#!/bin/bash echo 'Downloading and extracting wallet files' wget "https://github.com/SmartCash/Core-Smart/releases/download/v2.1.1/smartcash-2.1.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz" -O - | tar -xz echo 'Stopping and removing previous version' test -f ~/smartcash-cli && ~/smartcash-cli stop && sleep 15 && rm ~/smartcashd && rm ~/smartcash-cli && sleep 5 test -f /usr/bin/smartcash-cli && smartcash-cli stop && sleep 10 && echo 'Please remove the old smartcashd with sudo apt remove smartcashd' && sleep 10 echo 'Copying files to home directory and setting permissions' cp smartcash-2.1.1/bin/smartcashd ~/ cp smartcash-2.1.1/bin/smartcash-cli ~/ chmod a+x ~/smartcashd ~/smartcash-cli [[ -z $(grep sapi=1 ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf) ]] && echo 'sapi=1' >> ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf || echo "SAPI check complete" echo "Going to reindex to clean to generate new rewards data." sleep 2 && ~/smartcashd -reindex && sleep 15 echo 'A few more seconds and we will check downloading status.' sleep 15 && ~/smartcash-cli getinfo echo "You can also use tail ~/.smartcash/debug.log if the getinfo doesn't respond while reindexing" echo 'Upgrade finished.' echo 'To stop wallet ./smartcash-cli stop' echo 'To start ./smartcashd' echo 'Use nano .smartcash/smartcash.conf to edit your config file. Control x y to save." echo "Make sure your smartnodeprivkey matches your local wallet and issue a Start Alias from your local wallet.' echo "Change the smartnodeprivkey on both local and vps if a start doesn't get recognized on upgrades." echo "If you don't already have a keep alive script add this crontab entry to keep your SmartNode running if the server restarts or is accidentally stopped." echo 'Enter "crontab -e" and choose nano as an editor and enter the following line at end of file' echo '*/5 * * * * pidof smartcashd || ~/smartcashd' echo "Remove line with makerun script as this will reference the old version" echo 'Use Control x and y to save and quit'