// ==UserScript== // @name mb.unicodechars // @namespace https://github.com/Smeulf/userscripts // @version 0.10.4 // @description Ctrl+M on MusicBrainz input text or textarea controls shows context menu for unicode characters. Just click on the menu line to send the character or close with Escape key. // @author Smeulf // @match *://*.musicbrainz.org/* // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== /* Styles for custom context menu */ GM_addStyle('\ .mbunicodecharsMenuShow {\ z-index:1000;\ position: absolute;\ background-color:#D8D8D8;\ border: 1px solid blue;\ padding: 2px;\ display: block;\ margin: 0;\ font-family: sans-serif;\ }\ \ .mbunicodecharsMenuHide {\ display: none;\ }\ \ .mbunicodecharsOptionActive {\ background-color:#FFFF00;\ display: table-row;\ }\ .mbunicodecharsOptionInactive {\ background-color:#D8D8D8;\ display: table-row;\ }\ .mbunicodecharsOptionRow {\ display: table-row;\ }\ .mbunicodecharsOptionLeftColumn {\ width:12%;\ display:table-cell;\ }\ .mbunicodecharsOptionRightColumn {\ width:88%;\ display:table-cell;\ }\ .mbunicodecharsSettingsMenu {\ position: absolute;\ width: 500px;\ height: 300px;\ background-color:#D8D8D8;\ }\ '); /* Main entry point : will wait for any elements with where type is text ( [type='text'] ), and repeat every 500ms to scan the page for changes It(s requiried to rescan the page periodically because of AJAX */ waitForKeyElements("input", addListener); waitForKeyElements("textarea", addListener); /* Callback function when a [type='text'] element is found. Adds listeners to the object */ function addListener(obj) { obj[0].addEventListener('keydown', displayMenu); obj[0].addEventListener('keydown', navigateMenu); } /* Event callback. Displays the menu and set unsafewindow variables for persistance */ function displayMenu(event) { if (event.toString() == "[object KeyboardEvent]" && event.key == "m" && event.ctrlKey== true) { /* Create custom context menu if not exists */ if (!unsafeWindow.mbunicodecharMenuCreated) { console.log("Create mb.unicodechars menu"); buildMenu(); unsafeWindow.mbunicodecharMenuCreated = true; } event.preventDefault(); unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked = event.target; unsafeWindow.selectionStart = event.target.selectionStart; unsafeWindow.selectionEnd = event.target.selectionEnd; var menu = document.getElementById("mbunicodecharsMenu"); var rect = unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.getBoundingClientRect(); menu.style.top = (rect.bottom + window.scrollY) + 'px'; menu.style.left = (rect.left + window.scrollX) + 'px'; setActiveOption(menu.defaultOption); //used for mouse click var cn = menu.childNodes; cn[0].index = 0; cn[0].addEventListener('click',close); cn[0].addEventListener('mouseenter',onMenuMouseEnter); var i; for (i=1;i menu.activeOption) { setActiveOption(menu.activeOption + 1); } } if (event.key == "ArrowUp") { if (menu.activeOption > 0) { setActiveOption(menu.activeOption - 1); } } if (event.key == "Escape") { close(); } } } function onMenuMouseEnter(event) { setActiveOption(event.target.index); } function setActiveOption(index) { var menu = document.getElementById("mbunicodecharsMenu"); var cn = menu.childNodes; if (menu.activeOption !== undefined) { cn[menu.activeOption].className = "mbunicodecharsOptionInactive"; } menu.activeOption = index; cn[menu.activeOption].className = "mbunicodecharsOptionActive"; } /* When a menu option is clicked, insert the caracter in the string and close the menu */ function onMenuOptionClic(event) { var id = event.target.id; //Most of the time, we click on the children div, so we need the parent id if (id == "") { id = event.target.parentElement.id; } unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.value = unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.value.substr(0, unsafeWindow.selectionStart) + id + unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.value.substr(unsafeWindow.selectionEnd); var menu = document.getElementById("mbunicodecharsMenu"); var cn = menu.childNodes; cn[menu.activeOption].className = "mbunicodecharsOptionInactive"; document.getElementById("mbunicodecharsMenu").className = "mbunicodecharsMenuHide"; unsafeWindow.menuOpened = false; unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.focus(); unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.setSelectionRange(unsafeWindow.selectionStart+1, unsafeWindow.selectionStart+1); var ev = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); ev.initEvent('change', true, true); unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.dispatchEvent(ev); } function close(event) { document.getElementById("mbunicodecharsMenu").className = "mbunicodecharsMenuHide"; unsafeWindow.menuOpened = false; unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.focus(); unsafeWindow.lastInputClicked.setSelectionRange(unsafeWindow.selectionStart, unsafeWindow.selectionEnd); } function showSettings(event) { alert("upcoming option"); } function buildMenu() { updateLanguagePack(); var languagePacks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("mb.unicodechars_languagePacks")); var menuItems = languagePacks[0].menuItems; var str = []; var dft = 1; str.push('
'); //close option, mandatory for (var i=0; i
'+menuItems[i].code+ '
'); } if (menuItems[i].default) { dft = i+1; } } str.push('
(upcoming) settings
'); var newHTML = document.createElement('div'); newHTML.innerHTML = '
