--[[ ONE FOR ALL GOS Script dùng để tổng hợp tất cả các script hiện tại của tool GOS. Trang chủ GOS: gamingonsteroids.com Script được viết bởi RN. Khi copy/di chuyển vui lòng để lại nguồn --------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local function OneFile_Print(text) PrintChat(string.format("[Script TongHop]: %s",tostring(text))) end local __require = require local require = function(str) assert(FileExist(SCRIPT_PATH..str..".lua"), "\nKhong tim thay file '"..SCRIPT_PATH..str..".lua'\nVui long download script nay hoac chon script khac") __require(str) end class "OneFile" function OneFile:__init() self:ChampSupported() self:LoadMenu() self:CheckUpdate() self:LoadScriptChamp() self:LoadUtility() end function OneFile:ChampSupported() self.supported = { ["Aatrox"] = {"SeAIO","CSR Aatrox"}, ["Akali"] = {"KMS Akali","CSR Akali"}, ["Alistar"] = {"MeoMeo Support","CSR Alistar"}, ["Annie"] = {"NEETSeries Annie", "PlatyAnnie"}, ["Ashe"] = {"CS Ashe", "ADC Main Ashe"}, ["Amumu"] = {"JungleBundle","CSR Amumu"}, ["Blitzcrank"] = {"SxcSAIO Blitzcrank","MeoMeo Support","CSR Blitzcrank"}, ["Brand"] = {"LB SERIES","[CS:R] Brand","NFSS Brand"}, ["Caitlyn"] = {"ADC Main"}, ["Camille"] = {"CSR Camille"}, ["Corki"] = {"SxcSAIO Corki", "ADC Main Corki"}, ["Darius"] = {"Simple Darius"}, ["Diana"] = {"KMS Diana","Moonwalker"}, ["DrMundo"] = {"SxcSAIO Mundo"}, ["Elise"] = {"Steroided Spider Elise", "QWER Elise"}, ["Evelynn"] = {"Spooks Master Evelynn"}, ["Ezreal"] = {"ADC Main Ezreal", "SxcSAIO Ezreal"}, ["FiddleSticks"] = {"Fiddlesticks"}, ["Fiora"] = {"Simple Fiora"}, ["Fizz"] = {"Toxic Fizz"}, ["Garen"] = {"Simple Garen", "SxcSAIO Garen","ES Garen"}, ["Graves"] = {"ADC Main Graves"}, ["Hecarim"] = {"Hecarim"}, ["Illaoi"] = {"MvP Illaoi"}, ["Jarvan IV"] = {"JarvanIVBae"}, ["Jayce"] = {"CSR Jayce"}, ["Jax"] = {"Grandmaster Jax"}, ["Jhin"] = {"High Noon Jhin","S7 Jhin"}, ["Jinx"] = {"SxcSAIO Jinx"}, ["Kalista"] = {"SxcSAIO Kalista", "ADC Main Kalista"}, ["Karma"] = {"Karma Annoying Prick", "Meo Karma"}, ["Karthus"] = {"Rx Karthus", "Simple Karthus"}, ["Kassadin"] = {"Kassadin - The Void Walker"}, ["Katarina"] = {"qwerKata","CSR Katarina"}, ["Khazix"] = {"Meo Khazix","Yard Zix"}, ["Kayle"] = {"Royal Kayle", "Simple Kayle","Useless Kayle"}, ["Kennen"] = {"KennenBae","ADC Main"}, ["Kindred"] = {"|SL| Kindred","Eternal Kindred","QWER Kindred"}, ["Kled"] = {"JungleBundle"}, ["KogMaw"] = {"NEETSeries Kog'Maw", "SxcSAIO Kog'Maw","KogMaw"}, ["LeBlanc"] = {"KMS LeBlanc","LB SERIES","S7 LeBlanc"}, ["LeeSin"] = {"JungleBundle","CSR LeeSin"}, ["Leona"] = {"SxcSAIO Leona"}, ["Lissandra"] = {"KMS Lissandra"}, ["Lucian"] = {"Lucian"}, ["Lulu"] = {"LuluBae","ToXic Lulu"}, ["Lux"] = {"SxcSAIO Lux","Lux - PentaKill"}, ["Malphite"] = {"Eternal Malphite", "EternalAIO Malphite"}, ["Malzahar"] = {"EvolvedMalzahar"}, ["MasterYi"] = {"Alpha Strike MasterYi","[CS:R] Master Yi","Meo MasterYi"}, ["MissFortune"] = {"ADC Main Miss Fortune"}, ["Morgana"] = {"InnateSeries Morgana", "Meo Morgana","TroopMorg"}, ["Nami"] = {"SxcSAIO Nami", "Meo Nami"}, ["Nasus"] = {"Siphoning Strikes", "SxcSAIO Nasus", "SL Nasus"}, ["Poppy"] = {"SxcSAIO Poppy","QWER Poppy"}, ["Rengar"] = {"The Pridestalker Rengar", "Cloud Rengar"}, ["Rumble"] = {"SxcSAIO Rumble"}, ["Ryze"] = {"OpenPredict Ryze","Corrupt Ryze","qqwe Ryze"}, ["Sona"] = {"Rx Sona"}, ["Soraka"] = {"SxcSAIO Soraka", "SL Soraka"}, ["Swain"] = {"SxcSAIO Swain","S7 Swain"}, ["Tahm Kench"] = {"Tahm Kench","DamageLib"}, ["Taliyah"] = {"Taliyah"}, ["Teemo"] = {"OK Teemo","1 minute