/* betterapi.h - the public API of BetterConsole */ /* https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/3683 */ /* https://github.com/SomeCrazyGuy/Starfield-Console-Replacer */ /* Author: Seth Royer */ /* License: http://unlicense.org/ */ // You can always reach out to me if you have any questions or need help // integrating betterapi into your mod. I'm almost always available in the // Constellation by v2 discord or nexusmods. // Always use the latest betterapi.h file from github! // Sometimes small hacks or fixes are put here to resolve // issues in the published mod between releases. You // can find the latest version here: // https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SomeCrazyGuy/Starfield-Console-Replacer/master/betterapi.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Table Of Contents /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1) The Unlicense // 2) Release History // 3) About this file // 4) Quick Start Guide // 5) Configuring Better API // 6) What are SFSE and ASI mods? // 7) The betterapi philosophy // 8) Thread safety // 9) What is userdata? // 10) Typedefs // 11) Enums // 12) Callback Types // 13) Callback API // 14) Config API // 15) Hook API // 16) Graphics API // 17) LogBuffer API // 18) C Library API // 19) Game Console API // 20) Wrapped Windows API // 21) CSV file API // 22) String Parser API // 23) BetterConsole API // 24) SFSE Minimal Interface /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1) The Unlicense /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. // // Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or // distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled // binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any // means. // // In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors // of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the // software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit // of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and // successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of // relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this // software under copyright law. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR // OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, // ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // For more information, please refer to /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2) Release History /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // 1.3.0 and older - no longer supported! // // 1.3.1 - 2024-06-09 Starfield v1.2.30 // First version using the new entrypoint "BetterConsoleReceiver" // // 1.4.0 - 2024-06-14 Starfield v1.2.32 // No public API changes // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3) About this file /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This is the public API for the Starfield mod BetterConsole: // // // This file is a zero dependency header only library in the style of STB // libraries: // // As such it is written in a way that shows the limitations features // of the C programming language. This is all an excuse to say: "if it looks like // something is being done the hard or wrong way, don't worry, it is intentional" // // BetterConsole itself is mostly written in C with some C++ features sprinkled in // for flavor, but the public API (betterapi.h) is intended to be plain C99 code // and include only two standard C headers: "stdint.h" and "stdbool.h". "betterapi.h" // itself calls no external functions: not from the game, not the windows api, // not even standard library functions. It is trivial to integrate into any other // mod as it is a single file and there is no library to link with. Betterapi uses // a callback system to mediate between your mod and BetterConsole. Betterapi is // always a soft dependency which means that your mod can use BetterConsole APIs // when they are available, but the lack of BetterConsole in the load order does // not break your mod. The way this works is by exporting a function // "BetterConsoleReceiver" which, if BetterConsole is loaded, will be called // automatically just after Starfield creates a DirectX graphics context. // BetterConsoleReceiver is generated by this file when you define the macro // BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION before including "betterapi.h". Because this function // is not just declared but fully implemented in this header you must only define // the BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION macro in a single translation unit (.c or .cpp file) // of your mod project to avoid linker errors about "multiple definition of function" // As part of the glue code BetterConsoleReceiver will perform version and // compatibility checking with the BetterConsole runtime component before calling // your entrypoint for the API: "OnBetterConsoleLoad". Please read through the quick // start guide to see an example of how you would implement "OnBetterConsoleLoad". /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 4) Quick Start Guide /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adding BetterConsole features to your mod is very easy, you should be able // to get a basic GUI up and running within minutes. The "betterapi.h" file can // be included anywhere in your project and the only build requirement is to // enable the implementation of the BetterConsole "glue code" by defining // BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION before including "betterapi.h" in *one* .c or .cpp // file. The only code you need to write is the "OnBetterConsoleLoad" function. // OnBetterConsoleLoad is called by BetterConsole when Starfield begins drawing // to the screen. This function will be used to register your mod with BetterConsole. // Take a look at this example for a basic plugin or build the example yourself // by defining BETTERAPI_BUILTIN_EXAMPLE before including "betterapi.h" in an empty // .c or .cpp file. #ifdef BETTERAPI_BUILTIN_EXAMPLE #undef BETTERAPI_BUILTIN_EXAMPLE // Create the implementation glue code, this can only be done once per project #define BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION // The example builds a combination ASI and SFSE plugin by enabling the minimal // SFSE glue code also available in betterapi #define BETTERAPI_ENABLE_SFSE_MINIMAL // Use betterapi, you can include this anywhere you need to access hte features #include "betterapi.h" // It is usually convenient to make aliases for the betterconsole API structures static const struct better_api_t* API = NULL; static const struct simple_draw_t* UI = NULL; // Forward declarations of