IPS-Syntax ========== Syntax highlighter and autocomplete for Invision Powered products. This plugin simply expands on the HTML syntax to add IPS functions and code snippets. It was created to increase efficiency while coding for IPS products. instead of typing out a full function, all you have to do is type a few letters and press tab. Ex: instead of typing `` Do this `` You only have to type if(tab)this == that(tab)Do this(tab) and your done! The output will be the exact same as above! Autocomplete ============ The tab triggers and autocomplete list can be found here. Contribute ========== To contribute to the project, you have a couple of options: 1. Fork the project, add your codes, and send a pull request for review. 2. Open a ticket and categorize it as "Add string". Other Notes =========== The project is still in very early development and it will be a while before it will be ready for primetime.