{ "openapi": "3.0.0", "info": { "title": "SAM: User accounts", "description": "API for interacting with User Accounts.", "version": "1.0.0", "contact": { "name": "Snow Software, Inc.", "url": "https://www.snowsoftware.com" } }, "servers": [ { "url": "https://{region}.snowsoftware.io", "variables": { "region": { "enum": [ "westeurope", "australiasoutheast", "eastus2", "uksouth" ], "default": "westeurope" } } } ], "paths": { "/api/sam/estate/v1/user-accounts/{id}": { "get": { "description": "Returns the details of a user.", "summary": "Get user", "operationId": "user-accounts", "parameters": [ { "name": "id", "in": "path", "description": "The unique ID of the user for which details will be returned.", "required": true, "schema": { "type": "string" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK: Your request succeeded.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserAccountDetail" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request: Your request is invalid or improperly formed. Consequently, the API server could not understand your request.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "404": { "description": "Not Found: The operation you requested failed because a resource associated with your request could not be found.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Internal Server Error: Your request failed due to an internal error.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } } }, "security": [ { "BearerAuth": [ "sam.user.r" ] } ] } }, "/api/sam/estate/v1/user-accounts": { "get": { "description": "Returns a collection of users.", "summary": "Get users", "operationId": "user-accounts2", "parameters": [ { "name": "page_size", "in": "query", "description": "The maximum number of items in the response.", "schema": { "type": "integer", "default": 100 } }, { "name": "page_number", "in": "query", "description": "The page number.", "schema": { "type": "integer", "default": 1 } }, { "name": "filter", "in": "query", "description": "Filter the collection of Users. Format of the query string parameter:\n\n```\n -\n```\n\nFilter name | Description | Data type | Example\n:--- | --- | --- | ---\nuserName | The userName of a user | String | ?filter=userName -eq \"Sammy\"\nstatus | The status of a user | String | ?filter=status -ne \"active\"\nfullName | The fullName of a user | String | ?filter=fullName -contains \"Sammy\"\n\nFor more information on the available operators and which data types those operators work on, see [Filter API call results](https://docs.snowsoftware.io/snow-atlas-api/resources/get-started-with-apis/api-conventions#filter-api-call-results).", "required": false, "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "status -eq \"active\"" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK: Your request succeeded.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilteredResponseWithLinksOfUserAccount" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request: Your request is invalid or improperly formed. Consequently, the API server could not understand your request.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Internal Server Error: Your request failed due to an internal error.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } } }, "security": [ { "BearerAuth": [ "sam.user.r" ] } ] } }, "/api/sam/estate/v1/user-accounts-discovery/{id}": { "get": { "description": "Returns discovery data for a given user.", "summary": "Get user discovery data", "operationId": "user-accounts-discovery", "parameters": [ { "name": "id", "in": "path", "description": "The unique ID of the user account for which details will be returned.", "required": true, "schema": { "type": "string" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK: Your request succeeded.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserAccountDiscoveryDetail" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request: Your request is invalid or improperly formed. Consequently, the API server could not understand your request.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "404": { "description": "Not Found: The operation you requested failed because a resource associated with your request could not be found.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Internal Server Error: Your request failed due to an internal error.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } } }, "security": [ { "BearerAuth": [ "sam.user.r" ] } ] } }, "/api/sam/estate/v1/user-accounts-discovery": { "get": { "description": "Returns a collection of discovery data for users.", "summary": "Get users discovery data", "operationId": "user-accounts-discovery2", "parameters": [ { "name": "page_size", "in": "query", "description": "The maximum number of items in the response.", "schema": { "type": "integer", "default": 100 } }, { "name": "page_number", "in": "query", "description": "The page number.", "schema": { "type": "integer", "default": 1 } }, { "name": "filter", "in": "query", "description": "Filter the collection of user discovery details. Format of the query string parameter:\n\n```\n -\n```\n\nFilter name | Description | Data type | Example\n:--- | --- | --- | ---\n domainName | The domainName for users | String | ?filter=domainName -eq \"thebagel.co\"\nsamAccountName | The samAccountName of a user | String | ?filter=samAccountName -eq \"thebagel\\ssmith\"\nemail | The email of a user | String | ?filter=email -eq \"ssmith@thebagel.co\"\n\nFor more information on the available operators and which data types those operators work on, see [Filter API call results](https://docs.snowsoftware.io/snow-atlas-api/resources/get-started-with-apis/api-conventions#filter-api-call-results).", "required": false, "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "domainName -eq \"thebagel.co\"" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK: Your request succeeded.