{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "### 计算传播应用\n", "***\n", "***\n", "# 推荐系统简介\n", "***\n", "***\n", "\n", "王成军\n", "\n", "wangchengjun@nju.edu.cn\n", "\n", "计算传播网 http://computational-communication.com" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# 集体智慧编程\n", "\n", "> 集体智慧是指为了创造新想法,将一群人的行为、偏好或思想组合在一起。一般基于聪明的算法(Netflix, Google)或者提供内容的用户(Wikipedia)。\n", "\n", "集体智慧编程所强调的是前者,即通过编写计算机程序、构造具有智能的算法收集并分析用户的数据,发现新的信息甚至是知识。\n", "\n", "- Netflix\n", "- Google\n", "- Wikipedia\n", "\n", "Toby Segaran, 2007, Programming Collective Intelligence. O'Reilly. \n", "\n", "https://github.com/computational-class/programming-collective-intelligence-code/blob/master/chapter2/recommendations.py" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# 推荐系统\n", "\n", "- 目前互联网世界最常见的智能产品形式。\n", "- 从信息时代过渡到注意力时代:\n", " - 信息过载(information overload)\n", " - 注意力稀缺\n", "- 推荐系统的基本任务是联系用户和物品,帮助用户快速发现有用信息,解决信息过载的问题。\n", " - 针对长尾分布问题,找到个性化需求,优化资源配置\n", "\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# 推荐系统的类型\n", "- 社会化推荐(Social Recommendation)\n", " - 让朋友帮助推荐物品\n", "- 基于内容的推荐 (Content-based filtering)\n", " - 基于用户已经消费的物品内容,推荐新的物品。例如根据看过的电影的导演和演员,推荐新影片。\n", "- 基于协同过滤的推荐(collaborative filtering)\n", " - 找到和某用户的历史兴趣一致的用户,根据这些用户之间的相似性或者他们所消费物品的相似性,为该用户推荐物品" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# 协同过滤算法\n", "\n", "- 基于邻域的方法(neighborhood-based method)\n", " - 基于用户的协同过滤(user-based filtering)\n", " - 基于物品的协同过滤 (item-based filtering)\n", "- 隐语义模型(latent factor model)\n", "- 基于图的随机游走算法(random walk on graphs)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# UserCF和ItemCF的比较\n", "\n", "- UserCF较为古老, 1992年应用于电子邮件个性化推荐系统Tapestry, 1994年应用于Grouplens新闻个性化推荐, 后来被Digg采用\n", " - 推荐那些与个体有共同兴趣爱好的用户所喜欢的物品(群体热点,社会化)\n", " - 反映用户所在小型群体中物品的热门程度\n", "- ItemCF相对较新,应用于电子商务网站Amazon和DVD租赁网站Netflix\n", " - 推荐那些和用户之前喜欢的物品相似的物品 (历史兴趣,个性化)\n", " - 反映了用户自己的兴趣传承\n", "- 新闻更新快,物品数量庞大,相似度变化很快,不利于维护一张物品相似度的表格,电影、音乐、图书则可以。\n", "\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# 推荐系统评测\n", "- 用户满意度\n", "- 预测准确度\n", "\n", " $r_{ui}$用户实际打分, $\\hat{r_{ui}}$推荐算法预测打分\n", "\n", " - 均方根误差RMSE\n", " \n", " $RMSE = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\sum_{u, i \\in T} (r_{ui} - \\hat{r_{ui}})}{\\left | T \\right |}^2} $\n", " \n", " - 平均绝对误差MAE\n", " $ MAE = \\frac{\\sum_{u, i \\in T} \\left | r_{ui} - \\hat{r_{ui}} \\right|}{\\left | T \\right|}$" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 70, "metadata": { "collapsed": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# A dictionary of movie critics and their ratings of a small\n", "# set of movies\n", "critics={'Lisa Rose': {'Lady in the Water': 2.5, 'Snakes on a Plane': 3.5,\n", " 'Just My Luck': 3.0, 'Superman Returns': 3.5, 'You, Me and Dupree': 2.5,\n", " 'The Night Listener': 3.0},\n", " 'Gene Seymour': {'Lady in the Water': 3.0, 'Snakes on a Plane': 3.5,\n", " 'Just My Luck': 1.5, 'Superman Returns': 5.0, 'The Night Listener': 3.0,\n", " 'You, Me and Dupree': 3.5},\n", " 'Michael Phillips': {'Lady in the Water': 2.5, 'Snakes on a Plane': 3.0,\n", " 'Superman Returns': 3.5, 'The Night Listener': 4.0},\n", " 'Claudia Puig': {'Snakes on a Plane': 3.5, 'Just My Luck': 3.0,\n", " 'The Night Listener': 4.5, 'Superman Returns': 4.0,\n", " 'You, Me and Dupree': 2.5},\n", " 'Mick LaSalle': {'Lady in the Water': 3.0, 'Snakes on a Plane': 4.0,\n", " 'Just My Luck': 2.0, 'Superman Returns': 3.0, 'The Night Listener': 3.0,\n", " 'You, Me and Dupree': 2.0},\n", " 'Jack Matthews': {'Lady in the Water': 3.0, 'Snakes on a Plane': 4.0,\n", " 'The Night Listener': 3.0, 'Superman Returns': 5.0, 'You, Me and Dupree': 3.5},\n", " 'Toby': {'Snakes on a Plane':4.5,'You, Me and Dupree':1.0,'Superman Returns':4.0}}" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 39, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "2.5" ] }, "execution_count": 39, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "critics['Lisa Rose']['Lady in the Water']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 40, "metadata": { "collapsed": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "critics['Toby']['Snakes on a Plane']=4.5" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 41, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'Snakes on a Plane': 4.5, 'Superman Returns': 4.0, 'You, Me and Dupree': 1.0}" ] }, "execution_count": 41, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "critics['Toby']" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "***\n", "# 1. User-based filtering\n", "***\n", "## 1.0 Finding similar users" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 48, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "3.1622776601683795" ] }, "execution_count": 48, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# 欧几里得距离\n", "import numpy as np\n", "np.sqrt(np.power(5-4, 2) + np.power(4-1, 2))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "source": [ "This formula calculates the distance, which will be smaller for people who are more similar. However, you need a function that gives higher values for people who are similar. This can be done by adding 1 to the function (so you don’t get a division-by- zero error) and inverting it:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 49, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "0.2402530733520421" ] }, "execution_count": 49, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "1.0 /(1 + np.sqrt(np.power(5-4, 2) + np.power(4-1, 2)) )" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 53, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Returns a distance-based similarity score for person1 and person2\n", "def sim_distance(prefs,person1,person2):\n", " # Get the list of shared_items\n", " si={}\n", " for item in prefs[person1]:\n", " if item in prefs[person2]:\n", " si[item]=1\n", " # if they have no ratings in common, return 0\n", " if len(si)==0: return 0\n", " # Add up the squares of all the differences\n", " sum_of_squares=np.sum([np.power(prefs[person1][item]-prefs[person2][item],2)\n", " for item in prefs[person1] if item in prefs[person2]])\n", " return 1/(1+np.sqrt(sum_of_squares) )" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 54, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "0.14814814814814814" ] }, "execution_count": 54, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "sim_distance(critics, 'Lisa Rose','Gene Seymour')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "## Pearson correlation coefficient" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 59, "metadata": { "collapsed": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient for p1 and p2\n", "def sim_pearson(prefs,p1,p2):\n", " # Get the list of mutually rated items\n", " si={}\n", " for item in prefs[p1]:\n", " if item in prefs[p2]: si[item]=1\n", " # Find the number of elements\n", " n=len(si)\n", " # if they are no ratings in common, return 0\n", " if n==0: return 0\n", " # Add up all the preferences\n", " sum1=np.sum([prefs[p1][it] for it in si])\n", " sum2=np.sum([prefs[p2][it] for it in si])\n", " # Sum up the squares\n", " sum1Sq=np.sum([np.power(prefs[p1][it],2) for it in si])\n", " sum2Sq=np.sum([np.power(prefs[p2][it],2) for it in si])\n", " # Sum up the products\n", " pSum=np.sum([prefs[p1][it]*prefs[p2][it] for it in si])\n", " # Calculate Pearson score\n", " num=pSum-(sum1*sum2/n)\n", " den=np.sqrt((sum1Sq-np.power(sum1,2)/n)*(sum2Sq-np.power(sum2,2)/n))\n", " if den==0: return 0\n", " return num/den" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 60, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "0.39605901719066977" ] }, "execution_count": 60, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "sim_pearson(critics, 'Lisa Rose','Gene Seymour')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 75, "metadata": { "collapsed": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Returns the best matches for person from the prefs dictionary.\n", "# Number of results and similarity function are optional params.\n", "def topMatches(prefs,person,n=5,similarity=sim_pearson):\n", " scores=[(similarity(prefs,person,other),other)\n", " for other in prefs if other!=person]\n", " # Sort the list so the highest scores appear at the top \n", " scores.sort( )\n", " scores.reverse( )\n", " return scores[0:n]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 77, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(0.99124070716192991, 'Lisa Rose'),\n", " (0.92447345164190486, 'Mick LaSalle'),\n", " (0.89340514744156474, 'Claudia Puig')]" ] }, "execution_count": 77, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "topMatches(critics,'Toby',n=3) # topN" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "## 1.1 Recommending Items" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "\n", "\n", "- Toby相似的五个用户(Rose, Reymour, Puig, LaSalle, Matthews)及相似度(依次为0.99, 0.38, 0.89, 0.92)\n", "- 这五个用户看过的三个电影(Night,Lady, Luck)及其评分\n", " - 例如,Rose对Night评分是3.0\n", "- S.xNight是用户相似度与电影评分的乘积\n", " - 例如,Toby于Rose相似度对Night评分是3.0*0.99 = 2.97\n", "- 可以得到每部电影的得分\n", " - 例如,Night的得分是12.89 = 2.97+1.14+4.02+2.77+1.99\n", "- 电影得分需要使用用户相似度之和进行加权\n", " - 例如,Night电影的预测得分是3.35 = 12.89/3.84\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 66, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Gets recommendations for a person by using a weighted average\n", "# of every other user's rankings\n", "def getRecommendations(prefs,person,similarity=sim_pearson):\n", " totals={}\n", " simSums={}\n", " for other in prefs:\n", " # don't compare me to myself\n", " if other==person: continue\n", " sim=similarity(prefs,person,other)\n", " # ignore scores of zero or lower\n", " if sim<=0: continue\n", " for item in prefs[other]: \n", " # only score movies I haven't seen yet\n", " if item not in prefs[person] or prefs[person][item]==0:\n", " # Similarity * Score\n", " totals.setdefault(item,0)\n", " totals[item]+=prefs[other][item]*sim\n", " # Sum of similarities\n", " simSums.setdefault(item,0)\n", " simSums[item]+=sim\n", " # Create the normalized list\n", " rankings=[(total/simSums[item],item) for item,total in totals.items()]\n", " # Return the sorted list\n", " rankings.sort()\n", " rankings.reverse()\n", " return rankings" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 78, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(3.3477895267131013, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (2.8325499182641614, 'Lady in the Water'),\n", " (2.5309807037655645, 'Just My Luck')]" ] }, "execution_count": 78, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# Now you can find out what movies I should watch next:\n", "getRecommendations(critics,'Toby')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 79, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(3.5002478401415877, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (2.7561242939959363, 'Lady in the Water'),\n", " (2.4619884860743739, 'Just My Luck')]" ] }, "execution_count": 79, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# You’ll find that the results are only affected very slightly by the choice of similarity metric.\n", "getRecommendations(critics,'Toby',similarity=sim_distance)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "***\n", "# 2. Item-based filtering\n", "***\n", "\n", "Now you know how to find similar people and recommend products for a given person\n", "\n", "### But what if you want to see which products are similar to each other? \n", "This is actually the same method we used earlier to determine similarity between people—" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "#### 将item-user字典的键值翻转" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 85, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# you just need to swap the people and the items. \n", "def transformPrefs(prefs):\n", " result={}\n", " for person in prefs:\n", " for item in prefs[person]:\n", " result.setdefault(item,{})\n", " # Flip item and person\n", " result[item][person]=prefs[person][item]\n", " return result\n", "\n", "movies = transformPrefs(critics)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "#### 计算item的相似性" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 83, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(0.65795169495976946, 'You, Me and Dupree'),\n", " (0.48795003647426888, 'Lady in the Water'),\n", " (0.11180339887498941, 'Snakes on a Plane'),\n", " (-0.17984719479905439, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (-0.42289003161103106, 'Just My Luck')]" ] }, "execution_count": 83, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "topMatches(movies,'Superman Returns')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "#### 给item推荐user" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 86, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'Just My Luck': [(0.22222222222222221, 'Lady in the Water'),\n", " (0.18181818181818182, 'You, Me and Dupree'),\n", " (0.15384615384615385, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (0.10526315789473684, 'Snakes on a Plane'),\n", " (0.064516129032258063, 'Superman Returns')],\n", " 'Lady in the Water': [(0.40000000000000002, 'You, Me and Dupree'),\n", " (0.2857142857142857, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (0.22222222222222221, 'Snakes on a Plane'),\n", " (0.22222222222222221, 'Just My Luck'),\n", " (0.090909090909090912, 'Superman Returns')],\n", " 'Snakes on a Plane': [(0.22222222222222221, 'Lady in the Water'),\n", " (0.18181818181818182, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (0.16666666666666666, 'Superman Returns'),\n", " (0.10526315789473684, 'Just My Luck'),\n", " (0.05128205128205128, 'You, Me and Dupree')],\n", " 'Superman Returns': [(0.16666666666666666, 'Snakes on a Plane'),\n", " (0.10256410256410256, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (0.090909090909090912, 'Lady in the Water'),\n", " (0.064516129032258063, 'Just My Luck'),\n", " (0.053333333333333337, 'You, Me and Dupree')],\n", " 'The Night Listener': [(0.2857142857142857, 'Lady in the Water'),\n", " (0.18181818181818182, 'Snakes on a Plane'),\n", " (0.15384615384615385, 'Just My Luck'),\n", " (0.14814814814814814, 'You, Me and Dupree'),\n", " (0.10256410256410256, 'Superman Returns')],\n", " 'You, Me and Dupree': [(0.40000000000000002, 'Lady in the Water'),\n", " (0.18181818181818182, 'Just My Luck'),\n", " (0.14814814814814814, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (0.053333333333333337, 'Superman Returns'),\n", " (0.05128205128205128, 'Snakes on a Plane')]}" ] }, "execution_count": 86, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "def calculateSimilarItems(prefs,n=10):\n", " # Create a dictionary of items showing which other items they\n", " # are most similar to.\n", " result={}\n", " # Invert the preference matrix to be item-centric\n", " itemPrefs=transformPrefs(prefs)\n", " c=0\n", " for item in itemPrefs:\n", " # Status updates for large datasets\n", " c+=1\n", " if c%100==0: \n", " print \"%d / %d\" % (c,len(itemPrefs))\n", " # Find the most similar items to this one\n", " scores=topMatches(itemPrefs,item,n=n,similarity=sim_distance)\n", " result[item]=scores\n", " return result\n", "\n", "itemsim=calculateSimilarItems(critics) \n", "itemsim" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "\n", "\n", "- Toby看过三个电影(snakes、Superman、dupree)和评分(依次是4.5、4.0、1.0)\n", "- 表格2-3给出这三部电影与另外三部电影的相似度\n", " - 例如superman与night的相似度是0.103\n", "- R.xNight表示Toby对自己看过的三部定影的评分与Night这部电影相似度的乘积\n", " - 例如,0.412 = 4.0*0.103\n", " \n", " \n", "- 那么Toby对于Night的评分可以表达为0.818+0.412+0.148 = 1.378\n", " - 已经知道Night相似度之和是0.182+0.103+0.148 = 0.433\n", " - 那么Toby对Night的最终评分可以表达为:1.378/0.433 = 3.183\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 88, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(3.182634730538922, 'The Night Listener'),\n", " (2.5983318700614575, 'Just My Luck'),\n", " (2.4730878186968837, 'Lady in the Water')]" ] }, "execution_count": 88, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "def getRecommendedItems(prefs,itemMatch,user):\n", " userRatings=prefs[user]\n", " scores={}\n", " totalSim={}\n", " # Loop over items rated by this user\n", " for (item,rating) in userRatings.items( ):\n", " # Loop over items similar to this one\n", " for (similarity,item2) in itemMatch[item]:\n", " # Ignore if this user has already rated this item\n", " if item2 in userRatings: continue\n", " # Weighted sum of rating times similarity\n", " scores.setdefault(item2,0)\n", " scores[item2]+=similarity*rating\n", " # Sum of all the similarities\n", " totalSim.setdefault(item2,0)\n", " totalSim[item2]+=similarity\n", " # Divide each total score by total weighting to get an average\n", " rankings=[(score/totalSim[item],item) for item,score in scores.items( )]\n", " # Return the rankings from highest to lowest\n", " rankings.sort( )\n", " rankings.reverse( )\n", " return rankings\n", "\n", "getRecommendedItems(critics,itemsim,'Toby')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 81, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(4.0, 'Michael Phillips'), (3.0, 'Jack Matthews')]" ] }, "execution_count": 81, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "getRecommendations(movies,'Just My Luck')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 84, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(3.1637361366111816, 'Michael Phillips')]" ] }, "execution_count": 84, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "getRecommendations(movies, 'You, Me and Dupree')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "\n", "\n", "# 基于物品的协同过滤算法的网络表示方法" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# 基于图的模型\n", "\n", "使用二分图表示用户行为,因此基于图的算法可以应用到推荐系统当中。\n", "\n", "" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# https://github.com/ParticleWave/RecommendationSystemStudy/blob/d1960056b96cfaad62afbfe39225ff680240d37e/PersonalRank.py\n", "import os\n", "import random\n", "\n", "class Graph:\n", " def __init__(self):\n", " self.G = dict()\n", " \n", " def addEdge(self, p, q):\n", " if p not in self.G: self.G[p] = dict()\n", " if q not in self.G: self.G[q] = dict()\n", " self.G[p][q] = 1\n", " self.G[q][p] = 1\n", "\n", " def getGraphMatrix(self):\n", " return self.G" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "['A', 'a', 'c', 'B', 'd', 'C', 'b']\n" ] } ], "source": [ "graph = Graph()\n", "graph.addEdge('A', 'a')\n", "graph.addEdge('A', 'c')\n", "graph.addEdge('B', 'a')\n", "graph.addEdge('B', 'b')\n", "graph.addEdge('B', 'c')\n", "graph.addEdge('B', 'd')\n", "graph.addEdge('C', 'c')\n", "graph.addEdge('C', 'd')\n", "G = graph.getGraphMatrix()\n", "print(G.keys())" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'A': {'a': 1, 'c': 1},\n", " 'B': {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1, 'd': 1},\n", " 'C': {'c': 1, 'd': 1},\n", " 'a': {'A': 1, 'B': 1},\n", " 'b': {'B': 1},\n", " 'c': {'A': 1, 'B': 1, 'C': 1},\n", " 'd': {'B': 1, 'C': 1}}" ] }, "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "G" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": { "collapsed": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def PersonalRank(G, alpha, root, max_step):\n", " # G is the biparitite graph of users' ratings on items\n", " # alpha is the probability of random walk forward\n", " # root is the studied User\n", " # max_step if the steps of iterations.\n", " rank = dict()\n", " rank = {x:0.0 for x in G.keys()}\n", " rank[root] = 1.0\n", " for k in range(max_step):\n", " tmp = {x:0.0 for x in G.keys()}\n", " for i,ri in G.items():\n", " for j,wij in ri.items():\n", " if j not in tmp: tmp[j] = 0.0 #\n", " tmp[j] += alpha * rank[i] / (len(ri)*1.0)\n", " if j == root: tmp[j] += 1.0 - alpha\n", " rank = tmp\n", " print(k, rank)\n", " return rank" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "(0, {'A': 0.3999999999999999, 'a': 0.4, 'c': 0.4, 'B': 0.0, 'd': 0.0, 'C': 0.0, 'b': 0.0})\n", "(1, {'A': 0.6666666666666666, 'a': 0.15999999999999998, 'c': 0.15999999999999998, 'B': 0.2666666666666667, 'd': 0.0, 'C': 0.10666666666666669, 'b': 0.0})\n", "(2, {'A': 0.5066666666666666, 'a': 0.32, 'c': 0.3626666666666667, 'B': 0.10666666666666665, 'd': 0.09600000000000003, 'C': 0.04266666666666666, 'b': 0.053333333333333344})\n", "(3, {'A': 0.624711111111111, 'a': 0.22399999999999998, 'c': 0.24106666666666665, 'B': 0.30577777777777787, 'd': 0.03839999999999999, 'C': 0.13511111111111113, 'b': 0.02133333333333333})\n", "(4, {'A': 0.5538844444444444, 'a': 0.31104, 'c': 0.36508444444444443, 'B': 0.1863111111111111, 'd': 0.11520000000000002, 'C': 0.07964444444444443, 'b': 0.061155555555555574})\n", "(5, {'A': 0.6217718518518518, 'a': 0.258816, 'c': 0.29067377777777775, 'B': 0.31677629629629633, 'd': 0.06911999999999999, 'C': 0.14343585185185187, 'b': 0.03726222222222222})\n", "(6, {'A': 0.5810394074074073, 'a': 0.312064, 'c': 0.3694383407407408, 'B': 0.2384971851851852, 'd': 0.12072960000000002, 'C': 0.1051610074074074, 'b': 0.06335525925925926})\n", "(7, {'A': 0.6233424908641975, 'a': 0.2801152, 'c': 0.322179602962963, 'B': 0.322318538271605, 'd': 0.08976384000000001, 'C': 0.14680873086419757, 'b': 0.047699437037037044})\n", "(8, {'A': 0.5979606407901235, 'a': 0.313800704, 'c': 0.372524196345679, 'B': 0.27202572641975314, 'd': 0.12318720000000004, 'C': 0.12182009679012348, 'b': 0.06446370765432101})\n", "(9, {'A': 0.6248600672921809, 'a': 0.2935894016, 'c': 0.34231744031604944, 'B': 0.32570591341563787, 'd': 0.10313318400000002, 'C': 0.14861466569218107, 'b': 0.05440514528395063})\n", "(10, {'A': 0.6087204113909463, 'a': 0.31508520959999997, 'c': 0.3745310758768724, 'B': 0.29349780121810704, 'd': 0.12458704896, 'C': 0.13253792435094652, 'b': 0.06514118268312757})\n", "(11, {'A': 0.6259090374071659, 'a': 0.3021877248, 'c': 0.3552028945403786, 'B': 0.3278568031376681, 'd': 0.11171472998400003, 'C': 0.14970977315116596, 'b': 0.05869956024362141})\n", "(12, {'A': 0.6155958617974342, 'a': 0.31593497559039996, 'c': 0.37581888485086634, 'B': 0.3072414019859315, 'd': 0.125455269888, 'C': 0.13940666387103434, 'b': 0.06557136062753362})\n", "(13, {'A': 0.6265923595297243, 'a': 0.30768662511615996, 'c': 0.3634492906645737, 'B': 0.32923155598695125, 'd': 0.11721094594560004, 'C': 0.15040047724876437, 'b': 0.0614482803971863})\n", "(14, {'A': 0.6199944608903503, 'a': 0.31648325500928, 'c': 0.37664344590878573, 'B': 0.3160374635863394, 'd': 0.126006502096896, 'C': 0.14380418922212634, 'b': 0.06584631119739025})\n", "(15, {'A': 0.6270315542460547, 'a': 0.311205277073408, 'c': 0.36872695276225853, 'B': 0.3301112040427255, 'd': 0.12072916840611841, 'C': 0.1508408530811013, 'b': 0.06320749271726787})\n", "(16, {'A': 0.6228092982326321, 'a': 0.316834862506967, 'c': 0.37717120373940755, 'B': 0.3216669597688938, 'd': 0.12635858204098563, 'C': 0.14661885476571632, 'b': 0.0660222408085451})\n", "(17, {'A': 0.6273129326666287, 'a': 0.3134571112468316, 'c': 0.37210465315311814, 'B': 0.3306741581298591, 'd': 0.1229809338600653, 'C': 0.15112242048023627, 'b': 0.06433339195377877})\n", "(18, {'A': 0.6246107520062307, 'a': 0.3170600046926233, 'c': 0.3775089728847178, 'B': 0.32526983911327995, 'd': 0.12658379981806633, 'C': 0.1484202810515243, 'b': 0.06613483162597182})\n", "(19, {'A': 0.627493061312974, 'a': 0.3148982686251483, 'c': 0.37426638104575805, 'B': 0.3310344465409781, 'd': 0.1244220802432657, 'C': 0.15130257936315128, 'b': 0.06505396782265599})\n", "{'A': 0.627493061312974, 'a': 0.3148982686251483, 'c': 0.37426638104575805, 'B': 0.3310344465409781, 'd': 0.1244220802432657, 'C': 0.15130257936315128, 'b': 0.06505396782265599}\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(PersonalRank(G, 0.8, 'A', 20))\n", "# print(PersonalRank(G, 0.8, 'B', 20))\n", "# print(PersonalRank(G, 0.8, 'C', 20))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "***\n", "# 3. MovieLens Recommender\n", "***\n", "MovieLens是一个电影评价的真实数据,由明尼苏达州立大学的GroupLens项目组开发。\n", "\n", "### 数据下载\n", "http://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/1m/\n", "\n", "> These files contain 1,000,209 anonymous ratings of approximately 3,900 movies \n", "made by 6,040 MovieLens users who joined MovieLens in 2000.\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "# 数据格式\n", "All ratings are contained in the file \"ratings.dat\" and are in the following format:\n", "\n", "UserID::MovieID::Rating::Timestamp\n", "\n", "1::1193::5::978300760\n", "\n", "1::661::3::978302109\n", "\n", "1::914::3::978301968\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 91, "metadata": { "collapsed": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def loadMovieLens(path='/Users/chengjun/bigdata/ml-1m/'):\n", " # Get movie titles\n", " movies={}\n", " for line in open(path+'movies.dat'):\n", " (id,title)=line.split('::')[0:2]\n", " movies[id]=title\n", " \n", " # Load data\n", " prefs={}\n", " for line in open(path+'/ratings.dat'):\n", " (user,movieid,rating,ts)=line.split('::')\n", " prefs.setdefault(user,{})\n", " prefs[user][movies[movieid]]=float(rating)\n", " return prefs" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 92, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'Alice in Wonderland (1951)': 1.0,\n", " 'Army of Darkness (1993)': 3.0,\n", " 'Bad Boys (1995)': 5.0,\n", " 'Benji (1974)': 1.0,\n", " 'Brady Bunch Movie, The (1995)': 1.0,\n", " 'Braveheart (1995)': 5.0,\n", " 'Buffalo 66 (1998)': 1.0,\n", " 'Chambermaid on the Titanic, The (1998)': 1.0,\n", " 'Cowboy Way, The (1994)': 1.0,\n", " 'Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)': 4.0,\n", " 'Dear Diary (Caro Diario) (1994)': 1.0,\n", " 'Die Hard (1988)': 3.0,\n", " 'Diebinnen (1995)': 1.0,\n", " 'Dr. No (1962)': 1.0,\n", " 'Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)': 1.0,\n", " 'Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997)': 1.0,\n", " 'Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965)': 1.0,\n", " 'From Russia with Love (1963)': 1.0,\n", " 'Fugitive, The (1993)': 5.0,\n", " 'Get Shorty (1995)': 1.0,\n", " 'Gladiator (2000)': 5.0,\n", " 'Goldfinger (1964)': 5.0,\n", " 'Good, The Bad and The Ugly, The (1966)': 4.0,\n", " 'Hunt for Red October, The (1990)': 5.0,\n", " 'Hurricane, The (1999)': 5.0,\n", " 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)': 4.0,\n", " 'Jaws (1975)': 5.0,\n", " 'Jurassic Park (1993)': 5.0,\n", " 'King Kong (1933)': 1.0,\n", " 'King of New York (1990)': 1.0,\n", " 'Last of the Mohicans, The (1992)': 1.0,\n", " 'Lethal Weapon (1987)': 5.0,\n", " 'Longest Day, The (1962)': 1.0,\n", " 'Man with the Golden Gun, The (1974)': 5.0,\n", " 'Mask of Zorro, The (1998)': 5.0,\n", " 'Matrix, The (1999)': 5.0,\n", " \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)\": 1.0,\n", " 'Out of Sight (1998)': 1.0,\n", " 'Palookaville (1996)': 1.0,\n", " 'Planet of the Apes (1968)': 1.0,\n", " 'Pope of Greenwich Village, The (1984)': 1.0,\n", " 'Princess Bride, The (1987)': 3.0,\n", " 'Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)': 4.0,\n", " 'Rock, The (1996)': 5.0,\n", " 'Rocky (1976)': 5.0,\n", " 'Saving Private Ryan (1998)': 4.0,\n", " 'Shanghai Noon (2000)': 1.0,\n", " 'Speed (1994)': 1.0,\n", " 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)': 5.0,\n", " 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)': 5.0,\n", " 'Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The (1974)': 1.0,\n", " 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)': 5.0,\n", " 'Terminator, The (1984)': 4.0,\n", " 'Thelma & Louise (1991)': 1.0,\n", " 'True Romance (1993)': 1.0,\n", " 'U-571 (2000)': 5.0,\n", " 'Untouchables, The (1987)': 5.0,\n", " 'Westworld (1973)': 1.0,\n", " 'X-Men (2000)': 4.0}" ] }, "execution_count": 92, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "prefs=loadMovieLens()\n", "prefs['87']" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### user-based filtering" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 93, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(5.0, 'Time of the Gypsies (Dom za vesanje) (1989)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Tigrero: A Film That Was Never Made (1994)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep) (1995)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Return with Honor (1998)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Lured (1947)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Identification of a Woman (Identificazione di una donna) (1982)'),\n", " (5.0, 'I Am Cuba (Soy Cuba/Ya Kuba) (1964)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Hour of the Pig, The (1993)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Gay Deceivers, The (1969)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Gate of Heavenly Peace, The (1995)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Foreign Student (1994)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Dingo (1992)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Dangerous Game (1993)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Callej\\xf3n de los milagros, El (1995)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Bittersweet Motel (2000)'),\n", " (4.8204601017229889, 'Apple, The (Sib) (1998)'),\n", " (4.7389561849363862, 'Lamerica (1994)'),\n", " (4.6818165414673958, 'Bells, The (1926)'),\n", " (4.6649580725222339, 'Hurricane Streets (1998)'),\n", " (4.6507418408045593, 'Sanjuro (1962)'),\n", " (4.6499741726003458, 'On the Ropes (1999)'),\n", " (4.6368254087395071, 'Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)'),\n", " (4.627888709544556, 'For All Mankind (1989)'),\n", " (4.5820483492805089, 'Midaq Alley (Callej\\xf3n de los milagros, El) (1995)'),\n", " (4.5797786468711532, \"Schindler's List (1993)\"),\n", " (4.5751999410373871,\n", " 'Seven Samurai (The Magnificent Seven) (Shichinin no samurai) (1954)'),\n", " (4.5749049884034561, 'Godfather, The (1972)'),\n", " (4.5746840191882345, \"Ed's Next Move (1996)\"),\n", " (4.5585190371478284, 'Hanging Garden, The (1997)'),\n", " (4.5277600427755909, 'Close Shave, A (1995)')]" ] }, "execution_count": 93, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "getRecommendations(prefs,'87')[0:30]" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Item-based filtering" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 94, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "100 / 3706\n", "200 / 3706\n", "300 / 3706\n", "400 / 3706\n", "500 / 3706\n", "600 / 3706\n", "700 / 3706\n", "800 / 3706\n", "900 / 3706\n", "1000 / 3706\n", "1100 / 3706\n", "1200 / 3706\n", "1300 / 3706\n", "1400 / 3706\n", "1500 / 3706\n", "1600 / 3706\n", "1700 / 3706\n", "1800 / 3706\n", "1900 / 3706\n", "2000 / 3706\n", "2100 / 3706\n", "2200 / 3706\n", "2300 / 3706\n", "2400 / 3706\n", "2500 / 3706\n", "2600 / 3706\n", "2700 / 3706\n", "2800 / 3706\n", "2900 / 3706\n", "3000 / 3706\n", "3100 / 3706\n", "3200 / 3706\n", "3300 / 3706\n", "3400 / 3706\n", "3500 / 3706\n", "3600 / 3706\n", "3700 / 3706\n" ] } ], "source": [ "itemsim=calculateSimilarItems(prefs,n=50)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 95, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(5.0, 'Uninvited Guest, An (2000)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Two Much (1996)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Two Family House (2000)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Trial by Jury (1994)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Tom & Viv (1994)'),\n", " (5.0, 'This Is My Father (1998)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Something to Sing About (1937)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Slappy and the Stinkers (1998)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Running Free (2000)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Roula (1995)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Prom Night IV: Deliver Us From Evil (1992)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Project Moon Base (1953)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Price Above Rubies, A (1998)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Open Season (1996)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Only Angels Have Wings (1939)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Onegin (1999)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Once Upon a Time... When We Were Colored (1995)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Office Killer (1997)'),\n", " (5.0, 'N\\xe9nette et Boni (1996)'),\n", " (5.0, 'No Looking Back (1998)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Never Met Picasso (1996)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Music From Another Room (1998)'),\n", " (5.0, \"Mummy's Tomb, The (1942)\"),\n", " (5.0, 'Modern Affair, A (1995)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Machine, The (1994)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Lured (1947)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Low Life, The (1994)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Lodger, The (1926)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Loaded (1994)'),\n", " (5.0, 'Line King: Al Hirschfeld, The (1996)')]" ] }, "execution_count": 95, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "getRecommendedItems(prefs,itemsim,'87')[0:30]" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# Buiding Recommendation System with GraphLab" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "In this notebook we will import [GraphLab Create](https://dato.com/products/create) and use it to\n", "\n", "- train two models that can be used for recommending new songs to users \n", "- compare the performance of the two models\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "collapsed": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# set product key using GraphLab Create API\n", "#import graphlab\n", "#graphlab.product_key.set_product_key('4972-65DF-8E02-816C-AB15-021C-EC1B-0367')\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%matplotlib inline\n", "import graphlab\n", "# set canvas to show sframes and sgraphs in ipython notebook\n", "gl.canvas.set_target('ipynb')\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "2016-05-21 09:54:26,565 [INFO] graphlab.cython.cy_server, 176: GraphLab Create v1.8.5 started. Logging: /tmp/graphlab_server_1463795663.log\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "This non-commercial license of GraphLab Create is assigned to wangchengjun@nju.edu.cn and will expire on July 31, 2016. For commercial licensing options, visit https://dato.com/buy/.\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "[8 rows x 3 columns]
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ "Columns:\n", "\titem_id\tstr\n", "\trating\tint\n", "\tuser_id\tstr\n", "\n", "Rows: 8\n", "\n", "Data:\n", "+---------+--------+---------+\n", "| item_id | rating | user_id |\n", "+---------+--------+---------+\n", "| a | 1 | 0 |\n", "| b | 3 | 0 |\n", "| c | 2 | 0 |\n", "| a | 5 | 1 |\n", "| b | 4 | 1 |\n", "| b | 1 | 2 |\n", "| c | 4 | 2 |\n", "| d | 3 | 2 |\n", "+---------+--------+---------+\n", "[8 rows x 3 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "sf = graphlab.SFrame({'user_id': [\"0\", \"0\", \"0\", \"1\", \"1\", \"2\", \"2\", \"2\"],\n", " 'item_id': [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"a\", \"b\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\"],\n", " 'rating': [1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1, 4, 3]})\n", "sf" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
Recsys training: model = ranking_factorization_recommender
" ], "text/plain": [ "Recsys training: model = ranking_factorization_recommender" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
Preparing data set.
" ], "text/plain": [ "Preparing data set." ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
    Data has 8 observations with 3 users and 4 items.
" ], "text/plain": [ " Data has 8 observations with 3 users and 4 items." ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
    Data prepared in: 0.008394s
" ], "text/plain": [ " Data prepared in: 0.008394s" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
Training ranking_factorization_recommender for recommendations.
" ], "text/plain": [ "Training ranking_factorization_recommender for recommendations." ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| Parameter | Description | Value |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 32       |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| num_factors | Factor Dimension | 32 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 1e-09    |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| regularization | L2 Regularization on Factors | 1e-09 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | sgd      |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| solver | Solver used for training | sgd |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-09    |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| linear_regularization | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients | 1e-09 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| ranking_regularization         | Rank-based Regularization Weight                 | 0.25     |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| ranking_regularization | Rank-based Regularization Weight | 0.25 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 25       |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| max_iterations | Maximum Number of Iterations | 25 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
