import pySpice.global_data
import numpy as np
from math import exp
import pdb
[docs]def solve_engine(sweep_flag, sweep_list, converge_flag, converge_list, watch_list, MNA, RHS, ANS):
Top-Level Encapsulation of the Matrix Solving Utility
This layer realizes the *iterate* operation support. This function controls to elicit the core matrix-solving utility at each step of the iteraion and at the same time change the stamping of MNA and RHS to represent different initial status of the circuit.
An graphical illustration of this module can be found below
.. figure:: ../figures/engine.png
:param sweep_flag: described at function stamp
:param converge_flag: described at function stamp
:param sweep_list: described at function stamp
:param converge_list: described at function stamp
:param watch_list: a list describe which node/branch's value are of interest. When everytime the solution of the circuit is reached, only the data for these points will be kept.
:param MNA: stamped MNA
:param RHS: stamped RHS
:param ANS: The solution to the matrix equation. The reason for introduce it as a parameter is only for simplify the iteration process. Because for some element, the value to stamp for next iteration do not come from the generaor, but the answer of the previous iteration(like dynamic elements in transient analysis), so introducing such a parameter and set it's initial value to 0 and avoid unnecessary branches.
:return: The value of all sweep points to the nodes/branches appeared on the watch_list
if watch_list != 0:
state_log = []
for i in range(len(watch_list)):
if sweep_flag:
value_previous = []
for i in range(len(sweep_list)):
while 1:
for i, sweep_item in enumerate(sweep_list):
if sweep_item.switch == 'gen':
if sweep_item.update_src == 0:
value =
except StopIteration:
#it's an ad-hoc remedy, in case the admitance of inductor is 1/f
value = 1./
except StopIteration:
elif sweep_item.switch == 'upd':
value = 0
for j in range(len(sweep_item.update_src)):
value = value + ANS[sweep_item.update_src[j][0][0]]*sweep_item.update_src[j][1]
for j in range(len(sweep_item.coord)):
if len(sweep_item.coord[j][0]) == 1:
RHS[sweep_item.coord[j][0][0]] += (value - value_previous[i])*sweep_item.coord[j][1]
elif len(sweep_item.coord[j][0]) == 2:
MNA[sweep_item.coord[j][0][0], sweep_item.coord[j][0][1]] += (value - value_previous[i])*sweep_item.coord[j][1]
value_previous[i] = value
ANS = state_definer(converge_flag, converge_list, MNA, RHS)
for j, script in enumerate(watch_list):
return state_log
ANS = state_definer(converge_flag, converge_list, MNA, RHS)
return ANS
[docs]def state_definer(converge_flag, converge_list, MNA, RHS):
Work out the Answer to the matrix equation, make sure the answer converge to the real state
An inner layer of the engine utility, it encapsualte the functionality to solve circuit state by working out the matrix equation. The mechanism to ensure the answer converge is included into this function.
: param : Stated in *solve_engine* function
: return: the raw answer of the matrix equation. Thses values are picked out at the outter layer
if converge_flag:
converge_indicator = []
state_previous = []
for element in converge_list:
if element.catagory == 'd':
#state_previous.append([0,0,40,0]) this is actually wrong, the circuit will never start
#rerpesent voltage cross, current, previous_admitance, previous_bias respectively
elif element.catagory == 'mos':
#represent Vgs Vds Gds Ggs bias
while (0 in converge_indicator):
print 'iteronce'
for i in range(len(converge_indicator)):
converge_indicator[i] = 0
for i,element in enumerate(converge_list):
if element.catagory == 'd':
if element.model == 'diode':
#i think lamda function should fit in here
#admitance =
admitance = (40*exp(40*state_previous[i][0]))
bias = state_previous[i][1] - admitance*state_previous[i][0]
#other model
