# # Replace 'cumulocity-iot-edge' in this file (3 occurrences) with the Edge CR name you plan to deploy. # Create a 'registries.yaml' file as root in '/etc/rancher/k3s/' folder with the updated content # on the node that uses the registry. # # Note: K3 Cluster needs a restart for these changes to take effect. # mirrors: internal-registry-service.cumulocity-iot-edge-microservices-registry.svc.cluster.local:5000: endpoint: - https://internal-registry-service.cumulocity-iot-edge-microservices-registry.svc.cluster.local:5000 configs: internal-registry-service.cumulocity-iot-edge-microservices-registry.svc.cluster.local:5000: auth: username: docker_user # this is the registry username (DO NOT CHANGE) password: docker_password # this is the registry password (DO NOT CHANGE) tls: insecure_skip_verify: true