{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-hordes", "1.19.2": { "1.1.5": "first version for 1.19.2", "1.1.5a": "fix incompatibility with some mods that change respawning", "1.1.5b": "fix crashes caused by a null pointer exception with zombie players and conversions", "1.1.5c": "fix crash when zombie players can't properly select which player model to use", "1.1.5d": "fix null pointer crash during horde events", "1.2.0": "add datapack support, player arguments for commands, piglin infection", "1.2.1": "fix various bugs, add fallback horde table and better error logging", "1.2.1a": "fixed errors in default table, zombie horse speed, config crashes and incorrect text", "1.2.2": "backport 1.20 pathfinding optimisations", "1.2.3": "backport 1.20 checks to prevent horde spawning in water" }, "1.19.3": { "1.1.5e": "update to 1.19.3" }, "1.19.4": { "1.1.5f": "update to 1.19.4", "1.1.6": "add additional config options", "1.1.6a": "fix mixin config preventing mod load", "1.1.6b": "update to use latest forge", "1.2.0": "add datapack support, player arguments for commands, piglin infection", "1.2.1": "fix various bugs, add fallback horde table and better error logging", "1.2.1a": "fixed errors in default table, zombie horse speed and config crashes", "1.2.2": "backport 1.20 pathfinding optimisations", "1.2.3": "backport 1.20 checks to prevent horde spawning in water" }, "promos": { "1.19.2-latest": "1.2.3", "1.19.2-recommended": "1.2.3", "1.19.3-latest": "1.1.5e", "1.19.3-recommended": "1.1.5e", "1.19.4-latest": "1.2.3", "1.19.4-recommended": "1.2.3" } }