#!/bin/bash RED='\033[1;31m' BLUE='\033[1;34m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' CYAN='\033[1;36m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' INFO=$YELLOW PROMPT=$BLUE ERROR=$RED OK=$GREEN NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Black 0;30 Dark Gray 1;30 # Red 0;31 Light Red 1;31 # Green 0;32 Light Green 1;32 # Brown/Orange 0;33 Yellow 1;33 # Blue 0;34 Light Blue 1;34 # Purple 0;35 Light Purple 1;35 # Cyan 0;36 Light Cyan 1;36 # Light Gray 0;37 White 1;37 command_exists() { command -v "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 } full_path() { command -v "$@" } confirmY() { # call with a prompt string or use a default #read -r -p "${1:-Are you sure? [Y/n]} " response echo -ne "${1:-Are you sure? [Y/n]}" read -r response case "$response" in [nN][oO]|[nN]) false ;; *) true ;; esac } confirmN() { # call with a prompt string or use a default echo -ne "${1:-Are you sure? [y/N]}" read -r response case "$response" in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) true ;; *) false ;; esac } sleep_til_valid() { echo -e "${INFO}Waiting until ${1} is valid${NC}..." valid=$(bw2 i ${1} | sed -n 's/.*Registry: \(.*\).*/\1/p') while [ "$valid" != "valid" ]; do sleep 5 valid=$(bw2 i ${1} | sed -n 's/.*Registry: \(.*\).*/\1/p') done } check_variables() { if [ -z "$BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT" ]; then $echo "${ERROR}You need to provide a default contact \$BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT ${NC}" exit 1 fi if $CONFIGURE_NAMESPACE ; then if [ -z "$NAMESPACE_ALIAS" ]; then $echo "${ERROR}You need to provide a namespace alias \$NAMESPACE_ALIAS ${NC}" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$DESIGNATED_ROUTER_VK" ]; then $echo "${ERROR}You need to provide a DR VK \$DESIGNATED_ROUTER_VK ${NC}" exit 1 fi fi if $INSTALL_WATCHDOGS ; then if [ -z "$WD_TOKEN" ]; then $echo "${ERROR}You need to provide a watchdog token \$WD_TOKEN ${NC}" fi if [ -z "$WD_PREFIX" ]; then $echo "${ERROR}You need to provide a watchdog prefix \$WD_PREFIX ${NC}" fi fi } install_dependencies() { # install dependencies $echo "${INFO}Updating apt repos and installing dependencies${NC}" $sh_c 'apt-get update >/dev/null' $sh_c 'apt-get install -y git python2.7 python-pip python-dev curl bc docker.io libssl-dev htop nmon mosh' } install_bw2() { # check if bosswave is installed, but update it either way if command_exists bw2; then $echo "${INFO}BOSSWAVE already installed! Updating...${NC}" else $echo "${INFO}Installing Bosswave${NC}" fi $sh_c $(curl get.bw2.io/agent | bash) sleep 5 $sh_c "$start_bw2" $echo "${INFO}Wait for agent to restart${NC}" sleep 20 # xargs trick to remove surrounding whitespace current_block=$(bw2 status | sed -n -e 's/Current block: \(.*\).*/\1/p' | xargs) seen_block=$(bw2 status | sed -n -e 's/Seen block: \(.*\).*/\1/p' | xargs) diff=$(($seen_block - $current_block)) waited=0 $echo "${INFO}Wait for agent catch up on chain${NC}" while [ $diff -ne 0 ] || [ $seen_block -eq 0 ]; do current_block=$(bw2 status | sed -n -e 's/Current block: \(.*\).*/\1/p' | xargs) seen_block=$(bw2 status | sed -n -e 's/Seen block: \(.*\).*/\1/p' | xargs) if [ $seen_block -ne 0 ]; then diff=$(($seen_block - $current_block)) pct=$(bc <<< "scale=2; 100*$current_block/$seen_block") human_waited=$(date -u -d @${waited} +"%T") printf "\r$current_block/$seen_block ($pct%% done). Waited $human_waited so far..." else printf "\rWaiting for peers to send blocks..." fi sleep 1 waited=$(($waited + 1)) done $echo "${OK}Installed BOSSWAVE${NC}" if $CONFIGURE_NAMESPACE ; then # configure BW2_AGENT $echo "${INFO}Rewriting BW2_AGENT to for docker${NC}" $sh_c "sed -i -e 's/ListenOn=' /etc/bw2/bw2.ini" export BW2_AGENT="" $echo "${INFO}restarting...