# IPS BBCode IPS BBCode syntax for SublimeText 2/3 ### Info This is a IPS Specific BBCode setup. Most of the default codes are included and some are expanded on to further increase productivity. ### Installation With package control: Search for `IPS BBCode` and install. ([Install Package Control][4]) Manual: Download the latest package from [here][1]. Extract to (Sublime Text Directory)/Packages/IPS BBCode/ (Folder name must be exact.) ### Available Trigger Completions [Click here][2]. ### Contribute To contribute to the project, you have a couple of options: 1. Fork the project, add your codes, and send a pull request for review. 2. [Open a ticket][3] and categorize it as "Add string". [1]: https://github.com/Skullmonkey/IPS-BBCode/releases [2]: https://github.com/Skullmonkey/IPS-BBCode/wiki [3]: https://github.com/Skullmonkey/IPS-BBCode/issues/new [4]: https://sublime.wbond.net/installation