss planets Fixed - No longer spawn in "special" systems Fixed - Other Mods will no longer spawn an Artillery on game start if the setting is toggled off provided they spawn it via condition Embassy Added - An active ambassador will now reduce the points gained in hostile activity through their faction by up to 40% depending on your relationship todo - Added - Optional toggle to make them increase the impact instead. Just talk to them. Privateer Base Adjusted - Output decay adjusted from 2/mo -> 1/mo Adjusted - Now properly reflects alignment when placed on Managed Democracy world Adjusted - Raid Timeout for star systems increased from 3 months -> 8 months (6 with a beta core) Fixed - Devmode crash when target factions are zero (just for you Histi <3) Senate Fixed - Edict: Mandated Overtime now correctly decreases build times Fixed - Options now display the market name instead of "$market" Salvage Yards Added - Blockades now generate extra salvage points, like raids Restoration docks Added - "Can not transfer" text for ships with the unrestorable tag Academy todo check if pulling admin from duty will leave "ungoverned colony" or if game auto assigns yourself Adjusted - Can now pull admins from active duty Adjusted - Now displays where, and if, an admin is assigned in the selection list Fixed - Can no longer decivilize galatia (mod conflict) Courier Port Added - Can now ship to Automated Shipyards (once repaired) Added - Can now ship to and from RAT settlements Specialized industries Fixed - Specialized Mining now has correct outputs Fixed - Specialized Refining no longer ignores all external supply/demand bonus Fixed - Mantle Bore now working with Specialized Mining Fixed - Catalytic Core now correctly working with Specialized Refining Fixed - Centralization Bureau now properly applies output bonus when present Fixed - Specialized industries no longer bug out when present on the same planet Governments Added - Managed Democracy: Clamped stability, reduced income, marine training, income bonus for planetary military action, no luddic cells, freedom, democracy Added - Forge World: Industrial buildings work as if at 100% hazard as long as there are no shortages, ship hulls provide flat income and more production budget Cont. - Forge World: Randomly provides experimental ships for free, rural industries more expensive, pollutes the planet, shortages cause unrest Adjusted - Rural Polity: Now gets -1 stability for every special item and AI core installed (it is still OP as fuck) Adjusted - Rural Polity: Farming now produces Organics (and drugs with free port) instead of supplies Adjusted - Rural Polity: Light Industry now produces Supplies alongside weapons Adjusted - Rural Polity: Reduced light industry weapons output Adjusted - Corporate: Stability Bonus calculation now scales off gross income, not net (Ignoring stability!) Adjusted - Corporate: Base Income x1.2 -> x1.3 Adjusted - Corporate: Base Immigration malus -30 -> -20 Adjusted - Corporate: immigration malus now scales with income up to -50 (-20 base, -1 per 10k income up to an additional -30 ) Adjusted - Forge World: Halved ship building interval while keeping +DP budget/mo the same -> less frigates, more larger hulls Adjusted - Forge World: Delivery notification now includes hull size / designation Fixed - General: Governments now correctly recognize patrol HQ, MilBase and high command as military Fixed - General: Tooltip no longer displays "click to change" when it can't actually change Fixed - General: Tooltip no longer displays "Permanent in X days" after it has become permanent Fixed - General: Button to change no longer shows up when it can't actually change Fixed - Corporate: stability will no longer enter a downward spiral on game load Fixed - Corporate: now properly unlocks up to max industry slots when permanent instead of adding 4 flat Fixed - Corporate: no longer applies the hazard rating upkeep modifier twice Fixed - Corporate: now respects the additional hypershunt industry and no longer considers it going over the limit Fixed - Underworld: no longer applies the hazard rating upkeep modifier twice Fixed - Monastic / Forge World: no longer deliver multiple free ships a month Fixed - Monastic / Managed Democracy: now properly increase marine XP Fixed - Arcology: now properly suppresses the heat conditions added by an orbital lamp Fixed - Arcology: now buildable where it should be (everywhere except lava & gas giants) Fixed - Arcology: now properly uses the water version image on water planets Fixed - Arcology & Rural: alternate images now load properly after the game was closed Fixed - Another Arcoship crash (Underworld Gov.) Removed - Monastic Orders (Split into Managed Democracy and Forge worlds) Automated Shipyards Added - now have their own storage after being restored Added - now have music (by Haplogynae, thank you so much!) todo Helios Crucible Added - New Superstructure Added - Buildable in your system after you recover the relevant parts, allows for fast travel between planets. Incredibly useful. Derelict Industries Adjusted - Will no longer spawn duplicate ruins in the same system (if two spawn, they will be different types) Adjusted - Hull Forge is now a structure (was an industry) Adjusted - Hull Forge beta core chance to get a working template instead of a broken one: 25% -> 60% Fixed - Gave Hull Deconstructor the structure tag Fixed - No longer (almost) exclusively spawn on abyss planets Fixed - No longer spawn in hidden systems Ruined Infrastructure Added - A size 4 or larger colony that decivilizes will now always have ruined infrastructure of one of its former industries (if any) World Wonders Added - Setting for Cloud Painter to remove the planetary shield texture (only when present on the planet) Added - Setting for Cloud Painter to replace the planetary shield texture with a barely visible alternative (only when present on the planet) Adjusted - Added US_continent for valid World Tree planet types Adjusted - Removed US_magnetic planets from valid World Tree planet types Fixed - Another Arcoship crash (arthr pls) 3.3.e General Adjusted - Updated to 0.97a Pets Added - Terraforming Drone Added - Domain-Era Roomba Fixed - Pet unassignable Bug Supercomputer Fixed - Cross-Mod Crash with Arthrs' Ships World Wonders Fixed - Cross-Mod Crash with Arthrs' Ships 3.3.d General Fixed - Lunasettings now properly work (some settings will STILL ONLY APPLY WITH A NEW GAME, like disabling pets.) Weapons & Ships Added - Graphicslib effects for everything courtesy of Himemi/Cieve (Thank you so much!) Items Adjusted - Special item drops now about 60% less Research Projects Adjusted - Progress displays now use decimal formatting instead of rounding the number Fixed - Research dialogue not recognizing if you have fitting special items in inventory Artillery Fixed - [Wisp] - Crash on new game https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=18011.msg411734#msg411734 Fixed - Tentatively fixed another Crash on new game https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=18011.msg418708#msg418708 Military Relays Fixed - Crash when there is no market with a military but a relay exists (???) https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=18011.msg418028#msg418028 Supercomputer Fixed - Rare crash when built on a modded station without the "station" tag Governments Adjusted - Monastic Order no longer buildable on stations Adjusted - Monastic Order no longer buildable on gas giants Adjusted - Arcologies now suppress extreme Hot and Cold Adjusted - Arcologies can no longer be built on lava planets, gas giants and stations (they are bunker cities...) Fixed - [Wisp] - Monastic Order Crash when picking having no valid ship to pick Fixed - [Wisp] - Monastic Order Ship production message crash Fixed - Weird crash with ship production message that cropped up when updating the mod Fixed - Rural government image change button now properly shows up Pets Fixed - Can no longer duplicate pets by opening the box multiple times Fixed - Now automatically opens the naming dialogue on press, no more manual unpausing Fixed - [Wisp] - Crash when euthanizing a pet while it's in storage Fixed - [Wisp] - Crash when a pet in storage dies Derelict Industries Adjusted - Made spawn weights a bit more balanced, all types should now show up every run Fixed - Ancient Lab now picks commodities from a whitelist (no more PAGSM commodities...) Fixed - Blacklisted RAT alterations from Hull Forge S-Mod Picker 3.3.c Specialized industries Fixed - GET THE NEW GRAND.COLONIES VERSION to fix the vanishing industries bug Fixed - Menu item shows up again (whoops) Fixed - Can no longer change specialization on planets you don't own Fixed - Stopped buildings from vanishing when switched 3.3.b General Fixed - No longer infinitely