${NC}" $sh_c "$reload_bw2" sleep 10 else export BW2_AGENT="" fi $echo "${OK}Reconfigured BOSSWAVE${NC}" } configure_entities() { # configure BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY bw2 inspect $BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z "$BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY" ] || [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ ! -f defaultentity.ent ]; then $echo "${INFO}Could not find BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY. Creating defaultentity.ent${NC}" bw2 mke -o defaultentity.ent -e 100y -m "Administrative key" -n -c "\"$BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT\"" # sleep_til_valid defaultentity.ent fi export BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY="$(pwd)/defaultentity.ent" fi bw2 inspect $BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z "$BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL" ] || [ $? -ne 0 ]; then $echo "${INFO}Could not find BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL. Setting it to ${BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY} ${NC}" export BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL="$BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY" fi git add defaultentity.ent git commit -m 'Added default entity and bankroll' # get the monEH address=$(bw2 i $BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL | sed -n 's/.* 0 (\(0x.*\)) .*/\1/p') funds=$(bw2 i $BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL | sed -n 's/.* 0 (0x.*) \([0-9]*\).* .*/\1/p') if [[ "$funds" -lt 500 ]] ; then $echo "${INFO}You only have $funds Ξ, but we recommend 500 Ξ. ${NC}" $echo "${INFO}Ask someone to send $((500 - $funds)) Ξ to address $address . We'll wait${NC}" confirmY "${PROMPT}Do you have the funds? If you don't, we will try our best, but some commands may fail. Continue? [Y/n]${NC}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit ;fi fi # publish default entity bw2 i $BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY -p $echo "${OK}Now have \$BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY, \$BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL${NC}" } configure_namespace() { $echo "${INFO}Setting up namespace${NC}" # setup namespace entity # copy over existing entity if configured if [ ! -z "$NAMESPACE_ENTITY" ]; then $sh_c "cp $NAMESPACE_ENTITY namespace.ent" fi # setup entity if it doesn't exist if [ ! -f "namespace.ent" ]; then $echo "${INFO}Creating a namespace entity${NC}" bw2 mke -o namespace.ent -e 100y -m "Namespace entity" -c "\"$BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT\"" sleep_til_valid namespace.ent fi set -e nsvk=$(bw2 i namespace.ent | sed -n 's/.*Entity VK: \(.*\).*/\1/p') # setup alias if its null export EXISTING_ALIAS=$(bw2 i namespace.ent | sed -n 's/.*Alias: \(.*\).*/\1/p') if [ "$EXISTING_ALIAS" != "$NAMESPACE_ALIAS" ] && [ ! -z "$NAMESPACE_ALIAS" ] && [ ! -z "$nsvk" ] ; then $echo "${INFO}Creating namespace alias${NC}" bw2 mkalias --long "$NAMESPACE_ALIAS" --b64 "$nsvk" else if [ -z "$NAMESPACE_ALIAS" ]; then $echo "${ERROR}No alias configured, using VK ${NC}" export NAMESPACE_ALIAS=$nsvk fi $echo "${OK}Already have alias $NAMESPACE_ALIAS${NC}" fi set +e # confirm admin privileges on namespace for defaultentity.ent bw2 bc -u "$NAMESPACE_ALIAS/*" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then $echo "${INFO}Make DOT on $NAMESPACE_ALIAS/*${NC}" set -e bw2 mkdot -f namespace.ent -t $BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY -u "$NAMESPACE_ALIAS/*" -m "Admin access to $NAMESPACE_ALIAS" --ttl 10 -c "\"$BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT\"" set +e fi # setup designated router if [ ! -z "$DESIGNATED_ROUTER_VK" ]; then $echo "${INFO}Now we need to set up the designated router (DR) for this namespace. Ask someone who runs a DR to run the following:${NC}" $echo "${INFO}bw2 mkdroffer --dr /etc/bw2/router.ent --ns $NAMESPACE_ALIAS${NC}" #$echo "${INFO}Now type in the VK of the DR router entity (obtained by bw2 lsdro --ns $NAMESPACE_ALIAS, or by asking)${NC}" confirmY "${PROMPT}Has the designated router made a routing offer?${NC}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then $echo "${INFO}If you do not have a designated router, some parts of this installation will fail.${NC}" else $echo "${INFO}Accepting DR offer${NC}" fi bw2 adro --dr $DESIGNATED_ROUTER_VK --ns namespace.ent fi $echo "${GO}Namespace configured${NC}" git add namespace.ent git commit -m 'Configured namespace' } install_go() { $echo "${YELLOW}Installing Go${NC}" $sh_c "curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz" $sh_c "tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz" export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH $echo "${OK}Installed go${NC}" } install_spawnd() { # create spawnpoint entity $echo "${YELLOW}Installing spawnpoint${NC}" # copy spawnd entity over if configured if [ ! -z "$SPAWND_ENTITY" ]; then $sh_c "cp $SPAWND_ENTITY spawnpoint.ent" fi # or create it if it doesn't exist if [ ! -f spawnpoint.ent ]; then set -e $echo "${INFO}Could not find spawnpoint.ent. Creating...${NC}" bw2 mke -o spawnpoint.ent -e 100y -m "Spawnpoint entity" -c "\"$BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT\"" sleep_til_valid spawnpoint.ent $echo "${INFO}Updating permissions for spawnpoint.ent${NC}" bw2 mkdot -f namespace.ent -t spawnpoint.ent -u "$NAMESPACE_ALIAS/sp/*" -m "Spawnpoint access" -c "\"$BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT\"" set +e fi # install spawnpoint server $sh_c "mkdir -p /etc/spawnd" $sh_c "cp spawnpoint.ent /etc/spawnd/spawnpoint.ent" export SPAWND_INSTALLER_ENTITY=spawnpoint.ent export SPAWND_INSTALLER_PATH="$NAMESPACE_ALIAS/sp" export SPAWND_INSTALLER_MEM_ALLOC="$SPAWND_MEM_ALLOC" export SPAWND_INSTALLER_CPU_SHARES="$SPAWND_CPU_SHARES" $sh_c $(curl get.bw2.io/spawnpoint | bash) git add spawnpoint.ent git commit -m 'Configured spawnpoint' $sh_c "systemctl start spawnd.service" } install_watchdogs() { go get github.com/immesys/wd/wd go get github.com/immesys/wd/sdmon SDMON_PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin/sdmon ACTUAL_WD_PREFIX=$(echo $WD_PREFIX | sed -e 's/-/_/g') cat < sdmon.service [Unit] Description=WatchDog SystemD monitor Documentation=https://github.com/immesys/wd/sdmon [Service] Environment=WD_TOKEN=$WD_TOKEN ExecStart=$SDMON_PATH \ --prefix "$ACTUAL_WD_PREFIX" \ --holdoff 10m \ --interval 5m \ --unit bw2:bw2 \ --unit spawnd:spawnd \ --unit docker:docker \ Restart=always RestartSec=2s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF $sh_c "cp sdmon.service /etc/systemd/system/sdmon.service" $sh_c "systemctl daemon-reload -q --no-pager > /dev/null 2>&1" $sh_c "systemctl start sdmon.service -q --no-pager > /dev/null 2>&1" go get github.com/immesys/wd/wdtop WDTOP_PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin/wdtop cat < wdtop.service [Unit] Description=WatchDog SystemD monitor Documentation=https://github.com/immesys/wd/wdtop [Service] Environment=WD_TOKEN=$WD_TOKEN ExecStart=$WDTOP_PATH \ --prefix "$ACTUAL_WD_PREFIX" \ --min-mem-mb 1000 \ --max-cpu-percent 50 \ --df /:root:2000 \ --df /home:home:2000 \ --interval 