" ], "text/plain": [ " Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size." ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
  Using 8 / 8 points for tuning the step size.
" ], "text/plain": [ " Using 8 / 8 points for tuning the step size." ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 0       | 25                | Not Viable                               |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 0 | 25 | Not Viable |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 1       | 6.25              | Not Viable                               |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 1 | 6.25 | Not Viable |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 2       | 1.5625            | Not Viable                               |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 2 | 1.5625 | Not Viable |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 3       | 0.390625          | 2.88256                                  |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 3 | 0.390625 | 2.88256 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 4       | 0.195312          | 2.79407                                  |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 4 | 0.195312 | 2.79407 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 5       | 0.0976562         | 2.80084                                  |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 5 | 0.0976562 | 2.80084 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 6       | 0.0488281         | 3.00496                                  |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 6 | 0.0488281 | 3.00496 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 7       | 0.0244141         | 3.28286                                  |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 7 | 0.0244141 | 3.28286 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| Final   | 0.195312          | 2.79407                                  |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| Final | 0.195312 | 2.79407 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
Starting Optimization.
" ], "text/plain": [ "Starting Optimization." ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| Iter. | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| Initial | 46us         | 3.89999           | 1.3637                |             |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| Initial | 46us | 3.89999 | 1.3637 | |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 1       | 772us        | 4.1149            | 1.6432                | 0.195312    |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 1 | 772us | 4.1149 | 1.6432 | 0.195312 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 2       | 1.711ms      | 3.04554           | 1.37292               | 0.116134    |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 2 | 1.711ms | 3.04554 | 1.37292 | 0.116134 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 3       | 2.214ms      | 2.71319           | 1.24268               | 0.0856819   |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 3 | 2.214ms | 2.71319 | 1.24268 | 0.0856819 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 4       | 2.749ms      | 2.51048           | 1.18246               | 0.0580668   |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 4 | 2.749ms | 2.51048 | 1.18246 | 0.0580668 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 5       | 3.255ms      | 2.44767           | 1.18285               | 0.0491185   |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 5 | 3.255ms | 2.44767 | 1.18285 | 0.0491185 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 6       | 3.777ms      | 2.39372           | 1.17296               | 0.042841    |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 6 | 3.777ms | 2.39372 | 1.17296 | 0.042841 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
| 11      | 6.085ms      | 2.27879           | 1.09218               | 0.0271912   |
" ], "text/plain": [ "| 11 | 6.085ms | 2.27879 | 1.09218 | 0.0271912 |" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
" ], "text/plain": [ "+---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
" ], "text/plain": [ "Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached." ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
" ], "text/plain": [ "Computing final objective value and training RMSE." ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
       Final objective value: 2.80467
" ], "text/plain": [ " Final objective value: 2.80467" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
       Final training RMSE: 1.04538
" ], "text/plain": [ " Final training RMSE: 1.04538" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "+---------+---------+---------------+------+\n", "| user_id | item_id | score | rank |\n", "+---------+---------+---------------+------+\n", "| 0 | d | 1.24744260311 | 1 |\n", "| 1 | c | 3.97898635268 | 1 |\n", "| 1 | d | 3.09123837948 | 2 |\n", "| 2 | a | 2.52528711408 | 1 |\n", "+---------+---------+---------------+------+\n", "[4 rows x 4 columns]\n", "\n" ] } ], "source": [ "m = graphlab.recommender.create(sf, target='rating')\n", "recs = m.recommend()\n", "print recs" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 19, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'intercept': 2.875, 'item_id': Columns:\n", " \titem_id\tstr\n", " \tlinear_terms\tfloat\n", " \tfactors\tarray\n", " \n", " Rows: 4\n", " \n", " Data:\n", " +---------+------------------+-------------------------------+\n", " | item_id | linear_terms | factors |\n", " +---------+------------------+-------------------------------+\n", " | a | -0.0691520795226 | [0.000691717606969, -0.001... |\n", " | b | -0.0680508315563 | [-0.000844004040118, -0.00... |\n", " | c | 0.277156561613 | [4.07315637858e-05, 0.0025... |\n", " | d | -0.61060488224 | [0.00015950971283, 0.00215... |\n", " +---------+------------------+-------------------------------+\n", " [4 rows x 3 columns], 'user_id': Columns:\n", " \tuser_id\tstr\n", " \tlinear_terms\tfloat\n", " \tfactors\tarray\n", " \n", " Rows: 3\n", " \n", " Data:\n", " +---------+----------------+-------------------------------+\n", " | user_id | linear_terms | factors |\n", " +---------+----------------+-------------------------------+\n", " | 0 | -1.01692664623 | [-0.000924227701034, -0.00... |\n", " | 1 | 0.826922476292 | [0.000409463362303, -0.002... |\n", " | 2 | -0.28046759963 | [0.000454146531411, 0.0036... |\n", " +---------+----------------+-------------------------------+\n", " [3 rows x 3 columns]}" ] }, "execution_count": 19, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "m['coefficients']" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "After importing GraphLab Create, we can download data directly from S3. We have placed a preprocessed version of the [Million Song Dataset](http://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/millionsong/) on S3. This data set was used for a [Kaggle challenge](https://www.kaggle.com/c/msdchallenge) and includes data from [The Echo Nest](http://the.echonest.com/), [SecondHandSongs](http://www.secondhandsongs.com/), [musiXmatch](http://musixmatch.com/), and [Last.fm](http://www.last.fm/). This file includes data for a subset of 10000 songs." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "## The CourseTalk dataset: loading and first look\n", "\n", "Loading of the CourseTalk database." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "------------------------------------------------------\n", "Inferred types from first line of file as \n", "column_type_hints=[int,int,float]\n", "If parsing fails due to incorrect types, you can correct\n", "the inferred type list above and pass it to read_csv in\n", "the column_type_hints argument\n", "------------------------------------------------------\n", "PROGRESS: Finished parsing file /Users/chengjun/GitHub/cjc2016/data/ratings.dat\n", "PROGRESS: Parsing completed. Parsed 2773 lines in 0.0105 secs.\n" ] }, { "data": { "application/javascript": [ "$(\"head\").append($(\"\").attr({\n", " rel: \"stylesheet\",\n", " type: \"text/css\",\n", " href: \"//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.1.0/css/font-awesome.min.css\"\n", "}));\n", "$(\"head\").append($(\"\").attr({\n", " rel: \"stylesheet\",\n", " type: \"text/css\",\n", " href: \"//dato.com/files/canvas/1.5.2/css/canvas.css\"\n", "}));\n", "\n", " (function(){\n", "\n", " var e = null;\n", " if (typeof element == 'undefined') {\n", " var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');\n", " var thisScriptTag = scripts[scripts.length-1];\n", " var parentDiv = thisScriptTag.parentNode;\n", " e = document.createElement('div');\n", " parentDiv.appendChild(e);\n", " } else {\n", " e = element[0];\n", " }\n", "\n", " require(['//dato.com/files/canvas/1.5.2/js/ipython_app.js'], function(IPythonApp){\n", " var app = new IPythonApp();\n", " app.attachView('sframe','Summary', {\"ipython\": true, 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"metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "(train_set, test_set) = sf.random_split(0.8, seed=1)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "# Popularity model" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "source": [ "Create a model that makes recommendations using item popularity. When no target column is provided, the popularity is determined by the number of observations involving each item. When a target is provided, popularity is computed using the item’s mean target value. When the target column contains ratings, for example, the model computes the mean rating for each item and uses this to rank items for recommendations.\n", "\n", "One typically wants to initially create a simple recommendation system that can be used as a baseline and to verify that the rest of the pipeline works as expected. The `recommender` package has several models available for this purpose. For example, we can create a model that predicts songs based on their overall popularity across all users.\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "PROGRESS: Recsys training: model = popularity\n", "PROGRESS: Preparing data set.\n", "PROGRESS: Data has 2202 observations with 1651 users and 201 items.\n", "PROGRESS: Data prepared in: 0.007957s\n", "PROGRESS: 2202 observations to process; with 201 unique items.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import graphlab as gl \n", "popularity_model = gl.popularity_recommender.create(train_set, 'user_id', 'course_id', target = 'rating')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "# Item similarity Model" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "* [Collaborative filtering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_filtering) methods make predictions for a given user based on the patterns of other users' activities. One common technique is to compare items based on their [Jaccard](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index) similarity.This measurement is a ratio: the number of items they have in common, over the total number of distinct items in both sets.\n", "* We could also have used another slightly more complicated similarity measurement, called [Cosine Similarity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity). \n", "\n", "If your data is implicit, i.e., you only observe interactions between users and items, without a rating, then use ItemSimilarityModel with Jaccard similarity. \n", "\n", "If your data is explicit, i.e., the observations include an actual rating given by the user, then you have a wide array of options. ItemSimilarityModel with cosine or Pearson similarity can incorporate ratings. In addition, MatrixFactorizationModel, FactorizationModel, as well as LinearRegressionModel all support rating prediction. \n", "\n", "#### Now data contains three columns: ‘user_id’, ‘item_id’, and ‘rating’.\n", "\n", "itemsim_cosine_model = graphlab.recommender.create(data, \n", " target=’rating’, \n", " method=’item_similarity’, \n", " similarity_type=’cosine’)\n", " \n", "factorization_machine_model = graphlab.recommender.create(data, \n", " target=’rating’, \n", " method=’factorization_model’)\n", "\n", "\n", "In the following code block, we compute all the item-item similarities and create an object that can be used for recommendations." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 30, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "PROGRESS: Recsys training: model = item_similarity\n", "PROGRESS: Preparing data set.\n", "PROGRESS: Data has 2202 observations with 1651 users and 201 items.\n", "PROGRESS: Data prepared in: 0.008781s\n", "PROGRESS: Computing item similarity statistics:\n", "PROGRESS: Computing most similar items for 201 items:\n", "PROGRESS: Finished training in 0.003179s\n", "PROGRESS: Finished prediction in 0.003227s\n" ] } ], "source": [ "item_sim_model = gl.item_similarity_recommender.create(train_set, 'user_id', 'course_id', target = 'rating', \n", " similarity_type='cosine')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "# Factorization Recommender Model\n", "Create a FactorizationRecommender that learns latent factors for each user and item and uses them to make rating predictions. This includes both standard matrix factorization as well as factorization machines models (in the situation where side data is available for users and/or items). [link](https://dato.com/products/create/docs/generated/graphlab.recommender.factorization_recommender.create.html#graphlab.recommender.factorization_recommender.create)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 35, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "PROGRESS: Recsys training: model = factorization_recommender\n", "PROGRESS: Preparing data set.\n", "PROGRESS: Data has 2202 observations with 1651 users and 201 items.\n", "PROGRESS: Data prepared in: 0.007704s\n", "PROGRESS: Training factorization_recommender for recommendations.\n", "PROGRESS: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+\n", "PROGRESS: | Parameter | Description | Value |\n", "PROGRESS: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+\n", "PROGRESS: | num_factors | Factor Dimension | 8 |\n", "PROGRESS: | regularization | L2 Regularization on Factors | 1e-08 |\n", "PROGRESS: | solver | Solver used for training | sgd |\n", "PROGRESS: | linear_regularization | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients | 1e-10 |\n", "PROGRESS: | max_iterations | Maximum Number of Iterations | 50 |\n", "PROGRESS: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+\n", "PROGRESS: Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.\n", "PROGRESS: Using 2202 / 2202 points for tuning the step size.\n", "PROGRESS: +---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+\n", "PROGRESS: | Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value |\n", "PROGRESS: +---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+\n", "PROGRESS: | 0 | 25 | Not Viable |\n", "PROGRESS: | 1 | 6.25 | Not Viable |\n", "PROGRESS: | 2 | 1.5625 | Not Viable |\n", "PROGRESS: | 3 | 0.390625 | 0.133755 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 4 | 0.195312 | 0.171583 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 5 | 0.0976562 | 0.236008 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 6 | 0.0488281 | 0.338778 |\n", "PROGRESS: +---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+\n", "PROGRESS: | Final | 0.390625 | 0.133755 |\n", "PROGRESS: +---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+\n", "PROGRESS: Starting Optimization.\n", "PROGRESS: +---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+\n", "PROGRESS: | Iter. | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size |\n", "PROGRESS: +---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+\n", "PROGRESS: | Initial | 324us | 0.891401 | 0.94414 | |\n", "PROGRESS: +---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+\n", "PROGRESS: | 1 | 38.389ms | 0.878127 | 0.937082 | 0.390625 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 2 | 69.95ms | 0.502405 | 0.708804 | 0.232267 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 3 | 101.597ms | 0.302088 | 0.549625 | 0.171364 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 4 | 133.423ms | 0.219703 | 0.468724 | 0.138107 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 5 | 164.767ms | 0.162832 | 0.403524 | 0.116824 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 6 | 196.399ms | 0.119286 | 0.345378 | 0.101894 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 11 | 355.55ms | 0.0272915 | 0.165197 | 0.0646719 |\n", "PROGRESS: | 50 | 1.59s | 0.000759299 | 0.0275144 | 0.0207746 |\n", "PROGRESS: +---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+\n", "PROGRESS: Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.\n", "PROGRESS: Computing final objective value and training RMSE.\n", "PROGRESS: Final objective value: 0.000664005\n", "PROGRESS: Final training RMSE: 0.0257244\n" ] } ], "source": [ "factorization_machine_model = gl.recommender.factorization_recommender.create(train_set, 'user_id', 'course_id',\n", " target='rating')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "# Model Evaluation" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "source": [ "It's straightforward to use GraphLab to compare models on a small subset of users in the `test_set`. The [precision-recall](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall) plot that is computed shows the benefits of using the similarity-based model instead of the baseline `popularity_model`: better curves tend toward the upper-right hand corner of the plot. \n", "\n", "The following command finds the top-ranked items for all users in the first 500 rows of `test_set`. The observations in `train_set` are not included in the predicted items." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 36, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "compare_models: using 49 users to estimate model performance\n", "PROGRESS: Evaluate model M0\n", "\n", "Precision and recall summary statistics by cutoff\n", "+--------+------------------+-----------------+\n", "| cutoff | mean_precision | mean_recall |\n", "+--------+------------------+-----------------+\n", "| 2 | 0.0 | 0.0 |\n", "| 4 | 0.0 | 0.0 |\n", "| 6 | 0.0 | 0.0 |\n", "| 8 | 0.0 | 0.0 |\n", "| 10 | 0.0 | 0.0 |\n", "| 12 | 0.00170068027211 | 0.0204081632653 |\n", "| 14 | 0.00145772594752 | 0.0204081632653 |\n", "| 16 | 0.00127551020408 | 0.0204081632653 |\n", "| 18 | 0.00113378684807 | 0.0204081632653 |\n", "| 20 | 0.00102040816327 | 0.0204081632653 |\n", "+--------+------------------+-----------------+\n", "[10 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Overall RMSE: 1.07244677675\n", "\n", "Per User RMSE (best)\n", "+---------+-------+-----------------+\n", "| user_id | count | rmse |\n", "+---------+-------+-----------------+\n", "| 1642 | 1 | 0.0263157894737 |\n", "+---------+-------+-----------------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per User RMSE (worst)\n", "+---------+-------+---------------+\n", "| user_id | count | rmse |\n", "+---------+-------+---------------+\n", "| 1615 | 1 | 4.16666666667 |\n", "+---------+-------+---------------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per Item RMSE (best)\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "| course_id | count | rmse |\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "| 100 | 1 | 0.0 |\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per Item RMSE (worst)\n", "+-----------+-------+---------------+\n", "| course_id | count | rmse |\n", "+-----------+-------+---------------+\n", "| 36 | 1 | 4.16666666667 |\n", "+-----------+-------+---------------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "PROGRESS: Evaluate model M1\n", "\n", "Precision and recall summary statistics by cutoff\n", "+--------+------------------+-----------------+\n", "| cutoff | mean_precision | mean_recall |\n", "+--------+------------------+-----------------+\n", "| 2 | 0.0 | 0.0 |\n", "| 4 | 0.0102040816327 | 0.0408163265306 |\n", "| 6 | 0.0102040816327 | 0.0612244897959 |\n", "| 8 | 0.00765306122449 | 0.0612244897959 |\n", "| 10 | 0.0102040816327 | 0.102040816327 |\n", "| 12 | 0.00850340136054 | 0.102040816327 |\n", "| 14 | 0.00728862973761 | 0.102040816327 |\n", "| 16 | 0.00637755102041 | 0.102040816327 |\n", "| 18 | 0.00566893424036 | 0.102040816327 |\n", "| 20 | 0.00612244897959 | 0.122448979592 |\n", "+--------+------------------+-----------------+\n", "[10 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "PROGRESS: Finished prediction in 0.001036s\n", "\n", "Overall RMSE: 1.19396827432\n", "\n", "Per User RMSE (best)\n", "+---------+-------+------+\n", "| user_id | count | rmse |\n", "+---------+-------+------+\n", "| 1600 | 1 | 0.0 |\n", "+---------+-------+------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per User RMSE (worst)\n", "+---------+-------+------+\n", "| user_id | count | rmse |\n", "+---------+-------+------+\n", "| 1615 | 1 | 4.5 |\n", "+---------+-------+------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per Item RMSE (best)\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "| course_id | count | rmse |\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "| 113 | 1 | 0.0 |\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per Item RMSE (worst)\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "| course_id | count | rmse |\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "| 36 | 1 | 4.5 |\n", "+-----------+-------+------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "PROGRESS: Evaluate model M2\n", "\n", "Precision and recall summary statistics by cutoff\n", "+--------+------------------+------------------+\n", "| cutoff | mean_precision | mean_recall |\n", "+--------+------------------+------------------+\n", "| 2 | 0.0 | 0.0 |\n", "| 4 | 0.0 | 0.0 |\n", "| 6 | 0.00340136054422 | 0.00680272108844 |\n", "| 8 | 0.00510204081633 | 0.0170068027211 |\n", "| 10 | 0.00408163265306 | 0.0170068027211 |\n", "| 12 | 0.00340136054422 | 0.0170068027211 |\n", "| 14 | 0.00437317784257 | 0.0374149659864 |\n", "| 16 | 0.00382653061224 | 0.0374149659864 |\n", "| 18 | 0.00340136054422 | 0.0374149659864 |\n", "| 20 | 0.0030612244898 | 0.0374149659864 |\n", "+--------+------------------+------------------+\n", "[10 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Overall RMSE: 1.18039409899\n", "\n", "Per User RMSE (best)\n", "+---------+-------+-----------------+\n", "| user_id | count | rmse |\n", "+---------+-------+-----------------+\n", "| 1642 | 1 | 0.0397204443792 |\n", "+---------+-------+-----------------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per User RMSE (worst)\n", "+---------+-------+--------------+\n", "| user_id | count | rmse |\n", "+---------+-------+--------------+\n", "| 1615 | 1 | 4.4589629598 |\n", "+---------+-------+--------------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per Item RMSE (best)\n", "+-----------+-------+-----------------+\n", "| course_id | count | rmse |\n", "+-----------+-------+-----------------+\n", "| 137 | 1 | 0.0120499303006 |\n", "+-----------+-------+-----------------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "Per Item RMSE (worst)\n", "+-----------+-------+--------------+\n", "| course_id | count | rmse |\n", "+-----------+-------+--------------+\n", "| 36 | 1 | 4.4589629598 |\n", "+-----------+-------+--------------+\n", "[1 rows x 3 columns]\n", "\n" ] }, { "data": { "image/png": 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"text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "result = gl.recommender.util.compare_models(test_set, [popularity_model, item_sim_model, factorization_machine_model],\n", " user_sample=.1, skip_set=train_set)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "Now let's ask the item similarity model for song recommendations on several users. We first create a list of users and create a subset of observations, `users_ratings`, that pertain to these users." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 37, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "K = 10\n", "users = gl.SArray(sf['user_id'].unique().head(100))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "Next we use the `recommend()` function to query the model we created for recommendations. The returned object has four columns: `user_id`, `song_id`, the `score` that the algorithm gave this user for this song, and the song's rank (an integer from 0 to K-1). To see this we can grab the top few rows of `recs`:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "[10 rows x 4 columns]
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ "Columns:\n", "\tuser_id\tint\n", "\tcourse_id\tint\n", "\tscore\tfloat\n", "\trank\tint\n", "\n", "Rows: 10\n", "\n", "Data:\n", "+---------+-----------+-------+------+\n", "| user_id | course_id | score | rank |\n", "+---------+-----------+-------+------+\n", "| 232 | 15 | 5.0 | 1 |\n", "| 232 | 14 | 5.0 | 2 |\n", "| 232 | 13 | 5.0 | 3 |\n", "| 232 | 12 | 5.0 | 4 |\n", "| 232 | 11 | 5.0 | 5 |\n", "| 232 | 10 | 5.0 | 6 |\n", "| 232 | 9 | 5.0 | 7 |\n", "| 232 | 8 | 5.0 | 8 |\n", "| 232 | 7 | 5.0 | 9 |\n", "| 232 | 4 | 5.0 | 10 |\n", "+---------+-----------+-------+------+\n", "[10 rows x 4 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "recs = item_sim_model.recommend(users=users, k=K)\n", "recs.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "To learn what songs these ids pertain to, we can merge in metadata about each song." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 22, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "------------------------------------------------------\n", "Inferred types from first line of file as \n", "column_type_hints=[int,str,float,str,str,str,str]\n", "If parsing fails due to incorrect types, you can correct\n", "the inferred type list above and pass it to read_csv in\n", "the column_type_hints argument\n", "------------------------------------------------------\n", "PROGRESS: Finished parsing file /Users/chengjun/GitHub/cjc2016/data/cursos.dat\n", "PROGRESS: Parsing completed. Parsed 5597 lines in 0.016009 secs.\n" ] }, { "data": { "application/javascript": [ "$(\"head\").append($(\"\").attr({\n", " rel: \"stylesheet\",\n", " type: \"text/css\",\n", " href: \"//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.1.0/css/font-awesome.min.css\"\n", "}));\n", "$(\"head\").append($(\"\").attr({\n", " rel: \"stylesheet\",\n", " type: \"text/css\",\n", " href: \"//dato.com/files/canvas/1.5.2/css/canvas.css\"\n", "}));\n", "\n", " (function(){\n", "\n", " var e = null;\n", " if (typeof element == 'undefined') {\n", " var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');\n", " var thisScriptTag = scripts[scripts.length-1];\n", " var parentDiv = thisScriptTag.parentNode;\n", " e = document.createElement('div');\n", " parentDiv.appendChild(e);\n", " } else {\n", " e = element[0];\n", " }\n", "\n", " require(['//dato.com/files/canvas/1.5.2/js/ipython_app.js'], function(IPythonApp){\n", " var app = new IPythonApp();\n", " app.attachView('sframe','Summary', {\"ipython\": true, \"sketch\": {\"workload\": {\"complete\": true, \"numeric\": false, \"num_unique\": 90, \"num_undefined\": 0, \"progress\": 1.0, \"frequent_items\": {\"3-4 hours/week\": {\"frequency\": 10, \"value\": \"3-4 hours/week\"}, \"(10 weeks)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"(10 weeks)\"}, \"2-3 hours/week\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2-3 hours/week\"}, \"Oct 21 2013\": {\"frequency\": 4, \"value\": \"Oct 21 2013\"}, \"12 hours per week. 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\"Lightroom 1.1 New ...\"}, \"Up and Running with SpeedGrade\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Medicinal Marijuana\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Medicinal ...\"}, \"SPU27x: Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SPU27x: Science ...\"}, \"Creating an Interactive PDF Magazine\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating an ...\"}, \"After Effects: Natural Light Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects: ...\"}, \"Designing a Poster\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing a Poster\"}, \"SharePoint Foundation 2013 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint ...\"}, \"Understanding The Screwtape Letters\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Understanding The ...\"}, \"Mastercam X1-X7 Lathe Video Tutorial Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastercam X1-X7 ...\"}, \"WordPress Theme Selection & Customization\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress Theme 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\"Algorithms, Part II\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Algorithms, Part ...\"}, \"The Music of Business : MBA concepts + Music !\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Music of ...\"}, \"CPD Made Easy - Personal & Professional Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CPD Made Easy - ...\"}, \"Photo Gallery with PHP, MySQL, ImageMagick and jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photo Gallery with ...\"}, \"Excel 2007: Creating and Managing Invoices\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007: ...\"}, \"Build iPhone Apps using Dreamweaver CS6 and Xcode combined.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build iPhone Apps ...\"}, \"Documentary Photo Techniques with Photoshop and After Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Documentary Photo ...\"}, \"Adobe Illustrator CC Creative Cloud for print web TV & film\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Illustrator ...\"}, \"From Systems, Inquiry, & Application to the NGSS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"From Systems, ...\"}, \"Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Beginning, Intermediate, & Advanced)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Illustrator ...\"}, \"Learning HTML in an HTML5 World for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning HTML in ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS5 ...\"}, \"PayPal Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PayPal Essential ...\"}, \"Photo Workshop: Portrait of an Exotic Car\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photo Workshop: ...\"}, \"Administering Windows Server 2012 (70-411)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Administering ...\"}, \"Learn how to use iOS7 for your iPhone in 1 hour\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn how to use ...\"}, \"Building Instructional Capacity: A Practical Approach\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building ...\"}, \"118 Pitch Course - Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"118 Pitch Course - ...\"}, \"Photoshop Training - Tutorials - FREE\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Training ...\"}, \"How to Meditate Deeply & Create a Solid Daily Practice\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Meditate ...\"}, \"How To Setup A Million Dollar Internet Business In 30 Days\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Setup A ...\"}, \"3ds Max 2009 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3ds Max 2009 ...\"}, \"Mastering Adobe Lightroom 5 - A Definitive Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Adobe ...\"}, \"The 7 Essential Steps To Getting Your Dream Career\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The 7 Essential ...\"}, \"Social Media Content Creation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Media ...\"}, \"Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft ...\"}, \"How to Build a Profitable Business Online\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build a ...\"}, \"Excel Deep Dive: Pivot Tables Workshop with the Office Ninja\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel Deep Dive: ...\"}, \"CSS & 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\"value\": \"Word 2013 ...\"}, \"Responsive Design Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Responsive Design ...\"}, \"Lightroom 4 Speed Clinic\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lightroom 4 Speed ...\"}, \"Photorealism with Bert Monroy: Volume 1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photorealism with ...\"}, \"Assembling Sass Part 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Assembling Sass ...\"}, \"How to Build a Startup\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build a ...\"}, \"Rope Splicing: how to splice rope correclty\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Rope Splicing: how ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Lync Online\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Certification: Level II\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Financial Risk ...\"}, \"Try R\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Try R\"}, \"Create Awesome Videos That Thrive on Social Media & YouTube\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create Awesome ...\"}, \"CINEMA 4D Essentials 1: 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\"value\": \"Trigonometry: ...\"}, \"How to create your FREE Blogs with blogger.com: Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to create your ...\"}, \"Internet Marketing: Foundations, Models, and Value Chain\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Internet ...\"}, \"Managing Documents with SharePoint 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Managing Documents ...\"}, \"Assemble an A+ Advisory Board\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Assemble an A+ ...\"}, \"Online Pastry School - 1 Week Mastery Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Online Pastry ...\"}, \"7 Tips for Hot Looking Videos\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"7 Tips for Hot ...\"}, \"Use CSS3 in your site today\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Use CSS3 in your ...\"}, \"Photoshop Elements 10\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Elements ...\"}, \"SEO and Beyond: A Holistic Approach to Findability\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SEO and Beyond: A ...\"}, \"CGI Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CGI Essential ...\"}, \"Nik Creative Effects Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Nik Creative ...\"}, \"Easy Wordpress Installation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Easy Wordpress ...\"}, \"Brightpearl - Marketplace integrations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Brightpearl - ...\"}, \"Beginners Crystal Reports 2011 Tutorial Video\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beginners Crystal ...\"}, \"InDesign CS5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS5 ...\"}, \"Useful Genetics Part 1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Useful Genetics ...\"}, \"Travel Photography: Desert Road Trip\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Travel ...\"}, \"CSS: Transitions and Transforms\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS: Transitions ...\"}, \"Learn about How Codependency Develops and How to Avoid It.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn about How ...\"}, \"Fundamentals of Software Version Control\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fundamentals of ...\"}, \"Creating Games in Multimedia Fusion 2: Beginner Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Games in ...\"}, \"Introduction to JavaScript\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"APIs: Crash Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"APIs: Crash Course\"}, \"An Introduction to Operations Management\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"An Introduction to ...\"}, \"JavaScript: Enhancing the DOM\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JavaScript: ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS3 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS3 ...\"}, \"Social Psychology -- A Video Textbook\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Psychology ...\"}, \"Create a Tooltip with jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create a Tooltip ...\"}, \"Unleash Your Joy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Unleash Your Joy\"}, \"Creating Materials in CINEMA 4D\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Materials ...