package com.snap.ui.recycling.adapter import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.annotation.MainThread import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DiffUtil import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import androidx.core.os.TraceCompat import com.snap.ui.event.AttachToRecyclerViewEvent import com.snap.ui.event.EventDispatcher import com.snap.ui.recycling.ObservableSectionController import com.snap.ui.recycling.adapter.errorhandling.AdapterErrorHandler import com.snap.ui.recycling.adapter.errorhandling.AdapterErrorInfo import com.snap.ui.recycling.adapter.errorhandling.SectionErrorHandler import com.snap.ui.recycling.factory.ViewFactory import com.snap.ui.recycling.factory.ViewModelViewHolder import com.snap.ui.recycling.viewmodel.AdapterViewModel import com.snap.ui.seeking.ListSeekable import com.snap.ui.seeking.Seekable import com.snap.ui.seeking.Seekables import io.reactivex.Observable import io.reactivex.ObservableSource import io.reactivex.Scheduler import import io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers import io.reactivex.subjects.BehaviorSubject import io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference /** * A RecyclerView adapter that hosts [AdapterViewModel] models provided by reactive * section controllers. Each section is an [ObservableSectionController] that emits a logical grouping of ViewModels * as a [Seekable] of [AdapterViewModel]s. */ open class ObservableViewModelSectionAdapter @JvmOverloads constructor( private val viewFactory: ViewFactory, private val eventDispatcher: EventDispatcher, private val computationScheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.computation(), private val mainThreadScheduler: Scheduler = AndroidSchedulers.mainThread(), defaultSections: List? = emptyList(), private val errorHandler: AdapterErrorHandler? = null, private val sectionErrorHandler: SectionErrorHandler? = null ) : RecyclerView.Adapter>(), ViewModelAdapter { private val generation = AtomicLong(0) private val mainThreadData: AtomicReference> = AtomicReference(Seekables.empty()) private val sectionsSource = BehaviorSubject.createDefault(defaultSections) private val disposables = CompositeDisposable().apply { defaultSections?.forEach { add(it) } } private val emptySeekable = Seekables.copyOf(emptyList()) private val emptyObservable = Observable.just(emptySeekable) init { // Rely on AdapterViewModel's item id as our stable id by default. // createUniqueId() is responsible for uniqifying this id across model types and sections. setHasStableIds(true) } fun addSection(section: ObservableSectionController) { disposables.add(section) sectionsSource.onNext(sectionsSource.value!!.toMutableList().apply { add(section) }) } fun addSections(sections: List) { sections.forEach { disposables.add(it) } sectionsSource.onNext(sectionsSource.value!!.toMutableList().apply { addAll(sections) }) } fun removeSection(section: ObservableSectionController) { sectionsSource.onNext(sectionsSource.value!!.toMutableList().apply { remove(section) }) } fun setSections(sections: List) { sectionsSource.onNext(sections) } /** * True if sections should prevent rendering if previous sections have not yet rendered. * A section is considered 'rendered' whenever its Observable has emitted some results, * even if it emits an empty list of models. */ @Volatile var loadSectionsInOrder = false fun subscribe(): Disposable { return sectionsSource .observeOn(computationScheduler) .switchMap(::combineSections) .debounce(2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, computationScheduler) .map(::calculateDiff) .filter { it.diff != null } .observeOn(mainThreadScheduler) .doOnDispose { disposables.dispose() sectionsSource.onNext(emptyList()) onDispose() } .subscribe(::applyAdapterUpdates) } private fun combineSections(sections: List): Observable { val modelSources = sections.mapIndexed { sectionIndex, section -> // Associate each ViewModel with its section section.getViewModels() .map { it as Seekable } .startWith(emptyObservable) .observeOn(computationScheduler) .map { models -> trace("section:$sectionIndex") { if (models === emptySeekable) { emptySeekable } else { ListSeekable( { model -> val viewTypeId = viewFactory.getViewTypeId(model.type) SectionItemInfo( section, model, viewTypeId, createUniqueId(model, viewTypeId, sectionIndex) ) }) } } } .doOnError { sectionErrorHandler?.onError(section.javaClass, it) } } return combineLatest(modelSources) { array -> var currentGen = 0L var currentData: Seekable = Seekables.empty() // If results have not come back from any sections, don't notify the adapter val hasResults = array.isNotEmpty() && if (loadSectionsInOrder) array[0] !== emptySeekable else array.any { it !== emptySeekable } if (!hasResults) { return@combineLatest ItemUpdates(Seekables.empty(), Seekables.empty(), -1) } // Increment the generation counter and diff against the current main-thread data. // If we return to the main thread and the generation value is current, the main-thread data // will match the base data we used in DiffUtils. synchronized(generation) { currentGen = generation.incrementAndGet() currentData = mainThreadData.get() } val sources = array.toList() as List> val included = if (loadSectionsInOrder) sources.takeWhile { (it !