# # OTA XML # # See ota_lollipop.xml for example # # Note: # * Multiple devices can be added in the xml file # * You can define any tags that end with 'Url'. These tags will be added in the UI automatically # ota_url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/u2k60hvjn2c02h0/ota_lollipop.xml?dl=1 release_type=Stable device_name=ro.product.device # # VERSION # # A version can be a date or a number with characters # A version source can be a 'property key' from build.prop or a 'uname -r' command line # If a version is a number, leave the version_format empty. Otherwise, provide the date format # # Example with a property key 'ro.modversion' : Parse the date 20150426 from 'SlimSaber-bacon-5.0.2-20150426' # # Version source: ro.modversion # Version delimiter: - # Version position: 3 (zero based) # Version format: yyyyMMdd # # Example with 'uname -r': Parse the number 239 from '3.4.107~AK.239.OPO.CM12.1' # # Version source: uname -r # Version delimiter: . # Version position: 3 (zero based) # Version format: # version_source=ro.modversion version_delimiter=- version_position=3 version_format=yyyyMMdd