callback functions used in this example void MyDrawCallback(void*); void MyConfigCallback(ConfigAction); void MyHotkeyCallback(uintptr_t); // Global plugin state static uint32_t ButtonClickCounter = 0; // Usually for hotkey requests you want your hotkey userdata to be an enum or a // pointer to som hotkey-specific data. enum MyHotkeyAction { MHA_Reset, MHA_Click, MHA_ClickTwice }; // This function will be called automatically when BetterConsole is loaded and // your plugin is compatible with the runing version of BetterConsole. static int OnBetterConsoleLoad(const struct better_api_t* better_api) { API = better_api; UI = API->SimpleDraw; // The first step is to register your plugin name with BetterConsole // The name used here will show up in the GUI so that the user can // recognize your mod. RegistrationHandle my_mod_handle = API->Callback->RegisterMod("Example"); // Everything else is optional, but likely you will want to also // register a draw callback so your mod shows up in the UI. API->Callback->RegisterDrawCallback(my_mod_handle, &MyDrawCallback); // There are several types of callbacks depending on what kind of event // you want to make a handler for. This line registers a configuration // callback. API->Callback->RegisterConfigCallback(my_mod_handle, &MyConfigCallback); // The hotkey feature is activated in two steps, first register a callback: API->Callback->RegisterHotkeyCallback(my_mod_handle, &MyHotkeyCallback); // Then for each hotkey action you want to have, request a hotkey for it. // The specific key combination used to activate a hotkey is set by the // user in the "Mod Menu" > "Hotkeys" tab of BetterConsole. API->Callback->RequestHotkey(my_mod_handle, "Reset Click Counter", MHA_Reset); API->Callback->RequestHotkey(my_mod_handle, "Add 1 Click", MHA_Click); API->Callback->RequestHotkey(my_mod_handle, "Add 2 Clicks", MHA_ClickTwice); // return 0 if your plugin loaded correctly or // return any positive number to indicate a failure return 0; } // The draw callback is called whenever your plugin needs to draw something. // There are many widgets available, but for simplicity lets make a basic example. void MyDrawCallback(void*) { UI->Text("Hello World!"); if (UI->Button("Click Me")) { ++ButtonClickCounter; } UI->Text("You pressed the button %u times", ButtonClickCounter); } // The config callback is called when the "BetterConsoleConfig.txt" file is loaded // (read action), when the file is saved (write action), or when the user is in // "Mod Menu" > "Settings" and selects your mod to configure it (edit action). void MyConfigCallback(ConfigAction action) { // The Config api offers default actions for certain types (like uint32_t) API->Config->ConfigU32(action, "Button Click Couter", &ButtonClickCounter); } // Hotkeys are global, they can be activated even when BetterConsole is not shown. // Only one draw callback per mod is allowed, but you can use the userdata parameter // of the callback to tell which action was requested. void MyHotkeyCallback(uintptr_t userdata) { enum MyHotkeyAction act = (enum MyHotkeyAction)userdata; if (act == MHA_Reset) { ButtonClickCounter = 0; } else if (act == MHA_Click) { ButtonClickCounter++; } else if (act == MHA_ClickTwice) { ButtonClickCounter += 2; } } // The following allows the example plugin to also be an sfse plugin // more details are in the sfse section // Step 1) Export this struct so sfse knows your DLL is compatible BC_DLLEXPORT SFSEPluginVersionData SFSEPlugin_Version = { 1, // SFSE api version, 1 is current 1, // Plugin api version, 1 is current "BetterConsole Example Plugin", // Mod/Plugin Name (limit: 255 characters) "Linuxversion", // Mod Author(s) (limit: 255 characters) // Address Independance: 1, // 0 - hardcoded offsets (game version specific) // 1 - signature scanning (not version specific) // Structure Independance: 1, // 0 - relies on specific game structs // 1 - mod does not care if game structs change // Compatible Game Versions: { // A list of up to 15 game versions BC_MAKE_VERSION(1, 11, 36), // This means compatible with 1.11.36 0 // The list must be terminated with 0 }, // if address & structure independent // then this is minimum version required 0, // 0 = does not rely on any specific sfse version 0, 0 // reserved fields, must be 0 }; // Step 2) Export this function so sfse knows to load your dll. // Doing anything inside the function is optional. BC_DLLEXPORT bool SFSEPlugin_Load(const SFSEInterface* sfse) { return true; } // Need to undef this for the example because the example needs to include itself // and thus would create the implmentation functions twice #undef BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION #endif // BETTERAPI_BUILTIN_EXAMPLE #ifndef BETTERAPI_API_H /* Prevent multiple includes of same file */ #define BETTERAPI_API_H // These macros are used to control the exporting of symbols both // for the internal and public api for c and c++ #ifndef BC_EXPORT #ifdef __cplusplus #define BC_EXPORT extern "C" #else #define BC_EXPORT extern #endif // __cplusplus #endif // BC_EXPORT #ifndef BC_DLLEXPORT #define BC_DLLEXPORT BC_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #endif // BC_DLLEXPORT // This is used to convert version numbers like 1.3.1 into a single number // that can be compared, follows the same scheme as sfse and the game's // version numbers #define BC_MAKE_VERSION(MAJOR, MINOR, BUILD) ((((MAJOR)&0xFF)<<24)|(((MINOR)&0xFF)<<16)|(((BUILD)&0xFFF)<<4)) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 5) Configuring Better API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Without configuration, "betterapi.h" will use the most compatible and lowest // supported feature set. It is recommended to always use the lowest feature // level necessary for your mod to function to maintain compatibility with // BetterConsole versions in the past as well as the future. As new versions // of BetterConsole are released, new API functions become available that were // not in previous versions. At the minimum, your mod should support at least // one previous feature level to allow mod collections that include an older // release of BetterConsole to catch up to newer game releases. // By default betterapi.h only enables the base featureset // from version 1.3.1 (which itself is almost 100%) compatible // with the first version released. To access newer functions // and capabilities you will need to define the configuration // variable BETTERAPI_FEATURE_LEVEL to a specific release of // BetterConsole like MAKE_VERSION(1,4,1) for version 1.4.1 #ifndef BETTERAPI_FEATURE_LEVEL #define BETTERAPI_FEATURE_LEVEL BC_MAKE_VERSION(0, 0, 0) #endif // BETTERAPI_FEATURE_LEVEL // You might see the use of BETTERAPI_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES in the code below. // these are experimental features that might be in the next version of // betterconsole but are not part of any current release on nexusmods. // If you are developing a mod using the betterconsole api you MUST NOT define // BETTERAPI_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES, as the resulting plugin will not be compatible // with the version of betterconsole that everyone is using. //#define BETTERAPI_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 6) What are SFSE and ASI mods? /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If your reading this file you should already know? But just so we are all on // the same page: SFSE and ASI mods are DLL files that are loaded into the game // using a loader. The main difference between an SFSE and ASI mods is that ASI // mods are loaded into the game using the ASI loader which just runs the winapi // function LoadLibrary() on any file named *.asi in the Plugins/ folder. SFSE // mods are loaded into the game using the SFSE loader which calls the same // LoadLibrary() function as ASI mods, but offers a more complete interface for // the game. ASI loaders are generic, just about every game has an ASI loader // available for running mods, but SFSE is specific to Starfield. Due to the // specificity of the SFSE loader, its possible to interact with many game // functions and data structures that you must reverse-engineer youself in ASI // mods. // // But what do the mods do and how do they work? // You may be familiar with EXE programs and DLL libraries. When writing programs // your code is converted into an executable file that calls function from dll // libraries: // [PROGRAM calls CreateWindow()] -------------> [DLL implments CreateWindow()] // *This is an example of normal execution // // when you write a mod, you are performing the reverse operation, you are writing // a program that compiles to a DLL and manipulating the functions of other DLLs // or, with SFSE, using the functions of the game as if the game is the DLL and // your mod is the EXE: // [PROGRAM calls CreateWindow()] -> [MOD hooks CreateWindow()] -> [DLL implments CreateWindow()] // *This is an example of DLL injection, the intent is to modify the window created by the game // *for example, to change the window name, or set window flags, or adjust resolution more than // *the game allows. // // [PROGRAM implements ExecuteConsole()] <--[MOD calls ExecuteConsole()] // *This is an example of using the reverse engineered functions of the game to provide // *a mod that ability to run commands through the in-game console. SFSE acts as // *a centralized repository for reverse engineered functions that mod authors can use. // // [PROGRAM implements ExecuteConsole()] <---> [MOD hooks ExecuteConsole()] // *Instead of calling ExecuteConsole(), a mod could hook it. This is what BetterConsole // *does to provide a combination of execution and logging of all commands run even by the // *game internally. // // BetterConsole can be used with SFSE or ASI mods by providing its own API to any other // loaded DLL that exports a specific function "BetterConsoleReceiver" // // [ B e t t e r C o n s o l e ] // | | // v v // [GAME] <-------------------> [MOD] // | | // v v // ExecuteConsole() BetterConsoleReceiver(api*) -> SimpleDraw, Hook, Console, etc... // PrintConsole() // DX12_Present() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 7) The betterapi philosophy /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // On a philisophical level if its possible to export an API using plain C99 and // include only standard C headers, then your API is deemed simple enough. And if // you cannot describe an interface in C then you cannot truely understand your own // code. In addition, almost every programming language has some type of C // compatible foreign function interface, this allows you to write mods in almost // any programming language albeit with some challenges. #include #include // Implements the api version checks // Dont worry, I'll undef this at the end of the file, nobody // wants single letter macros polluting the namespace. #ifdef V #error "V is already defined!" #endif // V #define V(MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH) (BC_MAKE_VERSION(MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH)<=(BETTERAPI_FEATURE_LEVEL)) #ifdef BETTERAPI_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES #pragma message ("BETTERAPI_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES is defined, any plugin using the api will not be compatible the nexusmods release of betterconsole.") #undef BETTERAPI_FEATURE_LEVEL #define BETTERAPI_FEATURE_LEVEL BC_MAKE_VERSION( 9, 9, 9) #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 8) Thread safety /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // There is no thread safety! All of the betterapi functions are operating within // the game's idxgiswapchain::present call as the game is trying submit a // frame to the gpu. Do not use any of these apis from a separate thread unless // it is explicitly marked as safe to do so and please keep it quick - we don't // want to slow down the game. I will add an api for a separate task thread to // do sig scanning or other slow tasks in a future update. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 9) What is userdata? /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Several of the APIs in BetterConsole take a "userdata" argument // since we are exposing all these capabilities in plain C99 we // need a way to express a generic type or piece of data that you // want to work with. Often this will show up in the SimpleDraw functions. // Lets look at an example of why and how you would do this... // // say you have an array of pointers to some struct: // struct GameType { // ... // uint32_t formid; // ... // const char* name; // ... // } *data_array[100] = some_pointer; // // how would you make a selectable list of these in a gui that knows nothing // about GameType? The answer is userdata and a callback! Let's look at an // example using the SimpleDraw SelectionList function: // // Create a to_string function for GameType: // // const char* gametype_to_string(const void* userdata, uint32_t index, char* out_tmp, uint32_t tmp_size) { // const GameType** pGT = (const GameType**)userdata; // const GameType* GT = pGT[index]; // snprintf(out_tmp, tmp_size, "FormID: %X, Name: %s", GT->formid, GT->name); // return out_tmp; // } // // Then make it a selectable list: // // static uint32_t selected_item = 0; // bool was_clicked = API->SimpleDraw->SelectionList(&selected_item, (const void*)data_array, 100, gametype_to_string); // // Now the user can scroll through and click on an entry in the list without // the UI code ever needing to know what the heck a GameType is. // Note: selections lists dont always start at the first index, in our example above // there were 100 items in the list, but selectionlist will only call gametype_to_string // on the items that are visible, if the selection list can only show 20 items // your gametype_to_string function may only be called for say index 53-73. // So make sure your data is random access iterable. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 10) Typedefs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // When you register a mod you receive a handle to your mod // this handle can be used to register additional functionality // like hotkeys or draw callbacks typedef uint32_t RegistrationHandle; // Opaque handle for the log buffer system typedef uint32_t LogBufferHandle; // while many compilers let you cast a function pointer to a void* // the C standard only lets you cast a function pointer to another // function pointer. This also helps document the API better. typedef void (*FUNC_PTR)(void); // Opaque handle for the csv file parser typedef struct CSVFile CSVFile; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 11) Enums /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The settings callback tells you what type of action to perform from these options: // ConfigAction_Read - betterconsole finished reading the settings file // and now you can try loading any settings you saved // ConfigAction_Write - betterconsole is about to save all settings to // the settings file // ConfigAction_Edit - the user is in the settings menu and wants to adjust a setting // show a UI to the user to edit the setting typedef enum ConfigAction { ConfigAction_Read, ConfigAction_Write, ConfigAction_Edit, } ConfigAction; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 12) Callback Types /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // To show a GUI you must register a draw callback with this signature. // // `imgui_context` can be ignored if using the SimpleDraw API, but if you link with // imgui directly this can be used to create more complex user interfaces but you // must call ImGui::SetCurrentContext(imgui_context) first in your draw callback // and match the version of imgui used by betterconsole exactly. // // Note: this callback will be called every frame when betterconsole is open and // the tab for your mod is selected. typedef void (*DRAW_CALLBACK)(void* imgui_context); // if your application would like to take advantage of the built-in settings // registry you will need to provide a callback function that is called when // the settings file is loaded, saved, or when the user is in the settings menu // and selects your mod. The Settings API provides automatic read/write/edit // functionality if the built-in types work for you. // `read_write_or_edit` is one of: ConfigAction_Read, ConfigAction_Write, or // ConfigAction_Edit typedef void (*CONFIG_CALLBACK)(ConfigAction read_write_or_edit); // This is a function called when the user presses a hotkey combination that // matches the hotkey set for your plugin. Setting a hotkey is done by the user // in the hotkeys menu. Hotkeys are saved automatically in the settings registry // so a set hotkey combo is preserved across sessions. Only one hotkey callback // per mod can be registered, but you can request hotkeys multiple times with // different user data. // // `userdata` is any arbitrary data that you want to pass to the callback usually // to help identify the hotkey if multiple hotkeys are requested typedef void (*HOTKEY_CALLBACK)(uintptr_t userdata); // For the simpledraw selectionlist, this is a function called to provide text for // a single entry in a selectable list of items. This function will be called every // frame for every *visible* item in the list. The return value should be a null // terminated string that will be shown in the UI. // // `userdata` is any arbitrary data that you want to pass to the callback // // `index` is the index of the item in the list to "stringify" // // `out_buffer` is provided as a temporary buffer that can be used // to store the result of snprintf() or similar since // freeing a heap allocation made within the callback // is a very difficult task. typedef const char* (*CALLBACK_SELECTIONLIST)(const void* userdata, uint32_t index, char* out_buffer, uint32_t out_buffer_size); // For the simpledraw table renderer, used to build the UI shown in tables. // This callback will be called for each *visible* cell in the table (unseen cells // will not be rendered and thus will not call this function). Tables are drawn // first left to right for each column, then from top to bottom for each row. // // `table_userdata` is any arbitrary data that you want to pass to the callback and // should be used for the data you wish to draw in the table // // `current_row` is the index of the current row in the table that is being drawn // // `current_column` is the index of the current column in the table that is being drawn // TODO: next version update this to use unsigned integers and possibly use uintptr_t // instead of void* for table_userdata typedef void (*CALLBACK_TABLE)(uintptr_t table_userdata, int current_row, int current_column); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 13) Callback API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the main api you will use to add betterconsole integration to your mod struct callback_api_t { // Register your mod with betterconsole. // The returned handle can be used to register additional functionality // such as hotkeys or draw callbacks. // // `mod_name` should uniquely identify your mod and conform to the following: // - must be less than 32 characters // - must have a length of >3 characters // - must not begin or end with whitespace // // Almost all mods will need to use this to interact with betterconsole. RegistrationHandle(*RegisterMod)(const char* mod_name); // Register a function to show your mod's user interface. // // `handle` is your registration handle from a previous call to RegisterMod // // `draw_callback` will be called every frame when the following conditions are met: // - the BetterConsole UI is open // - your mod is the one in focus // // Usually, you would utilize the SimpleDraw API to create your UI, advanced // users may link with imgui directly and utilize the imgui context provided // as the first parameter to the