options: bypass: antibot.bypass kickmessage: &c&lKicked for Failing Captcha chatmessage: &4You May not send messages till you prove antibot captcha movemessage: &4You May not move till you prove antibot captcha on join: if player has permission "{@bypass}": stop else: open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&aClick The Green Wool!!!!" to player set {_e} to 0 set {antibot::%player' uuid%} to true set {_e} to random integer between 0 and 53 loop 53 times: if {_e} = loop-value: wait 1 tick format gui slot {_e} of player with green wool named "&A&LCLICK ME" to close: stop else: wait 1 tick format gui slot {_e} of player with red wool named "&f&lDO NOT CLICK ME!" to run: kick player due to "{@kickmessage}" wait 5 seconds kick player due to "{@kickmessage)" on chat: if {antibot::%player's uuid%} is true: cancel event send "{@chatmessage}" on inventory close: if {antibot::%player's uuid%} is true: kick player due to "{@kickmessage}" on any movement: if {antibot::%player's uuid%} is true: cancel event send "{@movemessage}"