print 'not support other diode model currently'
MNA[element.loc_p, element.loc_p] += admitance
MNA[element.loc_p, element.loc_n] += 0 - admitance
MNA[element.loc_n, element.loc_p] += 0 - admitance
MNA[element.loc_n, element.loc_n] += admitance
RHS[element.loc_p] += 0 - bias
RHS[element.loc_n] += bias
state_previous[i][2] = admitance
state_previous[i][3] = bias
elif element.catagory == 'mos':
vgs = state_previous[i][0]
vds = state_previous[i][1]
if element.model == 'nmos' and vds < 0 :
vds = 0
elif element.model == 'pmos' and vds > 0:
vds = 0
if element.model == 'nmos':
vth = pySpice.global_data.VTH_NMOS
k = pySpice.global_data.K_NMOS
lamda = pySpice.global_data.LAMDA_NMOS
if vgs < vth:
region = 0
elif vds < (vgs - vth):
region = 1
elif vds > (vgs - vth):
region = 2
elif element.model == 'pmos':
vth = pySpice.global_data.VTH_PMOS
k = pySpice.global_data.K_PMOS
lamda = pySpice.global_data.LAMDA_PMOS
if vgs - vth > 0:
region = 0
elif vds < vgs - vth:
region = 2
elif vds > vgs - vth:
region = 1
if region == 0:
Ggs = 0.0
Gds = 0.0
Id = 0.0
bias = 0.0
elif region == 1:
Ggs = k* element.w * vds*(1+ lamda*vds)/element.l
Gds = k*element.w*(2*(vgs-vth)*(1+2*lamda*vds)-2*vds-3*lamda*pow(vds,2))/(2*element.l)
if vds>0:
Id = k*element.w*(2*(vgs-vth)*vds - pow(vds,2))*(1+lamda*vds)/(element.l * 2)
Id = k*element.w*(2*(vgs-vth)*vds - pow(vds,2))/(element.l * 2)
bias = Id - (Ggs*vgs + Gds*vds)
elif region == 2:
Ggs = k * element.w *(1+lamda*vds)*(vgs - vth)/element.l
Gds = k * element.w * pow((vgs - vth),2) * lamda/(2*element.l)
Id = k*element.w*pow((vgs-vth),2)*(1+lamda*vds)/(2*element.l)
bias = Id - (Ggs*vgs + Gds*vds)
MNA[element.loc_d, element.loc_d] += Gds
MNA[element.loc_d, element.loc_s] += 0-Gds-Ggs
MNA[element.loc_d, element.loc_g] += Ggs
MNA[element.loc_s, element.loc_d] += 0-Gds
MNA[element.loc_s, element.loc_s] += Gds + Ggs
MNA[element.loc_s, element.loc_g] += 0-Ggs
RHS[element.loc_d] += 0-bias
RHS[element.loc_s] += bias
state_previous[i][2] = Gds
state_previous[i][3] = Ggs
state_previous[i][4] = bias
local_ans = np.linalg.solve(MNA[1:,1:], RHS[1:])
local_ans = np.insert(local_ans, 0, 0.0)
for i, element in enumerate(converge_list):
if element.catagory == 'd':
admitance = state_previous[i][2]
bias = state_previous[i][3]
MNA[element.loc_p, element.loc_p] -= admitance
MNA[element.loc_p, element.loc_n] -= 0 - admitance
MNA[element.loc_n, element.loc_p] -= 0 - admitance
MNA[element.loc_n, element.loc_n] -= admitance
RHS[element.loc_p] -= 0 - bias
RHS[element.loc_n] -= bias
cross_voltage = local_ans[element.loc_p] - local_ans[element.loc_n]
if element.model == 'diode':
current = exp(40*cross_voltage) - 1
print 'not support other diode model currently'
if abs((cross_voltage - state_previous[i][0])) <= pySpice.global_data.CONVERGE_CRITERIA and abs((current - state_previous[i][1])) <= pySpice.global_data.CONVERGE_CRITERIA:
converge_indicator[i] = 1
state_previous[i][0] = cross_voltage
state_previous[i][1] = current
elif element.catagory == 'mos':
Gds = state_previous[i][2]
Ggs = state_previous[i][3]
bias = state_previous[i][4]
vgs = state_previous[i][0]
vds = state_previous[i][1]
MNA[element.loc_d, element.loc_d] -= Gds
MNA[element.loc_d, element.loc_s] -= 0-Gds-Ggs
MNA[element.loc_d, element.loc_g] -= Ggs
MNA[element.loc_s, element.loc_d] -= 0-Gds
MNA[element.loc_s, element.loc_s] -= Gds + Ggs
MNA[element.loc_s, element.loc_g] -= 0-Ggs
RHS[element.loc_d] -= 0-bias
RHS[element.loc_s] -= bias
vgs_new = local_ans[element.loc_g] - local_ans[element.loc_s]
vds_new = local_ans[element.loc_d] - local_ans[element.loc_s]
if abs(vgs_new - vgs) <= pySpice.global_data.CONVERGE_CRITERIA and abs(vds_new - vds) <= pySpice.global_data.CONVERGE_CRITERIA:
converge_indicator[i] = 1
state_previous[i][0] = vgs_new
state_previous[i][1] = vds_new
return local_ans
local_ans = np.linalg.solve(MNA[1:,1:], RHS[1:])
return np.insert(local_ans,0,0.0)