======================= 08-13-2018 ======================= ======================= 08-12-2018 ======================= * build/make/ 53391ba63 core: config: Use host ijar if requested 25ded3f53 dex2oat: disable multithreading for WSL a2d379b12 Add detection for WSL 3e9333098 Adapt ijar for WSL ======================= 08-11-2018 ======================= * hardware/lineage/interfaces/ 9bcc1bd Update makefiles from anywhere. ======================= 08-10-2018 ======================= * build/make/ 34e3a51bc build: Add vendor.prop capability 75561af0d sign_target_files: also replace fingerprint in system/vendor/build.prop f62b5a2d6 core: Dont overwrite build.prop when TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR=system * frameworks/av/ e6bf87bd8 NdkMediaCodec: add AMediaCodec_getBufferFormat ======================= 08-09-2018 ======================= * frameworks/base/ 71d35fa22dd camera: Check if aux camera whitelist is set before restricting cameras 4d05a4d4107 Camera: Longshot with Burst Functionality. 98b7d49f686 Camera: Extend face detection d9e1c43f2c1 Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs 934f82660e4 Camera: Expose Aux camera to apps present in the whitelist 5a8119d950d Revert "Base: fix facelock crash when lock screen is disabled" 6bff6b2a070 Revert "Camera: Expose Aux camera to apps present in the whitelist" b5c238d2be3 Revert "Camera: Force HAL1 for predefined package list." dd0b4be4b1a base: cleanup nav gestures code 0642abd992e base: add long press home handling to nav gestures 5db58ec4b5f base: Improve nav gestures * packages/apps/Messaging/ 3686c41 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' into staging/lineage-15.1_merge-android-8.1.0_r43 af0e887 Revert "Messaging: Request external storage permission before handling shared files" ======================= 08-08-2018 ======================= * build/make/ 565bb1f2e Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build into oc-mr2 * frameworks/av/ 4f2fe6566 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' into oc-mr2 * frameworks/base/ 893bf4bd9a4 SystemUI: Enable corner padding 0513b26a733 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' into oc-mr2 * frameworks/opt/telephony/ bfa89faa9 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/opt/telephony into HEAD * packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ 0a2b3935 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/PackageInstaller into HEAD * packages/apps/Settings/ 7a3ec0e91f Wired/BT headset: make ringtone audio focus customizable [2/2] * packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ aee8c12 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/providers/DownloadProvider into HEAD * packages/services/Telephony/ 1d7b4ce6 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/services/Telephony into oc-mr2 * system/bt/ 415a2fb6 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt into HEAD * system/vold/ 5db0abe Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r43' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/vold into HEAD ======================= 08-07-2018 ======================= * frameworks/base/ 06bd0829c6e Wired/BT headset: make ringtone audio focus customizable [1/2] * hardware/qcom/power/ 34c7410 power: Fix several typos in power profiles ======================= 08-06-2018 ======================= * hardware/qcom/fm/ 26b8136 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Camera2/ 0bc9ca1a6 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/ExactCalculator/ 178b09e Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Gallery2/ 127d42cf7 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Jelly/ 8401c7d Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Messaging/ f3b4387 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/WallpaperPicker/ add6c7b Automatic translation import ======================= 08-05-2018 ======================= * external/f2fs-tools/ 3aac42a fsck: Fix conflicts with libext2_quota e4ea681 fsck: Update libf2fs_fsck source file list 2dcd2b0 Android.bp/mk: update strings to reflect v1.11.0 release * packages/apps/Dialer/ 9203fc81d Show proper call duration f0efc1b45 Control dialer's incoming call proximity sensor check via an overlay b45fb4dcb Dialer: hide single tab ViewPager e407ac5cb IMS: Make modifications in Dialer app to incorporate IMS related call types as well 018bd1a84 Dialer: support sub and call-type filters for msim call log ======================= 08-04-2018 ======================= * frameworks/base/ 9ca421be564 SystemUI: QS: Fix qs tiles visibility * packages/apps/Settings/ 43c1cad917 settings: fuelgauge: add back battery level animation * packages/services/Telephony/ 9a93843d Use proper summary for network select list preference on dsds/dsda/tsts