Diffusion.Process Diffusion Brain Masking Creates a brain mask from a diffusion weighted image volume. The mask can be used during diffusion tensor estimation or tractography seeding.

The brain mask is computed by averaging all baseline (non-diffusion-weighted) images, applying the Otsu thresholding algorithm to segment tissue voxels, and then removing small unconnected regions.

0.1.0.$Revision: 1892 $(alpha) http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Modules/DiffusionWeightedMasking 3D Slicer Contribution and Software License Agreement Demian Wassermann, Isaiah Norton, Lauren O'Donnell (SPL, LMI, BWH, SlicerDMRI) inputVolume input 0 outputBaseline output 2 thresholdMask output 3 baselineBValueThreshold b baselineBValueThreshold 100 0.0 20000.0 1 removeIslands --removeislands true