writes "Type" in front of industry descriptions on load Items Added - Failsafe for weird heavy industry types to demand/produce ship parts - they suck at it, but now they at least do Fixed - Crash when another mod fails to specify a valid variant for a recovery event (looking at you, lukas) Exploration Fixed - Rare crash when an item choice special resolves to null, by making it drop a fish instead Industry Specializations Adjusted - Nerfed all outputs by 1 Fixed - Industry option no longer shows up when the feature is disabled in the settings Governances Added - Setting that makes all governances behave like vanilla pop&Infra, turning it into a cosmetic choice. Added - Setting to edit max size for gov change Adjusted - Capped CorpoGov stability Bonus at +10 Adjusted - Doubled credits/stability steps for CorpoGov Adjusted - DP buildup for Monastic Orders ship tithes reduced, meaning it takes longer to build caps Fixed - Corrected Monastic Orders description: they are able to build capitals because they have cultivated their inner ki for 6 billion years Pets Added - lotsa pets now have illustrations Added - A setting to disable the entire system including station spawns Added - All pets now eat supplies as well. This means you technically don't have to buy pet food, but it's still cheaper. Adjusted - All pet lifetimes increased by a lot (only applies to new pets) Fixed - Double "." on death message Fixed - Pet station screen getting stuck on pressing ESC Fixed - Crash when a pet dies while not assigned to a ship Artillery Added - Watchtowers now spawn around gates Adjusted - Planets can now be visited, but not surveyed, if an artillery is in orbit (I am extremely sure that this will break) Fixed - Finally, FINALLY fixed the immortal artillery bug Fixed - Bug that caused artillery terrain to crash when no artillery is present 3.3.a General Added - Full LunaLib Integration Added - Setting to adjust column amount in all the ship pickers in this mod Added - Planet Jump listener, interface to notify when a planet has finished jumping via rift generator (for modders) Added - Disrupt Danger to all IndEvo Industries and Structures Adjusted - Rules.csv $market -> $marketName for 0.96 Adjusted - Code Changes for 0.96 Adjusted - All industry images got touch-ups to bring them more in line with vanilla Pets Added - Pets: Add them to your ship, feed em, make em happy, and they'll accompany you! And die! And do nothing! Added - Research Project for a rare Pet Added - Animal Center: Store, manage, rename, euthanize and buy pets here! Comes with a station and dodgy animal sellers. Added - Animal Centers to Gilead, Jangala, Fikenhild Added - Small interaction to Arthulf (check the comms) Automated Shipyards Added - Rare chance for a ship to be an automated variant, usable without the skill Adjusted - new interaction image (the old one was kinda trash) Exploration Added - Derelict Pet Shops (chance at very rare pets) Added - Arsenal station can now have ship recovery event with capital or cruiser grade hulls Adjusted - Fixed Arsenal station having lower chance to have event than intended Adjusted - Default columns for ship picking on Ship Sacrifice event increased from 5 to 8 Fixed - "Exploding Room" special can now pick (certain) Industrial Evolution items again Fixed - "D-Mod Restoration" event can no longer fix unrestorable hulls Detachments Adjusted - De-jankified existing detachment interaction screen popup (no gameplay impact) Weapons Adjusted - Matter Degrader range 500 -> 600 Adjusted - Pulsar Carbine range 900 -> 1000 Adjusted - Cryo Artillery damage/shot 1200 -> 1000 Adjusted - Cryo Artillery flux/shot 480 -> 350 Adjusted - Cryo Artillery chargedown 1.2s -> 1s Adjusted - Causality Disturber range 1000 -> 900 Adjusted - Causality Disturber EMP 1200 -> 600 Minefields Added - Mines now get temporarily disabled by an interdiction pulse Added - Tooltip showing controlling entity Adjusted - Made NPC fleets react to them better (no more jiggling around) Fixed - Base damage halved Fixed - Damage now properly scales with fleet size (hit chance is still fleet size and speed) Items Added - Relic Components now from from Abyssal Enemies (RAT) Adjusted - Simulation Engine - Added tooltip info about scaling effect Adjusted - Neural Compounds - Clarified tooltip if senate with item is in range or not Adjusted - Slightly buffed drop rate of relic components on remnant fleets Adjusted - Halved the relic drop rate on derelicts Fixed - Planet "in Range" tooltip no longer incorrectly states 12 LY range restriction for hypertransmitter, it's infinite as intended Fixed - Crash when tech locator tries to point to a system that has no hyperspace anchor (????) Artillery Added - NPC fleets now respond to artillery fire and try to dodge. They are better at it than me. Adjusted - Doubled build cost and time to bring it in line with the other orbital stations Adjusted - Made all stations, modded or otherwise, compatible with artillery (Praise be Alex, our lord and saviour) Fixed - Artillery Stations should no longer be stuck in repairs on game start Fixed - Watchtowers no longer count as stable locations (Replaced the vanilla PlanetInteractionDialogPluginImpl) Fixed - Bug that caused the station to persist after being killed via planet interaction Specialized Industries Added - Refining Specializations (increased output on one commodity, malus on the other) Added - Mining Specializations (see above but for mining) Governance Types Note - Check the FAQ for these, they are not simple enough to be explained here. Added - Underworld Added - Rural Polity Added - Hidden Arcology Added - Monastic Order Added - Corporate Governance Commerce Fixed - No longer resets build times on load/save Variable Assembler + Manufactory Added - VPC Pather interest Added - Historian can now point towards VPCs Adjusted - Base pather interest to 0 (1 for Manufactory) Interstellar Relay Adjusted - Now a tad more expensive to build Supercomputer Adjusted - Now a tad more expensive to build Salvage Yards Fixed - Can no longer transfer d-mods off or onto unrestorable hulls (sorry!) Courier Port Fixed - Crash when planet has no storage Restoration Docks Fixed - Can no longer restore ships that should be unrestorable Fixed - Broken Tooltips Requisitions center Fixed - No longer gives you the market content for free when removed Fixed - Broken Tooltips Engineering Hub "Fixed" - Crash when Variant is null (I don't know why it does that and the fix is a bandaid.) Privateer Base Fixed - No longer displays cross-mod content tooltips when other mod is not installed World Wonders Added - Ice Palace Added - Lava Fortress Added - Tree of Life Added - Cloud Painter (Does Stuff) Adjusted - Moved visual changing to its own button Fixed - Dark Palace "Ressource" typo (literally unplayable) Ancient Laboratory Added - Now supports switching the bonus commodity when a beta core is installed Adjusted - Can no longer pick non-vanilla resources as bonus --------------------------- Old ----------------------------- 3.2.c Privateer Base Added - Small interaction with Substance.Abuse Added - Setting to auto-deliver to gathering point (reverting the change below) Adjusted - Now delivers loot to local storage (use a courier port to transfer it.) Items Fixed - Transpoofer no longer causes faction change to get stuck when undocking Salvage Yards Fixed - Salvage Yard crash incompatibility with the ICE mod 3.2.b Variable Assembler Fixed - AI Core Tooltips Artillery Fixed - Crash when Railgun is shooting 3.2.a General Adjusted - Complete code restructuring Techmining Removed - Techmining progress indicator (Download Better Colonies instead!) Removed - Vanilla techmining override Items Adjusted - Chance for patrols to ignore the Sensor Decoy reduced to 10% (from 30%) Fixed - Transpoofer no longer causes you to fight your own fleet when engaging a station while it is active Supercomputer Fixed - Crash if colony does not have primary entity World Symbols Fixed - No longer applies stability bonus to planet when hovering over build menu Fixed - Stability bonus now properly spreads to other in-faction planets in the system without needing to open them Detachments Fixed - Mystery crash https://discord.com/channels/187635036525166592/619635013201428481/1043634065917608088 Minefields Adjusted - Condition is now visible in planet search Artillery Added - Setting to adjust spawn chance Added - Tag "indevo_compat" and functionality to allow other authors to implement orbital station compatibility Adjusted - Derelict artillery is now rarer (about 30% less) Adjusted - Now ignores Epta tradestations for faction change Adjusted - Watchtowers now spawn when artillery condition is applied to planet Adjusted - Condition is now visible in planet search Fixed - Eye indicator now works