Quantification DWModeling 0.0.1 http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Modules/DWModeling Slicer Andriy Fedorov (SPL/BWH) This work was partially funded by NIH grants R01 CA160902 (PI Maier) and U24 CA180918 (PIs Kikinis/Fedorov). Input parameters imageName input Input DWI MRI trace multivolume image 0 modelName model Select the mathematical model used to fit the data BiExponential MonoExponential BiExponential Kurtosis Gamma StretchedExponential maskName mask input Input mask. Optional; if not specified, fitting will be done at all voxels. bValuesToInclude bvalInclude List of integers corresponding to the b-values that should be included in fitting data. Note that only one of the two lists (inlusion or exclusion) should be populated, or both can be empty, in which case all b-values will be used. Optional; if not defined, all b-values will be used. bValuesToExclude bvalExclude List of integers corresponding to the b-values that should be excluded from fitting data. Note that only one of the two lists (inlusion or exclusion) should be populated, or both can be empty, in which case all b-values will be used. Optional; if not defined, all b-values will be used. fittedVolumeFileName fittedVolume Output volume containing the values of the fitted function output rsqrVolumeFileName rsqrVolume Output volume containing the R^2 measure of the quality of fit. This measure is calculated only for the b-values used in the fitting process. output ssdFittedVolumeFileName ssdFittedVolume Volume with the pixel-wise sum of squared differences (SSD) map that takes into consideration only those b-values that were used in the fitting process output ssdVolumeFileName ssdVolume Volume with the pixel-wise sum of squared differences (SSD) map that takes into consideration all b-values. Note that this map will be identical to the previous one if the fitting procedure utilized all b-values output csFittedVolumeFileName csFittedVolume Volume with the pixel-wise chi squared map that takes into consideration only those b-values that were used in the fitting process output csVolumeFileName csVolume Volume with the pixel-wise pixel-wise chi squared map that takes into consideration all b-values. Note that this map will be identical to the previous one if the fitting procedure utilized all b-values output adcMapFileName adcMonoExpDiff output Diffusion coefficient map of the mono-exponential model slowDiffMapFileName slowDiff output Slow diffusion coefficient map of the bi-exponential model fastDiffMapFileName fastDiff output Fast diffusion coefficient map of the bi-exponential model fastDiffFractionMapFileName fastDiffFraction output Fast diffusion fraction map of the bi-exponential model kurtosisDiffMapFileName kurtosisDiff output Diffusion coefficient map of the kurtosis model kurtosisMapFileName kurtosis output Kurtosos map See Oshio et al. 2014 thetaMapFileName theta output Theta parameter of the gamma distribution model kMapFileName k output k map of the gamma distribution model modeMapFileName mode output Mode map of the gamma distribution model ( (k-1)*theta ) See Bennett et al. 2003 DDCMapFileName ddc output Distributed Diffusion Coefficient map alphaMapFileName alpha output Stretching parameter (alpha) map Model-specific initial parameters monoExpInitParameters monoExpInitParameters List of initial model parameters in the following format (all numbers are floating point):initialScale,initialADC 0,0.0015 biExpInitParameters biExpInitParameters List of initial model parameters in the following format (all numbers are floating point):initialScale,initialFastDiffusionFraction,initialSlowDiffusionCoefficient,initialFastDiffusionCoefficient 0,0.7,0.00025,0.002 kurtosisInitParameters kurtosisInitParameters List of initial model parameters in the following format (all numbers are floating point):initialScale,initialKurtosis,initialKurtosisDiffusion 0,1,0.0015 stretchedExpInitParameters stretchedExpInitParameters List of initial model parameters in the following format (all numbers are floating point):initialScale,initialDDC,initialAlpha 0,0.0017,0.7 gammaInitParameters gammaInitParameters List of initial model parameters in the following format (all numbers are floating point):initialScale,initialK,initialTheta 0,1.5,0.002