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*** ***
• Donations • System Requirements • Installation • Key features • Videos • Screenshots • Addendum • Translating • Media • Changelog
*** ## Usage Until a new `SophiApp 2.0` will be released, please use the latest version of [Sophia Script for Windows](https://github.com/farag2/Sophia-Script-for-Windows/releases/latest) as `SophiApp 1.0.97` contains too many bugs, unstable and doesn't support the current Windows 10/11 builds. ## SophiApp 2.0 `SophiApp 2.0 | Daria` is in active development (no ETA, Q4 2024). You may follow the development commits [here](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/commits/dev-winappsdk). Read [more](https://t.me/SophiaNews/2566). ## About SophiApp ![Typing SVG](https://readme-typing-svg.herokuapp.com?font=Fira+Code&size30&pause=1000&width=435&lines=Made+with+%E2%9D%A4%EF%B8%8F+of+Windows%C2%AE) > **Note**: `SophiApp` is a free, open-source app for fine-tuning `Windows 10` & `Windows 11`. It offers a modern UI/UX, more than 130 unique tweaks, and shows how Windows can be configured without making any harm to Windows. ## Donations | ![ko-fi](https://img.shields.io/badge/tether-168363?style=for-the-badge&logo=tether&logoColor=white) | |:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | USDT (TRC20) | | `TQtMjdocUWbKAeg1kLtB4ApjAVHt1v8Rtf` | ### System Requirements | Version | Marketing name | Build | Arch | Editions | |:-------------------------------:|:--------------:|:-----------:|:----:|:-------------------:| | Windows 11 Insider Preview 24H2 | 2023 Update | 25206+ | | Home/Pro/Enterprise | | Windows 11 Insider Preview 23H2 | 2024 Update | 23451+ | | Home/Pro/Enterprise | | Windows 11 22H2 | 2022 Update | 22621.1992+ | | Home/Pro/Enterprise | | Windows 10 22H2 | 2022 Update | 19045.3208+ | x64 | Home/Pro/Enterprise | > **Note**: Check out the [Windows 10](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/windows-10-update-history-857b8ccb-71e4-49e5-b3f6-7073197d98fb), [Windows 11](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/windows-11-update-history-a19cd327-b57f-44b9-84e0-26ced7109ba9), and [Windows 11 Insider Preview](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-insider/flight-hub/) release history. ## Installation ### Download SophiApp via PowerShell/Winget/Chocolatey/Scoop Download the always latest SophiApp archive by invoking (`not as administrator too`) in PowerShell ```powershell iwr app.sophia.team -useb | iex ``` [WinGet](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/tree/master/manifests/t/TeamSophia/SophiApp) ```powershell winget download --id=TeamSophia.SophiApp --accept-source-agreements --download-directory D:\ ``` [Chocolatey](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/sophiapp) ```powershell choco install sophiapp --confirm ``` [Scoop](https://scoop.sh/#/apps?q=sophiapp&s=2&d=1&o=true) ```powershell scoop bucket add extras scoop install sophiapp ``` [Beta versions](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/releases) > **Note**: `SophiApp` is fully portable: it doesn't have any config (yet) and doesn't save any data into the registry. Just extract the `SophiApp` folder with `Bin` folder and `SophiApp.exe.config` file, and run `SophiApp.exe`. *** ### Warning * It's allowed to be logged in as one admin user only during application startup. * 🔥🔥🔥`SophiApp` may not work on a homebrew Windows. Especially, if the homebrew image was created by OS makers being all thumbs who break Microsoft Defender and disable OS telemetry by purposely uprooting system components ## Key features * 130+ tweaks. * Configure your Windows by officially documented methods. * SophiApp has a dynamically rendered UI—nothing is hardcoded. 👻 * SophiApp displays the current state of every feature for your Windows. * `SophiApp` uses the [MVVM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model-view-viewmodel) pattern. * Multithreading support. * Checked by the [static analyzer](https://pvs-studio.com/pvs-studio), the license for which by courtesy of PVS-Studio. * Big thanks to them for providing us the [license](https://pvs-studio.com/en/order/open-source-license). * All builds are compiled in cloud via [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/actions) * You may compare a zip archive hash sum on the release page with the hash in cloud console in the `Compress Files` category to be sure that the archive wasn't spoofed (you have to be logged into your GitHub account to be able to view Actions logs); * High resolutions support. * Built-in search engine. * Functions can be found by searching their headers and descriptions. * Dark & light themes support. * The app can change its' theme instantly when you change your default Windows theme mode for apps. * Configure Privacy & Telemetry. * Configure UI & Personalization of your system. * Install the latest `Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages 2015–2022 x86/x64`; * Install the latest `.NET Desktop Runtime 7 x86/x64`; * Uninstall OneDrive "correctly". * Uninstall UWP apps using a dynamically rendered list of apps with localized packages names and native icons. * Download and install the [HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer](https://www.microsoft.com/p/hevc-video-extensions-from-device-manufacturer/9n4wgh0z6vhq) to let you open .heic and .heif formats. * Create a scheduled task to clean up Windows unused files and updates using a native toast notification. * A native toast notification will be displayed where you can choose to snooze, run the cleanup task or dismiss. * Configure Windows Security. * The ability to copy functions' descriptions or headers. * Many unique tweaks. ## Videos [![YT](https://img.youtube.com/vi/J0cvbVG9TGw/2.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0cvbVG9TGw&t=387s) [![YT](https://img.youtube.com/vi/CyA-oAkybFo/2.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyA-oAkybFo) ## Screenshots ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/0.gif) ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/1.png) ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/2.png) ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/3.png) ## Localized UWP packages names ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/4.png) ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/5.png) ## Searching feature ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/search.gif) ## Instantly changing theme ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/theme.gif) ### Native interactive toasts for the `Windows Cleanup` scheduled task ![Image](https://github.com/Sophia-Community/SophiApp/raw/master/img/Toasts.png) ## Addendum * Some functions depend on Internet access. If not, they will be hidden in UI until the access appears back. * You can enable hidden functions in UI by turning on the `Advanced settings` in the Settings. * The hidden functions will be marked with a gear in UI. * After closing `SophiApp`, it creates a log file that you can attach to an open issue (or send to the [Telegram](https://t.me/sophia_chat) group) to help us understand the bug. The log file doesn't contain any sensitive personal information. We do not store any data neither in the Windows registry or any other server. * The list of domains the app interacts with *