reliably again Fixed - Eye no longer shows up if artillery is not hostile or broken Fixed - Artillery stations now properly target and shoot you upon target lock Fixed - Eye no longer shows up in systems with friendly artillery Fixed - Now properly reverts to derelict station if there is no other faction claiming the system Fixed - Can no longer spawn on alpha site Fixed - Can no longer spawn in hidden systems Fixed - Planets with artillery are no longer valid targets for missions and quests Fixed - Watchtowers can now be interacted with and no longer display "doesn't work" Fixed - Watchtowers can now be captured by player when not under AI control (remnant/derelict) 3.1.f General Fixed - Performance issue that caused continued slowdown while game went on Artillery Adjusted - FP 100 -> 250 (this makes the tooltip display more stars, to indicate danger level better) Fixed - Crash when a NPC fleet fights the station and it dies to it Fixed - Missile hit sound name to prevent crash on linux Senate Adjusted - Industrial Incentives tooltip (200% -> Doubled) 3.1.e General Adjusted - Made most visual effects not interactable Items Added - Settings for relic component combat drop rates (min FP, destroyed fraction) Exploration Added - A new superstructure to restore, giving access to MORE GACHA MECHANICS LETS FUCKING GO Weapons Added - Side bar indicator for combat slow field effect Artillery Added - Star System Tag "IndEvo_SystemHasArtillery" to denote any system with an artillery Added - Star System Memory Key (boolean) "$IndEvo_SystemDisableWatchtowers" which disables watchtowers and location reporting by fleets Added - A shitload of settings to make your bones harder (or weaker) Added - Sounds for combat weapons (Courtesy of Soren / Harmful Mechanic) Added - Sounds for campaign weapons (Courtesy of Soren / Harmful Mechanic) Adjusted - Visual adjustments for mortar explosions Adjusted - Railgun damage 2500 -> 3500 Minefields Added - Settings Embassy Fixed - Crash when NPC colony decivilizes in a non-standard way (Embassy moved up on rework priority once again) 3.1.d Items Adjusted - Particle colour now properly works off sun colour Fixed - Scoop now also scoops from suns that are not the primary star Fixed - Scoop crash in dual-star systems Fixed - Scoop crash in nebulas Courier Port Fixed - Intel now actually removes itself 7 days after ending (whoops) Fixed - Intel now properly displays total cost instead of only cargo cost Note - use this console command to clear all the stuck intel entries (takes 7 days): runcode com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.econ.impl.courierPort.intel.ShippingIntel.removeAll(); Embassy Fixed - Weird copy-paste typo in description (how did that even happen) Artillery Added - Indicator telling you if you are being detected by watchtowers Adjusted - Railgun charge up 3s -> 5s Adjusted - Railgun damage 8000 -> 2500 Adjusted - Railgun now fires a 3-shot burst Adjusted - Railgun shot interval 3s -> 10s Adjusted - Missile tracking range 800su -> 600su Adjusted - Watchtower hack duration now actually up to 2 months (Was 1) Adjusted - Watchtower now takes some time to get a target lock, depending on your distance to the tower Adjusted - Watchtower sensor ping now irregular Adjusted - Watchtower sensor range range 3000su -> 4000su Fixed - Watchtowers no longer permanently have the first faction they spawned under in their name (new game) Fixed - Hacking a watchtower now actually clears your targeting info Derelict Industries Added - Blacklisted Riftgen from spawning on Niko Satellite planets 3.1.c General Added - Better Colonies SP-Improvement Config data Items Fixed - Refreshing market no longer updates consumable item presence Fixed - Consumables no longer vanish from storage Artillery Stations Adjusted - S-Point improvement now increases range by 4000 Adjusted - Tracking distance on missiles 400 -> 800 SU Adjusted - Missile speed 200 -> 250 SU/s Adjusted - Slightly decreased railgun projectile travel time Fixed - Nex colony fleets now auto-destroy the artillery when establishing a colony Research Projects Fixed - New Projects intel is no longer perma-important (does not fix currently stuck intel entries, sorry!) World Wonders Added - Toggle to switch between alternate visuals (if present) 3.1.b General Fixed - CTD on new game 3.1.a General Added - President Matt Damon added to credits of this mod for help with vectors and math. Thank you! Fixed - Corrected all those getList tooltips to get Items Added - Consumable Item: Nanite Repair Module - Repairs your fleet, restores CR Added - Consumable Item: Tech Locator - Grav Scan for hyperspace, indicates systems with lots of loot Added - Consumable Item: Drive Bubble Spike - Deploys a mine that fires an interdiction pulse when an enemy fleet is in range Added - Consumable Item: Sensor Decoy - Attracts military fleets in a large radius, baits artillery fire Added - Consumable Item: Fuel Scoop - Succs juicy space fuel from a nearby star or nebula Added - Consumable Item: Transpoofer - Changes the faction of your fleet for a time Note - Some can be bought, all can be found through combat and exploration Adjusted - Switch to non-vanilla drop group system, courtesy of Matt Adjusted - Drop rates on all IndEvo items and loot overhauled Weapons Adjusted - Rift Pulser now properly scales with ballistic hullmods Adjusted - Causality Disturber is now Hybrid (what have you brought upon us) Adjusted - Causality Disturber Sprite Update (Courtesy of Nia) Adjusted - Revised Causality Disturber Stats - less burst, more sustainability (Courtesy of Nia) Adjusted - Rift Pulser Sprite Update (Courtesy of Nia) Artillery Stations Added - 3 Types of artillery that shoot you on the campaign layer Added - Artillery to Eochu Bres, Chicomoztoc, Kazeron, Sindria Added - Derelict Artilleries that will find you while exploring - conquer them to build your own! Added - Watchtower stations to hack or take over, that report your location to the artillery Research Projects Added - Project Transistor - Trade Relic Components for consumable items Fixed - Intel entry no longer shows up in decivilized tab and is now properly marked important Minefields Added - 2 seconds of invulnerability after a jump Adjusted - Phase ships now only add 0.3x their hull size weight to hit chance calc Adjusted - Damage reduced by 50% (they still hurt) Adjusted - No longer blows up on fleets in combat Adjusted - Bounty and "Important" Fleets are no longer affected by minefields (cheaters, man, amirite) Adjusted - Friendly fleets ignore minefields and will no longer get stuck trying to pass them Adjusted - Increased immunity time after strike for NPC fleets Adjusted - NPC fleets in "immunity time" now treat the minefield as if it was not there = much smoother transition Fixed - Visual IFF check now matches explosion IFF (properly turns green when friendly ect...) Embassies Added - Faction: UAF Engineering Hub Fixed - No longer removes all blueprints of a size from IndStorage when creating a new one Courier Port Adjusted - No longer gets placed on core worlds randomly Fixed - No longer transfers cargo/ships to inventories that can not hold them when "all" is selected Fixed - Shipping intel now vanishes after finishing (just like your dad back then) Fixed - Crash when shipping port intel could not find valid map location Fixed - Crash when shipping from a Nex goverened colony Privateer Base Adjusted - Failed raids now give 30% more output than before (to compensate the unplanned decay nerf) Fixed - No more infinite output stacking with industrial incentives Fixed - Now ignores bonus supply for output decay Note - 2 base output (+ 3 bonus) - 2 decay = 0 supply next month, where up until now it would have been 3 Academy Adjusted - Manually blacklisted that one Oculian Armada skill everyone was getting Fixed - No longer counts mercenaries against the officer limit World Wonders Added - Custom image for Timids Kadur rework Fixed - No longer awards SP when an NPC builds one Fixed - Stability Bonus for other in-System worlds is now properly permanent Derelict Industries Adjusted - Laboratory bonus can no longer resolve to modded commodities Fixed - Hull Forge crash when printing a ship (Mod Incompatibility with GundamGC...) Fixed - Rift Generator can no longer spawn on planets with minefields (new game) Detachments Fixed - Ability now gets added to your hotbar after the tutorial ends Fixed - Now properly transfers weapons and fighters on creation Fixed - Crash when orbit focus had no orbit 3.0.d General Added - Vanguard and Eradicator to whitelist files Added - More useful tips Adjusted - Meme tips now show up 10x less than useful tips Adjusted - All IndEvo fleet member pickers now have 8 columns instead of 5 by default Minefields Added - Tooltip showing