\"}, \"Web CopyWriting That Works!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Web 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(Video)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Public Speaking ...\"}, \"JavaScript Foundations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JavaScript ...\"}, \"Insights from an Online Marketer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Insights from an ...\"}, \"Neal Ford on Agile Engineering Practices\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Neal Ford on Agile ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS3 for the Web\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS3 ...\"}, \"Sibelius 7 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sibelius 7 ...\"}, \"Build an AirBnB App for iOS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build an AirBnB ...\"}, \"Mastercam X1-X7 Solids Video Tutorial Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastercam X1-X7 ...\"}, \"Insights on Building a Photography Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Insights on ...\"}, \"WordPress for Business - Complete Recordings\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress for ...\"}, \"Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel VBA and ...\"}, \"ColdFusion 8 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ColdFusion 8 ...\"}, \"Margo Chase, Graphic Designer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Margo Chase, ...\"}, \"Achieve Goals With Your Online Presence\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Achieve Goals With ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS2 for the Web Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS2 for ...\"}, \"Real World Graphic Design: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Real World Graphic ...\"}, \"Word 2008 for Mac Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Word 2008 for Mac ...\"}, \"Python, The Next Level (Intermediate)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Python, The Next ...\"}, \"Rank #1 Local Search: Small Business Online Marketing Plan\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Rank #1 Local ...\"}, \"The Geography of Globalization\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Geography of ...\"}, \"Introductory Organic Chemistry - Part 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introductory ...\"}, \"Founders Pie Calculator\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Founders Pie ...\"}, \"Learn the art of clay sculpting: Make a Ganapati idol\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn the art of ...\"}, \"Introductory Organic Chemistry - Part 1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introductory ...\"}, \"Ayurvedic Yoga for your Dosha\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ayurvedic Yoga for ...\"}, \"Introduction to Elements of Pain\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Goodreads For Authors: Book Promotion And Marketing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Goodreads For ...\"}, \"The US Healthcare Industry: Changes and Opportunities\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The US Healthcare ...\"}, \"Learning How to Learn\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning How to ...\"}, \"C++, Short and Sweet, Part 1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"C++, Short and ...\"}, \"Create an energetic House Track with Logic Pro\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an ...\"}, \"Troika Design Group, Design and Branding Agency\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Troika Design ...\"}, \"The Five Minute Photoshop Rule - Interactive Photoshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Five Minute ...\"}, \"The 21-Day Master Stress and Anxiety Program\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The 21-Day Master ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS6 for Avid and Final Cut Pro Editors\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS6 ...\"}, \"Logic Pro 9 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Logic Pro 9 ...\"}, \"Silverlight Essential Training (2007)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Silverlight ...\"}, \"Guest Blogging Success (Using MyBlogGuest Platform)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Guest Blogging ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CS5 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CS5 ...\"}, \"Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees and Managers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sexual Harassment ...\"}, \"International Expansion: A Blueprint for Success\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"International ...\"}, \"How to counsel staff to improve their performance.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to counsel ...\"}, \"Encore CS4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Encore CS4 ...\"}, \"The Sketchnote Handbook\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Sketchnote ...\"}, \"3.086x: Innovation and Commercialization\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3.086x: Innovation ...\"}, \"Responsive Web Design: Dreamweaver Edge Reflow Fireworks CS6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Responsive Web ...\"}, \"Coding Faster with Emmet\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Coding Faster with ...\"}, \"3ds Max 9 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3ds Max 9 ...\"}, \"TIMFundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"TIMFundamentals\"}, \"Sales Training - Sales Prospecting for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sales Training - ...\"}, \"The Complete Beginner's Guide to Maya for Games\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Complete ...\"}, \"Creative Slideshows with Aperture\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creative ...\"}, \"Unity 3d Game Development - iOS, Android, & Web - Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Unity 3d Game ...\"}, \"Pitch for Success: Making Your Pitch Count!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pitch for Success: ...\"}, \"AIR 2 with Flash and Flex Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AIR 2 with Flash ...\"}, \"Trigonometry: Trigonometric Equations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Trigonometry: ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS5.5 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS5.5 ...\"}, \"Uncover the Mysteries Of Past Life Regression & Spirituality\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Uncover the ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver 8 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver 8 ...\"}, \"Serbian 101\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Serbian 101\"}, \"Network Analysis in Systems Biology\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Network Analysis ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 Crash Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 ...\"}, \"Maya 2008 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maya 2008 ...\"}, \"Promote your business with Audio Video, Motion & Voice-Overs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Promote your ...\"}, \"Video Editing Workshop Complete Beginners Course-Sony Vegas\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Video Editing ...\"}, \"3ds Max 2010: Lighting and Rendering with mental ray\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3ds Max 2010: ...\"}, \"How to Budget and Forecast for Your Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Budget and ...\"}, \"Build iPhone, iPad, and Android Apps with No Coding Required\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build iPhone, ...\"}, \"Differential Equations\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Differential ...\"}, \"WordPress Advanced Topics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress Advanced ...\"}, \"College Application Essay Essentials: 10 Step Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"College ...\"}, \"Windows 7 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Windows 7 New ...\"}, \"Mobile Apps for Real Estate Agents\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mobile Apps for ...\"}, \"The Complete Guide to iOS 7 - 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Adobe Illustrator CC\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"QuickStart! - ...\"}, \"Enhancing a Simple PHP Application\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Enhancing a Simple ...\"}, \"Responsive web design with Twitter bootstrap & Dreamweaver\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Responsive web ...\"}, \"PHP with MySQL Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PHP with MySQL ...\"}, \"JIRA and GreenHopper for Agile Teams\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JIRA and ...\"}, \"Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Clinical ...\"}, \"Vaccines\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Vaccines\"}, \"4 Simple Leadership Tools for Every Team Member\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"4 Simple ...\"}, \"Photoshop Essentials\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop ...\"}, \"TOEFL iBT Listening Comprehension Online Preparation Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"TOEFL iBT ...\"}, \"Drupal 7: Reporting and Visualizing Data\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Drupal 7: ...\"}, \"CSS with LESS and Sass\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS with LESS and ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver 8 Dynamic Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver 8 ...\"}, \"Contribute CS3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Contribute CS3 ...\"}, \"Aperture 2 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Aperture 2 ...\"}, \"Python and Python Django for Beginners 2 Course Package\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Python and Python ...\"}, \"Killer Beginners Web Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Killer Beginners ...\"}, \"Sounds good? Sounds great!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sounds good? ...\"}, \"Digital Marketing Management\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital Marketing ...\"}, \"Introduction to Small Business Accounting Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Planning Your Podcast\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Planning Your ...\"}, \"FileMaker Pro 12 in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"FileMaker Pro 12 ...\"}, \"Interaction Design: Process and Inspiration\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Interaction ...\"}, \"Flash MX 2004 Audio & Video Integration\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash MX 2004 ...\"}, \"The Complete Beginner's guide to ZBrush\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Complete ...\"}, \"The Creative Spark: Erik Natzke, Generative Artist\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Creative ...\"}, \"Google Boost your Start Up - how I get 1,000 visitors a day\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Google Boost your ...\"}, \"Managing Your 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\"jQuery UI In Depth\"}, \"Speakeasy Cocktails\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Speakeasy ...\"}, \"How To Burn Fat For Good\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Burn Fat ...\"}, \"Aperture 3.3/3.4 New Features Overview\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Aperture 3.3/3.4 ...\"}, \"Bento 2 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bento 2 Essential ...\"}, \"Risk Management\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Risk Management\"}, \"Negotiation: Problems Solved, Not Battles Fought\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Negotiation: ...\"}, \"Setting Up PHP 5 for Windows with Apache or IIS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Setting Up PHP 5 ...\"}, \"Write Your Memoir In A Weekend: Putting Life in Life Stories\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Write Your Memoir ...\"}, \"iTunes 5 and 6 + iPod Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iTunes 5 and 6 + ...\"}, \"Bert Monroy: The Making of Times Square, The People\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bert Monroy: The 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1, \"value\": \"Core Finance\"}, \"Business Mathematics for Enterprises\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Business ...\"}, \"Advanced Java Programming\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced Java ...\"}, \"Adobe Photoshop for Photographers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Photoshop ...\"}, \"X-Word Grammar: The Simple Sentence\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"X-Word Grammar: ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 New ...\"}, \"After Effects CS4 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects CS4 ...\"}, \"Video Marketing for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Video Marketing ...\"}, \"2012 SBIFF Screenwriters' Panel: It Starts with the Script\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2012 SBIFF ...\"}, \"Learn Thai Yoga Massage\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Thai Yoga ...\"}, \"FileMaker Pro 9 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"FileMaker Pro 9 ...\"}, \"Cardiac Arrest, Hypothermia, and Resuscitation Science\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Cardiac Arrest, ...\"}, \"How to Create Great Ecards\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create ...\"}, \"Getting Started with Photoshop Elements 10\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Python\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Python\"}, \"Creating a CSS Style Guide: Hands-On Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating a CSS ...\"}, \"Getting Started with Premiere Pro CS5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Core Data for iOS and OS X\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Core Data for iOS ...\"}, \"Conversational Spanish I: Spanish basic sentence patterns\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Conversational ...\"}, \"Kickstarter Equation: 6 Elements to a Kickass Kickstarter\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kickstarter ...\"}, \"How to build an online business website with wordpress\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to build an ...\"}, \"Excel 2008 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\"Python 3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Python 3 Essential ...\"}, \"Introduction to Web APIs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Adobe Captivate 5 Training for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Captivate 5 ...\"}, \"Kitchen Knife Skills\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kitchen Knife ...\"}, \"Introduction to Systems Biology\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Getting Started with Native Instruments Maschine\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Making Sense Of Your Money\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Making Sense Of ...\"}, \"HTML and CSS for Beginners!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML and CSS for ...\"}, \"After Effects CS6 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects CS6 ...\"}, \"Teaching Online: Reflections on Practice\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Teaching Online: ...\"}, \"Write and Publish Your Book - Step by Step\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Write and Publish ...\"}, \"Applied Responsive Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Applied Responsive ...\"}, \"Learn Piano Today\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Piano Today\"}, \"Editing Video in Photoshop CS6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Editing Video in ...\"}, \"Access 2013 The Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2013 The ...\"}, \"QuickStart! - VirtualBox\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"QuickStart! - ...\"}, \"How to Successfully Teach English Abroad\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS4 Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS4 ...\"}, \"Orson Welles and the 1938 The War of the Worlds Broadcast\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Orson Welles and ...\"}, \"Novel Writing Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Novel Writing ...\"}, \"Feng Shui The Easiest Way\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Feng Shui The ...\"}, \"Adobe Flash CS5.5 for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Flash CS5.5 ...\"}, \"HTML5: Web Forms in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5: Web Forms ...\"}, \"iPhone Game Design with No Coding Required\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhone Game Design ...\"}, \"The 5 Keys to a Great Tagline\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The 5 Keys to a ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Online Social Video\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"User Experience: The Ultimate Guide to Usability\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"User Experience: ...\"}, \"Groove 2007 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Groove 2007 ...\"}, \"ET3034TUx: Solar Energy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ET3034TUx: Solar ...\"}, \"Truss Analysis in 7 Easy Steps\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Truss Analysis in ...\"}, \"Digital Matte Painting: Changing a Scene From Summer to Winter\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital Matte ...\"}, \"Excel 2013: Charts in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2013: Charts ...\"}, \"InDesign CC Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CC ...\"}, \"Andy Phillips Webinar Profit Secrets\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Andy Phillips ...\"}, \"Healthcare and Medicine\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Healthcare and ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS3 Channels & Masks: Advanced Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS3 ...\"}, \"InCopy CS4 and InDesign CS4 Workflow Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InCopy CS4 and ...\"}, \"Master "Technical Analysis and Chart reading skills" Bundle\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Master ...\"}, \"Mograph Techniques: Retiming and Tracking Footage\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mograph ...\"}, \"ActionScript 3.0: Working with XML\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ActionScript 3.0: ...\"}, \"Character Rigging in Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Character Rigging ...\"}, \"Validating and Processing Forms with JavaScript and PHP\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Validating and ...\"}, \"Game Character Creation in Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Game Character ...\"}, \"How to Build a Blog and Create an Opt-in Offer that Converts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build a ...\"}, \"Excel Dashboards\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel Dashboards\"}, \"Principles of Public Health\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Principles of ...\"}, \"Learn to design your business website in WordPress\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to design ...\"}, \"BlackBerry 10 App Development with HTML5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"BlackBerry 10 App ...\"}, \"Seal the Deal: Win Business and Influence Leadership\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Seal the Deal: Win ...\"}, \"Adobe Flash Professional CS6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Flash ...\"}, \"Beginner Guitar Method\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beginner Guitar ...\"}, \"How to Create Multiple Streams of Income\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create ...\"}, \"Office 2008 for Mac: Small Business Projects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Office 2008 for ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CS6 Training - Tutorials Created By Experts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CS6 ...\"}, \"How to Build a Registration & Login System with CodeIgniter\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build a ...\"}, \"How to TurboCharge Your Business with a Blog\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to TurboCharge ...\"}, \"Photoshop Creative Effects and Filters\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Creative ...\"}, \"Logic Pro 8 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Logic Pro 8 ...\"}, \"Learn To Apply Makeup Like a Pro - Multi-Cultural Skin Tones\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn To Apply ...\"}, \"InfoPath 2013 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InfoPath 2013 ...\"}, \"InDesign CS4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS4 ...\"}, \"Apple iPad Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Apple iPad ...\"}, \"Diagnosing the Financial Health of a Business (FinHlth)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Diagnosing the ...\"}, \"Learn Deep House Production with Logic Pro\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Deep House ...\"}, \"Flash Professional CS5: Code Snippets and Templates in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Professional ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6: Video QuickStart\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6: ...\"}, \"The Power of PreViz at One & Co\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Power of ...\"}, \"iOS Operation: MapKit\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS Operation: ...\"}, \"EASIER Than Wordpress: Design Your Business Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"EASIER Than ...\"}, \"Ruby on Rails 3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ruby on Rails 3 ...\"}, \"How to Make iPhone Apps\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make iPhone ...\"}, \"edXDEMO101: edX Demo\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"edXDEMO101: edX ...\"}, \"Learn all about Microsoft Word 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn all about ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CS6 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CS6 ...\"}, \"Designing a Logo for a Media Company\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing a Logo ...\"}, \"How to Make Money With Your Own Membership Site: Fast Start\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make Money ...\"}, \"Social Media for Business Growth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Media for ...\"}, \"HTML5 Projects: Interactive Charts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 Projects: ...\"}, \"Ios ,Android and html5 development, No Coding - Mac and Win\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ios ,Android and ...\"}, \"2011 SBIFF Directors' Panel: Directors On Directing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2011 SBIFF ...\"}, \"JavaScript Prep Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JavaScript Prep ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Windows 8\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Finance and Accounting for Startups\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Finance and ...\"}, \"Photoshop for Web Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop for Web ...\"}, \"Setting Up MySQL 5 for PHP in Windows\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Setting Up MySQL 5 ...\"}, \"Running Lean Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Running Lean ...\"}, \"Introduction to Writing: Science Fiction and Fantasy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"CPE for CPAs EAs -Moving and Selling Your Home Training 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CPE for CPAs EAs ...\"}, \"Kids Coding -Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kids Coding ...\"}, \"How to Self-Publish Children's Books on Kindle\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Self- ...\"}, \"Health Policy and the Affordable Care Act\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Health Policy and ...\"}, \"How to Run a Web 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\"Learn the Secrets ...\"}, \"Captivate 2 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Captivate 2 ...\"}, \"How to Ace Your IT Exams\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Ace Your IT ...\"}, \"Yogasync.tv Fast Track Yoga - Beginners Yoga for Busy People\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Yogasync.tv Fast ...\"}, \"Logic Pro X New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Logic Pro X New ...\"}, \"Solving quadratic equations using various methods\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Solving quadratic ...\"}, \"How To Build & Shape Your Body With The Under 20 Workout\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Build & ...\"}, \"Designing a Logo\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing a Logo\"}, \"Mobile Marketing for your WordPress Site\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mobile Marketing ...\"}, \"DIY iPhone, Android & Web Apps with ManMade App Builder\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"DIY iPhone, ...\"}, \"The India Heritage Experience\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The India Heritage ...\"}, \"Flash Builder 4.5 and Flex 4.5 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Builder 4.5 ...\"}, \"Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"How to Set Simple Goals and Achieve Massive Success\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Set Simple ...\"}, \"Sketchbook Pro 2010 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sketchbook Pro ...\"}, \"Prelude CS6 Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Prelude CS6 ...\"}, \"Project 2007 Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Project 2007 ...\"}, \"HTML5 First Look\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 First Look\"}, \"Texturing and Lighting in Discreet 3ds max 6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Texturing and ...\"}, \"UT.5.01x: Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"UT.5.01x: Linear ...\"}, \"Flash CS3 for Designers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash CS3 for ...\"}, \"Outsource Your Service Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outsource Your ...\"}, \"CINEMA 4D Essentials 5: Rendering and Compositing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CINEMA 4D ...\"}, \"Word 2010: Forms in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Word 2010: Forms ...\"}, \"Adding Dynamic Functionality to Your Joomla! Site\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adding Dynamic ...\"}, \"The Basics of Teaching English for Academic Purposes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Basics of ...\"}, \"Access 2010: Queries in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2010: ...\"}, \"14.73x: The Challenges of Global Poverty\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"14.73x: The ...\"}, \"Kick start your memoir - writing exercises\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kick start your ...\"}, \"SEO Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SEO Fundamentals\"}, \"Learning Apple Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) Tutorial Video\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Apple Mac ...\"}, \"The Producers Guide to Screenplay Options and Purchases\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Producers ...\"}, \"Make iPhone and iPad games without programming\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make iPhone and ...\"}, \"Start A Home Based Business By Creating Information Products\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Start A Home 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{\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JavaScript ...\"}, \"Outlook 2010 Office Management\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2010 ...\"}, \"SAP Basis and Netweaver Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAP Basis and ...\"}, \"Wordpress Plugin Development for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Wordpress Plugin ...\"}, \"Creating Fur in Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Fur in ...\"}, \"Word 2007: Mail Merge in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Word 2007: Mail ...\"}, \"Introduction to Business Communication\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Unity3d Environmental Series\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Unity3d ...\"}, \"Backspreads, Diagonals and Butterflies - Advanced Strategies\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Backspreads, ...\"}, \"After Effects CS5 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects CS5 ...\"}, \"Learn to lose weight once...and manage your weight forever.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to lose ...\"}, \"Creating Long Documents with InDesign\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Long ...\"}, \"Master Your Memory\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Master Your Memory\"}, \"From Xero to Hero - Mastering Cloud Accounting\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"From Xero to Hero ...\"}, \"Learning Choice-Based Conjoint & Discrete Choice Experiments\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Choice- ...\"}, \"On-Line Business Marketing Revealed\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"On-Line Business ...\"}, \"Motion Control 3D: Bringing Your Photos to Life in Three Dimensions\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Motion Control 3D: ...\"}, \"After Effects: Creative Cloud Updates\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects: ...\"}, \"How to create your Compelling Value Proposition\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to create your ...\"}, \"Adobe Illustrator CS6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Illustrator ...\"}, \"Project 2010 Essential Training\": 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\"value\": \"The Massey Method: ...\"}, \"A Guide to Copyright for Media Artists and Educators\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A Guide to ...\"}, \"Forums for a Future\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Forums for a ...\"}, \"SHAPE Your Future\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SHAPE Your Future\"}, \"Mr. Leads LinkedIn Bootcamp\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mr. Leads LinkedIn ...\"}, \"How to create your FREE Blogs with blogger.com: Intermediate\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to create your ...\"}, \"Ruby on Rails for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ruby on Rails for ...\"}, \"Adobe Audition CC Audio Production Course Basics to Expert\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Audition CC ...\"}, \"How To Lose 19.8 lbs In 21 Days\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Lose 19.8 ...\"}, \"Distributing Mac OS X Applications Through the App Store\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Distributing Mac ...\"}, \"Microsoft Project 2010 Advanced Training\": 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Online Excel Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced Excel ...\"}, \"Word 2007: Creating Envelopes and Labels\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Word 2007: ...\"}, \"Fast ForWord Support - Literacy & Literacy Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fast ForWord ...\"}, \"Linux Command Line Volume1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Linux Command Line ...\"}, \"Flex 2 Advanced: Using Data Services\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flex 2 Advanced: ...\"}, \"trigonometry\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"trigonometry\"}, \"YouTube Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"YouTube Essential ...\"}, \"Digital Photography: Shooting in Manual\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital ...\"}, \"Learn to code in c# in unity 3d in 1 hour for beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to code in ...\"}, \"Creating Fluid Effects in Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Fluid ...\"}, \"Learn Oral Chinese with Jijizhazha Chinese\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Oral Chinese ...\"}, \"Build Your Leadership Brand For Success - Module 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build Your ...\"}, \"Adobe Acrobat XI\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Acrobat XI\"}, \"Jazz Guitar Chords: Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Jazz Guitar ...\"}, \"Excel 2010: Pivot Tables in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010: Pivot ...\"}, \"InDesign: 10 Things to Know About GREP\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign: 10 ...\"}, \"Adobe CS6 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe CS6 New ...\"}, \"Production Rendering Techniques in CINEMA 4D\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Production ...\"}, \"Basics of Starting an Online Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Basics of Starting ...\"}, \"Authentic Yoga Experience Series 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Authentic Yoga ...\"}, \"Learning Photoshop Elements\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Photoshop ...\"}, \"Authentic Yoga 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JQuery ...\"}, \"Learn Microsoft Windows 7\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Microsoft ...\"}, \"CS188.1x Artificial Intelligence\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CS188.1x ...\"}, \"Handling Investor Objections: Investor Objection Boomerang\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Handling Investor ...\"}, \"Video Journalism Shooting Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Video Journalism ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS2 Power Shortcuts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS2 ...\"}, \"Learn SQL Reporting Services Beginning Report Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn SQL ...\"}, \"Windows 8.1 Preview First Look\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Windows 8.1 ...\"}, \"Typography with CSS in Dreamweaver\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Typography with ...\"}, \"Physical Metallurgy I\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Physical ...\"}, \"How to Repay Federal Student Loans\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Repay ...\"}, \"The Complete Guide to Google 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Social Web\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Matthew Russell on ...\"}, \"Photoshop for Designers: Color\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop for ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Evernote for Windows\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Illustrator Insider Training: Seeing Through Transparency\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator ...\"}, \"SharePoint Designer 2010: Building Custom Workflows\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint ...\"}, \"Entrepreneurs Guide: Introduction to Startups\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Entrepreneurs ...\"}, \"Master Excel 2011 for the Mac\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Master Excel 2011 ...\"}, \"The Complete Beginner's Guide to Unity for Game Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Complete ...\"}, \"Jewelry Making: Wire Wrapping Found Objects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Jewelry Making: ...\"}, \"McCullough and Berglund on Mastering Advanced Git\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"McCullough and ...\"}, \"Outlook 2010 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2010 ...\"}, \"Fast ForWord Support - Reading 3, 4 and 5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fast ForWord ...\"}, \"Photoshop Tools Crash Course - Free Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Tools ...\"}, \"How To Make A Magazine - Create an Apple Newsstand App\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Make A ...\"}, \"2012 SBIFF Producers' Panel: Movers & Shakers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2012 SBIFF ...