#!/bin/bash # install.sh # Installs SmartNodes on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS x64 # ATTENTION: The anti-ddos part will disable http, https and dns ports. if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then echo "Script must be run as user: root" exit -1 fi while true; do if [ -d ~/.smartcash ]; then printf "~/.smartcash/ already exists! The installer will delete this folder. Continue anyway? (y/n) " read REPLY if [ ${REPLY} == "Y" ] || [ ${REPLY} == "y" ]; then pID=$(ps -ef | grep smartcashd | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') kill ${pID} > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf ~/.smartcash/ break else if [ ${REPLY} == "N" ] || [ ${REPLY} == "n" ]; then exit fi fi else break fi done # Warning that the script will reboot the server # echo "WARNING: This script will reboot the server when it's finished." # printf "Press Ctrl+C to cancel or Enter to continue: " # read IGNORE cd # Changing the SSH Port to a custom number is a good security measure against DDOS attacks printf "Custom SSH Port(Enter to ignore): " read VARIABLE _sshPortNumber=${VARIABLE:-22} # Get a new privatekey by going to console >> debug and typing smartnode genkey printf "SmartNode GenKey: " read _nodePrivateKey # The RPC node will only accept connections from your localhost _rpcUserName=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 12 ; echo '') # Choose a random and secure password for the RPC _rpcPassword=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32 ; echo '') # Get the IP address of your vps which will be hosting the smartnode _nodeIpAddress=$(curl -s 4.icanhazip.com) if [[ ${_nodeIpAddress} =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then external_ip_line="externalip=${_nodeIpAddress}:9678" else external_ip_line="#externalip=external_IP_goes_here:9678" fi # Make a new directory for smartcash daemon mkdir ~/.smartcash/ touch ~/.smartcash/smartcash.conf # Change the directory to ~/.smartcash cd ~/.smartcash/ # download bootstrap # apt-get install unzip -y # wget https://smartcash.cc/txindexstrap.zip # unzip txindexstrap.zip # rm txindexstrap.zip # Create the initial smartcash.conf file echo "rpcuser=${_rpcUserName} rpcpassword=${_rpcPassword} rpcallowip= listen=1 server=1 daemon=1 maxconnections=64 smartnode=1 $external_ip_line smartnodeprivkey=${_nodePrivateKey} " > smartcash.conf cd # Install smartcashd using apt-get apt-get update -y apt-get install software-properties-common -y add-apt-repository ppa:smartcash/ppa -y && apt update -y && apt install smartcashd -y && smartcashd # Create a directory for smartnode's cronjobs and the anti-ddos script rm -r smartnode mkdir smartnode # Change the directory to ~/smartnode/ cd ~/smartnode/ # Download the appropriate scripts wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SmartCash/smartnode/master/makerun.sh wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SmartCash/smartnode/master/checkdaemon.sh wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SmartCash/smartnode/master/upgrade.sh wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SmartCash/smartnode/master/clearlog.sh # Create a cronjob for making sure smartcashd runs after reboot if ! crontab -l | grep "@reboot smartcashd"; then (crontab -l ; echo "@reboot smartcashd") | crontab - fi # Create a cronjob for making sure smartcashd is always running if ! crontab -l | grep "~/smartnode/makerun.sh"; then (crontab -l ; echo "*/5 * * * * ~/smartnode/makerun.sh") | crontab - fi # Create a cronjob for making sure the daemon is never stuck if ! crontab -l | grep "~/smartnode/checkdaemon.sh"; then (crontab -l ; echo "*/30 * * * * ~/smartnode/checkdaemon.sh") | crontab - fi # Create a cronjob for making sure smartcashd is always up-to-date # if ! crontab -l | grep "~/smartnode/upgrade.sh"; then # (crontab -l ; echo "0 0 */1 * * ~/smartnode/upgrade.sh") | crontab - # fi # Create a cronjob for clearing the log file if ! crontab -l | grep "~/smartnode/clearlog.sh"; then (crontab -l ; echo "0 0 */2 * * ~/smartnode/clearlog.sh") | crontab - fi # Give execute permission to the cron scripts chmod 0700 ./makerun.sh chmod 0700 ./checkdaemon.sh chmod 0700 ./upgrade.sh chmod 0700 ./clearlog.sh # Change the SSH port sed -i "s/[#]\{0,1\}[ ]\{0,1\}Port [0-9]\{2,\}/Port ${_sshPortNumber}/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Firewall security measures apt install ufw -y ufw disable ufw allow 9678 ufw allow "$_sshPortNumber"/tcp ufw limit "$_sshPortNumber"/tcp ufw logging on ufw default deny incoming ufw default allow outgoing ufw --force enable # Create aliases for commonly use smartcash-cli commands to ~/.bash_alises if [ -e ~/.bash_aliases ] then if grep -q "getinfo" ~/.bash_aliases then echo "Aliases already exist, not adding again..." else echo "Adding aliases for common smartcash-cli commands to ~/.bash_aliases" echo " alias getinfo='smartcash-cli getinfo' alias nodestatus='smartcash-cli smartnode status' alias syncstatus='smartcash-cli snsync status' alias restartnode='smartcash-cli stop && sleep 5 && smartcashd' " > ~/.bash_aliases echo " getinfo for 'smartcash-cli getinfo'" echo " nodestatus for 'smartcash-cli smartnode status'" echo " syncstatus for 'smartcash-cli syncstatus'" echo " restartnode for 'smartcash-cli stop && sleep 5 && smartcashd'" echo " Please log out/in for these changes to take effect" fi else echo "Adding aliases for common smartcash-cli commands to ~/.bash_aliases" echo " alias getinfo='smartcash-cli getinfo' alias nodestatus='smartcash-cli smartnode status' alias syncstatus='smartcash-cli snsync status' alias restartnode='smartcash-cli stop && sleep 5 && smartcashd' " > ~/.bash_aliases echo " getinfo for 'smartcash-cli getinfo'" echo " nodestatus for 'smartcash-cli smartnode status'" echo " syncstatus for 'smartcash-cli syncstatus'" echo " restartnode for 'smartcash-cli stop && sleep 5 && smartcashd'" echo " Please log out/in for these changes to take effect" fi # Add swap if [[ $(swapon -s | wc -l) -gt 1 ]] ; then echo "Skipping swap addition" else echo "Attempting to add swap" fallocate -l 4G /swapfile chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | tee -a /etc/fstab fi # Reboot the server # reboot # Since we not longer reboot here, reload the SSH config to active the # custom port if selected systemctl reload sshd