the chance to blow up due to your fleet size (low/med/high/extreme) Added - Even more IFF checks - NONE OF WHICH HELP IF YOU FORGET TO TURN YOUR TRANSPONDER ON Added - Setting to turn em off (will not fix your skill issue) Adjusted - Player owned minefields no longer care about transponder status Adjusted - Visuals look less shit Adjusted - Moons with an arsenal stations will now have the primary planet spawn the minefield Fixed - Made minefield IFF more reliable for NPC fleets (New game) Fixed - Now properly orbits Fixed - Crash when saving/loading in a minefield Research Projects Fixed - Tooltips Courier Port Added - Custom faction for courier fleets (invisible to player) Fixed - Marines no longer lose XP when transferred via courier Fixed - No longer bills you money every time it checks what to remove from the stockpile Fixed - Crash during planet selection Fixed - Duplication bug Fixed - Crash when courier fleet is despawning Fixed - Alignment issue on contract listing (IT WAS 2 PIXELS OUT OF LINE, OK??) Detachments Added - Escort and Intercept detachments will now aggressively attack hostile fleets that the player targets Fixed - Marines are now considered in the cargo tooltips and counts Fixed - Crash when a detachment goes dormant in a system without any entities Known issue - Marine and Crew in excess of the fleet capacity are lost after a day Known issue - Detachments get stuck when recalled from another star system Derelict industries Adjusted - Ruins spawn on colony establishment should be more consistent now Adjusted - Changed Derelict Industry spawn algorithm (New game) Adjusted - Derelict Industry type is now set on sector generation (New game) Adjusted - Forge and Decon have a higher chance to spawn together (New game) Fixed - Derelict industries will no longer change type (I hope) Fixed - Ruins no longer (sometimes) count as industry Fixed - Rift Generator cryorevival disabler condition no longer applies 100 times in a row Fixed - Deconstructor ignore whitelists setting now properly works 3.0.c General Fixed - Minefields should no longer blow up friendly NPC fleets. Should. Items Adjusted - Terrible typo in Relic Components description (Made the mod hightly unplayable) Fixed - Logistics Core no longer installable in certain industries Supercomputer Fixed - Orbital Lamp now properly affects output Courier Port Fixed - No longer crashes when transporting ships from a planet you haven't been to Fixed - No longer crashes when transporting ships in general Fixed - Now correctly bills you for ship transports Fixed - Intel now displays correct costs Weapons Adjusted - Drastically reduced Causality Gun arcing chance (Courtesy of Nia Tahl) Fixed - Crash on Linux systems due to lowercase pathing, again Research Projects Adjusted - New projects notification will now also trigger if you find omega weapons through something scripted (on month end) Fixed - Spyglass (Gacha) Now properly returns the best result of 5 rolls. Rewards will be much, much better now. Exploration Adjusted - D-mod repair event repairs 1 d-mod less on average (on new game) Fixed - Ruined Infrastructure no longer causes two buildings to be built at the same time when finishing construction Detachments Fixed - Detachment spawn supply requirement now matches tooltip Fixed - Rare crash when clicking transport detachment after interacting with it Fixed - AI core officers no longer appear as regular officers when merging a detachment Fixed - AI cores in ships no longer sometimes get cleared on merge or split Fixed - AI core officers can no longer be "recovered" as full officer person when an AI ship is destroyed in combat Fixed - Crash when dormant transport detachment AI updates 3.0.b General Fixed - Nex Random mode Crash Removed - some names that should not have shown up in game yet Items Adjusted - VPC Ship Components sprite updated Weapons Fixed - Crash on Linux systems due to lowercase pathing 3.0.a General Added - Minefields (this changelog is starting off great, isn't it?) Added - Some settings Added - Admin salary at 2 skills is now 20.000c (Vanilla balance change) Adjusted - reduced Admin salary at 1 skill from 20.000c to 10.000c (Vanilla balance change) Items Adjusted - New Icon for Ship Components Adjusted - New Icon for Relic Components Adjusted - Item drop rates across the board. IndEvo Industry items now rarer, as are VPCs. Removed - Unfinished industry items are now no longer present in the files and will maybe STOP FUCKING DROPPING Weapons Added - Research Projects at the Galatian Academy Added - 5 different researchable Weapons (Courtesy of Nia Tahl) Added - Research Project for Relic Components Abilities Added - Ability to create detachments from your fleet (with different behaviour modes) Added - Behaviour: Stay - Stay in place, do not engage enemy fleets unless attacked. Added - Behaviour: Follow - Follow the main force, do not engage enemy fleets unless attacked. Added - Behaviour: Hide - Go dark, attempt to hide in a good location, and avoid other fleets. Added - Behaviour: Escort - Escort the main force, attack equal-strength visible hostile fleets. Added - Behaviour: Intercept - Escort, only intercept enemy fleets that target the main force. Added - Behaviour: Transport - Transport cargo to selected colony, then store fleet and cargo. Tech Mining Added - compatibility with Yunru Techmining (Yunrus Mod will take precedence) Added - implemented the Better Colonies changes (Diplays a tooltip showing the total remaining salvage) Fucked - T*chpriest, lmao Embassy Adjusted - No longer buildable on Nexerelin Governed Colonies, Fixed - Ambassadors can no longer be installed on Nex Governed Colonies (Fixes the "Compromised" bug) Fixed - No longer allows hiring ambassadors when the only open embassy is on a Nex Governed Colony Fixed - No longer crashes when a world with an ambassador decivilizes Note - The "Governed Colony" problem is not fixable without a complete re-write of the system... Senate Added - Edict: Mandated Overtime. Doubles building construction speed, halves all commodity production. Added - Info about active edict to edict removal screen Fixed - Labour restrictions are now actually unavailable when market is a freeport Privateer Base Adjusted - Minor sprite contrast touch-ups Salvage Yards Adjusted - Moving D-Mods now works between ships of similar tech type and hull size (Midline cruiser to midline cruiser...) Fixed - Ship building budget should no longer display 0 or negative values, and should no longer throw an occasional Nullpointer Academy Added - 3 additional colony admin skills that can be obtained by training an admin at the academy Adjusted - Hire-able Admins spawned by the academy have a 10% chance to spawn with one of the new Admin skills Fixed - can no longer replace an admins brain with an AI core (can't train admins in hypercognition) Fixed - no longer crashes when training an admin with a skill Fixed - "ESC" shortcut on leave option at galatia academy Courier Port Added - Proper User Interface Added - Timed failsafe to refund the shipment cargo if it does not arrive where it should Adjusted - Now allows shipping from stockpile Adjusted - Can now ship from and to any planet, not only planets you have things in storage at Adjusted - Gamma core now makes the interface accessible at any comm relay Fixed - No longer loses shipments Removed - Insurance Removed - Item drops on fleet death Derelict Industries Adjusted - Rift Generator - added a failsafe to make sure the colony teleports even if the animation fails Adjusted - Rift Generator - the jump points it makes now point towards the location of the planet Adjusted - Fleet Members with Unremoveable, Non-AI officers can no longer be deconstructed Fixed - Rift Generator - no longer considers nex outposts as colonies Fixed - Printed Ships now properly work with Starship Legends Fixed - Forge templates should no longer display a nebula when fed with D-Modded ships (probably) Fixed - Forge templates no longer build in hullmods with the "no_build_in" tag Fixed - Deconstructor now moves AI cores installed in ships to the storage when deconstructing a hull Exploration Added - Arsenal stations orbiting planets will now spawn with a special surprise Adjusted - Arsenal station officer sleeper pod events now conform to the new vanilla max officer levels Adjusted - Reduced the requirement to get relic components from hard battles Adjusted - Increased relic component drops from derelict Survey and Motherships 2.2.h General Fixed - Crash on removal for all industries that add submarkets Items Adjusted - Relay Hypertransmitter tooltip effect clarified Fixed - WIP Items no longer show up with the historian (for real this time) Derelict Industries Fixed - Rift Generator no longer triples the hyperspace jump points of a system when used Adjusted - Rift Generator Jump points now lead to the planet 2.2.g General Adjusted - Normal Storage now gets unlocked for free if ships/carge are transferred in case of IndEvo storage removal (Resto docks...) Fixed - Commerce no longer instantly finishes building after reloading the game Fixed - Rare crash after salvaging a wreck Fixed - Unimplemented special items should no longer be available via the Historian (Emphasis - should) Fixed - Starpocalypse no longer applies D-Mods to ships in the repair docks Fixed - Starpocalypse no longer regulates the inventory of the Requisitions Centre Centralization Bureau Fixed - Now works for the Manufactory Fixed - Now properly recognizes Heavy Industry and Orbital Works Senate Fixed - Edict Tooltips again Military/Interstellar Relay Adjusted - Will now properly spawn patrols if only military building on the market Adjusted - Can no longer improve with story points (was causing issues) Salvage Yards Adjusted - Added a base budget of 75.000 (any output is in addition to that) Adjusted - Reduced the required amount of Relic Components (3 per DP -> 2 per DP) Fixed - Now has budget to custom produce ships if HI is present on the planet World Wonders Fixed - Typos Exploration Fixed - Forge Templates can no longer resolve into (D) hulls Fixed - Player Faction can no longer be a choice in the "Rumors" salvage Event Derelict Industries Fixed - Ancient Lab can no longer suddenly change bonus commodities Fixed - Ancient Lab now properly applies production bonus on save load Fixed - Ancient Lab now applies bonus output to Manufactory 2.2.e General Fixed - Crash on save load Fixed - Weird edict re-application bug Fixed - Weird Lawless Subpop application bug Items Adjusted - Reduced drop chance (now has a lower drop chance than vanilla items, stop crying) Commodity Forge Fixed - Now recognizes the Parts VPC Salvage Yards Adjusted - Increased NPC base output by 1 Privateer Base Adjusted - Buffed base raid fleet size (x1,66) Derelict Industries Fixed - Decon totally and absolutely will never build in Militarized Subsystems into a non-civ ship ever again I swear to god if it does it again 2.2.d Commerce Fixed - Now buildable again (bit too much of a nerf there) Military/Interstellar Relays Fixed - Crash on hover Derelict Industries Fixed - No longer builds in Militarized Subsystems if the ship is not civilian (for real this time, I swear) 2.2.c General Fixed - Parts now properly drop from combat Fixed - Parts now properly drop when salvaging a ship wreck Fixed - "nullpointerException" when docking at abandoned stations Commerce (vanilla balance changes, only takes effect for newly built ones, can be disabled in settings) Added - Can only have one in the system Adjusted - Dealmaker Holosute from 50 to 25% income bonus Adjusted - Story Point increase from 25 to 10% income bonus Adjusted - Alpha core now reduces tariffs on the open market by 25% Military Base/High Command Added - Special item (Relay Hypertransmitter) Variable Industries Fixed - Capacity too low tooltip (Missing String: "outputRestriction") Supercomputer Added - Special item (Simulation Engine) Added - Now displays the second AI core as sprite on the industry Fixed - Now properly recognizes if a condition is active or not (Supressing Cold with the Lamp no longer works) Fixed - No longer vanishes from selection if unavailable to build Centralisation Bureau Added - Special Item (Logistics AI core) Added - Whitelisted Shadowyards Industries Added - Whitelisted LOA Void Extraction Military/Interstellar Relays Added - Special item (Relay Hypertransmitter) Adjusted - Now needs a military base or a high command in the system to be built (reverted to old system) Adjusted - Build cost increased by 1.2x when no Patrol HQ is present Restoration Docks Adjusted - Can't restore in-built D-mods if they are specified in the hull variant (vanilla game limitation) Adjusted - Tooltip now better communicates this Fixed - Alpha Core upkeep modifier no longer displays as Gamma Core Fixed - Tooltip now correctly displays ship names instead of planet faction Salvage Yards Added - Option to trade in ships for production budget Added - Option for Story point usage to double production budget Adjusted - Max bonus output is now colony size + 4 (that's still a lot!) Fixed - No longer spam the raid message, don't report anything if not under player control Senate Added - Special item (Neuroconditioning Compounds) Fixed - Forced Reloaction no longer enactable at max colony size Fixed - Edicts no longer randomly cancel after being enacted Privateer Base Adjusted - Fleets are now actually called "Privateers" (It's the small things) Engineering Hub Fixed - Tooltip properly displays unavailability reason for printing defects World Wonders Adjusted - Stability bonus longer stacks Derelict Infrastructure Fixed - Infinite loop that only wasn't one because it always crashed due an unrelated bug before it got stuck Fixed - World Wonders now properly award the SP when built via Infrastructure Derelict Industries Adjusted - "Deliver to closest X" setting now delivers to Industrial Storage Fixed - No longer builds in Militarized Subsystems if the ship is not civilian 2.2.a/b General Fixed - Buildings in core worlds spawn again Restoration Dock Fixed - Crash when docking at planets with a Restoration Dock Embassy Fixed - Ambassador no longer drops to inventory when structure is removed Derelict Industries Fixed - Ruins spawning in core worlds Fixed - Are now upgradeable again 2.1.c Added - Ship Component drops to the general combat loot pool Adjusted - Cleaned up the excess quotation marks in all dialogue Variable Industries Added - VPC Ship Components (uncommon) Added - Manufactory with Ship Components VPC to Eochu Bres (the only real source, raid it for the VPC) Fixed - Tooltip (output description String) Salvage Yards Added - Yards to Suddene and Donn Added - Interaction - can now trade in components/rare components to build ships for you Added - Interaction - can now move D-Mods between similar ships Adjusted - Now exports Ship Components, imports hulls. The output can be increased the old way (battles in system, weapons in storage ect.) Adjusted - Now applies bonus output to a local heavy industry (or equivalent) instead of having one. If no HI is present, it will export hulls with a quality penalty. Adjusted - Beta core now switches the industry to "vanilla" behaviour, outputs scaling with colony size, while increasing the SU required for additional output to 90 (base 50) Fixed - Potential High-impact Save file bloating problem Fixed - No longer accrues salvage units while not functional Removed - Low Output reminder message Removed - Base Ship Quality Penalty Removed - Yards on Laicaille Habitat and Qaras (Over industry limit) Academy Fixed - Can no longer remove unremoveable officers from ships (Sorry JRG, no aggressive Sierra anymore) Restoration Docks Added - Ship Components import while repairing Adjusted - Now recognizes and removes in-built D-Mods Fixed - Tooltips Fixed - Crash in build menu under specific circumstances Senate Added - Edict: Single-Child Policy (stops the colony from growing) Shadowyards Modular Fabricators and Upgrades Added - Ship Components imports/Exports. If not fulfilled, reduces output by up to 2 and reduces ship quality by up to -50 (-40 with Corrupted, -30 with Pristine NF). Heavy Industry Added - Now produces components. Added - Nanoforges now reduce ship component demand Orbital Works Removed - No longer produces Ship Components Added - Nanoforges now reduce ship component demand World Wonders Added - Now award a bonus story point when constructed (Only once per colony!) Exploration Added - "Ship Components" as after combat drop Added - "Ancient Components" as after combat drop to exploration things Derelict Industries Added - "IndEvo_RuinsAlways" Planet Tag, needed for mod authors that want to have ruins on a planet - it'll clear them otherwise. Added - Variation on the Industrial Ruins - Old Infrastructure Spawns on planets that have ruins Can be restored into a random structure/industry at half cost/time of the usual build cost Yes, this was Techpriests idea Adjusted - Hull Deconstructor no longer takes an industry slot Adjusted - Forge now less likely to build in IPDAI Fixed - Preview after surveying works again Fixed - Modular ships on Forge Templates no longer spawn without modules Fixed - Ruins spawning in core worlds 2.1.b Salvage Yards Added - Now exports Ship Components: Ship parts and machines that can, for a number of reasons, no longer be reliably produced by the degraded infrastructure of the sector. They have to be recycled instead." Added - There are now Yards on Qaras, Agreus, and Laicaille Habitat Heavy Industry Added - Ship Components imports. If not