on join: if {balance::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {balance::%player's uuid%} to 0 command /eco [] [] []: permission: admin.* trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: if arg-1 is "give": add arg-3 to {balance::%arg-2's uuid%} send "&aAdded &c%arg-3%&c$ &ato &c%arg-2%&c's &abalance!" else if arg-1 is "take": subtract arg-3 from {balance::%arg-2's uuid%} send "&aRemoved &c%arg-3%&c$ &afrom &c%arg-2%&c's &abalance!" else if arg-1 is "set": set {balance::%arg-2's uuid%} to arg-3 send "&aSet &c%arg-2%&c's &abalance to &c%arg-3%&c$&a!" else: send "&cPlease use this format: /eco [give:take:set] [player] [value]" else: send "&cPlease use this format: /eco [give:take:set] [player] [value]" else: send "&cPlease use this format : /eco [give:take:set] [player] [value]" command /bal []: aliases: balance, bal, money trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&aBalance: &c%{balance::%sender's uuid%}%&c$" if arg-1 is set: send "&a%arg-1%&a's balance: &c%{balance::%arg-1's uuid%}%&c$" command /economy: trigger: send "&6&lCommands:" send "" send "&7Add to a player's balance &e| &8/eco give " send "&7Take from a player's balance &e| &8/eco take " send "&7Set a player's balance &e| &8/eco set " send "&7Open up this page &e| &8/Economy" send "&7Check your current balance &e| &8/Bal" send "" send "&c&lUpdates & Patch notes will be coming!" send ""