# SublimeDiscordRP > 📄 Discord rich presence for Sublime Text. ## Preview ![](https://safe.kashima.moe/1es45l5hk6tu.png) ![](https://safe.kashima.moe/mbm05x2z9yfn.png) ![](https://safe.kashima.moe/47cf371te8sv.png) ## Installation The recommended installation method is to use [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Discord%20Rich%20Presence). ![Animation of installation through Package Control](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/ff3df50a4bad4b83b2072550c1d8cf6f5d55d159/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f737a7475474f572e676966) `Preferences > Browse Packages` will take to the folder to git clone to. `git clone https://github.com/Snazzah/SublimeDiscordRP "Discord Rich Presence"` ## Usage Use sublime normally. It should show the presence on your user! ## Language/File Support If for any reason something you use isn't supported, you can [open an issue.](https://github.com/Snazzah/SublimeDiscordRP/issues/new) If requesting a new language/file please follow this format (though you don't have to): `Add ` The description have optionally have more info (image for icon reference (should be 512x512 minimum), language extensions).