teemo"}, ["Thresh"] = {"SxcSAIO Thresh"}, ["Tristana"] = {"RK Tristana"}, ["Tryndamere"] = {"Simple Tryndamere"}, ["TwistedFate"] = {"KMS Twisted Fate","qwerTwistedFate "}, ["Twitch"] = {"ADC Main Twitch","Insidious Twitch"}, ["Varus"] = {"Piercing Arrow Varus","Insidious Varus"}, ["Vayne"] = {"Simple Vayne", "SxcSAIO Vayne","CSR Vayne"}, ["Veigar"] = {"Tiny Veigar"}, ["Vi"] = {"The Heartbreaker Vi"}, ["Viktor"] = {"KMS Viktor"}, ["Vladimir"] = {"Simple Vladimir", "SL Vladimir"}, ["Xerath"] = {"NEETSeries Xerath", "Simple Xerath","CSR Xerath"}, ["XinZhao"] = {"Simple XinZhao","1 hour Xin Zhao"}, ["Yasuo"] = {"Krystra Top Bundle", "Meo Yasuo"}, ["Yorick"] = {"The Undefeated Yorick"}, ["Zac"] = {"Elastic Slingshot Zac"}, ["Zed"] = {"KMS Zed", "Zed Shadow","Zed Experimental"}, ["Ziggs"] = {"EloBommer Ziggs"}, ["Zilean"] = {"Rx Zilean","Meo Zilean"}, ["Zyra"] = {"QWER Series"}, ["Sivir"] = {"SL Sivir"}, ["Velkoz"] = {"SL Velkoz"}, ["Taliyah"] = {"Platy Taliyah"}, ["Nautilus"] = {"Meo Nautilus"}, ["Braum"] = {"Meo Braum"}, ["Volibear"] = {"Volibear","Meo Volibear"}, ["Jax"] = {"Grandmaster Jax"}, ["Riven"] = {"Riven"}, ["MonkeyKing"] = {"Sibyl WuKong", "Eternal WuKong"}, ["Trundle"] = {"Eternal Trundle"}, ["Irelia"] = {"QWER Irelia", "Frosted Booty Irelia"}, ["Nidalee"] = {"QWER Nidalee"}, ["Nocturne"] = {"|SL| Nocturne"}, ["Pantheon"] = {"Pantheon"}, ["Cassiopeia"] = {"SalamiSeries Cassiopeia"}, ["Talon"] = {"LB Talon","S7 Talon"}, ["Gangplank"] = {"Cloud Gangplank"}, ["Ekko"] = {"Bored Ekko"}, ["Shyvana"] = {"Noddy Shyvana"}, ["TahmKench"] = {"Cloud TahmKench"}, ["Mordekaiser"] = {"Zeyx Mordekaiser"}, ["Singed"] = {"QWER Singed"}, ["Taric"] = {"Taric Bae"}, ["Janna"] = {"Meo Janna"}, ["Udyr"] = {"Cloud Udyr"}, ["Urgot"] = {"Urgot"}, ["Orianna"] = {"[KMS] Orianna"," Clock Orianna"}, ["Tryndamere"] = {"Useless Tryndamere"}, --["Syndra"] = {"Syndra_LBSeries_ALPHA"} } end function OneFile:LoadMenu() self.cfg = MenuConfig("OneFile", "Script Tong Hop") self.cfg:Info("if3", "Scipts Edit By Ka") self.cfg:Menu("c", "Chon script cho "..myHero.charName) if self.supported[myHero.charName] ~= nil then self.cfg.c:DropDown("p", "Chon script:", 1, self.supported[myHero.charName], function() self:PrintScriptChange() end) else self.cfg.c:Info("info", "Tuong nay hien khong co script nao ho tro") end self.cfg:Menu("u", "Utility Scripts") self.cfg.u:Info("if1", "Day la nhung scripts ho tro") self.cfg.u:Info("if2", "Co the dung cho tat ca tuong") self.cfg.u:Boolean("e1", "Load Ho Tro Farm Hoi Lag", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e1:Value(), "ho tro Farm") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e2", "Load Auto Uti be da co", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e2:Value(), "Auto Uti be da co") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e6", "Load Ne Skill (Like)", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e6:Value(), "Ne Skill (Like)") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e3", "Load Ne Skill (Ok)", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e3:Value(), "Ne Skill (Ok)") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e8", "Load Ne Skill (No FPS Drops )", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e8:Value(), "Ne Skill (No FPS Drops )") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e4", "Load SL-Utility", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e4:Value(), "SL-Utility") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e5", "Load Mod Skin", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e5:Value(), "Better