# # # # By Adxm#1343 # # # options: P: &3&l[REPORT]&7 S: &a&lSUCCESS&7 E: &c&lERROR&7 on script load: broadcast "{@P} Successfully &3reloaded&7." if {reports::total} is not set: set {reports::total} to 0 if {reports::bug::total} is not set: set {reports::bug::total} to 0 if {reports::player::total} is not set: set {reports::player::total} to 0 if {reports::other::total} is not set: set {reports::other::total} to 0 if {latest::reload} is not set: set {latest::reload} to 0 if {latest::reload::player} is not set: set {latest::reload::player} to "N/A" command /report [] []: aliases: reports trigger: if arg-1 is "bug": if arg-2 is set: log "[BUG] %player% has reported the bug: ""%arg-2%""" to "reportsbug.log" send "{@S} Successfully reported." alertReport(player, arg-1, arg-2) setLatest(player, arg-1, arg-2) else: send "{@E} Enter &3argument-2" else if arg-1 is "player": if arg-2 is set: log "[PLAYER] %player% has reported the player: ""%arg-2%""" to "reportsplayer.log" send "{@S} Successfully reported." alertReport(player, arg-1, arg-2) setLatest(player, arg-1, arg-2) else: send "{@E} Enter &3argument-2" else if arg-1 is "other": if arg-2 is set: log "[BUG] %player% has reported other: ""%arg-2%""" to "reportsother.log" send "{@S} Successfully reported." alertReport(player, arg-1, arg-2) setLatest(player, arg-1, arg-2) else: send "{@E} Enter &3argument-2." else if arg-1 is "reload": if player has permission "report.reload": player command "sk reload %script%" set {latest::reload} to now set {latest::reload::player} to player else: send "{@E} No permission." else if arg-1 is "manager": if player has permission "report.manager": set {_inv} to chest inventory with 1 row named "{@P} Manager" open {_inv} to player set slot 0 of player's current inventory to torch named "&6Total Reports" with lore "&3Total: &7%{reports::total}%" and "&3Bugs: &7%{reports::bug::total}%" and "&3Players: &7%{reports::player::total}%" and "&3Other: &7%{reports::other::total}%" set slot 4 of player's current inventory to redstone torch named "&6Latest Report" with lore "&3User: &7%{latest::player}%" and "&3Type: &7%{latest::type}%" and "&3Report: &7%{latest::report}%" set slot 8 of player's current inventory to nether quartz ore named "&6Latest reload &7&o(using /report reload)" with lore "&3Player: &7%{latest::reload::player}%" and "&3Time: &7%{latest::reload}%" else: send "{@E} No permission." else: send "{@E} Enter either &3bug &7| &3player &7| &3other &7| &3reload &7| &3manager&7." function alertReport(p: player, type: text, report: text): add 1 to {reports::%{_type}%::total} loop all players: if loop-player has permission "reports.alert": send "{@P} &3%{_p}% &7has reported a &3%{_type}%&7: ""&3%{_report}%&7""" to loop-player send "{@P} This has been logged to &3reports%{_type}%&7 in the directory &3/plugins/Skript/logs/reports%{_type}%&7." to loop-player function setLatest(p: player, type: text, report: text): add 1 to {reports::total} set {latest::player} to {_p} set {latest::type} to {_type} set {latest::report} to {_report}