\"}, \"Everything You Need To Speed Up Your Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Everything You ...\"}, \"Create an Interactive Map with jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an ...\"}, \"ColdFusion Power Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ColdFusion Power ...\"}, \"Bond Market Guide for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bond Market Guide ...\"}, \"3D Using Photoshop CS6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3D Using Photoshop 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Java for Beginners - The Ultimate Java Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Programming Java ...\"}, \"Journey Into Mobile\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Journey Into ...\"}, \"Marian Bantjes, Graphic Artist\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Marian Bantjes, ...\"}, \"Figure Drawing From Life Using The Reilly Technique.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Figure Drawing ...\"}, \"Lightroom 4 Signature Courseware\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lightroom 4 ...\"}, \"iOS Development for Beginners- iPhone and iPad\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS Development ...\"}, \"WordPress For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress For ...\"}, \"Drupal 7 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Drupal 7 Essential ...\"}, \"Developing A Social Media Policy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Developing A ...\"}, \"Management for a Competitive Edge (MgtEdge)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Management for a ...\"}, \"Advanced C++ Programming Training Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced C++ ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS5: Prepress and Printing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS5: ...\"}, \"ACT! 2010 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ACT! 2010 ...\"}, \"Digital Collage In Photoshop: Tutorials For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital Collage In ...\"}, \"Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash CS3 ...\"}, \"Flash Professional CS5: Animation Projects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Professional ...\"}, \"Essential Skills for Designers - Type\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Essential Skills ...\"}, \"Homeschooling - Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Homeschooling - ...\"}, \"Secure PHP Online Contact Form with Attachment\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Secure PHP Online ...\"}, \"Sub-navigation for Multilingual Content Management System\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sub-navigation for ...\"}, \"Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Change Your ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CS3 Dynamic Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CS3 ...\"}, \"SharePoint Online Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint Online ...\"}, \"Microsoft Excel - Level 3 - Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Excel - ...\"}, \"Modeling a Character in 3ds Max\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Modeling a ...\"}, \"Learn Professional Wedding Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Professional ...\"}, \"Make $10k Per Month Using Facebook\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make $10k Per ...\"}, \"Polite Puppy Dog Training Class\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Polite Puppy Dog ...\"}, \"Travel Photography: Seaside Road Trip\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Travel ...\"}, \"Photo Assignment: Off-Camera Flash\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photo Assignment: ...\"}, \"Picasa 3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Picasa 3 Essential ...\"}, \"Try Git\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Try Git\"}, \"Illustrator CS6 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS6 ...\"}, \"Navigating the MBA Admissions Process\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Navigating the MBA ...\"}, \"Breathing Made Easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Breathing Made ...\"}, \"Yoga @ Home with Meta - Immersion for Experienced Students\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Yoga @ Home with ...\"}, \"Meditation for Self Healing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Meditation for ...\"}, \"Moodle 2.1 Essential Training for Teachers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Moodle 2.1 ...\"}, \"Learn social media, the basics and beyond\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn social ...\"}, \"WordPress Rockstar\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress Rockstar\"}, \"The SEO Formula\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The SEO Formula\"}, \"Learning Acrobat 6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Acrobat 6\"}, \"Making Interactive PDFs from InDesign\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Making Interactive ...\"}, \"Risk Management in Higher Education: Student Issues\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Risk Management in ...\"}, \"TDD and BDD in Ruby\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"TDD and BDD in ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 for Photographers: Camera Raw 7\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 for ...\"}, \"After Effects CC Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects CC ...\"}, \"Introduction to Cloud Computing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Learning Dynamic Website Design - PHP MySQL and JavaScript\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Dynamic ...\"}, \"Photoshop for Web Design Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop for Web ...\"}, \"Acrobat X: Creating Forms\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Acrobat X: ...\"}, \"OmniFocus Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"OmniFocus ...\"}, \"2.03x: Dynamics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2.03x: Dynamics\"}, \"ZBrush 4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ZBrush 4 Essential ...\"}, \"The Zig Zag Principle\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Zig Zag ...\"}, \"R.E.A.C.H. to Design Your Life\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"R.E.A.C.H. to ...\"}, \"How to DJ: The Fundamentals and Beyond\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to DJ: The ...\"}, \"How to Brand Yourself and Your Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Brand ...\"}, \"LinkedIn For Entrepreneurs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"LinkedIn For ...\"}, \"CPE for CPAs EAs - Canceled Debts Training 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CPE for CPAs EAs - ...\"}, \"CPE for CPAs EAs - Business Use of the Home Training 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CPE for CPAs EAs - ...\"}, \"Corel Painter 11: Mastering Brushes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Corel Painter 11: ...\"}, \"Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Word ...\"}, \"EasyDSLR Digital Photography Course for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"EasyDSLR Digital ...\"}, \"Foundations of Science\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"Silverlight 3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Silverlight 3 ...\"}, \"Rails 4: Zombie Outlaws\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Rails 4: Zombie ...\"}, \"How to Take Better Photos of Your Kids\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Take Better ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Bootstrap\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Excel 2007: Data Validation in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007: Data ...\"}, \"Separating Personal Credit From Business Credit and Building Business Credit in the Process\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Separating ...\"}, \"How to Make Up a 3 Phase Panel\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make Up a 3 ...\"}, \"Excel 2007: Creating Charts with Dynamic Data\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007: ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Reason 6.5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Inkjet Printing for Photographers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Inkjet Printing ...\"}, \"Useful English for Second Language Learners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Useful English for ...\"}, \"Build a Mobile App for Your Small Business in 1 Hour\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build a Mobile App ...\"}, \"4 Steps to Happiness - Mindfulness Made Simple\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"4 Steps to ...\"}, \"Introduction to Flash Animation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Artificial Intelligence Planning\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Artificial ...\"}, \"Powerpoint 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Powerpoint 2010\"}, \"Excel 2010 Essentials\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010 ...\"}, \"Lightroom 4 Essentials: 02 Enhancing Photos with the Develop Module\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lightroom 4 ...\"}, \"How to Create a Facebook Connect Login System for Websites\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create a ...\"}, \"Becoming A Writer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Becoming A Writer\"}, \"Elementary English Course EFL\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Elementary English ...\"}, \"How To Create A Sales Scripts Tool Using MS PowerPoint\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Create A ...\"}, \"Ruby on Rails Essential Training (2007)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ruby on Rails ...\"}, \"Prepare For the Future - Get the Best Education You Can!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Prepare For the ...\"}, \"Chemistry: Concept Development and Application\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Chemistry: Concept ...\"}, \"Avid Media Composer 5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Avid Media ...\"}, \"Industry Bible\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Industry Bible\"}, \"Create a Character in Blender3D - Vol.1 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...\"}, \"PowerPoint for Teachers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PowerPoint for ...\"}, \"Mobile Application Development made Easy: iOS and Android\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mobile Application ...\"}, \"Your Future Is In the Cards\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Your Future Is In ...\"}, \"The Complete Guide to iOS 7 - iPhone Edition\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Complete Guide ...\"}, \"Accessibility Features on Android\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Accessibility ...\"}, \"Deliver Money-Making Presentations: Put power in your pitch\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Deliver Money- ...\"}, \"Character Animation Fundamentals with Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Character ...\"}, \"Projecting Your Brand Promise through New Media\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Projecting Your ...\"}, \"Compressor Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Compressor ...\"}, \"SharePoint Designer 2010: Creating Data-Driven Web Pages\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint ...\"}, \"Joomla! 1.7 and Joomla! 2.5: Access Control Lists in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Joomla! 1.7 and ...\"}, \"School of Raising Money: Find & Assemble a DealTeam\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"School of Raising ...\"}, \"Anatomy of Backbone.js Part 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Anatomy of ...\"}, \"Sound Amazing Singing From The Diaphragm\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sound Amazing ...\"}, \"Wordpress Training Tutorials - What is Wordpress? 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3D Modeling and Rendering\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning AutoCAD - ...\"}, \"Robust Scrum Master\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Robust Scrum ...\"}, \"Ruby Training 360\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ruby Training 360\"}, \"Beyond Compliance\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beyond Compliance\"}, \"Data Analysis\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Data Analysis\"}, \"Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Camera Raw\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS4 for ...\"}, \"Love, Peace & Stillness Meditation Retreat\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Love, Peace & ...\"}, \"Social Media for Photo and Video Pros\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Media for ...\"}, \"Getting Started Teaching Online - Online Teaching Jobs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Premiere Elements 7 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Elements ...\"}, \"Silverlight 4 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Silverlight 4 New ...\"}, \"Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac Tutorial - Learn The Easy Way.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Excel ...\"}, \"How to Get Started Making Money Online\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Get Started ...\"}, \"Deciphering ITIL Edition 2011\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Deciphering ITIL ...\"}, \"Online Fundraising Bootcamp for Nonprofits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Online Fundraising ...\"}, \"Fireworks CS4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fireworks CS4 ...\"}, \"Intermediate Flash MX\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Intermediate Flash ...\"}, \"ZBrush 3 for Windows Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ZBrush 3 for ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 One- ...\"}, \"Forex Foundation Course (FFC)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Forex Foundation ...\"}, \"04332960X: Music in the 20th Century\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"04332960X: Music ...\"}, \"Flash Professional CS6 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Professional ...\"}, \"Revit Deployment & Management for Medium Sized Offices\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Revit Deployment ...\"}, \"Stat2.1X: Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Stat2.1X: ...\"}, \"Foundations of Biblical Interpretation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"WordPress For E-Commerce Tutorial - A Definitive Guide\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress For ...\"}, \"Final Cut Pro 6 Workflow\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Final Cut Pro 6 ...\"}, \"SkillMasters 2013 iPhone Programming for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SkillMasters 2013 ...\"}, \"Photoshop CC for Photographers: Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CC for ...\"}, \"Video Production with Creative Suite 6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Video Production ...\"}, \"Sharing Photos with Instagram\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sharing Photos ...\"}, \"Website Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Website Basics\"}, \"Financial Statements Made Easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Financial ...\"}, \"Expand Your Business Network with Flickr Foto Fun\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Expand Your ...\"}, \"3ds max Mentor: Getting Started in 3ds max\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3ds max Mentor: ...\"}, \"How to Make an iPhone App From Scratch\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make an ...\"}, \"Leadership Insights from Dan Rockwell\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Leadership ...\"}, \"Master Google Analytics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Master Google ...\"}, \"Introduction to Lighting for Film & Video\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"2010 SBIFF Women's Panel: Creative Women in the Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2010 SBIFF ...\"}, \"10 Steps to Get Your Local Business Found Online\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"10 Steps to Get ...\"}, \"How To Design Gorgeous Powerpoint Templates PPT Hackers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Design ...\"}, \"How to Use the lynda.com Partners Site\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Use the ...\"}, \"Kendo UI Scheduler\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kendo UI Scheduler\"}, \"Perl 5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Perl 5 Essential ...\"}, \"Hands-on with OS X Mavericks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Hands-on with OS X ...\"}, \"Ed Emberley, Children's Book Illustrator\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ed Emberley, ...\"}, \"Beginner Mobile App Development with Appcelerator Titanium\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beginner Mobile ...\"}, \"Hot Studio's Open Architecture Network: Start to Finish\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Hot Studio's ...\"}, \"iPhoto '09: 10 Things to Know About Facebook\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhoto '09: 10 ...\"}, \"Learning jQuery Mobile for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning jQuery ...\"}, \"Flash User Experience Best Practices\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash User ...\"}, \"Tyler's Guitar Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Tyler's Guitar ...\"}, \"Interactive PDFs with Adobe InDesign: No-Code Digital\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Interactive PDFs ...\"}, \"Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course - Online/Offline Access\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Excel ...\"}, \"How to make lampshades\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to make ...\"}, \"iPhone and iPod touch iOS 6 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhone and iPod ...\"}, \"Ancient Greek Religion\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ancient Greek ...\"}, \"Mastering MS Excel (Beginners/Intermediate)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering MS Excel ...\"}, \"New England Color\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"New England Color\"}, \"Illustrator Foundations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator ...\"}, \"Excel 2010 Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010 ...\"}, \"CSS3 First Look\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS3 First Look\"}, \"Introduction to Oracle SQL\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS and Flash MX 2004 Integration\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS and ...\"}, \"Digital Painting: Architecture\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital Painting: ...\"}, \"How To Invent\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Invent\"}, \"Console Foundations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Console ...\"}, \"Masterful Social Skills For Men\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Masterful Social ...\"}, \"Learning C# .NET - Programming for Beginners.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning C# .NET - ...\"}, \"After Effects 7 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects 7 ...\"}, \"Foundations in Moodle 2 for Educators\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations in ...\"}, \"Bridge: 10 Things Designers Need to Know\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bridge: 10 Things ...\"}, \"Lightroom 5 Essentials: 06 Creating Slideshows and Web Galleries\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lightroom 5 ...\"}, \"Trapcode Particular Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Trapcode ...\"}, \"WordPress Express 30 Kick Start Videos And 14 Themes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress Express ...\"}, \"Oracle Java SCWCD / OCWCD 5 Certification Exam Preparation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Oracle Java SCWCD ...\"}, \"Pre-Calculus\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pre-Calculus\"}, \"SharePoint Quick Starts: Building GeoPhoto Mapping Websites\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint Quick ...\"}, \"Photoshop Elements 3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Elements ...\"}, \"Publishing Video with the Flash Platform\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Publishing Video ...\"}, \"Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 (70-331)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Core Solutions of ...\"}, \"Citizenship and U.S. Immigration\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Citizenship and ...\"}, \"Maya Essentials 6: Lights and Rendering\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maya Essentials 6: ...\"}, \"Make 3D Animation, Games, VFX - Making Sense of Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make 3D Animation, ...\"}, \"AppBaker TEDx Event App Starter Pack course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AppBaker TEDx ...\"}, \"Photoshop Brushes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Brushes\"}, \"Adobe Muse\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Muse\"}, \"The Zen of Data - Part I: Stats for Analytics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Zen of Data - ...\"}, \"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Studio Portraiture\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Absolute ...\"}, \"Photoshop Elements 10 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Elements ...\"}, \"Blackboard 9.x Essential Training for Instructors\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Blackboard 9.x ...\"}, \"Intro to Quantum Leaping Your Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Intro to Quantum ...\"}, \"Fireworks CS5: Rapid Prototyping\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fireworks CS5: ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS3 Extended for 3D + Video\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS3 ...\"}, \"Photoshop Tools in 10 easy Steps !\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Tools in ...\"}, \"Photo Assignment: Fill Flash Portraits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photo Assignment: ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Mastery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 One- ...\"}, \"Generating the Wealth of Nations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Generating the ...\"}, \"Facility Care and Stewardship (Trustees Training)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Facility Care and ...\"}, \"Everybody Has An Accent\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Everybody Has An ...\"}, \"Acrobat 8 Professional Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Acrobat 8 ...\"}, \"LinkedIn for Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"LinkedIn for ...\"}, \"The Leader as CREATIVE Culture Architect & Builder\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Leader as ...\"}, \"FileMaker 8.5 Web Publishing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"FileMaker 8.5 Web ...\"}, \"Java Advanced Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Java Advanced ...\"}, \""Deep Dive" Screencast Training: Camtasia Studio 8 (Windows)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \""Deep ...\"}, \"Remixing a Song in Logic Pro\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Remixing a Song in ...\"}, \"Trigonometry: Trigonometric Identities II\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Trigonometry: ...\"}, \"Win Them Over with Web Video Part 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Win Them Over with ...\"}, \"Yoga for a Total Mind-Body Transformation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Yoga for a Total ...\"}, \"Kindle Covers Made Easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kindle Covers Made ...\"}, \"Photoshop CC Image Cleanup Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CC Image ...\"}, \"Getting Started With WordPerfect Office X3\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Enviable Pregnancy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Enviable Pregnancy\"}, \"Creating an HTML Email Newsletter\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating an HTML ...\"}, \"Learning From Data\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning From Data\"}, \"The Psychology of Personality -- A Video Textbook\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Psychology of ...\"}, \"Creating Photo Books with Blurb\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Photo ...\"}, \"Final Cut Pro 6 Essential Editing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Final Cut Pro 6 ...\"}, \"GarageBand '11 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"GarageBand '11 ...\"}, \"Andrew Warner's Interview Your Heroes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Andrew ...\"}, \"Music Production, Marketing, and Publicity\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Music Production, ...\"}, \"Create Navigation Menus with jQuery and Dreamweaver\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create Navigation ...\"}, \"Become a Web Developer from Scratch! (Complete Course)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Become a Web ...\"}, \"Natural Language Processing\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Natural Language ...\"}, \"The Big Business Appraiser\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Big Business ...\"}, \"Game Development using GameSalad\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Game Development ...\"}, \"Writing to Heal. Change your life through stories\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Writing to Heal. ...\"}, \"Intermediate Dreamweaver MX\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Intermediate ...\"}, \"Web Programming with Python\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Web Programming ...\"}, \"Photoshop Elements 11 Essentials: 01 Importing and Organizing Photos\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Elements ...\"}, \"Zen Cart E-Commerce Quick Start\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Zen Cart ...\"}, \"Melodyne Studio Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Melodyne Studio ...\"}, \"7 Keys To Workplace Coaching\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"7 Keys To ...\"}, \"14 Day Hatha Yoga for Detox and Weight Loss\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"14 Day Hatha Yoga ...\"}, \"Thawing Your Inner Family of Self\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Thawing Your Inner ...\"}, \"Creating Rigid Body Simulations in Blender\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Rigid ...\"}, \"How to Use Online Video to Flip the Classroom\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Use Online ...\"}, \"Mastering Windows 8 Made Easy Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Windows ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS4 Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS4 ...\"}, \"Jazz Guitar: Painless Scale Positions\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Jazz Guitar: ...\"}, \"Rails for Zombies Redux\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Rails for Zombies ...\"}, \"Entrepreneurial Recreation Management\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Entrepreneurial ...\"}, \"Introduction to 3D Animation with Autodesk Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to 3D ...\"}, \"Make Your Own iPhone Game in One Day Without Coding\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make Your Own ...\"}, \"Introduction to Philosophy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Flipped University\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flipped University\"}, \"Poetry: What It Is, and How to Understand It\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Poetry: What It ...\"}, \"Mastering Sage 50 v. 2013 Made Easy Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Sage 50 ...\"}, \"Shooting with the Canon 60D\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Shooting with the ...\"}, \"How to build a Parallax Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to build a ...\"}, \"Color 1.5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Color 1.5 ...\"}, \"Build Your Brand: Blogging, SEO, Social & Relationships\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build Your Brand: ...\"}, \"The Creative Spark: Beeple, Everyday Artist\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Creative ...\"}, \"Creating Particle and Fire Effects with Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Particle ...\"}, \"Visual Basic Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Visual Basic ...\"}, \"Creating Audio Visualizations with Audacity\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Audio ...\"}, \"CompTIA A+ 220-701 and 220-702 Video Mentor, 2/e\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CompTIA A+ 220-701 ...\"}, \"Explore the Fundamentals of C# Programming\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Explore the ...\"}, \"Fireworks Web Workflow\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fireworks Web ...\"}, \"jQuery Fundamentals Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"jQuery ...\"}, \"Jumpstart Your Life In An Hour\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Jumpstart Your ...\"}, \"Being Happy: Your guide to true & lasting happiness\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Being Happy: Your ...\"}, \"Consulting Fees Guide: Make More Money With Every Project\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Consulting Fees ...\"}, \"The Hard Surface Vehicle Texturing Workflow\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Hard Surface ...\"}, \"Kickstart Guide: Build a site with HTML and CSS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kickstart Guide: ...\"}, \"InDesign Creative Cloud Updates\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign Creative ...\"}, \"Migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 8\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Creating Composites in Photoshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating ...\"}, \"Digital Citizenship & Social Media Safety for Tweens\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital ...\"}, \"Foundations of UX: Usability Testing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of UX: ...\"}, \"7 Steps to a Life Long Yoga Practice You'll Love\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"7 Steps to a Life ...\"}, \"Foundations of Programming: Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"Digital SLR Cameras & Photography For Dummies Video Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital SLR ...\"}, \"Conversion Optimization\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Conversion ...\"}, \"Vehicle Rigging in Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Vehicle Rigging in ...\"}, \"Flex 2 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flex 2 Beyond the ...\"}, \"Beginner PHP and MySQL 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{\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building a Windows ...\"}, \"Artist at Work: Creating a Visual Hierarchy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Artist at Work: ...\"}, \"The Ultimate Python Programming Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Ultimate ...\"}, \"Quick Fixes with Photoshop Elements 10\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Quick Fixes with ...\"}, \"C Programming: iPhone App Development Starts Here\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"C Programming: ...\"}, \"Understanding Hashtags in Social Media\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Understanding ...\"}, \"Introduction to Transportation Risk Analysis\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Microsoft Word 2010 Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Word ...\"}, \"Find Your Entrepreneurial Niche\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Find Your ...\"}, \"GCSE Biology\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"GCSE Biology\"}, \"Adobe Illustrator for print design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe 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1, \"value\": \"Running A Web ...\"}, \"Speed Reading for Business. 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A Practical Guide\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beginners ...\"}, \"The Online Marketing Crash Course: Traffic, Leads & Clients\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Online ...\"}, \"Websites and SEO for Photographers (lite)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Websites and SEO ...\"}, \"How to Develop Business Videos for Customers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Develop ...\"}, \"Pole Dancing Video Course with Noelle Wood\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pole Dancing Video ...\"}, \"Running a Design Business: Creative Briefs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Running a Design ...\"}, \"Introduction to Mobile Games Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"GCSE Chemistry: Edexcel C1 part 1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"GCSE Chemistry: ...\"}, \"The Art of Color Correction: Artistic Color Grading on the Timeline\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Art of Color ...\"}, \"CSS Foundations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS Foundations\"}, \"Spanish for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Spanish for ...\"}, \"Learn how to make a song in GarageBand in 1 hour\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn how to make ...\"}, \"Networked Life\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Networked Life\"}, \"Mastering Microsoft Excel 2010 Made Easy Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering ...\"}, \"Excel 2007: Managing Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007: ...\"}, \"The Smartest Ways To Jumpstart Your Business!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Smartest Ways ...\"}, \"Access 2007 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2007 ...\"}, \"Extreme Scuba Makeover\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Extreme Scuba ...\"}, \"Adobe Premiere Elements 11 Training - 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The App Code 2.0\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build an ...\"}, \"Computational Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Computational ...\"}, \"Heterogeneous Parallel Programming\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Heterogeneous ...\"}, \"Information Security and Risk Management in Context\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Information ...\"}, \"Focus on ESL Skills: Phrasal Verbs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Focus on ESL ...\"}, \"The 5 IMMUTABLE Growth Principles for Every Small Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The 5 IMMUTABLE ...\"}, \"R Statistics Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"R Statistics ...\"}, \"HTML5 Projects: Engaging Ecommerce\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 Projects: ...\"}, \"Fireworks CS3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fireworks CS3 ...\"}, \"ELEC301x: Discrete Time Signals and Systems\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ELEC301x: Discrete ...\"}, \"MS Excel 2013 Basic-Intermediate Certified Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"MS Excel 2013 ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Visio 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Meditation: straightforward & unecumbered\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Meditation: ...\"}, \"Photoshop Foundations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop ...\"}, \"Discover YOUR Formula for Success\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Discover YOUR ...\"}, \"Learn About Chemical Dependence\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn About ...