@prefix : . @prefix ns1: . @prefix ns2: . @prefix ns3: . @prefix ns4: . @prefix ns5: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . ns1:author rdfs:range ns1:Company . ns1:nameInTraditionalChinese rdfs:subPropertyOf ns1:nation . a owl:Ontology ; owl:imports ns1:, ns3:2019-02-19, ns4: . :007_SinTiempoParaMorir a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :CaryJojiFukunaga ; ns1:duration 1.67e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Crime, :Thriller ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos, :Inglaterra ; ns1:starring :AnaDeArmas, :BenWhishaw, :ChristophWaltz, :DanielCraig, :JeffreyWright, :LashanaLynch, :LeaSeydoux, :NaomieHarris, :RalphFiennes, :RamiMalek ; ns1:title "007: SIN TIEMPO PARA MORIR" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/007-sin-tiempo-para-morir"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :007_SinTiempoParaMorir_trailer ; :synopsis "En SIN TIEMPO PARA MORIR, Bond se ha retirado del servicio como agente en activo y disfruta de una tranquila vida en Jamaica. Pero sus días de paz acaban cuando su viejo amigo Felix Leiter de la CIA aparece pidiéndole ayuda. La misión en cuestión, que consiste en rescatar a un científico secuestrado, resulta mucho más compleja de lo esperado y pone a Bond sobre la pista de un misterioso villano armado con peligrosa tecnología de vanguardia."@es . :100Lobo a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :AlexsStadermann ; ns1:duration 8.5e+01 ; ns1:genre :Animation, :Family, :Fantasy ; ns1:origin :Australia, :Belgica ; ns1:starring :IlaiSwindells, :JaiCourtney, :JaneLynch, :RhysDarby, :RupertDegas, :SamaraWeaving ; ns1:title "100% LOBO" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/100-lobo"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :100Lobo_show_1, :100Lobo_show_10, :100Lobo_show_11, :100Lobo_show_12, :100Lobo_show_13, :100Lobo_show_14, :100Lobo_show_15, :100Lobo_show_16, :100Lobo_show_17, :100Lobo_show_18, :100Lobo_show_19, :100Lobo_show_2, :100Lobo_show_3, :100Lobo_show_4, :100Lobo_show_5, :100Lobo_show_6, :100Lobo_show_7, :100Lobo_show_8, :100Lobo_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :100Lobo_trailer ; :synopsis "Freddy Lupin pertenece a una orgullosa familia de hombres lobo. Confiado de que pronto se convertirá en un hombre lobo de los más temidos, Freddy se queda sorprendido cuando descubre que no es todo lo feroz que esperaba."@es . :AmorSinBarreras a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :StevenSpielberg ; ns1:genre :Romance, :Song ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AnaIsabelle, :AnselElgort, :ArianaDebose, :BrianDArcyJames, :CoreyStoll, :DavidAlvarez, :JoshAndresRivera, :MikeFaist, :RachelZegler, :RitaMoreno ; ns1:title "AMOR SIN BARRERAS" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/amor-sin-barreras"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :AmorSinBarreras_trailer ; :synopsis "Dirigida por el ganador de un Oscar® Steven Spielberg, a partir de un guion del galardonado con un premio Pulitzer y un Tony® Tony Kushner, AMOR SIN BARRERAS cuenta la clásica historia de rivalidades y amor juvenil en la ciudad de Nueva York de 1957."@es . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :TaylorSheridan ; ns1:duration 9.9e+01 ; ns1:genre :Drama, :Thriller, :Western ; ns1:origin :Canada, :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AidanGillen, :AngelinaJolie, :DylanKenin, :JakeWeber, :JamesJordan, :JonBernthal, :LoraMartinez_Cunningham, :MedinaSenghore, :NicholasHoult, :TylerPerry ; ns1:title "AQUELLOS QUE DESEAN MI MUERTE" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/aquellos-que-desean-mi-muerte"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P13R"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_1, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_10, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_11, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_12, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_13, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_14, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_15, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_16, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_17, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_2, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_3, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_4, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_5, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_6, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_7, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_8, :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_trailer ; :synopsis "Un adolescente testigo de un asesinato es perseguido por dos asesinos gemelos a través de las tierras salvajes de Montana. Aunque cuenta con un experto de la supervivencia para evitar que los secuaces le den caza, un incendio cercano pronto amenaza con robar la vida de todos los implicados."@es . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :AlexandrGrishin ; ns1:duration 8e+01 ; ns1:genre :Terror ; ns1:origin :Rusia ; ns1:starring :AnnaSerpeneva, :DenisLukichev, :KseniyaPlyusnina, :PolinaStrogaya, :VladimirKuznetsov ; ns1:title "ATAKAN: RELIQUIA DIABÓLICA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/atakan-reliquia-diabolica"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_1, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_10, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_11, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_12, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_2, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_3, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_4, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_5, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_6, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_7, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_8, :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_trailer ; :synopsis "Atakan es una roca sangrienta, un enorme bloque de granito en el que los paganos han sacrificado humanos durante siglos. Un día, un grupo de estudiantes de Historia liderados por un profesor descienden a las catacumbas de San Petersburgo para hallar este monolito. Sin embargo, con cada paso que dan hacia las profundidades, la situación se descontrola un poco más. La muerte les aguarda. ¿Podrán sobrevivir?"@es . :BahiaBlanca a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :RodrigoCaprotti ; ns1:duration 8.2e+01 ; ns1:genre :Drama ; ns1:origin :Argentina ; ns1:starring :AilinSalas, :ElisaCarricajo, :GuillermoPfening, :JavierDrolas, :JuliaMartinezRubio, :MarceloSubiotto, :VioletaPalukas ; ns1:title "BAHÍA BLANCA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/bahia-blanca"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :BahiaBlanca_trailer ; :synopsis "Mario, docente universitario, utiliza una investigación sobre el escritor Ezequiel Martínez Estrada para huir de su pasado. Establecido en Bahía Blanca, la nueva ciudad parece ser el lugar ideal para el olvido, hasta que un encuentro fortuito con un viejo amigo desencadena el peor de los peligros."@es . :Bigli a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :NicolasTacconi ; ns1:duration 7.8e+01 ; ns1:genre :Drama ; ns1:origin :Argentina ; ns1:starring :AnaCelentano, :AnaKatz, :EstebanBigliardi, :FabianArenillas, :LauraGrandineti, :LuisLuque, :RoccoPosca ; ns1:title "BIGLI" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/bigli"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P13R"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :Bigli_show_1, :Bigli_show_2, :Bigli_show_3, :Bigli_show_4, :Bigli_show_5, :Bigli_show_6 ; :hasTrailer :Bigli_trailer ; :synopsis "Los años dejaron sin amor y sin sentido al viejo Bigli, tratando de que el alcohol lo hunda a él o a su barco. En medio de ese largo adiós del mundo, su amada sobrina, sin encontrar contención en su familia, le pedirá ayuda."@es . :BlackWidow a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :CateShortland ; ns1:genre :Action, :Thriller ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos, :Inglaterra ; ns1:starring :DavidHarbour, :FlorencePugh, :OTFagbenle, :RachelWeisz, :RayWinstone, :RobertDowneyJr, :ScarlettJohansson, :SimonaZivkovska, :WilliamHurt, :YolandaLynes ; ns1:title "BLACK WIDOW" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/black-widow"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :BlackWidow_trailer ; :synopsis "Al nacer, Natasha Romanoff se entrega a la KGB, que la prepara para convertirse en su principal agente. Cuando los Estados Unidos se separan, el gobierno trata de matarla mientras la acción actúa."@es . :Candyman a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :NiaDacosta ; ns1:genre :Terror, :Thriller ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :CarlClemons_Hopkins, :CassieKramer, :CedricMays, :ColmanDomingo, :KyleKaminsky, :NathanStewart_Jarrett, :RebeccaSpence, :TeyonahParris, :TonyTodd, :YahyaAbdul_MateenIi ; ns1:title "CANDYMAN" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/candyman"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "Desde tiempos inmemoriales, los proyectos residenciales del barrio de Cabrini Green en Chicago se han visto amenazados por la historia de un supuesto asesino en serie con un gancho por mano al que se invoca fácilmente repitiendo su nombre cinco veces frente a un espejo. Hoy, una década después de que la última torre de Cabrini fuese derruída, el artista visual Anthony McCoy (Yahya Abdul-Mateen) y su novia Brianna Cartwright (Teyonah Parris), se mudan a un apartamento de lujo de un barrio ahora irreconocible, repleto de millennials y de personas que, por lo general, desconocen su oscuro pasado."@es . :ContraElFuego a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :AlexeyNuzhny ; ns1:duration 1.31e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Drama ; ns1:origin :Rusia ; ns1:starring :IvanYankovskiy, :KonstantinKhabenskiy, :StasyaMiloslavskaya ; ns1:title "CONTRA EL FUEGO" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/contra-el-fuego"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :ContraElFuego_trailer . :Cruella a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :CraigGillespie ; ns1:genre :Action, :Comedy, :Drama ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :EmilyBeecham, :EmmaStone, :EmmaThompson, :JamieDemetriou, :JoelFry, :KirbyHowell_Baptiste, :MarkStrong, :PaulWalterHauser ; ns1:title "CRUELLA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/cruella"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :Cruella_trailer ; :synopsis "La ganadora del Oscar® Emma Stone (La La Land) protagoniza CRUELLA de Disney, un nuevo largometraje de acción real que retrata los primeros días rebeldes de una de las villanas más notorias del cine y de la moda, la legendaria Cruella de Vil. Ambientada en los años 70 en Londres y en medio de la revolución del punk rock, CRUELLA sigue a una joven estafadora llamada Estella, una chica inteligente y creativa decidida a hacerse un lugar en la moda con sus diseños de ropa. Cuando se hace amiga de un par de jóvenes ladrones que aprecian su apetito por las travesuras, juntos logran construir una vida en las calles de Londres. Un día, el talento de Estella llama la atención de la Baronesa von Hellman, la aterradoramente elegante y sofisticada leyenda de la moda interpretada por la dos veces ganadora del Oscar® Emma Thompson (La mansión Howard, Sensatez y Sentimiento). Pero su relación pone en marcha un curso de eventos y revelaciones que harán que Estella abrace su lado perverso y se convierta en la disonante, vanguardista y ávida de venganza Cruella."@es . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :HaruoSotozaki ; ns1:duration 1.2e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Animation, :Drama, :Fantasy ; ns1:origin :Japon ; ns1:starring :AkariKito, :HiroShimono, :KatsuyukiKonishi, :KenichiSuzumura, :NatsukiHanae, :SaoriHayami, :SatoshiHino, :TakahiroSakurai, :TomokazuSeki, :YoshitsuguMatsuoka ; ns1:title "DEMON SLAYER MUGEN TRAIN" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/demon-slayer-mugen-train"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_1, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_10, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_11, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_12, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_13, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_14, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_2, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_3, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_4, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_5, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_6, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_7, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_8, :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_9 ; :synopsis "Demon Slayer: Mugen Train cuenta la historia de Tanjiro Kamado, Kyoujurou Rengoku y sus amigos de la Compañía de Cazadores de Demonios (Demon Slayer Corps). Juntos, se unen con uno de los mejores espadachines de la compañía, Kyojuro Rengoku, para investigar una misteriosa serie de desapariciones que han ocurrido dentro del “Tren Infinito”. Poco saben que Enmu, uno de los miembros de las Doce Lunas Demoníacas, también está a bordo y les ha preparado una trampa."@es . :ElConjuro3_ElDiabloMeObligoAHacerlo a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :MichaelChaves ; ns1:genre :Mystery, :Terror, :Thriller ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AndreaAndrade, :CharleneAmoia, :JulianHilliard, :MeganAshleyBrown, :PatrickWilson, :RuairiOConnor, :SarahCatherineHook, :ShannonKook, :SterlingJerins, :VeraFarmiga ; ns1:title "EL CONJURO 3: EL DIABLO ME OBLIGÓ A HACERLO" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/el-conjuro-3-el-diablo-me-obligo-a-hacerlo"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :ElConjuro3_ElDiabloMeObligoAHacerlo_trailer ; :synopsis "“El Conjuro 3: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo” revela una escalofriante historia de terror, asesinato y un mal desconocido que impresionó incluso a los verdaderos expertos en investigación paranormal Ed y Lorraine Warren. Es uno de los casos más sensacionales de sus archivos; empieza con la lucha por el alma de un niño, los lleva más allá de lo que jamás habían visto y marca la primera vez en la historia de EE. UU. en que un sospechoso de asesinato alega posesión demoníaca como defensa."@es . :ElJovenAhmed a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :Jean_PierreDardenne, :LucDardenne ; ns1:duration 8.4e+01 ; ns1:genre :Drama ; ns1:origin :Belgica, :Francia ; ns1:starring :AmineHamidou, :ClaireBodson, :IdirBenAddi, :MyriemAkeddiou, :OlivierBonnaud, :OthmaneMoumen, :VictoriaBluck ; ns1:title "EL JOVEN AHMED" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/el-joven-ahmed"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "En la Bélgica actual, el destino del joven Ahmed, de apenas 13 años, se ha quedado atrapado entre los ideales de pureza del que le habla su imán y las pasiones de la vida."@es . :ElOficialYElEspia a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :RomanPolanski ; ns1:duration 1.26e+02 ; ns1:genre :Drama, :Historia ; ns1:origin :Francia, :Italia ; ns1:starring :AndreMarcon, :DidierSandre, :EmmanuelleSeigner, :GregoryGadebois, :JeanDujardin, :LouisGarrel, :MathieuAmalric, :MelvilPoupaud, :VincentGrass, :VincentPerez ; ns1:title "EL OFICIAL Y EL ESPÍA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/el-oficial-y-el-espia"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "En 1894, el capitán francés Alfred Dreyfus, un joven oficial judío, es acusado de traición por espiar para Alemania y condenado a cadena perpetua en la Isla del Diablo, en la Guayana Francesa. Entre los testigos que hicieron posible esta humillación se encuentra el coronel Georges Picquart, encargado de liderar la unidad de contrainteligencia que descubrió al espía. Pero cuando Picquart se entera de que se siguen pasando secretos militares a los alemanes, se adentrará en un peligroso laberinto de mentiras y corrupción, poniendo en peligro su honor y su vida."@es . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :PeterJackson ; ns1:duration 1.99e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Fantasy ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos, :NuevaZelanda ; ns1:starring :BernardHill, :BillyBoyd, :CateBlanchett, :ChristopherLee, :ElijahWood, :IanMckellen, :JohnRhys_Davies, :LivTyler, :SeanAstin, :ViggoMortensen ; ns1:title "EL SEÑOR DE LOS ANILLOS: EL RETORNO DEL REY" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/el-senor-de-los-anillos-el-retorno-del-rey"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_1, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_10, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_11, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_12, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_13, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_14, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_15, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_16, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_17, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_18, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_19, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_2, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_20, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_21, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_22, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_23, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_24, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_25, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_26, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_27, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_28, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_29, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_3, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_30, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_31, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_32, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_33, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_34, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_35, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_36, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_37, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_38, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_39, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_4, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_40, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_5, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_6, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_7, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_8, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_trailer ; :synopsis "Las fuerzas de Saruman han sido destruidas, y su fortaleza sitiada. Ha llegado el momento de que se decida el destino de la Tierra Media, y por primera vez en mucho tiempo, parece que hay una pequeña esperanza. La atención del señor oscuro Sauron se centra ahora en Gondor, el último reducto de los hombres, y del cual Aragorn tendrá que reclamar el trono para ocupar su puesto de rey. Pero las fuerzas de Sauron ya se preparan para lanzar el último y definitivo ataque contra el reino de Gondor, la batalla que decidirá el destino de todos. Mientras tanto, Frodo y Sam continuan su camino hacia Mordor, a la espera de que Sauron no repare en que dos pequeños Hobbits se acercan cada día más al final de su camino, el Monte del Destino."@es . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :PeterJackson ; ns1:duration 1.8e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Fantasy ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos, :NuevaZelanda ; ns1:starring :BillyBoyd, :CateBlanchett, :DominicMonaghan, :ElijahWood, :IanMckellen, :JohnRhys_Davies, :LivTyler, :OrlandoBloom, :SeanAstin, :ViggoMortensen ; ns1:title "EL SEÑOR DE LOS ANILLOS: LA COMUNIDAD DEL ANILLO" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/el-senor-de-los-anillos-la-comunidad-del-anillo"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "ATPR"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_1, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_10, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_11, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_12, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_13, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_14, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_15, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_16, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_17, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_18, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_19, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_2, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_20, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_21, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_22, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_23, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_24, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_25, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_26, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_27, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_28, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_29, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_3, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_30, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_31, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_32, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_4, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_5, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_6, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_7, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_8, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_trailer ; :synopsis "En la Tierra Media, el Señor Oscuro Saurón creó los Grandes Anillos de Poder, forjados por los herreros Elfos. Tres para los reyes Elfos, siete para los Señores Enanos, y nueve para los Hombres Mortales. Secretamente, Saurón también forjó un anillo maestro, el Anillo Único, que contiene en sí el poder para esclavizar a toda la Tierra Media. Con la ayuda de un grupo de amigos y de valientes aliados, Frodo emprende un peligroso viaje con la misión de destruir el Anillo Único. Pero el Señor Oscuro Sauron, quien creara el Anillo, envía a sus servidores para perseguir al grupo. Si Sauron lograra recuperar el Anillo, sería el final de la Tierra Media."@es . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :PeterJackson ; ns1:duration 1.76e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Fantasy ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos, :NuevaZelanda ; ns1:starring :BernardHill, :BillyBoyd, :CateBlanchett, :ChristopherLee, :ElijahWood, :IanMckellen, :JohnRhys_Davies, :LivTyler, :SeanAstin, :ViggoMortensen ; ns1:title "EL SEÑOR DE LOS ANILLOS: LAS DOS TORRES" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/el-senor-de-los-anillos-las-dos-torres"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_1, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_10, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_11, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_12, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_13, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_14, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_15, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_16, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_17, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_18, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_19, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_2, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_20, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_21, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_22, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_23, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_24, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_25, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_26, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_27, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_28, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_29, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_3, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_30, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_31, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_32, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_33, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_34, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_35, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_36, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_37, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_38, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_39, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_4, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_40, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_5, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_6, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_7, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_8, :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_trailer ; :synopsis "La Compañía del Anillo se ha disuelto. El portador del anillo Frodo y su fiel amigo Sam se dirigen hacia Mordor para destruir el Anillo Único y acabar con el poder de Sauron. Mientras, y tras la dura batalla contra los orcos donde cayó Boromir, el hombre Aragorn, el elfo Legolas y el enano Gimli intentan rescatar a los medianos Merry y Pipin, secuestrados por los ogros de Mordor. Por su parte, Saurón y el traidor Sarumán continúan con sus planes en Mordor, en espera de la guerra contra las razas libres de la Tierra Media."@es . :ElTerritorioDelAmor a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :RomainCogitore ; ns1:duration 9.7e+01 ; ns1:genre :Drama ; ns1:origin :Francia ; ns1:starring :AviisZhong, :ChristianeMillet, :DanielMartin, :DeborahFrancois, :NanouGarcia, :PaulHamy, :VincentPerez ; ns1:title "EL TERRITORIO DEL AMOR" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/el-territorio-del-amor"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "María tiene 30 años, es impaciente, rebelde y experta en holandés. Olivier tiene la misma edad, es lento, tímido y habla catorce idiomas. Se encuentran en Taiwan. Y de repente, la impactante novedad. Es su historia. La de la increíble fuerza de un amor. Y la de sus confines, en donde todo empieza a fallar. Excepto María."