#From a set of fastq files, will provide QC and read count $order 1=fastqc 2=cutadapt 3=tophat2 4=picardToolsSortSam 5=htseqcount #PUT YOUR OWN SCHEDULER CONFIGURATION HERE #Example for SGE #$sge #-q YOURQUEUE.q #-b Y $cutadapt -O=10 -m=35 -q=20 --overlap=7 -u=8 -U=8 # Adaptator1 is removed in the forward (-b) and reverse (-B) reads (5' and 3' position) -b ADAPTATOR1REVERSE -B ADAPTATOR1REVERSE # Same traitement is done for the forward adaptator sequence -b ADAPTATOR1FORWARD -B ADAPTATOR1FORWARD $tophat2 -i=30 -I=20000 -a=8 -m=1 --no-coverage-search -g=10 --bowtie-n --library-type=fr-unstranded --microexon-search $htseqcount -r=name -s=no -t=mRNA -m=union -i=ID $picardToolsSortSam SORT_ORDER=coordinate VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT CREATE_INDEX=TRUE