\"}, \"Beyond Skin: Going Deeper with Photoshop CS3\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beyond Skin: Going ...\"}, \"Brooke Shaden's Conceptual Photography: Start to Finish\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Brooke ...\"}, \"Social Entrepreneurship: An Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social ...\"}, \"March MATHness\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"March MATHness\"}, \"Java Database Integration with JDBC\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Java Database ...\"}, \"Sales Skills Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sales Skills ...\"}, \"Outlook 2007 Power Shortcuts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2007 Power ...\"}, \"Flash Professional 8 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Professional ...\"}, \"Shooting and Processing Panoramas\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Shooting and ...\"}, \"Plein Air Essentials - 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iOS Development Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"This Is How You ...\"}, \"iOS 7 App Development for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS 7 App ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS6 New Features Overview\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS6 ...\"}, \"Becoming a Dynamic Educator\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Becoming a Dynamic ...\"}, \"How To Get Resellers To Sell More Of Your Products\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Get ...\"}, \"How to Publish Your First Kindle Book in 7 Days or Less\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Publish ...\"}, \"Learning to Learn\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning to Learn\"}, \"jQuery Projects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"jQuery Projects\"}, \"Pythonic Python Part I: The Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pythonic Python ...\"}, \"30 Day Yoga & Detox Diet Transformation System\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"30 Day Yoga & ...\"}, \"Fear to Fantastic School Presentations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fear to Fantastic ...\"}, \"PHP and jQuery : two layered online form validation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PHP and jQuery : ...\"}, \"Excel 2007: Financial Analysis\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007: ...\"}, \"Lectures to Accompany Wheelock's Latin: Chapters 16-30\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lectures to ...\"}, \"Video Foundations Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Video Foundations ...\"}, \"Fireworks CS6 Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fireworks CS6 ...\"}, \"HTML Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML Essential ...\"}, \"Faster Smarter Better (Ultimate Online Marketing Blueprint)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Faster Smarter ...\"}, \"Building Business Relationships\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building Business ...\"}, \"Access Your Genius with Richard Wilkins\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access Your Genius ...\"}, \"QuickBooks Pro 2008 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"QuickBooks Pro ...\"}, \"Introduction to Microsoft Excel\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"The Local Cash Machines\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Local Cash ...\"}, \"Wufoo Ninja\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Wufoo Ninja\"}, \"InDesign CS5.5 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS5.5 New ...\"}, \"OneNote 2013 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"OneNote 2013 ...\"}, \"Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fundamentals of ...\"}, \"Startup Attention and PR 101\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Startup Attention ...\"}, \"Build. Measure. Learn. Lean Startup SXSW 2012.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build. Measure. ...\"}, \"Photography Video Workflow: Final Cut Pro + Canon 5D Mark II\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photography Video ...\"}, \"Adobe Illustrator CS6 for professional logo designers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Illustrator ...\"}, \"Learn the Skill of Effective Mind Mapping\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn the Skill of ...\"}, \"Study Skills & Time Management for Students\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Study Skills & ...\"}, \"Encore CS4 Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Encore CS4 Getting ...\"}, \"Narrative Portraiture: Foundations of Portraiture\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Narrative ...\"}, \"Encore CS5 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Encore CS5 New ...\"}, \"How to Build a CMS with PHP\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build a CMS ...\"}, \"Mac OS X Mountain Lion Server Training Video\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mac OS X Mountain ...\"}, \"How to Make Money Online: The Passive Income Business Plan\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make Money ...\"}, \"HTML5 Projects: Customized Photo Cards\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 Projects: ...\"}, \"Bridge and Version Cue CS3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bridge and Version ...\"}, \"Game Theory\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Game Theory\"}, \"Digital Matte Painting Essentials 3: Tone\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital Matte ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS4 One-on-One: Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS4 ...\"}, \"PowerPoint 2008 for Mac Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PowerPoint 2008 ...\"}, \"3ds Max 2009 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3ds Max 2009 ...\"}, \"Climate Change\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Climate Change\"}, \"How to make a website: Dreamweaver HTML CSS Intro Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to make a ...\"}, \"Become A Human Lie Detector\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Become 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\"Soundbooth CS4 ...\"}, \"Dysfunctional Families & How to Be a Better Parent\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dysfunctional ...\"}, \"Pages Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pages Essential ...\"}, \"Lighting Asylum\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lighting Asylum\"}, \"Programming Languages\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Programming ...\"}, \"Feeding your Little One: Nutrition for Infants & Toddlers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Feeding your ...\"}, \"Visualizing Algebra (Entry Level Mathematics)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Visualizing ...\"}, \"After Effects Artist in Action: Eran Stern's Broadcast Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects ...\"}, \"Pro Tools 8 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pro Tools 8 ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS4 One-on-One: Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS4 One- ...\"}, \"How to Create an Internship Program\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create an ...\"}, \"Designing a CD Cover\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing a CD ...\"}, \"Excel 2007 VBA\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007 VBA\"}, \"PH278x: Human Health and Global Environmental Change\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PH278x: Human ...\"}, \"Time Management for Entrepreneurs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Time Management ...\"}, \"Douglas Kirkland on Photography: Shooting with a Medium-Format Camera\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Douglas Kirkland ...\"}, \"Keynote 2 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Keynote 2 ...\"}, \"Graphic Design Secrets Revealed\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Graphic Design ...\"}, \"Outlook Web App (OWA) 2010 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook Web App ...\"}, \"Coaching and Developing Employees\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Coaching and ...\"}, \"iPhone and iPod touch iOS 4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhone and iPod ...\"}, \"Marketing Plan made 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{\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe After ...\"}, \"Option Spreads and Credit Spreads Bundle\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Option Spreads and ...\"}, \"Trade Show Samurai\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Trade Show Samurai\"}, \"Up and Running with Photoshop Elements 9\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Simple Contact Form with PHP\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Simple Contact ...\"}, \"HTML5 Mobile App Development with PhoneGap\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 Mobile App ...\"}, \"Poser 7 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Poser 7 Essential ...\"}, \"How to get the best out of eBay\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to get the ...\"}, \"A Vampire in Photoshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A Vampire in ...\"}, \"Relationship Advice: How to STOP Fighting With Your Partner\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Relationship ...\"}, \"Compressor 4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Compressor 4 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\"Advanced HTML5 ...\"}, \"iOS 4 Web Applications with HTML5 and CSS3\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS 4 Web ...\"}, \"Introduction to Enterprise Architecture (EntrArch)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Sex, Power, and the Law\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sex, Power, and ...\"}, \"Fit for Life: The Science of Exercise\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fit for Life: The ...\"}, \"How To Build A Killer Wordpress Blog\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Build A ...\"}, \"Fantasy and Science Fiction: The Human Mind, Our Modern World\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fantasy and ...\"}, \"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Flash Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Absolute ...\"}, \"InDesign CS6: Interactive Documents\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS6: ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Captivate 7\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Captivate 6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Assembling Sass\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Assembling Sass\"}, \"Android Development for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Android ...\"}, \"Drugs and the Brain\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Drugs and the ...\"}, \"On Camera: Video Lighting for the Web\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"On Camera: Video ...\"}, \"Securing Digital Democracy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Securing Digital ...\"}, \"Learn How to Create an Animated Promo Video in 1 Hour\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn How to ...\"}, \"Hacking Perception: Easy Card Tricks, and Cool Card Tricks!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Hacking ...\"}, \"Flavours of Thought : Recipes for Fresh Thinking\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flavours of ...\"}, \"QuickStart! - Adobe InDesign CC\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"QuickStart! - ...\"}, \"Make Better Videos - Tips from a Professional Filmmaker\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make Better Videos ...\"}, \"SharePoint 2007 Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint 2007 ...\"}, \"Social Media for Business\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Social Media for ...\"}, \"WordPress Plugins: SEO\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress Plugins: ...\"}, \"Illustrator for Fashion Design: Creating Brushes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator for ...\"}, \"Software Defined Networking\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Software Defined ...\"}, \"3ds Max 2010 Textures and Materials\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3ds Max 2010 ...\"}, \"FastMath Case Interview Preparation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"FastMath Case ...\"}, \"Managing Debt\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Managing Debt\"}, \"Improve Your Memory NOW: Easy Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Improve Your ...\"}, \"Learn To Program JavaScript (in ten easy steps)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn To Program ...\"}, \"Advanced Flash 5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced Flash 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1, \"value\": \"Account Manager ...\"}, \"Accounting Cycle: The Foundation of Business Measurement and Reporting\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Accounting Cycle: ...\"}, \"Algebra\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Algebra\"}, \"UT.3.01x: Age of Globalization\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"UT.3.01x: Age of ...\"}, \"The Introvert's Edge\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The ...\"}, \"Excel For Project Managers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel For Project ...\"}, \"Karl Taylor's FREE Photography Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Karl Taylor's ...\"}, \"Muse Power Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Muse Power ...\"}, \"Become a Certified Pharmacy Technician\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Become a Certified ...\"}, \"Learn how to make games from scratch with no programming\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn how to make ...\"}, \"Applied Math\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Applied Math\"}, \"Learn Microsoft Excel 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Microsoft ...\"}, \"Learn Microsoft Excel 2010\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Learn Microsoft ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Desire2Learn\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Building a Profitable Business Network\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building a ...\"}, \"Design the Web: Slice Tool\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design the Web: ...\"}, \"Audition CC Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Audition CC ...\"}, \"Aperture 3 Essential Training (2012)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Aperture 3 ...\"}, \"Creating Video Games With YLC lite\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Video ...\"}, \"Learn 2D Multimedia Animation using Adobe Flash.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn 2D ...\"}, \"Final Cut Pro Optimization and Troubleshooting\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Final Cut Pro ...\"}, \"ServiceNow Kickstart: On-Demand Training for ServiceNow\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ServiceNow ...\"}, 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(Part 6/6)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fun, Simple and ...\"}, \"AIR for Flex Developers (2008)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AIR for Flex ...\"}, \"iPad Boot Camp\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPad Boot Camp\"}, \"Eye-catching presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Eye-catching ...\"}, \"JQuery For Mobile Tutorial - Learning Made Easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JQuery For Mobile ...\"}, \"Optimizing Performance with After Effects and Premiere Pro\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Optimizing ...\"}, \"Texturing an Industrial Door with nDo for CryENGINE 3\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Texturing an ...\"}, \"Learn Acrobat XI\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Acrobat XI\"}, \"Android SDK: Local Data Storage\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Android SDK: Local ...\"}, \"Develop iPhone and iPad apps with no programming experience\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Develop iPhone and ...\"}, \"Espresso Coffee Maker Secrets Disclosed\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Espresso Coffee ...\"}, \"Search Engine Marketing, Inc. I, II, III, and IV\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Search Engine ...\"}, \"An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"An Introduction to ...\"}, \"Visual Basic for Microsoft Excel Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Visual Basic for ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Cubase 7\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Learn How to Paint by Painting this Picture\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn How to Paint ...\"}, \"Creating a Vacation Video with iMovie\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating a ...\"}, \"Time-Lapse Photography Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Time-Lapse ...\"}, \"lynda.com Presents: AIGA\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"lynda.com ...\"}, \"Introduction to Performance Based Equipment Training (PBET)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Microsoft Excel - Level 2 - Essentials\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Excel - ...\"}, \"PowerPoint 2013 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PowerPoint 2013 ...\"}, \"Before & After: Things Every Designer Should Know\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Before & ...\"}, \"Posing and Directing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Posing and ...\"}, \"InDesign CS2 Print Project Workflow\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS2 Print ...\"}, \"Creating a Hallway Scene with Photoshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating a Hallway ...\"}, \"Speed Intuition\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Speed Intuition\"}, \"PRINCE2 Foundation Course - Management Plaza\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PRINCE2 Foundation ...\"}, \"Developing a Healthy GPS (Guy Picking System)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Developing a ...\"}, \"Building Templates in Word\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building Templates ...\"}, \"Online Advertising Simplified\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Online Advertising ...\"}, \"Mac OS X Server 10.6 Snow Leopard: DNS and Network Services\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mac OS X Server ...\"}, \"Python for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Python for ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 for Photographers\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 for ...\"}, \"Film School On Demand - How to Make & Sell your First Movie\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Film School On ...\"}, \"The Art of Craft Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Art of Craft ...\"}, \"Create Animated Rollovers with jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create Animated ...\"}, \"CSS: Core Concepts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS: Core Concepts\"}, \"Fireworks CS6 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fireworks CS6 ...\"}, \"Final Cut Studio 2: Chroma Keying\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Final Cut Studio ...\"}, \"Migrating from FreeHand to Illustrator CS2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Careers Foundations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Careers ...\"}, \"The Complete Web Developer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Complete Web ...\"}, \"Build an instantly updating dynamic website with jQuery/AJAX\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build an instantly ...\"}, \"Computational Methods for Data Analysis\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Computational ...\"}, \"SAP HANA Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAP HANA Training\"}, \"Build an Interactive Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build an ...\"}, \"The Basics of PHP for Web Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Basics of PHP ...\"}, \"Bliss Every Day\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bliss Every Day\"}, \"Working with Files and the File API Standard\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Working with Files ...\"}, \"Developing a Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Developing a ...\"}, \"iBooks Author Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iBooks Author ...\"}, \"Corel Painter X3\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Corel Painter X3\"}, \"Up and Running with Evernote for Mac\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Laser Cutting\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Laser Cutting\"}, \"Silverlight 5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Silverlight 5 ...\"}, \"Foundations of Photoshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"Astrology - Masterclass on the British Royal Family\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Astrology - ...\"}, \"Exploring Quantum Physics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Exploring Quantum ...\"}, \"Learn Android Programming From Scratch - Beta\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Android ...\"}, \"How to Create Stunning & Effective Presentations with Prezi\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create ...\"}, \"Killer Beginners PHP\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Killer Beginners ...\"}, \"Fast ForWord Support - Language v2 & Language to Reading\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fast ForWord ...\"}, \"Excel 2010: Real-World Projects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010: Real- ...\"}, \"Photo Editing on the Cheap\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photo Editing on ...\"}, \"How to Powerpoint\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Powerpoint\"}, \"Maya 2009 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maya 2009 New ...\"}, \"Social Media Marketing for Startups\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Media ...\"}, \"Mobile App Development Made Easy Using Corona SDK\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mobile App ...\"}, \"HTML5 Power Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 Power ...\"}, \"How to Develop an Affiliate Program & Build a List\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Develop an ...\"}, \"Football Simplified\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Football ...\"}, \"Excel 2007: Business Statistics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007: ...\"}, \"Level Design Basics in Unity\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Level Design ...\"}, \"2010 SBIFF Directors' Panel: On Directing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2010 SBIFF ...\"}, \"Acrobat X Tips and Tricks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Acrobat X Tips and ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS Prepress Essentials\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS ...\"}, \"SAP SD Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAP SD Training\"}, \"Build a Simple Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build a Simple ...\"}, \"Objective C for iPhone-iPad App Programming\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Objective C for ...\"}, \"Video SEO Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Video SEO Basics\"}, \"Facebook for Musicians and Bands\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Facebook for ...\"}, \"Getting Started Dreamweaver CS6 Build an HTML5 CSS3 website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Modern European Mysticism and Psychological Thought\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Modern European ...\"}, \"Joomla! 1.7: Programming and Packaging Extensions\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Joomla! 1.7: ...\"}, \"Shooting with the Canon Rebel T3i (600D and Kiss X5)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Shooting with the ...\"}, \"Adapting Novel to Screenplay\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adapting Novel to ...\"}, \"Learn to be an Animator. Part 1. "Good habits"\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to be an ...\"}, \"Pro Tools 11 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pro Tools 11 ...\"}, \"Planet Earth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Planet Earth\"}, \"Designing Gamification Level 1 (Certification)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing ...\"}, \"Breakthrough to Exam Excellence (Free Introduction)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Breakthrough to ...\"}, \"PHP and MySQL for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PHP and MySQL for ...\"}, \"How To: Prom Makeup\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To: Prom ...\"}, \"The YOU Plan for Career Change!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The YOU Plan for ...\"}, \"Intro to UVW Unwrapping in 3ds Max for Games\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Intro to UVW ...\"}, \"SharePoint 2007 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint 2007 ...\"}, \"Getting Started with Muse\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Pain Free at Work\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pain Free at Work\"}, \"Photoshop CS3 for Photographers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS3 for ...\"}, \"Key2bFit - Toning for Women\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Key2bFit - Toning ...\"}, \"Unity 3D Master Class - Game Development For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Unity 3D Master ...\"}, \"Harnessing the Power of Growth Stocks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Harnessing the ...\"}, \"Greek and Roman Mythology\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Greek and Roman ...\"}, \"The Power of PreViz at BMW Group DesignworksUSA\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Power of ...\"}, \"Yoga for Weight Loss by YogaDownload.com\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Yoga for Weight ...\"}, \"Create an Engaging Website with Twitter Bootstrap 2.x\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an Engaging ...\"}, \"InDesign Insider Training: Interactive PDFs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign Insider ...\"}, \"Theme Park Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Theme Park Design\"}, \"Better Work - Life Balance in 4 Steps\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Better Work - Life ...\"}, \"Hebrew For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Hebrew For ...\"}, \"Front Desk Safety and Security\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Front Desk Safety ...\"}, \"Soundbooth CS5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Soundbooth CS5 ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Adobe Media Encoder\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Principles of Obesity Economics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Principles of ...\"}, \"iOS and Android HTML5 Apps for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS and Android ...\"}, \"Options Foundation - Time Decay, Implied Volatility, Greeks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Options Foundation ...\"}, \"Ian Lurie on SEO and Marketing in 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ian Lurie on SEO ...\"}, \"2D Character Animation with After Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2D Character ...\"}, \"SharePoint Server 2013 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint Server ...\"}, \"iPhoto '11 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhoto '11 ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS6 One-on-One: Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS6 ...\"}, \"OEE101x: Our Energetic Earth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"OEE101x: Our ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS5: Landscape Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS5: ...\"}, \"Quickbooks 2013 Training - Bookkeeping Made Easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Quickbooks 2013 ...\"}, \"Lightroom 4 Catalogs in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lightroom 4 ...\"}, \"Foundations of Programming: Databases\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"Unreal Development Kit Level Dressing - Essential skills 1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Unreal Development ...\"}, \"Web Form Design Best Practices\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Web Form Design ...\"}, \"Write the Book inside you\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Write the Book ...\"}, \"Blackboard Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Blackboard ...\"}, \"GSE1x: Unlocking the Immunity to Change: A New Approach to Personal Improvement\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"GSE1x: Unlocking ...\"}, \"Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating a First ...\"}, \"Servlets and JSPs: Creating Web Applications With Java\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Servlets and JSPs: ...\"}, \"SAT Video Training: 15 Lessons to Master SAT Strategy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAT Video ...\"}, \"iDVD '08 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iDVD '08 ...\"}, \"PowerPoint for Mac 2011 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PowerPoint for Mac ...\"}, \"Outlook 2007: Effective Email Management\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2007: ...\"}, \"Adobe Flash CC\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Flash CC\"}, \"Quality Management\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Quality Management\"}, \"ColdBox Platform Developer Week 2012\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ColdBox Platform ...\"}, \"CSS: Page Layouts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS: Page Layouts\"}, \"A basic introduction to a fun yoga class for Kids\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A basic ...\"}, \"Adobe InDesign CS6 Tutorial - Beginners to Advanced Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe InDesign CS6 ...\"}, \"Building Mobile Apps with Google Maps Android API v2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building Mobile ...\"}, \"The Strategy of Bargaining\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Strategy of ...\"}, \"VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"VLSI CAD: Logic ...\"}, \"Interaction Design Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Interaction Design ...\"}, \"Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Ruby on ...\"}, \"How to Create Top Ranking Mobile App Icons - iOS Edition\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create Top ...\"}, \"8.MReVx: Mechanics ReView\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"8.MReVx: Mechanics ...\"}, \"Exploring Engineering\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Exploring ...\"}, \"Digital Anarchy Demonstration\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital Anarchy ...\"}, \"Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Beginner\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft ...\"}, \"Learn How to Utilize Informants in Retail Loss Prevention\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn How to ...\"}, \"Learn Flowcharting and Pseudocode. Be a better programmer!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Flowcharting ...\"}, \"Animated Character Design with Illustrator\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Animated Character ...\"}, \"Mobile Game Development with Flash CS6 and ActionScript 3.0\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mobile Game ...\"}, \"MySQL Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"MySQL Essential ...\"}, \"Java Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Java Essential ...\"}, \"C++: From Beginner to Expert\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"C++: From Beginner ...\"}, \"tokidoki, Character Illustrator\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"tokidoki, ...\"}, \"Installing SQL Server 2012\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Installing SQL ...\"}, \"ColdFusion 9 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ColdFusion 9 ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS4 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS4 ...\"}, \"Photoshop Elements 8 for Windows Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Elements ...\"}, \"Defining Your Business for Success\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Defining Your ...\"}, \"Introduction to Pharmacy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Javascript\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Javascript\"}, \"Python with eclipse and InfoSec (Lite version)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Python with ...\"}, \"Computer Security\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Computer Security\"}, \"A/B Testing The Easy Way\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A/B Testing The ...\"}, \"WordPress + Canvas Theme + Woocommerce Nuts and Bolts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress + Canvas ...\"}, \"Photo Assignment: Backlit Portraits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photo Assignment: ...\"}, \"Population PK Modeling for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Population PK ...\"}, \"Absolute HTML with Mom\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Absolute HTML with ...\"}, \"Intermittent Fasting for Maximal Weight Loss\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Intermittent ...\"}, \"Distributing Windows Store Apps\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Distributing ...\"}, \"Lens-Reversal Macro Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lens-Reversal ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS3 ...\"}, \"Interactive Data Visualization with Processing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Interactive Data ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Lotus Notes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Joomla 3.0 For Absolute Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Joomla 3.0 For ...\"}, \"Documentary Editing with Avid Media Composer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Documentary ...\"}, \"Managing CPF Money For Your Retirement\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Managing CPF Money ...\"}, \"Create an Infinite Flyer Game With Construct 2 (HTML5)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an Infinite ...\"}, \"Blogging Success Program\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Blogging Success ...\"}, \"Casting Director: All about Casting Directors and being Cast\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Casting Director: ...\"}, \"Hard Rock Guitar Improvising with Curt Mitchell\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Hard Rock Guitar ...\"}, \"Programming for Non-Programmers: iOS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Programming for ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Prelude CS6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"The Intuition Code\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Intuition Code\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Intermediate\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 One- ...\"}, \"Git Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Git Basics\"}, \"Outlook 2010 Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2010 ...\"}, \"Douglas Kirkland, Photographer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Douglas Kirkland, ...\"}, \"04832430X: Electronic Circuits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"04832430X: ...\"}, \"Options Trading Basics (3-Course Bundle)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Options Trading ...\"}, \"Learning Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Mac OS X ...\"}, \"Jerry Uelsmann & Maggie Taylor: This is not photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Jerry Uelsmann ...