draw callback. If using imgui directly, you // must call ImGui::SetCurrentContext() in the draw callback before using // any imgui functions AND you must match the version of imgui with the // version used by betterconsole. void (*RegisterDrawCallback)(RegistrationHandle handle, DRAW_CALLBACK draw_callback); // Register a configuration callback // // `handle` is your registration handle from a previous call to RegisterMod // // `config_callback` will be called when the settings file is loaded (read event) // saved (write event) or when the user is in the setting menu // and selects your mod in the UI (edit event) void (*RegisterConfigCallback)(RegistrationHandle handle, CONFIG_CALLBACK config_callback); // Register a hotkey callback // // `handle` is your registration handle from a previous call to RegisterMod // // `hotkey_callback` will be called when the user presses the hotkey combo // set for your plugin. to have an effect, you must also // call RequestHotkey. This is a two-step process because // your plugin can have only one hotkey callback but you // request any number of hotkeys with different userdata. void (*RegisterHotkeyCallback)(RegistrationHandle handle, HOTKEY_CALLBACK hotkey_callback); // Request a hotkey handler, the user configures the hotkey in the hotkeys menu // // `handle` is the handle you created when registering your mod // // `hotkey_name` is the name of the hotkey in the ui, use a descriptive name // less than the 32 character internal buffer. this string is // copied to an internal buffer so feel free to use a generated // name via snprintf() or similar on stack allocated memory. // // `userdata` is optional extra data that is sent to the hotkey callback. // if you want to request multiple hotkeys this parameter is // how you would differentiate them. void (*RequestHotkey)(RegistrationHandle handle, const char* hotkey_name, uintptr_t userdata); #ifdef BETTERAPI_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES // Register an about page draw callback. // // `handle` is the handle you created when registering your mod // // `about_callback` is a draw callback that you can use to show the user infomation // about your mod like version, changelog, and copyright or // provide links to a file (like a log file) or url // (like nexusmods page, discord, or github repo) void (*RegisterAboutPage)(RegistrationHandle handle, DRAW_CALLBACK about_callback); #endif }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 14) Config API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This API is used for saving and loading data to a configuration file. struct config_api_t { // this handles read / write / edit on 32-bit unsigned integers // if a config value for key_name is not found, value is not modified // this way you can initialize all variables to a default value void (*ConfigU32)(ConfigAction action, const char* key_name, uint32_t* value); // v1.4.1 // read, write, and edit for string values // `in_out_buffer` is a pointer to a buffer that will be read, written, or edited // `buffer_size` is the length of the bufer in bytes // ConfigString stops on the first null character of the input or output // unlike other config functions, this function does write to the output if lookup fails on read (first byte becomes null) // and sets "in_out_buffer[buffer_size - 1] = 0" on action write void (*ConfigString)(ConfigAction action, const char* key_name, char* in_out_buffer, uint32_t buffer_size); // v1.4.2 // read, write, and edit for boolean values // `out_value` is a pointer to a boolean variable that will be read, written, or edited void (*ConfigBool)(ConfigAction action, const char* key_name, bool* out_value); // v1.4.2 // read, write, and edit for float values // `out_value` is a pointer to a float variable that will be read, written, or edited void (*ConfigFloat)(ConfigAction action, const char* key_name, float* out_value); // v1.4.2 // read or write fixed size arbitrary data // arbitrary data is stored hex encoded in the config file, this config option should be used // to store larger or more complex data like POD structs // unlike other config functions, this one needs to report if the data was parsed correctly // this function returns false if any non-hex characters were encountered while decoding or // if the size of the encoded data does not match the `data_size` parameter // since config functions do not allocate, returning false on a read event means that `out_data` // may have been overwritten with garbage values and should not be trusted bool (*ConfigData)(ConfigAction action, const char* key_name, void* out_data, uint32_t data_size); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 15) Hook API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This api deals with hooking functions and vtables struct hook_api_t { // Hook old_func so it is redirected to new_func // returns a function pointer to call old_func after the hook // uses the minhook library internally FUNC_PTR (*HookFunction)(FUNC_PTR old_func, FUNC_PTR new_func); // Hook a vtable function for all instances of a class // returns the old function pointer FUNC_PTR(*HookVirtualTable)(void* class_instance, unsigned method_index, FUNC_PTR new_func); // Relocate an offset from imagebase // sfse offers a better version of this, but if you are using the minimal api (see below) // then you might want to use this void* (*Relocate)(unsigned imagebase_offset); // Write memory // same as Relocate, use the sfse version if you can bool(*WriteMemory)(void* dest, const void* src, unsigned size); // get the address of a function through starfield's import address table FUNC_PTR(*GetProcAddressFromIAT)(const char* dll_name, const char* func_name); // hook a function in the Import Address Table of starfield FUNC_PTR(*HookFunctionIAT)(const char* dll_name, const char* func_name, const FUNC_PTR new_function); // !EXPERIMENTAL API! AOB scan the exe memory and return the first match void* (*AOBScanEXE)(const char* signature); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 16) Graphics API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This API allows you to create a basic mod menu without linking to imgui. // if you play your cards right, you can write an entire mod without any other // headers or libraries... not even the standard library! struct simple_draw_t { // Draw a separator line that fills the horizontal space void (*Separator)(void); // Draw some text, supports format specifiers void (*Text)(const char *fmt, ...); // Draw a button, returns true if the button was clicked // Example: // if (SimpleDraw->Button("Hello")) { /* do something on click */ } bool (*Button)(const char* name); // Draw a checkbox, this widget needs to store persistent state // usually you would pass a static bool as a pointer // returns true if the state was changed this frame // Example: // static bool state = false; // if (SimpleDraw->Checkbox("Hello", &state)) { /* do something on state change */ } bool (*Checkbox)(const char* name, bool* state); // Draw a text input widget for a single line of text // `buffer` will be used to store the text the user types // `true_on_enter` determines if the widget returns true on every character // typed or only when enter is pressed // Example: // static char buffer[32]; // if (SimpleDraw->InputText("Hello", buffer, sizeof(buffer), true)) { /* do something on enter */ } bool (*InputText)(const char* name, char* buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, bool true_on_enter); // Split the remainaing window space into a left and right region. // the left region occupies a `left_size` (eg: .5) fraction of the screen // the remaining space is reserved for the HBoxRight() side // `min_size_em` is a safety minimum number of charactes wide that the // HBoxLeft region can be and overrides the `left_size` if it is smaller. // If you call HBoxLeft, you must also call HBoxRight and HBoxEnd // HBox and VBox regions can be nested for more complex layouts but // are more performance intensive than most other SimpleDraw functions. void (*HBoxLeft)(float left_size, float min_size_em); // Move to the right side region after a call to HBoxLeft // no argument needed, the size of the region is the remaining // space not taken up by HBoxLeft void (*HBoxRight)(); // Finish the HBoxLeft and HBoxRight regions // no argument needed, this signals the end of the region // and resumes normal layout void (*HBoxEnd)(); // This is the same as hbox, but for vertically separated spaces void (*VboxTop)(float top_size, float min_size_em); void (*VBoxBottom)(); void (*VBoxEnd)(); // Display an int number editor as a draggable slider that // can be double-clicked to edit the value directly. // `min` and `max` define the range of the *value // the return value is true if the value was changed this frame bool (*DragInt)(const char* name, int* value, int min, int max); // Follows the same rules as the sliderint above bool (*DragFloat)(const char* name, float* value, float min, float max); // Use the remaining vertical space to render the logbuffer // `handle` is the logbuffer handle to render // `scroll_to_bottom` if true, force the logbuffer region to scroll // from its current position to the end (newest data) void (*ShowLogBuffer)(LogBufferHandle handle, bool scroll_to_bottom); // Use the remaining vertical space to render a filtered logbuffer // `handle` is the logbuffer handle to render // `lines` is an array of line numbers to display // `line_count` is the number of lines to display from the `lines` array // `scroll_to_bottom` if true, force the logbuffer region to scroll // from its current position to the end (newest data) void (*ShowFilteredLogBuffer)(LogBufferHandle handle, const uint32_t* lines, uint32_t line_count, bool scroll_to_bottom); // Show a selectable list of text items. // returns true when the user click on an item and the selection changes. // `selection` is the index of the selected item and should be a static variable // `userdata` is any arbitrary data that you want to pass to the callback // `count` is the number of items in the list // `to_string` is a function that converts an index and userdata into a string // an is called for each *visible* item in the list every frame. // Proper clipping of non-visible items is done automatically so large lists // can be drawn in a performant manner. // Usually you would want to contain this in an HBox or VBox otherwise // it will take up all remaining horizontal and vertical space. bool(*SelectionList)(uint32_t *selection, const void* userdata, uint32_t count, CALLBACK_SELECTIONLIST to_string); // Draw a table one cell at a time through the `draw_cell` callback // `header_labels` is an array of strings that are the column headers // `header_count` is the number of strings in the `header_labels` array // this is assumed to be the same as the count of columns // `table_userdata` is any arbitrary data that you want to pass to the callback // `row_count` is the number of rows in the table, the total number of cells in // the table is row_count * header_count // `draw_cell` is a callback that is called for each *visible* cell in the table // Proper vertical and horizontal clipping is done to accelerate even very large tables void (*Table)(const char * const * const header_labels, uint32_t header_count, uintptr_t table_userdata, uint32_t row_count, CALLBACK_TABLE draw_cell); // draw tabs that can be switched between void (*TabBar)(const char* const* const headers, uint32_t header_count, int* state); // draw buttons in a row, similar to a toolbar // returns -1 if no button was pressed this frame (common case) // otherwise returns the index of the button pressed this frame // `labels` is an array of strings that are the button labels // `label_count` is the number of strings in the `labels` array // this is assumed to be the count of buttons // if there is not enough horizontal space available the buttons // out of bounds will wrap to the next row. int (*ButtonBar)(const char* const* const labels, uint32_t label_count); // show a tooltip marker that looks like "(?)" // when the user hovers over the marker `text` will be shown // in a little popup void (*Tip)(const char* text); // place multiple simpledraw elements on the same line void (*SameLine)(); // Draw a radiobutton, returns true if the button was selected this frame // // `selection_group` is the group this radiobutton belongs to. // use the address of a static variable here. // the value is the currently selected radiobutton. // // `current_id` the id of the current button in a group. // set this to 0 every frame before drawing the // first button in a group. no need for a static variable bool (*RadioButton)(const char* text, uint32_t* selection_group, uint32_t* current_id); // Show a small button that invokes the "open" shell action on click // // `display_text` This is the text shown inside the button // // `url_or_path` This is the link or file path to open using the default // handler (like a web browser or notepad) void (*LinkButton)(const char* display_text, const char* url_or_path); // Draw a slider, returns true if the slider was changed this frame // // `value` is the current value // `min` is the minimum value \___/ if both are 0 then // `max` is the maximum value / \ the slider