2m \ --proc bw2:bw2 \ --proc spawnd:spawnd Restart=always RestartSec=2s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF $sh_c "cp wdtop.service /etc/systemd/system/wdtop.service" $sh_c "systemctl daemon-reload -q --no-pager > /dev/null 2>&1" $sh_c "systemctl start wdtop.service -q --no-pager > /dev/null 2>&1" git add wdtop.service sdmon.service git commit -m 'Add spawnpoint services' } do_install() { cat >&2 <<'EOF' logo goes here :) EOF echo='echo -e' $echo "${INFO}Automated installer for XBOS${NC}" $echo "${INFO}If you want this to go faster, pre-install BOSSWAVE (curl get.bw2.io/agent | bash)${NC}" #confirmY "${PROMPT}Are you setting up a namespace? [Y/n]${NC}" #doingNS=$? #if [ $doingNS -eq 0 ]; then # confirmN "${PROMPT}Do you have a namespace entity already? [y/N]${NC}" # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # echo -ne "${PROMPT}Path to entity file: ${NC}" # read nspath # $echo "${INFO}Copying to this directory${NC}" # cp $nspath namespace.ent # fi # confirmY "${PROMPT}Do you want to set up an alias? [Y/n]${NC}" # setupAlias=$? # if [ $setupAlias -eq 0 ]; then # echo -ne "${PROMPT}Namespace alias: ${NC}" # read alias # fi #fi #echo -ne "${PROMPT}Contact (full name ): ${NC}" #read BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT # setup $user, $sh_c and $curl like from bosswave user="$(id -un 2>/dev/null || true)" export SYSTEMD_PAGER='' sh_c='sh -c' if [ "$user" != 'root' ]; then if command_exists sudo; then sh_c='sudo -E sh -c' elif command_exists su; then sh_c='su -c' else cat >&2 <<-'EOF' ${ERROR} Error: this installer needs the ability to run commands as root. We are unable to find either "sudo" or "su" available to make this happen. ${NC} EOF exit 1 fi fi # handle systemd/init $sh_c "systemctl status > /dev/null 2>&1" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # use init start_bw2="/etc/init.d/bw2 start > /dev/null 2>&1" reload_bw2="/etc/init.d/bw2 restart > /dev/null 2>&1" else start_bw2="systemctl start -q --no-pager bw2.service > /dev/null 2>&1" reload_bw2="systemctl daemon-reload -q --no-pager > /dev/null 2>&1 && systemctl restart -q --no-pager bw2.service > /dev/null 2>&1" fi install_dependencies # trick to get directory of executing script, and move there dot="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)" cd $dot # import config source config.sh check_variables # set up local git repository git init git config --global user.name "${GIT_USER}" git config --global user.email "${GIT_EMAIL}" git add config.sh git commit -m 'added config file' install_bw2 configure_entities if $CONFIGURE_NAMESPACE ; then configure_namespace fi # install go if $INSTALL_GO ; then install_go fi if $INSTALL_SPAWNPOINT_SERVER ; then install_spawnd fi if $INSTALL_SPAWNPOINT_CLIENT ; then $echo "${INFO}Installing Spawnpoint${NC}" go get github.com/SoftwareDefinedBuildings/spawnpoint/spawnctl fi if $INSTALL_PUNDAT_CLIENT ; then $echo "${INFO}Installing Pundat${NC}" go get github.com/gtfierro/pundat fi if $INSTALL_WATCHDOGS ; then install_watchdogs fi $echo "${OK}XBOS installed successfully${NC}" $echo "${OK}Add the following to your .bashrc or .bash_profile${NC}" echo "export BW2_AGENT=\"$BW2_AGENT\"" echo "export BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY=\"$BW2_DEFAULT_ENTITY\"" echo "export BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL=\"$BW2_DEFAULT_BANKROLL\"" echo "export BW2_DEFAULT_EXPIRY=\"50y\"" echo "export BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT=\"$BW2_DEFAULT_CONTACT\"" echo "export WD_TOKEN=\"$WD_TOKEN\"" echo "export PATH=\"$PATH\"" echo "export BW2_NAMESPACE=\"$NAMESPACE_ALIAS\"" exit 0 } do_install