fulfilled, reduces output by up to 2 and reduces ship quality by up to -40. Exploration Fixed - Can no longer pick the same faction twice for rumors event Derelict Industries Fixed - Can no longer install AI cores in the ruins 2.1.a General Fixed - Some tooltip adjustments Military + Interstellar Relays Adjusted - Now needs either a military base in the system, or a High Command on any player owned colony (can be outside of system). Embassy Adjusted - Negative Rep Change Penalty now trails into a new month (if you cause a -5 change, you will lose 2,5 the first month, then 1 the second, then 0) Fixed - No longer applies the beta core penalty every day Fixed - Crash when the planet changes faction, or becomes hostile, or is removed, or because it felt like crashing. Supercomputer Fixed - Bonus is no longer kept if there is no AI core or the SupCom is removed Privateer Base Fixed - No longer applies lawless subpopulation when just being looked at in the build menu Engineering Hub Adjusted - Removed Guardian from whitelist World Wonders Fixed - No longer allow for AI cores to be installed Derelict Industries Added - Indicator as to what type of ruins are on the planet without colonizing it. READ, PEOPLE, FOR LUDDS SAKE Adjusted - Changed Forge template in-builts to S-Mods (do not count against the limit) Fixed - FT in-built mods no longer vanish when clicking the "build in" button Fixed - Rift Generator can no longer spawn on worlds with solar arrays Fixed - Ruins no longer switch between upgrades when another building is removed Exploration Added - Setting to change the base chance of a special to be assigned to an entity Adjusted - Changed the item choice special dialogue text to give you a better understanding of the explosion chance Adjusted - Print Ship Special now only applies one free built-in Fixed - Salvage specials no longer overwrite ship recovery specials (quests...) Fixed - The impoverished merc will no longer try to charge you double for your sins (you are still a bad person) Fixed - No longer spawns salvageable stations in the core worlds 2.0.b + c Salvage Yards Fixed - Now properly adds to production budget Restoration Docks: Fixed - Crash during Nex Random Sector generation (getMemory()) Academy Fixed - Nullpointer when accessing, now properly works Exploration Fixed - Non-Exitable Dialogue/Nullpointer for the secure room event Fixed - Forge Templates no longer crash the secure room event Fixed - Crash when not sacrificing enough ships to the Machine God Fixed - Impoverished Merc now lets you exit the conversation if you don't want to pay him (you monster) 2.0.a Variable Industries Adjusted - VPC Drop Chances Adjusted - Merged into single drop group as to not affect other item drop chances too much Salvage Yards Removed - Salvage Market. Now works via direct modification of budget (no longer makes a weird pseudo colony) Senate Added - Edict: Exact Clearances (Increases ship Quality, decreases hull output) Removed - Edict: Growth Reinvestment Academy Added - Academy to Fikenhild (since the one in Galatia doesn't spawn hireable officers) Adjusted - Spawned hireable officer max level reduced to match 0.95a Adjusted - Hireable officer has a chance to have an elite skill Adjusted - Now accessible at Galatia Academy Station instead of Ancyra Engineering Hub Adjusted - Updated Whitelists Derelict Industries Adjusted - Merged Forge Templates into single drop group as to not affect other item drop chances too much Adjusted - Updated whitelists Exploration Added - Another event (secret) Adjusted - D-Mod event no longer eats the Nanoforge, but was nerfed in turn Adjusted - Chances (no, you still can't savescum it) Removed - Marine Cryopod Event (is now Vanilla) 1.9.d Variable Industries Added - Deposit amounts now get reduced in the case of deficits (Deficit% of max output) Adjusted - Switched Commodity Forge over to Monthly Deposits Adjusted - Commodity Forge deposits are now also reported by the monthly summary report Adjusted - Commodity Forge Alpha Core effect from -31 days to - 1 Month (yes, there is a difference) Fixed - No longer has a free VPC installed when built on Nex governed markets Fixed - Tooltip now correctly states "local storage" instead of "production gathering point" as output destination Fixed - Tooltip now properly denotes deficits Fixed - Crash when there was no storage on the colony on month end (how does that even happen) Centralization Bureau Added - Now works off a whitelist. Adjust at your own risk, will not properly work with scripted things. Adjusted - Removed "Insufficient AI Core" message spam Adjusted - No longer works with Variable Manufactory (It never properly did in the first place.) Fixed - Now properly applies bonuses Fixed - Displays additional demands above 1 unit Fixed - no longer displays "Can only have one" in the build menu when available to build. Military/Interstellar Relay Added - While no other military is present, acts as Patrol HQ + Added - While no military is present, costs/build time is as much as a patrol HQ. If a HQ is present, costs/time are reduced to normal. Added - While acting as Patrol HQ, spawns patrol fleets depending on colony size / fleet size (always less than a military base) Adjusted - Removed Patrol HQ build requirement Adjusted - Removed local AI Core installed tooltip line, bound it to High Command instead (It now looks better) Salvage Yards Added - Now unlocks the Custom Order menu (Like Heavy Industry) Added - Will pull weapons from the Industrial Storage (dark blue) and convert them to salvage points (depending on weapon size). Adjusted - Auto-changes gathering point if set to salvage yards market, no longer spams warnings. Embassy Added - Support for the Star Federation and VIC Added - Factions will now respond appropriately to hostile action against Ambassadors Adjusted - Rep penalty now calculates monthly Adjusted - Embassy rep changes now have a summary notification like Variable Industries Senate Adjusted - Overhauled Edict rules.csv Fixed - no longer displays "Can only have one" in the build menu when available to build. Privateer Base Adjusted - Is now less likely to go on suicide missions while there are weaker targets available Academy Fixed - No longer gets stuck with a NullPointer on officer selection when using a translated version of Starsector (Chinese/Russian...) Requisitions Centre Fixed - Can no longer gain rep with the ReqCenter dummy faction when trading (I hope.) Engineering Hub Added - Whitelisted Vayras' stuff Fixed - No longer uses the wrong whitelist (changes to reverse engineering now actually take effect) Fixed - Tooltip now denotes toggle function when not extended Courier Port Fixed - Can now transport multiple ships of the same kind at once without bugging out Exploration Added - Two new derelict station types (Like research stations) Added - 10 additional types of salvage events Derelicts Added - Whitelisted Vayras' stuff Adjusted - Reduced the price of working Forge Templates Adjusted - Increased the chance for Ruins to spawn in pairs in high danger systems Adjusted - If one part of a pair of Ruins in a system is a Forge, the other will usually be a Deconstructor, and vice versa. Adjusted - Reworked how Printing defects work (they are now removeable, but come with additional D-mods depending on the chosen AI cores) Adjusted - Reworked Hull Decon/Hull Forge AI core effects Adjusted - Forge/Decon can now bake Hullmods into a ship (check the new AI core effects) Fixed - RiftGen no longer causes planets to sometimes orbit at burn 20 Fixed - Rare CTD for the Rift Generator on mouseover (I hope) World Symbols Added - Build one of 5 different structures with the same effect Effect - Reduces temporary unrest by one point a month Effect - Increases population growth by 10 Effect - All worlds in the system have +1 stability Note - These are mostly for flavour and might get a proper effect in the future, when I can think of something cool. 1.8.c General Adjusted - optimized data loading behaviour Variable Industries Adjusted - Misspellings in VPC tooltips Interstellar Relay Fixed - No longer crashes the game/Prevents saving when built in a nebula Supercomputer Fixed - no longer ticks down cores if not functional Embassy Added - Dialogue choice to move ambassador to another embassy Privateer base Added - Roider Union retrofit template support Added - Setting allow the base to acquire unknown blueprints Fixed - Lawless SubPop Tooltip Engineering hub Added - Roider Union Retrofit Template support Adjusted - No longer continues pulling ships that have reached 100% progress Fixed - THI Retrofit Template support works again Courier Port Fixed - Boggled Astropoli - transfer is now immediate and no longer freezes the delivery Fixed - Ship selection no longer soft locks the game when