#!/bin/bash # Downloading the wallet echo 'Downloading and extracting wallet files' wget "https://github.com/SmartCash/Core-Smart/releases/download/v2.1.1/smartcash-2.1.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz" -O - | tar -xz # Extract the files and give executable permissions echo 'Copying files to home directory' && sleep 1 cp smartcash-2.1.1/bin/smartcashd ~/ cp smartcash-2.1.1/bin/smartcash-cli ~/ && sleep 1 chmod a+x ~/smartcashd ~/smartcash-cli # Create wallet directory and set to run when windows is closed. mkdir ~/.smartcash echo 'daemon=1' > ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'listen=1' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'maxconnections=64' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'port=9678' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo '#Use for rpc connections' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'rpcuser='$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 12) >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'rpcpassword='$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32) >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'rpcport=9679' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo '#rpcallowip=' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'server=1' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo '#Required for Smartnode' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'sapi=1' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo 'sapiport=8080' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo '#Remove the hash mark for these two lines and add the key from your local wallet smartnode tab' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo '#smartnode=1' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo '#smartnodeprivkey=' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo "#Uncomment this line if node fails to start because of missing external ip." >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf echo '#externalip='$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com) >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf # Start Wallet sleep 2 && ./smartcashd && sleep 10 echo "A few more seconds and let's see if it is done loading." sleep 10 && ./smartcash-cli getinfo # Create a wallet from mnemonic. (required for 1.0.1+ wallets.) #./smartcash-cli extkeyimportmaster "$(./smartcash-cli mnemonic new | grep mnemonic | sed -e 's/.*: "//' -e 's/",//')" # Create a shortcut on system - Unhash if desired #echo 'Creating symbol link' #ln -sf ~/smartcash-2.1.1/bin/smartcashd /usr/bin/smartcashd #ln -sf ~/smartcash-2.1.1/bin/smartcash-cli /usr/bin/smartcash-cli echo 'To stop wallet ./smartcash-cli stop' > help echo 'To start ./smartcashd' >> help echo 'Please add a keep alive setting as a crontab entry to keep your SmartNode running if the server restarts or is accidentally stopped.' >> help echo 'crontab -e choose nano as an editor and enter at end of file' >> help echo '*/5 * * * * pidof smartcashd || ~/smartcashd' >> help echo 'Control x and y to save and quit' >> help echo "---After you setup your local wallet, complete the SmartNodes tab with your SmartNode info and copy your smartnode key.---" >> help echo "Place the key in the smartcash.conf here by doing this" >> help echo "stop with ./smartcash-cli stop" >> help echo "nano .smartcash/smartcash.conf" >> help echo "Remove # by the smartnode=1 and smartnodeprvkey= lines and paste your key after the smartnodeprivkey=" >> help echo "control x and y to save and start with ./smartcashd" >> help echo "After node is synced issue a start on your local wallet by right clicking on the entry and start alias." >> help echo "Port 8080 and 9678 must be open to outside the network" >> help echo "---A swap file is needed if RAM is less than 4GB---" >> help echo "sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile && sudo chmod 600 /swapfile && sudo mkswap /swapfile && sudo swapon /swapfile" >> help echo "Edit /etc/fstab and add line" >> help echo "sudo nano /etc/fstab" >> help echo "Paste this lline at end of file /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 and close with Control x and y" >> help echo "To show this help again type 'cat help'" >> help echo 'Installation finished.' echo 'To stop wallet ./smartcash-cli stop' echo 'To start ./smartcashd' echo 'Please add a keep alive setting as a crontab entry to keep your SmartNode running if the server restarts or is accidentally stopped.' echo 'crontab -e choose nano as an editor and enter at end of file' echo '*/5 * * * * pidof smartcashd || ~/smartcashd' echo 'Control x and y to save and quit' echo "---After you setup your local wallet, complete the SmartNodes tab with your SmartNode info and copy your smartnode key.---" echo "Place the key in the smartcash.conf here by doing this" echo "stop with ./smartcash-cli stop" echo "nano .smartcash/smartcash.conf" echo "Remove # by the smartnode=1 and smartnodeprvkey= lines and paste your key after the smartnodeprivkey=" echo "control x and y to save and start with ./smartcashd" echo "After node is synced issue a start on your local wallet by right clicking on the entry and start alias." echo "Port 8080 and 9678 must be open to outside the network" echo "---A swap file is needed if RAM is less than 4GB---" echo "sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile && sudo chmod 600 /swapfile && sudo mkswap /swapfile && sudo swapon /swapfile" echo "Edit /etc/fstab and add line" echo "sudo nano /etc/fstab" echo "Paste this line at end of file /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 and close with Control x and y" echo "To show this help again type 'cat help'"