== emptySeekable) } else sources val results = Seekables.concat(included) ItemUpdates(currentData, results, currentGen) } } /** * Generates a unique id for a model, for use by RecyclerView.Adapter's stableIds. * The data model id must be unique for a given viewType and section. This means * a data model can have the same id as long as the viewTypes are different-- useful * when using a database rowId to represent different types of data in the same RecyclerView, * also allowing a model to be used across sections, even with matching viewType. */ private fun createUniqueId(model: AdapterViewModel, viewTypeId: Int, sectionId: Int): Long { return xor (sectionId.toLong() shl 40) xor (viewTypeId.toLong() shl 52) } private fun calculateDiff(updates: ItemUpdates): SectionUpdates { val diff = if (updates.generation == generation.get()) { val callback = DiffUtilCallback(updates.old, trace("diff:calc") { DiffUtil.calculateDiff(callback, false) } } else { null } return SectionUpdates(, diff, updates.generation) } @MainThread private fun applyAdapterUpdates(info: SectionUpdates) { if (info.diff != null) { val current = synchronized(generation) { if (info.generation == generation.get()) { mainThreadData.set( true } else { false } } if (current) { mainThreadData.set( info.diff.dispatchUpdatesTo(this) } } } override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewModelViewHolder { try { return viewFactory.createViewHolder(parent.context, viewType, parent) } catch (e: Exception) { return errorHandler?.let { errorHandler.onError(e, null) errorHandler.getViewModelViewHolder(parent.context) } ?: throw e } } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewModelViewHolder, position: Int) { try { TraceCompat.beginSection("RC:bind") val info = mainThreadData.get()[position] holder.bind(info.model, eventDispatcher, info.section) } catch (e: Exception) { errorHandler?.let { errorHandler.onError(e, AdapterErrorInfo(position)) } ?: throw e } finally { TraceCompat.endSection() } } override fun getItemCount() = mainThreadData.get().size() override fun getItemId(position: Int) = mainThreadData.get()[position].itemUniqueId override fun getItemAdapterViewType(position: Int) = mainThreadData.get()[position].model.type override fun getItemViewType(position: Int) = mainThreadData.get()[position].itemViewType override fun getItemViewModel(position: Int) = mainThreadData.get()[position].model fun getItemSection(position: Int) = mainThreadData.get()[position].section override fun onViewRecycled(holder: ViewModelViewHolder) { try { holder.recycle() } catch (e: Exception) { errorHandler?.let { errorHandler.onError(e, null) } ?: throw e } } override fun onFailedToRecycleView(holder: ViewModelViewHolder): Boolean { try { return holder.onFailedToRecycleView() } catch (e: Exception) { errorHandler?.let { errorHandler.onError(e, null) return true } ?: throw e } } class SectionItemInfo( val section: ObservableSectionController, val model: AdapterViewModel, val itemViewType: Int, val itemUniqueId: Long ) class ItemUpdates( val old: Seekable, val data: Seekable, val generation: Long ) // A Null DiffResult means the section updates did not complete. class SectionUpdates( val data: Seekable, val diff: DiffUtil.DiffResult?, val generation: Long ) private class DiffUtilCallback( val oldModels: Seekable, val newModels: Seekable ) : DiffUtil.Callback() { override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean { val oldItem = oldModels[oldItemPosition] val newItem = newModels[newItemPosition] if (oldItem.section !== newItem.section) { return false } return oldItem.model.areItemsTheSame(newItem.model) } override fun getOldListSize() = oldModels.size() override fun getNewListSize() = newModels.size() override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean { val first = oldModels[oldItemPosition] val second = newModels[newItemPosition] return first.model.areContentsTheSame(second.model) } override fun getChangePayload(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int) = oldModels[oldItemPosition] } private val mAttachPublisher = PublishSubject.create() fun observeAttachToRecyclerViewEvents(): Observable { return mAttachPublisher } open fun onDispose() { } override fun onAttachedToRecyclerView(recyclerView: RecyclerView) { super.onAttachedToRecyclerView(recyclerView) mAttachPublisher.onNext(AttachToRecyclerViewEvent(AttachToRecyclerViewEvent.EventType.ATTACH, recyclerView)) } override fun onDetachedFromRecyclerView(recyclerView: RecyclerView) { super.onDetachedFromRecyclerView(recyclerView) mAttachPublisher.onNext(AttachToRecyclerViewEvent(AttachToRecyclerViewEvent.EventType.DETACH, recyclerView)) } } /** Captures a given block of code using TraceCompat, for Systrace and S2R. */ private inline fun trace(sectionName: String, section: () -> R): R { TraceCompat.beginSection(sectionName) try { return section.invoke() } finally { TraceCompat.endSection() } } inline fun combineLatest(sources: List>, crossinline combineFunction: (Array) -> R) = Observable.combineLatest(sources) { t1: Array -> combineFunction(t1) }!!