# Fluent > [Fluent][fluent] is a localization system designed to unleash the expressive power of the natural language. This is a [Sublime Text 3][subl] package providing Fluent syntax highlighting as well as a couple of completions. ![How it looks](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SirNickolas/SublimeFluent/master/Screenshot.png) You can also enable highlighting of Fluent [embedded][fluent-dedent] inside your JavaScript with [JS Custom][js-custom]: ```json { "configurations": { "My Config": { "custom_templates": { "tags": { "ftl": "scope:source.fluent", }, }, }, }, } ``` ## Installation This package is published on [Package Control][pc], so you can install it as you would install just any other package for Sublime (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P → `pcins` → `Fluent`). [fluent]: https://projectfluent.org [subl]: https://www.sublimetext.com [fluent-dedent]: https://github.com/projectfluent/fluent.js/tree/master/fluent-dedent#readme [js-custom]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/JSCustom [pc]: https://packagecontrol.io