1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> This must run at Render/999 to work. 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call 5CSetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call 5CSetName]]> 1) ~ Based on the AdjShadow.? tag on this adjustment we will ~ either append or overwrite. We now use either Source or ~ Duration. This allows the adjustment to be used on the ~ Personal tab also. call S2SetName]]> 0]]> 1) field[pChosen].chosen.field[livename].text = field[pSource].text field[pChosen].chosen.field[sbName].text = field[pSource].text]]> 1) field[pChosen].chosen.field[wFixDamage].text = field[pDuration].text field[pChosen].chosen.field[wFixRanDam].text = field[pDuration].text]]> 0) then field[pCandExpr].text = "component.BaseSkill & (" & tagids[ProfSkill.?,"|"] & ")" endif ~ If we're not enabled, get out now doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) ~ If nothing's been chosen, get out now doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen <> 1) doneif (field[pChosen2].ischosen <> 1) field[abText].text = field[pChosen].chosen.tagids[ProfSkill.?] perform focus.deletestr[field[abText].text] field[abText2].text = field[pChosen2].chosen.tagids[ProfSkill.?] perform focus.assignstr[field[abText2].text]]]> 1) perform hero.findchild[Background].setfocus ~ if can't find then get out now! doneif (state.isfocus = 0) ~ Assign new skill perform field[pChosen].chosen.pulltags[ProfSkill.?] perform focus.pushtags[ProfSkill.?]]]> 0) then field[pCandExpr].text = "component.BaseSkill & (" & tagids[ProfSkill.?,"|"] & ")" endif ~ If we're not enabled, get out now doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) ~ If nothing's been chosen, get out now doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen <> 1) field[abText].text = field[pChosen].chosen.tagids[ProfSkill.?] perform focus.deletestr[field[abText].text]]]> 30) then field[pChosen].chosen.field[aMaxValue].value = 30 endif]]> doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen = 0) perform field[pChosen].chosen.assign[Hide.Language] doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen = 0) perform field[pChosen].chosen.pulltags[Language.?,HideLang] perform forward[HideLang.?] field[pUsePicks].value = 0 doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen = 0) perform field[pChosen].chosen.assign[CompAvail.AnimComp] doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen = 0) perform field[pChosen].chosen.assign[CompAvail.Familiar] fieldval:pIsOn = 1 hero.child[ArmorClass].field[Penalty].value -= (field[pAdjust].value - 1) 0]]> 2) then @valid = 0 else @valid = 1 endif]]> 3) then @valid = 0 else @valid = 1 endif]]> 0]]> 0]]> 0]]> 0 & fieldval:pAdjust >= 2]]> 0 & fieldval:pAdjust >= 3]]> 0 & fieldval:pAdjust >= 1]]> = 1) then herofield[tReach].value -= 5 endif endif #situational[hero.child[svSTR], "Advantage", field[thingname].text] #situational[hero.child[skAthletic], "Advantage", field[thingname].text] endif]]> 0 & fieldval:pAdjust = 1]]> 0 & fieldval:pAdjust = 3]]> 1) ~Use this to add the result to the pool hero.findchild[TempHpPool,"Value.14"].field[thpMinAllw].value = 2 hero.findchild[TempHpPool,"Value.14"].field[thpMaxAllw].value = 12]]> 0) then #situational[eachpick, "Advantage", field[thingname].text] endif nexteach foreach pick in hero from BaseAttr if (eachpick.intersect[SkillAbil,SkillAbil] <> 0) then #situational[eachpick, "Advantage on all checks with this ability", field[thingname].text] endif nexteach]]> 0]]> fieldval:pMaximum = 996 fieldval:pMaximum = 995 fieldval:pMaximum = 998 fieldval:pMaximum = 997 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 997 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.xTremorsen] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 996 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.raTruesigh] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 995 endif]]> 0) then field[pCandExpr].text &= " | thingid.SlotHoldWa" else field[pCandExpr].text &= " & !thingid.SlotHoldWa" endif]]> doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen = 0) field[pChosen].chosen.field[MaxAllow].value += field[pAdjust].value fieldval:pMaximum = 1 fieldval:pMaximum = 2 fieldval:pMaximum = 3 fieldval:pMaximum = 4 fieldval:pMaximum = 5 fieldval:pMaximum = 6 fieldval:pMaximum = 7 fieldval:pMaximum = 8 fieldval:pMaximum = 9 fieldval:pMaximum = 10 fieldval:pMaximum = 11 fieldval:pMaximum = 12 fieldval:pMaximum = 13 fieldval:pMaximum = 14 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 1 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpBeast] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 2 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpCelestia] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 3 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpConst] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 4 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpDragon] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 5 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpElementa] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 6 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpFey] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 7 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpFiend] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 8 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpGiant] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 9 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpHumanoid] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 10 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpMonstros] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 11 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpOoze] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 12 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpPlant] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 13 elseif (field[pChosen].chosen.tagis[thingid.tpUndead] <> 0) then field[pMaximum].value = 14 endif]]> doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen = 0) field[pChosen].chosen.field[rHDSides].value += field[pAdjust].value doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen = 0) field[pChosen].chosen.field[rHitDice].value += field[pAdjust].value iValue = master.child[svINT].field[svTotal].value hero.child[svINT].field[svTotal].value = iValue iValue = master.child[svWIS].field[svTotal].value hero.child[svWIS].field[svTotal].value = iValue iValue = master.child[svCHA].field[svTotal].value hero.child[svCHA].field[svTotal].value = iValue 0) then iMBon = eachpick.field[skTotal].value iName = eachpick.tagids[thingid.?,""] foreach pick in hero from BaseSkill where iName iHBon = eachpick.field[skTotal].value eachpick.field[skTotal].value = maximum(iMBon,iHBon) nexteach endif nexteach foreach pick in master from BaseSave where iSavs if (eachpick.tagis[Helper.Proficient] <> 0) then iMBon = eachpick.field[svTotal].value iName = eachpick.tagids[thingid.?,""] foreach pick in hero from BaseSave where iName iHBon = eachpick.field[svTotal].value eachpick.field[svTotal].value = maximum(iMBon,iHBon) nexteach endif nexteach]]> 0]]> 0) then @valid = 1 endif]]> doneif (field[pChosen].ischosen = 0) doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0) perform field[pChosen].chosen.pulltags[DeityCat.?,HideDeiCat] perform hero.pushtags[HideDeiCat.?] 0) then tagexpr = "(component.BaseSkill & !Hide.Skill & (" & tagids[ProfSkill.?, " | "] & "))" else tagexpr = "Helper.Helper & !Helper.Helper" endif field[pCandExpr].text = tagexpr]]> 0) then tagexpr = field[pChosen].chosen.tagids[ProfSkill.?," | "] foreach pick in hero from BaseSkill where tagexpr perform eachpick.assign[Helper.ProfDouble] nexteach endif if (field[pChosen2].ischosen <> 0) then tagexpr = field[pChosen2].chosen.tagids[ProfSkill.?," | "] foreach pick in hero from BaseSkill where tagexpr perform eachpick.assign[Helper.ProfDouble] nexteach endif]]> @valid = 0 doneif (tagis[system_tag.minion] = 0) doneif (hero.tagcount[CompIs.Familiar] = 0) @valid = 1