\"}, \"Wine 101:Fun & Informative Intro to Wonderful World of Wine\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Wine 101:Fun & ...\"}, \"Design the Web: Smart Objects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design the Web: ...\"}, \"First Steps Online\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"First Steps Online\"}, \"Adobe Photoshop CS6 Tutorial. Self-Paced and Easy to Follow\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Photoshop ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Office Web Apps\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"eBook Creation Tutorial The Art Of Successful Publishing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"eBook Creation ...\"}, \"Computer Essentials\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Computer ...\"}, \"PHP 5.4 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PHP 5.4 New ...\"}, \"College writing like a boss\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"College writing ...\"}, \"Raising Money for Startups\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Raising Money for ...\"}, \"Mastering Crystal Reports 2011 Made Easy Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Crystal ...\"}, \"Access 2010 Power Shortcuts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2010 Power ...\"}, \"Start with a Theme: Creative Portfolios in WordPress\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Start with a ...\"}, \"Play Ukulele Now\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Play Ukulele Now\"}, \"Designing Web Accessibility for a Beautiful Web\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing Web ...\"}, \"Managing CSS in Dreamweaver\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Managing CSS in ...\"}, \"Practical Photoshop CS5 Level 1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Practical ...\"}, \"Getting Started as a Wedding and Event Planner\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started as ...\"}, \"Enviable Post-Baby Body and Mind\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Enviable Post-Baby ...\"}, \"SAP EDI Professional\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAP EDI ...\"}, \"How to Make Killer Green Screen Videos\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make Killer ...\"}, \"How to make an Ad-Game from scratch without programming\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to make an Ad- ...\"}, \"2012 SBIFF Directors' Panel: Directors on Directing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2012 SBIFF ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Studio One\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Adobe Illustrator CC Tutorial - Training Taught By Experts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Illustrator ...\"}, \"Overcome the Power of Frustration\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Overcome the Power ...\"}, \"Access 2010: Forms and Reports in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2010: Forms ...\"}, \"How to create a dynamic CMS website w/ mySQL PHP Dreamweaver\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to create a ...\"}, \"Quality Paragraph and Essay Writing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Quality Paragraph ...\"}, \"Mastering OneNote 2010 Made Easy Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering OneNote ...\"}, \"AI12.2x: Poetry in America: Whitman\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AI12.2x: Poetry in ...\"}, \"Podcasting - From Zero To Hero\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Podcasting - From ...\"}, \"Tracing Artwork with Illustrator\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Tracing Artwork ...\"}, \"English Pronunciation I: Consonant Sounds\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"English ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS2 and Flash 8 Integration\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS2 and ...\"}, \"Get Upside Down: An Introduction to Basic Hand Balancing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Get Upside Down: ...\"}, \"Commercial Editing Techniques with Final Cut Pro X\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Commercial Editing ...\"}, \"Microsoft Excel 2013 Course Beginners/ Intermediate Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Excel ...\"}, \"Learning Jasc Paint Shop Power Suite Photo Edition\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Jasc ...\"}, \"Avid Media Composer 5 Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Avid Media ...\"}, \"Forrest Girl - Photoshop Retouching\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Forrest Girl - ...\"}, \"Photoshop Artist in Action: Uli Staiger's Skytrain\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Artist ...\"}, \"Adobe InDesign CC Tutorial - Beginners to Advanced Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe InDesign CC ...\"}, \"Build an App Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build an App ...\"}, \"The Marriage Between Marketing Materials And Strategies\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Marriage ...\"}, \"Software Testing\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Software Testing\"}, \"Photo Restoration with Photoshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photo Restoration ...\"}, \"2012 SBIFF Women's Panel: Women in the Biz\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2012 SBIFF ...\"}, \"Introduction to Entrepreneurship\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Design Thinking Action Lab\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design Thinking ...\"}, \"Developing an Entrepreneurial Personality\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Developing an ...\"}, \"Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 8\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Windows 7 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Windows 7 ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS6 New Features Overview\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS6 ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Flash Media Server 4.5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Adobe Connect Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Connect ...\"}, \"Adobe Story Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Story ...\"}, \"Build a Simple PHP Application\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build a Simple PHP ...\"}, \"How to run a web design business & sell $15,000 websites\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to run a web ...\"}, \"TOEFL iBT Complete Online Preparation Course!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"TOEFL iBT Complete ...\"}, \"Create Animated Rollovers with jQuery and Dreamweaver\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create Animated ...\"}, \"A Beginner's Jumpstart Guide to Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A Beginner's ...\"}, \"Make Money Selling Domains (basics)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make Money Selling ...\"}, \"How to paint on silk to make beautiful things\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to paint on ...\"}, \"Video Marketing for Profits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Video Marketing ...\"}, \"Foundations of Psychology (IntroPsy)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"Photography Projects For A Rainy Weekend\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photography ...\"}, \"Photoshop Elements 11 and Beyond Road to Great Pictures\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Elements ...\"}, \"CB22x: The Ancient Greek Hero\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CB22x: The Ancient ...\"}, \"Migrating from Excel 2008 for Mac to Excel 2011\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS5 Extended One-on-One: 3D Scenes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS5 ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS3 One-on-One: Advanced Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS3 ...\"}, \"New Business Essentials for Startups and Entrepreneurs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"New Business ...\"}, \"CS1156x: Learning From Data\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CS1156x: Learning ...\"}, \"Create an Interactive Homepage Marquee with jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an ...\"}, \"The Creative Spark: Iyeoka, Recording Artist and Poet\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Creative ...\"}, \"The 1-Minute Meditation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The 1-Minute ...\"}, \"LSATMax\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"LSATMax\"}, \"Singapore P6 Math Aug-2007 prelim problems w/solutions\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Singapore P6 Math ...\"}, \"Jazz Guitar: Learn the Fretboard\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Jazz Guitar: Learn ...\"}, \"Foundations of Audio: Compression and Dynamic Processing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"Oracle iSupplier Portal Fundamentals (Oracle EBS 12i)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Oracle iSupplier ...\"}, \"Community Change in Public Health\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Community Change ...\"}, \"AI12.1x: Poetry in America: The Poetry of Early New England\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AI12.1x: Poetry in ...\"}, \"Restoring Photos with Photoshop CS6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Restoring Photos ...\"}, \"WordPress: Creating Custom Widgets and Plugins with PHP\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress: ...\"}, \"Social Network Analysis\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Network ...\"}, \"Foundations of Business Strategy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"How to run an effective sales meeting\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to run an ...\"}, \"Machine Learning\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Machine Learning\"}, \"Internet Marketing for Local Businesses\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Internet Marketing ...\"}, \"Rails Best Practices\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Rails Best ...\"}, \"Become A Successful YouTuber\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Become A ...\"}, \"Getting Started with modo 601\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS5 for Avid Editors\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS5 ...\"}, \"Sharper skills using Microsoft Excel 2010 for business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sharper skills ...\"}, \"REThink: The Future of Real Estate\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"REThink: The ...\"}, \"Launching a Successful 21st Century Law Practice\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Launching a ...\"}, \"Master Final Cut Pro 7\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Master Final Cut ...\"}, \"Photo Assignment: Natural Light Portraits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photo Assignment: ...\"}, \"Understanding Fields & Interlacing in After Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Understanding ...\"}, \"How to Train a Puppy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Train a ...\"}, \"How To Build A Mobile App\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Build A ...\"}, \"Startup Hiring: How to Attract, Hire and Retain the Best People\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Startup Hiring: ...\"}, \"Web ReDesign: Strategies for Success\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Web ReDesign: ...\"}, \"AIDS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AIDS\"}, \"Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Photoshop ...\"}, \"Introductory Human Physiology\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introductory Human ...\"}, \"QuickBooks Pro 2013 Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"QuickBooks Pro ...\"}, \"Animation and Matinee in UDK\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Animation and ...\"}, \"Property and Liability: An Introduction to Law and Economics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Property and ...\"}, \"Up and Running with InCopy CS5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"iOS 4: Building Data-Driven Applications\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS 4: Building ...\"}, \"Learn New Testament Greek\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn New ...\"}, \"Analysis of Everyday Things.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Analysis of ...\"}, \"Learn The Pastry Arts - The World Of Cookies\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn The Pastry ...\"}, \"Customer Choice Modeling with R\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Customer Choice ...\"}, \"Introductory Microsoft Project 2007\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introductory ...\"}, \"The Creative Spark: Von Glitschka, Illustrative Designer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Creative ...\"}, \"iPads: What everyone should know!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPads: What ...\"}, \"Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Nutrition and ...\"}, \"Multilingual Publishing Strategies with InDesign\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Multilingual ...\"}, \"Transforming Education with Google - Gmail and Calendar\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Transforming ...\"}, \"Total Transformation : A New Diet-Free Weight-loss Solution\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Total ...\"}, \"Excel 2010 Intermediate\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010 ...\"}, \"Modeling for Product Visualization in modo\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Modeling for ...\"}, \"ColdFusion MX Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ColdFusion MX ...\"}, \"iPhone App Design: How To Make A Top-Selling iPhone App With Great Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhone App Design: ...\"}, \"WordPress Ecommerce: WooCommerce\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress ...\"}, \"Learn 3D Digital Sculpting with Mudbox\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn 3D Digital ...\"}, \"Kids Coding - Beginner HTML\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kids Coding - ...\"}, \"MCB80.1x: Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part I\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"MCB80.1x: ...\"}, \"Social Media Selling System\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Media ...\"}, \"CSS: Frameworks and Grids\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS: Frameworks ...\"}, \"Speed Reading for Business. Improve your mind in 2 hours.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Speed Reading for ...\"}, \"FileMaker Pro 8.5 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"FileMaker Pro 8.5 ...\"}, \"Wordpress 101 For Beginners: Wordpress Basic Training Videos\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Wordpress 101 For ...\"}, \"Facebook:Masters Course Everything you Need and Should Know.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Facebook:Masters ...\"}, \"Crystal Reports 2011 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Crystal Reports ...\"}, \"Excel 2010 Productivity\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010 ...\"}, \"Create a Gorgeous Photography Site with SmugMug in 90 mins\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create a Gorgeous ...\"}, \"Experimental Genome Science\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Experimental ...\"}, \"Building Your First Windows Store App with XAML and C#\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building Your ...\"}, \"Learn Massage For Lovers, Friends And Family\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Massage For ...\"}, \"How To Start an Online Business for Free\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Start an ...\"}, \"Social Media 101\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Media 101\"}, \"iPhoto '08 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhoto '08 ...\"}, \"Projects for Interactive Data Visualization with Processing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Projects for ...\"}, \"Creating a Sports Highlight Reel with iMovie\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating a Sports ...\"}, \"Gentle Sleep Success Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Gentle Sleep ...\"}, \"2011 SBIFF Women's Panel: Creative Forces: Women in the Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2011 SBIFF ...\"}, \"Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) - Exam EX300\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Red Hat Certified ...\"}, \"Up and Running with iBooks Author\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Astronomy - State of the Art\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Astronomy - State ...\"}, \"Sports and Society\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sports and Society\"}, \"C Programming: iOS Development Starts Here!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"C Programming: iOS ...\"}, \"Up and Running with DSLR Filmmaking\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"M101J: MongoDB for Java Developers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"M101J: MongoDB for ...\"}, \"Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 Tutorial Video - Infinite Skills\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Photoshop ...\"}, \"Doyald Young, Logotype Designer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Doyald Young, ...\"}, \"MODO 3D v701 Signature Courseware\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"MODO 3D v701 ...\"}, \"Photoshop Photographic Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop ...\"}, \"Revealed: Profitable Principles of Successful Traders\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Revealed: ...\"}, \"Think Again: How to Reason and Argue\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Think Again: How ...\"}, \"Just Chords Piano: Piano and Keyboard made easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Just Chords Piano: ...\"}, \"Windows 7 Tips and Tricks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Windows 7 Tips and ...\"}, \"5 Days to a Mini-Membership Site\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"5 Days to a Mini- ...\"}, \"Rooftop Freedom - Photoshop Retouching\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Rooftop Freedom - ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver 8 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver 8 ...\"}, \"The Creative Spark: Krista Donaldson, Social Innovation Designer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Creative ...\"}, \"Building and Monetizing Game Apps for iOS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building and ...\"}, \"ColdFusion Builder Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ColdFusion Builder ...\"}, \"Oracle :: Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Oracle :: Getting ...\"}, \"Screenwriting Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Screenwriting ...\"}, \"Discover How to Make Perfect Omelets Every Time\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Discover How to ...\"}, \"Create a Sortable Photo Gallery with jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create a Sortable ...\"}, \"Business Analysis: Working with Use Cases\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Business Analysis: ...\"}, \"Word 2010: Mail Merge in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Word 2010: Mail ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Word 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Yin Yoga\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Yin Yoga\"}, \"Automata\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Automata\"}, \"Introduction to Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"JavaScript Road Trip Part 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JavaScript Road ...\"}, \"Master Iron Condors - 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Make Everything in Life Easier\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Art of Less ...\"}, \"Wordpress Essentials For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Wordpress ...\"}, \"The Art of Acrylic Glazing with a Modern Master\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Art of Acrylic ...\"}, \"Frankenstein\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Frankenstein\"}, \"Mac OS X Server 10.4 Tiger Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mac OS X Server ...\"}, \"How to Create a Passive Income Teaching Online for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create a ...\"}, \"Instant PayPal Profits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Instant PayPal ...\"}, \"LSAT\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"LSAT\"}, \"Photoshop CS5 for Photographers: Camera Raw 6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS5 for ...\"}, \"How to Get into the Event Industry\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Get into ...\"}, \"The 101% Brand: How Your Corporate Culture Creates Your Brand\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The 101% Brand: ...\"}, \"CINEMA 4D: Designing a Promo\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CINEMA 4D: ...\"}, \"Beowulf\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beowulf\"}, \"Maya Essentials 2: Polygonal Modeling Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maya Essentials 2: ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CS4 with CSS Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CS4 ...\"}, \"WordPress.com Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress.com ...\"}, \"Photoshop Creative Cloud Updates\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Creative ...\"}, \"Mastering Adobe Photoshop Filters\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Adobe ...\"}, \"American Civics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"American Civics\"}, \"A Young Entrepreneur's Guide To Growing A Business: Part 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A Young ...\"}, \"WordPress Essentials for Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress ...\"}, \"Biotech Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Biotech Basics\"}, \"Beginners Ruby Programming Training - 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The Impact of Drug Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"UT.4.01x: Take ...\"}, \"Introductory Algebra Review\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introductory ...\"}, \"Learn to create beautiful web interfaces and logos\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to create ...\"}, \"Melodyne Advanced Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Melodyne Advanced ...\"}, \"iOS App Development with Xcode: A Project-Based Approach\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS App ...\"}, \"Learn to Sell on eBay\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to Sell on ...\"}, \"Flex 4.5 and PHP: Creating Data-Driven Applications\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flex 4.5 and PHP: ...\"}, \"Integrating Social Media with F2F Customer Service\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Integrating Social ...\"}, \"How to Build a Million Dollar Company from Scratch\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build a ...\"}, \"Learn Photoshop Elements 11\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Photoshop ...\"}, \"Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics (2007)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ruby on Rails ...\"}, \"Accountable Talk: Conversation that Works\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Accountable Talk: ...\"}, \"Introducing the JavaScript Language\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introducing the ...\"}, \"Foundations of Animation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"TIMRAW\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"TIMRAW\"}, \"Lightroom 5 Essentials: 04 Develop Module Advanced Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lightroom 5 ...\"}, \"CompTIA Network+ N10-005\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CompTIA Network+ ...\"}, \"Deke's Techniques: 2011\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Deke's ...\"}, \"Introduction to Music Production\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"A4 Reference for ITIL Edition 2011: Foundation Level\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A4 Reference for ...\"}, \"Adobe Acrobat XI - 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Testimonials That Sell\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Prove It! ...\"}, \"8.01x: Classical Mechanics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"8.01x: Classical ...\"}, \"Mastering Your Resume Made Easy Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Your ...\"}, \"FileMaker Pro 7 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"FileMaker Pro 7 ...\"}, \"How to Get Job Interview Action by Building Your Foundation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Get Job ...\"}, \"iPhone 101 (iOS 7 Version)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhone 101 (iOS 7 ...\"}, \"How to Find College/University Online Teaching Jobs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Find ...\"}, \"Introduction to Adobe Premiere Elements 11\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Building an E-Commerce Site with WordPress and WooCommerce\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building an ...\"}, \"Web Video 101: Easily Make Web Videos With Your Smartphone!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Web Video 101: ...\"}, \"How to lead, coach and manage a team from the front.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to lead, coach ...\"}, \"Microsoft Excel - 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How to Enjoy Work More\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"An Introduction to ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro: Creative Cloud Updates\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro: ...\"}, \"Marketing Principles - Option B\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Marketing ...\"}, \"Understanding Loans\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Understanding ...\"}, \"Creating Paperless Files for a Real Estate Office\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Paperless ...\"}, \"Cold Calling: A New Approach\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Cold Calling: A ...\"}, \"Visual Studio 2010 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Visual Studio 2010 ...\"}, \"Quantum Leap Your Business in 6 Weeks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Quantum Leap Your ...\"}, \"Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fundamentals of ...\"}, \"How to Ask Powerful, Emotionally Engaging Questions\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Ask ...\"}, \"How to Build a Language-Tutoring Business on the Cloud\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build a ...\"}, \"Mixing a Short Film with Pro Tools\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mixing a Short ...\"}, \"A Beginners Guide To Setting Up A WordPress Blog\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A Beginners Guide ...\"}, \"Serve Smart\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Serve Smart\"}, \"Revise and Edit Your Own Novel\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Revise and Edit ...\"}, \"Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (70-410)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Installing and ...\"}, \"Microsoft Excel 2010 Intermediate\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Excel ...\"}, \"New in Photoshop 7\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"New in Photoshop 7\"}, \"Easy Snowflakes and More with Adobe Creative Suite\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Easy Snowflakes ...\"}, \"Combining Images with Photoshop Elements 9\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Combining Images ...\"}, \"Apps For Local Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Apps For Local ...\"}, \"Photoshop Curves Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Curves ...\"}, \"Writers Tips practical advice for creating better books\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Writers Tips ...\"}, \"Making Music with Ableton Push\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Making Music with ...\"}, \"JavaScript: Events\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JavaScript: Events\"}, \"Motivation to Dream Bigger\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Motivation to ...\"}, \"Designing a Newsletter\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing a ...\"}, \"CS169.1x: Software as a Service\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CS169.1x: Software ...\"}, \"Ethical Codes for Translators and Interpreters\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ethical Codes for ...\"}, \"Demystifying Intellectual Property - An Actionable Intro\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Demystifying ...\"}, \"Create an Interactive Animated Timeline with jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an ...\"}, \"The Civil War Era: Dividing a Nation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Civil War Era: ...\"}, \"QuickStart! - 3D Printing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"QuickStart! - 3D ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CS4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CS4 ...\"}, \"Health Informatics in the Cloud\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Health Informatics ...\"}, \"Fundamentals of Joomla! Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fundamentals of ...\"}, \"Photoshop Retouching Techniques: Beauty Portraits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop ...\"}, \"OpenOffice.org 2 Writer Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"OpenOffice.org 2 ...\"}, \"Color Basics for Print Designers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Color Basics for ...\"}, \"Maya 2011 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maya 2011 ...\"}, \"Export Consulting: Filling the Tremendous National Need\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Export Consulting: ...\"}, \"Learning GoLive 6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning GoLive 6\"}, \"How to make money with local businesses online\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to make money ...\"}, \"Foundations of Photography: Specialty Lenses\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"Flash Professional Power Shortcuts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Professional ...\"}, \"Enhancing a Travel Photo with Photoshop and Lightroom\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Enhancing a Travel ...\"}, \"Adobe Certified Training: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Certified ...\"}, \"10 Weeks: holistic nutrition program\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"10 Weeks: holistic ...\"}, \"7 Day Yoga Routine: Increase Energy & Balance Your Chakras\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"7 Day Yoga ...\"}, \"Powerful Presentations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Powerful ...\"}, \"Skate-Pro: Inline skating course for adult beginners.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Skate-Pro: Inline ...\"}, \"Online Marketing Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Online Marketing ...\"}, \"Learn jQuery: An In-depth Course For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn jQuery: An ...\"}, \"Exploring CSS Positioning\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Exploring CSS ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Typekit\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Brand Visibility - Master All Media\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Brand Visibility - ...\"}, \"Delegating Tasks to Your Team\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Delegating Tasks ...\"}, \"Introduction a la programmation orientee objet (en Java)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction a la ...\"}, \"Git Real\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Git Real\"}, \"How to DJ With Traktor Pro 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to DJ With ...\"}, \"Narrative Scene Editing with Final Cut Pro X\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Narrative Scene ...\"}, \"Scala for Java Developers: Transition Up!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Scala for Java ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS3 for Designers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS3 for ...\"}, \"How To Podcast Like A Pro\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Podcast ...\"}, \"After Effects: Principles of Motion Graphics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects: ...\"}, \"Becoming Human: Anthropology (BeHuman)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Becoming Human: ...\"}, \"Designing a Brochure\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing a ...\"}, \"Introduction to SQL Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Create an Awesome Book Trailer for Your Fiction Title\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an Awesome ...\"}, \"Social Media Success for Photographers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Social Media ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Flash Professional CC\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Film Scoring with Pro Tools\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Film Scoring with ...\"}, \"After Effects: Extended Vignette Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects: ...\"}, \"Foundations of UX: Content Strategy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of UX: ...\"}, \"After Effects Apprentice 01: Pre-Roll\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects ...\"}, \"Excel 2010: Working with Dates and Times\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010: ...\"}, \"Deke's Techniques: 2012\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Deke's ...\"}, \"Distributing and Marketing Ebooks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Distributing and ...\"}, \"Up and Running with AngularJS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Time to Thrive...for Family Leaders\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Time to ...\"}, \"InDesign CS3 Professional Typography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS3 ...\"}, \"Triple Your Results with WALL YOGA for Whole Body Makeover\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Triple Your ...\"}, \"Sentence Diagramming - 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the Killer Idea!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make an ...\"}, \"Migrating from Word 2003 to Word 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"College Peas: Tipping the Admissions Odds in Your Favor\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"College Peas: ...\"}, \"Working with Raw-Format Photos in Lightroom and Photoshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Working with Raw- ...\"}, \"Niche Marketing made easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Niche Marketing ...\"}, \"PH207x: Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health Research\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PH207x: Health in ...\"}, \"Mastering WordPress Like A Pro (Advanced Techniques)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering ...\"}, \"The Living Big Program\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Living Big ...\"}, \"Creating Urban Game Environments in 3ds Max\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Urban ...\"}, \"Photoshop Artist in Action: Uli Staiger's Wasp Attack\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Artist ...\"}, \"Audio Recording Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Audio Recording ...\"}, \"Free Beginner Electric Guitar Lessons (JamPlay.com)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Free Beginner ...\"}, \"TechniTrader Leading Hybrid Indicator Trading\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"TechniTrader ...\"}, \"Excel 2007 - Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007 - ...