@es . :EnElBarrio a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :JonMChu ; ns1:duration 1.2e+02 ; ns1:genre :Drama, :Romance, :Song ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AnthonyRamos, :CoreyHawkins, :DaphneRubin_Vega, :GregoryDiazIv, :JimmySmits, :LeslieGrace, :Lin_ManuelMiranda, :MelissaBarrera, :OlgaMerediz, :StephanieBeatriz ; ns1:title "EN EL BARRIO" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/en-el-barrio"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :EnElBarrio_trailer ; :synopsis "Adaptación del musical de Broadway de Lin-Manuel Miranda en el que el propietario de una bodega duda sobre si cerrar su negocio y retirarse a la República Dominicana tras heredar la fortuna de su abuela."@es . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :TimHill ; ns1:duration 9.8e+01 ; ns1:genre :Comedy, :Family ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :CheechMarin, :ChristopherWalken, :IsaacKragten, :JaneSeymour, :LauraMarano, :OakesFegley, :RobRiggle, :RobertDeNiro, :TJMcgibbon, :UmaThurman ; ns1:title "EN GUERRA CON MI ABUELO" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/en-guerra-con-mi-abuelo"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "ATPR"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_1, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_10, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_11, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_12, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_13, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_14, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_2, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_3, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_4, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_5, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_6, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_7, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_8, :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_trailer ; :synopsis "Peter está muy molesto porque tiene que cederle la habitación a su abuelo (Robert De Niro) por lo que decide declararle la guerra en un intento por recuperarla. Esto desatará una divertida y alocada batalla entre él, su abuelo y sus amigos."@es . :Espiral_ElJuegoDelMiedoContinua a ns1:Film ; ns1:title "ESPIRAL: EL JUEGO DEL MIEDO CONTINÚA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/espiral-el-juego-del-miedo-continua"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :Espiral_ElJuegoDelMiedoContinua_trailer ; :synopsis "Un cruel y sádico genio desata una retorcida forma de justicia en ESPIRAL, el nuevo y aterrador capítulo en el Universo de El Juego del Miedo. A la sombra de un respetado veterano de la policía (Samuel L. Jackson), el atrevido detective Ezequiel “Zeke” Banks (Chris Rock) y su compañero novato (Max Minghella) se encargan de la rebuscada investigación sobre unos asesinatos que despiertan un recuerdo inquietante del terrible pasado vivido en la ciudad: ¿Habrá regresado? ¿Será posible? Con cada movida, Zeke se acerca más al centro de un misterio y a los macabros juegos de un asesino. ESPIRAL está protagonizada por Chris Rock, Max Minghella, Marisol Nichols y Samuel L. Jackson, y está producida por el equipo original de SAW de Mark Burg y Oren Koules. La película está dirigida por Darren Lynn Bousman y escrita por Josh Stolberg y Pete Goldfinger."@es . :EspiritusOscuros a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :ScottCooper ; ns1:genre :Terror ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AmyMadigan, :ArloHajdu, :CodyDavis, :GrahamGreene, :JeremyThomas, :JessePlemons, :KeriRussell, :RoryCochrane, :SawyerJones, :ScottHaze ; ns1:title "ESPÍRITUS OSCUROS" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/espiritus-oscuros"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "En Antlers, una pequeña ciudad de Oregón, una profesora (Keri Russel) y su hermano (Jesse Plemons), el sheriff de la localidad, se empiezan a interesar por un estudiante misterioso y distante. A medida que se van conociendo, descubre que el joven esconde un peligroso secreto que podría tener consecuencias fatales."@es . :EternosCompaneros a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :Wing_CheongLaw ; ns1:duration 7.3e+01 ; ns1:origin :China ; ns1:starring :GigiLeung, :HimLaw, :SimonYam ; ns1:title "ETERNOS COMPAÑEROS" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/eternos-companeros"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "ATPR"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :EternosCompaneros_show_1, :EternosCompaneros_show_10, :EternosCompaneros_show_11, :EternosCompaneros_show_12, :EternosCompaneros_show_13, :EternosCompaneros_show_14, :EternosCompaneros_show_15, :EternosCompaneros_show_2, :EternosCompaneros_show_3, :EternosCompaneros_show_4, :EternosCompaneros_show_5, :EternosCompaneros_show_6, :EternosCompaneros_show_7, :EternosCompaneros_show_8, :EternosCompaneros_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :EternosCompaneros_trailer ; :synopsis "Adaptación cinematográfica de la famosa novela japonesa \"Goodbye, Khoru\" que sigue a un perro guía y a su conflictuado amo"@es . :FreeGuy_TomandoElControl a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :ShawnLevy ; ns1:genre :Adventure, :Comedy ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :CamilleKostek, :ChanningTatum, :JodieComer, :JoeKeery, :KaylaCaulfield, :MichaelMalvesti, :OwenBurke, :RyanReynolds, :TaikaWaititi, :UtkarshAmbudkar ; ns1:title "FREE GUY: TOMANDO EL CONTROL" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/free-guy-tomando-el-control"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "Un trabajador de un banco descubre que en realidad es un jugador dentro de un videojuego."@es . :GodzillaVsKong a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :AdamWingard ; ns1:duration 1.13e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :ScienceFiction, :Thriller ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AlexanderSkarsgard, :BrianTyreeHenry, :DemianBichir, :EizaGonzalez, :JessicaHenwick, :JulianDennison, :KyleChandler, :MillieBobbyBrown, :RebeccaHall, :ShunOguri ; ns1:title "GODZILLA VS. KONG" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/godzilla-vs-kong"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :GodzillaVsKong_show_1, :GodzillaVsKong_show_10, :GodzillaVsKong_show_11, :GodzillaVsKong_show_12, :GodzillaVsKong_show_13, :GodzillaVsKong_show_14, :GodzillaVsKong_show_15, :GodzillaVsKong_show_16, :GodzillaVsKong_show_17, :GodzillaVsKong_show_18, :GodzillaVsKong_show_19, :GodzillaVsKong_show_2, :GodzillaVsKong_show_20, :GodzillaVsKong_show_21, :GodzillaVsKong_show_22, :GodzillaVsKong_show_23, :GodzillaVsKong_show_24, :GodzillaVsKong_show_25, :GodzillaVsKong_show_26, :GodzillaVsKong_show_27, :GodzillaVsKong_show_28, :GodzillaVsKong_show_29, :GodzillaVsKong_show_3, :GodzillaVsKong_show_30, :GodzillaVsKong_show_31, :GodzillaVsKong_show_32, :GodzillaVsKong_show_33, :GodzillaVsKong_show_34, :GodzillaVsKong_show_35, :GodzillaVsKong_show_36, :GodzillaVsKong_show_37, :GodzillaVsKong_show_38, :GodzillaVsKong_show_39, :GodzillaVsKong_show_4, :GodzillaVsKong_show_40, :GodzillaVsKong_show_41, :GodzillaVsKong_show_42, :GodzillaVsKong_show_43, :GodzillaVsKong_show_44, :GodzillaVsKong_show_45, :GodzillaVsKong_show_46, :GodzillaVsKong_show_47, :GodzillaVsKong_show_48, :GodzillaVsKong_show_5, :GodzillaVsKong_show_6, :GodzillaVsKong_show_7, :GodzillaVsKong_show_8, :GodzillaVsKong_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :GodzillaVsKong_trailer ; :synopsis "Godzilla y Kong, dos de las fuerzas más poderosas de un planeta habitado por todo tipo de aterradoras criaturas, se enfrentan en un espectacular combate que sacude los cimientos de la humanidad. Monarch (Kyle Chandler) se embarca en una misión de alto riesgo y pone rumbo hacia territorios inexplorados para descubrir los orígenes de estos dos titanes, en un último esfuerzo por tratar de salvar a dos bestias que parecen tener las horas contadas sobre la faz de la Tierra."@es . :GoldenVoices a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :EvgenyRuman ; ns1:duration 8.8e+01 ; ns1:origin :Israel ; ns1:starring :EvelinHagoel, :MariaBelkin, :VladimirFridman ; ns1:title "GOLDEN VOICES" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/golden-voices"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string . :JungleCruise a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :JaumeCollet_Serra ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :DaniRovira, :DwayneJohnson, :EdgarRamirez, :EmilyBlunt, :JackWhitehall, :JessePlemons, :PaulGiamatti ; ns1:title "JUNGLE CRUISE" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/jungle-cruise"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :JungleCruise_trailer ; :synopsis "La adaptación de acción en vivo de Disney de su icónico paseo en un parque temático."@es . :JusticiaImplacable a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :GuyRitchie ; ns1:duration 1.18e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Crime ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos, :Inglaterra ; ns1:starring :AlexFerns, :HoltMccallany, :JasonStatham, :JeffreyDonovan, :JoshHartnett, :LazAlonso, :NiamhAlgar, :PostMalone, :RaulCastillo, :ScottEastwood ; ns1:title "JUSTICIA IMPLACABLE" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/justicia-implacable"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :JusticiaImplacable_trailer ; :synopsis "La historia sigue a H, un hombre frío y misterioso que trabaja en una empresa de camiones blindados responsable de mover cientos de millones de dólares por Los Ángeles cada semana."@es . :LaCasaDeLosConejos a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :ValeriaSelinger ; ns1:duration 9.4e+01 ; ns1:genre :Drama ; ns1:origin :Argentina ; ns1:starring :DarioGrandinetti, :FedericoLiss, :GuadalupeDocampo, :MiguelAngelSola, :MoraIramainGarcia, :NahuelViale, :PatricioAramburu, :PaulaBrasca, :SilvinaBosco, :VeronicaSchneck ; ns1:title "LA CASA DE LOS CONEJOS" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/la-casa-de-los-conejos"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :LaCasaDeLosConejos_trailer ; :synopsis "Desde que su padre está en la cárcel, Laura, ocho años, sabe que para sobrevivir debe callarse. Junto a su madre se esconden en la imprenta clandestina del Evita Montonera. Laura sabe que ni siquiera su abuela debe conocer su nuevo falso nombre, ni tampoco la dirección de dónde se alojan . No puede ir a la escuela y pasa sus días junto a Diana Teruggi, embarazada de Clara Anahí, nieta desaparecida cuya abuela Chicha Mariani fuera la fundadora de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo"@es . :LaFuneraria a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :MauroIvanOjeda ; ns1:duration 8.6e+01 ; ns1:starring :CamilaVaccarini, :CelesteGerez, :HugoArana, :LuisMachin ; ns1:title "LA FUNERARIA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/la-funeraria"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :LaFuneraria_trailer ; :synopsis "Bernardo es el director de una funeraria, que está ubicada en la misma casa donde vive. En la parte delantera recibe a sus clientes, mientras que en el fondo vive su familia entre ataúdes, coronas funerarias y algun que otro fantasma. Intentar descubrir el origen de estas curiosas entidades, tendrá un resultado aterrador."@es . :LaVerdad a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :HirokazuKoreeda ; ns1:duration 1.06e+02 ; ns1:genre :Comedy, :Drama ; ns1:starring :CatherineDeneuve, :EthanHawke, :JulietteBinoche ; ns1:title "LA VERDAD" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/la-verdad"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :LaVerdad_trailer ; :synopsis "Fabienne (Catherine Deneuve) es una estrella de cine que reina entre hombres que la aman y admiran. Cuando publica sus memorias, su hija Lumir (Juliette Binoche) regresa de Nueva York a París con su marido (Ethan Hawke) y su pequeña hija. Pero el reencuentro entre madre e hija se transformará rápidamente en confrontación: se contarán verdades, se saldarán cuentas pendientes y se confesarán amores y resentimientos. Tras ganar la Palma de Oro y ser nominado al Oscar por Somos una familia, Kore-eda Hirokazu filmó por primera vez con un elenco estelar esta película que viene siendo aclamada por la crítica internacional desde su estreno mundial como apertura del Festival de Venecia: “Un cálido y emocionante retrato familiar con la sensibilidad e inteligencia que solo un maestro puede alcanzar” (Indiewire), “Una película de gran ingenio, confianza y entusiasmo” (Variety), “Catherine Deneuve en lo más alto de su carrera” (The Times)."@es . :LosCroods2_UnaNuevaEra a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :JoelCrawford ; ns1:duration 9e+01 ; ns1:genre :Animation, :Comedy, :Family, :Fantasy ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :CatherineKeener, :ClarkDuke, :ClorisLeachman, :EmmaStone, :KellyMarieTran, :LeslieMann, :NicolasCage, :PeterDinklage, :RandyThom, :RyanReynolds ; ns1:title "LOS CROODS 2: UNA NUEVA ERA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/los-croods-2-una-nueva-era"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :LosCroods2_UnaNuevaEra_trailer ; :synopsis "Después de salir de su cueva, los Croods se encuentran con su mayor amenaza desde que se fueron: otra familia llamada Betterman, quienes afirman y demuestran ser mejores y evolucionados. Grug empieza a sospechar de los padres de Betterman, Phil y Hope, ya que planean en secreto separar a su hija Eep con su amado novio Guy para asegurarse de que su hija Dawn tenga un compañero amoroso e inteligente que la proteja."@es . :LosNuevosMutantes a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :JoshBoone ; ns1:duration 9.8e+01 ; ns1:genre :Action, :ScienceFiction, :Terror ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AliceBraga, :AnyaTaylor_Joy, :BluHunt, :CharlieHeaton, :HappyAnderson, :HenryZaga, :JeffreyCorazzini, :MaisieWilliams, :MickeyGilmore, :ThomasKee ; ns1:title "LOS NUEVOS MUTANTES" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/los-nuevos-mutantes"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :LosNuevosMutantes_show_1, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_10, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_11, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_12, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_2, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_3, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_4, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_5, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_6, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_7, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_8, :LosNuevosMutantes_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :LosNuevosMutantes_trailer ; :synopsis "La historia de los Nuevos Mutantes, un equipo de héroes mutantes formado por los primeros graduados de la escuela de Charles Xavier."@es . :LosRayos a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :NicolasTacconi ; ns1:duration 7.2e+01 ; ns1:genre :DocumentaryFilm, :Song ; ns1:origin :Argentina ; ns1:title "LOS RAYOS" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/los-rayos"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :LosRayos_trailer ; :synopsis "“El cuerpo pide”, un programa sobre la actualidad del rock en Hurlingham, llega a su final. Sólo le queda una semana en el aire: la radio deja de transmitir. Su conductor, POPA, de 40 años, se encuentra frente al dilema de abandonar el trabajo que lo apasiona y entregarse al sistema o pelear por sus ideales hasta el final. En medio de este conflicto decide utilizar esa última semana de programa para bucear en el germen del cual surgió el rock en Hurlingham. Mientras tanto, iremos conociendo la vida de distintos músicos y personajes como Tito Fargo, Diego Arnedo, Jorge Gauto, Mario Ferraese, que estuvieron en aquellos años cuando el rock en Hurlingham todavía estaba por explotar."@es . :MortalKombat a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :SimonMcquoid ; ns1:duration 1.1e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Fantasy ; ns1:origin :Australia, :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :HiroyukiSanada, :JessicaMcnamee, :JoeTaslim, :JoshLawson, :LewisTan, :LudiLin, :MaxHuang, :MehcadBrooks, :NgChinHan, :TadanobuAsano ; ns1:title "MORTAL KOMBAT" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/mortal-kombat"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :MortalKombat_show_1, :MortalKombat_show_10, :MortalKombat_show_11, :MortalKombat_show_12, :MortalKombat_show_13, :MortalKombat_show_14, :MortalKombat_show_15, :MortalKombat_show_16, :MortalKombat_show_17, :MortalKombat_show_18, :MortalKombat_show_19, :MortalKombat_show_2, :MortalKombat_show_20, :MortalKombat_show_21, :MortalKombat_show_22, :MortalKombat_show_23, :MortalKombat_show_24, :MortalKombat_show_25, :MortalKombat_show_26, :MortalKombat_show_27, :MortalKombat_show_28, :MortalKombat_show_29, :MortalKombat_show_3, :MortalKombat_show_30, :MortalKombat_show_31, :MortalKombat_show_32, :MortalKombat_show_33, :MortalKombat_show_34, :MortalKombat_show_35, :MortalKombat_show_36, :MortalKombat_show_37, :MortalKombat_show_38, :MortalKombat_show_39, :MortalKombat_show_4, :MortalKombat_show_40, :MortalKombat_show_41, :MortalKombat_show_42, :MortalKombat_show_43, :MortalKombat_show_44, :MortalKombat_show_45, :MortalKombat_show_46, :MortalKombat_show_47, :MortalKombat_show_48, :MortalKombat_show_49, :MortalKombat_show_5, :MortalKombat_show_50, :MortalKombat_show_51, :MortalKombat_show_52, :MortalKombat_show_53, :MortalKombat_show_54, :MortalKombat_show_55, :MortalKombat_show_56, :MortalKombat_show_57, :MortalKombat_show_58, :MortalKombat_show_59, :MortalKombat_show_6, :MortalKombat_show_60, :MortalKombat_show_61, :MortalKombat_show_62, :MortalKombat_show_63, :MortalKombat_show_64, :MortalKombat_show_65, :MortalKombat_show_7, :MortalKombat_show_8, :MortalKombat_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :MortalKombat_trailer ; :synopsis "Un boxeador fracasado descubre un secreto familiar que lo lleva a un torneo místico llamado Mortal Kombat donde se encuentra con un grupo de guerreros que luchan hasta la muerte para salvar los reinos del malvado hechicero Shang Tsung."@es . :Nadie a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :IlyaNaishuller ; ns1:duration 9.2e+01 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Crime, :Thriller ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :ArayaMengesha, :BobOdenkirk, :ChristopherLloyd, :ConnieNielsen, :GageMunroe, :HumberlyGonzalez, :JPManoux, :KristenHarris, :PaulEssiembre, :StephanieSy ; ns1:title "NADIE" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/nadie"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :Nadie_trailer ; :synopsis "Hutch Mansell, un padre de familia que aguanta con resignación y sin defenderse los golpes de la vida. Un don nadie. Una noche, cuando dos ladrones entran en su casa, Hutch decide no actuar y no trata de defenderse ni al él mismo ni a su familia, convencido de que solo así evitará una escalada de violencia. Tras el ataque, su hija adolescente Blake no oculta su decepción, y su esposa Becca se aleja todavía más."@es . :PanicoEnLasAlturas a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :TigranSahakyan ; ns1:duration 9e+01 ; ns1:genre :Thriller ; ns1:origin :Rusia ; ns1:starring :AleksandrNikitchenko, :AnastasiyaGrachyova, :AndreyNazimov, :AngelinaPikovskaya, :DenisKosyakov, :IngridOlerinskaya, :IrinaAntonenko, :KseniyaShumeyko, :VictoriyaPyatakina, :VladimirGusev ; ns1:title "PÁNICO EN LAS ALTURAS" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/panico-en-las-alturas"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :PanicoEnLasAlturas_trailer ; :synopsis "Cinco jóvenes, deciden celebrar la víspera de Año Nuevo en la cima de una montaña, pero en su intento quedan atrapados en un teleférico. Lo que comenzó como una fiesta de aventura, pronto se convertirá en su peor pesadilla. El frío, la altura y el miedo a una muerte lenta hacen que revelen su verdadera esencia."@es . :PequenosSecretos a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :JohnLeeHancock ; ns1:duration 1.28e+02 ; ns1:genre :Crime, :Thriller ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :ChrisBauer, :DenzelWashington, :GlennMorshower, :IsabelArraiza, :JaredLeto, :JorisJarsky, :MichaelHyatt, :NatalieMorales, :RamiMalek, :TerryKinney ; ns1:title "PEQUEÑOS SECRETOS" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/pequenos-secretos"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P13R"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :PequenosSecretos_show_1, :PequenosSecretos_show_10, :PequenosSecretos_show_11, :PequenosSecretos_show_12, :PequenosSecretos_show_2, :PequenosSecretos_show_3, :PequenosSecretos_show_4, :PequenosSecretos_show_5, :PequenosSecretos_show_6, :PequenosSecretos_show_7, :PequenosSecretos_show_8, :PequenosSecretos_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :PequenosSecretos_trailer ; :synopsis "Deke, un ayudante del sheriff del condado de Kern quemado, CA se une a Baxter, un detective experto en LASD, para atrapar a un asesino en serie. El olfato de Deke para las \"pequeñas cosas\" resulta inquietantemente preciso, pero su voluntad de eludir las reglas envuelve a Baxter en un dilema desgarrador. Mientras tanto, Deke debe luchar con un oscuro secreto de su pasado."@es . :PeterRabbit_ConejoEnFuga a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :WillGluck ; ns1:duration 9.3e+01 ; ns1:genre :Adventure, :Animation, :Family ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :DaisyRidley, :DomhnallGleeson, :ElizabethDebicki, :FayssalBazzi, :FelixWilliamson, :JamesCorden, :MargotRobbie, :RoseByrne, :SamNeill, :Sia ; ns1:title "PETER RABBIT: CONEJO EN FUGA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/peter-rabbit-conejo-en-fuga"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :PeterRabbit_ConejoEnFuga_trailer ; :synopsis "Peter Rabbit no es un conejo cualquiera. Es un rebelde travieso y aventurero que viste camisa azul y no lleva pantalones. Peter vive junto a su familia y amigos, un grupo variopinto de animales que incluye incluso a un zorro. Todos ellos harán de las suyas en la granja de los McGregor, lugar en cuyo jardín disponen de deliciosos vegetales. Pero la disputa de Peter con el Sr. McGregor se intensificará más que nunca ya que ambos compiten por el afecto de Bea, una amante de los animales de buen corazón. La fiesta animal ha empezado, y esto es solo el principio."@es . :RapidosYFuriosos9 a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :JustinLin ; ns1:genre :Action, :Suspended ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :CharlizeTheron, :JohnCena, :JordanaBrewster, :LucasBlack, :Ludacris, :MichelleRodriguez, :NathalieEmmanuel, :SungKang, :TyreseGibson, :VinDiesel ; ns1:title "RÁPIDOS Y FURIOSOS 9" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/rapidos-y-furiosos-9"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :RapidosYFuriosos9_trailer ; :synopsis "No importa lo rápido que seas, nadie supera su pasado. RyF9 es el noveno capítulo de la Saga Rápidos & Furiosos, que comenzó hace casi 20 años y que ha recaudado más de cinco mil millones de dólares en todo el mundo. Dom Toretto, Vin Diesel, lleva una vida tranquila fuera de la red con Letty y su hijo, el pequeño Brian, pero saben que el peligro siempre acecha esa tranquilidad. Esta vez, esa amenaza obligará a Dom a enfrentar los pecados de su pasado si quiere salvar a los que más ama. El Equipo se vuelve a reunir para impedir un complot a escala mundial, liderado por uno de los asesinos más peligrosos y mejor conductor a los que jamás se han enfrentado; un hombre que además es el hermano desaparecido de Dom, Jakob (John Cena, El Escuadrón Suicida del próximo año)."@es . :RuegaPorNosotros a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :EvanSpiliotopoulos ; ns1:duration 9.9e+01 ; ns1:genre :Terror ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :BatesWilder, :CaryElwes, :CelesteOliva, :ChristineAdams, :DiogoMorgado, :JeffreyDeanMorgan, :KatieAselton, :KiaraPichardo, :MarinaMazepa, :WilliamSadler ; ns1:title "RUEGA POR NOSOTROS" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/ruega-por-nosotros"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :RuegaPorNosotros_trailer ; :synopsis "Muy pronto llega Ruega por Nosotros, que sigue a Alice, una joven con problemas de audición que, tras una supuesta visita de la Virgen María, es inexplicablemente capaz de oír, hablar y curar a los enfermos. A medida que se corre la voz y la gente de cerca y de lejos acude a presenciar sus milagros, un periodista caído en desgracia (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) con la esperanza de revivir su carrera visita el pequeño pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra para investigar. Cuando empiezan a suceder sucesos aterradores por todas partes, empieza a cuestionarse si estos fenómenos son obra de la Virgen María o de algo más siniestro. Ruega por Nosotros está producida por Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert y Evan Spiliotopoulos, escrita para la pantalla y dirigida por Evan Spiliotopoulos, y está basada en el best-seller de James Herbert Shrine."@es . :SpaceJam_UnaNuevaEra a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :MalcolmDLee ; ns1:duration 1.2e+02 ; ns1:genre :Adventure, :Comedy, :Family, :Fantasy, :ScienceFiction ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :BobBergen, :CedricJoe, :CeyairJWright, :DonCheadle, :EricBauza, :JeffBergman, :KhrisDavis, :LebronJames, :SonequaMartin_Green, :Zendaya ; ns1:title "SPACE JAM: UNA NUEVA ERA" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/space-jam-una-nueva-era"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :SpaceJam_UnaNuevaEra_trailer ; :synopsis "¡Bienvenido al partido del siglo! El campeón de la NBA e ícono mundial LeBron James se embarca en una aventura épica junto al Tune Bugs Bunny en el evento animado / de acción en vivo \"Space Jam: Una Nueva Era\", del director Malcolm D. Lee y un equipo de cine innovador que incluye a Ryan Coogler y Maverick Carter. Este viaje de transformación es el resultado de una mezcla maníaca entre dos mundos que, al final, revela hasta dónde están dispuestos a llegar algunos padres para conectar con sus hijos. Cuando LeBron y su pequeño hijo Dom quedan atrapados en un espacio digital por una IA (inteligencia artificial) deshonesta, LeBron debe regresarlos a casa sanos y salvos guiado por Bugs, Lola Bunny y a toda la banda de indisciplinados Looney Tunes hacia la victoria sobre los campeones digitalizados de la IA en la cancha: una lista mejorada de estrellas profesionales del basquetbol como nunca antes lo habías visto. Son Tunes versus Goons en el desafío más importante de su vida, que redefinirá el vínculo de LeBron con su hijo y arrojará luz sobre el poder de ser uno mismo. Todos listos para la acción destruyen las convenciones, potencian sus talentos únicos y sorprenden incluso al \"Rey\" James jugando basquetbol a su manera."@es . :Spirit_ElIndomable a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :ElaineBogan ; ns1:genre :Adventure, :Animation, :Family, :Western ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AndreBraugher, :EizaGonzalez, :IsabelaMerced, :JakeGyllenhaal, :JulianneMoore, :MarsaiMartin, :MckennaGrace, :WaltonGoggins ; ns1:title "SPIRIT: EL INDOMABLE" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/spirit-el-indomable"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :Spirit_ElIndomable_trailer ; :synopsis "La vida de Lucky Prescott cambia para siempre cuando se muda de su casa en la gran ciudad a un pequeño pueblo fronterizo en el que entabla amistad con un caballo salvaje llamado Spirit."@es . :Tenet_review_1 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-12T09:03:06-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :TimRobey ; ns2:publisher :Monocle ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_1_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_1_rating ; :has_body "As a delivery system for the thrills, I think the film gets a long way, and you can kind of sit back and enjoy it. As a delivery system for the ideas, I think it trips itself up an awful lot."@en . :Tenet_review_10 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-04-04T06:45:41-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :JeffreyOverstreet ; ns2:publisher :LookingCloser ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_10_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_10_rating ; :has_body "Exhausted and disoriented by Nolan's curlicue-rollercoasters, we end up fooled into thinking we've been stirred when, in fact, we've mostly been shaken. "@en . :Tenet_review_11 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-04-01T23:27:01-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :NiallBrowne ; ns2:publisher :MoviesInFocus ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_11_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_11_rating ; :has_body "Christopher Nolan's Tenet is a film which can be enjoyed, but it's highly likely that you won't really understand it. It takes a lot of big ideas - and a lot of big moviemaking techniques to deliver a film which is mesmerising but very flawed."@en . :Tenet_review_12 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-24T02:56:12-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :DavidWalsh ; ns2:publisher :WorldSocialistWebSite ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_12_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_12_rating ; :has_body "It is not so much a matter of criticizing Nolan's filmmaking, which is not very difficult to do. The important issue is to understand and criticize the conditions that produced his filmmaking ..."@en . :Tenet_review_13 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-19T07:06:29-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :VincentSchilling ; ns2:publisher :IndianCountryToday ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_13_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_13_rating ; :has_body "Led beautifully by protagonist John David Washington, 'Tenet', an exceptional action-packed film, dives into a concept of twisting time in a way never explored before. I'm adding this to my permanent library."@en . :Tenet_review_14 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-04T01:48:55-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :PabloOScholz ; ns2:publisher :Clarin ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_14_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_14_rating ; :has_body "[Has] perfectly orchestrated battle scenes. [Full review in Spanish]"@en . :Tenet_review_15 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-25T04:47:05-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :RobGonsalves ; ns2:publisher :EfilmcriticCom ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_15_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_15_rating ; :has_body "It means what you want it to mean, and I don't want it to mean anything. It's just a ride."@en . :Tenet_review_16 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-21T02:08:15-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :MarkMeszoros ; ns2:publisher :TheNews_HeraldWilloughbyOh ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_16_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_16_rating ; :has_body "By the end of its two-and-a-half-hours, with all its bi-directional action, revelations and world-ending ramifications, it's a bit numbing, And you're pretty sure you can't wait to watch it again."@en . :Tenet_review_17 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-16T23:56:01-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :EddieHarrison ; ns2:publisher :Film_AuthorityCom ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_17_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_17_rating ; :has_body "...a high-faluting, high energy, uber-glam espionage thriller..."@en . :Tenet_review_18 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-14T05:38:59-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :TonyBlack ; ns2:publisher :CulturalConversation ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_18_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_18_rating ; :has_body "Just go with it. Allow the inversion to pull you along because it does, for the most part, make sense by the end."@en . :Tenet_review_19 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-12T21:17:39-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :AlixTurner ; ns2:publisher :ReadySteadyCut ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_19_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_19_rating ; :has_body "Huge scale, gripping and ambitious sci-fi spy thriller from Christopher Nolan, which simply has to be seen to be believed, and possibly seen more than once to be fully appreciated."@en . :Tenet_review_2 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-02T08:22:08-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :NickSchager ; ns2:publisher :TheDailyBeast ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_2_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_2_rating ; :has_body "Something like the epitome of [Nolan's] temporally twisty canon, distilling his many cinematic signatures and preoccupations down to their entrancing abstract essence."@en . :Tenet_review_20 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-10T05:47:24-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :BrianGill ; ns2:publisher :MadAboutMoviesPodcast ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_20_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_20_rating ; :has_body "It's the most Nolan movie ever and I'm not sure it makes since but I was enthralled nonetheless. "@en . :Tenet_review_21 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-09T12:31:32-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :KathiaWoods ; ns2:publisher :CupOfSoul ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_21_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_21_rating ; :has_body "The future is now or in the past "@en . :Tenet_review_22 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-05T04:53:07-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :AlexBentley ; ns2:publisher :Culturemap ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_22_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_22_rating ; :has_body "Nolan's obsession with making his films as complex as humanly possible is frustrating for those of us who would like at least a scintilla of clarity in our storytelling."@en . :Tenet_review_23 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-05T00:54:47-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :MaryannJohanson ; ns2:publisher :FlickFilosopher ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_23_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_23_rating ; :has_body "Washington and Pattinson have palpable charisma, but this cold puzzle offers no incentive to solve it. Throw in damsel-in-distress crap, and both my geek sensibilities and my feminism are offended."@en . :Tenet_review_24 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-01-30T08:23:38-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :PjNabarro ; ns2:publisher :PatrickNabarro ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_24_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_24_rating ; :has_body "Nolan's reverence for tech and the cleverness of pulling off a metaphysical narrative puzzle finally swamps his awareness of whether the thing in question is even any good."@en . :Tenet_review_25 a :movie_review ; ns1:Name "Be patient" ; ns2:created "2020-09-12T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :Brandoncjenkins ; ns2:language :English ; ns2:source "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6723592/"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_25_rating ; :has_body "If you are expecting the adrenaline you got with Inception, look no further. If you are looking to be able to follow this film on the first viewing like you did with Inception, maybe not so much. I would put this film one level higher in complexity than Inception, as Inception was complex but pretty intuitive. This film CAN be intuitive, but unless you want to wait for the Blu Ray, you're going to have to shell out to see it multiple times to actually get a better understanding of the plot's finer points. A more logistical thing to comment on: it seems the audio mix is lacking. I originally thought it was my theater (voices seem to carry too much bass, making them hard to understand; however, Studio Movie Grill plays this film very, very loud, which I love because it makes the gunfire far more realistic), but others have complained about this as well. I am hoping that the blu ray will be remastered so that this is not an issue. With all this being said, be patient. This film is great and I have a strong feeling you will not be disappointed. It is classic Nolan doing what he does best. It is intricate, spares no expense, and it is by no means lazy. Once the BR comes out, it may actually turn into one his his best so far."@en . :Tenet_review_3 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2020-12-21T19:12:32-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :TimCogshell ; ns2:publisher :FilmweekKpcc_NprLosAngeles ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_3_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_3_rating ; :has_body "[Christopher Nolan] is very clever, but mostly irritating is what I find. [His movies] are not cerebral - they're fake cerebral... He doesn't even do the time travel right. "@en . :Tenet_review_4 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2020-12-21T19:11:26-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :ChristyLemire ; ns2:publisher :FilmweekKpcc_NprLosAngeles ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_4_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_4_rating ; :has_body "I am a big fan of [Christopher Nolan's] films -- I usually enjoy the time puzzle of it -- but this seems even more intentionally inaccessible and challenging than everything else... Confusing, distancing, and chilly."@en . :Tenet_review_5 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2020-12-17T00:38:07-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :GAllenJohnson ; ns2:publisher :SanFranciscoChronicle ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_5_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_5_rating ; :has_body "\"Tenet\" is indeed impressive, although I gave up trying to follow the plot."@en . :Tenet_review_6 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2020-12-17T00:35:39-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :MickLasalle ; ns2:publisher :SanFranciscoChronicle ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_6_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_6_rating ; :has_body "\"Tenet\" is difficult to understand, but even worse, it inspires little desire to understand it."@en . :Tenet_review_7 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-05-10T08:21:54-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :AndrewKendall ; ns2:publisher :StabroekNews ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_7_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_7_rating ; :has_body "Even as Tenet engages in loads of hand-wringing about the implications the characters' actions have for the future, it's hard to really form any worry for that future that exists only in prolepsis."@en . :Tenet_review_8 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-05-05T07:06:53-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :NickLevine ; ns2:publisher :Nme ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_8_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_8_rating ; :has_body "Though it's sometimes hamstrung by clumsy dialogue - a necessary evil, perhaps, given how much Nolan needs to explain - Tenet is rarely less than thrilling to watch."@en . :Tenet_review_9 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-04-16T18:44:49-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :RhysBowenJones ; ns2:publisher :JumpcutOnline ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :Tenet_review_9_site ; ns5:realization :Tenet ; :hasRating :Tenet_review_9_rating ; :has_body "Tenet is one of the most enthralling cinematic experiences I have had for years."@en . :TomYJerry a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :TimStory ; ns1:duration 1.01e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Animation, :Comedy, :Family ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :BobbyCannavale, :ChloeGraceMoretz, :FrankWelker, :JuneForay, :LilRelHowery, :MelBlanc, :MichaelPena, :NickyJam, :T_Pain, :WilliamHanna ; ns1:title "TOM Y JERRY" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/tom-y-jerry"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "ATP"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :TomYJerry_show_1, :TomYJerry_show_10, :TomYJerry_show_2, :TomYJerry_show_3, :TomYJerry_show_4, :TomYJerry_show_5, :TomYJerry_show_6, :TomYJerry_show_7, :TomYJerry_show_8, :TomYJerry_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :TomYJerry_trailer ; :synopsis "Tom el gato y Jerry el ratón son expulsados de su casa y se trasladan a un elegante hotel de Nueva York, donde una empleada descuidada llamada Kayla perderá su trabajo si no puede desalojar a Jerry antes de una boda de clase alta en el hotel. ¿Su solución? Contratar a Tom para deshacerse del molesto ratón."@es . :TopGun_Maverick a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :JosephKosinski ; ns1:genre :Action, :Drama ; ns1:origin :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :BashirSalahuddin, :CharlesParnell, :EdHarris, :GlenPowell, :JayEllis, :JenniferConnelly, :MannyJacinto, :MilesTeller, :TomCruise, :ValKilmer ; ns1:title "TOP GUN: MAVERICK" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/top-gun-maverick"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :TopGun_Maverick_trailer ; :synopsis "Secuela de Top Gun. De acuerdo con la revista Variety, el propio Tom Cruise confirmó el 24 de mayo a una televisión australiana que el film se rodaría \"el año 2018\"."@es . :UnaExtranaObsesion a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :QuentinDupieux ; ns1:duration 7.7e+01 ; ns1:genre :Comedy, :Crime, :Drama ; ns1:origin :Francia ; ns1:starring :AdeleHaenel, :AlbertDelpy, :CarolinePiette, :CoralieRussier, :JeanDujardin, :LaurentNicolas, :MarieBunel, :PanayotisPascot, :PierreGomme, :StephaneJobert ; ns1:title "UNA EXTRAÑA OBSESIÓN" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/una-extrana-obsesion"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string . :Venom_CarnageLiberado a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :AndySerkis ; ns1:genre :Action, :ScienceFiction ; ns1:origin :China, :EstadosUnidos ; ns1:starring :AmberSienna, :JKSimmons, :MichelleWilliams, :NaomieHarris, :ReidScott, :StephenGraham, :TomHardy, :TomHolland, :WoodyHarrelson ; ns1:title "VENOM: CARNAGE LIBERADO" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/venom-carnage-liberado"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "N/A"^^xsd:string ; :hasTrailer :Venom_CarnageLiberado_trailer ; :synopsis "El actor Tom Hardy, nominado a los Premios de la Academia, vuelve a la pantalla grande como el protector letal Venom, uno de los personajes más grandes y complejos de Marvel. Dirigida por Andy Serkis, la película también está protagonizada por Michelle Williams, Naomie Harris y presenta a Woody Harrelson, en el papel del villano Cletus Kasady/Carnage."@es . :VioletEvergarden a ns1:Film ; ns1:director :TaichiIshidate ; ns1:duration 1.4e+02 ; ns1:genre :Animation, :Drama, :Fantasy, :Romance ; ns1:origin :Japon ; ns1:starring :AyaEndo, :DaisukeNamikawa, :HarukaTomatsu, :HidenobuKiuchi, :KaoriMizuhashi, :KokiUchiyama, :MinoriChihara, :RinaSato, :TakehitoKoyasu, :YuiIshikawa ; ns1:title "VIOLET EVERGARDEN" ; ns2:source "https://www.cinepolis.com.ar/peliculas/violet-evergarden"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasShow :VioletEvergarden_show_1, :VioletEvergarden_show_10, :VioletEvergarden_show_11, :VioletEvergarden_show_12, :VioletEvergarden_show_13, :VioletEvergarden_show_14, :VioletEvergarden_show_15, :VioletEvergarden_show_16, :VioletEvergarden_show_2, :VioletEvergarden_show_3, :VioletEvergarden_show_4, :VioletEvergarden_show_5, :VioletEvergarden_show_6, :VioletEvergarden_show_7, :VioletEvergarden_show_8, :VioletEvergarden_show_9 ; :hasTrailer :VioletEvergarden_trailer ; :synopsis "La película se sitúa varios años después del final de la guerra, ya que el mundo se está volviendo cada vez más pacífico. Un día, Violet Evergarden encuentra cierta carta."@es . :WonderWoman1984_review_1 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-01T04:29:30-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :SheriFlanders ; ns2:publisher :ChicagoReader ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_1_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_1_rating ; :has_body "Wonder Woman 1984 is a technicolor, lighthearted romp through the era of Jazzercise, big hair, and even bigger shoulder pads."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_10 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-11T06:02:25-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :AndrewGaldi ; ns2:publisher :MovieBitches ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_10_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_10_rating ; :has_body "There were just such gross failures of filmmaking..."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_11 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-11T05:51:39-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :AvarylHalley ; ns2:publisher :MovieBitches ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_11_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_11_rating ; :has_body "At least \"Justice League\" had at the decency to be short"@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_12 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-01T08:14:02-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :NinaGarin ; ns2:publisher :SanDiegoUnion_Tribune ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_12_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_12_rating ; :has_body "Gadot is so skilled at bringing vulnerability to her battles - whether it's a physical fight with Maxwell Lord or an internal struggle about giving up the one thing she's ever desired. She embodies a true superhero, one who is inclusive and noble. "@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_13 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-22T06:02:11-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :TonyMedley ; ns2:publisher :TheLarchmontChronicle ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_13_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_13_rating ; :has_body "It is even more absurd than the first one that grossly distorted history. Gal Gadot's delivery makes Tony Curtis', \"Yonda Lies Da Castle of My Fodda,\" seem Shakespearean."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_14 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-21T08:36:54-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :SarahWard ; ns2:publisher :ConcretePlayground ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_14_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_14_rating ; :has_body "Wonder Woman 1984 doesn't spin the most complicated story, but it's so repetitive and meandering across its 151-minute running time that it's needlessly bulky, muddled and weighed down."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_15 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-17T02:36:51-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :EricMarchen ; ns2:publisher :UntitledMoviePodcast ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_15_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_15_rating ; :has_body "Feels like this would be better suited for an episode of TV than a 2.5 hour film."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_16 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-13T23:57:56-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :MarkMeszoros ; ns2:publisher :TheNews_HeraldWilloughbyOh ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_16_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_16_rating ; :has_body "There are plenty of good times to be had as we pick back up with Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman/Diana Prince six-plus decades after the World War I-set first tale."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_17 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-11T02:38:41-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :JenniferOuellette ; ns2:publisher :ArsTechnica ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_17_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_17_rating ; :has_body "While Wonder Woman 1984 still has a bit of the old magic, and its leads all turn in terrific performances, the film is hampered by a frequently nonsensical plot, extraneous showy action sequences, and it's way too heavy-handed with the moralizing."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_18 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-10T06:48:34-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :BrianGill ; ns2:publisher :MadAboutMoviesPodcast ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_18_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_18_rating ; :has_body "I have sorely missed this sort of big budget popcorn flick through this never-ending pandemic and Wonder Woman succeeds in filling that gap, though only by the slimmest of margins. "@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_19 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-07T19:57:42-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :EddieHarrison ; ns2:publisher :Film_AuthorityCom ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_19_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_19_rating ; :has_body "...a joyless dud, a bucket of sludge when we're crying out for a glass of water..."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_2 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-01-04T04:59:29-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :RaferGuzman ; ns2:publisher :Newsday ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_2_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_2_rating ; :has_body " A serviceable sequel, elevated by its radiant leading lady and an over-the-top villain."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_20 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-05T19:46:31-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :IanSimmons ; ns2:publisher :KickingTheSeat ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_20_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_20_rating ; :has_body "I'm not usually a fan of the \"multiple villain\" thing, but I thought it was handled pretty well here."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_21 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-05T01:55:00-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :DanTabor ; ns2:publisher :Phawker ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_21_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_21_rating ; :has_body "WW84 is a near perfect superhero film that outshines the original with its infectious sense of joy and optimism and nuanced deconstruction of the power of truth and how that can be a tool of good or evil. "@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_22 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-02-02T10:00:09-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :MarkJackson ; ns2:publisher :EpochTimes ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_22_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_22_rating ; :has_body "\"Wonder Woman\" (2017) was one of the best superhero movies ever made. It was idealistic, classy, aesthetically pleasing, and romantic, and should've kicked off a fabulous franchise. Unfortunately the sequel is a major letdown."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_23 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-01-31T18:14:33-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :JohnMcdonald ; ns2:publisher :AustralianFinancialReview ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_23_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_23_rating ; :has_body "One wonders how many more films will confirm the cast-iron law that every new Hollywood movie is really about Donald Trump?"@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_24 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-01-31T17:01:54-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :MattNeal ; ns2:publisher :AbcRadioAustralia ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_24_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_24_rating ; :has_body " After such a stirring debut, it's pains me to say that Wonder Woman 1984 isn't that wonderful."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_25 a :movie_review ; ns1:Name "Wow they let this director work on Star Wars?" ; ns2:created "2021-02-12T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :Brian_In_80210 ; ns2:language :English ; ns2:source "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7126948/"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_25_rating ; :has_body "Didn't they learn from Rian johnson's fiasco?? WW 1984 is one of the worst movie I have ever seen. Don't waste your time and watch it. It's is very bad. Not worth to turn on the television. Gal Gadot should just take it off."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_3 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-01-04T03:37:14-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :AmyNicholson ; ns2:publisher :FilmweekKpcc_NprLosAngeles ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_3_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_3_rating ; :has_body "Very sweet and very fun. I think some of the stunts are a little bit dumb, but I had a lot of watching this."