#Made by xlr100#6932 (For any bugs) #-------------------------------------------------------- #Configuration options: permission: skript.clearlag permission message: &cYou don't have access to this command! prefix: &e&l[Clearlag] cooldown: 5 minutes wait: 10 seconds #-------------------------------------------------------- every {@cooldown}: {clearlag} isn't false broadcast "{@prefix} &aClearing lag in {@wait}!" wait {@wait} make console execute command "/clear lag all" command /clear [] [] []: permission: {@permission} permission message: {@permission message} trigger: if arg-1 is "lag": if arg-2 is "mobs": delete all mobs broadcast "{@prefix} &6Cleared all mobs" else if arg-2 is "drops": delete all dropped items broadcast "{@prefix} &6Cleared all dropped items" else if arg-2 is "all": make console execute command "/clear lag mobs" make console execute command "/clear lag drops" else if arg-2 is "toggle": if {clearlag} is false: set {clearlag} to true send "{@prefix} » &aClearlag is now on" else: set {clearlag} to false send "{@prefix} » &aClearlag is now off" else: send "{@prefix} &cCorrect Usage: &7/clear lag mobs/drops/all/toggle" else if arg-1 is "chat": loop 100 times: broadcast "" broadcast "&eChat cleared by &b%player%" else: send "&7-----------------{@prefix}&7-----------------------" send "&e/clear lag mobs &7Clears all mobs" send "&e/clear lag drops &7Clears all dropped items" send "&e/clear lag all &7Clears all dropped items and mobs" send "&e/clear lag toggle &7Toggle clearlag on/off" send "&e/clear chat &7Clears the chat" send "&7-----------------{@prefix}&7-----------------------"