\"}, \"Udemy Course SEO for Instructors\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Udemy Course SEO ...\"}, \"Confidence: A practical guide to boosting self-confidence.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Confidence: A ...\"}, \"Conversion Rate Optimisation - From Beginner to Expert\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Conversion Rate ...\"}, \"XML Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"XML Essential ...\"}, \"Wordpress For Noobs - Building a Money Making Blog\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Wordpress For ...\"}, \"How to Make Money as a DIY Musician\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make Money ...\"}, \"Incentive Freebie Website Formula\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Incentive Freebie ...\"}, \"Introduction to Statistics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Freelancing for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Freelancing for ...\"}, \"CSS Web Site Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS Web Site ...\"}, \"Your Job Search Is A Spiritual Journey\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Your Job Search Is ...\"}, \"Greensleeves - 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Successfully in China\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Negotiate ...\"}, \"Picasa 2 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Picasa 2 Essential ...\"}, \"Outlook 2007: Time Management with Calendar and Tasks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2007: Time ...\"}, \"Introduction to Logic\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Learn Ableton Live - Quick Start\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Ableton Live ...\"}, \"UT.1.01x: Energy 101\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"UT.1.01x: Energy ...\"}, \"Flash Professional: Creative Cloud Updates\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash ...\"}, \"Advanced Craft Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced Craft ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS4 ...\"}, \"IOS & Mac OS X Programming Tutorial - Objective C & Xcode\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"IOS & Mac OS X ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS4 One-on-One: Mastery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS4 ...\"}, \"iOS 6: iOS System Resources\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS 6: iOS System ...\"}, \"Yoga @ Home with Meta - Immersion for Intermediate Students\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Yoga @ Home with ...\"}, \"Learn Avid Media Composer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Avid Media ...\"}, \"Business Planning for the Average Human\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Business Planning ...\"}, \"Up and Running with CINEMA 4D Lite for After Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro: Frequently Asked Questions\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro: ...\"}, \"Kick Start Your Coaching Program\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kick Start Your ...\"}, \"Flash CS4 Professional Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash CS4 ...\"}, \"Make crazy money serving in restaurants.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make crazy money ...\"}, \"Getting Started with Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2\": 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ZERO to HERO in just 1 day\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010 ...\"}, \"High Performance Scientific Computing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"High Performance ...\"}, \"Flash Professional CS5: Character Animation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Professional ...\"}, \"How to Create a Successful WordPress Site\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create a ...\"}, \"Reaching Your Kickstarter Goals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Reaching Your ...\"}, \"After Effects Advanced Motion Graphics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects ...\"}, \"Career Mind Mastery: Bring Who You Are to What You Do\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Career Mind ...\"}, \"Task Analysis Boot Camp-What You Need To Know Before Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Task Analysis Boot ...\"}, \"Excel 2010 VBA\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010 VBA\"}, \"Foundations of Programming: Object-Oriented Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Foundations of ...\"}, \"4 Proven Principles For Creating A Life Worth Living\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"4 Proven ...\"}, \"How to coach to develop the skills of your team\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to coach to ...\"}, \"Joomla! 1.5: Styling with CSS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Joomla! 1.5: ...\"}, \"Creating an MP3 Player with HTML5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating an MP3 ...\"}, \"Learn To Program with Pascal\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn To Program ...\"}, \"Try iOS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Try iOS\"}, \"Creating an Online Resume: Hands-On Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating an Online ...\"}, \"Thrive90 Fitness Program: Real Results for the Really Busy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Thrive90 Fitness ...\"}, \"Documentary Editing with Premiere Pro\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Documentary ...\"}, \"Internet History, Technology, and Security\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Internet History, ...\"}, \"Building Android and 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1, \"value\": \"Basic Steps In ...\"}, \"Tourism Industry Analysis\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Tourism Industry ...\"}, \"Building Android and iOS Apps with Dreamweaver CS5.5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building Android ...\"}, \"Painter 11 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Painter 11 ...\"}, \"Sustainable Energy Innovation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sustainable Energy ...\"}, \"Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Digital ...\"}, \"Build Wordpress Custom Child Themes:The Easy Dreamweaver Way\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build Wordpress ...\"}, \"How To Build Lasting Relationships With Journalists\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Build ...\"}, \"Physics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Physics\"}, \"SAP Security Training for Beginners to Advance Users\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAP Security ...\"}, \"Migrating from Access 2003 to Access 2007\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Sublime Text 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Long Exposure Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Long Exposure ...\"}, \"Learn SAP Financial Accounting - Online Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn SAP ...\"}, \"Accessibility Features of iOS for the iPad and iPhone\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Accessibility ...\"}, \"HTML5 & CSS3 Site Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 & CSS3 ...\"}, \"Discover DevTools\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Discover DevTools\"}, \"Aesthetic Foundations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Aesthetic ...\"}, \"The Creative Spark: Brian Taylor, Handmade Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Creative ...\"}, \"FOREX The Complete Trading System\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"FOREX The Complete ...\"}, \"2011 SBIFF Writers' Panel: It Starts with the Script\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2011 SBIFF ...\"}, \"C# 2012 Fundamentals Part I\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"C# 2012 ...\"}, \"Hacking School Training - Try it now!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Hacking School ...\"}, \"Jazz Guitar Chords: "Lesson 2"\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Jazz Guitar ...\"}, \"The Elements of Effective Photographs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Elements of ...\"}, \"Makeup: Becoming a Professional Hollywood Makeup Artist\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Makeup: Becoming a ...\"}, \"Migrating from Final Cut Pro 7 to Avid Media Composer 5.5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Designing an Invitation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing an ...\"}, \"App Development for Beginners - Without a Line of Code\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"App Development ...\"}, \"Ruby\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ruby\"}, \"Vaccine Trials: Methods and Best Practices\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Vaccine Trials: ...\"}, \"Up and Running with REAPER 4\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Try jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Try jQuery\"}, \"Narrative Portraiture: On Location in Texas with Keith Carter\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Narrative ...\"}, \"Oracle 11g Tutorial - A Comprehensive Training Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Oracle 11g ...\"}, \"HTML5 Mobile Game Development for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 Mobile Game ...\"}, \"Fortune Favors the Brave: Ancient Lessons for Modern Success\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fortune Favors the ...\"}, \"Fashion Design Illustration For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fashion Design ...\"}, \"Twitter Bootstrap for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Twitter Bootstrap ...\"}, \"Migrating from Word 2003 to Word 2007\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Mac OS X Server 10.5 Leopard Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mac OS X Server ...\"}, \"Autodesk Revit MEP 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Autodesk Revit MEP ...\"}, \"Creating Time-Lapse Video\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Time- ...\"}, \"Get Job Interviews using Social Media (Self-Branding Studio)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Get Job Interviews ...\"}, \"Fast Track to Microsoft Word\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fast Track to ...\"}, \"SQL Server 2008 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SQL Server 2008 ...\"}, \"Joomla! 1.6 and 1.7 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Joomla! 1.6 and ...\"}, \"Learning Autodesk AutoCAD - Crash Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Autodesk ...\"}, \"Mobile Marketing Academy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mobile Marketing ...\"}, \"Buying Websites\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Buying Websites\"}, \"After Effects: Insight into Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects: ...\"}, \"Inspired Entrepreneurs: Make a Difference. Get Things Done.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Inspired ...\"}, \"Lighting for Photographers: Flash Exposure Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lighting for ...\"}, \"Spanish 1-4: Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Spanish 1-4: ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS5 New Features Overview\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS5 ...\"}, \"Joomla! 1.5: Creating and Editing Custom Templates\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Joomla! 1.5: ...\"}, \"Moodle 1.9 Essential Training for Teachers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Moodle 1.9 ...\"}, \"ITIL Foundation Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ITIL Foundation ...\"}, \"How to Make D.I.Y. 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Online Excel Training Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced Microsoft ...\"}, \"Image and video processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a stop at the hospital\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Image and video ...\"}, \"iBooks Author for Teachers: Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iBooks Author for ...\"}, \"Small Business Success with John Spence\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Small Business ...\"}, \"Implementing SFA using Salesforce Professional Edition\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Implementing SFA ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS5 ...\"}, \"Flash Catalyst CS5.5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Catalyst ...\"}, \"Become a Certified Traditional Usui Reiki Master\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Become a Certified ...\"}, \"Freelance Journalism in 90 minutes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Freelance ...\"}, \"Beginners - Learning Regular Expressions For Programmers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beginners - ...\"}, \"Understanding and Complying with HIPAA\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Understanding and ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS3 Extended for BioMedical Research\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS3 ...\"}, \"Learn English (PreIntermediate / Intermediate)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn English ...\"}, \"Info Marketing Classroom - Kindle and Beyond\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Info Marketing ...\"}, \"Add Your jQuery Project to a Digital Magazine\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Add Your jQuery ...\"}, \"CSS for Designers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS for Designers\"}, \"AutoCAD Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AutoCAD Tutorial\"}, \"Soundtrack Pro 2 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Soundtrack Pro 2 ...\"}, \"Geometry\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"Geometry\"}, \"iPhoto For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhoto For ...\"}, \"OpenOffice.org 2 Draw Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"OpenOffice.org 2 ...\"}, \"Adding a Filmic Glow to Your Footage Using Motion\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adding a Filmic ...\"}, \"Generation Rx: The Science Behind Prescription Drug Abuse\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Generation Rx: The ...\"}, \"Learning V-Ray for Maya: A Professional Reference Guide\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning V-Ray for ...\"}, \"Color Management Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Color Management ...\"}, \"Equine Nutrition\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Equine Nutrition\"}, \"Migrating from Joomla! 1.5 to Joomla! 2.5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 Text Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 Text ...\"}, \"ActionScript 3.0 in Flash CS3 Professional Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ActionScript 3.0 ...\"}, \"Everyday Mind Mastery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Everyday Mind ...\"}, \"4 Steps: Get Cash Promoting Products Online w/ Social Sites.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"4 Steps: Get Cash ...\"}, \"GCSE Maths- Your ultimate In-depth video guide\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"GCSE Maths- Your ...\"}, \"How to Buy or Invest in Real Estate in the Post-Bubble Era\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Buy or ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Audacity\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Build a Responsive Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build a Responsive ...\"}, \"MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"MVC Frameworks for ...\"}, \"Outlook 2010 Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2010 ...\"}, \"Git Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Git Essential ...\"}, \"Git Basics: In Theory and Practice\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Git Basics: In ...\"}, \"Health for All Through Primary Health Care\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Health for All ...\"}, \"How to Start a Profitable Wordpress Blog\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Start a ...\"}, \"Leading Productive One-on-One Meetings\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Leading Productive ...\"}, \"Advanced Ruby Programming: 10 Steps to Mastery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced Ruby ...\"}, \"Time Management Training with Outlook\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Time Management ...\"}, \"Branding, Public Relations, and Social Media Foundations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Branding, Public ...\"}, \"Copywriting for Pros\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Copywriting for ...\"}, \"Finding Your Ideal Customer: Get More Sales Almost Overnight\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Finding Your Ideal ...\"}, \"Digital Security Awareness\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Digital Security ...\"}, \"Learning InDesign 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning InDesign ...\"}, \"JavaScript and JSON\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JavaScript and ...\"}, \"Adobe Edge Reflow: How to build a Responsive Design Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Edge Reflow: ...\"}, \"Improve Your Physical and Mental Success with Tai Chi\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Improve Your ...\"}, \"FrameMaker 10 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"FrameMaker 10 ...\"}, \"SQLite 3 with PHP Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SQLite 3 with PHP ...\"}, \"Kids Coding - Beginners CSS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Kids Coding - ...\"}, \"The Creative Spark: Brian Kaufman, Visual Journalist\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Creative ...\"}, \"Completing Your Outdoor Photography with Landscape Filters\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Completing Your ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS3 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS3 New ...\"}, \"How to Design a Logo - a Beginners Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Design a ...\"}, \"Promoting Your Content With Internet Radio and Podcasts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Promoting Your ...\"}, \"HLS1x: Copyright\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HLS1x: Copyright\"}, \"Negotiating Your Salary\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Negotiating Your ...\"}, \"Learning Internet Explorer 6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Internet ...\"}, \"Git Real 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Git Real 2\"}, \"Photoshop for Video Editors: Core Skills\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop for ...\"}, \"Access 2007: Forms and Reports in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2007: Forms ...\"}, \"Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Healthcare ...\"}, \"No Pixels Harmed!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"No Pixels Harmed!\"}, \"Marketing Research for Profit\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Marketing Research ...\"}, \"QuickBooks Pro 2012 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"QuickBooks Pro ...\"}, \"Learning QuarkXPress 5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Adobe Story\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Yoga Facial - Effective Facial Exercises\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Yoga Facial - ...\"}, \"Excel 2010: Managing Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010: ...\"}, \"Aperture 2 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Aperture 2 New ...\"}, \"Acrobat 9 Pro Tips and Tricks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Acrobat 9 Pro Tips ...\"}, \"Learn HTML5 At Your Own Pace. 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Discover this HOT social network.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pinterest POWER! ...\"}, \"Introduction to Directing in the Real World\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Off-Road Driving - Tips & Skills\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Off-Road Driving - ...\"}, \"Composition: From Snapshots to Great Shots\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Composition: From ...\"}, \"Illustrator CC One-on-One: Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CC ...\"}, \"Mastering Exposure in Digital Photography\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Exposure ...\"}, \"Maya Particle Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maya Particle ...\"}, \"Design, Develop & Sell WordPress Themes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design, Develop ...\"}, \"Exercise Physiology: Understanding the Athlete Within\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Exercise ...\"}, \"F5 LTM Introduction - Learn to Load Balance\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"F5 LTM ...\"}, \"5 Low-Cost Ways to Get Clients Now\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"5 Low-Cost Ways to ...\"}, \"Intro to Online Ad Operations: Unraveling the Mysteries\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Intro to Online Ad ...\"}, \"Mastering Breakout sessions: Policy and Procedure workshops\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Breakout ...\"}, \"The Lean Startup\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Lean Startup\"}, \"InDesign CS6 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS6 New ...\"}, \"Facebook Ads Domination: Basic Guide To Facebook Advertising\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Facebook Ads ...\"}, \"Rocking G-School. 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Bucher, Designer, Illustrator, and Writer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Stefan G. Bucher, ...\"}, \"Numbers '08 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Numbers '08 ...\"}, \"Creating an Animated Infographic with Edge Animate\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating an ...\"}, \"Designing Web Pages with CSS - for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing Web ...\"}, \"Development Economics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Development ...\"}, \"Acupuncture in the Treatment of Bells Palsy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Acupuncture in the ...\"}, \"Platform Game Creation With Construct 2 (HTML5)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Platform Game ...\"}, \"How to Build a WordPress Website in a Day (for beginners)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Build a ...\"}, \"iPad Music Production: AmpliTube\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPad Music ...\"}, \"Learn Android Programming in Java\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Android ...\"}, \"Audio Creation Secrets\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Audio Creation ...\"}, \"Raise Seed and Series A Capital\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Raise Seed and ...\"}, \"AIR Essential Training (2008)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AIR Essential ...\"}, \"Introduction to Hypnotherapy and the secrets within.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Developing Brand Identity Collateral\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Developing Brand ...\"}, \"Create FREE Webpages with Google sites. Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create FREE ...\"}, \"Tales from the Genome\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Tales from the ...\"}, \"ActionScript 3.0 in Flash CS4 Professional for Designers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ActionScript 3.0 ...\"}, \"Web Analytics Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Web Analytics ...\"}, \"Photoshop Artist in Action: Uli Staiger's Balloonatic\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Artist ...\"}, \"How To Overcome Fears\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Overcome ...\"}, \"An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"An Introduction to ...\"}, \"Hacking App Store Growth : Get More Mobile App Downloads\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Hacking App Store ...\"}, \"How To Build a Massive Engaged Following on Twitter\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Build a ...\"}, \"Mastering Microsoft Office 2010 Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering ...\"}, \"Real Pilates 7 Day Core Strength & Stamina Transformation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Real Pilates 7 Day ...\"}, \"CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CorelDRAW Graphics ...\"}, \"jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"jQuery\"}, \"Mastering Modbus RS485 Network Communication\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering Modbus ...\"}, \"Reinventing School - A Design Thinking Challenge\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Reinventing School ...\"}, \"Statistics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Statistics\"}, \"WordPress 3: Developing Secure Sites\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress 3: ...\"}, \"How to interview clients to understand their needs.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to interview ...\"}, \"Migrating from Access 2003 to Access 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Migrating from ...\"}, \"Podcasting with GarageBand 3\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Podcasting with ...\"}, \"Outlook 2010: Effective Email Management\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2010: ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CC Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CC ...\"}, \"Scanning Techniques for Photography, Art, and Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Scanning ...\"}, \"Getting Started with 3ds Max\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"16.110x: Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"16.110x: Flight ...\"}, \"The Psychology of Learning -- A Video Textbook\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Psychology of ...\"}, \"The Wide World of MOOCs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Wide World of ...\"}, \"SQL Server Essentials: What you should know!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SQL Server ...\"}, \"How To Create Teleseminars, A Must-Have Business Tool\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Create ...\"}, \"Marketing Strategies for Creative Professionals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Marketing ...\"}, \"Interpreting Financial Statements\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Interpreting ...\"}, \"CS-191x: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CS-191x: Quantum ...\"}, \"Discover Your Value: Turning Experience into College Credit\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Discover Your ...\"}, \"Create a Budget that Works\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create a Budget ...\"}, \"Wedding Photography for Everyone: Bridal Portraits\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Wedding ...\"}, \"International Health Systems: Incorporating Sustainability Strategies\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"International ...\"}, \"Anatomy of Backbone.js\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Anatomy of ...\"}, \"Create an HTML5 Video Gallery with jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an HTML5 ...\"}, \"Fireworks CS6:Web Graphics and Design Comp A-Z Master Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fireworks CS6:Web ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver: Creative Cloud Updates\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver: ...\"}, \"1 Hour JavaScript\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"1 Hour JavaScript\"}, \"Learn How to Get Your First Million Users\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn How to Get ...\"}, \"Proven steps for better life in 30 days\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Proven steps for ...\"}, \"Play by Ear: The Cave\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Play by Ear: The ...\"}, \"Shooting with the Canon 5D Mark III\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Shooting with the ...\"}, \"C# 2012 Fundamentals Part II\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"C# 2012 ...\"}, \"Ableton Live Beginners Crash Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ableton Live ...\"}, \"Stunt Writing for Personal Growth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Stunt Writing for ...\"}, \"Create winning, differentiated business strategy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create winning, ...\"}, \"An Introduction to Computer Networks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"An Introduction to ...\"}, \"iOS 6 App Development Fundamentals LiveLessons Part I\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS 6 App ...\"}, \"Chemistry 101 - 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The Secret of Life\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"7.00x: ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Lighting: Natural Light\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Build a Simple iPhone App\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build a Simple ...\"}, \"Cryptography I\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Cryptography I\"}, \"CSS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS\"}, \"Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Algorithms: Design ...\"}, \"jQuery Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"jQuery Essential ...\"}, \"Java Multithreading\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Java ...\"}, \"Customer Service Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Customer Service ...\"}, \"How To Take Better Photographs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Take Better ...\"}, \"HTML5 + CSS3 Responsive Web Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 + CSS3 ...\"}, \"Design in Motion\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design in Motion\"}, \"The Under 20 Workout 6 Week Fat Blaster Challenge\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Under 20 ...\"}, \"Your Start-Up Company as a Business Experiment\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Your Start-Up ...\"}, \"A New History for a New China, 1700-2000: New Data and New Methods, Part 1\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A New History for ...\"}, \"Public Speaking Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Public Speaking ...\"}, \"Selenium 2 WebDriver Basics With Java\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Selenium 2 ...\"}, \"CS-169.1x: Software as a Service\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"CS-169.1x: ...\"}, \"CSS: Animations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS: Animations\"}, \"Lean Canvas Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lean Canvas Course\"}, \"After Effects CS4: Wiggle Transform Tips\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects CS4: ...\"}, \"Nuke 7 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Nuke 7 New ...\"}, \"Get Started: Radiant Meditations and Techniques with Shae\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Get Started: ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS2 Channels & Masks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS2 ...\"}, \"Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS4\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating a First ...\"}, \"Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating a First ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS5 Extended One-on-One: 3D Type Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS5 ...\"}, \"3D Modeling in Photoshop - An In Depth Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3D Modeling in ...\"}, \"Flash CS6 Tutorial - An Essential Guide For Web Developers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash CS6 Tutorial ...\"}, \"Neural Networks for Machine Learning\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Neural Networks ...\"}, \"Design Your Own eBook Cover That Sells - Complete Guide\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design Your Own ...\"}, \"Supercharge Your Photography Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Supercharge Your ...\"}, \"Ableton Live 9 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ableton Live 9 ...\"}, \"Core Excel - Microsoft Excel 2010 Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Core Excel - ...\"}, \"Learn to animate. Part 2. "Human Walk Cycle".\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to animate. ...\"}, \"AppLovin - Your Mobile Audience delivered\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AppLovin - Your ...\"}, \"How To Achieve 10/10 Self-Esteem for Life!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Achieve ...\"}, \"Bruce Heavin, The Thinkable Presentation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bruce Heavin, The ...\"}, \"Brew Real Beer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Brew Real Beer\"}, \"InDesign CS4 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS4 New ...\"}, \"Delivering Keynote Presentations\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Delivering Keynote ...\"}, \"How To Create Your Own Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Create Your ...\"}, \"Cure Chronic Thyroid Disease: Live Happy and Healthy Now!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Cure Chronic ...\"}, \"Become a Pinterest Expert\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Become a Pinterest ...\"}, \"Trigonometry: Trigonometric Functions I\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Trigonometry: ...\"}, \"2D Character Animation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"2D Character ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS4: Image Compositing for Photographers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS4: ...\"}, \"The Student's Advantage: Getting the most out of school\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Student's ...\"}, \"JavaScript with BackboneJS and Bootstrap CSS - Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"JavaScript with ...\"}, \"Mac OS X Lion Server Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mac OS X Lion ...\"}, \"Mexico's Economy: Current Prospects and History\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mexico's ...\"}, \"InDesign CS4: 10 Things to Know About Interactive PDFs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS4: 10 ...\"}, \"Logic Production Techniques: Making Beats\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Logic Production ...\"}, \"GMail, IFTTT, Virtual Assistant - Ultimate Productivity Trio\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"GMail, IFTTT, ...\"}, \"CS-169.2x: Software as a Service\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CS-169.2x: ...\"}, \"Maya Rendering for After Effects Composites\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maya Rendering for ...\"}, \"Introduction to Tissue Engineering\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Build iPhone, Android and HTML 5 Apps - No Coding Required!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build iPhone, ...\"}, \"Ableton Live 9 Tips and Tricks\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ableton Live 9 ...\"}, \"ActionScript 2.0 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ActionScript 2.0 ...\"}, \"Android Programming fot the Absolute Beginner\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Android ...\"}, \"Internationalization (i18n) with PHP and gettext\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Internationalizati ...\"}, \"Pinterest Advantage\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pinterest ...\"}, \"iPhone Photography, from Shooting to Storytelling\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iPhone ...\"}, \"Twitter Success for your Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Twitter Success ...\"}, \"Ultra CS3 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ultra CS3 ...\"}, \"Getting Started with Quark Interactive Designer\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Learning Samurai - How to Kick @$$ in School!