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_4 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2020-12-29T12:09:48-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :StephenRomei ; ns2:publisher :TheAustralian ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_4_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_4_rating ; :has_body "I assume there will be a sequel to this sequel. If so, no complaint from me, especially if Wiig and Pascal are in it. "@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_5 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2020-12-28T07:49:06-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :JakeWilson ; ns2:publisher :TheAgeAustralia ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_5_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_5_rating ; :has_body "Gadot as Wonder Woman -- or Diana Prince, as she's more commonly known -- may be the single best piece of casting in a superhero role since Christopher Reeve first donned the cape and spandex of the Man of Steel."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_6 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2020-12-28T07:45:33-08:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :DavidSims ; ns2:publisher :TheAtlantic ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_6_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_6_rating ; :has_body "It's a refreshingly silly and airy adventure focused on the emotions of one character, Wonder Woman (played by Gal Gadot), and a charming end to a tiring year of cinema."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_7 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-04-03T14:11:59-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :KevinCarr ; ns2:publisher :FatGuysAtTheMovies ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_7_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_7_rating ; :has_body "It's a fun movie, and it's got a lot of fun action in it. If you can get past the goofiness, it works."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_8 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-23T10:02:10-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :DavidBax ; ns2:publisher :BattleshipPretension ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_8_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_8_rating ; :has_body "Where too many directors of these types of films use their visual effects budget to imagine new levels of destruction, Jenkins would rather show us the novel beauty of an invisible jet soaring through a sky full of fireworks."@en . :WonderWoman1984_review_9 a :movie_review ; ns2:created "2021-03-20T08:54:50-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :ValerieKalfrin ; ns2:publisher :TheirOwnLeague ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; ns3:hasManifestation :WonderWoman1984_review_9_site ; ns5:realization :WonderWoman1984 ; :hasRating :WonderWoman1984_review_9_rating ; :has_body "With its message of kindness and empathy, \"Wonder Woman 1984\" offers a soothing balm in a pandemic-weary year, even if getting there is a muddled journey."@en . :bestRating a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ns4:Rating ; rdfs:range xsd:double . :cinema a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :cinema_room ; rdfs:range ns1:Cinema . :content_rating a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ns1:Film ; rdfs:range xsd:string . :hasCharacter a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain ns1:Film ; rdfs:range ns1:FictionalCharacter . :hasRating a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :movie_review ; rdfs:range ns4:Rating . :hasShow a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain ns1:Film ; rdfs:range :film_show . :hasTrailer a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain ns1:Film ; rdfs:range :trailer . :has_body a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :movie_review . :keyword a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:string . :ratingValue a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ns4:Rating ; rdfs:range xsd:double . :room a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :film_show ; rdfs:range :cinema_room . :synopsis a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ns1:Film . :tenet_review_1 a owl:NamedIndividual, :movie_review ; ns1:Name "review example name" ; ns2:created "2021-04-06T19:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns2:creator :tenet_review_1_author ; ns2:language :inglés ; ns2:publisher :monocle ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyURI ; ns3:hasManifestation :tenet_review_1_site ; ns5:realization :tenet ; :hasRating :tenet_review_1_rating_1 ; :has_body "As a delivery system for the thrills, I think the film gets a long way, and you can kind of sit back and enjoy it. As a delivery system for the ideas, I think it trips itself up an awful lot."^^xsd:string . :url a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:anyURI . :worstRating a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ns4:Rating ; rdfs:range xsd:double . ns4:ratingCount rdfs:domain ns4:AggregateRating ; rdfs:range xsd:integer . ns4:reviewCount rdfs:domain ns4:AggregateRating ; rdfs:range xsd:integer . :007_SinTiempoParaMorir_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/S7cT9uheVuY?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :100Lobo_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T14:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :100Lobo_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :100Lobo_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T14:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :100Lobo_show_16 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T14:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_17 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_18 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :100Lobo_show_19 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :100Lobo_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :100Lobo_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :100Lobo_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T14:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :100Lobo_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :100Lobo_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T14:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :100Lobo_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/dAPc09RqEGo?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :AaronTaylor_Johnson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Aaron Taylor-Johnson" ; ns1:thumbnail :AaronTaylor_Johnson_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/aaron_johnson"^^xsd:anyUri . :AaronTaylor_Johnson_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/uRflgfpecsD9gIHxJkiKs-3sVt8=/699x675/v1.cjs0ODk2ODtqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7Njk5OzY3NQ"^^xsd:anyUri . :AbcRadioAustralia a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "ABC Radio (Australia)" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2397"^^xsd:anyUri . :AdamWingard a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Adam Wingard" . :AdeleHaenel a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Adèle Haenel" . :AidanGillen a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Aidan Gillen" . :AilinSalas a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ailín Salas" . :AkariKito a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Akari Kito" . :AlbertDelpy a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Albert Delpy" . :AleksandrNikitchenko a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Aleksandr Nikitchenko" . :AlexBentley a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Alex Bentley" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/alex-bentley"^^xsd:anyUri . :AlexDelescu a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Alex Delescu" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/alex-delescu"^^xsd:anyUri . :AlexFerns a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Alex Ferns" . :AlexanderSkarsgard a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Alexander Skarsgård" . :AlexandrGrishin a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Alexandr Grishin" . :AlexeyNuzhny a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Alexey Nuzhny" . :AlexsStadermann a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Alexs Stadermann" . :AliceBraga a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Alice Braga" . :AlixTurner a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Alix Turner" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/alix-turner"^^xsd:anyUri . :AmberSienna a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Amber Sienna" . :AmineHamidou a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Amine Hamidou" . :AmorSinBarreras_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/uThBFSDfj6I?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :AmrWaked a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Amr Waked" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/amr-waked"^^xsd:anyUri . :AmreenNYaqoob a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Amreen N. Yaqoob" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/amreen-n-yaqoob"^^xsd:anyUri . :AmyMadigan a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Amy Madigan" . :AmyNicholson a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Amy Nicholson" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/amy-nicholson"^^xsd:anyUri . :AnaCelentano a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ana Celentano" . :AnaDeArmas a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ana de Armas" . :AnaIsabelle a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ana Isabelle" . :AnaKatz a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ana Katz" . :AnastasiyaGrachyova a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Anastasiya Grachyova" . :AndreBraugher a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Andre Braugher" . :AndreMarcon a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "André Marcon" . :AndreaAndrade a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Andrea Andrade" . :AndrewGaldi a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Andrew Galdi" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/andrew-galdi"^^xsd:anyUri . :AndrewHoward a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Andrew Howard" ; ns1:thumbnail :AndrewHoward_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/andrew_howard"^^xsd:anyUri . :AndrewHoward_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/d4v5MaDG52-P4lBcSjdSOhCRcIo=/442x394/v1.cjs0NTExOTtqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7NDQyOzM5NA"^^xsd:anyUri . :AndrewKendall a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Andrew Kendall" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/andrew-kendall"^^xsd:anyUri . :AndreyNazimov a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Andrey Nazimov" . :AndySerkis a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Andy Serkis" . :AngelinaJolie a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Angelina Jolie" . :AngelinaPikovskaya a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Angelina Pikovskaya" . :AnnaSerpeneva a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Anna Serpeneva" . :AnselElgort a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ansel Elgort" . :AnthonyRamos a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Anthony Ramos" . :Antiope a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Antiope" . :AnyaTaylor_Joy a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Anya Taylor-Joy" . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T22:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T17:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T22:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T17:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_16 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_17 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T22:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T22:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T17:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T22:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T17:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T22:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T17:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :AquellosQueDeseanMiMuerte_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/wmzq5DzDX60?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :ArayaMengesha a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Araya Mengesha" . :ArianaDebose a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ariana DeBose" . :ArloHajdu a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Arlo Hajdu" . :ArsTechnica a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Ars Technica" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2985"^^xsd:anyUri . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T22:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T22:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T22:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T22:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T22:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T22:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T20:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Atakan_ReliquiaDiabolica_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/SSwizPn2KmE?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :AustralianFinancialReview a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Australian Financial Review" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3199"^^xsd:anyUri . :AvarylHalley a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Avaryl Halley" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/avaryl-halley"^^xsd:anyUri . :AviisZhong a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Aviis Zhong" . :AyaEndo a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Aya Endo" . :BahiaBlanca_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/sFujNCJXBAo?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :Barbara a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Barbara" . :BarbaraMinerva_Cheetah a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Barbara Minerva / Cheetah" . :BashirSalahuddin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Bashir Salahuddin" . :BatesWilder a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Bates Wilder" . :BattleshipPretension a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Battleship Pretension" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3090"^^xsd:anyUri . :BenWhishaw a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ben Whishaw" . :BernCollaco a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Bern Collaco" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/bern-collaco"^^xsd:anyUri . :Bigli_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T18:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Bigli_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T18:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Bigli_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T18:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Bigli_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T18:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Bigli_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T18:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Bigli_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T18:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :Bigli_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/BiLEhtPtaBE?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :BlackWidow_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/COUQ4GDKXJ0?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :BluHunt a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Blu Hunt" . :BobBergen a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Bob Bergen" . :BobOdenkirk a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Bob Odenkirk" . :BobbyCannavale a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Bobby Cannavale" . :Brandoncjenkins a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "brandoncjenkins" ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/"^^xsd:anyUri . :BrianDArcyJames a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Brian d'Arcy James" . :BrianTyreeHenry a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Brian Tyree Henry" . :Brian_In_80210 a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "brian-in-80210" ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/"^^xsd:anyUri . :BrittneyAleah a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Brittney Aleah" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/brittney-aleah"^^xsd:anyUri . :CamilaVaccarini a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Camila Vaccarini" . :CamilleKostek a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Camille Kostek" . :Canada a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Canada" . :CarinaVelva a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Carina Velva" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/carina-velva"^^xsd:anyUri . :CarlClemons_Hopkins a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Carl Clemons-Hopkins" . :CarolinePiette a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Caroline Piette" . :CaryElwes a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Cary Elwes" . :CaryJojiFukunaga a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Cary Joji Fukunaga" . :CassieKramer a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Cassie Kramer" . :CateShortland a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Cate Shortland" . :CatherineDeneuve a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Catherine Deneuve" . :CatherineKeener a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Catherine Keener" . :CedricJoe a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Cedric Joe" . :CedricMays a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Cedric Mays" . :CelesteGerez a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Celeste Gerez" . :CelesteOliva a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Celeste Oliva" . :CeyairJWright a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ceyair J. Wright" . :ChanningTatum a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Channing Tatum" . :CharleneAmoia a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Charlene Amoia" . :CharlesParnell a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Charles Parnell" . :CharlieHeaton a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Charlie Heaton" . :CharlizeTheron a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Charlize Theron" . :CheechMarin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Cheech Marin" . :ChicagoReader a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Chicago Reader" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-66"^^xsd:anyUri . :ChloeGraceMoretz a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Chloë Grace Moretz" . :ChrisBauer a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Chris Bauer" . :ChrisPine a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Chris Pine" ; ns1:thumbnail :ChrisPine_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/christopher_pine"^^xsd:anyUri . :ChrisPine_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/kXDRe1jUWEU8UFkdf8JhRPMUG8s=/660x990/v1.bjs3NTYxMDQ7ajsxODgxODsxMjAwOzY2MDs5OTA"^^xsd:anyUri . :ChrisSilcox a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Chris Silcox" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/chris-silcox"^^xsd:anyUri . :ChristianeMillet a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Christiane Millet" . :ChristineAdams a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Christine Adams" . :ChristophWaltz a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Christoph Waltz" . :ChristopherLloyd a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Christopher Lloyd" . :ChristopherNolan_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/H0_441OvEsJ-OMlAn-njnqv5uFc=/275x230/v1.cjs0MDgwNztqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7Mjc1OzIzMA"^^xsd:anyUri . :ChristopherWalken a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Christopher Walken" . :ChristyLemire a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Christy Lemire" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/christy-lemire"^^xsd:anyUri . :ClaireBodson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Claire Bodson" . :Clarin a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Clarín" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2677"^^xsd:anyUri . :ClarkDuke a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Clark Duke" . :ClemencePoesy a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Clémence Poésy" ; ns1:thumbnail :ClemencePoesy_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/clemence-poesy"^^xsd:anyUri . :ClemencePoesy_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/QR_G79YEfL4ABpUQkpoUw77zbJk=/932x1400/v1.bjs3NTgwMTc7ajsxODgxODsxMjAwOzkzMjsxNDAw"^^xsd:anyUri . :ClorisLeachman a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Cloris Leachman" . :CodyDavis a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Cody Davis" . :ColmanDomingo a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Colman Domingo" . :ConcretePlayground a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Concrete Playground" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2298"^^xsd:anyUri . :ConnieNielsen_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/9Pu5qp5qfehIlclgv8tIbVPGlr0=/2938x3500/v1.cjs1MDM1NztqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7MjkzODszNTAw"^^xsd:anyUri . :ContraElFuego_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/pog0W0bsZSE?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :CoralieRussier a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Coralie Russier" . :CoreyHawkins a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Corey Hawkins" . :CoreyStoll a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Corey Stoll" . :CraigGillespie a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Craig Gillespie" . :Crosby a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Crosby" . :Cruella_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/wi_-9Gli36o?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :CulturalConversation a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Cultural Conversation" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3905"^^xsd:anyUri . :Culturemap a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "CultureMap" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3686"^^xsd:anyUri . :CupOfSoul a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Cup of Soul" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3694"^^xsd:anyUri . :DaisukeNamikawa a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Daisuke Namikawa" . :DaisyRidley a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Daisy Ridley" . :DanTabor a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Dan Tabor" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/dan-tabor"^^xsd:anyUri . :DaniRovira a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Dani Rovira" . :DanielCraig a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Daniel Craig" . :DanielMartin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Daniel Martin" . :DaphneRubin_Vega a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Daphne Rubin-Vega" . :DarioGrandinetti a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Darío Grandinetti" . :DaveCallaham a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Dave Callaham" ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1709264/"^^xsd:anyUri . :DavidAlvarez a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "David Alvarez" . :DavidBax a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "David Bax" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/david-bax"^^xsd:anyUri . :DavidHarbour a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "David Harbour" . :DavidSims a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "David Sims" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/david-sims"^^xsd:anyUri . :DavidWalsh a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "David Walsh" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/david-walsh"^^xsd:anyUri . :DeborahFrancois a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Déborah François" . :DemianBichir a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Demián Bichir" . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T14:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T14:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T14:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T14:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T14:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :DemonSlayerMugenTrain_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :DenisKosyakov a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Denis Kosyakov" . :DenisLukichev a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Denis Lukichev" . :DenzelWashington a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Denzel Washington" . :DenzilSmith a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Denzil Smith" ; ns1:thumbnail :DenzilSmith_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/denzil_smith"^^xsd:anyUri . :DenzilSmith_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/4E8Cc4RH8x6iswRFZSDiPaXDbFg=/805x960/v1.bjsyNTM3NjUyO2o7MTg4Mzk7MTIwMDs4MDU7OTYw"^^xsd:anyUri . :DianaPrince_WonderWoman a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Diana Prince / Wonder Woman" . :DidierSandre a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Didier Sandre" . :DimpleKapadia a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Dimple Kapadia" ; ns1:thumbnail :DimpleKapadia_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/dimple_kapadia"^^xsd:anyUri . :DimpleKapadia_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/xUB0BYbYhTnxk0jxz8tOhcHrrFA=/355x450/v1.bjs3NzM3NDk7ajsxODgxODsxMjAwOzM1NTs0NTA"^^xsd:anyUri . :DiogoMorgado a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Diogo Morgado" . :DocumentaryFilm a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Documentary film" . :DomhnallGleeson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Domhnall Gleeson" . :DominicMonaghan a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Dominic Monaghan" . :DonCheadle a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Don Cheadle" . :Driver a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Driver" . :DwayneJohnson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Dwayne Johnson" . :DylanKenin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Dylan Kenin" . :EdHarris a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ed Harris" . :EdgarRamirez a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Edgar Ramírez" . :EfilmcriticCom a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "eFilmCritic.com" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-141"^^xsd:anyUri . :ElConjuro3_ElDiabloMeObligoAHacerlo_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/A0sGRev98W8?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-27T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-28T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-28T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-28T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-29T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-29T19:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-29T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_16 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-29T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_17 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-29T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_18 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-29T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_19 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-30T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-27T19:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_20 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-30T19:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_21 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-30T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_22 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-30T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_23 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-30T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_24 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-30T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_25 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-31T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_26 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-31T19:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_27 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-31T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_28 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-31T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_29 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-31T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-27T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_30 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-31T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_31 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-01T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_32 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-01T19:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_33 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-01T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_34 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-01T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_35 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-02T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_36 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-02T19:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_37 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-02T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_38 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-02T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_39 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-02T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-27T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_40 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-06-02T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-27T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-27T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-28T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-28T19:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-28T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_ElRetornoDelRey_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/e2fpLyc1840?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T15:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T19:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_16 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_17 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T15:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_18 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_19 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T19:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_20 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T19:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_21 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_22 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_23 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T15:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_24 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_25 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_26 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_27 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T15:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_28 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_29 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_30 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T19:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_31 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_32 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T15:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T19:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LaComunidadDelAnillo_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/e2fpLyc1840?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-20T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-21T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-21T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-21T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-22T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-22T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-22T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_16 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-22T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_17 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-22T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_18 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-22T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_19 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-23T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-20T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_20 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-23T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_21 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-23T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_22 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-23T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_23 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-23T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_24 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-23T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_25 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-24T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_26 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-24T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_27 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-24T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_28 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-24T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_29 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-24T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-20T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_30 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-24T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_31 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-25T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_32 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-25T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_33 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-25T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_34 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-25T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_35 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-26T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_36 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-26T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_37 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-26T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_38 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-26T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_39 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-26T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-20T19:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_40 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-26T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-20T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-20T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-21T15:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-21T19:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-21T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :ElSenorDeLosAnillos_LasDosTorres_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/e2fpLyc1840?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :ElaineBogan a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Elaine Bogan" . :ElisaCarricajo a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Elisa Carricajo" . :ElizabethDebicki_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/BzRiog7SyR4uJyjcnEvQKb8fMIo=/1435x1494/v1.cjs0ODkwOTtqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7MTQzNTsxNDk0"^^xsd:anyUri . :EllaWalker a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ella Walker" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/ella-walker"^^xsd:anyUri . :EmilyBeecham a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Emily Beecham" . :EmilyBlunt a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Emily Blunt" . :EmmaThompson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Emma Thompson" . :EmmanuelleSeigner a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Emmanuelle Seigner" . :EnElBarrio_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/_eTm-Di0hNU?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T15:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T15:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T15:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T15:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T15:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EnGuerraConMiAbuelo_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/8TPaelfcBbQ?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :EpochTimes a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Epoch Times" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2771"^^xsd:anyUri . :EricBauza a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Eric Bauza" . :EricMarchen a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Eric Marchen" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/eric-marchen"^^xsd:anyUri . :Espiral_ElJuegoDelMiedoContinua_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/1BOSHrhJ_MM?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :EstebanBigliardi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Esteban Bigliardi" . :EternosCompaneros_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EternosCompaneros_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EternosCompaneros_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EternosCompaneros_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EternosCompaneros_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EternosCompaneros_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :EternosCompaneros_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EternosCompaneros_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EternosCompaneros_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :EternosCompaneros_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EternosCompaneros_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EternosCompaneros_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :EternosCompaneros_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :EternosCompaneros_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :EternosCompaneros_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :EternosCompaneros_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/Kt2WScYHKTU?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :EthanHawke a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ethan Hawke" . :EvanSpiliotopoulos a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Evan Spiliotopoulos" . :EvelinHagoel a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Evelin Hagoel" . :EvgenyRuman a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Evgeny Ruman" . :FabianArenillas a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Fabián Arenillas" . :FatGuysAtTheMovies a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Fat Guys at the Movies" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2722"^^xsd:anyUri . :Fay a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Fay" . :FayssalBazzi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Fayssal Bazzi" . :FedericoLiss a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Federico Liss" . :FelixWilliamson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Felix Williamson" . :FionaDourif a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Fiona Dourif" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/fiona-dourif"^^xsd:anyUri . :FlickFilosopher a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Flick Filosopher" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-188"^^xsd:anyUri . :FlorencePugh a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Florence Pugh" . :FrankWelker a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Frank Welker" . :GAllenJohnson a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "G. Allen Johnson" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/g-allen-johnson"^^xsd:anyUri . :GabriellaWilde a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Gabriella Wilde" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/gabriella-wilde"^^xsd:anyUri . :GageMunroe a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Gage Munroe" . :GalGadot a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Gal Gadot" ; ns1:thumbnail :GalGadot_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/gal-gadot"^^xsd:anyUri . :GalGadot_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/QUtKfz3anQMHFQQruCGKVWbv1Kc=/633x704/v1.cjs0Mjc1NjtwOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7NjMzOzcwNA"^^xsd:anyUri . :GauntRussian a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Gaunt Russian" . :GeoffJohns a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Geoff Johns" ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0424315/"^^xsd:anyUri . :GigiLeung a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Gigi Leung" . :GlenPowell a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Glen Powell" . :GlennMorshower a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Glenn Morshower" . :GodzillaVsKong_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T14:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_16 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T17:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_17 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_18 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_19 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_20 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_21 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_22 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_23 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_24 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T14:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_25 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T17:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_26 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_27 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_28 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_29 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_30 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_31 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_32 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_33 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T14:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_34 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T17:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_35 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T20:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_36 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_37 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_38 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_39 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_40 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T14:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_41 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T17:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_42 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_43 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_44 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_45 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :GodzillaVsKong_show_46 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_47 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_48 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T19:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :GodzillaVsKong_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T14:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T17:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T17:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :GodzillaVsKong_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/vGenggY9UJU?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :GrahamGreene a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Graham Greene" . :GregoryDiazIv a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Gregory Diaz IV" . :GregoryGadebois a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Grégory Gadebois" . :GuadalupeDocampo a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Guadalupe Docampo" . :GuillermoPfening a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Guillermo Pfening" . :GuyRitchie a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Guy Ritchie" . :HappyAnderson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Happy Anderson" . :HarukaTomatsu a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Haruka Tomatsu" . :HaruoSotozaki a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Haruo Sotozaki" . :HenryZaga a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Henry Zaga" . :HidenobuKiuchi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Hidenobu Kiuchi" . :HimLaw a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Him Law" . :HimeshPatel a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Himesh Patel" ; ns1:thumbnail :HimeshPatel_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/himesh_patel"^^xsd:anyUri . :HimeshPatel_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/fVCzlDI8AM37i1ZZvDOTpLsGQFg=/2941x4411/v1.cjs1MDE5NTtqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7Mjk0MTs0NDEx"^^xsd:anyUri . :Hippolyta a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Hippolyta" . :HiroShimono a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Hiro Shimono" . :HirokazuKoreeda a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Hirokazu Koreeda" . :HiroyukiSanada a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Hiroyuki Sanada" . :Historia a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Historia" . :HoltMccallany a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Holt McCallany" . :HugoArana a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Hugo Arana" . :HumberlyGonzalez a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Humberly Gonzalez" . :IanSimmons a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Ian Simmons" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/ian-simmons"^^xsd:anyUri . :IdirBenAddi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Idir Ben Addi" . :IlaiSwindells a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ilai Swindells" . :IlyaNaishuller a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Ilya Naishuller" . :IndianCountryToday a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Indian Country Today" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3560"^^xsd:anyUri . :IngridOlerinskaya a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ingrid Olerinskaya" . :IrinaAntonenko a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Irina Antonenko" . :IsaacKragten a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Isaac Kragten" . :IsabelArraiza a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Isabel Arraiza" . :IsabelaMerced a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Isabela Merced" . :Israel a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Israel" . :Italia a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Italia" . :IvanYankovskiy a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ivan Yankovskiy" . :Ives a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Ives" . :IvoUukkivi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ivo Uukkivi" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/ivo-uukkivi"^^xsd:anyUri . :JKSimmons a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "J.K. Simmons" . :JPManoux a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "J.P. Manoux" . :JackWhitehall a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jack Whitehall" . :JaiCourtney a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jai Courtney" . :JakeGyllenhaal a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jake Gyllenhaal" . :JakeWeber a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jake Weber" . :JakeWilson a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Jake Wilson" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/jake-wilson"^^xsd:anyUri . :JamaalBurcher a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jamaal Burcher" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/jamaal-burcher"^^xsd:anyUri . :JamalAlkhaldi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jamal Alkhaldi" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/jamal-alkhaldi"^^xsd:anyUri . :JamesCorden a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "James Corden" . :JamesJordan a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "James Jordan" . :JamieDemetriou a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jamie Demetriou" . :JaneLynch a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jane Lynch" . :JaneSeymour a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jane Seymour" . :JaredLeto a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jared Leto" . :JasonStatham a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jason Statham" . :JaumeCollet_Serra a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Jaume Collet-Serra" . :JavierDrolas a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Javier Drolas" . :JayEllis a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jay Ellis" . :Jean_PierreDardenne a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Jean-Pierre Dardenne" . :JeffBergman a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jeff Bergman" . :JeffMoore a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jeff Moore" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/jeff-moore"^^xsd:anyUri . :JeffersonHall a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jefferson Hall" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/jefferson-hall"^^xsd:anyUri . :JeffreyCorazzini a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jeffrey Corazzini" . :JeffreyDeanMorgan a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jeffrey Dean Morgan" . :JeffreyDonovan a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jeffrey Donovan" . :JeffreyOverstreet a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Jeffrey Overstreet" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/jeffrey-overstreet"^^xsd:anyUri . :JeffreyWright a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jeffrey Wright" . :JenniferConnelly a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jennifer Connelly" . :JenniferOuellette a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Jennifer Ouellette" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/jennifer-ouellette"^^xsd:anyUri . :JeremyThomas a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jeremy Thomas" . :JessicaHenwick a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jessica Henwick" . :JessicaMcnamee a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jessica McNamee" . :JimmySmits a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jimmy Smits" . :JodieComer a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jodie Comer" . :JoeKeery a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Joe Keery" . :JoeTaslim a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Joe Taslim" . :JoelCrawford a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Joel Crawford" . :JoelFry a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Joel Fry" . :JoelMorris a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Joel Morris" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/joel-morris"^^xsd:anyUri . :JohnCena a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "John Cena" . :JohnDavidWashington a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "John David Washington" ; ns1:thumbnail :JohnDavidWashington_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/john_david_washington"^^xsd:anyUri . :JohnDavidWashington_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/y0B_6N3vGB4SA1mykSrtNL5AZ9o=/2216x2276/v1.bjsxNzg3MjY2O2o7MTg4MzA7MTIwMDsyMjE2OzIyNzY"^^xsd:anyUri . :JohnGettier a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "John Gettier" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/john-gettier"^^xsd:anyUri . :JohnLeeHancock a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "John Lee Hancock" . :JohnMcdonald a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "John McDonald" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/john-mcdonald"^^xsd:anyUri . :JonBernthal a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jon Bernthal" . :JonMChu a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Jon M. Chu" . :JonathanAjayi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jonathan Ajayi" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/jonathan-ajayi"^^xsd:anyUri . :JonathanCamp a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jonathan Camp" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/jonathan_camp"^^xsd:anyUri . :JordanaBrewster a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jordana Brewster" . :JorisJarsky a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Joris Jarsky" . :JosephKosinski a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Joseph Kosinski" . :JoshAndresRivera a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Josh Andrés Rivera" . :JoshBoone a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Josh Boone" . :JoshHartnett a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Josh Hartnett" . :JoshLawson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Josh Lawson" . :JuhanUlfsak a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Juhan Ulfsak" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/juhan-ulfsak"^^xsd:anyUri . :JuliaMartinezRubio a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Julia Martínez Rubio" . :JulianDennison a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Julian Dennison" . :JulianFerro a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Julian Ferro" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/julian-ferro"^^xsd:anyUri . :JulianHilliard a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Julian Hilliard" . :JulianneMoore a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Julianne Moore" . :JulietteBinoche a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Juliette Binoche" . :JumpcutOnline a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "JumpCut Online" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3252"^^xsd:anyUri . :JuneForay a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "June Foray" . :JungleCruise_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/mGvvhm-uRsc?