is unbounded // `format` is the format string for the value, if null it uses "%d" bool (*SliderInt)(const char* text, int* value, int min, int max, const char* format); // Draw a slider, returns true if the slider was changed this frame // // `value` is the current value // `min` is the minimum value \___/ if both are 0.f then // `max` is the maximum value / \ the slider is unbounded // `format` is the format string for the value, if null it uses "%f" bool (*SliderFloat)(const char* name, float* value, float min, float max, const char* format); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 17) LogBuffer API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the logbuffer API is deprecated and will be changed in a future release struct log_buffer_api_t { // Create a handle, needed to identify the log buffer // name is the name of the logbuffer as it shows up in the UI // path is an optional path to a logfile to append with logs LogBufferHandle (*Create)(const char* name, const char* path); // Get the number of lines stored in the buffer uint32_t (*GetLineCount)(LogBufferHandle); // Retrieve a specific line for storage const char* (*GetLine)(LogBufferHandle, uint32_t line); // Log a line of text to the buffer void (*Append)(LogBufferHandle, const char* log_line); // Restore the log buffer from a file, the file is then used for appending LogBufferHandle (*Restore)(const char* name, const char* filename); #if V(1,4,1) // Clear the log buffer void (*Clear)(LogBufferHandle handle); #endif }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 18) C Library API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this api is just a small selection of the most commonly needed standard library functions // using this api means that your plugin might not need to link with the standard library at all struct std_api_t { // allocate `bytes` of ram, return NULL on error void* (*malloc)(size_t bytes); // free a previously allocated block of ram void (*free)(void* malloc_buffer); // printf style formatting into `buffer` of `buffer_size` bytes, returns <0 on error or bytes used int (*snprintf)(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size, const char* fmt, ...); // copy `bytes` of memory from `src` to `dest`, return dest void* (*memcpy)(void* dest, const void* src, size_t bytes); // set `bytes` of memory in `dest` to `value`, return dest, value must be <256 void* (*memset)(void* dest, int value, size_t bytes); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 19) Game Console API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct gamehook_api_t { // run `command` on the in-game console // max length of `command` is limited to 512 bytes by the game // NOTE: the game wont run console commands until the main menu // has finished loading otherwise it freezes waiting // for the console to be ready (if your compiling shaders // the game could seem frozen for several minutes) // there should be a way to know when the console is ready, but // as I dont link with sfse, addresslibrary, commonlibsf or anything // I have to figure it out myself. Maybe see when startingconsolecommand // is run? // Version 1.4.1 - copy command to internal buffer to take const char* // and string literals, not API breaking for old plugins // running on newer betterconsole void (*RunCommand)(const char* command); #if BETTERAPI_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES // get a pointer to a form using a string identifier // using this scheme: https://falloutck.uesp.net/wiki/Template:INI:Papyrus:sTraceStatusOfQuest // this function pointer could be NULL if the hook was not created void* (*GetFormByID)(const char* form_identifier); // get the name or editor id of a form // this function pointer could be NULL if the hook not created const char* (*GetFormName)(void* form); // get the game paused flag, returns NULL if not supported bool* (*GetGamePausedFlag)(); #endif }; #if V(1,4,2) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 20) Wrapped Windows API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this api is just a small selection of commonly needed windows functions // using this api means that your plugin might not need to link with the windows api at all // this api is wrapped to only use types from the c standard library // internally there is extensive error checking, assertions, and debug logging // All string parameters are assumed to be utf-8 and functions taking string arguments // are appended with "UTF" to avoid conflict with the macros defined by the windows header // I/O is no wrapped by this API. struct windows_api_t { // returns false on error // VirtualProtect - see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/memoryapi/nf-memoryapi-virtualprotect bool (*VirtualProtect)(void* address, size_t size, uint32_t new_protect, uint32_t* old_protect); // returns NULL on error // GetModuleHandle - see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/libloaderapi/nf-libloaderapi-getmodulehandlea void* (*GetModuleHandleUTF)(const char* module_name); // returns false on error // ShellExecute - see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shellapi/nf-shellapi-shellexecutea bool (*ShellExecuteUTF)(const char* type, const char* resource_path); // MessageBox - see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-messageboxa void (*MessageBoxUTF)(const char* message, const char* window_title); // returns NULL on error // GetProcAddress - see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-getprocaddress void* (*GetProcAddress)(void* module_name, const char* function_name); // Utility function to wait for a debugger to attach to the process // returns false if the timeout was reached bool (*WaitForDebugger)(uint32_t timeout_ms); }; #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 21) CSV file API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct csv_api_t { // Load a csv file // returns NULL on error // `filename` is the name of the csv file CSVFile* (*Load)(const char* filename); // Close a csv file and free its memory // `csv` is a pointer to the csv structure void (*Close)(CSVFile* csv); // Info about the csv file // `csv` is a pointer to the csv structure // `out_rows` receives the number of rows // `out_columns` receives the number of columns void(*Info)(const CSVFile* csv, uint32_t* out_rows, uint32_t* out_columns); // Read a cell // `csv` is a pointer to the csv structure // `row` is the row to read // `column` is the column to read // returns a pointer to the cell text or NULL on error const char* (*ReadCell)(const CSVFile* csv, uint32_t row, uint32_t column); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 