'; document.body.appendChild(newHTML); document.getElementById("mbunicodecharsMenu").defaultOption = dft; } function updateLanguagePack(source) { var languagePacks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("mb.unicodechars_languagePacks")); var newLanguagePack; var currentLanguagePack; if (source === undefined) { //Update from local worldwide punctuation newLanguagePack = {"code":"XW", "name": "Worldwide punctuation", "version": "0.10.4", "menuItems":[]}; if (languagePacks !== null) { currentLanguagePack = languagePacks.find(l => l.code == newLanguagePack.code && l.name == newLanguagePack.name); if (currentLanguagePack !== undefined && currentLanguagePack.version == newLanguagePack.version) { console.log("mb.unicodechars: same version found, no need to update"); return; } } console.log("mb.unicodechars: update requiried to version "+newLanguagePack.version); newLanguagePack.menuItems = [ {"code": "\u2018", "name": "Left Single Quote", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2019", "name": "Apostrophe, Right Single Quote", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":true}, {"code": "\u2018\u2019", "name": "Left+Right Single Quotes", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u201C", "name": "Left Double Quotes", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u201D", "name": "Right Double Quotes", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u201C\u201D", "name": "Left+Right Double Quotes", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u300C\u300D", "name": "Left+Right Corner Brackets", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u300E\u300F", "name": "Left+Right White Corner Brackets", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2026", "name": "Horizontal Ellipsis", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2010", "name": "Hyphen", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2013", "name": "En Dash", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2014", "name": "Em Dash", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2012", "name": "Figure Dash", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u301C", "name": "Wave Dash", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2032", "name": "Prime", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2033", "name": "Double Prime", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u2212", "name": "Minus Sign", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false}, {"code": "\u00D7", "name": "Multiplication Sign", "offset":1, "enabled":true, "default":false} ]; } else { //TODO: load language chars from github } //now update the new language pack: if (currentLanguagePack !== undefined) { for (var i=0;i item.code == newLanguagePack.menuItems[i].code); if (f !== undefined ) { newLanguagePack.menuItems[i].enabled = f.enabled; newLanguagePack.menuItems[i].default = f.default; } else { //TODO: This must be a user defined item, must be added to the new items //Not a problem for now as user items are not implemented } } } if (languagePacks === null) { languagePacks = []; languagePacks.push(newLanguagePack); } else { currentLanguagePack.version = newLanguagePack.version; currentLanguagePack.menuItems = newLanguagePack.menuItems; } localStorage.setItem("mb.unicodechars_languagePacks",JSON.stringify(languagePacks)); } /* Function from https://gist.githubusercontent.com/raw/2625891/waitForKeyElements.js Credits to BrockA, https://github.com/BrockA Analyses the page every M ms for specif tags and calls a function, usefull when pages loads AJAX content Only the timer was changed from 300ms to 500ms */ function waitForKeyElements ( selectorTxt, /* Required: The jQuery selector string that specifies the desired element(s). */ actionFunction, /* Required: The code to run when elements are found. It is passed a jNode to the matched element. */ bWaitOnce, /* Optional: If false, will continue to scan for new elements even after the first match is found. */ iframeSelector /* Optional: If set, identifies the iframe to search. */ ) { var targetNodes, btargetsFound; if (typeof iframeSelector == "undefined") { targetNodes = $(selectorTxt); } else { targetNodes = $(iframeSelector).contents().find (selectorTxt); } if (targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0) { btargetsFound = true; /*--- Found target node(s). Go through each and act if they are new. */ targetNodes.each ( function () { var jThis = $(this); var alreadyFound = jThis.data ('alreadyFound') || false; if (!alreadyFound) { //--- Call the payload function. var cancelFound = actionFunction (jThis); if (cancelFound) { btargetsFound = false; } else { jThis.data ('alreadyFound', true); } } } ); } else { btargetsFound = false; } //--- Get the timer-control variable for this selector. var controlObj = waitForKeyElements.controlObj || {}; var controlKey = selectorTxt.replace (/[^\w]/g, "_"); var timeControl = controlObj [controlKey]; //--- Now set or clear the timer as appropriate. if (btargetsFound && bWaitOnce && timeControl) { //--- The only condition where we need to clear the timer. clearInterval (timeControl); delete controlObj [controlKey] } else { //--- Set a timer, if needed. if ( ! timeControl) { timeControl = setInterval ( function () { waitForKeyElements (selectorTxt, actionFunction, bWaitOnce, iframeSelector ); },500); controlObj [controlKey] = timeControl; } } waitForKeyElements.controlObj = controlObj; }