opera-proxy =========== [![opera-proxy](https://snapcraft.io//opera-proxy/badge.svg)](https://snapcraft.io/opera-proxy) Standalone Opera VPN client. Younger brother of [hola-proxy](https://github.com/Snawoot/hola-proxy/). Just run it and it'll start a plain HTTP proxy server forwarding traffic through "Opera VPN" proxies of your choice. By default the application listens on ## Features * Cross-platform (Windows/Mac OS/Linux/Android (via shell)/\*BSD) * Uses TLS for secure communication with upstream proxies * Zero configuration * Simple and straightforward ## Installation #### Binaries Pre-built binaries are available [here](https://github.com/Snawoot/opera-proxy/releases/latest). #### Build from source Alternatively, you may install opera-proxy from source. Run the following within the source directory: ``` make install ``` #### Docker A docker image is available as well. Here is an example of running opera-proxy as a background service: ```sh docker run -d \ --security-opt no-new-privileges \ -p \ --restart unless-stopped \ --name opera-proxy \ yarmak/opera-proxy ``` #### Snap Store [![Get it from the Snap Store](https://snapcraft.io/static/images/badges/en/snap-store-black.svg)](https://snapcraft.io/opera-proxy) ```bash sudo snap install opera-proxy ``` ## Usage List available countries: ``` $ ./opera-proxy -list-countries country code,country name EU,Europe AS,Asia AM,Americas ``` Run proxy via country of your choice: ``` $ ./opera-proxy -country EU ``` Also it is possible to export proxy addresses and credentials: ``` $ ./opera-proxy -country EU -list-proxies Proxy login: ABCF206831D0BDC0C8C3AE5283F99EF6726444B3 Proxy password: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjb3VudHJ5IjoidWEiLCJpYXQiOjE2MTY4MDkxMTIsImlkIjoic2UwMzE2LTYweGY3aTBxMGhoOWQ1MWF0emd0IiwiaXAiOiI3Ny4xMTEuMjQ3LjE3IiwidnBuX2xvZ2luIjoiSzJYdmJ5R0tUb3JLbkpOaDNtUGlGSTJvSytyVTA5bXMraGt2c2UwRWJBcz1Ac2UwMzE2LmJlc3QudnBuIn0.ZhqqzVyKmc3hZG6VVwWfn4nvVIPuZvaEfOLXfTppyvo Proxy-Authorization: Basic QUJDRjIwNjgzMUQwQkRDMEM4QzNBRTUyODNGOTlFRjY3MjY0NDRCMzpleUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKamIzVnVkSEo1SWpvaWRXRWlMQ0pwWVhRaU9qRTJNVFk0TURreE1USXNJbWxrSWpvaWMyVXdNekUyTFRZd2VHWTNhVEJ4TUdob09XUTFNV0YwZW1kMElpd2lhWEFpT2lJM055NHhNVEV1TWpRM0xqRTNJaXdpZG5CdVgyeHZaMmx1SWpvaVN6SllkbUo1UjB0VWIzSkxia3BPYUROdFVHbEdTVEp2U3l0eVZUQTViWE1yYUd0MmMyVXdSV0pCY3oxQWMyVXdNekUyTG1KbGMzUXVkbkJ1SW4wLlpocXF6VnlLbWMzaFpHNlZWd1dmbjRudlZJUHVadmFFZk9MWGZUcHB5dm8= host,ip_address,port eu0.sec-tunnel.com,,443 eu1.sec-tunnel.com,,443 eu2.sec-tunnel.com,,443 eu3.sec-tunnel.com,,443 ``` ## List of arguments | Argument | Type | Description | | -------- | ---- | ----------- | | api-address | String | override IP address of api2.sec-tunnel.com | | api-client-type | String | client type reported to SurfEasy API (default "se0316") | | api-client-version | String | client version reported to SurfEasy API (default "Stable 114.0.5282.21") | | api-login | String | SurfEasy API login (default "se0316") | | api-password | String | SurfEasy API password (default "SILrMEPBmJuhomxWkfm3JalqHX2Eheg1YhlEZiMh8II") | | api-user-agent | String | user agent reported to SurfEasy API (default "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/") | | bind-address | String | HTTP proxy listen address (default "") | | bootstrap-dns | String | Comma-separated list of DNS/DoH/DoT/DoQ resolvers for initial discovery of SurfEasy API address. See https://github.com/ameshkov/dnslookup/ for upstream DNS URL format. Examples: ``, `quic://dns.adguard.com` (default `,,https://dns.google/dns-query,https://security.cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query,https://wikimedia-dns.org/dns-query,https://dns.adguard-dns.com/dns-query,https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query,https://doh.cleanbrowsing.org/doh/adult-filter/`) | | cafile | String | use custom CA certificate bundle file | | certchain-workaround | Boolean | add bundled cross-signed intermediate cert to certchain to make it check out on old systems (default true) | | country | String | desired proxy location (default "EU") | | init-retries | Number | number of attempts for initialization steps, zero for unlimited retry | | init-retry-interval | Duration | delay between initialization retries (default 5s) | | list-countries | - | list available countries and exit | | list-proxies | - | output proxy list and exit | | proxy | String | sets base proxy to use for all dial-outs. Format: `://[login:password@]host[:port]` Examples: `http://user:password@`, `socks5://` | | refresh | Duration | login refresh interval (default 4h0m0s) | | refresh-retry | Duration | login refresh retry interval (default 5s) | | timeout | Duration | timeout for network operations (default 10s) | | verbosity | Number | logging verbosity (10 - debug, 20 - info, 30 - warning, 40 - error, 50 - critical) (default 20) | | version | - | show program version and exit | ## See also * [Project wiki](https://github.com/Snawoot/opera-proxy/wiki) * [Community in Telegram](https://t.me/alternative_proxy)