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :JusticiaImplacable_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/vq58D_0fmig?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :JustinLin a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Justin Lin" . :JustinSisk a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Justin Sisk" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/justin-sisk"^^xsd:anyUri . :KailaIngram a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kaila Ingram" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/kaila-ingram"^^xsd:anyUri . :KaoriMizuhashi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kaori Mizuhashi" . :Kat a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Kat" . :KathiaWoods a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Kathia Woods" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/kathia-woods"^^xsd:anyUri . :KatieAselton a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Katie Aselton" . :KatsuyukiKonishi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Katsuyuki Konishi" . :KaylaCaulfield a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kayla Caulfield" . :KellyMarieTran a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kelly Marie Tran" . :KenichiSuzumura a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kenichi Suzumura" . :KennethBranagh a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kenneth Branagh" ; ns1:thumbnail :KennethBranagh_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/kenneth_branagh"^^xsd:anyUri . :KennethBranagh_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/v-IERYCsth_IduVNIIkwEkaVs78=/300x450/v1.bjs3ODQ0MzA7ajsxODgxOTsxMjAwOzMwMDs0NTA"^^xsd:anyUri . :KeriRussell a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Keri Russell" . :KevinCarr a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Kevin Carr" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/kevin-carr"^^xsd:anyUri . :KhrisDavis a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Khris Davis" . :KiaraPichardo a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kiara Pichardo" . :KickingTheSeat a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Kicking the Seat" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3892"^^xsd:anyUri . :KirbyHowell_Baptiste a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kirby Howell-Baptiste" . :KokiUchiyama a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Koki Uchiyama" . :KonstantinKhabenskiy a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Konstantin Khabenskiy" . :KristenHarris a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kristen Harris" . :KristenWiig a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kristen Wiig" ; ns1:thumbnail :KristenWiig_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/kristen_wiig"^^xsd:anyUri . :KristenWiig_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/P6P3MFr8YZqj_iCOIh7GxeYrPLg=/2000x2083/v1.cjs0OTMxNjtqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7MjAwMDsyMDgz"^^xsd:anyUri . :KristofferPolaha a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kristoffer Polaha" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/kristoffer-polaha"^^xsd:anyUri . :KseniyaPlyusnina a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kseniya Plyusnina" . :KseniyaShumeyko a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kseniya Shumeyko" . :KyleChandler a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kyle Chandler" . :KyleKaminsky a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Kyle Kaminsky" . :LaCasaDeLosConejos_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/cv6Wh92zqj8?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :LaFuneraria_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/FSvjM2DPZ_s?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :LaVerdad_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/LQNpvAlEdJs?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :LashanaLynch a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lashana Lynch" . :LauraGrandineti a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Laura Grandineti" . :LauraMarano a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Laura Marano" . :LaurentNicolas a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Laurent Nicolas" . :LaurieShepherd a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Laurie Shepherd" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/laurie-shepherd"^^xsd:anyUri . :LazAlonso a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Laz Alonso" . :LeaSeydoux a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Léa Seydoux" . :LebronJames a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "LeBron James" . :LeslieGrace a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Leslie Grace" . :LeslieMann a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Leslie Mann" . :LewisTan a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lewis Tan" . :LilRelHowery a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lil Rel Howery" . :LillyAspell a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lilly Aspell" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/lilly-aspell"^^xsd:anyUri . :Lin_ManuelMiranda a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lin-Manuel Miranda" . :LolitaMarie a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lolita Marie" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/lolita-marie"^^xsd:anyUri . :LookingCloser a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Looking Closer" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-1138"^^xsd:anyUri . :LoraMartinez_Cunningham a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lora Martinez-Cunningham" . :LosCroods2_UnaNuevaEra_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/bVGlZR05Izc?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T18:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T18:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T18:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T18:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T18:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T18:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :LosNuevosMutantes_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :LosNuevosMutantes_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/j6LHN8UA1BY?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :LosRayos_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/yOcd4NWl5Ec?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :LouisGarrel a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Louis Garrel" . :LucDardenne a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Luc Dardenne" . :LucasBlack a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lucas Black" . :Ludacris a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ludacris" . :LudiLin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ludi Lin" . :LuisLuque a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Luis Luque" . :LuisMachin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Luis Machín" . :LyndaCarter a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lynda Carter" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/lynda-carter"^^xsd:anyUri . :LyonBeckwith a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Lyon Beckwith" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/lyon-beckwith"^^xsd:anyUri . :Mahir a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Mahir" . :MaisieWilliams a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Maisie Williams" . :MalcolmDLee a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Malcolm D. Lee" . :MannyJacinto a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Manny Jacinto" . :ManojAnand a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Manoj Anand" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/manoj-anand"^^xsd:anyUri . :MarcelSabat a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Marcel Sabat" ; ns1:thumbnail :MarcelSabat_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/marcel_sabat"^^xsd:anyUri . :MarcelSabat_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/BOMj4WcL1h7AKqilFY2J5GKeM0Q=/3840x2160/v1.bjsyNDA0MjQzO2o7MTg4Mzc7MTIwMDszODQwOzIxNjA"^^xsd:anyUri . :MarceloSubiotto a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Marcelo Subiotto" . :MargotRobbie a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Margot Robbie" . :MariaBelkin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Maria Belkin" . :MarieBunel a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Marie Bunel" . :MarinaMazepa a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Marina Mazepa" . :MarisolCorrea a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Marisol Correa" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/marisol-correa"^^xsd:anyUri . :MarkJackson a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Mark Jackson" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/mark-jackson"^^xsd:anyUri . :MarkKrenik a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mark Krenik" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/mark-krenik"^^xsd:anyUri . :MarkStrong a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mark Strong" . :MarlaAaronWapner a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Marla Aaron Wapner" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/marla-aaron-wapner"^^xsd:anyUri . :MarsaiMartin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Marsai Martin" . :MartinDonovan a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Martin Donovan" ; ns1:thumbnail :MartinDonovan_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/1022418_martin_donovan"^^xsd:anyUri . :MartinDonovan_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/-xF33x7eIAznGfosvuXVE_GDSbU=/810x1080/v1.bjsxNjA3NzI4O2o7MTg4Mjg7MTIwMDs4MTA7MTA4MA"^^xsd:anyUri . :MaryannJohanson a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "MaryAnn Johanson" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/maryann-johanson"^^xsd:anyUri . :MathieuAmalric a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mathieu Amalric" . :MattNeal a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Matt Neal" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/matt-neal"^^xsd:anyUri . :MauroIvanOjeda a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Mauro Iván Ojeda" . :MaxHuang a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Max Huang" . :MckennaGrace a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mckenna Grace" . :MedinaSenghore a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Medina Senghore" . :MeganAshleyBrown a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Megan Ashley Brown" . :MehcadBrooks a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mehcad Brooks" . :MelBlanc a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mel Blanc" . :MelissaBarrera a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Melissa Barrera" . :MelvilPoupaud a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Melvil Poupaud" . :MichaelCaine a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Michael Caine" ; ns1:thumbnail :MichaelCaine_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/michael_caine"^^xsd:anyUri . :MichaelCaine_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/2Fc1WlnRfZrVFrojtN2JpemeBqg=/220x196/v1.cjs0NDk1OTtqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7MjIwOzE5Ng"^^xsd:anyUri . :MichaelChaves a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Michael Chaves" . :MichaelHyatt a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Michael Hyatt" . :MichaelMalvesti a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Michael Malvesti" . :MichaelPena a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Michael Peña" . :MichelleRodriguez a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Michelle Rodriguez" . :MichelleWilliams a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Michelle Williams" . :MickLasalle a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Mick LaSalle" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/mick-lasalle"^^xsd:anyUri . :MickeyGilmore a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mickey Gilmore" . :MiguelAngelSola a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Miguel Ángel Solá" . :MikeFaist a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mike Faist" . :MilesTeller a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Miles Teller" . :MillieBobbyBrown a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Millie Bobby Brown" . :MinoriChihara a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Minori Chihara" . :MonicaHaynes a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Monica Haynes" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/monica-haynes"^^xsd:anyUri . :Monocle a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Monocle" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-1969"^^xsd:anyUri . :MoraIramainGarcia a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Mora Iramain García" . :MortalKombat_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T16:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_16 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_17 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_18 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_19 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_20 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T14:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_21 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_22 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_23 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_24 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_25 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_26 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_27 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T16:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_28 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_29 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_30 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_31 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_32 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T14:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_33 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_34 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_35 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_36 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_37 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_38 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_39 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T16:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_40 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_41 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_42 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_43 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_44 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T14:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_45 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T20:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_46 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_47 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_48 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T20:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_49 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T16:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_50 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_51 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_52 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_53 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_54 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T14:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_55 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_56 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T15:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_57 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_58 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_59 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T18:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_60 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :MortalKombat_show_61 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T16:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_62 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_63 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T16:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_64 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_65 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T17:45:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T22:15:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :MortalKombat_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T14:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :MortalKombat_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/VKROb3deXzU?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :MoviesInFocus a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Movies in Focus" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3189"^^xsd:anyUri . :MyriemAkeddiou a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Myriem Akeddiou" . :Nadie_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/ycv9WZct31w?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :NahuelViale a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Nahuel Viale" . :NanouGarcia a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Nanou Garcia" . :NatalieMorales a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Natalie Morales" . :NatashaRothwell a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Natasha Rothwell" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/natasha-rothwell"^^xsd:anyUri . :NathalieEmmanuel a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Nathalie Emmanuel" . :NathanStewart_Jarrett a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Nathan Stewart-Jarrett" . :NatsukiHanae a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Natsuki Hanae" . :Neil a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Neil" . :Newsday a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Newsday" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-338"^^xsd:anyUri . :NgChinHan a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ng Chin Han" . :NiaDacosta a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Nia DaCosta" . :NiallBrowne a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Niall Browne" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/niall-browne"^^xsd:anyUri . :NiamhAlgar a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Niamh Algar" . :NicholasHoult a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Nicholas Hoult" . :NickLevine a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Nick Levine" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/nick-levine"^^xsd:anyUri . :NickSchager a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Nick Schager" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/nick-schager"^^xsd:anyUri . :NickyJam a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Nicky Jam" . :NicolasCage a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Nicolas Cage" . :NinaGarin a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Nina Garin" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/nina-garin"^^xsd:anyUri . :Nme a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "NME" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3240"^^xsd:anyUri . :OTFagbenle a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "O.T. Fagbenle" . :OakesFegley a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Oakes Fegley" . :OakleyBull a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Oakley Bull" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/oakley-bull"^^xsd:anyUri . :OlgaMerediz a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Olga Merediz" . :OlivierBonnaud a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Olivier Bonnaud" . :OrlandoBloom a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Orlando Bloom" . :OthmaneMoumen a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Othmane Moumen" . :OwenBurke a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Owen Burke" . :PabloOScholz a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Pablo O. Scholz" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/pablo-o-scholz"^^xsd:anyUri . :PanayotisPascot a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Panayotis Pascot" . :PanicoEnLasAlturas_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/EpWE7PoBUe4?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :PatricioAramburu a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Patricio Aramburu" . :PatrickNabarro a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Patrick Nabarro" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3237"^^xsd:anyUri . :PatrickWilson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Patrick Wilson" . :PaulEssiembre a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Paul Essiembre" . :PaulGiamatti a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Paul Giamatti" . :PaulHamy a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Paul Hamy" . :PaulRonCruz a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Paul Ron Cruz" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/paul-ron-cruz"^^xsd:anyUri . :PaulWalterHauser a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Paul Walter Hauser" . :PaulaBrasca a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Paula Brasca" . :PedroPascal a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Pedro Pascal" ; ns1:thumbnail :PedroPascal_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/pedro_pascal"^^xsd:anyUri . :PedroPascal_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/uEke7o3H4ngITX7oLEYgZox9q2A=/220x196/v1.cjs0NDAwMDtqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7MjIwOzE5Ng"^^xsd:anyUri . :PenelopeKapudija a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Penelope Kapudija" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/penelope-kapudija"^^xsd:anyUri . :PequenosSecretos_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :PequenosSecretos_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T21:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :PequenosSecretos_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :PequenosSecretos_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T21:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :PequenosSecretos_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T21:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :PequenosSecretos_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :PequenosSecretos_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T21:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :PequenosSecretos_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :PequenosSecretos_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T21:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :PequenosSecretos_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :PequenosSecretos_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T21:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :PequenosSecretos_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T20:20:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :PequenosSecretos_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/y3Nm9NdMevA?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :PeterDinklage a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Peter Dinklage" . :PeterRabbit_ConejoEnFuga_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/QNgxHvVCk3k?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :Phawker a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Phawker" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3631"^^xsd:anyUri . :PierreGomme a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Pierre Gommé" . :PjNabarro a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "PJ Nabarro" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/pj-nabarro"^^xsd:anyUri . :PolinaStrogaya a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Polina Strogaya" . :PostMalone a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Post Malone" . :Priya a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Priya" . :Protagonist a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Protagonist" . :QuentinDupieux a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Quentin Dupieux" . :RachelWeisz a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rachel Weisz" . :RachelZegler a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rachel Zegler" . :RaferGuzman a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Rafer Guzman" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/rafer-guzman"^^xsd:anyUri . :RalphFiennes a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ralph Fiennes" . :RandyThom a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Randy Thom" . :RapidosYFuriosos9_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/NFyq6Cdal6g?