SkinChanger") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e7", "Load Auto Smite", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e7:Value(), "Auto Smite") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e9", "Load Tat Vong", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e7:Value(), "Tat Vong") end) self.cfg.u:Boolean("e10", "Load Auto + Skill ", false, function() self:PrintUtility(self.cfg.u.e7:Value(), "Auto + Chieu") end) end function OneFile:LoadScriptChamp() local n, v = myHero.charName, self.cfg.c.p and self.cfg.c.p:Value() if n == "Aatrox" then if v == 1 then require('SeAIO') elseif v == 2 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Ahri" then if v == 1 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Akali" then if v == 1 then require('BetaKms') elseif v == 2 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Alistar" then if v == 1 then require('Support Bundle') elseif v == 2 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Annie" then if v == 1 then require('NEETSeries') elseif v == 2 then require('annie') end elseif n == "Ashe" then if v == 1 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') elseif v == 2 then require('ADC Main') end elseif n == "Azir" then if v == 1 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Amumu" then if v == 1 then require('JungleBundle') elseif v == 2 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Bard" then if v == 1 then require('bardBae') end elseif n == "Brand" then if v == 1 then require('Brand_LBSeries') elseif v==2 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') elseif v==3 then require('Brand_NFSS') end elseif n == "Blitzcrank" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 2 then require('Support Bundle') elseif v == 3 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Caitlyn" then if v == 1 then require('ADC Main') end elseif n == "Camille" then if v == 1 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Corki" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 2 then require('ADC Main') end elseif n == "Draven" then if v == 1 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') elseif v == 2 then require('EternalDraven') end elseif n == "Darius" then if v == 1 then require('simple darius') end elseif n == "Diana" then if v == 1 then require('BetaKms') elseif v == 2 then require('Diana') end elseif n == "DrMundo" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') end elseif n == "Elise" then if v == 1 then require('Elise') elseif v == 2 then require('QWER Series') end elseif n == "Ezreal" then if v == 1 then require('ADC Main') elseif v == 2 then require('SxcSAIO') end elseif n == "FiddleSticks" then if v == 1 then require('Fiddle') end elseif n == "Fiora" then if v == 1 then require('simple fiora') end elseif n == "Fizz" then if v == 1 then require('Toxic fizz') end elseif n == "Garen" then if v == 1 then require('simple garen') elseif v == 2 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 3 then require('Garen') end elseif n == "Graves" then if v == 1 then require('Graves') end elseif n == "Hecarim" then if v == 1 then require('Hecarim') end elseif n == "Illaoi" then if v == 1 then require('IllaoiGod') end elseif n == "Jarvan IV" then if v == 1 then require('jarvanivBae') end elseif n == "Jayce" then if v == 1 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Jax" then if v == 1 then require('Jax') end elseif n == "Jhin" then if v == 1 then require('Jhin') elseif v == 2 then require('Jhin') end elseif n == "Jinx" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') end elseif n == "Kalista" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 2 then require('ADC Main') end elseif n == "Karma" then if v == 1 then require('Karma') elseif v == 2 then require('Support Bundle') end elseif n == "Karthus" then if v == 1 then require('Karthus') elseif v == 2 then require('simple karthus') end elseif n == "Kassadin" then if v == 1 then require('Kassadin') end elseif n == "Katarina" then if v == 1 then require('qwerKata') elseif v == 2 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Khazix" then if v == 1 then require('JungleBundle') elseif v == 2 then require('GraveYard-Zix') end elseif n == "Kayle" then if v == 1 then require('RoyalKayle') elseif v == 2 then require('simple kayle') elseif v == 3 then require('UselessKayle') end elseif n == "Kennen" then if v == 1 then require('kennenBae') elseif v == 2 then require('ADC Main') end elseif n == "Kindred" then if v == 1 then require('SL-Series') elseif v == 2 then require('EternalKindred') elseif v == 3 then require('QWER Series') end elseif n == "Kled" then if v == 1 then require('JungleBundle') end elseif n == "KogMaw" then if v == 1 then require('NEETSeries') elseif v == 2 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 3 then require('KogMaw') end elseif n == "LeBlanc" then if v == 1 then require('BetaKms') elseif v == 2 then require('LeBlanc_LBSeries') elseif v == 3 then require('LeBlanc') end elseif n == "LeeSin" then if v == 1 then require('JungleBundle') elseif v == 2 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Leona" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') end elseif n == "Lissandra" then if v == 1 then require('BetaKms') end elseif n == "Lucian" then if v == 1 then require('Lucian') end elseif n == "Lulu" then if v == 1 then require('luluBae') elseif v == 2 then require('Toxic Lulu') end elseif n == "Lux" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 2 then require('Lux') end elseif n == "Malphite" then if v == 1 then require('CustomMalphite') elseif v == 2 then require('EternalAIO') end elseif n == "Malzahar" then if v == 1 then require('EvolvedMalzahar') end elseif n == "MasterYi" then if v == 1 then require('MasterYi') elseif v == 2 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') elseif v == 3 then require('JungleBundle') end elseif n == "MissFortune" then if v == 1 then require('MissFortune') end elseif n == "Morgana" then if v == 1 then require('IS_morgana') elseif v == 2 then require('Support Bundle') elseif v == 3 then require('TroopMorg') end elseif n == "Nami" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 2 then require('Support Bundle') end elseif n == "Nasus" then if v == 1 then require('Nasus') elseif v == 2 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 3 then require('SL-Series') end elseif n == "Poppy" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v==2 then require('QWER Series') end elseif n == "Rengar" then if v == 1 then require('Rengar - the Pridestalker') elseif v == 2 then require('Rengar') end elseif n == "Rumble" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') end elseif n == "Ryze" then if v == 1 then require('IcyRyze') elseif v == 2 then require('CorruptRyze') elseif v == 3 then require('Ryze') end elseif n == "Sona" then if v == 1 then require('SonaNDe') end elseif n == "Soraka" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 2 then require('SL-Series') end elseif n == "Swain" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 2 