closing selection window with ESC Fixed - Will now correctly transfer ships from one point to another Fixed - Intel now correctly displays lost ships Fixed - No longer auto-fails on moving in and out of the origin system Fixed - Item selection screen items no longer overlap Requisitions Centre Fixed - Game freeze on cargo update in rare cases when an Alpha Core is installed Derelict Industries Adjusted - Forge Template tooltips to provide more hints Fixed - Ruins can now be removed and no longer spawn double Fixed - Printed Ships sometimes did not get printing defects Fixed - AutoDelivery setting now actually works RiftGen Added - Sound for the Transition Effect Adjusted -Flare effect timing looks less weird Adjusted - Orbit now gets normalized to fit the target system (No more speedy planet boi) Adjusted - Can no longer spawn on Gas Giants (Cannot move a gravity well...) Fixed - Rare bug that would cause an orbital station to despawn Fixed - Colony targetting option (again!) Fixed - Planets from a Nebula now properly orbit a sun Fixed - Colony no longer gets stuck when exiting the system before the animation has finished Fixed - Salvage yards no longer misbehave when stacked in a system 1.8.b Salvage Yards Fixed - No longer notifies you that it is running out of material while building Fixed - Added functionality for the Salvage Market to despawn when the system no longer has a Yard (Ghost colony, takes a day) Privateer Base Fixed - No longer gives you "failed" messages for raids by other factions Requisitions Centre Fixed - Eternal loading bug (I hope) Engineering Hub Fixed - Crash when installing a scripted blueprint (no hull size...) Courier Port Adjusted - Allowed submarkets now run off a whitelist (Avoid mod conflicts) Fixed - No longer displays Null on market check with LTA/VS installed Derelict Industries Fixed - Crash when an AI colony attempts to upgrade the ruins Fixed - Upgrades no longer change randomly Fixed - No longer blocks out upgrades while another colony has a similar ruin Fixed - RiftGen target option "other colony" now works when there are multiple colonies in the original location Fixed - Hull Forge no longer crashes when doing its' thing Fixed - Hull Forge no longer takes only one day after completing the first hull 1.8.a General Added - Now requires MagicLib Added - A few console commands Added - More tips, stupid tips separated from useful ones Adjusted - ID change from deconomics to IndEvo Adjusted - Some slight artwork adjustments Adjusted - All industries now behave properly on AI markets. Fixed - Migrated version file (fuck you bitbucket) Variable Industries Added - Storage for Commodity Forge to auto-pull VPCs from Adjusted - Reduced Commodity Forge base Upkeep by 2000 Adjusted - No longer ships to production gathering point (Can be changed in settings, look at courier port first) Adjusted - Rare VPC drop chance reduced Adjusted - General VPC drop chance slightly reduced Adjusted - Commodity Forge no longer takes an Industry Slot Centralization Bureau Adjusted - Reduced base upkeep by 1000 Fixed - Crash when changing out Variable Manufactory VPC Fixed - Crash when a Variable Assembler/Manufactory did not have a VPC installed Military/Interstellar Relay Adjusted - Reduced Upkeep Adjusted - Can no longer increase fleet size above the highest size in the network Fixed - Massive fleet size increase bug Supercomputer Adjusted - Removed AI-Core Storage, Added Shared Storage Fixed - Very cold planets now provide higher bonuses than cold (oops) Embassy Added - Support for Spindle (ScalarTech), Pearson Exotronics, Free Stars Union Added - Faction enabling/disabling via memory tag Adjusted - Proper tooltips for Ambassadors Adjusted - Code overhaul for Ambassador Items, Whitelisting custom factions now easier Fixed - Crash on removing beta core from embassy without installed ambassador Fixed - Nex no longer resets the increases/decreases while commissioned Restoration Docks Adjusted - Reduced build time from 60 to 40 days Adjusted - Tooltip changes Adjusted - Alpha core now increases repair cap by 3 Adjusted - Can no longer put ships without D-Mods into storage Adjusted - Now also repairs built in D-mods (ex. Champion) Fixed - No longer repairs one D-Mod too many Fixed - Alpha core tooltip now correctly displays the upkeep reduction Fixed - Beta core now displays cost prediction instead of "Something broke" Senate Fixed - Edict: Forced Relocation no longer considers Salvage Yards a colony Fixed - Dialogue text is no longer small after selecting "Remove Edict" option Privateer Base Added - Will now start raids while on AI markets, but not bring back spoils Added - Tooltip now states the build limits Adjusted - Can now build two in a star system Adjusted - System timeout reduced to 1 month on raid failure (was 3) Fixed - No longer gains output whenever a raid of any kind finishes Fixed - No more stupid high output when raiding systems with many planets Fixed - System Raid Timeouts no longer carry over into other saves (yup...) Fixed - Can no longer provide blueprints of Tiandong ships (only Retrofit templates) Fixed - Can no longer target a colony in hyperspace (and subsequently crash) Academy Adjusted - Reduced build time to 60 days Adjusted - Systemwide officer quality increase no longer stacks Fixed - Retrieve Officer menu point no longer invisible while at full officer capacity Fixed - Can no longer access the Academy before it finished building Fixed - NullPointerError on Abandoned Stations Requisition Centre Added - Sources weapons from all factions you have good standing with. Added - Can be set to only source from a specific faction by building an embassy on the same planet. Added - This can easily source specific rare and large weapons, and has powerful AI core effects. Added - Present on Baetis, Eos Exodus - can be unlocked for a fee. Engineering Hub Added - Reverse engineer ships, turn them into blueprints after enough hulls have been sacrificed. Added - You have to overwrite a blueprint of matching hull size (cap for cap, frig for frig) Courier Port Added - Ship Cargo between colonies (From any with cargo, to player colonies) Added - Can target specific storage for deliveries (Resupply Supercomputer, Ships to/from Restoration Docks...) Derelict Industries Added - Find powerful, rare industries in dangerous parts of the sector, and restore their Ruins to working order. 1.7.c Restoration Docks Adjusted - Fee now correctly scales to +/- 50% cost depending on standing Fixed - AI core effects now actually apply under AI control Fixed - Fixed cost calculations, again - it doesn't rip you off anymore Military Relay Adjusted - Reworked descriptions Interstellar Relay Added - Extends Military Relay effects to every star system with this structure. Added - Works as Makeshift Communications Relay in a star system without taking a stable location Note - There is a FAQ for this, since both military relay and this seem to cause confusion. 1.7.a General Added - Loading screen tips Adjusted - ModUpdater now also replaces Submarkets Fixed - Item removal bug when updating the mod with an Ambassador in cargo Variable Industries Adjusted - VPCs no longer all have the same drop chance - rare stuff is now rare Fixed - No longer replaces a pre-installed VPC under AI faction control Military Arrays Adjusted - Functionality change - now depends on the highest total fleet size between arrays. Note - It now works the way you always thought it did, and it scales better. Centralization Bureau Added - Now supports Variable Manufactory if the same chip is installed (Exports only) Fixed - Crash when removing/changing other industries Fixed - Tooltip always showing "No duplicate industries" even if there are some Supercomputer Fixed - Storage no longer visible on AI colonies Adjusted - removed the "Repair when destroyed" feature due to it causing crashes Salvage Yards Fixed - "Running out of salvage" message spam on removal Adjusted - Ship hull output cap increased (buffed) to market size +2 Adjusted - Build cost from 250k to 200k Embassy Added - Mod Authors can now enable and disable ambassador availability via a memory key Added - Support for Metelson Industries Added - Support for Caparice Trade Co. (Yuri) Added - Support for Creatures' other Faction Fixed - Dismissal of an Ambassador via dialogue is no longer impossible Fixed - Timers for Ambassador installation mini quest works again Fixed - No longer spams "Vacated Office" message after reconquering a planet with an embassy Fixed - Ambassadors that are installed after reconquering a planet now correctly appear Senate Adjusted - Edict: Forced Labour - Growth penalty increase to Market size * 2 Adjusted - Edict: Wartime Lockdown - Buffed bonuses, changed accessibility penalty to export penalty Fixed - Removing the senate no longer causes Edicts to fail multiple times in succession Fixed - Fixed the "counts down multiple days per day" bug Restoration Docks Added - Some factions now have restoration docks on their planets, which you can use for a fee. Adjusted - New storage icon and colour (this is now a faction mod) Privateer Base Adjusted - Pirate Subpopulation Tooltip properly displays prefixes Fixed - Can no longer raid for remnant and station part blueprints. Fixed - Crash when you are non hostile to all factions Academy Added - Store and retrieve officers or administrators Added - Train officers towards a different personality (1 increment, 2 with an Alpha core) Added - Train administrators to have them gain more skills (2 max, like vanilla) Added - Has a high daily chance to spawn a hireable Officer/Admin on the planet if there is none Added - Increases officer spawn rate and quality for the planet it is built on (Defense fleets) Added - Increases officer quality for all faction planets in the system (Defense fleets) Added - Academy on Galatia and Eochu Bres which the player can access while non-hostile. 