command /kit []: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Kits" to player loop (3*9) times: format gui slot (loop-number - 1) of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" format gui slot 10 of player with iron sword named "&ePvP" to run: player command "kit pvp" format gui slot 12 of player with bow named "&eArcher" to run: player command "kit archer" format gui slot 14 of player with leather helmet named "&eNinja" to run: player command "kit ninja" format gui slot 16 of player with diamond chestplate named "&eTank" to run: player command "kit tank" else: close player's inventory if arg-1 is "pvp": remove speed from player remove slowness from player clear player's inventory give iron sword to player give iron helmet to player give iron chestplate to player give iron leggings to player give iron boots to player give 64 steak to player give 4 golden apple to player send "&6&lBRIGHTER > &7You have been given kit &ePvP &8(&eMade by &6CalvishDad&8)" to player else if arg-1 is "archer": remove speed from player remove slowness from player clear player's inventory give stone sword to player give leather helmet to player give leather chestplate to player give leather leggings to player give boots to player give 64 steak to player give bow to player give 64 arrow to player message "&6&lBRIGHTER > &7You have been given kit &eArcher &8(&eMade by &6CalvishDad&8)" to player else if arg-1 is "ninja": remove speed from player remove slowness from player apply potion of speed of tier 1 to player for 9999 seconds clear player's inventory give iron sword to player give leather cap to player give leather tunic to player give leather pants to player give leather boots to player give 64 steak to player give 2 golden apple to player message "&6&lBRIGHTER > &7You have been given kit &eNinja &8(&eMade by &6CalvishDad&8)" to player else if arg-1 is "tank": remove speed from player remove slowness from player apply potion of slowness of tier 1 to player for 9999 seconds clear player's inventory give stone sword to player give diamond helmet to player give diamond chestplate to player give diamond leggings to player give diamond boots to player give 64 steak to player message "&6&lBRIGHTER > &7You have been given kit &eTank &8(&eMade by &6CalvishDad&8)" to player else: message "&cInvalid kit."