then require('Swain') end elseif n == "Tahm Kench" then if v == 1 then require('Kench') elseif v == 2 then require('DamageLib') end elseif n == "Taliyah" then if v == 1 then require('Taliyah') end elseif n == "Teemo" then if v == 1 then require('Teemo') elseif v == 2 then require('1 minute teemo') end elseif n == "Thresh" then if v == 1 then require('SxcSAIO') end elseif n == "Tristana" then if v == 1 then require('RKTristana') end elseif n == "Tryndamere" then if v == 1 then require('simple tryndamere') end elseif n == "TwistedFate" then if v == 1 then require('BetaKms') end if v == 2 then require('qwerTF') end elseif n == "Twitch" then if v == 1 then require('ADC Main') elseif v == 2 then require('InsidiousTwitch') end elseif n == "Varus" then if v == 1 then require('Varus') elseif v == 2 then require('InsidiousVarus') end elseif n == "Vayne" then if v == 1 then require('simple vayne') elseif v == 2 then require('SxcSAIO') elseif v == 3 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "Veigar" then if v == 1 then require('Veigar') end elseif n == "Vi" then if v == 1 then require('Vi') end elseif n == "Viktor" then if v == 1 then require('BetaKms') end elseif n == "Vladimir" then if v == 1 then require('simple vladimir') elseif v == 2 then require('SL-Series') end elseif n == "Xerath" then if v == 1 then require('NEETSeries') elseif v == 2 then require('simple xerath') elseif v == 3 then require('ChallengerSeriesReborn') end elseif n == "XinZhao" then if v == 1 then require('simple xinZhao') elseif v == 2 then require('xin') end elseif n == "Yasuo" then if v == 1 then require('KrystraTopBundle') elseif v == 2 then require('Project Yasuo') end elseif n == "Yorick" then if v == 1 then require('yorick') end elseif n == "Zac" then if v == 1 then require('Zac') end elseif n == "Zed" then if v == 1 then require('BetaKms') elseif v == 2 then require('Zed') elseif v == 3 then require('ZedExperimental') end elseif n == "Ziggs" then if v == 1 then require('Ziggs') end elseif n == "Zilean" then if v == 1 then require('RxZilean') elseif v == 2 then require('Support Bundle') end elseif n == "Zyra" then if v == 1 then require('QWER Series') end elseif n == "Gangplank" then if v == 1 then require('Gangplank') end elseif n == "TahmKench" then if v == 1 then require('Kench') end elseif n == "Udyr" then if v == 1 then require('Udyr') end elseif n == "Urgot" then if v == 1 then require('Urgot') end elseif n == "Velkoz" then if v == 1 then require('SL-Series') end elseif n == "Sivir" then if v == 1 then require('SL-Series') end elseif n == "Nautilus" then if v == 1 then require('Support Bundle') end elseif n == "Janna" then if v == 1 then require('Support Bundle') end elseif n == "Volibear" then if v == 1 then require('Volibear') elseif v==2 then require('Support Bundle') end elseif n == "Taliyah" then if v == 1 then require('Taliyah') end elseif n == "Braum" then if v == 1 then require('Support Bundle') end elseif n == "Jax" then if v == 1 then require('Jax') end elseif n == "Riven" then if v == 1 then require('riven') end elseif n == "MonkeyKing" then if v == 1 then require('Wukong') elseif v == 2 then require('EternalWukong') end elseif n == "Trundle" then if v == 1 then require('EternalTrundle') end elseif n == "Irelia" then if v == 1 then require('FrostedBootyBlade') elseif v == 2 then require('QWER Series') end elseif n == "Nidalee" then if v == 1 then require('QWER Series') end elseif n == "Nocturne" then if v == 1 then require('SL-Series') end elseif n == "Pantheon" then if v == 1 then