from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import tempfile import subprocess import numpy as np import threading import time import matplotlib.image as mpimg parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--input_dir", required=True, help="path to folder containing images") parser.add_argument("--output_dir", required=True, help="output path") a = parser.parse_args() net = None def run_caffe(src): # lazy load caffe and create net global net if net is None: # don't require caffe unless we are doing edge detection os.environ["GLOG_minloglevel"] = "2" # disable logging from caffe import caffe caffe.set_mode_gpu() # using this requires using the docker image or assembling a bunch of dependencies # and then changing these hardcoded paths net = caffe.Net("/opt/caffe/examples/hed/deploy.prototxt", "/opt/caffe/hed_pretrained_bsds.caffemodel", caffe.TEST) net.blobs["data"].reshape(1, *src.shape) net.blobs["data"].data[...] = src net.forward() return net.blobs["sigmoid-fuse"].data[0][0, :, :] def edges(src): # based on # and import src = src * 255 border = 128 # put a padding around images since edge detection seems to detect edge of image src = src[:, :, :3] # remove alpha channel if present src = np.pad(src, ((border, border), (border, border), (0, 0)), "reflect") src = src[:, :, ::-1] src -= np.array((104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434)) src = src.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # [height, width, channels] => [batch, channel, height, width] fuse = run_caffe(src) fuse = fuse[border:-border, border:-border] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") as png_file, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".mat") as mat_file:, {"input": fuse}) octave_code = r""" E = 1-load(input_path).input; E = imresize(E, [image_width,image_width]); E = 1 - E; E = single(E); [Ox, Oy] = gradient(convTri(E, 4), 1); [Oxx, ~] = gradient(Ox, 1); [Oxy, Oyy] = gradient(Oy, 1); O = mod(atan(Oyy .* sign(-Oxy) ./ (Oxx + 1e-5)), pi); E = edgesNmsMex(E, O, 1, 5, 1.01, 1); E = double(E >= max(eps, threshold)); E = bwmorph(E, 'thin', inf); E = bwareaopen(E, small_edge); E = 1 - E; E = uint8(E * 255); imwrite(E, output_path); """ config = dict( input_path="'%s'" %, output_path="'%s'" %, image_width=256, threshold=25.0 / 255.0, small_edge=5, ) args = ["octave"] for k, v in config.items(): args.extend(["--eval", "%s=%s;" % (k, v)]) args.extend(["--eval", octave_code]) try: subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("octave failed") print("returncode:", e.returncode) print("output:", e.output) raise return mpimg.imread( def process(src_path, dst_path): src = mpimg.imread(src_path) dst = edges(src) mpimg.imsave(dst_path, dst, cmap='gray') complete_lock = threading.Lock() start = None num_complete = 0 total = 0 def complete(): global num_complete, rate, last_complete with complete_lock: num_complete += 1 now = time.time() elapsed = now - start rate = num_complete / elapsed if rate > 0: remaining = (total - num_complete) / rate else: remaining = 0 print("%d/%d complete %0.2f images/sec %dm%ds elapsed %dm%ds remaining" % (num_complete, total, rate, elapsed // 60, elapsed % 60, remaining // 60, remaining % 60)) last_complete = now def main(): if not os.path.exists(a.output_dir): os.makedirs(a.output_dir) src_paths = [] dst_paths = [] skipped = 0 # for src_path in im.find(a.input_dir): for src_path in os.listdir(a.input_dir): name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src_path)) dst_path = os.path.join(a.output_dir, name + ".png") if os.path.exists(dst_path): skipped += 1 else: src_paths.append(os.path.join(a.input_dir, src_path)) dst_paths.append(dst_path) print("skipping %d files that already exist" % skipped) global total total = len(src_paths) print("processing %d files" % total) global start start = time.time() for src_path, dst_path in zip(src_paths, dst_paths): process(src_path, dst_path) complete() net = None main()