22) String Parser API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct parse_api_t { // parse a utf-8 string as a 64-bit unsigned integer // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_u64` receives the parsed value // `as_hex` true to parse the text in hexadecimal (otherwise decimal unless the text starts with 0x) bool (*ParseU64)(const char* str, uint64_t* out_u64, bool as_hex); // parse a utf-8 string as a 32-bit unsigned integer // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_u32` receives the parsed value // `as_hex` true to parse the text in hexadecimal (otherwise decimal unless the text starts with 0x) bool (*ParseU32)(const char* str, uint32_t* out_u32, bool as_hex); // parse a utf-8 string as a 16-bit unsigned integer // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_u16` receives the parsed value // `as_hex` true to parse the text in hexadecimal (otherwise decimal unless the text starts with 0x) bool (*ParseU16)(const char* str, uint16_t* out_u16, bool as_hex); // parse a utf-8 string as a 8-bit unsigned integer // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_u8` receives the parsed value // `as_hex` true to parse the text in hexadecimal (otherwise decimal unless the text starts with 0x) bool (*ParseU8)(const char* str, uint8_t* out_u8, bool as_hex); // parse a utf-8 string as a 64-bit signed integer // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_s64` receives the parsed value // `as_hex` true to parse the text in hexadecimal (otherwise decimal unless the text starts with 0x) bool (*ParseS64)(const char* str, int64_t* out_s64, bool as_hex); // parse a utf-8 string as a 32-bit signed integer // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_s32` receives the parsed value // `as_hex` true to parse the text in hexadecimal (otherwise decimal unless the text starts with 0x) bool (*ParseS32)(const char* str, int32_t* out_s32, bool as_hex); // parse a utf-8 string as a 16-bit signed integer // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_s16` receives the parsed value // `as_hex` true to parse the text in hexadecimal (otherwise decimal unless the text starts with 0x) bool (*ParseS16)(const char* str, int16_t* out_s16, bool as_hex); // parse a utf-8 string as a 8-bit signed integer // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_s8` receives the parsed value // `as_hex` true to parse the text in hexadecimal (otherwise decimal unless the text starts with 0x) bool (*ParseS8)(const char* str, int8_t* out_s8, bool as_hex); // parse a utf-8 string as a double // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_double` receives the parsed value bool (*ParseDouble)(const char* str, double* out_double); // parse a utf-8 string as a float // returns false on parse error // `str` is the string to parse // `out_float` receives the parsed value bool (*ParseFloat)(const char* str, float* out_float); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 23) BetterConsole API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is all the above structs wrapped up in one place // why pointers to apis instead of the api itself? so that // I may extend any api without changing the size of BetterAPI // this helps with forwards compatibility and i wont need to // update the BETTERAPI_VERSION as often. typedef struct better_api_t { const struct hook_api_t* Hook; const struct log_buffer_api_t* LogBuffer; const struct simple_draw_t* SimpleDraw; const struct callback_api_t* Callback; const struct config_api_t* Config; const struct std_api_t* Stdlib; const struct gamehook_api_t* Game; const struct windows_api_t* Windows; const struct csv_api_t* CSV; const struct parse_api_t* Parse; } BetterAPI; // service locator for a future api implementation struct service_locator_t { uint32_t version; uint32_t interface_count; FUNC_PTR (*Find)(const char* mod_name, const char* func_name); bool (*Info)(uint32_t index, const char** mod_name, const char** func_name, FUNC_PTR* func_ptr); bool (*Register)(const char* mod_name, const char* func_name, FUNC_PTR func_ptr); }; // Dont keep single letter macros around outside this file #ifdef V #undef V #endif // V #endif // !BETTERAPI_API_H /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 24) SFSE Minimal Interface /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For people that want to port Cheat Engine or ASI mods to sfse without including // sfse code into the project, define BETTERAPI_ENABLE_SFSE_MINIMAL before // including betterapi.h, this should get you 90% of the way to a // plug and play sfse plugin with no brain required. Take a look at the example // plugin for an example of how to do this. #ifdef BETTERAPI_ENABLE_SFSE_MINIMAL #ifndef BETTERAPI_SFSE_MINIMAL #define BETTERAPI_SFSE_MINIMAL typedef uint32_t PluginHandle; typedef enum SFSEEnumeration_t { InterfaceID_Invalid = 0, InterfaceID_Messaging, InterfaceID_Trampoline, MessageType_SFSE_PostLoad = 0, MessageType_SFSE_PostPostLoad, } InterfaceID; typedef struct SFSEPluginVersionData_t { uint32_t dataVersion; uint32_t pluginVersion; char name[256]; char author[256]; uint32_t addressIndependence; uint32_t structureIndependence; uint32_t compatibleVersions[16]; uint32_t seVersionRequired; uint32_t reservedNonBreaking; uint32_t reservedBreaking; } SFSEPluginVersionData; typedef struct SFSEPluginInfo_t { uint32_t infoVersion; const char* name; uint32_t version; } SFSEPluginInfo; typedef struct SFSEInterface_t { uint32_t sfseVersion; uint32_t runtimeVersion; uint32_t interfaceVersion; void* (*QueryInterface)(uint32_t id); PluginHandle (*GetPluginHandle)(void); SFSEPluginInfo* (*GetPluginInfo)(const char* name); } SFSEInterface; typedef struct SFSEMessage_t { const char* sender; uint32_t type; uint32_t dataLen; void* data; } SFSEMessage; typedef void (*SFSEMessageEventCallback)(SFSEMessage* msg); typedef struct SFSEMessagingInterface_t { uint32_t interfaceVersion; bool (*RegisterListener)(PluginHandle listener, const char* sender, SFSEMessageEventCallback handler); bool (*Dispatch)(PluginHandle sender, uint32_t messageType, void* data, uint32_t dataLen, const char* receiver); }SFSEMessagingInterface; #endif // !BETTERAPI_SFSE_MINIMAL #endif #ifdef BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION #undef BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION static int OnBetterConsoleLoad(const struct better_api_t* betterapi); // In a future API version we need to return a value from this function // it makes sense to know and log if a mod can't load BC_DLLEXPORT void BetterConsoleReceiver(const struct better_api_t* api) { OnBetterConsoleLoad(api); } #endif // BETTERAPI_IMPLEMENTATION