require('Pantheon') end elseif n == "Cassiopeia" then if v == 1 then require('SalamiSeries-Cassiopeia') end elseif n == "Talon" then if v == 1 then require('Talon_LBSeries') elseif v == 2 then require('Talon') end elseif n == "Ekko" then if v == 1 then require('Ekko') end elseif n == "Shyvana" then if v == 1 then require('qwerShyv') end elseif n == "Mordekaiser" then if v == 1 then require('Mordekaiser') end elseif n == "Bard" then if v == 1 then require('bardBae') end elseif n == "Taric" then if v == 1 then require('TaricBae') end elseif n == "Orianna" then if v == 1 then require('BetaKms') elseif v==2 then require('ClockworkOrianna') end elseif n == "Syndra" then if v == 1 then require('Syndra_LBSeries_ALPHA') end elseif n == "Singed" then if v == 1 then require('QWER Series') end elseif n == "Tryndamere" then if v == 1 then require('UselessTryndamere') end end end function OneFile:LoadUtility() if self.cfg.u.e1:Value() then require("Deftsu's Auto Carry Reborn") end if self.cfg.u.e2:Value() then require('RecallUlt') end if self.cfg.u.e3:Value() then require('SL-Evade') end if self.cfg.u.e6:Value() then require('ChallengerEvade') end if self.cfg.u.e4:Value() then require("SL-Utility") end if self.cfg.u.e5:Value() then require("Better SkinChanger") end if self.cfg.u.e7:Value() then require("SmiteGod") end if self.cfg.u.e8:Value() then require("Evade") end if self.cfg.u.e9:Value() then require("OffDrawEditByKA") end if self.cfg.u.e10:Value() then require("AutoLVL") end end function OneFile:PrintScriptChange() if self.supported[myHero.charName] == nil then return end OneFile_Print("Da chuyen sang su dung script "..self.supported[myHero.charName][self.cfg.c.p:Value()]..". Nhan F6 x2 de thay doi.") end function OneFile:PrintUtility(boolean, text) local current = boolean == true and "Bat" or "Tat" OneFile_Print("F6 x2 de "..current.." '"..text.."'") end function OneFile:CheckUpdate() self.Update = {} self.Update.ScriptVersion = 0.029 self.Update.UseHttps = true self.Update.Host = "raw.githubusercontent.com" self.Update.VersionPath = "/solotanktank/Script/master/ScriptTongHop.version" self.Update.ScriptPath = "/solotanktank/Script/master/1%20Key%20To%20Champion.lua" self.Update.SavePath = SCRIPT_PATH.."1 Key To Champion.lua" self.Update.CallbackUpdate = function(NewVersion) OneFile_Print("Da cap nhat len phien ban "..NewVersion..". F6 x2 de tai lai script.") end self.Update.CallbackNoUpdate = function(NewVersion) OneFile_Print("Bạn đã sử dụng phiên bản mới nhất ("..NewVersion..")") self:Hello() end self.Update.CallbackNewVersion = function(NewVersion) OneFile_Print("Da tim thay phien ban moi ("..NewVersion.."). Vui long doi cap nhat...") end self.Update.CallbackError = function() OneFile_Print("Da co loi xay ra khi kiem tra cap nhat. Vui long kiem tra lai Internet") end AutoUpdater(self.Update.ScriptVersion, self.Update.UseHttps, self.Update.Host, self.Update.VersionPath, self.Update.ScriptPath, self.Update.SavePath, self.Update.CallbackUpdate, self.Update.CallbackNoUpdate, self.Update.CallbackNewVersion, self.Update.CallbackError) end function OneFile:Hello() if self.supported[myHero.charName] ~= nil then PrintChat(string.format("[Script TongHop]: Script tướng đang dùng: %s",self.supported[myHero.charName][self.cfg.c.p:Value()])) else PrintChat(string.format("[Script TongHop]: Tướng bạn đang chơi hiện chưa có scipts nào hổ trợ.")) end PrintChat(string.format("[Script TongHop]: Script Được Viết Bởi RN.")) PrintChat(string.format(" HTTP://ToolLienMinhMienPhi.BlogSpot.Com/")) end OneFile()