#Chairs+ skripted by: SH4D03 #Donations: paypal.me/SH4D03 #Leave any lore as %{_none}% to make it blank options: item: tripwire hook #This is the chair token item name: &b&lChair Token #This is the name of the chair token lore1: &7Right click on a block #This is the first line of lore of the chair token lore2: &7to turn it into a chair! #This is the second line of lore of the chair token lore3: %{_none}% #This is the third line of lore of the chair token lore4: &cDisclaimer: &7Each token can only be used once #This is the fourth line of lore of the chair token on right click with {@item}: if name of player's tool is "{@name}": cancel event remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool add location of clicked block to {chair::*} on break: if {chair::*} contains location of event-block: remove location of event-block from {chair::*} on right click: if {chair::*} contains location of clicked block: chair(player, location of clicked block) command /chair [] []: trigger: set {_none} to "" give arg-2 of {@item} named "{@name}" with lore "{@lore1}", "{@lore2}", "{@lore3}" and "{@lore4}" to arg-1 function chair(p: player, b: location): spawn armor stand at location of block below block at {_b} set {_entity} to last spawned armor stand add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned armor stand add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of last spawned armor stand make {_p} ride {_entity} while {_entity} exists: if {_p} is sneaking: eject any passenger of {_entity} wait 2 ticks kill {_entity} wait 5 tick