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :RaulCastillo a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Raúl Castillo" . :RaviPatel a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ravi Patel" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/ravi-patel"^^xsd:anyUri . :RayWinstone a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ray Winstone" . :ReadySteadyCut a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Ready Steady Cut" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3725"^^xsd:anyUri . :RebeccaHall a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rebecca Hall" . :RebeccaSpence a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rebecca Spence" . :ReidScott a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Reid Scott" . :RhysBowenJones a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Rhys Bowen Jones" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/rhys-bowen-jones"^^xsd:anyUri . :RhysDarby a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rhys Darby" . :RichCeraulo a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rich Ceraulo" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/rich-ceraulo"^^xsd:anyUri . :RichCerauloKo a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rich Ceraulo Ko" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/rich_ceraulo_ko"^^xsd:anyUri . :RickKelvinBranch a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rick Kelvin Branch" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/rick-kelvin-branch"^^xsd:anyUri . :RinaSato a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rina Sato" . :RitaMoreno a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rita Moreno" . :RobGonsalves a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Rob Gonsalves" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/rob-gonsalves"^^xsd:anyUri . :RobRiggle a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rob Riggle" . :RobertDeNiro a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Robert De Niro" . :RobertDowneyJr a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Robert Downey Jr." . :RobertPattinson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Robert Pattinson" ; ns1:thumbnail :RobertPattinson_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/robert_pattinson"^^xsd:anyUri . :RobertPattinson_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/wk-ARyYoroA029VU7XnO_e6Tqu4=/540x720/v1.bjs3NTcwNDE7ajsxODgxODsxMjAwOzU0MDs3MjA"^^xsd:anyUri . :RobinWright a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Robin Wright" ; ns1:thumbnail :RobinWright_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/robin_wright"^^xsd:anyUri . :RobinWright_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/s5rTePWBzCqGE8uYUIYqS52D6JU=/1000x1500/v1.bjs3NDQ4MjY7ajsxODgxODsxMjAwOzEwMDA7MTUwMA"^^xsd:anyUri . :RoccoPosca a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rocco Posca" . :RodrigoCaprotti a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Rodrigo Caprotti" . :RomainCogitore a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Romain Cogitore" . :RomanPolanski a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Roman Polanski" . :RoryCochrane a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rory Cochrane" . :RoseByrne a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rose Byrne" . :RuairiOConnor a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ruairi O'Connor" . :RuegaPorNosotros_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/n4SJaeP04vM?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :RupertDegas a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rupert Degas" . :SamNeill a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sam Neill" . :SamaraWeaving a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Samara Weaving" . :SanDiegoUnion_Tribune a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "San Diego Union-Tribune" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-503"^^xsd:anyUri . :Sanjay a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Sanjay" . :SaoriHayami a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Saori Hayami" . :SarahCatherineHook a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sarah Catherine Hook" . :SarahWard a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Sarah Ward" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/sarah-ward"^^xsd:anyUri . :Sator a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Sator" . :SatoshiHino a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Satoshi Hino" . :SawyerJones a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sawyer Jones" . :ScarlettJohansson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Scarlett Johansson" . :Sci_Fi a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Sci-Fi" . :ScottCooper a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Scott Cooper" . :ScottEastwood a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Scott Eastwood" . :ScottHaze a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Scott Haze" . :ShannonKook a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Shannon Kook" . :ShawnLevy a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Shawn Levy" . :SheriFlanders a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Sheri Flanders" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/sheri-flanders"^^xsd:anyUri . :ShunOguri a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Shun Oguri" . :Sia a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sia" . :SiaAlipour a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sia Alipour" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/sia-alipour"^^xsd:anyUri . :SilvinaBosco a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Silvina Bosco" . :SimonMcquoid a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Simon McQuoid" . :SimonYam a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Simon Yam" . :SimonaZivkovska a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Simona Zivkovska" . :SonequaMartin_Green a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sonequa Martin-Green" . :SoniaGoswami a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sonia Goswami" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/sonia-goswami"^^xsd:anyUri . :SpaceJam_UnaNuevaEra_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/cyK_zpv69uI?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :SpencerTrinwith a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Spencer Trinwith" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/spencer-trinwith"^^xsd:anyUri . :Spirit_ElIndomable_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/qVrzHqLvQZ0?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :StabroekNews a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Stabroek News" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3473"^^xsd:anyUri . :StasyaMiloslavskaya a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Stasya Miloslavskaya" . :StephaneJobert a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Stéphane Jobert" . :StephanieBeatriz a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Stephanie Beatriz" . :StephanieSy a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Stephanie Sy" . :StephenGraham a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Stephen Graham" . :StephenRomei a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Stephen Romei" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/stephen-romei"^^xsd:anyUri . :SterlingJerins a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sterling Jerins" . :SteveTrevor a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "Steve Trevor" . :StevenSpielberg a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Steven Spielberg" . :SungKang a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sung Kang" . :Suspended a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Suspended" . :Suspense a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Suspense" . :Swat2 a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "SWAT 2" . :Swat_Target a ns1:FictionalCharacter ; ns1:Name "SWAT / Target" . :TJMcgibbon a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "T.J. McGibbon" . :T_Pain a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "T-Pain" . :TadanobuAsano a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tadanobu Asano" . :TaichiIshidate a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Taichi Ishidate" . :TaikaWaititi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Taika Waititi" . :TakahiroSakurai a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Takahiro Sakurai" . :TakehitoKoyasu a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Takehito Koyasu" . :TaylorSheridan a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Taylor Sheridan" . :Tenet_Trailer_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://content.internetvideoarchive.com/content/hdphotos/12882/012882/012882_1173x660_637257053180251151.jpg"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_company_1 a ns1:Company ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/company/co0002663/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_company_2 a ns1:Company ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/company/co0147954/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_cover_image_1 a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/nchHALzH07gWM88bzcDM7zZKm-g=/740x380/v1.bjsyNTEwOTE4O2o7MTg4Mzk7MTIwMDs2MDAwOzQwMDA"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_cover_image_2 a ns1:Image ; :url "https://static.metacritic.com/images/products/movies/7/a60818c40f69031bf30ca846444011e4.jpg"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_cover_image_3 a ns1:Image ; :url "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzg0NGM2NjAtNmIxOC00MDJmLTg5ZmYtYzM0MTE4NWE2NzlhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA4NjE0NjEy._V1_.jpg"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_cover_image_4 a ns1:Image ; :url "https://img.ecartelera.com/carteles/15100/15194/002_p.jpg"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_rating_1 a ns4:AggregateRating ; ns1:Name "Tomatometer" ; ns1:description "The Tomatometer rating – based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and television critics – is a trusted measurement of movie and TV programming quality for millions of moviegoers. It represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show."@en ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; :bestRating 1e+02 ; :ratingValue 7e+01 ; :worstRating 0e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 351 ; ns4:reviewCount 351 . :Tenet_rating_2 a ns4:AggregateRating ; ns2:source "https://www.metacritic.com/movie/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; :bestRating 1e+02 ; :ratingValue 6.9e+01 ; :worstRating 0e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 50 . :Tenet_rating_3 a ns4:AggregateRating ; ns2:source "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6723592/"^^xsd:anyUri ; :bestRating 1e+01 ; :ratingValue 7.4e+00 ; :worstRating 1e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 348181 . :Tenet_rating_4 a ns4:AggregateRating ; ns2:source "https://www.ecartelera.com/peliculas/tenet/"^^xsd:anyUri ; :bestRating 1e+01 ; :ratingValue 8.3e+00 ; :worstRating 0e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 28 . :Tenet_review_10_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_10_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://lookingcloser.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=112266&action=edit"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_11_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_11_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.moviesinfocus.com/review-christopher-nolans-tenet-is-a-flawed-cinematic-wonder/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_12_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_12_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/03/22/tene-m22.html"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_13_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_13_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://indiancountrytoday.com/lifestyle/nativenerd-wandavision-excellence-other-film-reviews"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_14_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_14_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.clarin.com/espectaculos/cine/tenet-diferente-visto_0_3JWlIyqCo.html"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_15_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_15_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.efilmcritic.com/review.php?movie=33026&reviewer=416"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_16_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_16_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.news-herald.com/it-has-its-flaws-but-time-shifting-tenet-another-unique-vision-from-the-inventive-christopher/article_09f56df2-eb8c-11ea-af65-5ff05b659f0b.html"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_17_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_17_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://film-authority.com/2020/08/25/tenet/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_18_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_18_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://culturalconversation.co.uk/2020/09/06/movie-review-tenet/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_19_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_19_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://readysteadycut.com/2020/08/27/tenet-review/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_1_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_1_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://monocle.com/radio/shows/the-monocle-culture-show/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_20_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_20_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "http://madaboutmoviespodcast.com/episodes/2020/9/8/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_21_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_21_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.cupofsoulshow.com/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_22_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_22_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://dallas.culturemap.com/news/entertainment/08-31-20-tenet-movie-review/#slide=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_23_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_23_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.flickfilosopher.com/2021/02/tenet-movie-review-i-have-no-time-for-it.html"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_24_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_24_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://pnabarro.wordpress.com/2021/01/31/tenet/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_25_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+01 ; :ratingValue 7e+00 ; :worstRating 1e+00 . :Tenet_review_2_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_2_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.thedailybeast.com/is-christopher-nolans-tenet-worth-renting-on-vod?ref=author"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_3_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_3_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.scpr.org/programs/filmweek/2020/12/18/66354/filmweek-tenet-ma-rainey-s-black-bottom-bee-gees-h/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_4_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_4_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.scpr.org/programs/filmweek/2020/12/18/66354/filmweek-tenet-ma-rainey-s-black-bottom-bee-gees-h/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_5_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_5_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/movies-tv/review-youve-waited-all-this-time-to-see-tenet-now-dont-even-bother-unless-maybe-in-a-theater"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_6_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_6_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/movies-tv/review-youve-waited-all-this-time-to-see-tenet-now-dont-even-bother-unless-maybe-in-a-theater"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_7_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_7_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.stabroeknews.com/2020/12/20/sunday/reel-encounters/tenet-wants-your-attention-not-your-understanding/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_8_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_8_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.nme.com/reviews/tenet-review-christopher-nolan-2734576"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_review_9_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :Tenet_review_9_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://jumpcutonline.co.uk/2020/08/27/review-tenet-2020/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Tenet_trailer a :trailer ; ns1:Name "Tenet (Trailer 2)" ; ns1:description "Video Clip of Tenet"@en ; ns1:thumbnail :Tenet_Trailer_img . :TerryKinney a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Terry Kinney" . :TessaBonhamJones a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tessa Bonham Jones" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/tessa-bonham-jones"^^xsd:anyUri . :TeyonahParris a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Teyonah Parris" . :TheAgeAustralia a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "The Age (Australia)" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2041"^^xsd:anyUri . :TheAtlantic a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "The Atlantic" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-24"^^xsd:anyUri . :TheAustralian a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "The Australian" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-1964"^^xsd:anyUri . :TheDailyBeast a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "The Daily Beast" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2345"^^xsd:anyUri . :TheLarchmontChronicle a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "The Larchmont Chronicle" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-2992"^^xsd:anyUri . :TheirOwnLeague a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Their Own League" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3607"^^xsd:anyUri . :ThomasClayStrickland a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Thomas Clay Strickland" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/thomas-clay-strickland"^^xsd:anyUri . :ThomasKee a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Thomas Kee" . :TigranSahakyan a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Tigran Sahakyan" . :TimCogshell a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Tim Cogshell" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/tim-cogshell"^^xsd:anyUri . :TimHill a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Tim Hill" . :TimRobey a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Tim Robey" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/tim-robey"^^xsd:anyUri . :TimStory a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Tim Story" . :TomCruise a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tom Cruise" . :TomHardy a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tom Hardy" . :TomHolland a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tom Holland" . :TomYJerry_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T14:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :TomYJerry_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :TomYJerry_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :TomYJerry_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T14:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :TomYJerry_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :TomYJerry_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T14:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :TomYJerry_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :TomYJerry_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T14:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :TomYJerry_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T15:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :TomYJerry_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T14:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :TomYJerry_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/9G5QXTUIIBs?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :TomokazuSeki a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tomokazu Seki" . :TonyBlack a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Tony Black" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/tony-black"^^xsd:anyUri . :TonyMedley a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Tony Medley" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/tony-medley"^^xsd:anyUri . :TonyTodd a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tony Todd" . :TopGun_Maverick_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/69GWoZ5fxlc?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :TylerPerry a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tyler Perry" . :TyreseGibson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Tyrese Gibson" . :UmaThurman a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Uma Thurman" . :UntitledMoviePodcast a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Untitled Movie Podcast" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3831"^^xsd:anyUri . :UtkarshAmbudkar a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Utkarsh Ambudkar" . :ValKilmer a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Val Kilmer" . :ValeriaSelinger a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Valeria Selinger" . :ValerieKalfrin a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Valerie Kalfrin" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/valerie-kalfrin"^^xsd:anyUri . :Venom_CarnageLiberado_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/B_Gt0G0QlUo?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :VeraFarmiga a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Vera Farmiga" . :VeronicaSchneck a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Verónica Schneck" . :VictoriaBluck a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Victoria Bluck" . :VictoriyaPyatakina a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Victoriya Pyatakina" . :VinDiesel a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Vin Diesel" . :VincentGrass a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Vincent Grass" . :VincentSchilling a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Vincent Schilling" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/vincent-schilling"^^xsd:anyUri . :VioletEvergarden_show_1 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :VioletEvergarden_show_10 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :VioletEvergarden_show_11 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :VioletEvergarden_show_12 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T17:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :VioletEvergarden_show_13 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-18T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :VioletEvergarden_show_14 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T17:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :VioletEvergarden_show_15 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :VioletEvergarden_show_16 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-19T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :VioletEvergarden_show_2 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-14T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :VioletEvergarden_show_3 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T17:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :VioletEvergarden_show_4 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :VioletEvergarden_show_5 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-15T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :VioletEvergarden_show_6 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T17:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :VioletEvergarden_show_7 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu . :VioletEvergarden_show_8 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-16T18:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen . :VioletEvergarden_show_9 a :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-05-17T17:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Subtitulado" ; :room :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza . :VioletEvergarden_trailer a :trailer ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/iVIlp0pbjeY?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyUri . :VioletaPalukas a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Violeta Palukas" . :VladimirFridman a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Vladimir Fridman" . :VladimirGusev a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Vladimir Gusev" . :VladimirKuznetsov a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Vladimir Kuznetsov" . :WaltonGoggins a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Walton Goggins" . :WesChatham a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Wes Chatham" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/wes-chatham"^^xsd:anyUri . :WillGluck a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Will Gluck" . :WilliamHanna a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "William Hanna" . :WilliamHurt a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "William Hurt" . :WilliamMoultonMarston a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "William Moulton Marston" ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0551376/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WilliamSadler a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "William Sadler" . :Wing_CheongLaw a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Wing-Cheong Law" . :WonderWoman1984_company_1 a ns1:Company ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/company/co0728674/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_company_2 a ns1:Company ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/company/co0038332/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_company_7 a ns1:Company ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/company/co0283444/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_company_8 a ns1:Company ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/company/co0028338/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_company_9 a ns1:Company ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/company/co0002663/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_cover_image_1 a ns1:Image ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/m8G6eIbecl1KNYf1yd2lt2F5yX8=/740x380/v1.bjsyNTUxODM4O2o7MTg4Mzk7MTIwMDs0MTIyOzIzMTI"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_cover_image_2 a ns1:Image ; :url "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYTlhNzJjYzYtNGU3My00ZDI5LTgzZDUtYzllYjU1ZmU0YTgwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_.jpg"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_cover_image_3 a ns1:Image ; :url "https://static.metacritic.com/images/products/movies/4/9d1a4650bb42f43a0a781bfa70a7772d.jpg"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_cover_image_4 a ns1:Image ; :url "https://img.ecartelera.com/carteles/13100/13170/009_p.jpg"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_rating_1 a ns4:AggregateRating ; ns1:Name "Tomatometer" ; ns1:description "The Tomatometer rating – based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and television critics – is a trusted measurement of movie and TV programming quality for millions of moviegoers. It represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show."