{ "data_format": 1, "data_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SomeoneElseOSM/SomeoneElse-vector-extract/master/resources/taginfo_sve01.json", "data_updated": "20240411T205200Z", "project": { "name": "SomeoneElse: Rural pedestrian vector schema", "description": "This vector map style is designed for England and Wales-based rural pedestrians", "project_url": "https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/SomeoneElse-vector-extract", "contact_name": "Andy Townsend", "contact_email": "sve01-taginfo@atownsend.org.uk" }, "tags": [ { "key": "amenity", "description": "All amenity nodes and ways written into mbtiles" }, { "key": "building", "description": "Detect building ways" }, { "key": "cycleway", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "cycleway", "value": "opposite_track", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "cycleway", "value": "segregated", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "cycleway", "value": "separate", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "cycleway", "value": "sidepath", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "cycleway", "value": "sidewalk", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "cycleway", "value": "track", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "cycleway", "value": "yes", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "footway", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "footway", "value": "separate", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "footway", "value": "yes", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "hard_shoulder", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "hard_shoulder", "value": "yes", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "highway", "description": "Detect highway ways" }, { "key": "place", "description": "Most place types shown" }, { "key": "place", "value": "country", "description": "Shown as country" }, { "key": "place", "value": "state", "description": "Shown as state" }, { "key": "place", "value": "city", "description": "Shown as city" }, { "key": "place", "value": "town", "description": "Shown as town" }, { "key": "place", "value": "suburb", "description": "Shown as suburb" }, { "key": "place", "value": "village", "description": "Shown as village" }, { "key": "place", "value": "hamlet", "description": "Shown as hamlet" }, { "key": "place", "value": "neighbourhood", "description": "Shown as neighbourhood" }, { "key": "place", "value": "quarter", "description": "Shown as place=neighbourhood" }, { "key": "place", "value": "locality", "description": "Shown as locality" }, { "key": "place", "value": "isolated_dwelling", "description": "Shown as isolated_dwelling" }, { "key": "place", "value": "farm", "description": "Shown as farm" }, { "key": "segregated", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "segregated", "value": "right", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "segregated", "value": "yes", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "shop", "description": "All shop nodes and ways written into mbtiles" }, { "key": "shoulder", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "shoulder", "value": "both", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "shoulder", "value": "left", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "shoulder", "value": "right", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "shoulder", "value": "yes", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "sidewalk", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "sidewalk", "value": "both", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "sidewalk", "value": "left", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" }, { "key": "sidewalk", "value": "mapped", "description": "Decide if a road has a sidewalk" 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