1.6.a General Added - Cleanup and Preparation Script for Save compatibility - still not 1.4 compatible Centralization Bureau Fixed - Now actually works again Supercomputer Fixed - "Missing an AI core" message no longer appears during construction Salvage Yards Fixed - Concurrent Modification Exception crash Embassy Added - Support for Hazard Mining Incorporated Added - Support for the Brighton Federation Added - Support for the First Persean Empire Fixed - Dialogue not loading correctly when docking at abandoned stations Fixed - Ambassador shows wrong dialogue after market change Fixed - Ambassador of the wrong faction deposited in inventory Fixed - Crash after conquering a planet Senate Added - Edict: Hard Deadlines (+ Production budget, - Ship Quality) Added - Edict selection now has a "next page" feature for small screens Fixed - Edicts no longer cause all text to be smaller than it should be Restoration Docks Fixed - Adjusted cost on repair - Now actually costs 50% of vanilla restoration costs. Privateer Base Adjusted - no longer raids and exports ship hulls (also fixes fleet quality issue) Adjusted - Output decay changed from general to individual for commodity exports Adjusted - Output decay starts immediately instead of 1 month time out Adjusted - Output decay now 2/month, up from 1 Adjusted - Spoil now contain more weapons, less high-value blueprints Adjusted - Reduced exports on failed raid by 30% Fixed - correctly factors in fleet size for raid strength Fixed - Only get output on failed raid fleet reached the target system Fixed - Crash when Target Picker only finds bad systems 1.5.g / 1.5.f Privateer Base Fixed - rare bug that caused infinite exports Supercomputer Fixed - Crash when built if no Restoration docks exist on the same planet 1.5.e General Code adjustment - fixed memory leaks - massively improved long time performance Code adjustment - highly improved general performance Settings - you can now enable/disable industries, and modify some parameters. Variable Industries Adjusted - Output messages are now a single monthly summary report for Assembler/Manufactory Adjusted - Assembler commodity export locked to maximum of 3, regardless of skills or market size. Adjusted - Supply and demand are no longer always legal Fixed - crash on month end if colony is owned by a different faction, but governed by the player (Nexerelin) Fixed - no longer has import demands while building/disrupted Centralization Bureau Adjusted - Now modifies supply and demand of the affected industries directly. Adjusted - Removed all supply and demand from this structure (no longer generates boatloads of free money) Fixed - "Insufficient AI core" notification when Alpha core is installed. Fixed - shortage handling Military Relay Fixed - Unfinished military installations no longer count towards the prerequisites Salvage Yards Fixed - No longer causes a colony to decivilize in certain cases Fixed - Salvage market removal on market faction transfer Fixed - Concurrent modification exception crash (probably) Supercomputer Adjusted - Income increase now 5/15/20% (up from 5/10/15%) Adjusted - AI core runtime now 3/9/18 months (up from 1/3/12) Adjusted - Now takes 50 days to build Adjusted - No longer produces new AI cores (toggleable in settings) Fixed - Can no longer store ships in AI-Core storage Fixed - Storage no longer present after industry removal Fixed - Storage gets properly removed on AI colonies Embassy Fixed - being able to dismiss ambassadors that are already in the process of leaving Fixed - relations increase limit tooltip (for real this time) Fixed - crash when docking at a planet you govern for another faction (Nexerelin) Fixed - wrong ambassador getting arrested on inauguration when compromised Senate Added - Comes free with floating platforms and shitty alien costumes. Added - Edicts! Enslave your populace! Cleanse your planet of undesirables! Allow more vacation time for your workers! Restoration Docks Added - Slowly repairs D-Mods of ships placed into a custom storage at a hefty discount. Added - Be careful, the cost might still exceed what you can afford and might land you in debt - Gamma Core is your friend! Privateer Base Added - Automatically raids people you don't like. Added - Output depending on the raided planets, will bring back spoils of war for you after a successful raid. 1.4.b Embassy Added - case handling for a faction being eradicated Added - dialogue for ambassadors on planets that were just taken over Fixed - crash when taking over a planet 1.4.a Variable Industries Fixed Luxury good deposition notice Salvage Yards Fixed a crash related to stations Embassy Added - Monthly reputation increase with a changeable faction, with a 50% increased penalty on negative relation change. Added - get your own Ambassador at a market near you, today! Added - compatible with most modded factions, see list in the description. 1.3.b Supercomputer Adjusted AI-Core runtimes 1.3.a Variable Industries Adjusted all deposit outputs from linear increase to logarithmic increase Adjusted output is now delivered to the production gathering point. Centralization Bureau Fixed tooltip - again Fixed not getting a bonus between heavy industry and orbital works Supercomputer Added AI core consumption: the industry will now require AI cores to work, and destroy them in the process. Added AI-core storage: this is where the Supercomputer takes the AI cores from. Fixed gamma core giving better hidden bonuses than alpha core Adjusted beta core tooltip for better understanding (Thanks Coherent Watermelon!) Adjusted some under-the-hood parts for AI behaviour Adjusted (reduced) the chance for a certain event to happen 1.2.a Variable Industries Added AI-mode for non-player controlled markets Fixed VPC for Luxury goods is now usable Adjusted VPC War Package now displays correct description on deposit Adjusted warnings to text colour yellow Military Relays Fixed tootip displaying the market ID instead of market name Centralization Bureau Added AI-mode for non-player controlled markets Adjusted warnings to text colour yellow Salvage Yards Added AI-mode for non-player controlled markets Added notification about raid success/failure and received SU Fixed Production output/cargo transfer from Salvage market now transfers everything (thanks for the pointer LazyWizard) Fixed a crash when trying to remove heavy industry from a planet with salvage yards Fixed Salvage Yards Admin not getting replaced when switched out Fixed Salvage Yards market not getting removed on industry removal Fixed build time to 45 days (was 54) Adjusted warnings to text colour yellow Supercomputer Added AI-mode for non-player controlled markets Added Increase system wide colony income, depending on planet temperature. Added Tri-Tachyon would like to remind you to disregard any rumors of AI creation you might have heard. From dev release: increased diminishing effect on stacking from 0.9 to 0.88 From dev release: fixed alpha AI core giving 44% bonus instead of 20% 1.1.a Variable Industries Fixed AI cores randomly not working (All) Slightly decreased pather interest in Manufactory Removed pather interest in Commodity Forge (it destroys tech, they shouldn't care) Military Relays Changed build requirement from High Command to Military Base in Star System Reduced effect if no High command is present Fixed not buildable if planet only has a military base Fixed relays applying the bonus even if the colony had the highest fleet size Increased beta core effect to 25% upkeep reduction Is now unraidable Centralization Bureau Changed Industry blacklist to whitelist (No more issues with other modded industries) Is now unraidable Salvage Yards Added