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilteredResponseWithLinksOfUserAccountDiscovery" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request: Your request is invalid or improperly formed. Consequently, the API server could not understand your request.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Internal Server Error: Your request failed due to an internal error.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } } }, "security": [ { "BearerAuth": [ "sam.user.r" ] } ] } }, "/api/sam/estate/v1/user-accounts-metering": { "get": { "description": "Returns a collection of metering data for users.", "summary": "Get users metering data", "operationId": "user-accounts-metering", "parameters": [ { "name": "page_size", "in": "query", "description": "The maximum number of items in the response.", "schema": { "type": "integer", "default": 100 } }, { "name": "page_number", "in": "query", "description": "The page number.", "schema": { "type": "integer", "default": 1 } }, { "name": "filter", "in": "query", "description": "Filter the collection account metering. Format of the query string parameter:\n\n```\n -\n```\n\nFilter name | Description | Data type | Example\n:--- | --- | --- | ---\nmetricID | The user accounts metricID | String | ?filter=metricID -eq \"2823fbea-bd7b-4f4f-9f0c-780a5f26218c\"\napplicationID | The user accounts applicationID | String | ?filter=applicationID -eq \"85d5dc09-115c-40db-a2f6-09f9c935852e\"\norganizationID | The user accounts organizationID | String | ?filter=organizationID -eq\"317db6a5-e16d-4e3b-a745-1f973690e982\"\n\nFor more information on the available operators and which data types those operators work on, see [Filter API call results](https://docs.snowsoftware.io/snow-atlas-api/resources/get-started-with-apis/api-conventions#filter-api-call-results).", "required": false, "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "applicationID -eq \"85d5dc09-115c-40db-a2f6-09f9c935852e\"" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK: Your request succeeded.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilteredResponseWithLinksOfUserAccountMetering" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request: Your request is invalid or improperly formed. Consequently, the API server could not understand your request.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Internal Server Error: Your request failed due to an internal error.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } } }, "security": [ { "BearerAuth": [ "sam.user.r" ] } ] } }, "/api/sam/estate/v1/user-accounts/{id}/metering": { "get": { "description": "Returns metering data for a given user.", "summary": "Get user metering data", "operationId": "metering", "parameters": [ { "name": "id", "in": "path", "description": "The unique ID of the user for which details will be returned.", "required": true, "schema": { "type": "string" } }, { "name": "page_size", "in": "query", "description": "The maximum number of items in the response.", "schema": { "type": "integer", "default": 100 } }, { "name": "page_number", "in": "query", "description": "The page number.", "schema": { "type": "integer", "default": 1 } }, { "name": "filter", "in": "query", "description": "Filter the collection account metering. Format of the query string parameter:\n\n```\n -\n```\n\nFilter name | Description | Data type | Example\n:--- | --- | --- | ---\nmetricID | The user accounts metricID | String | ?filter=metricID -eq \"2823fbea-bd7b-4f4f-9f0c-780a5f26218c\"\napplicationID | The user accounts applicationID | String | ?filter=applicationID -eq \"85d5dc09-115c-40db-a2f6-09f9c935852e\"\norganizationID | The user accounts organizationID | String | ?filter=organizationID -eq\"317db6a5-e16d-4e3b-a745-1f973690e982\"\n\nFor more information on the available operators and which data types those operators work on, see [Filter API call results](https://docs.snowsoftware.io/snow-atlas-api/resources/get-started-with-apis/api-conventions#filter-api-call-results).", "required": false, "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "applicationID -eq \"85d5dc09-115c-40db-a2f6-09f9c935852e\"" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK: Your request succeeded.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilteredResponseWithLinksOfUserAccountMetering" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request: Your request is invalid or improperly formed. Consequently, the API server could not understand your request.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "404": { "description": "Not Found: The operation you requested failed because a resource associated with your request could not be found.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Internal Server Error: Your request failed due to an internal error.