#Lootbox skripted by: SH4D03 #Donations: paypal.me/SH4D03 options: item: sea lantern #This is the item of the lootbox name: &b&lLoot Box #This is the name of the lootbox animation: true #Whether placing a lootbox should play an animation or not sound: true #Whether placing a lootbox should play a sound or not lore: &7Place for Rewards! #The lore of the lootbox on place of {@item}: if name of player's tool is "{@name}": if {@animation} is true: wait 2 ticks set block to red stained glass wait 2 ticks set block to orange stained glass wait 2 ticks set block to yellow stained glass wait 2 ticks set block to lime stained glass wait 2 ticks set block to blue stained glass wait 2 ticks set block to purple stained glass wait 2 ticks set block to black stained glass wait 2 ticks if {@sound} is true: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 5 and pitch 16 at player else if {@sound} is true: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 5 and pitch 16 at player set block to air set {_loot} to a random element out of {lootbox::*} give player {_loot} send action bar "&3&lYou Won:&b %{_loot}%" to player command /lootbox [] [] []: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is "give": give arg-2 of {@item} named "{@name}" with lore "{@lore}" to arg-3 else if arg-1 is "add": if player's tool is not air: add player's tool to {lootbox::*} send "&3&lLootbox &6» &bItem successfully added!" to player else: send "&3&lLootbox &6» &bYou can't add air!" to player else if arg-1 is "remove": if {lootbox::*} contains player's tool: remove player's tool from {lootbox::*} send "&3&lLootbox &6» &bItem successfully added!" to player else: send "&3&lLootbox &6» &bYour item was not found in the lootbox!" to player else if arg-1 is "list": send "&3&lLootbox List:" to player loop {lootbox::*}: send "&9[%loop-index%] &b%loop-value%" to player else: send "&3&lUsage:" to player send " &b/lootbox give [] []" to player send " &b/lootbox add (Must be holding item)" to player send " &b/lootbox remove (Must be holding item)" to player send " &b/lootbox list" to player