/** * HebcalModes * * Author: danielbarak@live.com * Date: 2014-02-21 */ // Automatically generated. Make future change here. definition( name: "Shabbat and Holiday Modes", namespace: "ShabbatHolidayMode", author: "danielbarak@live.com", description: "Changes the mode at candle lighting and back after havdalah. Uses the HebCal.com API to look for days that are shabbat or chag and pull real time candle lighting and havdalah times to change modes automatically", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Star_of_David.svg/200px-Star_of_David.svg.png", iconX2Url: "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Star_of_David.svg/200px-Star_of_David.svg.png", iconX3Url: "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Star_of_David.svg/200px-Star_of_David.svg.png", pausable: true ) preferences { section("At Candlelighting Change Mode To:") { input "startMode", "mode", title: "Mode?" } section("At Havdalah Change Mode To:") { input "endMode", "mode", title: "Mode?" } section("Havdalah Offset (Usually 50 or 72)") { input "havdalahOffset", "number", title: "Minutes After Sundown", required:true } section("Your ZipCode") { input "zipcode", "text", title: "ZipCode", required:true } section( "Notifications" ) { input "sendPushMessage", "enum", title: "Send a push notification?", metadata:[values:["Yes","No"]], required:false input "phone", "phone", title: "Send a Text Message?", required: false } /**/ } def installed() { log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}" unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { poll(); schedule("0 0 8 1/1 * ? *", poll) } //Check hebcal for today's candle lighting or havdalah def poll() { unschedule("endChag") unschedule("setChag") Hebcal_WebRequest() }//END def poll() /********************************************** // HEBCAL FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------*/ //This function is the web request and response parse def Hebcal_WebRequest(){ def today = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd") //def today = "2014-11-14" def zip = settings.zip as String def locale = getTwcLocation(zipCode).location def timezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(locale.ianaTimeZone) def hebcal_date def hebcal_category def hebcal_title def candlelighting def candlelightingLocalTime def havdalah def havdalahLocalTime def pushMessage def testmessage def urlRequest = "http://www.hebcal.com/hebcal/?v=1&cfg=json&nh=off&nx=off&year=now&month=now&mf=off&c=on&zip=${zipcode}&m=${havdalahOffset}&s=off&D=off&d=off&o=off&ss=off" log.trace "${urlRequest}" def hebcal = { response -> hebcal_date = response.data.items.date hebcal_category = response.data.items.category hebcal_title = response.data.items.title for (int i = 0; i < hebcal_date.size; i++) { if(hebcal_date[i].split("T")[0]==today) { if(hebcal_category[i]=="candles") { candlelightingLocalTime = HebCal_GetTime12(hebcal_title[i]) pushMessage = "Candle Lighting is at ${candlelightingLocalTime}" candlelightingLocalTime = HebCal_GetTime24(hebcal_date[i]) candlelighting = timeToday(candlelightingLocalTime, timezone) sendMessage(pushMessage) schedule(candlelighting, setChag) log.debug pushMessage }//END if(hebcal_category=="candles") else if(hebcal_category[i]=="havdalah") { havdalahLocalTime = HebCal_GetTime12(hebcal_title[i]) pushMessage = "Havdalah is at ${havdalahLocalTime}" havdalahLocalTime = HebCal_GetTime24(hebcal_date[i]) havdalah = timeToday(havdalahLocalTime, timezone) testmessage = "Scheduling for ${havdalah}" schedule(havdalah, endChag) log.debug pushMessage log.debug testmessage }//END if(hebcal_category=="havdalah"){ }//END if(hebcal_date[i].split("T")[0]==today) }//END for (int i = 0; i < hebcal_date.size; i++) }//END def hebcal = { response -> httpGet(urlRequest, hebcal); }//END def queryHebcal() //This function gets candle lighting time def HebCal_GetTime12(hebcal_title){ def returnTime = hebcal_title.split(":")[1] + ":" + hebcal_title.split(":")[2] + " " return returnTime }//END def HebCal_GetTime12() //This function gets candle lighting time def HebCal_GetTime24(hebcal_date){ def returnTime = hebcal_date.split("T")[1] returnTime = returnTime.split("-")[0] return returnTime }//END def HebCal_GetTime12() /*----------------------------------------------- END OF HEBCAL FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------*/ def setChag() { if (location.mode != startMode) { if (location.modes?.find{it.name == startMode}) { setLocationMode(startMode) //sendMessage("Changed the mode to '${startMode}'") def dayofweek = new Date().format("EEE") if(dayofweek=='Fri'){ sendMessage("Shabbat Shalom!") } else{ sendMessage("Chag Sameach!") } }//END if (location.modes?.find{it.name == startMode}) else { sendMessage("Tried to change to undefined mode '${startMode}'") }//END else }//END if (location.mode != newMode) unschedule("setChag") }//END def setChag() def endChag() { if (location.mode != endMode) { if (location.modes?.find{it.name == endMode}) { setLocationMode(endMode) sendMessage("Changed the mode to '${endMode}'") }//END if (location.modes?.find{it.name == endMode}) else { sendMessage("Tried to change to undefined mode '${endMode}'") }//END else }//END if (location.mode != endMode) //sendMessage("Shavuah Tov!") unschedule("endChag") }//END def setChag() def sendMessage(msg){ if ( sendPushMessage != "No" ) { log.debug( "sending push message" ) //sendPush( msg ) } if ( phone ) { log.debug( "sending text message" ) sendSms( phone, msg ) } }//END def sendMessage(msg)