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Samurai - ...\"}, \"Investigative Concepts: FBI Major Case #203 "Pizza Bomber"\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Investigative ...\"}, \"Managing a Hosted Web Site\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Managing a Hosted ...\"}, \"Buying Call and Put Options - Options beginner strategies\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Buying Call and ...\"}, \"Discover Your Calling\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Discover Your ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS4 for Photographers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS4 for ...\"}, \"Fundamentals of Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fundamentals of ...\"}, \"Lectures on Greek History and Culture\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lectures on Greek ...\"}, \"Up and Running with WebMatrix and ASP.NET\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Principles of Macroeconomics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Principles of ...\"}, \"Excel Best Practices\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel Best ...\"}, \"Adwords 101: Get More Customers Today with Search Marketing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adwords 101: Get ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS2 Creative Techniques\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS2 ...\"}, \"InDesign CS4 Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS4 ...\"}, \"Job Search Boot Camp: AIM Your Search\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Job Search Boot ...\"}, \"WordPress Security Tricks Hackers Don't Want You To Know\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress Security ...\"}, \"iOS Operation: Models\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"iOS Operation: ...\"}, \"Access 2003 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2003 ...\"}, \"Professional Video Game Art School\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Professional Video ...\"}, \"Constructing Your Retirement Plan\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Constructing Your ...\"}, \"Mastering Microsoft Access 2010 Made Easy Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering ...\"}, \"Complete Game Asset Workflow: The Briefcase\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Complete Game ...\"}, \"Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to Program: ...\"}, \"Infographic How To: Data, Design, Distribute\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Infographic How ...\"}, \"XHTML and HTML Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"XHTML and HTML ...\"}, \"QuickStart! - Adobe After Effects CC\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"QuickStart! - ...\"}, \"Enhanced WordPress Strategies For Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Enhanced WordPress ...\"}, \"Introduction to Foursquare for Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Macroeconomics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Macroeconomics\"}, \"ActionScript 3.0 Projects: Game Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ActionScript 3.0 ...\"}, \"Excel 2007: Creating Business Budgets\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2007: ...\"}, \"WordPress Essentials in Under an Hour\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS4 Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS4 ...\"}, \"Fairy Tales: Origins and Evolution of Princess Stories\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fairy Tales: ...\"}, \"Internet Marketing Roadmap For Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Internet Marketing ...\"}, \"Adobe Illustrator CS6 Master pro techniques for print & web\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Illustrator ...\"}, \"Mountain Plants of South-West China\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mountain Plants of ...\"}, \"Beginners Adobe Photoshop CS5 Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beginners Adobe ...\"}, \"After Effects CS4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects CS4 ...\"}, \"How to Negotiate Salary: The Negotiation Mindset\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Negotiate ...\"}, \"Final Cut Pro X Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Final Cut Pro X ...\"}, \"Mograph Techniques: Creating a Product Endpage\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mograph ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 Essentials Getting Started with Photoshop CS6\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 ...\"}, \"Outlook for Mac 2011 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook for Mac ...\"}, \"From Invisible to Invincible - Career Advancement Success\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"From Invisible to ...\"}, \"Clinical Problem Solving\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Clinical Problem ...\"}, \"Introduction to Artificial Intelligence\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Coding for Entrepreneurs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Coding for ...\"}, \"Mixing a Hip-Hop and R&B Song in Pro Tools\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mixing a Hip-Hop ...\"}, \"Leadership for Real\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Leadership for ...\"}, \"CSS Fundamentals Class\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS Fundamentals ...\"}, \"Flash Catalyst CS5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Catalyst CS5 ...\"}, \"A Parent's Guide to Making College More Affordable\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A Parent's ...\"}, \"How to Design Your Own Brand\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Design Your ...\"}, \"28 Day IBS Relief: Self IBS Treatment System\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"28 Day IBS Relief: ...\"}, \"Macro Watch: Third Quarter 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Macro Watch: Third ...\"}, \"Creating a First Web Site with Flash Professional CS5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating a First ...\"}, \"AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Amazon Web Services)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"AWS Certified ...\"}, \"CSS2 Essential Training (2003)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS2 Essential ...\"}, \"Using Regular Expressions\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Using Regular ...\"}, \"Linear Algebra\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Linear Algebra\"}, \"The Life of Moses\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Life of Moses\"}, \"Adobe Lightroom 5 Learn By Video\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Lightroom 5 ...\"}, \"WordPress.org Vs. WordPress.com: Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPress.org Vs. ...\"}, \"SharePoint 2010 Development Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SharePoint 2010 ...\"}, \"Crystal Reports 2008 Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Crystal Reports ...\"}, \"Learn 2D Digital Character Animation using Adobe Flash.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn 2D Digital ...\"}, \"Up and Running with iCloud\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"After Effects CS3 Effects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects CS3 ...\"}, \"Outlook 2010: Real-World Projects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Outlook 2010: ...\"}, \"Designing Web Sites from Photoshop to Dreamweaver\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing Web ...\"}, \"Green Screen Video Editing - All Editing Programs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Green Screen Video ...\"}, \"Financial Literacy (FinLitrc)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Financial Literacy ...\"}, \"Advanced Mind Mastery: The Science of Getting Rich\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced Mind ...\"}, \"Flash CS4 Professional Tools for Character Animation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash CS4 ...\"}, \"Design the Web: Video Graphics and Animation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design the Web: ...\"}, \"Mobile Web Design & Development Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mobile Web Design ...\"}, \"WordPerfect Office X4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"WordPerfect Office ...\"}, \"Designing a Magazine Cover\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Designing a ...\"}, \"Final Cut Pro 5 Essential Editing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Final Cut Pro 5 ...\"}, \"Skate-Pro: The complete Intermediate inline skating course.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Skate-Pro: The ...\"}, \"How to Read Music\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Read Music\"}, \"SEO Made Simple For Beginners To Start Web Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SEO Made Simple ...\"}, \"Jason Bentley, Radio DJ and Musician\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Jason Bentley, ...\"}, \"Commodities\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Commodities\"}, \"Intro to Adobe InDesign\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Intro to Adobe ...\"}, \"Mobile Web Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mobile Web ...\"}, \"Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Emotional ...\"}, \"Animal Behaviour\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Animal Behaviour\"}, \"Maximizing Your Web Video and Podcast Audience with Hypersyndication\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maximizing Your ...\"}, \"Yummy in my Tummy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Yummy in my Tummy\"}, \"HSPH-HMS214x: Fundamentals of Clinical Trials\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HSPH-HMS214x: ...\"}, \"A mathematical way to think about biology\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A mathematical way ...\"}, \"Life Happens Online - Personal Financial Management Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Life Happens ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS5 Top 5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS5 Top ...\"}, \"PowerPoint 2010: Audio and Video in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PowerPoint 2010: ...\"}, \"M102: MongoDB for DBAs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"M102: MongoDB for ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 for Coders\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 for ...\"}, \"Photoshop Filters\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Filters\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS6 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS6 ...\"}, \"Trigonometry: The Unit Circle\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Trigonometry: The ...\"}, \"Node.js First Look\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Node.js First Look\"}, \"(C.C.I.I.) Certified Cyber Intelligence Investigator\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"(C.C.I.I.) ...\"}, \"Audio Post Workflow with Final Cut Pro X and Pro Tools\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Audio Post ...\"}, \"jQuery for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"jQuery for ...\"}, \"How To Develop & Document Personas & Scenarios\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Develop ...\"}, \"Publish Your Book On Kindle\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Publish Your Book ...\"}, \"Introduction to HTML 4 Training Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"How to setup a Monthly Budget: Organize your financial life\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to setup a ...\"}, \"Beginner's Guide to PostgreSQL\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beginner's ...\"}, \"Illustrator CS6 One-on-One: Mastery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Illustrator CS6 ...\"}, \"Arthur Explicit - creative flow in Ableton Live\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Arthur Explicit - ...\"}, \"Java Design Patterns and Architecture\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Java Design ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CS3 Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CS3 ...\"}, \"Photoshop Artist in Action: Tim Grey's "Prayer Sticks"\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Artist ...\"}, \"Mortgage Fraud Prevention & Detection\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mortgage Fraud ...\"}, \"Introduction to Sociology\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"Access 2010 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2010 New ...\"}, \"The Modern Genius: Art and Culture in the 19th Century\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Modern Genius: ...\"}, \"Leading with Emotional Intelligence\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Leading with ...\"}, \"Basics of SAP HANA Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Basics of SAP HANA ...\"}, \"Building Social Features in Ruby on Rails\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building Social ...\"}, \"Excel 2013: Pivot Tables in Depth\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2013: Pivot ...\"}, \"Aquaponic Gardening: Growing Fish and Vegetables Together\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Aquaponic ...\"}, \"PowerPoint 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"PowerPoint 2013\"}, \"Public Speaking Made Easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Public Speaking ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro and After Effects: Creating Title Graphics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro and ...\"}, \"LiveType 2 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"LiveType 2 ...\"}, \"Entrepreneur Success Series\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Entrepreneur ...\"}, \"Time Management for the Entrepreneur\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Time Management ...\"}, \"Dragon Web Surveys for FileMaker 8.5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dragon Web Surveys ...\"}, \"Create That EBook\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create That EBook\"}, \"Learn the Secrets to Being an Unstoppable Woman\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn the Secrets ...\"}, \"Up and Running with Cloud Storage APIs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Up and Running ...\"}, \"Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Archaeology's ...\"}, \"Learning Acrobat 5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning Acrobat 5\"}, \"Accounting in 60 Minutes - A Brief Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Accounting in 60 ...\"}, \"Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Essential Production Techniques & FX\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Premiere Pro ...\"}, \"Teacher Tips\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Teacher Tips\"}, \"Insights from a College Career Coach\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Insights from a ...\"}, \"Learn SAP Course - Online Beginner Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn SAP Course - ...\"}, \"Readiness to Learn\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Readiness to Learn\"}, \"Creating Dynamic Menus\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating Dynamic ...\"}, \"1st Degree Reiki 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\"value\": \"3ds Max 2013 ...\"}, \"Daily Tune-Up: Meditation Practice for Inspired Living\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Daily Tune-Up: ...\"}, \"Survival Chinese for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Survival Chinese ...\"}, \"Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Smarter Branding ...\"}, \"Photoshop for Photographers: Portrait Retouching\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop for ...\"}, \"Design Your User Experience in 7 Simple Steps\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design Your User ...\"}, \"Excel 2013 For Dummies Video Training, Deluxe Edition\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2013 For ...\"}, \"Wistia Course Creation Compilation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Wistia Course ...\"}, \"Blues and Advanced Guitar Lessons\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Blues and Advanced ...\"}, \"3D Printing on Shapeways Using Maya\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"3D Printing on ...\"}, \"How to Shoot Portraits on a Budget with Off-Camera Flash\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Shoot ...\"}, \"Learn SALSA in 5 Hours and Dance Your Way to Fun & Excitement!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn SALSA in 5 ...\"}, \"A Beginners Guide to Technical Analysis of Stock Charts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A Beginners Guide ...\"}, \"SAP Basis and Netweaver complete Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAP Basis and ...\"}, \"Local Business Marketing Classroom\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Local Business ...\"}, \"Portrait Photography with Simple Gear\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Portrait ...\"}, \"jQuery Mobile Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"jQuery Mobile ...\"}, \"Creating an Effective Resume\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creating an ...\"}, \"Adobe Lightroom 5 Crash Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Lightroom 5 ...\"}, \"Contribute CS4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Contribute CS4 ...\"}, \"Plan, Build, and Launch A WordPress Website\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Plan, Build, and ...\"}, \"Pay Per Click Advertising\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pay Per Click ...\"}, \"Sew Boutique Childrens Clothes for Fun and Profit\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Sew Boutique ...\"}, \"How To Screen Share With A iPad or iPhone\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Screen ...\"}, \"Ethics and Values in a Multicultural World\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ethics and Values ...\"}, \"SAP ABAP Programming For Beginners Online Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAP ABAP ...\"}, \"Upgrading to Microsoft Outlook 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Upgrading to ...\"}, \"Learning GoLive CS\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning GoLive CS\"}, \"Ultimate Side Job: How To Fire Your Boss.....By Blogging!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Ultimate Side Job: ...\"}, \"Learn What's New in Office 2010\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn What's ...\"}, \"Computer Literacy for Windows\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Computer Literacy ...\"}, \"Learn What's New in Office 2013\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn What's ...\"}, \"The Piano Revolution! - The fastest way to learn piano\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Piano ...\"}, \"Teaching Adult Learners (WPTrain)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Teaching Adult ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS5 New Features Overview\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS5 New ...\"}, \"Microsoft Project: The Five Keys - Key 1 Navigation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Project: ...\"}, \"Profit From Small Business Online Marketing the Easy Way\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Profit From Small ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Advanced\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 One- ...\"}, \"Design the Web: Simulating Web Text\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Design the Web: ...\"}, \"Make Money With Apps - iPhone iPad iOS Development EASY WAY.\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make Money With ...\"}, \"Beginning Perl\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Beginning Perl\"}, \"Microsoft Excel 2010 Training - Beginner to Advanced Lessons\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Excel ...\"}, \"Getting Started with Apple Color\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Pentesting with BackTrack\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pentesting with ...\"}, \"Good Clinical Practice (GCP)\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Good Clinical ...\"}, \"Photoshop For Professional Photographers\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop For ...\"}, \"Create an Expandable FAQ Listing with jQuery\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Create an ...\"}, \"Intro to Sustainable Energy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Intro to ...\"}, \"Self Publish Weekend\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Self Publish ...\"}, \"CSS: Formatting Visual Data\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS: Formatting ...\"}, \"Functional HTML5 & CSS3\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Functional HTML5 ...\"}, \"Make Videos with Camtasia 8\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Make Videos with ...\"}, \"After Effects CS4 Getting Started\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"After Effects CS4 ...\"}, \"Google AdWords Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Google AdWords ...\"}, \"How to communicate authentically on camera\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to communicate ...\"}, \"New in Director MX 2004\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"New in Director MX ...\"}, \"How to use Fiverr to make money online!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to use Fiverr ...\"}, \"Computer Organization and How to Organize Computer Files\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Computer ...\"}, \"Build a Joomla 2.5 Website in Hours\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build a Joomla 2.5 ...\"}, \"Grow Your Social Media Presence\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Grow Your Social ...\"}, \"Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Beyond the Basics\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mac OS X 10.5 ...\"}, \"Bootstrap 3: Advanced Web Development\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bootstrap 3: ...\"}, \"CSS: Styling Navigation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"CSS: Styling ...\"}, \"Building Flash Games with Starling\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building Flash ...\"}, \"User Experience Fundamentals for Web Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"User Experience ...\"}, \"Access 2010 Introduction\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Access 2010 ...\"}, \"HTML5 Beginners Crash Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"HTML5 Beginners ...\"}, \"Apple Pro Video Training: Final Cut Pro X\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Apple Pro Video ...\"}, \"SAP Materials Management - Purchasing & Material Master Data\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"SAP Materials ...\"}, \"Muse Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Muse Essential ...\"}, \"Anime Studio Pro 9 Tutorial - A Practical Training Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Anime Studio Pro 9 ...\"}, \"Photoshop Masking and Compositing: Hair\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Masking ...\"}, \"The Growth Hacker Interviews\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Growth Hacker ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS2 FAQs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS2 FAQs\"}, \"How to Create an Awesome Online Course\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Create an ...\"}, \"Infographics: Area Bubbles\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Infographics: Area ...\"}, \"Painter X Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Painter X ...\"}, \"The Java Spring Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Java Spring ...\"}, \"Installing and Setting up WordPress: The Easy Way\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Installing and ...\"}, \"Mastering for iTunes\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering for ...\"}, \"Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Cloud Computing ...\"}, \"Lighting with Flash: Capturing a Dancer in Motion\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Lighting with ...\"}, \"Introduction to Digital Sound Design\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Introduction to ...\"}, \"21 Critical Lessons for Entrepreneurs\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"21 Critical ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver CS3 ...\"}, \"Dynamic Dreamweaver Websites: Creating and Validating Forms\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dynamic ...\"}, \"Premiere Pro CS5 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Premiere Pro CS5 ...\"}, \"Learn Russian Language - Russian For Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn Russian ...\"}, \"Excel 2010 for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Excel 2010 for ...\"}, \"Band as Business, Musician as Entrepreneur\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Band as Business, ...\"}, \"Getting Started with ColdFusion 10\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Getting Started ...\"}, \"Print Production Essentials: Spot Colors and Varnish\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Print Production ...\"}, \"The Early Protestant Reformation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Early ...\"}, \"Learn to make HTML 5, Facebook, Chrome Store games and more!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn to make HTML ...\"}, \"Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Certification - Exam 70-410\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Microsoft Windows ...\"}, \"Build Your Own Damn WordPress Theme!\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Build Your Own ...\"}, \"Facebook Timeline Pages For Business\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Facebook Timeline ...\"}, \"Corporate Valuation\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Corporate ...\"}, \"A History of the World since 1300\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"A History of the ...\"}, \"MySQL and PHP Fundamentals\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"MySQL and PHP ...\"}, \"I.T. Project Management for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"I.T. 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'08 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Pages '08 ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS6 for Beginners\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS6 for ...\"}, \"ASP.NET MVC 4 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"ASP.NET MVC 4 ...\"}, \"How To Self Publish a Book on Kindle\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How To Self ...\"}, \"Photoshop Creative Effects Workshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop Creative ...\"}, \"Flash Professional CS6 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Flash Professional ...\"}, \"Learn PHP Programming From Scratch\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learn PHP ...\"}, \"Enhancing an Environmental Portrait with Photoshop\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Enhancing an ...\"}, \"Listening to World Music\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Listening to World ...\"}, \"Building Foliage for Games using 3ds Max and UDK\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Building Foliage ...\"}, \"Dynamic Cloth for Games with Maya and UDK\": 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\"Mastering FTP\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mastering FTP\"}, \"Federal Grant Writing 101\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Federal Grant ...\"}, \"How to Market Your Business\": {\"frequency\": 2, \"value\": \"How to Market Your ...\"}, \"The Magic of Snapseed\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"The Magic of ...\"}, \"Mixing and Mastering with Pro Tools\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mixing and ...\"}, \""Deep Dive" Screencast Training: Camtasia for Mac v2\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \""Deep ...\"}, \"Unity3d Concepts\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Unity3d Concepts\"}, \"Cisco 640-822 (ICND1) Exam Training Made Easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Cisco 640-822 ...\"}, \"How to Take Full Advantage of 2012\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Take Full ...\"}, \"Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Bioelectricity: A ...\"}, \"Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Epigenetic Control 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\"value\": \"How to Create Apps ...\"}, \"Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Mac OS X 10.6 Snow ...\"}, \"Learning AutoCAD 2014 Drawing Essentials\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Learning AutoCAD ...\"}, \"Connect Stage 1 Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Connect Stage 1 ...\"}, \"Motion 2 Essential Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Motion 2 Essential ...\"}, \"Advanced Microsoft Access 2010 Tutorial\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Advanced Microsoft ...\"}, \"Photoshop CS5: Fashion Retouching Projects\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Photoshop CS5: ...\"}, \"Creativity and Personal Mastery for Business Success\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Creativity and ...\"}, \"Analytical Chemistry / Instrumental Analysis\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Analytical ...\"}, \"How to: Retail, Bridal and Special Event Makeup Application\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to: Retail, ...\"}, \"iOS Development Code Camp\": 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\"value\": \"mocha Essential ...\"}, \"Adobe Audition CC Tutorial - Audition Made Easy\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Adobe Audition CC ...\"}, \"How to Use Content Marketing to Become Known as an Expert\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Use Content ...\"}, \"How to Make an iPhone app Through Outsourcing\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"How to Make an ...\"}, \"Dreamweaver with PHP and MySQL\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Dreamweaver with ...\"}, \"Fireworks CS4 New Features\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Fireworks CS4 New ...\"}, \"Basic Concepts of Music\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Basic Concepts of ...\"}, \"Compositing with Premiere Pro CS5.5\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Compositing with ...\"}, \"Maya 2011: Creating Textures and Shaders\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"Maya 2011: ...\"}, \"InDesign CS5 New Features Overview\": {\"frequency\": 1, \"value\": \"InDesign CS5 New ...\"}, \"QuickBooks Pro 2012 Training\": {\"frequency\": 1, 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{\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"title\"}, {\"dtype\": \"float\", \"name\": \"avg_rating\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"workload\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"university\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"difficulty\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"provider\"}], \"column_identifiers\": [\"workload\", \"title\", \"avg_rating\", \"difficulty\", \"provider\", \"course_id\", \"university\"]}, \"columns\": [{\"dtype\": \"int\", \"name\": \"course_id\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"title\"}, {\"dtype\": \"float\", \"name\": \"avg_rating\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"workload\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"university\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"difficulty\"}, {\"dtype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"provider\"}]}, e);\n", " });\n", " })();\n", " " ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# Get the meta data of the courses\n", "courses = gl.SFrame.read_csv('/Users/chengjun/GitHub/cjc2016/data/cursos.dat', header=False, delimiter='|', verbose=False)\n", "courses.rename({'X1':'course_id', 'X2':'title', 'X3':'avg_rating', \n", " 'X4':'workload', 'X5':'university', 'X6':'difficulty', 'X7':'provider'}).show()\n", "\n", "courses = courses[['course_id', 'title', 'provider']]\n", "results = recs.join(courses, on='course_id', how='inner')\n", "\n", "# Populate observed user-course data with course info\n", "userset = frozenset(users)\n", "ix = sf['user_id'].apply(lambda x: x in userset, int) \n", "user_data = sf[ix]\n", "user_data = user_data.join(courses, on='course_id')[['user_id', 'title', 'provider']]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 23, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "User: 1\n", "We were told that the user liked these courses: \n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| An Introduction to Interac... | coursera |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "[1 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "We recommend these other courses:\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "[0 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "User: 2\n", "We were told that the user liked these courses: \n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| An Introduction to Interac... | coursera |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "[1 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "We recommend these other courses:\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "[0 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "User: 3\n", "We were told that the user liked these courses: \n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| An Introduction to Interac... | coursera |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "[1 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "We recommend these other courses:\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "[0 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "User: 4\n", "We were told that the user liked these courses: \n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| A Beginner's Guide to ... | coursera |\n", "| Gamification | coursera |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "[2 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "We recommend these other courses:\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "[0 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "\n", "User: 5\n", "We were told that the user liked these courses: \n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "| Web Intelligence and Big Data | coursera |\n", "+-------------------------------+----------+\n", "[1 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "We recommend these other courses:\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "| title | provider |\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "+-------+----------+\n", "[0 rows x 2 columns]\n", "\n", "\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Print out some recommendations \n", "for i in range(5):\n", " user = list(users)[i]\n", " print \"User: \" + str(i + 1)\n", " user_obs = user_data[user_data['user_id'] == user].head(K)\n", " del user_obs['user_id']\n", " user_recs = results[results['user_id'] == str(user)][['title', 'provider']]\n", "\n", " print \"We were told that the user liked these courses: \"\n", " print user_obs.head(K)\n", "\n", " print \"We recommend these other courses:\"\n", " print user_recs.head(K)\n", "\n", " print \"\"" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# Readings\n", "- (Looking for more details about the modules and functions? Check out the API docs.)\n", "- Toby Segaran, 2007, Programming Collective Intelligence. O'Reilly. Chapter 2 Making Recommendations\n", " - programming-collective-intelligence-code/blob/master/chapter2/recommendations.py\n", "- 项亮 2012 推荐系统实践 人民邮电出版社" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "celltoolbar": "Slideshow", "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 2", "language": "python", "name": "python2" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 2 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython2", "version": "2.7.11" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }