# Sell Wands Empowered # Made By Shy#7014 (dm if there are any bugs/issues. Thank you!) #Config (Mote you can add more just follow the format.) options: cactus: 10 sugar cane: 10 pumpkin: 15 command /sellwand [] [] []: permission: sellwand.admin trigger: if arg 1 is "help": send "&aUsage: /sellwand [give] [player] [multiplier]" else if arg 1 is "give": if arg 2 is a player: if arg 3 is set: give player blaze rod named "&6&lSellwand" with lore "&aMultiplier: %arg-3%" send "&aGiven a %arg-3%x sellwand to %arg-2%!" else: send "&aUsage: /sellwand [give/help] [player] [multiplier]" else: send "&aUsage: /sellwand [give/help] [player] [multiplier]" else: send "&aUsage: /sellwand [give/help] [player] [multiplier]" command /bal: trigger: send "&aBal: %{balance::%player's uuid%}%" function sell(p: player, c: block): set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid set {_cactus} to number of cactus in {_c}'s inventory set {_cactus} to {_cactus} * {@cactus} set {_cane} to number of sugar cane in {_c}'s inventory set {_cane} to {_cane} * {@sugar cane} set {_pumpkin} to number of pumpkin in {_c}'s inventory set {_pumpkin} to {_pumpkin} * {@pumpkin} remove all cactus, pumpkin and sugar cane from {_c}'s inventory add {_cactus} + {_pumpkin} + {_cane} to {_total} set {_multi} to uncolored line 1 of lore of {_p}'s held item replace all "Multiplier: " in {_multi} with "" set {_multi} to {_multi} parsed as integer set {_total} to {_total} * {_multi} set {balance::%{_u}%} to {_total} + {balance::%{_u}%} send "&aYou have earned $%{_total}% &afrom selling!" to {_p} on right click with a blaze rod: if name of player's held item is "&6&lSellwand": if event-block is a chest: sell(player, clicked block) cancel event