@en ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; :bestRating 1e+02 ; :ratingValue 5.9e+01 ; :worstRating 0e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 426 ; ns4:reviewCount 426 . :WonderWoman1984_rating_2 a ns4:AggregateRating ; ns2:source "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7126948/"^^xsd:anyUri ; :bestRating 1e+01 ; :ratingValue 5.4e+00 ; :worstRating 1e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 199795 . :WonderWoman1984_rating_3 a ns4:AggregateRating ; ns2:source "https://www.metacritic.com/movie/wonder-woman-1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; :bestRating 1e+02 ; :ratingValue 6e+01 ; :worstRating 0e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 57 . :WonderWoman1984_rating_4 a ns4:AggregateRating ; ns2:source "https://www.ecartelera.com/peliculas/wonder-woman-1984/"^^xsd:anyUri ; :bestRating 1e+01 ; :ratingValue 7.6e+00 ; :worstRating 0e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 20 . :WonderWoman1984_review_10_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_10_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://youtu.be/75nDMuZMfLs"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_11_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_11_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://youtu.be/75nDMuZMfLs"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_12_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_12_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/entertainment/movies/story/2020-12-24/wonder-woman-1984"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_13_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_13_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "http://www.tonymedley.com/2020/Wonder_Woman_1984.htm"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_14_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_14_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://concreteplayground.com/sydney/event/wonder-woman-1984"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_15_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_15_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://untitledmoviepodcast.com/reviews/2020/12/27/wonder-woman-1984"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_16_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_16_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.news-herald.com/entertainment/movie-reviews/wonder-woman-1984-overdoes-it-but-what-made-first-movie-successful-alive-and-well-in/article_a0eed67e-453e-11eb-9aae-8774f60e37ce.html"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_17_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_17_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/12/wonder-woman-1984-is-fun-but-doesnt-quite-capture-magic-of-its-predecessor/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_18_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_18_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "http://madaboutmoviespodcast.com/episodes/2020/12/29/wonder-woman-1984"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_19_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_19_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://film-authority.com/2021/01/11/wonder-woman-1984/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_1_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_1_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/wonder-woman-1984/Film?oid=85354160"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_20_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_20_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://kickseat.com/podcast/ep623-when-you-wish-upon-a-sequel-wonder-woman-1984"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_21_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_21_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "http://www.phawker.com/2020/12/23/cinema-waiting-for-gadot/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_22_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_22_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.theepochtimes.com/film-review-wonder-woman-1984-a-sequel-less-wonderful_3667828.html"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_23_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_23_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.johnmcdonald.net.au/2021/wonder-woman-1984/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_24_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_24_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://movies8mylife.blogspot.com/2021/02/wonder-woman-1984.html"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_25_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+01 ; :ratingValue 3e+00 ; :worstRating 1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_2_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_2_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.newsday.com/entertainment/movies/wonder-woman-1984-review-1.50099436"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_3_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_3_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.scpr.org/programs/filmweek/2020/12/23/66369/filmweek-wonder-woman-1984-soul-promising-young-wo/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_4_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_4_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/review/wonder-woman-a-superhero-for-these-unpredictable-times/news-story/07c2cdcdf7699c36c2fa44d8e003acb8"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_5_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_5_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.theage.com.au/culture/movies/wonder-woman-1984-gal-gadot-soars-in-a-plot-that-doesn-t-aim-high-20201216-p56o4z.html"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_6_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_6_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2020/12/wonder-woman-1984-movie-review/617470/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_7_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_7_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "http://www.fatguysatthemovies.com/episode-728-lizard-vs-ape/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_8_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_8_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://battleshippretension.com/wonder-woman-1984-go-ahead-and-jump-by-david-bax/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_review_9_rating a ns4:Rating ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue 1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :WonderWoman1984_review_9_site a ns3:WebPage ; ns3:hasURL "https://intheirownleague.com/2020/12/29/review-wonder-woman-1984/"^^xsd:anyUri . :WonderWoman1984_trailer a :trailer ; ns1:Name "Stream on HBO Max for a Limited Time" ; ns1:description "Fast forward to the 1980s as Wonder Woman’s next big screen adventure finds her facing two all-new foes: Max Lord and The Cheetah."@en ; ns1:thumbnail :Wonderwoman1984_Trailer_img ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi3240214809"^^xsd:anyUri . :Wonderwoman1984_Trailer_img a ns1:Image ; :url "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjQ0NGM2NGMtMDE1Yi00YzQyLWI1ZWYtMmQ2OWEzZTA5YjEyXkEyXkFqcGdeQWRvb2xpbmhk._V1_.jpg"^^xsd:anyUri . :WoodyHarrelson a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Woody Harrelson" . :WorldSocialistWebSite a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "World Socialist Web Site" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-484"^^xsd:anyUri . :YahyaAbdul_MateenIi a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Yahya Abdul-Mateen II" . :YolandaLynes a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Yolanda Lynes" . :YoshitsuguMatsuoka a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Yoshitsugu Matsuoka" . :YuiIshikawa a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Yui Ishikawa" . :YuriKolokolnikov a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Yuri Kolokolnikov" ; :url "https://www.metacritic.com/person/yuri-kolokolnikov"^^xsd:anyUri . :Zendaya a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Zendaya" . :accion a ns1:MovieGenre, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "accion"@es . :author_tenet_company_1 a ns1:Company, owl:NamedIndividual ; :url "https://www.imdb.com/company/co0147954/"^^xsd:anyURI . :christopher_nolan_img a ns1:Image, owl:NamedIndividual ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/H0_441OvEsJ-OMlAn-njnqv5uFc=/275x230/v1.cjs0MDgwNztqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7Mjc1OzIzMA"^^xsd:anyURI . :ciencia_ficcion a ns1:MovieGenre, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Ciencia Ficción"@es . :cinepolis_recoleta a ns1:Cinema, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Cinépolis Recoleta"@es . :eeuu a ns1:Country, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Estados Unidos"@es . :john_david_washington a ns1:Actor, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "John David Washington"^^xsd:string . :michael_caine a ns1:Actor, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Michael Caine"^^xsd:string ; ns1:thumbnail :michael_caine_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/michael_caine"^^xsd:anyURI . :michael_caine_img a ns1:Image, owl:NamedIndividual ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/2Fc1WlnRfZrVFrojtN2JpemeBqg=/220x196/v1.cjs0NDk1OTtqOzE4NzY1OzEyMDA7MjIwOzE5Ng"^^xsd:anyURI . :monocle a ns1:Organisation, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Monocle" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-1969"^^xsd:anyURI . :neil a ns1:FictionalCharacter, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Neil"^^xsd:string . :reino_unido a ns1:Country, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Reino Unido"@es . :room_classic_2d a owl:NamedIndividual, :cinema_room ; ns1:Name "Classic - 2D"@es ; :cinema :cinepolis_recoleta . :tenet a ns1:Film, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:author :author_tenet_company_1, :christopher_nolan ; ns1:director :christopher_nolan ; ns1:duration 1.55e+02 ; ns1:genre :accion, :ciencia_ficcion, :thriller ; ns1:language :inglés ; ns1:origin :eeuu, :reino_unido ; ns1:productionCompany :warner_bross ; ns1:releaseDate ""^^xsd:date ; ns1:starring :john_david_washington, :michael_caine ; ns1:thumbnail :tenet_cover_image_1, :tenet_cover_image_2 ; ns1:title "Tenet"^^rdf:langString ; ns2:source "https://example.com/"^^xsd:anyURI ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasCharacter :neil ; :hasShow :tenet_show_1 ; :hasTrailer :tenet_trailer ; :keyword "symphony hall"^^xsd:string, "time paradox"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "Armado solamente con una palabra, Tenet, el protagonista deberá luchar por la supervivencia del mundo entero y evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una historia de espionaje internacional. La misión se desplegará más allá del tiempo real. No son viajes en el tiempo, es inversión."^^xsd:string ; ns4:aggregateRating :tenet_aggregated_rating_1 . :tenet_aggregated_rating_1 a owl:NamedIndividual, ns4:AggregateRating ; ns1:Name "Tomatometer" ; ns1:description "The Tomatometer rating – based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and television critics – is a trusted measurement of movie and TV programming quality for millions of moviegoers. It represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show."@en ; ns2:source "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet" ; :bestRating 1e+02 ; :ratingValue 7e+01 ; :worstRating 0e+00 ; ns4:ratingCount 349 ; ns4:reviewCount 349 . :tenet_cover_image_1 a ns1:Image, owl:NamedIndividual ; :url "https://resizing.flixster.com/nchHALzH07gWM88bzcDM7zZKm-g=/740x380/v1.bjsyNTEwOTE4O2o7MTg4Mzk7MTIwMDs2MDAwOzQwMDA"^^xsd:anyURI . :tenet_cover_image_2 a ns1:Image, owl:NamedIndividual ; :url "https://static.metacritic.com/images/products/movies/7/a60818c40f69031bf30ca846444011e4.jpg"^^xsd:anyURI . :tenet_review_1_author a ns1:Person, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Tim Robey" ; ns1:thumbnail :tenet_review_1_author_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/tim-robey"^^xsd:anyURI . :tenet_review_1_author_img a ns1:Image, owl:NamedIndividual ; :url "https://example.com/img.jpg"^^xsd:anyURI . :tenet_review_1_rating_1 a owl:NamedIndividual, ns4:Rating ; ns1:Name "example name" ; ns1:description "example description" ; :bestRating 1e+00 ; :ratingValue -1e+00 ; :worstRating -1e+00 . :tenet_review_1_site a ns3:WebPage, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns3:hasURL "https://monocle.com/radio/shows/the-monocle-culture-show/"^^xsd:anyURI . :tenet_show_1 a owl:NamedIndividual, :film_show ; ns1:startDateTime "2021-04-06T19:40:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:subtitle "Español"^^xsd:string ; :room :room_classic_2d . :tenet_trailer a owl:NamedIndividual, :trailer ; ns1:Name "Tenet (Trailer 2)"@en ; ns1:description "Video Clip of Tenet"^^rdf:langString ; ns1:thumbnail :tenet_trailer_thumbnail ; :url "https://www.youtube.com/embed/Q3YsDF8rZ9w?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0"^^xsd:anyURI . :tenet_trailer_thumbnail a ns1:Image, owl:NamedIndividual ; :url "https://content.internetvideoarchive.com/content/hdphotos/12882/012882/012882_1173x660_637257053180251151.jpg"^^xsd:anyURI . :thriller a ns1:MovieGenre, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Thriller"@es . :warner_bross a ns1:Company, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Warner Bros. Pictures"^^xsd:string ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/"^^xsd:anyURI . :Australia a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Australia" . :Belgica a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Belgica" . :BernardHill a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Bernard Hill" . :BrianGill a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Brian Gill" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/brian-gill"^^xsd:anyUri . :China a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "China" . :ChristopherLee a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Christopher Lee" . :ChristopherNolan a ns1:MovieDirector, ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Christopher Nolan" ; ns1:thumbnail :ChristopherNolan_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/christopher_nolan"^^xsd:anyUri . :CinepolisMaipu a ns1:Cinema ; ns1:Name "Cinépolis Maipú" . :CinepolisMendoza a ns1:Cinema ; ns1:Name "Cinépolis Mendoza" . :ConnieNielsen a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Connie Nielsen" ; ns1:thumbnail :ConnieNielsen_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/connie_nielsen"^^xsd:anyUri . :EddieHarrison a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Eddie Harrison" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/eddie-harrison"^^xsd:anyUri . :EeUu a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "EE.UU." . :EizaGonzalez a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Eiza González" . :ElizabethDebicki a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Elizabeth Debicki" ; ns1:thumbnail :ElizabethDebicki_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/elizabeth_debicki"^^xsd:anyUri . :EmmaStone a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Emma Stone" . :English a ns1:Language ; ns1:languageCode "en" . :Film_AuthorityCom a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "film-authority.com" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3904"^^xsd:anyUri . :Japon a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Japón" . :JeanDujardin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jean Dujardin" . :JessePlemons a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Jesse Plemons" . :MadAboutMoviesPodcast a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Mad About Movies Podcast" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3256"^^xsd:anyUri . :MarkMeszoros a ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Mark Meszoros" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/critic/mark-meszoros"^^xsd:anyUri . :MovieBitches a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Movie Bitches" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3639"^^xsd:anyUri . :Mystery a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Mystery" . :NaomieHarris a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Naomie Harris" . :NicolasTacconi a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Nicolás Tacconi" . :PattyJenkins a ns1:MovieDirector, ns1:Person ; ns1:Name "Patty Jenkins" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/patty_jenkins"^^xsd:anyUri . :RamiMalek a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Rami Malek" . :RyanReynolds a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ryan Reynolds" . :SanFranciscoChronicle a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "San Francisco Chronicle" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-402"^^xsd:anyUri . :TheNews_HeraldWilloughbyOh a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "The News-Herald (Willoughby, OH)" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3916"^^xsd:anyUri . :VincentPerez a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Vincent Pérez" . :WarnerBrosPictures a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "Warner Bros. Pictures" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/"^^xsd:anyUri . :Western a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Western" . :christopher_nolan a ns1:MovieDirector, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:Name "Christopher Nolan" ; ns1:thumbnail :christopher_nolan_img ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/christopher_nolan"^^xsd:anyURI . :inglés a ns1:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; ns1:languageCode "en"^^xsd:string . :BillyBoyd a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Billy Boyd" . :CateBlanchett a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Cate Blanchett" . :CinepolisNeuquen a ns1:Cinema ; ns1:Name "Cinépolis Neuquén" . :ElijahWood a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Elijah Wood" . :FilmweekKpcc_NprLosAngeles a ns1:Company ; ns1:Name "FilmWeek (KPCC - NPR Los Angeles)" ; :url "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/source-3509"^^xsd:anyUri . :IanMckellen a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Ian McKellen" . :Inglaterra a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Inglaterra" . :JohnRhys_Davies a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "John Rhys-Davies" . :LivTyler a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Liv Tyler" . :NuevaZelanda a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Nueva Zelanda" . :PeterJackson a ns1:MovieDirector ; ns1:Name "Peter Jackson" . :Romance a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Romance" . :Rusia a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Rusia" . :SeanAstin a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Sean Astin" . :Song a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Song" . :ViggoMortensen a ns1:Actor ; ns1:Name "Viggo Mortensen" . :Argentina a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Argentina" . :Francia a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Francia" . :Crime a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Crime" . :ScienceFiction a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Science Fiction", "Science fiction" . :Terror a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Terror" . :Animation a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Animation" . :Family a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Family" . :Comedy a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Comedy" . :Thriller a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Thriller" . :cinema_room a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ns1:Place . :Fantasy a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Fantasy" . :room_Gc_2D_CinepolisMaipu a :cinema_room ; ns1:Name "GC - 2D" ; :cinema :CinepolisMaipu . :Adventure a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Adventure" . :Drama a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Drama" . :room_4D_2D_CinepolisMendoza a :cinema_room ; ns1:Name "4D - 2D" ; :cinema :CinepolisMendoza . :room_4D_2D_CinepolisNeuquen a :cinema_room ; ns1:Name "4D - 2D" ; :cinema :CinepolisNeuquen . :Action a ns1:MovieGenre ; ns1:Name "Action" . :Tenet a ns1:Film ; ns1:author :ChristopherNolan, :Tenet_company_1, :Tenet_company_2 ; ns1:director :ChristopherNolan ; ns1:duration 1.5e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Drama, :Fantasy, :Mystery, :Sci_Fi, :ScienceFiction, :Suspense, :Thriller ; ns1:origin :EeUu ; ns1:productionCompany :WarnerBrosPictures ; ns1:releaseDate "2020-08-26T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:starring :AaronTaylor_Johnson, :AndrewHoward, :CarinaVelva, :ClemencePoesy, :DenzilSmith, :DimpleKapadia, :ElizabethDebicki, :FionaDourif, :HimeshPatel, :IvoUukkivi, :JeffersonHall, :JohnDavidWashington, :JonathanCamp, :JuhanUlfsak, :KennethBranagh, :LaurieShepherd, :MarcelSabat, :MarkKrenik, :MartinDonovan, :MichaelCaine, :RichCeraulo, :RichCerauloKo, :RobertPattinson, :WesChatham, :YuriKolokolnikov ; ns1:thumbnail :Tenet_cover_image_1, :Tenet_cover_image_2, :Tenet_cover_image_3, :Tenet_cover_image_4 ; ns1:title "Tenet" ; ns2:source "https://www.ecartelera.com/peliculas/tenet/"^^xsd:anyUri, "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6723592/"^^xsd:anyUri, "https://www.metacritic.com/movie/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri, "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/tenet"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasCharacter :Barbara, :Crosby, :Driver, :Fay, :GauntRussian, :Ives, :Kat, :Mahir, :Neil, :Priya, :Protagonist, :Sanjay, :Sator, :Swat2, :Swat_Target ; :hasTrailer :Tenet_trailer ; :keyword "car chase"^^xsd:string, "produced by director"^^xsd:string, "symphony hall"^^xsd:string, "time paradox"^^xsd:string, "written by director"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "Armed with only one word - Tenet - and fighting for the survival of the entire world, the Protagonist (John David Washington) journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time. Not time travel. Inversion."@en ; ns4:aggregateRating :Tenet_rating_1, :Tenet_rating_2, :Tenet_rating_3, :Tenet_rating_4 . :WonderWoman1984 a ns1:Film ; ns1:author :DaveCallaham, :GeoffJohns, :PattyJenkins, :WilliamMoultonMarston, :WonderWoman1984_company_1, :WonderWoman1984_company_2, :WonderWoman1984_company_7, :WonderWoman1984_company_8, :WonderWoman1984_company_9 ; ns1:director :PattyJenkins ; ns1:duration 1.51e+02 ; ns1:genre :Action, :Adventure, :Fantasy, :ScienceFiction ; ns1:origin :EeUu ; ns1:productionCompany :WarnerBrosPictures ; ns1:releaseDate "2020-12-18T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; ns1:starring :AlexDelescu, :AmrWaked, :AmreenNYaqoob, :BernCollaco, :BrittneyAleah, :ChrisPine, :ChrisSilcox, :ConnieNielsen, :EllaWalker, :GabriellaWilde, :GalGadot, :JamaalBurcher, :JamalAlkhaldi, :JeffMoore, :JoelMorris, :JohnGettier, :JonathanAjayi, :JulianFerro, :JustinSisk, :KailaIngram, :KristenWiig, :KristofferPolaha, :LillyAspell, :LolitaMarie, :LyndaCarter, :LyonBeckwith, :ManojAnand, :MarisolCorrea, :MarlaAaronWapner, :MonicaHaynes, :NatashaRothwell, :OakleyBull, :PaulRonCruz, :PedroPascal, :PenelopeKapudija, :RaviPatel, :RickKelvinBranch, :RobinWright, :SiaAlipour, :SoniaGoswami, :SpencerTrinwith, :TessaBonhamJones, :ThomasClayStrickland ; ns1:thumbnail :WonderWoman1984_cover_image_1, :WonderWoman1984_cover_image_2, :WonderWoman1984_cover_image_3, :WonderWoman1984_cover_image_4 ; ns1:title "Wonder Woman 1984" ; ns2:source "https://www.ecartelera.com/peliculas/wonder-woman-1984/"^^xsd:anyUri, "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7126948/"^^xsd:anyUri, "https://www.metacritic.com/movie/wonder-woman-1984"^^xsd:anyUri, "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/wonder_woman_1984"^^xsd:anyUri ; :content_rating "P-13"^^xsd:string ; :hasCharacter :Antiope, :BarbaraMinerva_Cheetah, :DianaPrince_WonderWoman, :Hippolyta, :SteveTrevor ; :hasTrailer :WonderWoman1984_trailer ; :keyword "dc comics"^^xsd:string, "dc extended universe"^^xsd:string, "princess"^^xsd:string, "sequel"^^xsd:string, "superhero"^^xsd:string ; :synopsis "Wonder Woman 1984 is a movie starring Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, and Kristen Wiig. Diana must contend with a work colleague and businessman, whose desire for extreme wealth sends the world down a path of destruction, after an ancient..."@en ; ns4:aggregateRating :WonderWoman1984_rating_1, :WonderWoman1984_rating_2, :WonderWoman1984_rating_3, :WonderWoman1984_rating_4 . :EstadosUnidos a ns1:Country ; ns1:Name "Estados Unidos" . :room_Ms_2D_CinepolisNeuquen a :cinema_room ; ns1:Name "MS - 2D" ; :cinema :CinepolisNeuquen . :trailer a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ns1:Media . ns1:Person rdfs:subClassOf ns5:ResponsibleEntity . :movie_review a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ns3:Review . ns1:Film rdfs:subClassOf ns3:Movie . :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMaipu a :cinema_room ; ns1:Name "Classic - 2D" ; :cinema :CinepolisMaipu . :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisNeuquen a :cinema_room ; ns1:Name "Classic - 2D" ; :cinema :CinepolisNeuquen . :room_Classic_2D_CinepolisMendoza a :cinema_room ; ns1:Name "Classic - 2D" ; :cinema :CinepolisMendoza . :film_show a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ns1:SocietalEvent .