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } } }, "security": [ { "BearerAuth": [ "sam.user.r" ] } ] } } }, "components": { "schemas": { "Link": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "href": { "description": "The associated relative URL.", "type": "string", "example": "api/sam/estate/v1/...", "nullable": true }, "rel": { "description": "Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document/resource.", "type": "string", "example": "self", "nullable": true }, "method": { "description": "The method to access related resources.", "type": "string", "example": "GET", "nullable": true } } }, "UserAccountDetail": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "example": "d983ee47-92c9-47ad-9975-ec85d2a479a1", "format": "guid" }, "userName": { "type": "string", "example": "ssmith", "nullable": true }, "status": { "type": "string", "example": "Active", "nullable": true }, "email": { "type": "string", "example": "ssmith@thebagel.co", "nullable": true }, "organizationId": { "type": "string", "example": "8b4f2d90-99e7-408a-bad6-68d491e94dba", "format": "guid" }, "fullName": { "type": "string", "example": "Sammy Smith", "nullable": true }, "phoneNumber": { "type": "string", "example": "789-654-1236", "nullable": true }, "location": { "type": "string", "example": "Austin", "nullable": true }, "roomNumber": { "type": "string", "example": "5716", "nullable": true }, "quarantineDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true }, "lastLogon": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true }, "lastUpdate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true }, "updatedDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true }, "updatedBy": { "type": "string", "example": "Data Update Job", "nullable": true }, "_links": { "type": "array", "description": "A collection of links to related resources.", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Link" } } } }, "ErrorContent": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "code": { "type": "integer", "description": "The HTTP status code.", "format": "int32" }, "message": { "type": "string", "description": "The error message.", "nullable": true } } }, "ErrorResponse": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "error": { "description": "The error details.", "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorContent" } ] } } }, "Pagination": { "type": "object", "description": "The pagination details.", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "page_size": { "type": "integer", "description": "The page size you requested.", "format": "int32", "example": 100 }, "page_number": { "type": "integer", "description": "The page number you requested.", "format": "int32", "example": 1 }, "total_pages": { "type": "integer", "description": "The total number of pages.", "format": "int32", "nullable": true, "example": 1 } } }, "UserAccount": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "example": "8b4f2d90-99e7-408a-bad6-68d491e94dba", "format": "guid" }, "userName": { "type": "string", "example": "ssmith", "nullable": true }, "status": { "type": "string", "example": "Active", "nullable": true }, "email": { "type": "string", "example": "ssmith@thebagel.co", "nullable": true }, "fullName": { "type": "string", "example": "Sammy 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"type": "string", "example": "Smith", "nullable": true }, "email": { "type": "string", "example": "ssmith@thebegel.co", "nullable": true }, "homePhoneNumber": { "type": "string", "example": "789-654-1236", "nullable": true }, "mobilePhoneNumber": { "type": "string", "example": "", "nullable": true }, "lastLogonActivity": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true }, "whenCreated": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true }, "whenChanged": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true }, "isEnabled": { "type": "boolean", "nullable": true }, "userAccountControl": { "type": "integer", "format": "int32", "nullable": true }, "managerName": { "type": "string", "example": "Billy Hare", "nullable": true }, "managerEmail": { "type": "string", "example": "bhare@thebagel.co", "nullable": true }, "organizationalUnit": { "type": "string", "example": "Laurel_MI", "nullable": true }, "userPrincipalName": { "type": "string", "example": "ssmith@thebegel.co", "nullable": true }, "_links": { "type": "array", "description": "A collection of links to related resources.", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Link" } } } }, "UserAccountDiscovery": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "objectId": { "type": "string", "format": "guid" }, "domainName": { "type": "string", "example":"thebagel.co", "nullable": true }, "samAccountName": { "type": "string", "example":"thebagel\\ssmith", "nullable": true }, "email": { "type": "string", "example":"ssmith@thebagel.co", "nullable": true }, "_links": { "type": "array", "description": "A collection of links to related resources.", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Link" } } } }, "FilteredResponseWithLinksOfUserAccountDiscovery": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "items": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserAccountDiscovery" } }, "pagination": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Pagination" 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"BearerAuth": { "type": "http", "scheme": "bearer", "bearerFormat": "JWT" } } } }